Decorative breeds of chickens: beauty and good productivity. Description of decorative breeds of chickens, their characteristics and productivity

Ornamental chickens appeared on the territory of our country and come from Egypt, India, Ancient China, Malaysia. Many species of such birds are on the verge of extinction. In this article we will talk about the features of the most popular varieties that can be bred in your garden.

Although many breeds have already ceased to exist, the keeping of decorative laying hens is being promoted in every possible way today. Often the breeding of such types of poultry - including dwarf ones - has a sporting character among Russian farmers. Let's consider those breeds that are most often found in household farms in various regions.


This unites many species of birds, which can be classified into two groups - bantams themselves and dwarf copies large breeds chickens (Hamburg, Oryol, Cochin, Langshan, Fighting and others). Experts also divide each group into subgroups according to certain characteristics - the amount of feathering on the limbs (bare-legged and with feathered legs). The bantam is sociable and friendly in nature; it does not require special housing conditions. Has a ringing voice.

Enters puberty early. The rate of egg production is up to 100 pieces annually, each weighing 42 - 45 grams. An adult grows from 800 to 1100 grams. The bantam has a strong immunity to diseases. Does not tolerate low temperatures and sudden changes. Your feet, hearts, scallops may freeze, and you may lose your appetite. IN winter time year, it is required to keep representatives of the species in insulated chicken coops. They are excellent brood hens - they can stay on eggs continuously for 3 months if they have access to food and water.


These beauties Dutch origin enable the owner to obtain high-quality meat and egg products. The name of the breed comes from the village of the same name. Outwardly, these are birds with a relatively small head size; a nice leaf-shaped comb is clearly visible on it. The eyes have a characteristic orange-red color, and there is a beautiful small yellow beak. Their body has a low slope, their chest is wide, and their hips are elastic.

A rooster of this species should have a pattern of three parts of feathers on its chest; the female’s color should not have a large number of black or bright inclusions. Chickens have early maturity and endurance. The degree of safety of young animals is high - up to 90%. Chickens are active, but have moderate temperaments. They do not naturally have a brooding instinct. They can lay eggs even in the cold season and in sufficient quantities. Representatives of the species begin laying eggs at 6 months; each egg weighs almost 65 grams. One bird can bring up to 170 pieces per year. Welsumer roosters grow up to 2.8 kg, females - up to 2.1 kg.


Ornamental Seabright chickens are considered dwarf. Despite their small mass, they are endowed with a brave character and are always ready to defend themselves. They do not need to create special living conditions, they willingly make contact with the owner, they are unpretentious and trusting. These dwarf chickens originated in the 18th century in England and are named after the breeder. Such individuals have a compact body, a convex chest, and a beautiful fan-shaped tail. Each feather has a colorful shiny black edge and a distinctive pattern.

Dwarf chickens are distinguished by the fact that both the male and female have the same color plumage. Seabright is a bird with a small round head, a rose-shaped crest, a curved pinkish or dark beak, a red face, dark brown eyes, red earlobes, smooth earrings, a backward curved neck, closed wings, clearly defined shins, gray paws. blue color. Chickens are not particularly fertile. Roosters are pugnacious. Laying begins at the age of 7–8 months. Egg production is 50 - 100 pieces, each copy weighs 15 - 45 grams. A rooster weighs about 600, a female – up to 500 grams.


Asian ornamental chickens appeared in Europe in the 19th century. The young are born small in size and require increased attention. Of all the dwarf breeds, these birds are the hardiest. They have an unusual appearance - a small low body on which a wide head is set, a large comb, short legs, a long and erect tail. Due to the peculiarities of genetics, such chickens cause a lot of trouble for farmers when breeding and live relatively short. Only the presence of short limbs in both parents meets the requirements of the breed standard.

Experienced poultry farmers believe that the offspring can be made more viable if one parent has short limbs and the other has medium-sized limbs. The egg production of females is up to 80 eggs with a white shell surface. The weight of one hatching egg is 28 grams. Roosters grow up to 600 grams, females - up to 500 grams. The inheritance of breed characteristics in representatives of the species is split.


Laying hens of this species come from Japan. These long-tailed birds are also called Yokohama or Onaga-dori. With a small body size of the bird, the length of its tail reaches 3 meters. In the village of Katya, a variety of this type of chicken with light purple plumage was bred. The record length of the tail, which was recorded among representatives of the species, is 10 meters.

But one unique rooster at the age of 17 years has a tail length of 13 meters. Such unusual beauties should be kept in high and narrow cages, which are wrapped in straw. Glass cabinets are also suitable. Cages for birds, called tombakos, should have a width of 0.15 - 0.18 m, a height of 1.8 m, a depth of 0.8 m. It is recommended to place the perch at the top of the cage, with a feeder placed under it. Food and water should be supplied directly to the roost.

Since phoenixes are pampered and capricious individuals, birds of other species hatch their eggs for them.

It is recommended to walk them three times a day, twirling their long tail around a curler or placing it in a cart.


Representatives of a breed created by the people themselves. Some researchers claim that during the selection process, crested or plumed females, whose homeland is distant Türkiye, were used. Maybe Pavlovian chickens are also a mixture of simple Russian, Peduan and Cochin chickens. They are unpretentious to their diet. They adapt well to our climate. They are distinguished by contrasting plumage - it can be golden or silver with black splashes. They have beautiful posture and move gracefully.

Mobile in nature, easy to find mutual language with man and others like him. They have a small and strongly rounded head, an underdeveloped crest, lush and protruding feathers on the legs, big size crest on the head. Within the species there are only two varieties - Pavlovskaya silver and golden. There are other colors - white, black, smoky, black and white, the description of which you will not find anywhere. Egg production ranges from 150 to 170 eggs annually. The owner can expect to receive white to plum colored eggs weighing 45 – 51 grams. The natural instinct of incubation in the female is poorly expressed. Roosters have a live weight in adulthood ranging from 1.5 to 2.2 kg, chickens from 1.2 to 1.5 kg.


Such birds look stocky because their body is slightly rounded, which is also facilitated by silky plumage that resembles human hair. There is a fragile rod on which the feathers are located - it forms a figure similar to that of dwarf Cochins. Silky chickens have a decoration on their heads - a cute crest tilted back.

Their face is dark blue, their comb is red-blue, and their lobes have a bluish tint. Such non-standard features, including the presence of 5 fingers and dark blue skin, distinguish birds of this species from others. Once upon a time, experts attributed these birds to large varieties chickens Occasionally, farmers keep bearded silkies. The egg production rate of the species is kept at 80 eggs per year, each egg is covered with a shell Brown. The weight of hatching eggs should not be less than 35 grams.


Chickens, another modern breed, appeared in England. Birds are characterized by the presence of a thick beard and a large crest, lush and rich plumage, but at the same time tightly fitting to the body. Roosters have a head with a large protrusion of the skull bones. Their powerful beak is always colored bluish-gray, curved, with protruding nose holes. Males do not have a crest.

Plumage colors vary from brown to red. The face is red, almost entirely covered with feathers. The earlobes are covered with sideburns. Either there are no earrings, or they are only slightly outlined and covered by a beard. The crest is large with long feathers falling back and to the sides in a radial manner. There is a lush beautiful beard. The neck has a thick mane, and the body has an oblong shape characteristic of representatives of the species.

Decorative chickens can become a worthy decoration for a farm yard. But before buying, you should familiarize yourself with the features of care and breeding, the most popular breeds, and know how to feed them correctly. Many chicken breeds were bred by breeders based solely on productive characteristics.

Their breeding began in the country about 200 years ago. In our time, they have lost their popularity, due to their relatively low productivity. But some farmers still breed such breeds.

Decorative breeds of chickens

Not all decorative breeds of chickens are particularly popular. Only those breeds are identified which are most common.

Breeds of ornamental chickens with an unusual appearance

Features of keeping ornamental chickens

Decorative chickens it is necessary to provide special housing and nutrition. Therefore, it will be a little difficult for a person without experience to understand all the nuances, because experience in this case is of great importance.

When choosing a breed, you should familiarize yourself with all its distinctive features. This way you can avoid many troubles.

Feed selection

To make decorative chickens grow viable, you need to feed them properly. You can’t do without vitamins and easily digestible protein. An excellent source of these substances is yeast. They must be added to regular food.

Don't forget about succulent food (beets, carrots, cabbage). They must be given every day. Maximum fertility is achieved with high content in the body of vitamin E. Oats and barley contain it.

Grass meal can become the main thing source of protein. Young grass with nettle is best suited for this purpose. To replenish the mineral balance, shells, gravel, chalk, and shells can be used. With a high-quality diet, young chickens will have excellent health and strong immunity.

What problems may arise

Not all ornamental breeds of chickens can survive severe cold weather. Some require constant warmth. In addition, birds must be provided sufficient amount of natural food for the whole year so that they can live comfortably.

The plumage may lose its attractive appearance. To prevent such consequences, it is necessary to provide each individual with free space. Some decorative chickens do not fly; it is worth equipping low perches for them.

Some care features

To ensure proper bird care, you need to know and take into account a number of important points. Thus, special conditions are created for heat-loving individuals so that they feel good during the cold period. Poultry houses are equipped, preventing drafts. An excellent solution would be a ventilation system.

The thickness of the litter should increase in winter. If chickens have feathered legs, the substrate needs to be loosened from time to time. We must not forget that the litter must be fresh and must be changed periodically.

With insufficient lighting, the level of egg production decreases. Please pay attention Special attention lighting, taking into account that the optimal length of daylight hours for ornamental chickens should be 15 hours.

Has a huge role appearance birds . Constantly monitor your chickens' diet, it should be as natural as possible.

Majority ornamental breeds breeders bred based on productive characteristics. Individuals of this species were able to attract attention with feathers or body shape. During long-term work, specialists improved these parameters.

In Russia, breeding of such breeds began about 200 years ago. On modern stage decorative varieties are not particularly popular, as they are characterized by relatively low productivity. However, they can be found on some farms.

Not all birds are equally popular. It is necessary to highlight those varieties that are most widespread.


This is a dwarf variety. The weight of roosters varies between 700-800 grams. Laying hens weigh only 500 grams. The color of the plumage can vary quite a lot. There are individuals of black, pockmarked and walnut color. The shade will largely depend on the type of breed.

By their nature, Bantams are distinguished by high activity and loud crowing. In addition, laying hens are characterized by the fact that they are excellent brood hens. Such a parameter as egg production is not very high. A bird can “produce” approximately 100 eggs per year.

Feeding is not difficult, since individuals are unpretentious. Birds can be raised not only in decorative purposes, but also to obtain meat that has an unusual taste. Eggs are characterized by excellent taste and nutritional qualities.


Another breed of dwarf chickens. Some experienced breeders are of the opinion that these birds are a type of Bantam. Other poultry farmers consider the Seabright to be a separate breed.

Chickens are distinguished not only by their small size, but also by their rather original plumage. They are active and playful, unpretentious not only in food, but also in maintenance. They are capable of flying, which they do quite well.

Fertility is no different high level. You can get no more than 100 eggs per year from Seabright. Experts believe that the taste of the products is the best and unique.

Chinese silk

This type of chicken has gained great popularity due to its unusual beak color. The comb and leather also have original colors. All of the previously listed body parts of chickens are blue.

Dwarf individuals are distinguished by densely feathered legs, friendliness and a strong maternal instinct. Thanks to the latter quality, they can be used from the position of a brood hen for those eggs that were “produced” by other birds.

The meat of chickens of this breed is considered not just a delicacy, but a product with medicinal properties. A parameter such as egg production can reach 120 eggs per year. It is possible to shear the fluff and sell it, as it is very highly valued.


The chicken of this variety resembles pheasants in appearance. There is an original crest on the head. The feathers have black stripes at the beginning and end. In the middle the plumage is silvery or golden.

By nature, chickens love to be active. They can easily withstand frost and have excellent immunity. Breeding them is easy and simple, so even beginners can cope with this task. Chickens have a high survival rate. The bird can lay up to 150 eggs per year. It should be noted that the meat does not have any special taste.

The character of the individuals is phlegmatic. Chickens are quite smart and unpretentious. It will be necessary to take into account the large size of the bird when constructing a poultry house. Adults weigh from 3 to 5 kg. They are capable of laying up to 120 eggs per year. The meat is tough. Breeding can only be done for decorative purposes.

Individuals belonging to decorative breeds are distinguished by their whimsical living conditions. Therefore, they are difficult to breed for beginners. Experience plays a fairly important role in this situation.

What to feed?

In order to obtain viable chickens, it is recommended to feed decorative chickens correctly. Your diet should include vitamins and easily digestible protein. Good source These substances are used by yeast. To introduce them into food, it is recommended to use yeast on regular food.

Daily nutrition should include succulent food. These include foods such as beets, carrots and cabbage. In order to achieve optimal egg fertility, it is recommended to include vitamin E in the diet. It is found in sufficient quantities in oats and barley.

Grass meal can be used as a main source of proteins. The best option will be the use of young grass to create it. Nettle will also work. In terms of mineral additives, you can use shells, gravel, shells or chalk. If the diet is composed of high quality, then the young animals will be distinguished by high health and excellent immunity.

What problems might you encounter?

If you have decided to start breeding an ornamental breed, you should familiarize yourself with the problems that you may encounter.

Not all varieties are able to survive a harsh winter. Basically, the decorative breed includes birds that prefer to live in warmth. At the same time, they will experience a need for natural food. For this reason, it is important to ensure everything the necessary conditions for a comfortable life for birds.

The plumage may lose its aesthetic appearance. To prevent this from happening, they need to be provided with more space compared to ordinary individuals. Some varieties of chicken require low perches because they are unable to fly.


There are some nuances that need to be taken into account to ensure proper bird care. For heat-loving individuals, it is recommended to create comfortable conditions so that they do not suffer from frost. The poultry house must be equipped in such a way that there are no drafts. It is also recommended to make a ventilation system.

Not only highly productive egg and meat chickens are popular among poultry farmers. Decorative and are increasingly becoming not only a decoration for the courtyard, but also for apartment residents. Today we will talk about the most attractive breeds of these domestic birds.

It is worth saying that caring for beautiful pets is a little more difficult than ordinary poultry. Ornamental chickens are more picky about food and are heat-loving. It is necessary to maintain the beauty of their plumage. But the effort is worth it: little chickens not only have external charm, they are also smart, sociable and obedient.

TOP 5 most beautiful breeds

Undoubtedly, all representatives of the decorative line deserve attention. But we have chosen especially attractive representatives among them. These breeds are popular among poultry farmers, and their beauty leaves no one indifferent. In the meantime, watch the video, which contains decorative breeds that are not included in our top five (author Lyubov Afonina).

Bantams: small but remote

This breed of chicken combines many varieties. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups. The first are purebred bantams, dwarf birds with a calm character. These chickens are naturally occurring and are found in wildlife in Japan. In Russia, these birds, introduced in the 18th century, are also called Kinglets. The second group is reduced copies of various breeds. They are obtained through selection, crossing productive breeds with dwarf ones.

Purebred bantams, in comparison with other varieties, have better health and high egg production. They adapt more easily to weather changes, hens diligently sit on their eggs, and roosters can fend for themselves and their family, and even repel a kite attack. Cockerels weigh 1 kilogram, and the maximum weight of a chicken should not exceed 600 grams.

Concerning external characteristics, then the color and other features here are varied and depend on the subspecies. The oldest subspecies of bantams, Nanjing, have a yellow-apricot color. Roosters of this subspecies have a more intense color of feathers and contrasting plumage on the neck and tail. The following photos show some subspecies of bantams, striking in their diversity.

It is very profitable to keep a bantam in a backyard. These birds are unpretentious little birds, they eat very little, rarely get sick and adapt well to their place of residence. No special conditions are required for their maintenance. However, you need to keep their home clean and dry. One bantam hen produces 80-100 eggs per year. And if there is at least one rooster on the farm, then you can breed chickens.

Dutch white-crested

As the name suggests, Holland is considered the birthplace of the breed. The first mention of these decorative birds was found in paintings of the 16th century, but the exact version of the origin of chickens with hairstyles is unknown. Hens of the Dutch White-crested breed have a very unusual appearance: they have a lush crest on their head. white, resembling a wig. The small, neat tail has an unusually curved shape, which is another distinctive feature of the Dutch white-crested. The compact, graceful body is covered with black or gray feathers.

Despite their decorative qualities, these birds are quite productive. In the first year of laying, a hen produces 140 eggs, next year- 100 pcs. An adult white-crested weighs 1.5-2 kilograms, roosters grow to weigh 2-2.5 kilograms. This breed also has a dwarf variety: chickens weighing up to 800 grams exactly repeat the appearance of their larger relatives. Dwarf white-crested eggs lay tiny eggs, weighing about 30 grams.

Chabot - a beautiful gift from Japan

For the first time these miniature chickens appeared in the Country Rising Sun, where they served as court decoration for aristocrats. In the 17th century, shabot chickens came to China, and by XIX century We also reached Europe. Now breeders have several subspecies of the breed, differing in color and plumage structure. Chabots can be white, silver, striped, red or blue-black. The plumage can be regular, curly or silk.

Shabots are one of the smallest poultry birds, weighing only 500-600 grams. These are very cute chickens in appearance, as if drawn from a picture. Distinctive feature of this breed: the body of the bird is quite dense and massive, and the legs are very short. The plumage in the neck area is thick, and the wide tail resembles a fan.

Their legs are so small that it is difficult for the birds to move. This explains the fact that shabots do not live long, so poultry farmers advise crossing short-legged chickens with those representatives of the breed whose legs middle length. But only those individuals that have been given the “short-legged” gene are suitable for exhibitions.

Multi-colored millefleurs

The creators of this breed aimed to produce a chicken with bright, spectacular plumage, and they succeeded. Birds weighing 600-800 grams have colorful colors and thick feathering on their legs. Millefleur chickens are popular in poultry yards: despite their small weight, they have fairly good egg production (100 eggs per year, weighing 30 grams each), and require little feed and space.

The appearance of the breed and the minimum cost of maintaining the breed encourage farmers to acquire a couple of decorative individuals. A variety of colors give you the opportunity to suit your taste. The most common color is tricolor: against the background of red feathers, feathers that are black at the base and painted white at the ends stand out clearly. Porcelain stains, black and white, blue speckled and white are also popular.

The smallest - Malaysian Serama

Representatives of this breed are very tiny! Chickens are no larger than a pigeon and weigh 250 grams, and roosters do not grow much more. These birds have a very short body, set upright, their tail is raised up, and their neck is curved, like a swans. Due to the structural features of the serama, the chest moves forward, and this is one of the signs of thoroughbred. The more curved the body, the better.

Weight is also an indicator of purebredness. Based on this feature, Malaysian serams are divided into three classes. The weight of the most expensive ones, class A, should not exceed 350 grams, for class B the weight is allowed 500 grams, for class C - 600 grams. Malaysian dwarf chickens are so small that they are kept in cages rather than in backyards. For a comfortable life, these chickens need warm air and special nutrition.

If everything is clear with egg or meat breeds of chickens - they are raised for high productivity, then farmers purchased decorative poultry more for aesthetic pleasure. And indeed: decorative chickens are a true decoration of any home collection. How to care for them, is it possible to breed them using incubation, and what types of ornamental chickens do experts generally identify? It’s worth knowing about this before you decide to buy.

Decorative chickens are the result of many years of work by breeders. They were bred through a peculiar modification key characteristics productive breeds. The properties required by specialists have been formed for decades. Now we have the opportunity to choose from a variety of decorative varieties of poultry. Body type, shades of plumage - all these points have made chickens, intended for aesthetic pleasure and breeding at home, quite popular among farmers.

More than 200 years ago, breeders in Russia also began to develop new decorative works chickens Now this branch of poultry farming is no longer at the peak of its popularity. Still, practicality comes first, and when investing, we want to get results. In the case of poultry, this is their productivity, hatching, meat, the possibility of incubatory breeding and egg production. As for decorative breeds, they are not full of similar characteristics, so this moment domestic poultry farmers began to breed them less often. Nevertheless, these varieties have many advantages that are worth paying attention to.


This breed of ornamental chickens includes several varieties. The first is the pygmy chicken, mainly found in the wild in Japan. The second category is a mini-copy of some productive breed. It is obtained by crossing a representative of any type of domestic chicken with a dwarf specimen. What is so special about bantams?

Dwarf birds are highly resistant to various harmful factors, as well as quite productive egg-laying abilities. Bantams are not afraid of sudden changes in weather.

As for their temperament, hens are calmer than cockerels, they have a well-developed maternal instinct, and they diligently hatch their eggs. Cockerels, on the other hand, can protect their livestock from kite attacks, even despite their mini-size (laying hens weigh up to 600 g, while roosters weigh up to 1 kg). What’s interesting is that if you want to raise bantams at home, you need to be especially sophisticated in providing decent living conditions you will not have to. These chickens are unpretentious and feel great even in the backyard. Due to their size, they eat little, rarely get sick, and quickly get used to their new surroundings. It is necessary to maintain a dry microclimate and cleanliness in the chicken coop. Otherwise, you won’t have to worry about any difficulties arising in the process of breeding bantam chickens.

Dutch white-crested

The Dutch white-crested chicken also belongs to the category called decorative chicken breeds. Considering the fact that this breed performs aesthetic functions, it is also distinguished by good egg production: it brings the farmer up to 100-120 eggs per year, and for an ornamental variety of poultry these are excellent indicators. However, despite quite good species characteristics, Dutch white-crested chickens are not particularly popular.

Remember that they require meticulous care, so before purchasing a couple of specimens for your chicken coop, make sure that you can create the necessary conditions for them. And yet such a breed will become a true decoration of any poultry house. The key element that distinguishes Dutch white-crested chickens from representatives of other breeds is the fluffy and very voluminous crest on the head, which replaces the comb.

These hens also have red earrings. If you want to combine good egg production with a breed of poultry decorative features, you should definitely pay attention to the Dutch white-crests.


The appearance of such a chicken is somewhat reminiscent of the plumage of Japanese bantams. Shades vary, but the most popular are white or yellow with dark tail feathers. Egg production is low: they bring approximately 70-80 eggs to the poultry farmer per year.

In addition, a chicken egg weighs no more than thirty grams. Dwarf laying hens have a well-developed maternal instinct and hatch eggs well. As for the weight of adults, it is 500 g for hens and 600 g for cockerels. This miniature breed of poultry was bred in Japan and came to Europe in the 19th century. Now this variety has gained quite wide popularity and is in demand among farmers.

Multi-colored millefleurs

This one certainly won't go unnoticed. In the process of working on its breeding, breeders set themselves a key goal: to obtain bright plumage. And the result met all their expectations. Moreover, plumage is present even on the legs of chickens. The weight of adult representatives of the breed is small, up to 600-800 g. But this does not prevent laying hens from producing about 100 eggs weighing 30 g per year.

This is an ideal option for a backyard: chickens require little space and do not need particularly meticulous care. In addition, these dwarf chickens eat quite little. You can also select several poultry specimens for your chicken coop based on their plumage. It is usually three-colored, but shades can vary. The most popular colors are porcelain, black and white, blue speckled and white.

Malaysian Serama

Among the dwarf breeds of ornamental chickens there are also “Lilliputians”. This is a representative of the Malaysian Serama breed. In terms of its dimensions, the chicken is barely larger than an ordinary pigeon, and it weighs about 250 g. Their body is somewhat upright, the tail is also raised up. These chickens are characterized by the presence of a curved neck and a forward chest. By the way, the more the chest part “sticks out” forward, the better for the breed. Given their miniature size, most of them are kept not in the farmstead, but in cages. The breed called Malaysian Serama includes three quality classes:

Caring for such poultry is notable for the need to maintain heat in the chicken coop and cages, as well as provide special nutrition for the chickens.

Video “Characteristics”

From the video you will learn many new facts about decorative look chickens

Content Features

If ordinary productive breeds do not require scrupulous care, you will have to try with decorative ones. Farmers who have little experience in this matter will find it difficult to raise ornamental chickens at home. The first thing you need to take care of is food. The daily diet of poultry should include cabbage, carrots, beets, barley, oats, etc. The last two products contain large amounts of vitamin E, which has a positive effect on fertility chicken eggs. Mineral additives include chalk, shells, eggshells, and gravel. They are required if your goal is a balanced, healthy eating poultry.

The greatest difficulty for any poultry farmer in this case is weather conditions. Most representatives of decorative breeds are not adapted to cold weather; moreover, they require constant fresh vegetables from the ground, and in winter it is very difficult to provide this in Russia. Plus, decorative chickens should live in a spacious room so that their appearance does not deteriorate. Some poultry require low perches in the house because they cannot fly. If you follow everything prerequisites for caring for ornamental chickens, you will be able to not only raise them at home, but also successfully incubate them. It is undesirable to ignore the basic recommendations of specialists, as this is fraught with serious consequences.

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