What do you see first in the picture? Psychological definition of personality. What do the scribbles we unconsciously draw mean? Let's recognize the human psyche from a drawing

If you want to know yourself better and discover hidden personality traits, take this character test. This simple but exciting task will tell you a lot of interesting and unexpected things about your individual characteristics.

He will accurately determine whether you are an extrovert or an introvert, and will give a detailed explanation of the result obtained.

How to take a character test based on drawings

You do not need to have artistic talent to complete the task. All you need to do is draw a spiral the way you are used to doing it.

Don't try to predict the outcome or figure out how best to complete the task. Just trust your intuition, relax, and sketch.

Based on the finished sketch, determine in which direction your hand moved while drawing. Compare it with the schematic image and find out what the test you completed on a person's character tells you.

Decoding the character type test

Find out what your drawing style reveals.

1. If while drawing your hand moved from the periphery to the center, then you are already an accomplished and mature person. This is typical extrovert behavior.

Such people are sociable and emotionally stable. Regardless of your age, you have already developed as a person, and have your own strong beliefs and specific plans.

You have a strong and strong-willed character, accustomed to overcoming difficulties and achieving your goals. You always defend your opinion and do not adapt to the people around you.

2. If you started drawing a spiral from the center and moved outward, this means that you are a vulnerable and sensitive person. You are still in a creative search and have not figured out many issues.

Such a person has the typical qualities of an introvert. He has a gentle character, knows how to sympathize, and always strives to help others.

People of this type are vulnerable, they spend a lot of time thinking and searching for the meaning of life. They do not like to enter into conflicts and defend their point of view. They prefer loneliness to noisy companies and like to be with their family.

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Do you like to draw? Regardless of our skills, training or passion for drawing, we all, one way or another, love to draw. Most often, our “masterpieces” turn out to be simple, non-intrusive scribbles on a piece of paper that appear in moments of boredom. This kind of creativity has its own name, which came to us from the French language - griffonnage (griffonage).
Grifonage translates as “quick drawing” or sketch improvisation.
Just think, what can ordinary scribbles in a notebook tell us? But this is only at first glance...
It is precisely because these drawings are created automatically as a result of mental relaxation that they carry great psychological meaning.
Psychologists, as a result of studying this phenomenon, created a classification of people, which, based on the objects they drew, allows one to determine the character of a person.
Kindness and friendliness are indicated by sketches that depict nature and its elements (grass, flowers, trees...).
Sketches of hearts and objects with rounded outlines reveal a romantic personality. This can also be associated with certain periods when a person experiences a surge of romantic, love feelings.
Dreaminess is characterized by a fantastic orientation.
And the straightforwardness and sharpness of character can be recognized by geometric and sharp objects, with a large number of lines. Such individuals most often have such qualities as: prudence, selfishness, rudeness.
These character traits help people achieve significant career growth.
Sexual maniacs can be identified by drawings of elongated objects, snakes, arrows, and wavy lines. If you use such images, this does not mean at all that you are sexually preoccupied, or have taken the path of a young maniac. Just a lack in bed, or a need for lovemaking shows up in your drawings.
If a person is unsure of himself, disappointed, then the ego will be revealed by outlining a drawing or placing it in a frame. Such people usually build barriers for themselves.
As a result of such conclusions, you can analyze yourself and your character, as well as change negative characteristics for the better.

Dear visitors to the psychoanalytic office, you are invited to determine mental pathology based on a child’s drawing of a person whether the child has any mental problems.

Signs of possible mental pathology based on a person’s childhood drawing

Particularly acute conditions (psychotic) often manifest themselves in multiplicity, confusion and confusion of images in the drawing. Gross distortions of shape and proportions and displacement of individual parts of the image are common. Random chaotic lines and strokes appear.

Often, in the process of drawing, a child with some mental pathology continuously comments on his actions, talking about the character he portrays. The comments are usually confusing and contradictory.

As a rule, such children are brought for consultation with a psychologist in connection with gross behavioral disorders.

In preschool age (especially up to five years), drawings with equally extensive comments are quite possible in less acute mental states. However, even in preschoolers they indicate serious emotional problems. In preschool children, typical indicators of psychotic agitation ( mental pathology) are shading of the entire drawing, extreme pressure on the pencil (so that the paper tears) or the disappearance of the subject image.

Particularly gross distortions of the shape of the human body and/or facial features, not accompanied by the additional disturbances noted above (image confusion, chaotic lines, shading, etc.), are frequent in drawings of mentally ill people who are in a relatively calm state during the examination period.

Often, a person drawn by a child makes a repulsive impression, which is always an unfavorable sign. Sometimes various deformities appear in the drawings of children with disturbances in their own body schema, that is, who feel their body is not what it really is (a symptom that occurs when mental pathologies).

Particularly large ears are sometimes a sign of a suspicious attitude towards others (paranoia), a person’s confidence that people are talking badly about him behind his back (in some cases, large ears are also depicted by people suffering from hearing loss or auditory hallucinations).

Distortions in the shape of a person’s image are also typical in organic brain lesions. The general impression produced by the drawings of children with organic brain lesions can be formulated as “the correct form did not turn out.” At mental pathology it usually appears as if the person was purposefully drawing a distorted shape. Of course, such an assessment is very subjective, so in all cases of severe distortion of body shape and facial features, a detailed additional examination is recommended.

In some drawings, children deliberately draw various “forbidden” themes: female breasts, male and female genitalia, and sometimes the depicted character, for example, is peeing. This should primarily be interpreted as a manifestation of gross (probably pathological) antisocial tendencies.

In addition to gross distortion of forms, for mental pathologies based on children's drawings, the decay of form, its vagueness and uncertainty are also typical. On children's drawing a person's hands are depicted with strokes that are practically indistinguishable from the strokes depicting clothing. The legs are shapeless. These parts of the picture contrast sharply with the clearly drawn profile.

Such discrepancies are typical for a relatively long-standing pathology, when some of the mastered graphic templates have already fallen apart.

In mental pathologies, reduction of significant parts of the image, for example, the head, is often manifested. Some parts of the drawing are thickly blackened. The pressure is so strong that the paper is torn in some places. This indicates a particularly high level of tension.

Combined with the noted almost complete absence of a crucial part of the image, this suggests that the child is in a state of psychotic agitation.

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Almost all of us, when talking on the phone or listening to a monotonous lecture, automatically draw all sorts of squiggles or ornaments on paper. Psychologists have proven that these scribbles can be used to quite accurately determine a person’s character or mood at the moment.

How to do it?

Pay attention to the size of the picture. In all psychological tests using drawings, this parameter is paid attention to first. The larger the drawings, the more confident their author is. Liberated and open people usually draw large patterns right in the middle of the sheet, while people who are unsure of themselves and their abilities draw modest little squiggles somewhere in the corner. If the drawings are arranged tightly and occupy the entire surface without gaps, this person tries with all his might to attract attention to himself, crushing everyone else under him. It happens that a person draws only along the edges of the sheet, leaving the center empty. This suggests that the author of such drawings has not yet found himself in life and is, so to speak, “in a creative search.”

Now take a closer look at the image itself. If it's abstract, pay attention to the angles. Those who draw sharp corners usually have a quarrelsome character. Such people often get into arguments and have a rather “prickly” character. If the lines are smooth and wavy, this characterizes the artist as a calm and balanced person. The abundance of waves in the picture can also mean monotony and routine in everyday life and the desire to get rid of it. Sweeping drawings with pressure characterize an active and unrestrained person, perhaps choleric in temperament, who strives for freedom and independence. It happens that a person draws not abstractions, but concrete objects. What do they mean?

The meaning of the drawings

  • Houses or rooms are most often painted by lonely people. Bachelors subconsciously express their desire for comfort and home in this way.
  • Geometric patterns are drawn by careerists and ambitious people. Such persons are often overly picky both to themselves and to others.
  • It is not difficult to guess that flowers, butterflies and clouds are painted by people inclined to a romantic worldview. Such people love to dream and often fall in love.
  • Stars are painted by those who secretly dream of fame, but stars with many rays are an alarming sign. The person depicting such drawings may be depressed.
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