Quotes from Vasily Shukshin about achieving a certain depth. Quotes

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Here is another revelation: “There is no happiness in the world, but there is peace and will.”

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Kind, kind... This medal is worn through one person. Good is a good deed, it is difficult, it is not easy. Do not boast of kindness, do not even do evil!

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If someone said good and truthful words and was not heard, it means that he did not say them.

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To feel sorry... Should you feel sorry or should you not feel sorry - that’s how fake people pose the question. You still find the strength to regret. Weak, but feigned, invents what needs to be respected. To pity also means to respect, but even more.

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Life seems to me to be an endless gelatinous mass - a warm jelly, permeated with billions of blood intertwinements, nerve veins... Constantly shuddering, pulsating, swaying. If an artist tears out a piece of this mass and blinds a little man, the little man will be dead: all the veins and umbilical cords will be torn, the nerve endings will shrink and get stuck. But if you plunge everything into this life-giving mass, you will immediately begin, along with it, to tremble, pulsate, swell and turn over. And you will die there.

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Why does a person spare no effort, no money, no health? For pleasure. Only in his youth is he ready to give up his health for this, in his old age is he ready to give up pleasures for his health.

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Truly great people are defined, among other things, by the fact that they tolerate dissidents around them. Hitler and Stalin do not go there under this article.

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The learned phrase suits a dull face: “Complete lack of information.”

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When we feel bad, we think: “But somewhere, someone is feeling good.” When we feel good, we rarely think: “Someone somewhere is feeling bad.”

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A critical attitude towards oneself is what makes a person truly smart. It’s the same in art and literature: if you acknowledge your share honestly, it will make sense.

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A cultured person... This is someone who is able to sympathize. This is a bitter, painful talent.

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We should not forget about our souls, we should be a little kinder, we, with our speeds, would not forget that we are people.

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There never comes, there should never come a time when you have to give up and say that nothing can be done about it. It can ALWAYS be done.

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I don’t remember which of the greats said: on tombstones it is necessary to write not who a person was, but who he could have been.

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It is not old age itself that is respected, but the life lived. If she was.

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Incomprehensible, wild, strange reasons encourage people to hide the truth... And that’s why they, people, are dearer when they don’t pretend, don’t invent themselves, don’t crawl away from the truth, don’t dodge all their lives. I'm fascinated by people like that. They make me happy.

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It’s one thing to live and fight when there is somewhere to return, it’s another thing when there is nowhere to retreat.

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Nowhere else have I seen such clear, simple, complete expediency as in the home of my grandfather, a peasant, such natural, truthful, essentially kind relationships between people there.

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A Russian person is helped in many ways by the awareness of this: there is still somewhere to retreat, there is somewhere to catch your breath, to gather your courage.

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The most observant people are children. Then there are the artists.

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Laughter is pink foam on the tears of life.

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The older generation shares their experience with the younger... Yes, but don’t be timid to share!

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You still find the strength to regret. Weak, but feigned, invents what needs to be respected. To pity also means to respect, but even more.

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You are happy when you are brave and right.

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Believe that everything was not in vain: our songs, our fairy tales, our incredible victories, our suffering - do not give all this for a sniff of tobacco. We knew how to live. Remember this. Be human.

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Depress yourself to the point of genius.

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The person who gives wants to experience joy. Under no circumstances should this joy be taken away from him.

About literature and art

They say when they want to praise: “A writer knows life.” Lord, who doesn’t know her! Everyone knows her. Everyone knows, and therefore they distinguish between good and bad writers. But only because: talented and less talented. Or completely mediocrity. And not because he doesn’t know life. Everybody knows.

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We must respect the comma. The conjunction “and” detracts from what follows. The reader is accustomed to the fact that “and” only slightly enhances what he knows before the conjunction. He stumbles over a comma... and is ready to perceive what follows with renewed attention. “It was cloudy and uncomfortable.” “It was cloudy and uncomfortable.”

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Thousands must try to write for one to become a writer.

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I know when I write well: when I write and, as if with a pen, I pull out the living voices of people from the paper.

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Don’t touch the army, don’t touch the police, don’t touch the party apparatus, don’t touch officials of ministerial rank... Well, I won’t be a peasant myself. In Russia everyone is good!

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In our society, the communist-revolutionary was defeated by the official-hook.

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There is a constant desire to turn literature into sports: who is shorter? Who is longer? Who is easier? Who is more difficult? Who is braver? And literature is TRUTH. Revelation. And here it makes absolutely no difference - who is brave, who is complex, who is “epic”... There is truth - there is literature. Craft is important to the extent that it is important whether the samovar is polished or dull. There would be tea. The samovar would not be bad.

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60 lines of magazine text are almost part of the film.

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Everything convenient interferes with art.

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Listen - art! Art - so to speak, to be understood. They silently understood and silently said “thank you.”

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They say: a writer must experience life as fully as a sponge becomes saturated with water. In this case, our classics had to shout at a certain time in their lives: “Squeeze me!”

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Grammatical errors in beautiful handwriting are like lice in a nylon shirt.

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Yes, there is no literature. It’s scary to even say, but we live!

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Yes, we are facing danger. But only - in military affairs we arm ourselves, in art, in literature - we quickly disarm.

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There is truth - there is literature.

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We are not thinkers, our salaries are not the same!

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Every real writer, of course, a psychologist, but a patient himself.

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Everything in the story needs to be clear, and even more.

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The truth is always laconic. Lies - yes.

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The narrator writes one big novel all his life. And they evaluate it later, when the novel is finished and the author has died.

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The greatest words in Russian poetry: “Arise, prophet, and see, and heed... Burn the hearts of people with the verb!”

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Now I’ll say it beautifully: if you want to be a master, dip your pen in the truth. You won't be surprised by anything else.

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For more than a hundred years our titans have pulled the burden of Russian literature. And suddenly the rope broke; the barge was carried back. How much strength is needed now to stop it, fight the current and start pulling it again. How many heroes will it take! It’s good if the barge doesn’t get completely smashed on the rocks.

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I am looking for a hero of our time and, it seems, I have found him; the hero of our time is a demagogue.

About the society

East and West: When you have Day, we have Night. Just don’t forget that a new day comes to us earlier and night comes earlier.

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In three cases, I especially clearly understand that I am wasting my time:

1. When I stand in line.

2. When I read someone's mediocre manuscript.

3. When I sit in a meeting.

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Both your prosecutor and everyone who is seriously involved in economics know very well that they are stealing. Moreover, a certain percentage, it seems fifteen percent, of the state budget is allocated specifically for theft. ("Energetic People")

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Lies, lies, lies... Lies for salvation, lies for atonement for guilt, lies for achieving a goal, lies for a career, well-being, orders, apartment... Lies! All of Russia was covered with lies like a scab.

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We must say quite calmly—without swagger and arrogance—that Russia has its own path. The path is difficult, tragic, but not hopeless in the end. We have nothing to be proud of yet.

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We must not be discouraged! — the pig grunted, laying down in a puddle.

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The stupidity of a ruler is not scary, for he is always divinely stupid if he knows no other joy than politicking and deception. It's scary that people tolerate this.

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No mind, no truth, no real power, not a single living idea!.. But with what help do they rule us? There is only one explanation left - through our own stupidity. This is where our art needs to beat and beat.

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Try to retell any story without any attitude - it won’t work. And if it comes out without an attitude, it will also be an attitude... some kind of “indifferent realism.”

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Why shame on those who imitate? No, glory to those who are imitated - they worked for the future.

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The era of the great offensive of the burghers. And in the forefront of this terrible army are women. It's sad, but true.

About Me

In all the reviews there is only: “Shukshin loves his heroes... Shukshin describes his heroes with love...” What am I, an idiot, or what, loving everyone?! Or blessed? They don't want to think about it, devils. Or they don’t know how. Both, probably.

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I view my entire life as a three-round battle: youth, maturity, old age. Two of these rounds must be won. I've already lost one.

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Look how much good people all around. You just have to live. You just need to live smart. I've seen a lot throughout my time. My soul grieves. But she remembers everything. Give it time, my friend, everything will be fine.

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Yes, I would like to laugh and hate, and that’s what I do. But I judge by a high, heavenly court - the so-called simple, average, normal positive person I'm not happy with it. Sickening. Boring.

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I can't live in the village. But I love being there—it burns my heart.

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I just can’t be indifferent to the crowd. And it’s hard to command it - there are people there. There - look closely - people! What are they doing?!! And apparently, I will never refuse to look them in the eye.

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Never, not once in my life have I allowed myself to live a relaxed, lounging life. Always tense and collected. Both good and bad. Good - I didn’t allow myself to be knocked down; it’s bad - I start to twitch, I sleep with my fists clenched... This can end badly, I can crack from tension.

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Light. The sun... And somehow this square yellow fire suddenly flashed in his mind - spring! The desired, sweet spring is just around the corner. He flew down the street, crunched the ice, thought about God knows what, and didn’t notice that it was spring.

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Those whom I help in one way or another don’t even suspect how much they help me.

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I am a son, I am a brother, I am a father... My heart has grown like meat to life. It’s hard, it hurts to leave.

Quotes from works

"Alyosha Beskonvoiny"

Here you want all people to live the same... Two logs burn differently, but you want people to live the same!


The weirdo hurried to get off the porch... And then he didn’t know what to do. Again he felt pain. When they hated him, it hurt him a lot. And scary.

It seemed: well, that’s it now, why live? And I wanted to go somewhere away from people who hate him or laugh at him.


What you are, such is your soul.

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It even seemed to him that it was easier to live with the vile ones. You can hate them - it's easier. But with the good ones it’s difficult, it’s somehow embarrassing.

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They sat with their elbows leaning on the table, forehead against forehead, gloomy, similar friend alike and not similar. The elder Lyubavin's facial features were forever hardened into an unchanging stern mask. Only deep in the eyes can one barely notice a faint reflection of the feelings that tormented this big shaggy man. The young man has everything on his face: grief, joy, and anger. And the face is painfully beautiful - tender and brutal. However, for all his terrible motherhood, the father was inferior to the son, the son was stronger than the father. One thing united them, no doubt: people of this breed do not bend, but immediately break when they are overcome by another force.

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Something remains in us from our homeland, something that lives in us all our lives, sometimes delighting, sometimes tormenting, and it always seems that we will see it, our homeland, someday again.

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Oh, what deep, pure, miraculous beauty this is - a Russian song, and even when they feel it, they understand it. Everything is in it: our special cunning - kindly, and our silent sadness, and our genuine simplicity, and our clumsy, trusting love, and our strength - sometimes angry, sometimes kind... And great patience, and weakness, fortitude - everything .

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He loved to sit by the window at a table on the train... and look at the villages, villages, fields, forests, copses passing by... There is an inexplicable pleasure in this. A feeling of a certain solidity on earth of everything that exists is born. Especially when where you are coming from, everything remains in good condition - both business and relationships with people; and when where you are going, everything should also be fine.

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Life now seemed confusing, complex - a jumble of random circumstances. And human fate is a thin thread stretched through this chaos of various unforeseen circumstances. Where is the confidence that any of these harsh circumstances will not affect acute angle this thread and will not break it at the most inopportune moment?


A wedding is not a sign of quality. This is just a symbol, but not a guarantee. Strength family life is not calculated by the number of bottles drunk.


Long live death! If we are not able to comprehend it, then death allows us to understand that life is beautiful.

“I believe!”

In general, there is a lot of fairness in life. Here they regret: Yesenin did not live long. Exactly - as long as a song. If this song were longer, it wouldn't be so poignant. Long songs can not be.

"Incident at the Restaurant"

If you see a person needs help, take it and help. Do not ask.

“Call me into the bright distance”

- What is this?

- Chance. He called it a trench. Once he searched and searched, and it seemed to him that someone called from the street, stepped from the balcony - and that’s it, he didn’t return.

— Crashed?

- Well, from the ninth floor... He’s not a dove of peace. While flying, I actually managed to shout: “Hey, what are you doing?!”


One scientist lived in our apartment - he was so smart, so smart, so kind, but he always forgot to button his fly.


“Yermolai squinted and, hitting the knots with the plane, out of habit, affectionately swore.”

"Red viburnum"

Don't worry about him so much! He was never a man! He was a man. And you know, there are a lot of men in Rus'.

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Sometimes I am fantastically rich, Lyuba. It's a pity that you didn't meet me at this time. You should see that I completely despise this stinking money.

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You should work as an opera operator, father. There would be no price for you. Didn’t you serve Kolchak in your younger years? No? In counterintelligence? Only honestly. Well, why are we so embarrassed right away? During difficult years, did you steal spikelets from the collective farm fields? Come on, in my eyes, in my eyes, in my eyes!

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People exert all their strength, people literally fall from the tension, people even begin to tense up from the tension, become covered with wrinkles in the far north and are forced to insert gold teeth into themselves... How could it be otherwise?! Need to! But at the same time there are people who, of all the achievements of mankind, have chosen the stove for themselves! That's how! Nice, nice!

I don’t remember which of the greats said: on tombstones it is necessary to write not who a person was, but who he could have been. V. Shukshin

Vasily Makarovich Shukshin needs no introduction. More than one generation grew up reading his books and films, and his words and thoughts in every episode, in every paragraph are accurate and insightful. A talented director, actor and writer with a Russian soul and heart. Perhaps Shukshin’s most important talent is to talk about our lives, to play roles that reveal the essence of our people. Disclose inner world the incomprehensible Russian soul - was a special gift from Vasily Makarovich.

Vasily Makarovich died too early - at the age of 45. For heart failure. On October 2, 1974, Vasily Makarovich Shukshin died suddenly during the filming of the film “They Fought for the Motherland” on the ship “Danube”.

The life path of brilliant people is almost always short. But the memory of a person is not written with chalk on the asphalt, or on school blackboard- it cannot be erased...

Wonderful words are dedicated to Vasily Shukshin by academician and professor A. A. Korolkov. These lines say everything and there is nothing to add:

“Vasily Shukshin stopped the disastrous process of losing the national face of Russia in culture and became the protagonist of a new Renaissance of Russian spirituality. A superficial attitude towards Shukshin's work highlighted the appearance - the confrontation between city and countryside, intelligentsia and people. All layers of society felt Shukshin as their own; they read him, watched him in films, joyfully recognizing his own Russian soul that had been revealed. Shukshin cannot become obsolete, because even with the final disappearance of the living beating of Russian culture, interest in the spiritual continent called Russia will not disappear, and Shukshin is pulsating with word and feeling alive soul Russia. In it, Russia found its self-awareness and sense of well-being in the second half of the 20th century.”

Quotes, thoughts, aphorisms by Vasily Shukshin

“Over the course of its history, the Russian people have selected, preserved, and elevated to the level of respect such human qualities that are not subject to revision: honesty, hard work, conscientiousness, kindness. We have brought out and preserved the great Russian language from all historical catastrophes; it was handed down to us by our grandfathers and fathers.

Believe that everything was not in vain: our songs, our fairy tales, our incredible victories, our suffering - do not give all this for a sniff of tobacco.

We knew how to live. Remember this. Be human."

“This is how you live - forty-five years already - you keep thinking: nothing, someday I will live well, easily. And time goes by... And so you come to this very hole in which you have to lie down - and all your life you have been waiting for something. The question is, what should we have waited for, and not made such joys as we could have done? Here you go: you have money, you have some extraordinary boots lying around - take them and make a person happy! Maybe there won’t be such an opportunity.”

Truly great people are defined, among other things, by the fact that they tolerate dissidents around them. Hitler and Stalin do not go there under this article.

When we feel bad, we think: “But somewhere, someone is feeling good.” When we feel good, we rarely think: “Somewhere, someone is feeling bad.”

It is not old age itself that is respected, but the life lived. If she was.

You are happy when you are brave and right.

The learned phrase suits a dull face: “Complete lack of information.”

And Rus' will still live: dance and cry under the fence...

A critical attitude towards oneself is what makes a person truly smart.

The person who gives wants to experience joy. Under no circumstances should this joy be taken away from him.

We are not thinkers, our salaries are not the same!

Both your prosecutor and everyone who is seriously involved in economics know perfectly well that they are stealing. Moreover, a certain percentage, it seems fifteen percent, of the state budget is allocated specifically for theft.

“We shouldn’t be discouraged!” – the pig grunted, laying down in a puddle.

The era of the great offensive of the burghers. And in the forefront of this terrible army are women. It's sad, but true.

In three cases, I especially clearly understand that I am wasting my time:
1. When I stand in line.
2. When I read someone's mediocre manuscript.
3. When I sit in a meeting.

I am looking for a hero of our time and, it seems, I have found him; the hero of our time is a demagogue.

If someone said good and truthful words and was not heard, it means that he did not say them.

Why shame on those who imitate? No, glory to those who are imitated - they worked for the future.

Every real writer, of course, is a psychologist, but he himself is sick.

Yes, we are facing danger. But only - in military affairs we arm ourselves, in art, in literature - we quickly disarm.

Grammatical errors in beautiful handwriting are like lice in a nylon shirt.

The most observant people are children. Then there are the artists.

Don’t touch the army, don’t touch the police, don’t touch the party apparatus, don’t touch officials of ministerial rank... Well, I won’t be a peasant myself. In Russia, everyone is good!

Yes, there is no literature. It’s scary to even say, but we live!

No mind, no truth, no real power, not a single living idea!.. But with what help do they rule us? There is only one explanation left - with the help of our own stupidity. This is where our art needs to beat and beat.

Unfortunately, we are not always so resourceful in our answers that our souls don’t ache later: I said something wrong here, I was wrong there.

No, when God created woman, he did something like this. The creator got carried away, got carried away. Like any artist, however.

I view my entire life as a three-round battle: youth, maturity, old age. Two of these rounds must be won. I've already lost one.

We should not forget about our souls, we should be a little kinder, we, with our speeds, would not forget that we are people.

There should never come a time when you have to give up and say that nothing can be done about it. It can always be done.

Everything perishes: youth, charm, passions, everything grows old and collapses. A thought does not perish, and a wonderful person is the one who carries it through life.

There is always a desire to turn literature into sports competitions: who is shorter? Who is longer? Who is easier? Who is more difficult? Who is braver? And literature is truth. Revelation.

Nowhere else have I seen such clear, simple, complete expediency as in the home of my grandfather, a peasant, such natural, truthful, essentially kind relationships between people there.

It’s one thing to live and fight when there is somewhere to return, it’s another thing when there is nowhere to retreat.

Both your prosecutor and everyone who is seriously involved in economics know very well that they are stealing.

Never, not once in my life have I allowed myself to live a relaxed, lounging life.

Depress yourself to the point of genius.

A Russian person is helped in many ways by the awareness of this: there is still somewhere to retreat, there is somewhere to catch your breath, to gather your courage.

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Shukshin “Critics” analysis - theme, plot, main idea

Shukshin “Critics” analysis

In the story “Critics” Shukshin invites us to think about the actions that we commit towards loved ones, sometimes they can be cruel and can hurt them. You need to remember your soul and not be callous.

The main idea of ​​V. Shukshin’s story “Critics” is respect for elders, for people who have lived difficult life endured hardships and adversities. Yes, they cannot understand much at the present time, because they continue to live in their era, it is difficult for them to rebuild and adapt to new way, but they worked all their lives, they were tired and deserved the right to peace and respect.

Plot: Grandfather and grandson went to the cinema and discussed its content; the attitude towards the film was different due to the difference in age. Relatives are sitting at the TV at home and also watching some kind of film, the name of which they don’t know, because when they turned on the TV, the film was already playing. Grandfather, like all old people, tries to reason, but they don’t listen to him. He gets offended, drinks alcohol and makes a scandal, he is taken to the police. The grandson cries with pity for his grandfather and injustice.

Main characters:

  • Grandfather Timofey
  • Petya - grandson
  • Petka's father
  • City man - guest
  • City aunt - guest
  • Ermolai Kibyakov - policeman

The main problem of the story– relations between generations, the problem of “fathers and sons”. Another problem is that people do not value or respect their loved ones. We can highlight the problem of old people who feel that they are “out of work” in this life. The problem of relations between city residents and villagers, which is common for Shukshin, is also raised in the story.

87 years ago, on July 25, 1925, Vasily Makarovich Shukshin was born - director, actor, screenwriter, who in every film, in every role, spoke about people, revealing the essence of the human soul.

It's easier to live with mean people. You can hate them - it’s easier. But with the good ones it’s difficult, it’s somehow embarrassing.

The man is a complete idiot. When he gets up in the morning he grumbles, he goes to bed and he grumbles. He is always dissatisfied with everything, grunts, hates everyone. They say character.

It is not old age itself that is respected, but the life lived. If she was.

This is how you live - forty-five years already - you keep thinking: nothing, someday I will live well, easily. And time goes by... And so you come to this very hole in which you have to lie down - and all your life you have been waiting for something. The question is, what should you have waited for, and not made such joys as you could do?

When we feel bad, we think: “But somewhere, someone is feeling good.” When we feel good, we rarely think: “Somewhere, someone is feeling bad.”

The era of the great offensive of the burghers. And in the forefront of this terrible army are women. It's sad, but true.

In general, there is a lot of fairness in life. Here they regret: Yesenin did not live long. Exactly - about the size of a song. If this song were longer, it wouldn't be so poignant. There are no long songs.

It's not a shame to be poor, it's a shame to be cheap!

Lies, lies, lies... Lies - for salvation, lies - for atonement, lies - achieving a goal, lies - career, prosperity, orders, apartment... Lies! All of Russia was covered with lies like a scab.

The strong in this world will know everything: shame, and torment, and self-judgment, and the joy of enemies.

Here you want all people to live the same... Two logs burn differently, but you want people to live the same!

I am looking for a hero of our time and, it seems, I have found him; the hero of our time is a demagogue.

No mind, no truth, no real power, not a single living idea. But with what help do they rule us? There is only one explanation left - with the help of our own stupidity. This is where our art needs to beat and beat.

Every real writer, of course, is a psychologist, but he himself is sick.

The narrator writes one big novel all his life. And they evaluate it later, when the novel is finished and the author has died.

A wonderful actor and writer who left us too early.

1. The man is a complete idiot. When he gets up in the morning he grumbles, he goes to bed and he grumbles. He is always dissatisfied with everything, grunts, hates everyone. They say character.

2. You’ve been living like this - forty-five years already - you keep thinking: nothing, someday I’ll live well, easily. And time goes by... And so you come to this very hole in which you have to lie down - and all your life you have been waiting for something. The question is, what should you have waited for, and not made such joys as you could do?

3. It’s easier to live with mean people. You can hate them - it’s easier. But with the good ones it’s difficult, it’s somehow embarrassing.

4. The narrator writes one big novel all his life. And they evaluate it later, when the novel is finished and the author has died.

5. It is not old age itself that is respected, but the life lived. If she was.

6. No mind, no truth, no real power, not a single living idea. But with what help do they rule us? There is only one explanation left - with the help of our own stupidity. This is where our art needs to beat and beat.

7. When we feel bad, we think: “But somewhere, someone is feeling good.” When we feel good, we rarely think: “Somewhere, someone is feeling bad.”

8. I am looking for a hero of our time and, it seems, I have found him; the hero of our time is a demagogue.

9. The era of the great offensive of the burghers. And in the forefront of this terrible army are women. It's sad, but true.

10. Every real writer, of course, is a psychologist, but he himself is a patient.

11. In general, there is a lot of fairness in life. Here they regret: Yesenin did not live long. Exactly - about the size of a song. If this song were longer, it wouldn't be so poignant. There are no long songs.

12. It’s not a shame to be poor, it’s a shame to be cheap!

13. Lies, lies, lies... Lies - for salvation, lies - for atonement, lies - achieving a goal, lies - career, prosperity, orders, apartment... Lies! All of Russia was covered with lies like a scab.

14. The strong in this world will know everything: shame, and torment, and self-judgment, and the joy of enemies.

15. Here you want all people to live the same... Two logs burn differently, but you want people to live the same!

17. The stupidity of a ruler is not terrible, for he is always divinely stupid if he knows no other joy than politicking and deception. It's scary that people tolerate this.

18. The time should never come when you have to give up and say that nothing can be done about it. It can always be done.

19. A critical attitude towards oneself is what makes a person truly smart. It’s the same in art and literature: if you acknowledge your share honestly, it will make sense.

20. Truly great people are determined, among other things, by the fact that they tolerate dissidents around them.

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