Concorde supersonic passenger aircraft.

”is a low-wing, built according to the “tailless” scheme with an ogive, transversely curved wing with an elongation of 1.82, made using profiles with a relative thickness of 3-2.15%. Each wing console is equipped with three-section elevons with a total area of ​​32.0 m 2 . Course control is provided by a classic vertical tail with a two-section rudder.
The dimensions of the production aircraft have increased, primarily the length of the fuselage (from 56.24 m for the prototype and 58.84 m for the pre-production aircraft to 61.66 m for the production aircraft).
The fuselage is made in the form of a cylindrical structure with a relatively small cross section. Due to the considerable length of the fuselage and the relatively large angles of attack during takeoff and landing (about 18 °), the Concorde is equipped with a high landing gear, as a result of which the axis of the aircraft is at a height of 5.4 m above the ground (the doors of the aircraft are at the same height as like the Boeing 747). To increase visibility from the cockpit during takeoff and landing, the forward fuselage can be lowered (5° during takeoff and 17.5° during landing). When flying at a speed of M = 2.2, the nose of the aircraft heats up to 130 °, as a result of which the length of the fuselage in flight can increase by 24 cm.
The glider is designed for small g-forces (+2.5 / -1.0), and therefore the aircraft's descent and maneuver speeds are limited. For the manufacture of the airframe, mainly heat-resistant aluminum alloys were used. Elements of the propulsion system, rudder skin and some parts of the chassis are made of titanium and steel alloys.
The most interesting results in the process of creating the SPS were obtained during the fatigue-thermal tests of its airframe, carried out in Toulouse in France and in Farnborough in England. According to flight tests, it was known that the SPS wing toe could heat up to 135 ° C with a temperature drop of up to 145 ° C per cycle of 15 minutes. In Toulouse, these tests were started in 1972 in a heat chamber with 35,000 quartz heaters in total with a capacity of 30,000 kW. Controlled heating reproduced the flight thermal loading conditions. At the same time, the airframe of the aircraft was loaded mechanically by means of power exciters through a lever suspension system. These tests and improvements allowed the firms to assign a technical resource for the airframe to 45,000 flight hours (15,000 more than the Tu-144), which meant 12-15 years of operational life of the aircraft. In general, in terms of technical characteristics, the Concorde is almost as good as the Tu-144, which weighed 10,000 kg more.
To ensure the minimum weight of the aircraft, the airframe design was chosen, which corresponds to the principle of equal strength of all its elements. In addition, most of the structure was made by milling entire panels (like the Tu-144 airframe), which made it possible to eliminate many joints, prevent deformation of the skin and change the shape of the profile in flight. The technological division of the airframe also differs from the traditional one: the design is divided into sections, each of which consists of a part of the fuselage and an adjacent part of the wing. This facilitates the connection of the wing spars with the power frames of the fuselage. The wing skin is made of monolithic, prestressed panels, resulting in a reduction in airframe weight of approximately 20% (compared to conventional designs).
An important feature of the ATP "Concorde" was the use of the main electrical control system of the aircraft. Rigid mechanical connection remained in reserve. This decision was a novelty for civil aviation aircraft. To improve the reliability of the systems, the SPS had three independent hydraulic systems: two main and one emergency. These systems ensured the operation of power steering surfaces, landing gear extension and retraction, control of the front wheels when maneuvering on the ground, lowering and raising the front fuselage, fuel pumps of the aircraft balancing system and regulation of the input and output devices of the engines.
Chassis - three-post, with twin front wheels and four-wheeled bogies on the main racks. The pressure in the tires of the front strut wheels is 1.23 MPa, and the main 1.26 MPa.
Propulsion system. Four Olimp 593 turbojet engines jointly developed by Rolls-Royce and SNECMA are located in pairs in two underwing nacelles in such a way that the nozzle exit is in the plane of the trailing edge of the wing. The main task of afterburners is to increase thrust during takeoff and when the aircraft passes through the speed of sound. The design of the thrust reversers provides, during landing, a braking force equal to 45% of the takeoff thrust.
Pre-production aircraft 01 and 02, as well as the first production aircraft, were equipped with Olimp 593Mk602 engines with an afterburner thrust of 17260 kgf. On subsequent aircraft, it was supposed to use 593Mk621 engines with a static thrust increased to 18100 kgf.
The fuel system includes 17 caisson fuel tanks located in the wing and fuselage. Their capacity is 119786 liters. The fuel is also used to change the position of the aircraft's center of gravity during the transition through the speed of sound and to cool the structure. This purpose is served by 4 balancing tanks (in the front near-fuselage parts of the wing with maximum sweep) and 1 tank in the rear fuselage (behind the trailing edge of the wing).

seat pitch - 86 cm seat pitch - 81 cm cruising maximum afterburner l/h with a load of 8845 kg (M=2.05 at an altitude of 16 km) empty (M=2.02) subsonic subsonic
Developer BAC Aerospatiale
Designation Concorde (Concorde)
Type of Supersonic passenger aircraft
Modification Serial
Flight crew, pers. 4
Number of passengers, pers.125
Geometric and mass characteristics
Aircraft length, m 62,10 (62,74)
Aircraft height, m 11,40 (11,32)
Wingspan, m 25,56
Wing area, m 2 358,25
Specific load on the wing (maximum), kg / m 2 517
Wing extension 1,82
Cabin length, m 39,3
Cabin width, m 2,64
Cabin height, m 1,95
Maximum takeoff weight, kg 185 000 (181 400)
Maximum landing weight, kg 111130
Empty weight, kg 78698 (79300)
Load capacity, kg 12700 (11340)
Power point
Number of engines 4
Engine TRDF "Olimp" 593Mk.602
Engine thrust, kgf4550
Thrust-to-weight ratio 0,37
Fuel tank capacity, l 119786
Engine fuel consumption28250
specific, kg/kgf*h 1,19
Maximum ratio of aircraft weight to afterburner thrust, kg/daN 2,73
flight data
Flight range, km4500 (5110)
7500 (6580)
Maximum flight speed at altitude, km/h (M=) 2179 (2,04)
Cruise speed, km/h (M=) at an altitude of 15600 km 2146 (2,02)
Takeoff speed, km/h 324
Landing speed, km/h 300
Practical ceiling, m 19202
Cruise altitude, m 16764 - 18288
Takeoff, m 1510
Takeoff distance, m 3410
Landing distance, m 2220

Concorde air intakes Each engine has a separate flat rectangular air intake with an adjustable horizontal wedge. The air intake has a boundary layer drain system, and a very complex kinematics of additional flaps. At a cruising speed of 2.0 M, the air entering the air intakes was decelerated in the system of shock waves created to a speed of about 0.45 M, while its pressure increased by about 7 times. Thus, the overall compression ratio of the air intake and engine compressor is approximately 80:1. The mechanization of the air intake is hydraulic, the control is automatic, electronic, analog. The engines are equipped with adjustable nozzles and a bucket-type thrust reversal system, which made it possible to give a reverse thrust of about 40% of the nominal. The flaps of the reverse system also serve as secondary adjustable injection nozzles for engines. At the rear of each package of two engines, special vertical heat and noise reflectors are installed. These reflectors are equipped with inwardly deflected tips that "flatten" the exhaust jet of the engines on takeoff from the sides, which also served the purpose of noise suppression. In addition, in the main nozzle of each engine, 8 spade-shaped noise suppressors were installed, which were introduced into the jet stream when flying through densely populated areas at subsonic speed. The mechanization of the adjustable nozzle, the reverse and noise reduction systems are pneumatic, electronically controlled. The Concorde engines had the following characteristics:

  • Olympus 593 - the original version, was installed on prototypes No. 001 and 002. Thrust in afterburner mode 89 kN, forced thrust 136 kN.
  • Olympus 593-22R - a more powerful version of the engine, which replaced the previous one on pre-production 01 and 02. Thrust in afterburner mode 154 kN, forced thrust 165 kN.
  • Olympus 593-610-14-28 - installed on production aircraft. Thrust in afterburner mode 142 kN, forced thrust 169 kN. One of the main differences from previous versions is the combustion chamber with fuel pre-evaporation, which made it possible to increase the efficiency of fuel combustion and reduce smoke.
Engine number 4 (on the far right) had slightly different modes at low speeds from the rest of the engines. This was due to the fact that the vortex flows generated by the wing tip in its root part were drawn into the air intake, while having the direction of rotation opposite to that of the engine compressor. Since this phenomenon caused increased engine vibration at low aircraft speeds, the 4th engine was limited to 88% N1 at speeds below 60 knots, the limit was set by the flight engineer and automatically canceled when accelerating. The vortex flows did not have a noticeable effect on the leftmost engine, since the direction of their rotation coincided with the direction of rotation of the compressor. For reasons of reducing the flight weight, the Concorde was not equipped with an auxiliary power unit (APU). This did not create significant problems, since the operation of the aircraft took place from well-equipped airfields, where external electrical and air supply was always available. running engines.


Concorde in landing configuration. All three landing gear are clearly visible, as well as retractable landing lights. The light elements in the area of ​​​​the wheels of the main pillars are water deflectors, on the front pillar the water deflector is located on the back side, and therefore the Concorde chassis is three-post, with a bow support. Due to the fact that the aircraft reached very high angles of attack during takeoff and landing, the landing gear legs are unusually high, about 3.5 m. This led to the fact that the doors of the Concorde were approximately at the same height as and the doors of the much larger Boeing 747. The main landing gear has two pairs of wheels arranged one behind the other and retracts by turning inward towards the fuselage. The front rack has two wheels and is removed by turning forward. The front strut is equipped with a hydraulic turn mechanism to control the aircraft on the ground. Composite water deflectors are attached to the landing gear legs, which serve to prevent water raised by the wheels from entering the engine air intakes. The mechanisms for cleaning the landing gear are hydraulic, and the cleaning of the chassis comes from one main hydraulic system, and a backup can be used for release.
Additional tail landing gear The braking system of the aircraft is disc, hydraulically driven by two independent hydraulic systems. The brake control system is electronic (en: brake-by-wire), analog, with an anti-lock function, the Concorde became the first airliner in the world to have such a system. The carbon fiber brake disc packs of the main landing gear are cooled by electric fans built into the wheel hubs. The track of the main landing gear is 7.72 m; parts of the fuselage during takeoff and landing, the Concorde has an additional inclined tail landing gear with two small pneumatics. The rack retracts into the fuselage compartment by turning back.

Main systems

The fuel system of the Concorde is quite complex, and in addition to its main function, it also serves to rebalance the aircraft when crossing the sound barrier. The fuel system includes 17 fuel tanks with a total capacity of 119280 liters, located in the wing boxes and in the lower part of the fuselage. In addition to the main tanks, the fuel system includes a balancing tank located in one of the sections of the rear fuselage, immediately behind the tail luggage compartment. In addition to it, 4 tanks in the root part of the wing are used as balancing tanks. In total, 33 tons of fuel could be in the balancing tanks. When reaching transonic speed, and before further acceleration, the fuel system pumps moved about 20 tons of fuel from the forward balancing tanks to the tail balancing tank. This made it possible to shift the center of gravity of the aircraft approximately 2 meters back, which was necessary for supersonic flight. After deceleration to transonic speed, the reverse operation was performed. In addition, a slight movement of fuel in the main tanks was used for the overall longitudinal and transverse balancing of the aircraft, in all flight modes. The main pumps for supplying fuel to the engines had a mechanical drive, the pumps for pumping fuel between the balancing tanks were hydraulic, the auxiliary pumps for the main tanks and the fuel dump pumps were electric. The fuel system of the Concorde was controlled by the flight engineer, which was his main task throughout the flight. The fuel system of the aircraft was also used to remove excess heat from various systems, such as the air conditioning system, hydraulic systems and engine lubrication systems, into the fuel entering the engines. The aircraft is equipped with an in-flight fuel jettison system with outlet pipes in the fuselage tail cone. The Concorde is equipped with three independent hydraulic systems, two main and a backup:
  • "Green" hydraulic system of the left side, connected to the hydraulic pumps 1 and 2 of the engines.
  • The "blue" starboard hydraulic system is connected to the hydraulic pumps of 3 and 4 engines.
  • "Yellow" backup hydraulic system, connected to hydraulic pumps 2 and 4 engines.
The working pressure of hydraulic systems is 4000 psi (27.5 MPa). All hydraulic systems had electric auxiliary pumps to pressurize the ground when external power was connected. A retractable auxiliary turbine (RAT) was placed at the bottom of the left wing console, which was used to pressurize the "Green" or "Yellow" hydraulic systems in case of failure of all engines during flight. The turbine could only be used at subsonic speeds. The Concorde has two independent starboard and portside electrical systems, each consisting of a 200V/400Hz AC subsystem powered by two 60kVA engine generators, and a 28V DC subsystem. , fed by two rectifiers with a maximum current of 150 A. Batteries are included in the DC subsystems. During ground operations, an external power supply was connected. In the event of a failure of the main generators, a backup alternator with a hydraulic drive from the "Green" hydraulic system could be used. Pitch and roll control is carried out by deflecting six elevons, three on each wing console. Yaw control by deflection of two sections of the rudder. The Concorde was the first airliner to have a fly-by-wire control system (EDSU, or fly-by-wire). Unlike modern airliners, the EDSU was analog. The deviation of the control columns and pedals generates electrical signals that enter the EDSU controllers. The controllers convert these signals into control signals for the elevon and rudder hydraulic actuators. The transmission is carried out through two independent channels, "Green" and "Blue", each of which has its own set of controllers and separate power circuits. In addition, there is an independent mechanical system that connects the controls with actuators by means of rods and cables. Servo drives are built into the mechanical system, serving both for the stabilization system and as autopilot servos. During the operation of the autopilot, servos through the mechanical system cause the deviation of the controls, which in turn leads to the generation of control signals. For the convenience of pilots, a system of hydraulic loaders was implemented for each of the control channels, the loaders worked depending on the speed of the aircraft. Loaders were also used for trimming. Control surfaces are combined into three groups: outer and center elevons, inner elevons, both sections of the rudder. Each group can have its own control channel, Green, Blue or Mechanical. Actuators, servo drives and loaders operate from two independent hydraulic systems, and can also use a backup hydraulic system. For pitch control, the elevons are deflected synchronously, for roll control - differentially. When controlled by electrical channels, the pitch and roll signals are mixed electrically, in the case of using a mechanical system, mechanically. The pressurization and air conditioning system consisted of four separate independent air conditioning units. The features of this system were a higher difference between internal and external pressure (0.75 kg / cm²) than in subsonic airliners, as well as the presence of an additional heat exchanger that used the fuel entering the engines to cool the air. When the aircraft was parked, an external air supply was connected with high-pressure air and conditioned air.
The cockpit of the serial Concorde For its time, the Concorde had very advanced avionics, a high degree of automation and a wide range of instrumentation. This allowed the crew of three people (PIC, co-pilot and flight engineer) to fly the aircraft. Main instrumentation:
  • Three independent inertial navigation systems (INS), each of which has a separate gyro-stabilized platform and a digital computer. The INS can store a route of 10 points in memory, automatically switch between waypoints as they pass, calculate the course to intercept LZP, determine and display wind speed and direction, drift angle, and many other navigational parameters. The INS is controlled by two control panels with digital indication.
  • Two independent autopilots with a large number of modes.
  • Two automatic thrusters working in conjunction with autopilots.
  • Two VOR/ILS receivers
  • One ADF receiver
  • Two sets of DMEs
  • Weather radar with two displays
  • Two VHF radios
  • SELCAL system
  • Two ATC transponders
  • Various control equipment, including pointer and linear analog devices.
The Concorde avionics made it possible to navigate in difficult weather conditions, perform transatlantic flights, carry out automatic landing and automatic landing according to ICAO category IIIa. The autopilot could control the aircraft from climbing to touching the runway. In the process of cruising at Mach 2, the Concorde did not follow at a certain altitude (flight level) like conventional airliners. Since there was no air traffic at the Concorde's flight altitude, a more advantageous flight mode was used - a constant climb as the aircraft became lighter due to running out of fuel. Flight in this mode was carried out completely automatically.

Passenger cabin

One of the variants of the Concorde cabin The Concorde pressurized cabin occupies about 85% of the total fuselage volume. There are two passenger compartments in the cockpit, front and rear, the rear compartment is slightly longer than the front one. The maximum width of the cabins is 2.62 m, which is less than, for example, the Tu-134. Initially, the following configuration options for salons were assumed:
  • 108 passengers in single class first class configuration
  • 124 passengers in single class standard class configuration
  • 144 passengers in single-class tourist class configuration
It was also possible to use a combination of different classes on the same aircraft. The maximum number of passengers that Concorde was certified to carry was 128, but in reality this cabin configuration was never used. The manufactured Concords had one-class layout cabins for 108 people, subsequently the cabins were modernized several times by airlines. At the time of decommissioning, British Airways Concordes had a two-class cabin layout for 100 seats in 37-inch (94 cm) increments, and Air France Concordes had a two-class cabin layout for 92 seats. In front of the pressurized cabin, directly behind the cockpit and equipment compartments is the vestibule of the main entrance, separated from the front saloon by a compartment with a small wardrobe and a toilet. Between the salons there is a vestibule of the second entrance, as well as two more toilets located on the sides of the cabin. The rear part of the cabin is occupied by a compartment with a kitchen unit, which also serves as an emergency exit vestibule. Since the middle exit led to the wing of the aircraft, the front exit was used for boarding and disembarking passengers. The size of the windows is 10 × 16 cm, the step is about 50 cm. A large information board was installed in front of each of the salons, showing real-time speed and flight altitude aircraft. In general, despite the fact that in terms of its design and characteristics, the Concorde almost did not resemble contemporary subsonic narrow-body airliners, its internal configuration and equipment practically did not differ from those generally accepted at the time of its appearance. The convenience of accommodating passengers and the services provided in flight made supersonic flights no less comfortable than conventional flights.

Aerodynamic issues

A passenger aircraft capable of long-duration supersonic cruising must meet several rather conflicting requirements:
  • Maximum lift-to-drag ratio at cruising speed for fuel economy and range.
  • Sufficiently high takeoff and landing characteristics to ensure safe operation from conventional commercial airfields. The aircraft must be able to perform standard landing patterns, in particular the glide path angle determined by the equipment installed at the aerodrome.
  • To ensure the comfort of passengers, the floor of the passenger compartment must be horizontal (or as close to horizontal as possible) when the aircraft is on the ground.
Studies have shown that the best lift-to-drag ratio at the selected cruising speed and aircraft dimensions is ensured by the use of a "tailless" scheme with a delta wing. To ensure efficiency in a wide range of speeds, the wing was given a complex shape with a spanwise sweep angle. The problem of directional stability was solved due to the twist of the wing, especially pronounced in the region of the tips. A very significant problem in supersonic flight is the shift back of the center of pressure when supersonic speeds are reached. To minimize this effect, a special wing shape was applied, however, the displacement at cruising speed was about 2 meters. This problem was solved by transferring fuel between the balancing tanks during the flight, which shifted the center of mass of the aircraft following the shift in the center of pressure. The task of balancing was to achieve zero consumption of elevons. Since the aircraft, made according to the "tailless" scheme, does not have flaps, there is a problem of achieving sufficient lift at landing speeds. On the Concorde, this problem was solved by synchronously deflecting the elevons down at a sufficiently large angle, in which case they began to work like flaps. The resulting dive moment was parried by pumping part of the fuel into the rear balancing tank.

Propulsion system

SPS engines must have sufficient thrust so that the aircraft can reach supersonic speeds, and at the same time have high fuel efficiency at cruising speeds in order to achieve an acceptable flight range. this option was rejected due to the fact that the large diameter of the fan creates unacceptably high drag at cruising speed. As a result, it was decided to use turbojet engines (turbojet engines). In order for the turbojet engine to work as efficiently as possible and give maximum thrust, it must have a high degree of compression. The problem is that at high supersonic speeds, the air entering the engine is subjected to aerodynamic compression, and the resulting compression ratio is so high that the engine is very heat loaded, and as a result, complex, expensive and low resource. This problem was solved through the use of turbofan engines with a relatively low compression ratio of 11: 1, which work well at cruising speeds, and their insufficient thrust in takeoff conditions was compensated by the use of afterburner. Despite the fact that the Concorde could overcome the sound barrier and reach cruising speed and without the use of forcing engines, afterburner was also used to accelerate from transonic speeds up to Mach 1.7. The reason for this was that without the use of afterburner, such acceleration would have been very slow, and the total amount of fuel spent on this maneuver would have been too large. Due to the fact that turbojet engines cannot work if the incoming air flow has a supersonic speed , it was necessary to develop complex automatically controlled air intakes capable of slowing down the air flow to subsonic speeds in the entire range of supersonic aircraft speeds. In addition to their main task, the air intakes also served to redirect the main air flow around the engine, in the event of its failure at supersonic speed. Without the possibility of such a redirection, the sharply increased resistance of a failed engine could create excessive loads that could lead to the destruction of the aircraft in the air.

Aerodynamic heating of the structure

When flying at high speeds, the deceleration of the air flowing around the aircraft causes strong aerodynamic heating of its skin, and the heating value has a quadratic dependence on the speed. At speeds in the region of Mach 3, aerodynamic heating can reach a value of about 350 ° C, which is outside the temperature range in which aluminum alloys remain sufficiently strong. The solution to this problem can be either the use of more heat-resistant structural materials (steel, as in the XB-70, titanium, as in the T-4), or limiting the maximum aircraft speed to values ​​at which heating does not exceed the capabilities of traditional materials. Since to ensure an acceptable takeoff weight, price and manufacturability, aluminum was chosen as the main structural material for the Concorde, its cruising speed is limited to Mach 2.03, at which the aerodynamic heating of the most heat-loaded structural elements does not exceed 127 ° C. Approximately the same restrictions are valid for the Tu-144, which is also built from aluminum alloys. The Americans, when designing the "three-wing" Boeing 2707, were forced to use other materials, such as steel and titanium. An additional problem is that there is a significant thermal expansion of materials, which requires the complexity of the aircraft design. Aerodynamic heating also creates difficulties in ensuring a comfortable temperature in the aircraft cabin. The Concorde air conditioning system, in addition to conventional air heat exchangers that dump excess heat from the air removed from the engines, also had heat exchangers that allow excess heat to be removed into the fuel entering the engines. In addition, it requires better thermal insulation of the cabin and greater air conditioning capacity than in conventional airliners. For example, the window glass of the Concorde during the flight was heated so that it could burn, while the glass of the windows of an ordinary airliner often cools down to negative temperatures. factors controlled by the crew and even the autopilot, that is, the autopilot limited the speed based on this value.

Structural strength

Due to the requirement for supersonic flight, the Concorde had a very thin wing profile, a long and thin fuselage, and the thickness of the aircraft's skin panels was only 1.5 mm. All this imposed very serious requirements in the field of ensuring the strength of the structure. Additionally, the problem was aggravated by the fact that at high speeds, the deviation of the control surfaces can give a very strong and sharp load on the aircraft structure. This problem was solved as follows: the Concorde differed from all the airliners that preceded it in that many of the main elements of its design were not assembled from separate parts, but were milled from solid aluminum castings, for example, very large elements were used in the wing structure. This reduced the number of joints, lightened the structure, and gave it additional strength. The skin of the aircraft was included in the power structure, and was made of pre-stretched solid panels of very large size. The problem of the influence of control surfaces at supersonic speeds was partially eliminated by disabling the external elevons at high speed. For control, only medium and internal ones were used, which loaded the structure much less, since they were closer to the center of mass, and besides, they were installed on the most durable part of the wing. However, the overload restrictions on the Concorde were quite low, and amounted to only +2.5 / -1.0, which is less than on conventional subsonic airliners.

Chassis and brakes

Due to the delta wing, the Concorde had a very high takeoff speed for a commercial airliner, about 400 km / h. To ensure safety, the braking system of the aircraft had to provide the ability to interrupt the takeoff within the runway of a conventional commercial airport. It required the development of a system that could completely stop an airliner weighing 188 tons from a speed of 305 km / h over 1600 m, even in wet conditions. As a result, the Concorde's braking system was the most advanced of its time, with many solutions, such as fully electronic brake control (Eng. brake-by-wire), were used for the first time in commercial aviation. The landing gear also required a lot of effort on the part of the developers, because due to the very high angle of attack of the aircraft on takeoff, the landing gear turned out to be very long and experienced heavy loads.

Operation history

After the first production aircraft 201 and 202 took off, an extensive certification program began, ending in 1975 with the issuance of British and French certificates. In addition to, in fact, passenger traffic, "Concorde" also participated in a large number of exhibitions, demonstration flights and promotions.

promotional tours

Sale of Concordes to airlines

In the 1960s, during the birth and development of the Concorde project, it was believed that the future of world passenger air travel lay with supersonic airliners, which influenced the plans of the world's leading aircraft manufacturers and airlines. For example, Boeing, which launched its ambitious Boeing 747 airliner on the market in the early 1970s, was very cautious about the prospects of this aircraft, even suggesting that after entering the lines of supersonic passenger aircraft, the 747s would have to be transferred to air cargo. The development of supersonic commercial airliners took place not only in Europe, but also in the USSR, where the Tu-144 took off even a little earlier than the Concorde, as well as in the USA, moreover, the Americans, using their experience in creating large three-wheeled aircraft (XB-70 Valkyrie) , created a variant of the SPS, the Boeing 2707, which significantly surpassed both the Anglo-French and Soviet aircraft in its characteristics. Applications for a new aircraft began to arrive in 1963, long before its first flight, and by 1972, 16 airlines around the world had made preliminary orders for 74 Concorde. The commercial future of the first supersonic passenger liner looked, if not cloudless, then at least quite certain.
Airlineorder dateNumber of aircraft ordered
Pan American 1963 6, option for 2
BOAC 1963 6
TWA 1964 4
Continental Airlines 1964 3
BOAC 1964 8
Air France 1964 2
american airlines 1964 4
United Airlines 1965 6
TWA 1965 6
Sabena 1965 2
Quantas 1965 6
MEA Air 1965 2
Lufthansa 1965 3
JAL 1965 3
Eastern Airlines 1965 2
Braniff 1965 3
american airlines 1965 6
Air India 1965 2
Air Canada 1965 4
Eastern Airlines 1966 6
Quantas 1966 4
BOAC May 25 1972 5
CAAC July 24 1972 2, option for 2
Air France July 28th 1972 4
Iran Air 1972 2, option for 2
Air France 14th of April 1980 1, formerly on loan
british airways April 1 1984 1, for spare parts
Beginning in 1972, the situation began to change rapidly, not in favor of supersonic airliners. Several significant events occurred at once that influenced the plans for the implementation of supersonic passenger transportation by the world's largest airlines:
  • In 1973, the oil crisis broke out, caused primarily by the Yom Kippur War between Israel and the Arab countries. As a result of this crisis, world prices for aviation fuel increased several times, which called into question the commercial attractiveness of supersonic flights, since Concorde spent much more fuel per passenger than modern subsonic airliners.
  • In the early 1970s, especially after the introduction of aircraft such as the Boeing 747, it became clear that long-distance air travel was no longer the prerogative of businessmen and the elite, and that the share of the middle class in the total passenger flow was constantly growing. This made it more relevant for airlines to cut ticket prices, rather than the reduction in flight times that is so attractive to businessmen.
  • The protracted development of the Concorde, a very high coefficient of novelty, led to the fact that the joint Anglo-French program went far beyond the budget, the total cost was almost a billion pounds. The price of airliners, respectively, also constantly grew. In addition, it turned out that airlines underestimated the scale of expenses required to maintain the fleet of supersonic aircraft and keep it in airworthy condition.
As a result, by 1973, virtually all airlines revised their plans for supersonic transportation, and withdrew orders for Concordes. It was possible to sell only 9 aircraft, 5 British Airways and 4 Air France, and even then, mainly because these AKs were controlled by the governments of the countries that developed the aircraft. The remaining 5 aircraft (out of 14 serial), after unsuccessful attempts to sell them, were later offered the same AK under the following conditions:
  • The price of the aircraft was only 1 pound sterling for the British, and 1 franc for the French.
  • The airlines were obliged to put the acquired aircraft into commercial operation.
  • Airlines had the right to sell their planes, but at the same symbolic price.
All expenses were borne by the governments of both countries, who wanted to support their own aircraft manufacturers and cared about national prestige. Thus, British Airways acquired the 2 remaining British aircraft, and Air France - the remaining 3 French ones, and each of them had a fleet of 7 Concordes.

Passenger Transportation

Commercial operation of Conchords began on January 21, 1971, when G-BOFA (No. 206) of British Airlines took off on its first flight on the London - Bahrain route. On the same day, an F-BFBA flight (No. 205) opened the Paris-Dakar line of Air France. At first, the most promising transatlantic direction was closed for the Concordes, since on December 18, 1975, the House of Representatives of the US Congress imposed a six-month landing ban " Concordov" in the United States. The official reason for this ban was the noise produced by the aircraft, especially after breaking the sound barrier, but most likely that the main reason was that the Anglo-French aircraft entered commercial lines earlier than the American SPS. After the ban ended, despite the protests of several public and environmental organizations, scheduled flights to Washington Dulles Airport were opened, the first of which took place on May 24, 1976. Flights to New York began only after November 22, 1977, mainly due to the opposition of the New York City Hall. The main routes of the Concordes were:
  • London - New York of British Airways, at different times the line was served by up to 4 aircraft that made daily flights.
  • London - Barbados by British Airways, flights once a week during the season.
  • Paris - New York by Air France, five times a week.
In addition, Britsh Airways operated scheduled flights to Bahrain, Dallas, Miami, Singapore (with an intermediate stop in Bahrain), Toronto and Washington. Air France had flights to Caracas, Mexico City, Rio de Janeiro (with an intermediate stop in Dakar) and Washington. In addition to regular flights, Concordes operated a large number of charter flights, almost all over the globe. It was charter flights that gave airlines some profit from supersonic flights, while regular flights were more like a tribute to prestige, and in the financial sense brought only losses. Since the Concordes were the flagships of the fleets of both companies, and tickets for them were more expensive than for other types airliners, airlines tried to provide the passengers of supersonic aircraft with the maximum level of comfort, and in this sense, the Concordes had few rivals. Despite the high cost of tickets, the reputation of Concorde among passengers was very high, businessmen and all kinds of celebrities especially fell in love with flying on them. Initially, only stewards worked on Concordes, but later flights began to be served by stewardesses, and the competition among them was very high, and the best stewardesses of both airlines worked on Concordes. Concordes, like probably no other type of passenger aircraft, had a mass passionate fans who, even if they could not afford to fly on their favorite airliner, specially came to London, Paris and New York in order to admire the spectacle of a supersonic aircraft taking off or landing.

Concorde disaster in Paris on July 25, 2000

July 25 2000 in Paris, while taking off from Charles de Gaulle airport, an Air France Concorde F-BTSC crashed while flying Paris - New York. The main cause of the disaster was a collision with a metal part of another aircraft, which was on the runway, part of the tire of the tire that burst at the same time pierced the fuel tank of the aircraft, and the spilled fuel caught fire, hitting the afterburners of the engines. And also part of the wheel tire damaged the wires responsible for the release of the landing gear, which were not removed during takeoff, and with this the bare wires gave a spark, so the fuel flared up. The ensuing fire led to the failure of the engines of the plane, which did not have time to gain speed, and to the subsequent fall on the restaurant of a small hotel a few kilometers from the airport. All on board - 100 passengers and 9 crew members - died. Also, 4 people died among the visitors of the restaurant.


After the disaster in Paris, the Concorde flights were suspended. However, the very next day, July 26, 2000, BA management decided to continue operating their aircraft, AF flights were not resumed. On August 16, the airworthiness certificate of the Concordes was revoked, and flights were completely suspended, with the exception of the flight without passengers F-BVFC from New York, where it was caught by the revocation of the certificate, to Paris. Over the next year, work was carried out to modify the fleet and On September 5, 2001, more than a year after the revocation, the airworthiness certificate was reinstated. Regular passenger traffic resumed only on November 7, with a G-BOAE flight from London to New York. After the resumption of services, a series of incidents followed, the most notable of which were the failure of one of the rudder sections on November 27, 2002 on G-BOAC, and a fuel leak that caused an engine shutdown on February 18, 2003 on F-BTSD. On April 10, 2003, British Airways and Air France has announced its decision to cease commercial operation of its Conchord fleet. The last flights took place on 24 October. The last flight of the Concorde took place on November 26, 2003, the G-BOAF (the last aircraft built) took off from Heathrow, flew over the Bay of Biscay, made a pass over Bristol, and landed at Filton Airport.

"Concords" today

By 2003, 8 Concordes were in operation. All built aircraft, except for No. 211, cannibalized in 1982 and dismantled in 1994, and crashed in 2000 in Paris No. 203, are preserved in various museums and expositions.
ration number
FlyingFlight hoursCurrent location
The firstLast
001 F-WTSS 2nd of March 1969 October 19 1973 812 Aerospace Museum, Le Bourget, France
002 G-BSST April 9 1969 March 4 1976 836 Fleet Air Arm Museum, Yeovilton, UK
101 G-AXDN December 17 1971 August 20 1977 632 Imperial War Museum, Duxford, UK
102 F-WTSA January 10 1973 May 20 1976 656 Delta Museum, Orly Airport, Paris, France
201 F-WTSB December 6 1973 April 19 1985 909 Airbus, Toulouse, France
202 G-BBDG December 13th 1974 December 24 1981 1282 Brookland Museum, Weybridge, UK
203 F-BTSC January 31 1975 July 25 2000 11 989 Crashed in Paris in 2000
204 G-BOAC February 27 1975 October 31 2003 22 260 Manchester Airport, UK. This Concorde was the first delivered by British Airways, and the airline's flagship.
205 F-BVFA 27th October 1976 12 June 2003 17 824 Smithsonian National Aerospace Museum, near Washington DC, USA
206 G-BOAA November 5 1975 12th of August 2000 22 768 National Museum of Flight, East Lothian, Scotland, UK
207 F-BVFB March, 6 1976 June 24 2003 14 771 Sinsheim Auto & Technik Museum, Germany
208 G-BOAB May 18 1976 August 15 2000 22 296 Heathrow Airport, London, UK
209 F-BVFC July 9 1976 27th of June 2003 14 332 Airbus, Toulouse, France
210 G-BOAD 25-th of August 1976 10th of November 2003 23 397 Intrepid Sea-Air-Space Museum, New York, USA
211 F-BVFD February 10 1977 May 27 1982 5814 Launched for parts in 1982 and dismantled in 1994
212 G-BOAE March 17 1977 November 17 2003 23 376 Grantley Adams International Airport, Barbados
213 F-BTSD June 26 1978 June 14 2003 12 974 Aerospace Museum, Le Bourget, France
214 G-BOAG The 21st of April 1978 November 5 2003 16 239 Museum of Flight, Seattle, USA
215 F-BVFF December 26 1978 June 11th 2000 12 421 Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris, France
216 G-BOAF 20 April 1979 November 26 2003 18 257 Filton Airfield, Bristol, UK
Some aircraft spare parts, such as engines, air intakes, landing gear, are on display in various museums around the world.


A group of volunteers is maintaining one of the Concordes (F-BTSD) in airworthy condition at the Aerospace Museum at Le Bourget, with plans to take the aircraft into the air in 2010. The G-BBDG has been restored to show condition from almost one hull at the Brookland Museum.


  • Crew: 3 people (commander, pilot, flight engineer)
  • Passenger capacity:Length: 56.24 (58.83) m
    • in the current layout: 92 (Air France) or 100 (British Airways)
    • maximum permitted: 128
  • Wingspan: 25.57 m
  • Height: 12.19 (11.58) m
  • Wing area: 358.6 m?
  • Wing aspect ratio: 1,85
  • Leading edge sweep angle: 60° to 80°
  • Empty weight: 78 700 kg
  • Maximum takeoff weight: 187,700 kg
  • Payload mass: 12,000 kg
  • Fuel weight: 95 680 kg
  • Engines: four? TRDF Rolls-Royce / SNECMA "Olympus" 593
    • Thrust, maximum: 140 kN
    • Afterburner thrust: 169 kN
    • Fuel consumption: 25 t/h (at maximum payload)

Flight characteristics

  • Max speed: 2330 km/h (2.2 M)
  • Cruising speed: 2150 km/h (2.02 M)
  • Practical range: 6470 km (with a load of 8845 kg at M = 2.05 at an altitude of 16,000 m)
  • ferry range: 7250 km
  • practical ceiling: 18 300 m
  • rate of climb: 25.41 m/s
  • thrust-weight ratio: 0,373
  • Aerodynamic quality:Maximum bow temperature: 127°C
    • at low speed: 3.94
    • at M = 0.94: 11.47
    • at M = 2.04: 7.14

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The meaning of the word concord

concord in the crossword dictionary

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


supersonic passenger (up to 150 seats) aircraft manufactured by BAC (Great Britain) and Aerospatiale (France). First flight in 1969. 20 aircraft produced. Takeoff weight 175 tons, speed 2200-2500 km/h.

Concord (disambiguation)

Word concord comes from the name of the ancient Roman goddess Concordia, the goddess of harmony and mutual understanding:

Concord (New Hampshire)

Concord- a city in the northeastern United States, the administrative center of the state of New Hampshire and Merrimack County. Population - 42.7 thousand people (2010).

Concord (Massachusetts)

Concord- an American city in Massachusetts, on the river of the same name, 32 km northwest of Boston. Population - 17 thousand 668 inhabitants (2010).

Concord (music)

Concord in the system of old-fashioned harmony. The term was proposed by Yu. N. Kholopov and developed for the first time in the studies of his student S. N. Lebedev. The term "concord" indicates only the number of sounds of different pitches in a sound combination (more than 2). Therefore, he does not duplicate the well-known term "consonance", which is equally applicable to intervals and polyphonies.

Concord (Arkansas)

Concord- a city located in Cliburn County (Arkansas, USA) with a population of 255 people according to 2008 census statistics.

Concord (California)

Concord- the largest city in Contra Costa County, California, USA, and the 46th largest in all of California according to the 2010 census. The total population is 122,067 inhabitants.

Founded in 1869 as a community of Todos Santos Salvio Pacheco. The city is located 50 km northeast of San Francisco. For the past forty years, Concord has been primarily a bedroom community for the cities of San Francisco and Oakland, but recently, thanks to Chevron and Bank of America, the number of jobs in the city has increased.

Born in California Concorde:

  • Tom Hanks is a famous actor.
  • Mark Hamill is a famous actor.
  • Dave Brubeck is an American jazz composer, arranger and pianist.

Concord (vocal ensemble)

Vocal Ensemble "Concorde"- Ukrainian vocal sextet, founded in 2006. The group's repertoire includes processing of Ukrainian folk and pop songs, ancient music (Ukrainian motets of the 17th-18th centuries), sacred music, jazz compositions, foreign pop hits. Most of the repertoire is performed unaccompanied, a capella. "Concord" is a cocktail in which classical, jazz, pop, folk, reggae and other musical styles are mixed in original proportions and seasoned with sharp rhythm and improvisation.

The team took part in music festivals in Ukraine and abroad:

  • 16th international festival "Bach-fest" (Sumy, 2011),
  • A Capella Vocal Music Festival "4th International A CAPELLA Contest" (Leipzig, 2010)
  • Ethnofestival "Tripil'ske Kolo" (2010)
  • 11th festival of classical and chamber music "Polesskaya Rhapsody" (Shostka, 2010)
  • Ethnofestival "Svirzh 2009" (Lviv region, Svirzh, 2009)
  • "Christmas in a Volyn family" (Lutsk, 2009).

The ensemble has also participated in various media projects and TV shows:

  • "From a boy to a lady" (2011)
  • "Ukraine has talent" (2010)
  • "Classic on Fridays"
  • I. Sirenko's author's project "Musical journalism in M. Bulgakov's house".

In 2007, collaborating with the Department of Ancient Music of the National Music Academy of Ukraine named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky, the ensemble "Concorde" participated in the reconstruction of manuscripts of the 17th-18th centuries and for the first time performed several partes motets from the Kyiv musical collection.

Concord (river)

Concord- a tributary of the Merrimack River in eastern Massachusetts in the United States. This is one of the most famous small rivers in American history, it was the site of an important battle of the American Revolutionary War, and the river is also written about in the book of the 19th century writer Henry David Thoreau.

Concord (North Carolina)

Concord is a city in North Carolina, United States. As of the 2010 census, the population is 79,066. Concord is the county seat and largest city of Cabarrus County. In terms of population, Concord is the second largest city in the Charlotte metropolitan area and the twelfth largest city in North Carolina.

Examples of the use of the word concord in the literature.

I have a request for you: call Dr. Ash Davis and Mrs. Davis and, perhaps, Miss Sophie Concord and let me treat you all to lunch at a diner I spotted nearby.

Ctaadn and Wahusett, Cape Cod, to Canada, the forests of Maine, along the rivers Concord and Merrimack, and finally over Walden Pond and its environs.

Three years later, he and three other businessmen financed the construction of shopping malls on the outskirts of Concorde, the state capital, where he now sat as plenipotentiary for the third constituency.

He settled on the banks of Walden Pond, half a mile from Concorde, in a self-built log cabin and lived in the forest for two years, organizing something like subsistence farming.

See you at Concorde he said over Angela's shoulder as he left the stable.

Returning to America, he settled in Concorde and devoted himself to lecturing and writing.

They made a few stops for lunch - at Epson, Concorde and Warner.

He, you see, in the spring on trotting trials on Concorde set a record, and the day before yesterday in the third race.

Concorde is a passenger, long-range supersonic aircraft of joint Anglo-French production (BAC-SNIAS consortium), one of two (together with the Tu-144) types of supersonic aircraft that were in commercial operation.

In the mid-1950s, the British firm Bristol (in 1960 became part of the BAC corporation) and the French Sud Aviation (SNCASE) began independent research on the creation of a supersonic passenger aircraft. These works, carried out in France under the project

The Super Caravel showed that the cost of developing such an aircraft, large enough to carry an economically viable payload by air, was beyond the financial means of any single Western aviation firm.

On October 26, 1962, the French and British governments signed a financial and economic agreement on the joint creation of the Concorde supersonic passenger aircraft.

The day before, an agreement was signed between the British company BAC and the French SNCASE, from which it followed that the British take on two-thirds of the work on propulsion systems, and the French about sixty percent of all work on the airframe and its systems. At the same time, the firms assumed obligations to organize and coordinate the work of dozens of French and British firms that will take part in the program.

The first experimental aircraft "Concorde" 001, built in France, made its first flight on March 2, 1969, giving way to the Soviet Tu-144 aircraft, which first flew on December 31, 1968. The British Concorde 002 took off in Bristol on April 9. The Concorde's maiden flight was an achievement in itself, as its American rival, the Boeing 2707-300, was left in the mock-up stage despite huge financial outlays.
Following these two prototypes, two pre-production Concordes and two for static and fatigue tests were built.

Then, on December 6, 1973, the first production aircraft took off from the French factory in Toulouse. He and the next three Concordes flew in arctic and tropical conditions to evaluate their flight and operational performance. One of them made a flight across the North Atlantic and back
in one day on September 1, 1975

For the Concorde, a "tailless" aerodynamic configuration with a low-lying triangular ogive wing was chosen. The aircraft is optimized for long-term cruising at supersonic speeds. The main structural material was
aluminum alloy RR58. In addition, steel, titanium, nickel alloys were used in the design of the aircraft. One of the main features of the Concorde was a delta wing with a sweep angle continuously changing in span: from a very large one at the root (75-85 °) to medium values ​​\u200b\u200bin the terminal part (50-65 °), which was called "ogival".

To test such a wing in real flight conditions, it was decided, in addition to testing in wind tunnels, to build an analogue aircraft. The single-seat experimental aircraft BAC-221 from British Aircraft became such a flying model. It had a narrower range of studied speeds than the Concorde - from landing to 1700 km / h, but
tests started in May 1964 dragged on. The use of the "animal" wing reduced the shift in the aerodynamic focus when overcoming the "sound barrier", but to maintain the equilibrium state of the aircraft at that moment, the fuel was pumped into special centering tanks.

The most interesting results in the process of creating the Concorde were obtained during the fatigue-thermal tests of its airframe, carried out in Toulouse in France and Farnborough in England. According to flight tests, it was known that the toe of the Concorde wing could heat up to 135 ° C with a temperature difference of up to 145 ° C per cycle of 15 minutes. In this case, the overload could vary from +2.5 to -1.0. In Toulouse, these tests were started in 1972 in a heat chamber with 35,000 quartz heaters with a total power of 30,000 kW. Controlled heating reproduced the flight thermal loading conditions. At the same time, the airframe of the aircraft was loaded mechanically by means of power exciters through a lever suspension system. These tests and improvements allowed the firms to designate a technical life for the airframe of 45,000 flight hours, which meant 12 to 15 years of operational life for the aircraft.

An important feature of the Concorde was the use of the main electrical system
aircraft control. Rigid mechanical connection remained in reserve. This decision was a novelty for civil aviation aircraft.
To improve the reliability of the systems, Concorde had three hydraulic systems: two main and one emergency. These systems ensured the operation of power steering surfaces, landing gear extension and retraction, control of the front wheels when maneuvering on the ground, moving the front of the fuselage up or down, fuel pumps of the aircraft balancing system and regulation of the input and output devices of the engines.

Since flying at supersonic speeds required an increased fuel consumption compared to subsonic aircraft, 119,786 liters of fuel were placed in the wing and fuselage of the Concorde aircraft in 17 tanks. Just like the Tu-144 glider, the Concorde glider was assembled from milled panels.

The Concorde glider, although it has a flight resource of 45,000 hours (15,000 more than that of the Tu-144), is designed for small overloads (+2.5 - 1) and this imposes serious restrictions on the ability to maneuver during descent and landing . In general, in terms of technical characteristics, the Concorde is almost as good as the Tu-144, which weighed 10,000 kg more. Another problem - poor visibility from the cockpit during takeoff and landing modes was solved by deflecting the nose of the fuselage down by 12.5 °.

The Concorde pressurized cabin occupies about 85% of the total fuselage volume. There are two passenger compartments in the cockpit, front and rear, the rear compartment is slightly longer than the front one. The maximum width of the cabins is about 260 cm, which roughly corresponded to the width of the cabins of the most popular passenger liners, modern Concorde, such as the Boeing 707.

The arrangement of passenger seats according to the 2 + 2 scheme, with one central aisle. The maximum number of passengers that the Concorde was certified to carry was 128, but in reality this cabin configuration was never used. The manufactured Concords had one-class layout cabins for 108 people, subsequently the cabins were modernized several times by airlines. At the time of decommissioning, British Airways Concordes had a two-class cabin layout with 100 seats, while Air France Concordes had a two-class cabin layout with 92 seats.

In front of the pressurized cabin, directly behind the cockpit and equipment compartments, there is a vestibule of the main entrance; a compartment with a small wardrobe and a toilet separates it from the front cabin. Between the salons there is a vestibule of the second entrance, as well as two more toilets located on the sides of the cabin.

The rear part of the cabin is occupied by a compartment with a kitchen unit, which also serves as an emergency exit vestibule. Since the middle exit led to the wing of the aircraft, the front exit was used for boarding and disembarking passengers.

To prepare for scheduled commercial flights, 5 and 6 production aircraft were transferred to British Airways and Air France.
On January 21, 1976, these two Concorde aircraft began to operate regular passenger flights Paris - Rio de Janeiro and London - Bahrain.
Despite protests from pollution fighters on both sides of the Atlantic, on May 24, 1976, both airlines began flying to Dulles International Airport in Washington, USA. But the future of Concord remained uncertain.

The calculations of scientists have shown that only one year of operation of 500 supersonic aircraft of the Concorde type in the region of the ozone layer heights (20-25 km) will lead to irreversible processes,

fraught with the death of the planet's biosphere. Among the operational shortcomings of this type of aircraft, one should also include the limitation of flights at supersonic speeds: a powerful acoustic shock that occurs during supersonic flight is considered unacceptable for populated areas.

The Olimp 593-1 turbofans had a higher noise level than even the NK-144s installed on the Tu-144. This circumstance led to the fact that a number of countries, and primarily the United States and Japan, banned the flights of Concorde aircraft over their territory. And if initially 16 airlines ordered 74 Concordes, then in March 1973 they canceled their orders. This was also caused by the high cost of aircraft and their operation.
In just 9 years, 16 (18) Concorde aircraft were built. Of these, initially 5 aircraft were in operation with the British company British Airways and 4 aircraft with the French Air France, then another 7 were delivered.

However, on October 17, 1977, the US Supreme Court lifted the New York Airport authorities' ban on Concorde flights, thus resolving many of the problems. Commercial flights between New York and London began in late 1977, from January 1978 they became daily. In December 1977, British Airways and Singapore Airlines operated the Concorde on the London-Singapore route. There were also flights to Caracas, Rio de Janeiro and Dakar.

During the first years, the cost of operating the Concorde was borne mainly by the governments of France and Great Britain. This was done for the reason that the unprofitability of aircraft was quickly revealed due to high fuel costs (and an energy crisis erupted in the 1970s) and maintenance, as well as due to the high cost of tickets. As a result, the aircraft load factor dropped to 0.4, and the airlines were eventually forced to stop flying to South America, Africa and Asia.

Most of the routes began to run in the United States.

A whole series of modifications followed. Engines have been improved, which has reduced noise levels and increased their efficiency.
To reduce the impact of nitrogen oxides, which destroy the ozone layer of the atmosphere, the Concorde's operating altitude ranges were reduced and the requirements for exhaust gas purity were increased, which was achieved by reducing the compression ratio of engine compressors. The aerodynamics of the aircraft was improved, the passenger cabin was improved.

And in the early 1980s, the operation of Concorde began to make a profit.

In 1983, the airline Air France, it amounted to 3.1 million dollars, in the next - already 6.3 million. Growth in profits was observed in subsequent years. Thus, the British airline British Airways, starting from 1983, began to receive an average of 12-15 million dollars annually. Ten years after the start of operation, Air France and British Airways summed up some "anniversary" results. They were quite impressive. For example, Air France aircraft carried 620,000 passengers in ten years, covered a distance of almost 70 million km and flew 45,000 hours. British Airways carried over 800,000 passengers in a decade.

The aircraft is currently out of service due to a crash on July 25, 2000. On April 10, 2003, British Airways and Air France announced their decision to cease commercial operation of their fleet of Conchords. The last flights took place on 24 October. The last flight of the Concorde took place on November 26, 2003, the G-BOAF (the last aircraft built) took off from Heathrow, flew over the Bay of Biscay, made a pass over Bristol, and landed at Filton Airport.

Flight performance:

Crew - 3 people (commander, pilot, flight engineer)

Passenger capacity:
in the current layout - 92 (Air France) or 100 (British Airways)
maximum allowed - 128

Length - 56.24 (58.83) m
Wingspan - 25.57 m
Height - 12.19 (11.58) m
Wing area - 358.6 m²
Wing aspect ratio - 1.85
Sweep angle along the leading edge - from 60° to 80°

Empty weight - 78,700 kg
Maximum takeoff weight - 187 700 kg
Payload weight - 12,000 kg
Fuel mass - 95 680 kg
Engines - 4 × Rolls-Royce / SNECMA "Olimpus" 593 turbofan engines
Thrust maximum - 140 kN
Afterburner thrust - 169 kN
Fuel consumption - 25 t / h (at maximum payload)

Flight characteristics:
Maximum speed - 2,330 km / h (2.2 M)
Cruising speed - 2,150 km / h (2.02 M)
Practical range - 6,470 km (with a load of 8,845 kg at M = 2.05 at an altitude of 16,000 m)
Ferry range - 7,250 km
Practical ceiling - 18 300 m
Rate of climb - 25.41 m / s
Thrust-weight ratio - 0.373
Aerodynamic quality:
at low speed - 3.94
at M = 0.94 - 11.47
at M = 2.04 - 7.14
Maximum bow temperature - 127 °C

On July 25, 2000, the Concorde passenger supersonic transatlantic liner, designed jointly by France and Great Britain, crashed.

For 20 years of operation of the Concord liners (from 1976 to 1996), 3.7 million passengers were transported with a flight time of 200 thousand hours. Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II, Queen Mother Elizabeth, musicians Paul McCartney and Mick Jagger, actors, sportsmen, politicians flew Conchords. In operation, the liners were considered reliable machines.

The Concorde's first and only crash occurred on July 25, 2000, shortly after takeoff from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport. The commission investigating the causes of the Concorde disaster concluded that the cause of the tragedy was a part of the American Douglas DC-10 Airbus that had taken off from the same runway in front of the Concorde. Experts found that a sharp piece of metal, found during a thorough inspection of the runway, pierced the tire of a French aircraft, which led to its explosion and engine fire.

During the takeoff of the liner, kerosene flowing from a punctured tank flared up from the afterburner jet of the engine. As a result, the engine closest to the fire site overheated and failed. The crew commander of the liner tried to disperse the plane on three engines and land it on the runway of the nearest Le Bourget airport, but the second engine on the damaged wing failed.

The plane, engulfed in flames, lost speed, slowly rolled over over the right wing and crashed into the restaurant of the small hotel "Hotelissimo", located on the outskirts of Paris, Gonesse. A black mushroom-shaped cloud of smoke shot up to a height of three hundred meters.

At the last moment, the pilots still managed to turn away from Goness's houses, but they could no longer reach the deserted field. 113 people died: all who were on board - 100 passengers and nine crew members, as well as four hotel guests. Another 12 people on the ground were injured.

The fire was extinguished only after an hour and a half. Almost nothing remains of the plane. The restaurant, on which the Concorde fell, also burned out completely. The relatively small number of victims on earth was explained by the fact that at the time of the disaster there were few visitors to the restaurant.

After this incident, the operation of the liners was suspended to study the causes of the accident and technical modernization.

In 2001, the modernized Concorde resumed flights, but the 2000 disaster significantly reduced the profitability of flights. Airlines have failed to regain their former confidence in the liner, which was previously considered the most reliable in the world.

In addition, among the operational disadvantages of aircraft of this type is a high level of noise and fuel consumption. When flying at supersonic speeds, a powerful acoustic shock occurs at the moment the aircraft overcomes the speed of sound, which is considered unacceptable for populated areas.

Due to the increase in the cost of maintenance and the decrease in passenger traffic in 2003, the operation of the aircraft was discontinued.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

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