Day of Slavic Literature and Culture (May 24). Concert script

His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' will lead the celebrations in honor of the Day Slavic writing and culture. Every year on May 24, the Church commemorates and glorifies the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius, the creators of Slavic writing. On this day in many Slavic countries There are festive concerts and events dedicated to this event.

According to the tradition that has developed over the past few years, on May 24, 2018 at 13:00 in Moscow on Red Square the All-Russian festive concert, dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. Organizers festive events Russian performers Orthodox Church, Ministry of Culture Russian Federation, Moscow Government, Federal State Budgetary Institution “ROSCONCERT.

On May 24, 2018, holiday programs in all regions of Russia, from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad, will begin at 13:00 Moscow time. The main celebration will take place on Red Square in Moscow. The event will open greetings His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill. During the concert there will be live broadcasts from Krasnodar, Serbia and Bulgaria.

The main idea of ​​the holiday is the theme of spiritual unity and cohesion Slavic peoples and veneration of the great cultural heritage. In the Concert entitled “When my friends are with me!” works of Russian sacred music, popular songs by Soviet authors, including A. Alexandrov, A. Babajanyan, A. Pakhmutova, I. Dunaevsky, E. Ptichkin, E. Krylatov, E. Kolmanovsky, as well as famous Belarusian and Russian folk songs will be performed.

Live broadcast from Krasnodar drill song Black Sea Cossacks“Unharness the horses, boys” will be sung by the State Academic Kuban Cossack choir; from Bulgaria the Hymn to Saints Cyril and Methodius will be performed, and from Serbia a combined national choir will perform the song “Tamo Far Away”.

Dozens of children's and youth academics will take part in the festive concert choir groups: Academic Big Choir “Masters” choral singing» Russian State Musical Television and Radio Center, Moscow Synodal Choir, Sretensky Monastery Choir, State Academic Russian folk choir named after M.E. Pyatnitsky, as well as VIA “PESNYARY”, ensemble “Domisolki”, soloists: Polina Shamaeva, Oscar Abdrazakov, Vasily Ladyuk, Bogdan Volkov, winner of the “Voice Children” show Rutger Garecht and many others.

The gala concert will end with the majestic patriotic anthem “Glory” to the music of M. Glinka from the opera “Ivan Susanin”. Concert presenter - popular Russian singer and actress Valeria Lanskaya.

Admission to the concert is free.


The Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is dedicated to the Day of Remembrance of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Brothers Cyril and Methodius. In Russia, the holiday is celebrated annually in accordance with the Resolution of the Presidium Supreme Council RSFSR dated January 30, 1991. Since 2010 the center holiday celebrations became Moscow.

“Think Good!”

(Scenario for a holiday dedicated to

Day of Slavic Literature and Culture)

The concept of education, aimed at the spiritual and moral development of the student’s personality, requires special attention to questions of history native language, Slavic writing and culture. Last days V academic year always stressful for teachers and students, but these days are the celebration of the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, which has now become a state celebration and is widely celebrated by the Slavic world.

Here is a script for a concert dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. This holiday is not only an occasion to talk about the native language, its spiritual foundations, beauty and mystery, but also an opportunity to sum up the work of the teacher and children during the year. To make the holiday personally meaningful for each student, it was preceded by a quiz in which anyone could take part (see Appendix).

The uniqueness of the script is that anyone can use it creative person. The script is a frame into which you can insert any numbers suitable for the topic. The connections between the numbers are not only entertaining, but also educational. They represent a dialogue between presenters who “decipher” the Cyrillic alphabet, because, as you know, the Slavic alphabet can be read as a text message from our ancestors to us, our descendants. The dialogues of the presenters, in my opinion, are the most important thing in the script. An accessible and entertaining presentation of serious material increases interest in the language, makes viewers respond emotionally, and broadens their horizons.

The concert numbers are designed to make it bright, to cultivate patriotism, love for our history and culture, and national dignity, so they are partly pathetic. The numbers in the script (can be replaced by others if desired) are creative products created by me during the year. Performance fairy tale hero Ivan the peasant son, an ode to Russia is homework for the game “Russian World”; the concert is a great opportunity to demonstrate these creative masterpieces to everyone. The sketch “Nahum the Literate” was created for the Day of Naum the Literate (December 14), which became the day of the native language in our school. This is an educational theatrical costume performance, which was accompanied by live music - the playing of balalaika players.

The epigraph to the concert and the final song are united by the theme: Word, Spiritual values, Motherland. The concert ends with a vibrant crowd scene: a final song and dance.

The only thing borrowed for the script are poems inII And XIparts (authors unknown), song for children's choir « Morning prayer"; everything else - concert numbers, riddle poems about letters, dialogues between presenters about the Slavic alphabet - the original text created by the author of the script.

The script was tested at MAOU Secondary School No. 73 at a city seminar dedicated to the spiritual and moral education of students.

Goals: Broaden your horizons, deepen your knowledge of the Slavic alphabet; awaken interest in the language, history, CNT, literature, culture of Russia; form spiritual values; to cultivate love for the Motherland, respect for the historical past of its people.

Participants : middle and older schoolchildren

Form: concert

Equipment : costumes for artists participating in performances, plates with Cyrillic letters, presentations, music

Stage decoration : The name of the holiday “Think Good!”, written in Cyrillic; large letters of the Slavic alphabet, combined into the following groups: AB; WHERE; ZhZ; NOP; PCT, because the names of these letters form the sentences that will be discussed in the script. There is a screensaver on the screen - a collage (see Appendix) - whenever the presenters speak.

Artists: According to the script, there are three presenters (at our concert these were 2 students and a teacher); four readers; artists performing numbers; children's choir; a dancing group

The progress of the holiday

I Part. Epigraph

(On the screen Presentation 1. Hymn to Cyril and Methodius. A pathetic voice behind the stage is heard in silence)

While we preserve the language

And in the Word there is a heavenly light,

The people are strong, united,

And he has no equal!

What did the fathers value?

We were commanded to take care of:

Faith of the native side,

Song, prayer and speech!

After the epigraph, the hymn to Cyril and Methodius sounds.

II Part. Introduction

(The first group of artists is on stage - 3-4 people), their remarks:


On May 24, all Slavic countries celebrate the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture.

All Slavic world Every year on this day we glorify the creators of our alphabet - the Holy Thessalonica brothers Cyril and Methodius.

-“Enlighteners of the Slavs” created an alphabet that reflects living speech!

They educated an entire people, created schools, wrote books, trained teachers!

This is a huge job!

We honor their feat in the name of the light of knowledge and faith!

And with gratitude we call them saints and equal to the apostles.

Did you know that the Cyrillic alphabet can be read as text? Translate into modern Russian, decipher?

The Slavic alphabet is a word addressed to a person!

The Slavic alphabet is a message from our ancestors to us, our descendants!

The Slavic alphabet is a mandate to every person who speaks Russian!

(The group performs the following poem, accompanied by the ringing of bells)

Across broad Rus' - our mother

The bells ring out.

Now the brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius

They are glorified for their labors

They remember Cyril and Methodius,

Glorious brothers equal to the apostles,

In Belarus, in Macedonia,

In Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia,

They praise the wise brothers in Bulgaria,

In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.

All the peoples who write in Cyrillic,

What have been called Slavic since ancient times,

They glorify the feat of the first teachers,

Christian enlighteners.

So these are our origins,

They float, glowing in the twilight,

Solemnly strict lines,

Cast Slavic script.

(The ringing of the bells intensifies, there is a change of artists on stage)

III Part. Riddles about the alphabet

(The presenters are on stage. They play with the audience. Presentation for the riddles - see Appendix)

Friends! Let's remember the letters of the Slavic alphabet together! I will ask riddles, and you will continue the line (Slides 2-12 appear when the answers have been given)

We used to have the alphabet

Started with the letter..? (“Az”)

All sciences begin with it.

And the basics are followed by..? ("Buki")

It's interesting to live in the world,

If you know, know. Otherwise..? (“Lead”).

About our wise alphabet

Our conversation has progressed.

The fourth letter of the Cyrillic alphabet..? ("Verb")

Bring your warmth into the world.

This is what the letter teaches us..? ("Good")

good people there are countless numbers in the world.

This is what the letter says..? ("Eat")

“Let your heart be merciful,”

The letter addressed us..? ("People")

"Think, think,

Clear your thoughts,”

Calls each letter..? ("Think")

Prayer and bow to the Creator, the Creator.

And in Slavic this is a letter..? ("He")

Be wise and bright,

Live in harmony with yourself.

Is this bequeathed by a letter..? ("Peace")

(The ABC is the basis of knowledge.

The most cherished letter in it..? ("Word")

Well done boys! Do you know the letters of the Slavic alphabet?

First conversation about the alphabet

( Presenters)

Why are the letters in this order?

Because the Slavic alphabet is a command, a lesson. And today we will read together this order of our ancestors to us. Let's start with the basics!

What does az mean? And why do they say “know the basics of science” or “don’t know the basics”?

Az is the first letter of the Slavic alphabet. Every person’s path to literacy begins with it. That's why they say: First, knowledge and science, and then science.

Az means I. And the beeches?

Buki - letter, letter, letter.

This means that the alphabet itself introduces itself: az, beeches - I am a letter, in me are the letters of your language.

The third letter of the Cyrillic alphabet is “Vedi”. What does it mean?

We need to remember words with this root.

To know, to reconnoitre, news, conscience...

And the bear, and the witch, and the bride! And the letter “Lead” can reveal many more interesting things. The main thing is to strive to know, to know, to discover.

What about “verb”?

To verb means to speak. But only “Lead” first, and then “verbs”!

Find out first, then speak!

And in order to know, to know, you have to be literate!

And in Rus' there has always been a special, respectful, reverent attitude towards literacy.

Remember, the day when the child was sent to school was special, festive, and it was called -day of Nahum - the literate (together).

IV Part. Sketch “Nahum the Grammar” (see Attachment)

Balalaika players take the stage, then the actors.

V Part . Second conversation about the alphabet

( Presenters on stage)

What are you thinking about, thinker?

I understand! I understood why after the letter “Verb” there is a letter “Good”! Verb Good! Just say Good!

And there is good! The ABC says it!

And the following letters: “Live”, “Zelo”, “Earth”!

- “Live” - live! How should one live?

Great! – says our alphabet, i.e. very, strong, strong!

And where should you live?

On the ground!

This is what the Russians teach folk tales! What Good is! That we must live vigorously, firmly, thoroughly, righteously - as our ancestors lived! And they bequeathed it to us!

And you really need to live on your own land! At home!

On the land of your family, your ancestors!

VI Part. Fabulous

(On stage, Ivan is a peasant son. For the text of the speech, see Appendix 2)

VII Part. Third conversation about the alphabet

(Leaders on stage)

And they also say that one in the field is not a warrior.

It turns out: there is only one warrior in the field, if he is tailored in Russian!

It seems to me that the letterilooks like a military spear that slays evil (the presenter is holding a sign with a letter in his hands).

I really like this letter, it also looks like a candle! A candle is a symbol of the burning of the soul, creativity, creation, and active doing of good.

And if you want to make the world brighter -

Light a candle in your soul! (We say the last line in chorus)

VIII Part. Song “Morning prayer” (children’s choir, flashlights in hands) – (text, notes - see Appendix).

IX Part. The fourth conversation about the alphabet

( Presenters on stage)

Why was Rus' called Holy?

Rus' was called Holy because the ideals of our ancestors were holy!

Because we have many holy saints: Holy warrior-heroes, holy princes, holy monks.

And because our great-grandfathers sacredly kept their faith.

They knew exactly the elementary truth: He is Our Peace. “He” means God the Creator, the Creator.

After all, Cyril and Methodius took up the creation of the alphabet in order to preach the Word of Truth in the Slavic language!

And our alphabet calls: “Rtsy the Word is Firm”! Rtsy means “speak”, “preach”.

Rtsy The Word is Firm if it is the Word of Faith!

Rtsy The Word is Firm if it is the Word of Love!

Rtsy The word is firm, especially if it is a word about the homeland, about Russia.

X Part. Ode to Russia ( text, presentation for the ode - see Attachment)

XI Part . The final

(On stage is the first group of artists who started the concert. A poem is played)

Get up, people, take a deep breath,

Hurry towards the dawn.

And the alphabet given to you,

Write the future fate.

Hope and faith warm souls.

Our path is thorny - the path forward!

Only those people do not die,

In whom the spirit of the Fatherland lives!

Walking under the sun of enlightenment

From distant glorious times,

Even now we, Slavic brothers,

Faithful to the first teachers!

To the highly renowned apostles

Holy love is deep.

Cases of Methodius, Cyril

The Slavs will live for centuries!

(The first chords of the final song sound (text, backing track - see Appendix). The stage is filled with artists: a group of singers, dancers in folk costumes. The dance and the final song are performed simultaneously).


Think good - the light of your native land will not go out!

Thanks to the artists for their sincerity, love of words, interest in our origins.

Thanks to the viewers for your attention! And happy holiday!

List of sources:

    Glinkina L.A. From aza to Izhitsa. – Orenburg, 2000

    Spiritual and moral culture of Russia: Orthodox heritage. Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference, issue 1. – Chelyabinsk, 2009

    Sipinev Yu. A., Sipineva I. A. Russian culture and literature. – S.P., 1997

Konstantin Balmont
Language, our magnificent language.
River and steppe expanse in it,
It contains the screams of an eagle and the roar of a wolf,
The chanting, and the ringing, and the incense of pilgrimage.

It contains the cooing of a dove in the spring,
The lark takes off towards the sun - higher, higher.
Birch Grove. The light is through.
Heavenly rain spilled on the roof.

Green meadow. Merry round dance.
Eve in the sky. In black - lightning running.
The bonfire of tramps behind the forest, on the mountain,
About the Nightingale the Robber epic.
"Aw!" In the woods. Firefly at night.
In the autumn garden there are red bunches of rowan berries.

Shepherd's horn. Pity until dawn.
Dear home. The melancholy became sharper than steel.

(The boy Vanya looks at the Old Church Slavonic letters and admires them.)

- Oh, what wonderful letters!

Beautiful, apparently ancient!

They were once important

Now no one needs them anymore.

(To the sounds dance music letters run in, Children have crowns with Cyrillic letters.)

Vanya: (surprised) Who are you?

I am the letter IZHITSA.


Vanya: You are beautiful and you smell of antiquity, but our alphabet has become different, I am very sorry and very sad that your letters have disappeared from ours.

1. What do you mean disappeared?
That we are not important

Don't you need old things?

2. A kerosene lamp is also old,
But you didn't throw it away.

Vanya: It was my grandmother’s mother who, in the light of this lamp, wrote letters to her great-grandfather at the front.

These things have become rare

This is a memory of our ancestors.

4. Well, we are the same memory,

We cannot be forgotten and we cannot be abandoned,

Pushkin, Lermontov wrote us,

We illuminated their path with the light of letters.

5. We live in old books.

And not only beautiful in appearance.

We keep the Orthodox spirit

We will guard our church.

1. Holy Scripture The Bible is the Books of the Old and New Testaments.

They tell you how to live. What means Orthodox Christian be.

(The Hymn to Saints Cyril and Methodius is performed).

Today we will talk about our history, about the emergence of Slavic writing. Every year on May 24, Russia celebrates the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. A nation, people, and state cannot live without culture, literacy, and writing.

(Illustration depicting Cyril and Methodius)

centuries have passed since those long ago

how the letter was given to the Slavs.

And, overcoming ignorance is a shame,

They are equal to all enlightened countries.

Who revealed the truth to people?

Saint Methodius and Saint Cyril!

Exactly they are Bulgarian Enlighteners Cyril and Methodius created the first Slavic alphabet, which we use to this day. The alphabet got its name from the name of the youngest of the brothers - the Hebrew alphabet.

The history of the Cyrillic alphabet is inseparably linked with Orthodoxy. Using the created alphabet, the brothers translated the Holy Scriptures and a number of liturgical books from Greek.

The first words written in Slavic alphabet were the opening lines of the Poschal Gospel of John:

In the beginning was the Word

The Word was with God,

M The Word was God.

It is no coincidence that the life feat of Cyril and Methodius is equated with the apostolic one, calling them the “first teachers” of the Slavs. Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius were canonized in ancient times.

The day of remembrance of Cyril and Methodius established by the church - May 24 according to the new style - is now celebrated in Russia as a public holiday

The Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is the only church and state holiday in our country.

Volumes with a blue cover,
Familiar volumes
The pulse of Russia beats in them,
Life itself is eternal in them.
Page after page...
You will find the answer to everything.
No, they won't get dusty
And after many years.

Writing is a real treasure that man has mastered.

So in ancient times, people exchanged information by sending each other various items. It turned out cumbersome and not particularly clear. When people realized that exchanging message objects was a troublesome task, they began to draw these objects.

(Demonstration of rock paintings)

Such images were found on the walls of caves where ancient people once lived. These are the first steps of man towards the creation of writing. Gradually, people began to replace drawings with symbols.

(Demonstration of rock letter symbols)

Inscriptions were made on stones, rocks, and on boards. Of course, it was inconvenient to carry such “letters” over distances, and these signs could be understood in different ways.

In Rus', another material for writing was used - birch bark. Marks were made on birch bark with a bone rod

Time passed. Gradually, people moved from drawings to signs, which they began to call letters. This is how writing was born.

Before Cyril and Methodius, the Slavs did not have a single written language. Cyril and Methodius created the first Slavic alphabet. They wrote and translated gospel parables, sermons, apostolic epistles and liturgical texts, enlightened the Slavs in Moravia.

(antique books)

The ancestors skillfully decorated books
Stones, gilding and enamel.
And, like precious crowns,
The ancient gospels shone.

In the monasteries, novices-scribes
Diligently with a skillful hand
Line after line was carried out diligently.

Letters of Slavic patterned script
Entwined with floral patterns,
And the silhouettes of forest animals and birds
They curled with flowers, herbs and stems.

During three years Cyril and Methodius worked in Moravia. They raised many students who made a great contribution to the history of Slavic writing and culture. After the death of the great brothers, their disciples suffered persecution. The Pope banned the study of the Slavic language. The cause of Cyril and Methodius, despite a persistent and lengthy struggle for many years, failed Western Slavs, but it firmly established itself in Bulgaria, and from there it was transferred to Serbia, Romania and Rus'.

Native speech is the basis of the Fatherland.

Do not muddy the Divine spring,

Protect yourself: the soul gives birth to a word -

Our great Holy Russian language.

(showing Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabet)

The Slavic alphabet existed unchanged in Rus' for more than seven centuries. Its creators tried to make each letter of the first Russian alphabet simple and clear, easy to write. They remembered that the letters should also be beautiful, so that a person, as soon as he saw them, immediately wanted to master writing. The alphabet of Cyril and Methodius amazes us with its simplicity and convenience.

(modern alphabet)

Now our alphabet, compiled by Cyril and Methodius, is the simplest and most convenient. It contains optimal quantity letters - 33. European peoples those who did not compile an alphabet for themselves, but took the Latin one, still suffer from inconvenience. Our alphabet is amazing! And every person who studies the Russian language should know and keep in his memory the names of the first Slavic enlighteners - the brothers Cyril and Methodius.

(monument to Cyril and Methodius)

I am appealing to you, comrades children!

There is nothing more useful than a book in the world!

Let books come into your homes as friends

Read all your life and gain your mind.

On May 24, 2018, holiday programs in all regions of Russia, from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad, will begin at 13.00 Moscow time. The main celebration will take place on Red Square in Moscow. The event will open with a welcoming speech from His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'. During the concert there will be live broadcasts from Krasnodar, Serbia and Bulgaria.

The main idea of ​​the holiday is the theme of spiritual unity, unity of Slavic peoples and veneration of the great cultural heritage. In the Concert entitled “When my friends are with me!” works of Russian sacred music, popular songs by Soviet authors, including A. Alexandrov, A. Babajanyan, A. Pakhmutova, I. Dunaevsky, E. Ptichkin, E. Krylatov, E. Kolmanovsky, as well as famous Belarusian and Russian folk songs will be performed.

Dozens of children's and youth academic choirs will take part in the festive concert: Academic Big Choir “Masters of Choral Singing” of the Russian State Musical Television and Radio Center, Moscow Synodal Choir, Sretensky Monastery Choir, State Academic Russian Folk Choir named after M.E. Pyatnitsky, as well as VIA “PESNYARY”, ensemble “Domisolki”, soloists: Polina Shamaeva, Oscar Abdrazakov, Vasily Ladyuk, Bogdan Volkov, winner of the “Voice Children” show Rutger Garecht and many others.

How to get to the concert on Red Square on the 24th?

Admission to the concert is free. You can easily get to Red Square from the metro stations: “Okhotny Ryad”, “Ploshchad Revolutsii”, “Teatralnaya”.

After arriving at one of the stations, you need to find a sign indicating the exit to the city to Manezhnaya Square. On the surface you need to focus on the large red building - State historical Museum. Red Square is located right behind the museum.

Russia will celebrate the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture

On May 24, Russia will celebrate the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. At the press conference, the organizers explained how the celebrations would take place. According to tradition, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' will deliver a welcoming speech. Holiday programs prepared in all regions of Russia, from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad. It will take place on Red Square large-scale concert. Dozens of children's and youth choirs will take part in it.

“We are for this holiday to become truly like this, including for families. Let someone come to Red Square, someone congratulate Kirill and Methodius on their name day - this is also part of the celebration, because a holiday that does not have a personal dimension is not a holiday, in my opinion,” emphasized the deputy chairman of the Synodal Department on the relationship of the Church with society and the media of the Moscow Patriarchate Vakhtang Kipshidze.

Access to the Lenin Mausoleum will be closed on May 24 due to a concert on Red Square

According to the FSO, this is due to the holding of a gala concert on May 24 on Red Square dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture.

In addition, on Thursday there will be no exit for visitors from the Kremlin territory to Red Square through the Spassky Gate, the FSO clarifies.

24.05.2017 | 19:55

Today in Russia and twelve other countries around the world the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is celebrated. It is dedicated to the day of remembrance of Saints Cyril and Methodius. The main celebrations took place in the Russian capital. In the morning, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' served a liturgy in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. And then, together with Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Olga Golodets, he opened a festive concert on Red Square. Report by Olga Enina.

There is a large combined choir on the stage. The Easter troparion “Christ is Risen” was performed on Red Square, performed by almost one thousand two hundred people - representatives of the country's leading academic and choral groups.

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' noted that the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture is inextricably linked with the names of Saints Equal to the Apostles Cyril and Methodius.

“If they had not created the Slavic alphabet, if they had not translated the sacred texts into Slavic language, then it would be difficult to predict the development of the Slavic peoples,” noted Patriarch Kirill.

At the state level in our country, the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture was first celebrated in 1863. It was revived more than a century later. “We continue the wonderful tradition of gathering in the main squares of cities and towns and celebrating this day with a festival of choral singing. Our writing, our language, song is what holds us together, this is the basis of our culture,” said Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets.

The program includes sacred, academic, popular music: works by Kastalsky, Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev, Sviridov. “We sing, as always, spiritual music and many songs, our children sing, and we invited, of course, famous soloists"- said the conductor, National artist Russia Lev Kontorovich.

Lead Soloist " New Opera» Vasily Ladyuk, for example, performed the composition “Russian Waltz” by composer Alexandra Pakhmutova at the concert. Alexandra Nikolaevna herself also took the stage. Together with the soloist Bolshoi Theater Ekaterina Morozova performed her song “Tenderness,” which she dedicated to memory artistic director concert of all previous years, chief military conductor Valery Khalilov.

“This is a man who devoted himself to music and its problems with all the breadth of his soul. He was good and kind. His passing is a great loss for both our art and our army,” the composer condoles, People's Artist USSR Alexandra Pakhmutova.

Everyone who was on Red Square at that time, as if in one voice, sang the famous “Katyusha”, “Kalinka”, “March of the High Altitudes”.

According to established tradition, on the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture, the whole country sings from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok - inclusions from different cities displayed on these screens on Red Square. This year, another Slavic state joined this tradition - Bulgaria. In Sofia they sang a hymn in honor of Cyril and Methodius.

Spiritual unity, unity of the Slavic peoples, veneration of the great cultural heritage is the main idea of ​​the holiday. A day when not only Slovenian teachers and their heritage are glorified, but you can also feel how large and diverse the Slavic world and its culture are.

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