Circus holiday script for adults. Entertainment scenario "fun circus"

Circus entertainment.

Summer game program for outdoor activities.



Clown Knopa


Attention! Attention!

Summer festivities!

Hurry up quickly

The holiday will be more fun!

Leading: Hello guys! Today we gathered here to play and have fun!

Music sounds and an envelope flies to the presenter’s feet.

The presenter takes a telegram from the envelope.

Leading: Look, guys, the wind brought us a telegram.(reads out)

“I am the cheerful clown Knop,

I'll come visit you soon.

Jokes, games, jokes

I’ll bring it with me!”

Guys, how will he find us? We need to make a little noise so that Knopa can hear us. Let's clap loudly together, stomp merrily, meow loudly, grunt merrily. And now, little one, let’s all shout “hurray” loudly!

Children clap...

Knopa enters.


Here I am! Long time no see!

You're tired of waiting, perhaps?

Leading: Yes, sure! And since you came, say hello, you see, there’s an audience.

Button: I don't see any bagel!

Leading: Not the bagel, but the audience. Say hello to the guys!

Button: Hello viewers! Would you like to compete with me?

Leading: What is there to compete in?

Button: Well, for example, who will open his mouth wider and say “Ah”! So guys, 1 – 2 – 3!(children open their mouth “A”)Now who can scream louder! Come on, 1 – 2 – 3!(children shout "Oh")

Leading: You know, Knopa, I’ll tell you in advance, we don’t need such competitions!

Button: Come on, I was joking. But how much fun it immediately became!


All! Stop opening your mouth and screaming!

It's time for us to dance!

Can you dance?

Button: Of course, my grandmother Koryavushka taught me to dance. Do you want me to teach you too?

Dance - game "You have me"
1. I have (point with hands to yourself)

Cheerful hands. (shake your arms in front of you)
I have, (point with hands to yourself)
You have (point to partner)
Cheerful legs (putting your feet on your heels)

Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap (skeet)
We are with you, we are with you, (lean forward and back, hands on the belt)
Top, top, top, top. (stomp)
Losing: spinning in pairs
2. With me, with you (point with hands at yourself, then at your partner)
Beautiful eyes (we show the eyes with our hands)
At my place, at your place (point to yourself, then to your partner)
Beautiful cheeks (draw circles near the cheeks)
We are with you, we are with you, (lean forward and back, hands on the belt)
Clap, clap, clap, clap, (with our fingers we clap our eyelashes in front of our face (like a beak)
We are with you, we are with you,
We touch our puffy cheeks with our fists(you will get a sound).

Button: Now listen carefully, I have a proposal: Do you want to visit the circus?

Children: Yes!

Button: Then you and I will now go to the circus for a circus performance.

Guys, do you agree? Then repeat after me

“One - two - three, spin around,

Turn the street into a circus!”(children repeat)

Hooray! Happened! We are in place! Now we’ll organize such a circus here, you’ll just gasp! Let's start our performance with a parade alley.

Leading: Knop, what is it?

Button: Parade-alley is the exit of all participants circus performance before it starts. Guys, come out and show yourself.


We got up early today.

And they began to do exercises.

Hands up! Hands down!

Turn left and right!

They sat down together, stood up together,

And they began to bend over.

They began to jump and gallop.

And then play again.

(Perform movements according to the text).

Button: The first act of our program will be jugglers!

Do you want to be a juggler? And we will play with circus hats and rings. (children’s answers)


Children stand in a circle, Knopa and the Leader are in the center of the circle, with rings for ring throwing; Children pass hats around in a circle: “Give the hat to a friend, catch the ring in the hat!” The button and the presenter throw the ball and ring to the one with the last words.


Circus riddles,

Guess it, clowns!

Who performs in the circus arena?

Everyone knows these artists.

He waves his wand -
Predators are dancing.
Face frowns -
The lion will jump into the ring.
What is he, a traffic controller?
No, it's... (trainer)

Any item in my hands
As if under a spell.

Here the ball is there, but now it’s not!
Here he is again!

Now there, now here, now there, now there!
And there are so many balls to count!

Look, they're gone!
Where can I get them?!

And it’s very strange

Why am I getting them again...

From your pocket!(Magician)

A juggler performs on stage
He throws balls with his trunk
Standing on one paw, on one
He is very nice and funny.(Elephant)

There are acrobat kittens here,
There are also kitten clowns.
Over the head - somersault,
So there's a cat here...(Circus)


Well done you guys

We solved all the riddles!

Please continue Knopa.

Button: Which one please!? Who is this please?

Leading: How so? Knopa, don’t you know the magic words?

Button: I know many different magic words. Abra-Kadabra, Akhalay - Mahalay, for example. But why do I need these magic words now?

Presenter: Eh, Klyopa!

There are magic words

All the locks open,

We say them not in vain,

They help in life

Don't hesitate to say

Hello please,

It's easier for us to live with them,

Sail under a white sail.


Oh, these words are truly magical! Do you know a lot of such words? (children's answers). But now we will check!

Game "Magic words"

The guys are divided into two teams.A child with a ball runs around obstacles and gives the ball back and says a “good” word.

Presenter: Well done, you know a lot of magic words!


And the time has come again

Perform in the circus arena.

And circus animals will perform: giraffes, zebras, kittens and even elephants.

DANCE “AT THE GIRAFFE”movements on the text

(Ekaterina Zheleznova “The giraffe has spots”)


Let's continue the show!

We invite shooters to perform.

Guys, do you want to become shooters?

Game "Knock down the target"

The principle of the game is similar to bowling. At a distance of 8-10 meters from the starting line, 5 pins, cubes, boxes or plastic bottles with sand are placed close together. Each team member gets the right to one throw, after which the ball passes to the next player. For each object knocked down, the player receives 1 point. All downed targets are put back in their original place. The team with the most accurate hits wins, i.e. who scored more points.


The fun continues

Let's cheer up!

Get into the circle quickly

Let's dance more fun!


Forward four steps, back four steps.

Our round dance is spinning and spinning.

Let's clap our hands and stamp our feet.

We bounce our shoulders, and then we jump.

(With each repetition the tempo accelerates. To the music.)


Now meet me! In the arena of the Rough Riders circus!

Guys, do you want to become riders?

Let's start preparing, go out to practice.

Relay game "Dashing Riders"Relay race. Two teams. Children ride wooden horses to the chair and back, passing the horse to another.


Now let's play trickle.

Game "Stream with a ball"

Children line up in two columns, legs to the sides, pass the ball between their legs from hand to hand. The latter runs forward and passes again. The game repeats until it returns to the beginning.


And now the tricks! Do you love magic tricks?

I'll prepare my magic table here.

/on the table under the tablecloth are 3 identical plastic bottles of water/

Guys, get ready, the magic is about to begin.

You, water-water,

My friend, you are cold!

Stand, water-water,

Not simple - green!

Knop covers one of the bottles with a lid on which green gouache is applied and says the magic words:


The first trick is out!”

turns over and shakes the bottle. Everyone is discussing together what happened to the water - the water turned green

You, water-water,

Light as frost!

Stand, water-water,

Not a simple one, but a blue one!

second trick similar to the first

You, water-water,

You are my wonderful friend!

Stand, water-water,

Not simple, but red!

the third trick is similar to the first.


Guys, did you like the tricks? Somehow we have stagnated. It's time for us to move on.


We sat for a while

To stretch the bones,

I suggest you run

Become bubbles.

Outdoor game "Soap Bubbles"

Leading: Guys, we are now turning into bubbles. Let's say the magic words:

One two Three,

We are all soap bubbles.

Bubbles love to fly. At the signal: “Let’s fly,” you will run around the area. Bubbles have houses. These are hoops. At the signal: “It’s time to go home!” you will try to take a place in the house. Anyone who doesn’t have enough space drops out of our game and turns back into a child.

As the game progresses, the leader removes one hoop at a time; at the end of the game, one hoop remains; bubble winners are praised.


Phew, that's what we flew.(Knopa takes off his butterfly, waves it at himself, sweats, and loses it, and the presenter quietly picks it up).

Do you guys have any favorite toys? Which? (children's answers)

I have them too, but I won’t tell you which ones!

Presenter: Are you really being mischievous?!

Button: No! I just want to play a little more!

I will ask riddles, and the guys will guess them!

They rush up and play,

They fly away from a thin thread.

This is the joy of children -

Multi-colored... (balloons)

There is a cabin, a box,

The folding side on it,

Has wheels and tires

At the toy...(Car)

I like to play with him:

Jump, run, catch up!

What kind of ball is jumping briskly? -

This is my favorite... (Ball)

I change her outfits

I put you to bed, I take you for a walk,

I’ll comb it and if necessary,

I'll tie a beautiful bow.

What am I playing with, tell me, friends? (Doll)

Bears, cubes, cars

And the designers are big,

And balls and trinkets -

These are all mine...(Toys)

Button: Well done! All my riddles have been solved!

He wants to fix a butterfly on himself that is no longer there.

Oh! Where is my favorite butterfly?

Leading: And here she is. We won't give it to you so easily. Let's teach you a little lesson so that you don't lose anymore. Try to catch up with your butterfly. Guys, help!

Children pass the butterfly to each other in a circle, and Knopa tries to catch up. Until he catches her.

Button: Cheers cheers! Caught up with! I won't lose her again.

Presenter: We had a little fun, and now we'll play puzzles!

Four goslings were walking in the garden,

One of them decided to swim in the pond.

He decided to dive under the water naked,

How many geese will continue on their way? (3)

The apples in the garden are ripe

We managed to taste them.

Five ruddy poured,

One with sourness, How many are there? (6)

A mushroom grew in the shade of aspen trees

At first he was alone

Here the second fungus has broken through

I found myself next to the first one

The owl is surprised:

There was one, but now ....(2)

Two tits sang songs

Two girlfriends, two singers

Then one of them disappeared,

Apparently she's tired of singing.

No hint needed here

There were two, now...(one)

Button: Well, what great fellows you are! Isn't it time for us to return?

Leading: Yes, Knopa, it’s time for the guys to return. Moms and dads are probably already waiting for them.


Then repeat after me

“One - two - three, spin around,

Turn the circus into a street!” (children repeat)


Hooray! Here we are back!

Now you can go for a walk.


The fun holiday was a great success!

I think everyone liked it!


Farewell, Farewell!

Everyone be happy

Healthy, obedient,

Always good-natured.

End of fun. The children disperse.

Circus is a world of smiles, fairy tales, childhood and goodness. Children especially love it - because the circus easily transforms the ordinary daily life into the bright fairy tale, develops physically, develops character and teaches you to overcome your weaknesses.

The song “Circus, circus, circus” performed by O. Popov is played.

A clown comes out (teacher in a clown costume)

Clownness. Hello, dear viewers!

Today on our program Alla Pugacheva ( claps herself and encourages the audience to applaud), Philip Kirkorov ( applause), Nikolay Baskov ( applause), Glucose (a applause) will not perform! But today you will see real circus stars!

"Parade alley"

The march from the film “Circus” by I. Dunaevsky sounds. All participants walk in front of the audience with their hand raised high and go behind the curtain.

Clownness. Today the clowns Seryoga and Shurik are in the arena all evening!

Clowns come out to cheerful music, say hello and make faces.

Clownness. Today in our program... (Seryoga approaches)

Seryoga. Hello! (shakes hands with the clown)

Clownness. Hello! Today in our program... (Shurik comes up and says hello in the same way).

Clownness. Today in our program... (Seryoga approaches).

Seryoga. Hello!

Clownness: Hello! This is the third time you’ve greeted me, better show me what you can do!

Seryoga. We can play musical instruments!

Clowns they sit on chairs and play to a soundtrack, Seryoga on a fake balalaika, Shurik on a tambourine. Shurik gets up imperceptibly, sneaks up behind Seryoga and lowers a huge spider (prop) on a fishing line in front of his face. Seryoga is yelling.

Shurik (hides the spider behind his back and asks). What's happened?

Seryoga gestures at the spider in fear (what kind of “eyes” and “legs” it has).

Shurik shakes his head that there is nothing, and he imagined it.

Seryoga sits down to play the balalaika again. Shurik puts the spider on Seryoga’s head again. Seryoga screams, showing Shurik a spider with gestures. Shurik takes a huge hammer and hits the spider on Seryoga’s head. Seryoga falls. Shurik blows Seryoga with a balalaika (when Seryoga comes to his senses) and shows that the spider is a toy. Seryoga attacks Shurik with his fists, and they run away.

Clownness. And now in our program there is trainer Polina (name of pupil) and her trained dogs.

Room "Trained" dogs"

Children's chairs stand in a semicircle. Under circus music“dogs” run out - children senior group. On their heads are caps with sewn-on ears (clean shoe insoles), and on their necks are various bows. They run around the hall barking, run like a snake around the chairs, then each one around his own chair and stop.

Trainer. Hello! Up!

“Dogs” jump onto a chair, “paws” in front of them, breathe with their tongues sticking outand like dogs.

Trainer. Our dogs can count! ( referring to "social"achke") Ball, what number?

Shows the number 2. The ball barks 2 times.

Trainer. Well done! (G gets along).

My friend, what is 2+1? (the dog barks 3 times)

Baby, paw! (shakes hands and paws)

Another one! ( the child turns around, gives a “leg”, is healthyyes)

Well done!

Our dogs can sing!

The Russian folk melody “From Under the Oak” sounds. The trainer plays onpipe, the dogs howl.

Hello! Up! ( spinning on their chairs, wagging their tails)

Hello! Up! ( jump off)

Sit! ( squat down)

Lie! (fall onto bent elbows)

Hello! Up! ( the trainer lines up the “dogs” to bow, all okrun away and bark).

Seryoga and Shurik come out to the music of “Clownery - Strong Men”. Seryoga is dragging a huge fake “weight” (200kg) across the floor.

Shurik. Well, what are you going to pick up?

Seryoga. Easily!

P he lifts the weight, grimacing that it’s heavy, spins it around himself, and drops it on Shurik’s leg. Shurik writhes in pain, jumps on one leg, holding onto the sore leg. The child runs up and easily lifts the weight on his little finger, exposing the clowns. The clowns are running away.

Clownness. And now the strongmen will enter the arena!

Room "Strongmen"

Strong boys with dumbbells come out to the song “Heroic Strength” (in the stripein thick vests, with muscles), with a heavy gait, walk around the hall, stand facing the audience:

1 exercise with dumbbells (2-3);

2 lift a weight with one hand (each with his own),

3 interceptions in front and behind the back;

4 approach the barbells, make a jerk, spin the barbells over their heads (afterEach type of exercise involves “wiping” the sweat from the forehead). They leave.

Clownness. The next issue of our program “Predators” and their fearless tamer – Ksyusha (name of student)!

Room "Trained Tigers"

The music “Kornilovs” sounds. Trained elephants” The trainer comes out, bows, and has a wand in her hands. Slowly, stealthily, the “predators” come out and carry out the tamer’s commands.

Trainer. Hello! Up! (“tigers” kneel and restshake hands in front of you).

Trainer. Well done! And now the stand! Up! (" tigers" negativeraise your hands from the floor and “show your paws”).

Trainer. Ay, well done! Now let's hoop! Up! (“tigers” jump through a red hoop to which pieces of paper are attached orange color simulating fire).

Trainer. Hello! Up! (the trainer goes forward and rotates the wand, the “tigers” turn over on the floor, first to the right, then to the left).

Clownness. Attention! Attention! We ask the faint of heart to leave the hall!

Deadly number! During the performance, please do not get up from your seats and do not make sudden movements!

To the beat of the drums, the “tiger” children lie on the floor on their stomachs (facing the audience). The tamer carefully lies on top of them and raises her hand, while saying: “Hello! Up!” To the applause of the audience, the tamer bows and leads the predators away

Clown music is playing. Shurik runs into the hall, he has a musical instrument in all his pockets, in his socks, under his shirt. He runs and bangs on wooden spoons.

Clownness. Wait, Shurik, you can’t make noise here! ( picks up the spoons and takes them away). Shurik teases the clown, takes out a tambourine from his bosom, runs around, rings it.

Clownness. I told you not to make noise here! ( picks up the tambourine and takes it away). Shurik takes out spare noisemakers musical instruments from pockets, socks, sleeves. Teasing the Clown by playing even louder. The clown runs after him, swears, takes away his instruments and takes him backstage.

Shurik. I'm out of tools, but I have ribbons!

Clownness. How are you going to make noise on them?

Shurik. I won’t make any more noise, because we have gymnasts performing on the program!

Number "G" them Nastka"

To the music of the show ballet "Todes" the girls perform sportsth dance with ribbons.

Clownness. And now the best of the season, the trained Teddy Bear Potap, will perform in front of you in the arena! Meet trainer Polina and her trained Potap.

Room “Trained Bear Potap”

To the music of “Nikulin’s Circus. Bears on bikes" on a children's motorcycleWhen a child comes out - a “bear”, a trainer with a stick walks ahead and gives commands.

Trainer. Potap, stop! (“the bear” gets off the motorcycle and somersaults).

Trainer. Come on, bear, show yourself, bow to everyone guys! (“the bear” performs the movements).

Trainer. Come on, Potap, show me how the girls get ready for the party! (“the bear” dresses up, looks in the mirror, puts on lipstick).

Oh, show me how the girls go to work (Potap goes, reluctantly, “boflies")

Oh, show me how the girls come home from work (runs merrily, jumps)

Trainer. Potap! Somersault! (“the bear” tumbles)

Trainer. Potap! Squat! (“the bear” dances in a crouch)

Well done! Spin! (follows the girl’s command)

Trainer. Well done, Potap! (gives him a bottle of milk).

The audience leaves the hall to applause.

The cheerful clown music sounds again, Sere runs into the hallha and screams loudly.

Seryoga. Oh oh oh!

Clownness. What happened to you?

Seryoga. My tooth hurts!

Clownness. Come on, open your mouth! Po-shi-re! Even wider!

(Takes pliers out of his pocket and shows the tool to the viewerholes and “pulls out” a large dummy tooth)

Seryoga. Oh, what is this?!

Clownness. It's your bad tooth!

Seryoga. My tooth?! Ooo! (falls)

Clownness. What happened to you?

Seryoga. I fainted!

Clownness. Who's talking?

Seryoga. My language!

Clownness. Well, lie down then! And I announce the next number of the program!
Attention! Attention! For the first time in the arena - acrobats!

Number “Acrobatic sketches”

Boys (6 people) line up in a column one at a timecorner and walk in a circle to the circus march “Parade Alle”, one hand raised in greeting, the other on the belt. They line up in front of the audience.

Acrobat. Figure one "Fountain" . Do it once!

(the second and third acrobats come forward and kneel on one knee,

facing each other)

Acrobat: Do - two.

(the fourth and fifth acrobats come out and stop at the side of each one kneeling)

Acrobat: Do it - three.

(the sixth acrobat kneels first, two standing acrobats stand on the sameone is holding it, the other is raised up)

Acrobat: Figure two “Cuckoo”. Do it once!

(The second and third acrobats take the third by the legs, and the fourth and fifth by the hands and begin to swing. When the third acrobat faces the guests, he shouts loudly: “Ku-ku!”)

To the applause of the audience, the acrobats line up again.

Acrobat. Figure three “Wheel” (the first acrobat performs the “wheel”) Acrobat. Figure four "Frog" ( the second acrobat performs the “frog”)

Acrobat. Figure five “Bridge” (the third acrobat performs the “bridge”).

To the applause of the audience, the acrobats line up, walk in a circle to the music and leave.

Clownness. And now in the arena you will see dashing riders!

Number "Dashing Riders"

Music "Cowboy Dance" plays. “Riders” run out - children with chairs (on the back of the chair is a horse’s head). They run around the hall, place chairs, sit with their faces to the back, like on a horse, pushing off with their feet, making the movements of a “rider”». The trainer is a girl with a whip. After each “Hello...up!” The riders change positions on the chairs, always imitating a galloping rider (“shaking”).

1 movement – ​​“just on a chair”;

2nd movement – ​​one knee on a chair, leg on the floor, hands in front (by the bridle);

3rd movement – ​​lying on your back, holding your back with one handchair ink, other hand up;

Movement 5 – lying on your stomach, arms at your sides, head facingspruce.

They run away after each other, holding the chair in front of them with both hands.

Clownness. Our next number is unusual

I would say quite exotic

Our program number features a magician fakir

While performing in the arena, he surprised the whole world!

The mysterious music “Maurice Ravel” sounds. Bolero” and the magician appears and walks around the arena.

Mag. I am a magician, I am a wizard, I am a sorcerer

And I can prove it to you

And right now here to the arena

I will call the Eastern princesses.

Oriental music “Tarkan” sounds. Smack” appearprecise beauties perform a dance.

Clownness. You did it cleverly

These tricks are simple.

Can you or can you not?

Color the water red?

Mag. For me this is nothing. It’s not for nothing that I’m a great magician.

Focus “Colorful water”

The mysterious music “Caravan” from the film “Well, Just Wait” sounds

The clown brings in a table, on it stands a jar of water covered with a scarf. The magician takes a jar with a tight-fitting lid (paint the inside of the lid red watercolor paint) and demonstrates it to the audience so that it is not visible inner side covers. “Just like in the fairy tale, the water turns red.” With these words, the magician shakes the jar of water. The water will wash away the watercolor layer of paint and turn red.

Mag. I am a great magician! I can see through walls!
(he leaves the hall, and Clownness at this time puts one scarf in the casket (the color of the scarf is chosen by the audience): if it is red, then the casket is placed closer to the edge of the table, and if yellow, then in the middle (only the magician and Clownness know about this) The magician enters the hall and says what color the scarf is in the casket.

Clownness. And now only in our circus program is the amazing spectacle “Dancing Spider People”

Hip-hop dance

A group of boys dressed in Spider-Man costumes dance a hip-hop dance.

Clownness. This concludes our circus performance! But that is not all. You were all waiting for the “starfall”, the stars of the garden are in front of you. Meet!

The music "Magician's Fanfare" plays. All participants in the performance come out to the applause of the audience. The clown calls out the names of all the children. Children line up in four lines and sing the final song “We are little stars”

The song of the group Fidgets “We are little stars.”

Used Books:

  1. I. Kaplunova. I. Novoskoltseva “Circus! Circus! Circus!"

Many children love the circus. They often watch performances in the circus and dream of performing in the arena themselves. A good idea would be to organize a circus-themed party for children. There is no doubt that all children will like this entertainment. However, it is necessary to think in advance interesting scenario for the circus, where there will be a lot exciting competitions, which the participants of the holiday will like.

For the celebration, it is proposed to choose a spacious hall that can accommodate all participants. To create a festive mood, you need to decorate the hall with appropriate decorations. It's good that they are bright. For example, colored balloons. The celebration should be led by a person who will be entrusted with the role of host. Also, one of the adults must be assigned the role of a clown. For believability, you need to choose an appropriate bright clown costume. The event begins and the presenter appears in the hall.

- Hello children! Today we have gathered for a fun and interesting holiday! Look at the room we are in. Pay attention to the decorations. What does this remind you of?

- Circus!

- That's right! Yes, it's a circus! Today we will go on an exciting journey into the world of the circus! How many of you love the circus? Who went to circus performances?

- I! I! I!

– I see that all children love to watch performances in the circus. Then you definitely won’t be bored during our holiday today. We have a lot of interesting games on our program today. We also learn a lot about the actors and animals participating in the performances. We are starting our holiday!

Music is playing.

– Children, without whom it is impossible to imagine the circus? Who can cheer us up? Who wears bright and funny costumes?

- Clown!

- Of course it's a clown! Let's invite him to our fun party! Clown!

All the children call the clown. A clown appears in the hall to the sound of cheerful music.

- Hello guys! Did someone call me? Oh, so many children! You're having so much fun! So, is it your holiday today?

- Hello, clown! Today we have a holiday dedicated to the circus! Who, if not you, should be a guest at this holiday! We are glad to see you here, we invite you to take part in our fun holiday. Look how happy the kids are that you came to us!

- Yes, I see everyone’s fun. This makes me very happy. How long have I not been to such holidays! Oh, woe, I forgot how to dance! What should I do?! How can a clown work in a circus if he doesn't know how to dance? What will happen to me now?

- Don't worry, Clown. Now the kids will show you how to dance, they will teach you this. Really, guys?

- Yes!

Next, the scenario for the circus involves holding a competition. This will require some fun music. Several children are invited to participate in the competition. They should show how to dance to cheerful music. In this case, the clown will repeat after the children the movements that they will show.

– Look how well the guys and the Clown are doing! He will soon learn to dance!

- Look, kids, I remembered how to dance! Thank you very much! Now all the children are invited to dance with me and dance in circles! Join us!

Music sounds and all the children begin to dance in circles and dance with the Clown.

- Guys, do you know who else takes part in circus performances?

- Acrobats, gymnasts!

- That's right, children. Gymnasts and acrobats perform very beautiful performances that can be seen in the circus. Let's hold a competition that will allow us to find out which of you is the most skillful and dexterous. This competition will allow you to temporarily become gymnasts and acrobats.

After this, the scenario for the circus includes an interesting competition. To do this you need to prepare a small rope. It lays flat on the floor. Several children are invited to participate in the competition. Accordingly, it is necessary to prepare the same number of ropes. Each participant will have to walk along a rope that lies on the floor. The one who does it best wins a prize.

- And now another one is offered interesting competition, in which children are invited to participate.

Then the scenario for the circus includes holding another competition, for which it is necessary to invite several willing children. For this game you need to prepare circles cut out of cardboard. They must be the same color. These circles are laid out on the floor, located next to each other. Participants will take turns walking in circles. At the same time, you must not step on the floor. The participant who completes the task the fastest becomes the winner.

– What a great fellow you are, you move so deftly! And now a more complex competition is being offered.

Next, the scenario for the circus includes holding another competition. To do this, you need to prepare the same mugs from cardboard, but they must be of different colors. It will take many such circles. While the music is playing, all the children dance. As soon as the music stops, the presenter calls the color. Next, the children will have to find a circle of that color and stand on it. This must be done while the leader counts to three. Those children who did not take classes the right color, are eliminated from the competition. So the game continues in several stages. The game continues until one participant remains, who becomes the winner.

– Children, who else takes part in the circus performances?

- Animals!

- Right! How many of you can name which animals take part in the performances?

Children name animals.

- Everything is correct. Now let's see if you recognize the animals that your friend, the Clown, will show!

Then a competition is held, included in the script for the circus, in which the Clown takes part. It is also necessary to invite several children. The clown will show different animals, for example: horse, rabbit, tiger, lion and others. At the same time, it is necessary to show animals without words. Children will have to guess which animals the Clown is showing. The contest participant who guesses the most animals becomes the winner. The Clown gives him a reward. You can pick up a small souvenir in the form of an animal that participates in the performances shown to the audience at the circus.

- Children, now let’s play with you interesting game. We will show you exactly what different animals do and how exactly they behave.

Then the circus script includes another competition in the program related to the animals participating in the performances. Several participants are invited for this purpose. In the clown's hat you need to put pieces of paper on which you will draw different types animals - rabbit, horse, bear, fur seal, dog, cat, lion and others. Each participant will have to pull out a piece of paper and unfold it. The animal that will be drawn must be shown:

– horse – show how a horse gallops;
– rabbit – show how a rabbit jumps;
– cat – show how the cat purrs;
– dog – show how fast the dog runs;
– lion – show how a lion roars.

– Young children, you showed very well and accurately what exactly these animals do. And now all animals are invited to dance!

Music plays and the children dance as the animals they were showing.

– You and I saw that the children are very good at showing the animals that work in the circus. But will they recognize their voices? To do this, let's hold an interesting competition called “Find out the voice of an animal.”

To hold the next competition, you need to prepare. You will need the voices of different animals recorded on a phone or tape recorder. After turning on the recording, children will have to listen to it and then name the animal whose voice they heard. So the competition continues until the children guess all the animals.

– You and I showed animals, guessed their voices. How about drawing everyone who takes part in the circus performances. So, children who love to draw and want to show us how beautifully they can do it are invited to participate in the competition?

Then the scenario for the circus involves holding a competition in which you will need to draw. For this competition you need to prepare paper, perhaps whatman paper, as well as markers. Each participant receives a marker and whatman paper. Children will have to draw everyone who participates in circus performances - acrobats, clowns, various animals, trainers, and so on. Once the drawings are ready, the competition ends. The winner is determined by a vote of all viewers. The child who receives the most votes becomes the winner and receives a prize. To do this, you can choose, for example, a set of paints or pencils.

- Children, who knows and can tell me what the name of a person who trains animals is?

- Trainer!

-Right! It is the trainer who shows us beautiful and spectacular performances with the participation of different animals. To understand how a trainer works with animals, the next competition is announced for the title of the best trainer.

Next, the scenario for the circus includes another competition called “Best Trainer”. Several children who wish to become trainers are invited to participate in it. To conduct the competition you will need to prepare Stuffed Toys, for example, a dog, a cat, a bunny, a lion cub, a tiger cub. Children will have to dance with toys, imagining themselves as the trainer of the type of animal they got. To make the competition more interesting, you can offer to take a bag in which to put all the soft toys. Next, each child participating in the competition will have to pull out one toy, which they will “train.”

– Dear children, participants and spectators of our holiday! We had an interesting day today. We visited the circus, where we became actors for a while. We remembered exactly what types of animals take part in the performances. Aren't you bored?

- No!

-What about our friend Clown? Clown, you weren’t bored during our holiday!

- No, I had a lot of fun with the guys. They are very funny and also they helped me a lot - it was thanks to them that I remembered how to dance beautifully.

– In conclusion, I invite everyone to sing a funny song with the clown.

Music sounds, all the children sing a song. For this, it is best to choose a nursery musical composition, which is known to children. After that it's fun festive event, dedicated to the circus, ends.

Olesya Mashalanchuk


Children's holiday for older children. Educator: Mashalanchuk O.V., musician. supervisor: Shlykova S. A.

The hall is designed as circus arena.

CHARACTERS: adults - clown Tatosha (Mashalanchuk Olesya, ringmaster (Shlykova S.A., magician. Children: gymnasts (2 boys + 2 girls, trained dogs (3 girls, a strongman (boy), wild cat trainer - 2 tigers and 2 lions (boys, acrobat, horse trainer - horses (3 girls) .

Costumes for all participants are discussed individually and should be bright, shiny, light and comfortable.

To the march of I. Dunaevsky from the film " Circus) children enter the music. hall. PARADE ALLEY. Children perform line changes to the music and finish the parade, lining up in a semicircle facing the audience, reading a poem about circus.

POEM ABOUT CIRCUS(Sinyavsky village)

There is a round tent in the park,

A carpet was spread in the center of the tent,

No one wants to pass by

Everyone is invited to Shapito circus.

Here the horses are dancing squat,

And dogs solve problems.

Everyone here is having fun, everything is interesting.

Please take a chair.

IN circus our hearts skip a beat,

If an aerialist flies.

IN circus The clown makes the whole audience laugh,

Here even the dome shakes with laughter.

It's just eye-opening here

From colorful, magical wonders.

How we like it Shapito circus.

Circus- never forget the tent!

Children sing a song about circus.

SONG “WHO INVENTED CIRCUS) (. Pogorelsky, music. V. Pleshka)

Children turn behind the first child, walk and sit in their place.

The ringmaster comes out.

Distribution: Only today and only here the world famous children's circus the big top gives its only performance! Only one performance! The most wonderful performs only once circus! IN presentation the most famous and famous, the most dexterous and beautiful artists! Applause to all participants! Applause.

Distribution: In the arena. famous gymnasts - jugglers Vertelkin and Brosalkin! Meet!

GYMNASTS come out - two girls with hoops and two boys with balls. GYMNASTS PERFORMANCE ( "Tiko-tiko", music Z. Abreu)

After the artists bow (no attributes) the clown Totosha comes out in a suit with a large hoop and tries to twist it in every way, but he doesn’t succeed.

Disp.: There is a clown in the arena all evening. Totosha! (shows with a broad gesture). The clown, realizing that he is already in the arena, freezes in a funny pose. Totosha, how many times have I told you not to just go into the arena. You should not train during the performance, when the audience is already in the hall. Do you have a number? If not, then leave.

Totosha: Yes, yes, but of course! He calls, turning backstage - Pussy! (one dog runs out, Kusik! (the second dog runs out, Chusik! (third dog runs out). The dogs stand next to each other.

PERFORMANCE OF TRAINED DOGS ( "Dog Waltz") The dogs bow and run away.

The manager and Totosha bring out weights, a barbell and dumbbells in a basket, showing how unimaginably hard it is for them. The attributes are fake. Distribution l: The most recognized person in the whole world is speaking. Russian strongman - Roman Bogatyrsky!

STRONGMAN'S PERFORMANCE (German folk march) The strongman finishes his performance and takes a proud pose. Then he bows and leaves to the applause of the audience.

Totosha comes out. He tries to lift the weight, but he gets carried away first into one, then into the other.

side. Swaying with tension, he approaches the audience and asks someone to help remove the weights. Everyone refuses.

REPRISE "CLOWN WITH WEIGHTS" Totosha invites the strongest boys to help him. Exited children he puts them in one line and " offers They should press the kettlebell and barbell ten times. The whole hall unanimously counts to ten. Totosha is surprised that the children cope with the task with ease. The boys put the weights and barbells behind the curtain. Then they take their seats.

And suddenly Totosha notices a basket with a large ball (gymnastics, which is still standing unclaimed on the sidelines. The clown takes the large ball, pretending that they are heavy, and begins "swing from side to side",. Suddenly it falls out of his hand. And "flies" into the audience. Totosha freezes in fear, from the fact that he hit someone. The manager, clutching his head, runs to the guests. He sees that no one was hurt, turns to Totosha and shakes his fist at him. And Totosha himself performs a number with the audience, then goes backstage. All this should happen with the help of facial expressions, gestures, quickly and cheerfully.

Distribution: In the arena of our circus. fearless wild cat tamer. Polina PanteroLvovna - Tigritskaya. with your graceful pets.

PERFORMANCE BY A WILD CAT TAMER. A girl - a trainer - comes out, walks around the hall, waving her hand to everyone.

Distribution: They say that cats cannot be trained, but even lions and tigers dance with our fearless tamer. At the signal from the tamer "Halle-up!" lions and tigers run out. The Manager and the Clown bring out four chairs for the lions and tigers to perform. After the trainer's command, boys - tigers and boys - lions appear to the music. (Music by Ts. Puni from the ballet "The Little Humpbacked Horse")

Distribution: Traveling from Moscow, and only once does an incomparable acrobat perform. Alexandra Graceful!

ACROBATT PERFORMANCE (music by A. Griboyedov, Waltz) The girl curtsies and goes backstage.

Distribution: The Star of the East is an inimitable magician, fakir and sorcerer. Pavel Al-Amid-Hamid-Bey. MAGICAL PERFORMANCE (music by M. Ravel)

A magician in a turban and cape comes out from behind the scenes and shows tricks: "Five Mysterious Envelopes", "Knot on a Rope", focus "Miracle Cup" focus "Glass on paper".

Distribution: Prancing horses - blondes and their tireless trainer. Daniil Dzhigitov - Uzdechkin. PERFORMANCE "HORSES AND TRAINER"(polka "Grandfather")

FINAL WITH AWARDS. Distribution l: Is our the show is over. We were with you today. Manager again represents artists who performed.

Children, as their names are called, go to the middle of the hall. At this time, Totosha approaches each child and hangs a chocolate medal on his neck.. And finally. Most funny clown- Totosha. and I am the Sprekhstalmeister - the manager of the arena - your servant!

The manager bows strictly, only with his head. Totosha curtsies. The children go to the music. Applause.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of the New Year's holiday "Circus performance" in the middle group Ved. : Our dear guests, We hasten to congratulate everyone. May good luck and success come to you in the coming year. Let it not be for you, good people.

Mathematical presentation for children of senior preschool age “The Lost City” Explanatory note in the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education one of the educational areas.

Holiday scenario for middle preschool children “Circus performance for the New Year” New Year's scenario for middle-aged children “Circus performance at New Year» Musical director Kudrina V.N. MBDOU for children.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday "New Year's circus performance" Children enter to the music) Child. We all feel very good, It’s fun today, Because the New Year holiday has come to us! Child. What's happened.

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MBOU DOD "DSHI" Kolpashevo

Teacher Eliseeva E.A.

“Musical Circus” (performance for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren of the city)

Fanfare sounds. The curtain opens. Piano on stage. Under cheerful music the red-haired clown Klepa and the clown Iriska run onto the stage
Klepa. Hey guys! Hi all!
Toffee. Oh, so many kids! Both girls and boys!
Klepa. Hey, let's get acquainted! I am Klepa!
Toffee. And I am Toffee!
Klepa. Just be careful not to confuse it: not a sausage, but a toffee. (Butterscotch shakes her fist at him) Today you and I will go... guess where? That's right, to the circus. An extraordinary performance awaits us! Why extraordinary? Because our circus will be MUSICAL!

Iriska: You will see real circus performers, hear plays performed by students of the Children's Art School on various instruments, and maybe you yourself will play the role of circus performers. Do you agree? (YES!)

Klepa: The circus is very good!

It's festive and bright everywhere!

Cheerful laughter rings here!

Everyone is invited to visit!

Iriska: Today the clowns Aliska and Anfiska are performing with us in the arena! Your applause! (clowns come out with chairs, jump up, greet, make faces). Klepa and Iriska leave the stage and bring out Ira - a babalayka, Anya - a tambourine.

Aliska: Hello to all girls and boys!

Anfiska: Hello to everyone older too!

Aliska: We know how to play musical instruments! They sit on chairs and play to a soundtrack, Aliska on a fake balalaika, Anfiska on a tambourine. Aliska gets up imperceptibly, sneaks up from behind Anfiska and lowers a huge spider (prop) on a fishing line in front of her face. Anfiska screams in fear.

Aliska: (hides the spider behind her back and asks) What happened?

Anfiska shows with gestures the spider in fear (what kind of “eyes” and “legs” it has).

Aliska (shakes her head that there is nothing) You imagined it! (THROW THE HAMMER)

Anfiska sits down to play the balalaika again.

Aliska puts the spider on Anfiska's head again

Anfiska screams, showing Aliska the spider with gestures.

Aliska takes a huge inflatable hammer and hits the spider on Anfiska's head

Anfiska falls.

Aliska blows a balalaika on Anfiska (when Anfiska comes to her senses) and shows that the spider is a toy. Anfiska attacks Aliska with her fists, and they run away.

Klepa: Your applause for Aliska and Anfiska! (ANYA CLEARS THE CHAIRS)

Toffee: Let today in our hall,
There will be bright moments, let the applause thunder!
Klepa: You will find a lot in the circus: a sea of ​​laughter and miracles.
The road calls you to the circus again and you are always welcome here!
"Akvarel" sings the song "Circus"

Toffee: Guys, which of you has been to a real circus? Raise your hands (children raise their hands). Who do you think is the most important person in the circus? (answers from the audience)
Klyopa: The most important person in the circus is, of course, me!
Toffee: Yes, Klyopa! You have never been known for being too modest!
Klyopa: Do you know why? Because I'm funny and I'll make everyone laugh. Because I can do anything! I can run, I can jump, I can be sad and cheerful, as in the play “Clowns” by Kabalevsky.

Klepa: Easy circus horse
Jumps around the arena, curls fluttering,
And he will prance and dance,
But it won’t plow the ground.

Toffee: I always admire the performance of graceful horses. There is even such a play as “My strong point”. It will sound on domra.

Toffee: Muscovite Elephant. To the capital he
Brought by a baby elephant.
From a neighboring country,
The one where the elephants roam.

Klepa: But in the circus, elephants can even dance!

Toffee: Absolutely right, and they really like the play called “The Elephant is Dancing” by Preobrazhensky.

Anfiska: (runs out, cries) Oh-oh-oh!

Aliska with pliers in her pocket: What's wrong with you?

Anfiska: My tooth hurts!

Aliska: Come on, open your mouth! Shi-re! Even wider! (Takes PLIERS out of his pocket and “pulls out” a large foam rubber tooth-dummy)

Anfiska: Oh, what is this?!

Aliska: It's your bad tooth!

Anfiska: My tooth?! Ooo! (“falls”)

Aliska: What's wrong with you?

Anfiska: I fainted!

Aliska: Who's talking?

Anfiska: My tongue!

Aliska: Well, lie down. I announce the next number of the program!
Attention! Attention! Only today and only with us
Our ballerina Katya performs on a tightrope,
Walking back and forth along a rope as if walking across a bridge!

Dance sketch “Ballerina”

Aliska: We applaud, friends!

Clownery "Candy")

Clown Klepa is running around the arena and looking for something: Lost, lost!
Toffee: What have you lost, lost?
Klepa: Candy.
Butterscotch: I have candy. Do you want me to give it to you?
Klepa: I want it!
Toffee: Then guess which hand it’s in.
Klepa points his finger at different hands and says: In this, in this, in this...

Butterscotch: You can’t do that! Think and clearly show in which hand!
Klepa: Toffee! There's a fly on your forehead!
Butterscotch slaps her free hand on her forehead.
Klepa: In this one! (shouting)
Toffee: Correct! How did you guess? (gives the candy to Klepa)
Klepa: Just ask the guys.
(Children try to explain the deception.)
Butterscotch: So you deceived me? Is it okay for children to do this?
Children: No!
Klepa gives half of the candy to Toffee.

Aliska: I found a strange bottle here! Something is making noise in it! I'll go and open it now.

(The sounds of a flying whirlwind can be heard from behind the stage.)

Aliska runs out: Oh, oh! I opened the bottle with difficulty, and suddenly smoke came out of it. And then chok-chok... And an old man came out of the bottle! He says his name is Hottabych.

Music G. Gladkova Song “Hottabych” performed by Sofia Kolesnikova. (Hottabych walks around the hall, dancing) -

Hottabych: Oh, dear children!
O beautiful star!
You brought me out of captivity
Released forever!
Two hundred years in this vessel
I sat there, poor thing,
The evil dwarf puts me in a vessel
I ordered it to be sealed!
I will be glad to serve you,
I am now your slave! (kneels in front of Klepa)

Klepa: What are you, grandfather, get up,
We are all equal
You will also be a guest.

We want you to surprise us with something. You are a wizard.

Hottabych: Oh, most beautiful children,

The rays of my eyes... Now I’ll surprise you... and invite a magician to the circus stage!

Magician performance.
Toffee: Thanks to Hocus Pocus for such wonderful numbers! Toffee asks Klepa: Klepa, do you want me to tell you a poem?

Klepa: Come on!

Toffee: A rope will be stretched from roof to roof.
In his hands is a stick, he is all like scales,
And the spectators below raised their noses.
They push and whisper: “Now he’ll fall!” -
And everyone is excitedly waiting for something.
But the sky is transparent and the rope is strong.
The acrobat walks easily and calmly.

Klepa: A good poem, and I even heard the play “Acrobats”, which will be played on a synthesizer.

Aliska: Dear viewers! Would you like to have some fun at our performance?

Anfiska: Do you want it? Great! Come on, now I’ll tell you different news! And you, if the news is good, shout: “Hurray!” and clap your hands.
Aliska: And if you’re sad, shout: “Oooh!” and stomp your feet. Agreed? Then let's go! Anfiska: Today all the kids will be awarded prizes! Children: Hurray!
Aliska: And instead of prizes you will receive semolina porridge! Children: Oooh!
Anfiska: In fact, delicious candies await everyone! Children: Hurray!
Aliska: Which Anfiska has already devoured. Children: Oooh!
Anfiska. Why is it just me? Like what, Anfiska immediately.
Aliska: Yes, I was joking. Forgot? We're at the circus. Don't sulk, you'll burst now! Okay, so that you don’t feel so offended, so be it, announce the next issue of our program.
Anfiska: The next number of our program will be the performance of gymnasts.

Aliska: Circus performers are stubborn people,

Trained and slim.

All of us gymnasts are captivated by beauty

The viewer is worried: “Wow!”

Gymnasts performance.

Toffee: There are enough jokes and laughter for everyone here

An acrobat and an athlete live nearby

Clowns, tricks, just a game

Together: Long live the circus, Hurray for the artists!

song “You can’t help but love the circus”

Anfiska comes out and drags a huge “weight” (200kg) across the floor.

Toffee: Will you pick it up? Anfiska: Easy! It is important to take off the gloves: 1 – ordinary, 2 – long, very long (black “tops” of tights are sewn to them), tucked into the sleeves.

He lifts the weight, grimacing that it’s heavy, spins it around himself, and drops it on Toffee’s leg.

Toffee writhes in pain, jumps on one leg, holding on to the sore leg.

Anfiska throws a weight into the wings, (a sound is heard in the recording) the clowns run away.

Aliska: The program continues.

This number is the hardest!

There are strong men in the arena,

The best circus performers in the world!

Throwing weights

Like children's balls!

To the song “Heroic Strength,” strongmen (4 people) come out with a heavy gait, take weights from behind the scenes, and stand facing the audience:

1. lift the weight with one hand (each one),

2 interceptions in front and behind the back;

3throws to each other

They approach the paper chains, tear them, showing with their facial expressions how difficult it is. They leave (after each type of exercise they “wipe” the sweat from their forehead)

Clownery "Gingerbread".

Anfiska: Alinka! I completely forgot to ask you! Did we go to the circus?
Aliska: Let's go!
Anfiska: Did you find the gingerbread?
Aliska: Found it!
Anfiska: Did I give it to you?
Aliska: Yes!
Anfiska: Did you take it?

Aliska: Got it!
Anfiska: Where is he?
Aliska: What?
Anfiska: Gingerbread.
Aliska: Which one?
Anfiska: Like what?!

This dialogue is repeated three times.
Finally, Anfiska says: You probably ate gingerbread and are pretending: “Where? What? Which?"
Aliska: Yes...(with disappointment)
Anfiska: Is it okay to do this, children?
Children: No!
Anfiska: Should we share something delicious?
Children: Yes!
Anfiska: Will you share, Aliska?
Aliska: I will...(guilty)

Anfiska: Then we continue the show,

We present the number again: (2 bears ride in to the music of the RNM “Quadrille”)

Aliska: Bears have come to us
On your bike.
They turn the pedals with their paws
Haven't you seen this?
If only we had paws like these.
We then, like a clubfoot,
Let's turn the pedals
They should hire us to work in the circus!

(They drive in a circle, somersault, wheel, and leave again).

Anfiska: These are the naughty girls
Our mischievous bears! (applause for them!).

Klepa: And now the only giant dogs in the world from the island of Umba-Yumba are performing!
Toffee: During the performance, please do not make noise and do not allow children near the barrier. For the faint of heart, take a sedative.
Number "Dance with dogs"
Use any music you like.
You will need 3 stools, 3 dogs of different colors on strings. Three children participate in the room. Everyone leads their own dog. Use synchronous and alternately repeating movements. For example, movements in a circle, alternately going forward to the stools, spinning in place, dogs jumping and jumping off the stools, alternately yapping.
Toffee (laughs): Well, you, Klepa, announced “Giant Dogs”! They are a bit small, your giants.
Klepa: We were sick in childhood.
Butterscotch: We should have fed them with bones.

Klepa: And now you will see Dalmatians who were well fed, and they grew up big, cheerful and love to dance.

Dance "Dalmatians"

Klepa: Your applause for the cheerful Dalmatians!

Klepa: We have already figured out which hero is the most important in the circus. Do you know which number is the most important? This number is often called fatal.
Toffee: In order to perform this number, we need to choose the 2 bravest boys in the hall. Attraction "Deadly Number"
The daredevil is given a tray with a vase of flowers on it. It needs to be brought to the table, carefully avoiding the obstacles lying in wait on the way - skittles. The difficulty of completing the task is that the participant is blindfolded and must remember where the pins are and not knock them over while moving towards the table. But when the participant is blindfolded, the pins are quietly removed. Viewers have a lot of fun watching a daredevil overcome obstacles
Anfiska: Guys, what about you? good mood? (answers from the audience). Now we will measure your mood! (Anfiska hands a large thermometer to Aliska. Aliska runs around the hall, measures the children’s mood and at the same time makes a sentence)
Aliska: This boy is great, a real cucumber!
To another:
This girl is a chatterbox, a real laugher!
To the third:
This boy is simply a miracle, his laughter sounds everywhere!
Anfiska: I see you are in a great mood! What we clowns love most is when everyone is in a good mood, when everyone is smiling and laughing.
Klepa: After all, the circus is a wonderland,
A country with open borders.
Toffee: Where everyone is kind, where laughter is heard,
Where there are no people with frowning faces!

Final Song “Watercolor”

Aliska: The show ends! The artists took their bow!

(Mus. I. Dunaevsky “March of the Circus” sounds) An adult introduces all the circus heroes who participated in the performance). Background music when the children disperse Music. “Where has the circus gone?” in Spanish V. Leontyev.

Description of work

IN game form clowns Anfiska, Iriska, Aliska and clown Klepa talk about the circus, joke among themselves and play games with the audience.

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