What does it mean to be happy Bunin Caucasus. What does it mean to be happy according to the stories of Chekhov, Bunin, Kuprin (essay)

An essay on the topic “What does it mean to be happy?” Based on the stories: Chekhov “About Love”, Bunin “Caucasus”, Kuprin “Lilac Bush”

  1. the essay seems to be normal, but there are speech errors
  2. Thank you, you helped :)
  3. Every person asks himself the question: What does it mean to be happy? In literature lessons we read three works about love and each is different from the other, each has its own truth.

    In A.P. Chekhov's work About Love, the author shows that love is a responsibility and a test of fate... It shows the love of two people who could not be together. In I. A. Bunin's story Caucasus, the author also depicts the feelings of people who loved each other. Unlike the story of A.P. Chekhov, where the lovers could not be together, here the loved ones were together and rested in the Caucasus, but this was not the love that everyone is waiting for. In this work, the husband of the main character shoots himself, because he cannot live with the thought that his wife is cheating on him with another... This story shows love, for which you have to do something and sacrifice something. A.I. Kuprin in his work The Lilac Bush shows love that closes its eyes to everything, because Vera forgot about her life, she lived only for her husband, was ready to do everything for him and not think about herself...

    I believe that there are as many opinions as there are people. Each author has his own opinion, his own point of view about love. For each author, love exists differently... maybe all these works and stories from them can be found in our time. Happiness is what surrounds us, everything we see, feel, but some do not notice the most basic, the simplest things, but all this is happiness

  4. We recently read the work of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, Lilac Bush. The main character of this work is Vera Almazova. She was the wife of a young, poor officer, Nikolai Evgrafovich Almazov. Verochka was his main support and support. But is Vera Almazova happy? When asking this question, you need to think about what happiness is.

    Happiness is a very bright feeling. I think true happiness comes from people close to us. Many people think that they are happy because they have something. But this is not real happiness. And true happiness lies in mutual understanding between people. They are ready to go through life together and overcome everything together life difficulties, be true friend friend and sincere. But all this cannot be achieved without love. It is love that makes us go to desperate deeds and spare nothing for the sake of our other half. And love is also happiness.

    Faith has it all. I don't have loving husband, he values ​​and respects her. And she loves him very much and does not spare anything for him. Thanks to love and mutual understanding, Verochka and Nikolai solved their problem together.

    Based on all this, we can safely say that Vera Almazova was truly happy after all.

  5. thank you very much, you helped me out :))
  6. in short, normal stories
  7. Nikita's essay contains interesting thoughts. Although there are speech defects. Overall the impression is good.

Valentina Moskaluk

Valentina Grigorievna MOSKALYUK - teacher of Russian language and literature at the Rodnodolinskaya Secondary School of Moskalensky municipality Omsk region.

What does it mean to be happy?

Dispute on the works of A.P. Chekhova, I.A. Bunina, A.I. Kuprina

The modern rhythm of life forces teachers to change approaches to organizing a literature lesson. Many teachers can no longer imagine working without using a computer. This is due to the fact that new information Technology provide richness of the lesson, accessibility, visibility, contribute to better mastering the material, increasing interest in the subject.

Today, a student needs to be able not only to make reports, conduct reports, take and give interviews, but also to participate in the discussion of messages, reports of other people, in dialogues, debates on emerging moral and ethical problems, and to be an opponent in a dispute. In this lesson we will learn the rules of correct dispute management.

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About the formation of the class, the microclimate should be conducive to dispute. Chairs and tables can be placed in pairs. The lesson uses technical means: a personal computer and a multimedia projector (for presentation in Microsoft Power Point.)

Teacher. Please familiarize yourself with the rules of fair dispute. (Go to slide 2; slide 1 - topic of the lesson.)

1. I criticize ideas, not people.

2. My goal is not to win, but to come to the best decision.

3. I listen to everyone’s ideas, even if I don’t agree with them.

4. I am retelling a phrase that I do not fully understand.

5. I strive to comprehend and understand both views on the problem.

6. I will first find out all the ideas and facts related to both positions, and then I will try to combine them so that this combination gives a new understanding of the problem.

7. I change my point of view when the facts provide a clear basis for this.

I note that these rules should be perceived not as an external requirement, but as internal guidelines: this makes them easier to perceive and accept.

There is no more popular topic on television, in cinema, in literature than love. Every year, millions of couples with shining eyes come to the registry office and church and in a solemn atmosphere swear to love each other for the rest of their lives. For some, marriage truly becomes a priceless acquisition. For others, he is simply tolerable. After a short period of time, they begin to understand that they absolutely cannot stand living together.

What's the matter? Under what conditions can love last a lifetime? (The teacher should conduct a dialogue, sharpening contradictions or asking questions of a reproductive type: “What will happen if?..”, etc. Students express their point of view.)

Teacher. The difference is that some married couples build their union on love, while others build their union on passion. Such marriages do not last long. We have read wonderful stories that provide a subject for debate. (Work in groups. I suggest forming a social circle if desired.)

Questions for discussion (go to slide 3)

  • What is happiness?
  • How many times in a life can a person love?
  • What associations does the word “family” evoke in you?
  • Should you listen to opinion of others, for example, parents, when do you love?
  • What makes people family?
  • Is it true that they love some people and marry others?
  • How much truth is there folk wisdom“If you endure it, you will fall in love”?
  • What to do if you experience strong feeling to a person who is already married?
  • Is it possible to maintain love and respect for the person you broke up with?
  • Free love- a sign of progress or decline of society?
  • When is a person truly happy?

Work in groups for ten minutes, then everyone argues with their point of view.

Teacher. It is often said that love must be demonstrated by actions. Let's check this statement by looking at the story I. Bunina “Caucasus” .

What is the happiness and misfortune of the characters in the story?

What does it leave in the reader’s soul?

Are any of the heroes to blame for the tragedy that unfolded?

Is it possible to forgive betrayal?

Can a person die of his own free will?

Do we know how to forgive? Give reasons for your opinions.

(By combining ideas, you can try to give a new understanding of the problem of forgiveness.)

Teacher. In the Bible there are words belonging to the sage Solomon: “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if one falls, the other will raise up his comrade. But woe to one when he falls, and there is no other to lift him up. Also, if two people are lying down, then they are warm, but how can one stay warm? (Eccl. 4:9-11). I want to remember these words while reading the story A. Kuprin “Lilac Bush”.

What mood arises after reading the story “The Lilac Bush”?

What touched you about this work?

Is Vera Almazova happy?

Name works about love and selflessness that you have read before.

What unites them and what separates them?

Teacher. Family is the simplest form of unity of people. In the family, a person learns folk traditions and morals. A woman's sphere of activity is limited to the family. Do you agree with this statement?

(Students provide alternative ideas.)

Let's remember the story A. Chekhov “About Love” .

What is the point of the story?

Your assumptions about the development of events. By what signs did you draw such conclusions?

How do you understand Alekhine’s words: “I realized that when you love, then in your reasoning about this love you need to proceed from the highest, from what is more important than happiness or misfortune, sin or virtue in their current sense, or you don’t need to reason at all.”

Teacher. You are still very young, but you are also members of some family. You have your own observations and thoughts about how a family should be built. Try writing down your tips. Now look at the next slide. Do you agree with these statements? (Go to slide 4.)

  • Never nag each other, know how to forgive;
  • do not try to re-educate each other;
  • do not criticize each other, especially in the presence of strangers;
  • learn to appreciate each other;
  • show each other signs of attention;
  • be polite, sociable;
  • remember only the good;
  • Take care of your health and that of your relatives.

Now let's turn to the letters of great people addressed to their beloved women. (Go to slide show 5–7.) Let's look for wisdom in aphorisms about love (slide 8).

Love in letters of outstanding people of the 19th century

“My only Josephine - far from you the whole world seems to me a desert in which I am alone... You have taken possession of more than my entire soul. You are my only thought; when I am fed up with annoying creatures called people, when I am ready to curse life - then I put my hand on my heart: your image rests there, I look at it, love is absolute happiness for me.

My priceless friend, I feel sorry for you, I couldn’t be more sad without you. Now I truly feel what it means to love. Previously, I parted with many, to whom I was also deeply attached, but a day, two, a week - and the melancholy disappeared, now the further away from you, the worse. Be patient a little longer, my angel, and we will pray to God that after that we will never be separated again.

The more I think, the more convinced I am that my existence cannot be separated from yours: I was created to love you and follow you; all my other concerns are nothing but delusion and madness.

A.S. Pushkin - N.N. Goncharova, March 1830

Love and marriage in sayings and aphorisms

To love means to do good.

L.N. Tolstoy

True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it. Constancy in love is an eternal impermanence that encourages us to get carried away in turn by all the qualities of a loved one, giving preference to one of them, then to another.

F. La Rochefoucauld

The benefit of love is not only that it instills in us faith in another person, but also that we gain faith in ourselves.

R. Rolland

Getting married means halving your rights and doubling your responsibilities.

A. Schopenhauer

A good marriage rests on the talent for friendship.

F. Nietzsche

The fact that we see so few successful marriages is precisely evidence of the value-based importance of marriage.

M. Montaigne

The one who has For what live, can bear anything How.

F. Nietzsche

Sometimes you have to shut up to be heard.

Stanislav Lem

Which idea did you like best? Write it down in your notebook with your comments.


Has the conversation in class changed your idea of ​​happiness and love?

What new things have you understood and realized?


Morozova M. Dialogue technologies in educational process// Education of schoolchildren. 2006. No. 7.

Abozina G.A. Let's talk about love again // Class teacher. 2007. No. 1.

Consideration of the question "What is happiness and what does it mean to be happy?" based on the analysis of literary works: the stories “The Caucasus” by I. Bunin, “The Lilac Bush” by I. Kuprin and the story “About Love” by A. Chekhov. The importance for every person to love and be loved.

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What is happiness and what does it mean to be happy? Example - my little sister once tried to get an apple from the table, and when she finally got it, she was happy, her eyes shone with joy, and a smile played on her lips. Happiness is moments. And to be happy means to have many such moments.

But now I want to talk not about happiness in general, but about happiness in certain cases. In literature lessons we were introduced to three works: “The Caucasus” by I. Bunin, “The Lilac Bush” by I. Kuprin and the story “About Love” by A. Chekhov. I want to explain the happiness that the main characters of these works experienced. What did this happiness mean to them?

In Kuprin's story "The Lilac Bush", the main characters are Vera and Nikolai Almazov. Nikolai often had failures in his life, but his wife “...learned to meet each of his failures with a clear, almost cheerful face.” Vera really truly loved her husband, she was his support and support, she was a part of Nikolai Evgrafovich himself. And when they overcame all adversity together again and again, Vera was happy. Therefore, from this work we can say that for a person, happiness is being with a loved one no matter what and fighting together for life without adversity.

Or, let’s take the story “About Love” by A.P. Chekhov. IN this work The main characters are Anna Alekseevna, the young wife of a judge, and Alyohin, an armchair man. Their happiness was not really happiness. After all, happiness should be sweet, but for Alekhine and Anna Alekseevna it was bitter. They loved each other, but could not be together, and this made them unhappy. At least they could at least see each other, that was no small thing. Love should bring sweet happiness, only then will love be true love. Consequently, in Chekhov's story we are talking about the fact that love does not always bring happiness, and happiness does not always bring us joy, sometimes happiness from love brings pain and grief.

And finally, Bunin’s story “The Caucasus”. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin in his work also showed the love of two people, but unlike Chekhov’s story, these people could be together. They vacationed in the Caucasus, but this love cannot be called exactly the love about which legends are written. This is not the kind of love that penetrates people to their fingertips, this is not the kind of love that everyone is waiting for. The main characters cannot be together, because the girl is already married, but still the young people meet secretly and even vacation in the Caucasus. In this work the husband main character shoots himself because he cannot live with the thought that his wife is cheating on him. In this story we see that for the sake of love you need to take action, you need to sacrifice something, and sometimes even yourself. In this work, sacrificial love appears before us.

And yet, what does it mean to be happy? Judging by these works, to be happy means to love, to be loved and to have the opportunity to be close to your loved one, to overcome all obstacles together with your soulmate. This is what it means to be happy. But I can say from myself that happiness is absolutely everything that surrounds us every day. Even the fact that we exist in this world is already happiness.

happiness to love literary

Posted on Allbest.ru

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What does it mean to be happy?

What does it mean to be happy? Having heard this question, I thought, what does this mean? To clarify this, I turned to the works that we read at school.

Let's first look at the work “Asya” by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. It talks about young man calling himself N.N. And about his life. In his life he found only one true love. Only when he was with Asya did he feel good, he was happy. But when he pushed her away from him and she left, only then did he realize that only with her he was happy man . And so for his entire subsequent life he did not find that girl whom he really loved and so that next to her he felt happy.

But of course there are other stories. For example, Verochka Almazova, from the story “The Lilac Bush” by Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, was always happy in her life. Although she did not live richly, she lived optimistically. Never losing hope. She lived happy because of love, but unlike N.N. She always understood what her happiness was. And instead of losing, she finds everything new that enriches her life. She is truly happy and is not going to lose it.

What more can be said? Happiness can be not only in love and not necessarily any for a long time. There may be moments when you experience happiness from something you have never done before, and this remains in your memory for the rest of your life. In the poem “Mtsyri”, by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, Mtsyri, having escaped from the monastery, felt a sense of freedom, but he experienced real happiness only when he overcame a predatory leopard. In this fight, he splashed out all his feelings and emotions. Even though he was pretty exhausted, he felt that he was happy. He was interested in the world, and seeing it was happiness for him, a humble monk.

Even a poor old lady who has lost everything can become happy. In the story of Nikolai Semenovich Leskov “ Old genius"Poor old lady who lost everything because of her kind soul, you still end up happy in the end. Without losing hope for a bright future, she stood her ground when she was rejected everywhere, she was confident that someday she would defend her convictions and rights and be happy. And with her persistent efforts, she was able to regain what she had lost and her good and honest name.

Thus we can summarize that for everyone be happy, it varies. For some, this is a short time spent together with your loved one, which will be interrupted due to one of your mistakes, for others it is a long happy life together, for some it’s a matter of minutes during which your dreams come true, and for some it’s getting back what’s yours and defending your beliefs.

“We always only remember about happiness. And happiness is everywhere...” Ivan Bunin, who was not only a poet, but also a wonderful prose writer, once said. His collection contains many stories and novellas, the motifs of which were borrowed a little later by Kuprin and Chekhov. This is the eternal problem of happiness, which is reflected in the works of these three writers.

The heroes of Bunin's stories do not think that happiness can be found in everything around them. Each story has unhappy ending, which makes the reader think about what happiness really is and why they talk so much about it. A false idea of ​​happiness emerges in the story “The Gentleman from San Francisco.” On a luxury ship in a world of money, jewelry and debauchery, truly happy people No. Rich people live in constant worries; they do not know sincere feelings. The happiest person turns out to be a poor fisherman, and what exactly is his happiness - in poverty or in something else - Bunin makes us think about it ourselves.

For the heroes of Kuprin's stories, the highest happiness is love, and, moreover, non-reciprocal love, but pure, worthy of self-sacrifice. “The Garnet Bracelet” is a love story of a man who finds his happiness in death. Social status prevents Zheltkov from being with his beloved, who, by the way, is married. But this person is happy even because he has the opportunity to see the one who makes him happy. Vera Sheina, most likely, would also be happy with Zheltkov, if not for her beloved, but for the powerful and jealous husband. Probably, people like this failed couple could make each other happy if not for the circumstances. For Zheltkov, happiness did not last long. He could not stand his situation, which forces him to constantly hide, so he acts faster and easier. He sees salvation in death and quickly takes this step, asking his beloved not to blame herself for anything.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is known not only as a satirist, but also as a person who raises complex life important questions. Of course, for his heroes, happiness lay either in love or in material benefits. In the story "Gooseberry" there is a meeting between two brothers, one of whom considers himself a happy person, and the second tries to talk about his happiness and the situation of disadvantaged people. In the end, Ivan Ivanovich, on whose behalf the story is told, comes to the conclusion that the meaning of life lies not in happiness, and certainly not in eating the fruits of all the gooseberry bushes, but in doing good. So maybe this is the highest happiness...?

All three writers presented their interpretation of happiness to the reader. So what is it - wealth, love or just kindness? The choice remains with each of us.

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    • “All love is great happiness, even if it is not shared” - this phrase contains the pathos of Bunin’s depiction of love. In almost all works on this topic, the outcome is tragic. It was precisely because love was “stolen” that it was not complete and led to tragedy. Bunin reflects that the happiness of one can lead to the tragedy of another. Bunin's approach to describing this feeling is somewhat different: the love in his stories is more frank, naked, and sometimes even rude, filled with unquenchable passion. Problem […]
    • After the revolution of 1905, Bunin was one of the first to feel the changes that had come in the life of Russia, namely the mood of the post-revolutionary village, and reflected them in his stories and stories, especially in the story “The Village,” which was published in 1910. On the pages of the story “The Village,” the author paints a terrifying picture of the poverty of the Russian people. Bunin wrote that this story marked “the beginning of a whole series of works that sharply depicted the Russian soul, its peculiar textures, its light and dark, but almost always […]
    • Bunin's short story cycle "Dark Alleys" includes 38 stories. They differ in genre, in creating the characters of the heroes, and reflect different layers of time. The author wrote this cycle, the last in his life, for eight years, during the First World War. Bunin wrote about eternal love and the strength of feelings at a time when the world was collapsing from the bloodiest war in known history. Bunin considered the book “Dark Alleys” to be “the most perfect in craftsmanship” and ranked it among his highest achievements. This is a memoir book. In the stories […]
    • The story “Clean Monday” is part of Bunin’s series of stories “Dark Alleys”. This cycle was the last in the author’s life and took eight years of creativity. The cycle was created during the Second World War. The world was collapsing, and the great Russian writer Bunin wrote about love, about the eternal, about the only force capable of preserving life in its highest purpose. The cross-cutting theme of the cycle is love in all its many faces, the merging of the souls of two unique, inimitable worlds, the souls of lovers. The story “Clean Monday” […]
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