What life is is short and clear. Ecological dictionary: what life is, what it means and how to spell it correctly

Trying to understand life is as daunting a task as trying to break the speed of light. Too low a level of awareness does not allow to an ordinary person dive into the innermost secrets of the universe. Let's try to reflect on our lives together. So:

What is life?

Philosophical and religious concepts throughout long centuries and for millennia they tried to create a theory that could fully and completely answer the question about the essence of life, about the essence of energy and matter. But it is unlikely that at least one of these concepts was close to understanding. Is it even possible to fit into the framework of brain activity all the diversity and greatness of the universe? What is life in the end? Maybe life is a single mechanism that appeared before our eyes in the form of the universe? Or is life a human life? Both of these questions are interconnected and both of these questions are far from each other and exist in parallel worlds.

How can one try to answer such an existential question with a tiny percentage of information not only about the universe, but even about the physiological structure of man? But what about the fact that life has absolutely different shapes and limitless variations and manifestations? Do we know absolutely all forms of life? Unfortunately, this is most likely not the case.

What is human life? Every person has the right to create and realize own painting peace. The picture of the world is a set of attitudes, concepts and human needs. Each picture of the world is unique. Every life has its own definition. That is why this article is more of an open reflection than a statement own position. We ask you not to judge strictly, and try to formulate your answer to the question about the essence of life.

We often ask ourselves what the meaning of life is. Does he exist? Is he in ours? personal life? Of course, only one person can answer such a question. It's you. Your activities and the people with whom you go through life carry some kind of meaning that magically adds up to yours. As a result, we get a certain interweaving of meanings that leads... What does it lead to? That's what scares us. This is what upsets us. Humanity is not yet able to understand why it exists.

A wonderful scientific theory that offers a very realistic vision of the situation. Chaos theory. It says that life is just a random combination chemical reactions and biological mutations. That's all. We are an accident, and maybe even a mistake in the history of the universe.

The concept of a good life requires special discussion. Here we need to take a little break from thinking about space and universal scales. What's happened a good life? What is she like? How many types of good life can you think of? Is one life equally good for different people. Experience and practice show that concepts of a good life can be both similar and diametrically opposed. What is the reason for this? The reason lies in the individuality of people. Each of us is a separate world with its own laws and rules. Some people see a good life in an expensive car and a prestigious job. For some, a good life is family and children. Someone comes to the understanding that life is good only at the controls of an airplane, or with a brush in hand, or on stage the best theaters peace.

It is generally accepted that a good life is characterized by the presence of free funds, which can allow a person some freedom. Is it so? This statement contrasts with the statement of any of the religions. Any of the confessions is ready to answer the question of what spiritual life is. What is the advantage of religion? Religion manages to give simple answers to difficult questions. As it turns out, people don’t need anything else. "Why does thunder roar? Because Zeus the Thunderer is angry." Once a person understands this, he ceases to feel fear. This example is related to times long gone, but the principle of religion remains unchanged throughout its existence. Religion, God, deity, space and all other representatives save a person from the unknown. It's no secret that there is no worse situation when you don't know what to expect. Religion provides a simple answer to this question. Any of the faiths promises a heavenly life after death if you served its ideals. Thus religion performs a double take. She says to the man: “I will free you from fear, but if you live wrong, I will punish you!” Thus, a person finds himself in a situation of imaginary choice. He thinks that he has been freed from torment, when in fact he has doomed himself to a lifetime of service to representatives of religious ideals.

We have been living on this planet for a very long time, but have not yet understood what it is human life. Although if you think about time on a universal scale, then humanity spent in this world for approximately no more than a second. You should not try to understand the universal meaning of life. The first task of humanity is to understand itself. The first task of any person is to understand and accept himself. The structure of our nervous system and the consciousness that evolution has given us dictates a completely special perception of the world around us. We look at this world based on own systems filters. In order to get closer to understanding the world around you, you need to try to see yourself. The wonderful science of psychology serves precisely this purpose. Thanks to the knowledge gained through numerous authoritative studies, humanity is moving closer and closer to conscious existence. The second half of the twentieth century is the time when everything more people begin to question the adequacy and harmony of their lives. How do we live? What are we doing wrong? Where should we go?

We hope that you learned at least something from our article. This is our vision of what the philosophy of life is. Good luck to you, dear reader, on the path of realizing yourself and your own life.

1. The set of phenomena occurring in organisms. From the standpoint of materialism, it is a special form of existence and movement of matter that spontaneously arose at a certain stage of its development. 2. Physiological existence of a living organism. 3. The activity of a subject or society in certain manifestations.


English life). Extracting the subject of scientific research from the life context and returning the results to it is a task that science faces sooner or later. An obstacle to its solution is the contradiction between the richness of ideas about life, the multiplicity of its images and the poverty of one-sided abstractions, which are often not related to life in all the richness of its manifestations. In Sov. In science there was (and in the Soviet Union it was practiced) a definition of fluid that was as indisputable as it was meaningless as a method of existence of protein bodies. A. A. Ukhtomsky wrote passionately about this: “Science is a fundamentally coherent understanding of the world... or “life understanding.” Therefore, it is an offense against the basic principle of science when they want to understand life from its scientific side. modern physiology, modern biology, this is how materialism of all times has sinned and continues to sin.” Ukhtomsky was not satisfied that such definitions of Zh. were not related to the interests of immediate consciousness, philosophy, and, let us add, psychology.

The definition of a woman should be based on her value. Ukhtomsky gave the following “definition” (1927): “F. - asymmetry with constant oscillation at the edge of a sword, kept more or less in balance only when striving, with constant movement. Energetic chemical element puts living matter in a dilemma: if you linger on the accumulation of this substance, then - death, and if you immediately use it actively, then - the involvement of energy in the cycle of life, construction, synthesis, life itself. In the end, the same factor serves as the last a reason for death for the dying and a reason for the aggravation of life for the one who will live." In this definition, not balance, but inconsistency, asymmetry is the norm. In life, disharmony predominates. Equilibrium is only a moment, the condition of which is constant aspiration and movement . Replacing " Chemical substance“to experience, knowledge, and “living matter” to a living being, we obtain a description of human life as an asymmetry, with a constant oscillation at the edge of a sword between cognition and action, consciousness and activity, mind and heart, experience and its use, etc. This is a more plausible understanding of life, including the spiritual, in comparison with the balance, unity, homeostasis, harmony, and peace coveted by many generations of physiologists and psychologists.

The inclusion in the definition of life not only of movement and energy, but also of aspiration, i.e., a seemingly subjective circumstance, is not accidental for Ukhtomsky. He repeatedly emphasized that the subjective is no less objective than the so-called objective: “the subjective and the objective go hand in hand and correlatively, directly turning one into the other.” “Constant aspiration,” included in J.’s definition, is a reality that represents the psyche (and perhaps the soul?]), which Ukhtomsky’s contemporary A. N. Severtsov recognized as a factor of evolution (see Adaptation). (V.P. Zinchenko.)


1. A complete set of those properties that distinguish living from non-living. On this moment one must be content with the unsatisfactory circularity of this definition. It is rightly said that biologists began to make progress only when they abandoned attempts to define this term. 2. The actual state of being alive, which is manifested by the performance of various functions associated with life, such as metabolism, growth, reproduction and adaptation to the environment. 3. The time between birth and death. The fixation of these two poles here turned out to be unreliable. The question of whether life (in the sense of an individual organism) begins at conception, at birth, or at some intermediate stage of pregnancy (for example, from the moment when the fetus is capable of surviving outside the womb) has troubled judges, theologians, philosophers and scientists without, until still, satisfactory resolution. Similar problems arise when determining death.


1. One of the forms of existence of matter, which naturally arises under certain conditions in the process of its development. 2. The period of time between the birth and death of a person. Objects that possess life are called organisms. Organisms differ from inanimate objects in their metabolism, irritability, ability to reproduce, develop, evolve, adapt to the environment, regulate their composition and functions, etc. Organisms are the object of study of biology. Conflicts are one of the manifestations of life in organisms with a psyche. Therefore, the understanding of conflicts will become more complete and systemic when their place and functions in the process of life are determined. In the life of a particular person, the main question is about its meaning. Many people not only do not answer this question, but also do not ask it. This is an indirect but significant cause of a number of problems that humanity faces today. Any wars, murders, suicides with t.zr. F. are not only meaningless, but also extremely destructive. Social conflicts often bring death - cessation of life.

What is life? It would seem a very simple question to which each of us knows the answer. After all, we all live, exist for a certain period of time, and then leave this world. Therefore, this concept is not new for us.

However, when you start to think about this question, the answer seems not nearly as obvious as previously thought. The fact is that, most likely, deciphering this concept cannot be achieved only with the help of words. It is somewhere inside each of us, somewhere in the soul and heart.

If we turn to scientific interpretations, the definition of life sounds something like this: “This is a way of existence biological organisms the entire planet and an individual organism.” Biology gives us this decoding. If we summarize all the proposed explanations given by scientists in one field or another, it becomes clear that life is a form of active “presence” of an organism on Earth.

Let's think about what life is, relying only on our natural ideas, without involving theory. Many people believe that we live because we exist. But is it? who would argue with this.

Imagine a standard situation that can happen to anyone: problems at work, the family is collapsing, relationships with children are not working out... This simple circuit, which occurs very often. And that person who stands in its center believes that he does not LIVE at all, but simply EXISTS! So what is life in this case? Life is also in the soul. After all, for each of us there are certain concepts necessary for happiness, that is, for a harmonious existence. For some it is love, for others it is work, and for many it is family and children. The list can be continued indefinitely, but this is not what is important here: you just need to understand what you need so that your life does not turn into a miserable existence.

Now let's think about why the concept of “Life” is so difficult to decipher. All the words with which we appeal when analyzing our earthly existence were invented by us ourselves, that is, people. However, the meaning that is put into them cannot be put into simple human expressions. It is hidden somewhere deep, inside the concept, and we cannot fully explain it.

For example, many people simply do not trust the scientific explanations that scientists offer us. They rely only on their inner feelings. Laws are made only for those who accept them. The rest live according to the dictates of their hearts and conscience. Maybe this would be completely correct if we knew how to carefully “listen” to ourselves, and, most importantly, “hear.” We do not always interpret the signals that the body gives us correctly.

Therefore, in order to understand what life is for you, first of all, turn to your inner “I”, ask it what you need for happiness and harmony. After all, if you receive the correct answers to your questions and can decipher them, then your earthly existence will be filled with meaning. If you really need to get an answer to this question, then you still don’t see the full meaning in your life. Otherwise, such thoughts would not occur to you.

The smile of a child, the joy of meeting a loved one, a promotion, the health of parents - this is what evokes in each of us a storm of positive emotions and a feeling of fullness of life. Exactly full existence turns us into a person who is able to appreciate the world and what happens to her. Know how to see happiness, enjoy it, feel it, because this is life as it is! After all, it is emotions that make us full-fledged residents of society and people in general. So let's match! Although it is very difficult!

General properties that all living organisms have. Basic definitions of the essence of life. Hypotheses that arise at different times regarding the appearance of life on earth. The theory of chemical evolution or prebiotic evolution. Taxonomy of living nature.

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For many centuries, humanity has been looking for an answer to the question of what life is. Perhaps, even today this question remains one of the most important, because the answer to it is by no means always unambiguous. Scientists have discovered that all living things are partially composed of protoplasm. The chemical formula of protoplasm has long been known, and even methods have been found for combining molecules of other elements to obtain this amazing substance. But bodies created on the basis of artificial protoplasm still do not come to life. That is why a person still has to collect a lot of information about various living beings and find what is common to all living organisms.

Let's see what common properties all living organisms have. Firstly, all life on earth grows. So, for example, a kitten turns into a cat, and an oak tree grows from an acorn. For some, the growth process itself proceeds very quickly, for others, such as Canadian mammoth trees, it lasts several thousand years.

Secondly, all living beings are capable of healing wounds on themselves, and sometimes even replacing damaged body parts. Thus, a lobster grows a new one in place of a severed claw; in humans, the skin is constantly renewed, bones grow; in trees, instead of old leaves, new ones appear in the spring. Another general property of all living beings on earth - their ability to reproduce. If living organisms could not produce offspring, they would have died out long ago. Animals, fish, insects, and plants reproduce. Living things can quickly adapt to environment. Man does this better than animals and plants, because man is a rational being and is capable of thinking. Living organisms also respond to external stimuli. Therefore, the plants stretch towards the sun. And even a person, sensing the smell of delicious food, instantly reacts by feeling hungry. Everything we were able to talk about, unfortunately, does not yet provide a comprehensive answer to the question of what life is. However, the knowledge gained will help you understand what is considered alive and what is not.

Life -- active form existence of matter, in a sense higher than its physical and chemical forms of existence.

The main attribute of living matter is genetic information used for replication. The development of living nature led to the emergence of humanity.

Also, the word “life” refers to the period of existence of an individual organism from the moment of its emergence until its death.

Living is something that satisfies its own needs by actively analyzing and using environmental conditions. Available big number definitions of the concept “life”, reflecting different approaches. Numerous definitions of the essence of life can be reduced to three main ones.

According to the first approach, life is determined by the carrier of its properties (for example, protein);

according to the second approach, life is considered as a set of specific physical and chemical processes.

And finally, the third approach is to determine the minimum possible set of mandatory properties, without which no life is possible.

Life can be defined as the active maintenance and self-reproduction of a specific structure, which involves the expenditure of energy received from outside. According to the views of one of the founders of thanatology, M. Bisha, life is a set of phenomena that resist death.

Friedrich Engels gave the following definition: “Life is a way of existence of protein bodies, the essential point of which is the constant exchange of substances with the external nature surrounding them, and with the cessation of this metabolism, life also ceases, which leads to the decomposition of the protein.”

V.N. Parmon gave the following definition: “Life is a phase-separated form of existence of functioning autocatalysts that are capable of chemical mutations and have undergone a fairly long evolution due to natural selection.”

There are also cybernetic definitions of life. According to the definition of A.A. Lyapunov, life is “a highly stable state of matter that uses information encoded by the states of individual molecules to develop conservation reactions.” Life (or a viable system) can be defined as a system containing ordered and distributed steady-state, cycle-limited nonlinear oscillators, as well as an associated system of algorithmic control mechanisms, capable of adjusting its internal conditions to external conditions.

Life is qualitatively superior to other forms of existence of matter in terms of the diversity and complexity of chemical components and the dynamics of transformations occurring in living things. Living systems are characterized by much more high level structural and functional orderliness in space and time. Living systems exchange energy, matter and information with the environment, thus being open systems. At the same time, unlike inanimate systems, there is no equalization of energy differences and restructuring of structures towards more probable forms, but work “against equilibrium” continuously occurs. This is the basis for erroneous statements that living systems allegedly do not obey the second law of thermodynamics. However, a decrease in entropy in living systems is possible only by increasing entropy in the environment (negentropy), so that in general the process of increasing entropy continues, which is quite consistent with the requirements of the second law of thermodynamics.

The emergence of life

IN different time The following hypotheses have been put forward regarding the origin of life on Earth:

Biochemical evolution hypothesis

Panspermia hypothesis

Stationary State of Life Hypothesis

Spontaneous generation hypothesis

The spontaneous generation and steady state hypotheses are of historical or philosophical interest only, since the results scientific research they are refuted.

The panspermia hypothesis does not solve the fundamental question of the origin of life; it only pushes it into the even more nebulous past of the Universe, although it cannot be excluded as a hypothesis about the beginning of life on Earth.

Thus, the only generally accepted hypothesis in science at present is the hypothesis of biochemical evolution.

The theory of chemical evolution or prebiotic evolution is the first stage in the evolution of life, during which organic, prebiotic substances arose from inorganic molecules under the influence of external energetic and selection factors and due to the deployment of self-organization processes inherent in all relatively complex systems, which undoubtedly are all carbon-containing molecules.

These terms also denote the theory of the emergence and development of those molecules that are of fundamental importance for the emergence and development of living matter.

Everything that is known about the chemistry of a substance allows us to limit the problem of chemical evolution. within the so-called framework “water-carbon chauvinism”, which postulates that life in our Universe is represented in the only possible option: as a “method of existence of protein bodies”, realized due to the unique combination of the polymerization properties of carbon and the depolarizing properties of the liquid-phase aqueous medium, as jointly necessary and/or sufficient conditions for the emergence and development of all forms of life known to us. This implies that, at least within one formed biosphere, there can only be one heredity code common to all living beings of a given biota, but for now it remains open question, whether there are other biospheres outside the Earth and whether other variants of the genetic apparatus are possible.

It is also unknown when and where chemical evolution began. Any timing is possible after the end of the second cycle of star formation, which occurred after the condensation of the products of explosions of primary supernovae, supplying heavy elements (with an atomic mass of more than 26) into interstellar space. The second generation of stars, already with planetary systems enriched in heavy elements, which are necessary for the implementation of chemical evolution. appeared 0.5-1.2 billion years after big bang. If certain quite probable conditions are met, for the launch of H.E. Almost any environment can be suitable: the depths of the oceans, the interiors of planets, their surfaces, protoplanetary formations and even clouds of interstellar gas, which is confirmed by the widespread detection in space by astrophysics methods of many types of organic substances - aldehydes, alcohols, sugars and even the amino acid glycine, which together can serve as the starting material for chemical energy, which has as its final result the emergence of life.

life evolution prebiotic

Taxonomy of wildlife

An organism is the basic unit of life, the real bearer of its properties, since life processes occur only in the cells of the body. As a separate individual, the organism is part of the species and population, being a structural unit of the population-species standard of living.

The world of living beings has several million species. All this diversity of organisms is studied by biological systematics, the main task of which is to build a system of the organic world.

Wildlife is now generally divided into eight kingdoms: viruses, protists, archaea, chromists, bacteria, fungi, plants and animals.


Life. European Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.

Chernavsky Dmitry Sergeevich 2000 “The problem of the origin of life and thinking from the point of view of modern physics.” Advances in physical sciences T.170. No. 2. Art. 157-183.

Romanov Sergey Fedorovich 2010 “Truths of the 21st century” (3rd edition) St. Petersburg, art. 33-86.

Posted on Allbest.ru


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Every person in this life has a chance to embody themselves, to show the world that you are worthy of respect and love, recognition and understanding. But this is not given just like that, you need to fight for it and you need to prove it. In our age of competition, it is increasingly difficult to prove and prove oneself, but this is necessary, because Life itself sets high bars and sometimes dictates very complex ones.

How else? After all, we, too, would not want to accept life at half its strength, to accept life as a surrogate. Sometimes we want everything or nothing. This is normal for everyone young man. After all, a young young organism full of strength requires maximum dedication and, as a result, immediate receipt of merit and recognition of its merits. It's so easy and obviously!

It seems to all of us that the world was created only for us, and there is nothing outside of us, and therefore has no meaning. But that's not true. This is a person's subjective position. Although for almost everyone personally this is in many ways the main guideline. How to understand that no matter who you are, you are only part of our larger human world, everything that is concentrated and collected in you, thoughts and dreams, even pain and fear, and complexes, is only a product of certain social relations.

If in the recent past it was enough for our ancestors to have a few sheep and a yurt, now it is certainly a penthouse, their own business, belonging to an elite group, and so on. All this, of course, is good to have, but if you don’t have it, then you can strive for it and work hard. Work tirelessly.

There has never been a time in the history of mankind when labor did not bring real and tangible benefits. This applies not only to career, but also studies, friendship, love especially and literally everything that surrounds us. Today richest man on the planet Bill Gates, the creator of Microsoft, once came to the United States with just a few tens of dollars in his pocket. But, thanks to hard work and self-confidence, he achieved what not many people can achieve: he achieved success and wealth, love and recognition!

What is personality? Ultimately, a real personality is tireless work and will, undivided faith in yourself, in your principles and ideals, faith in those who walk with you. This is the only way today that a young man can realize himself, achieve success, respect, love!

It’s still more difficult for the new generation; changes happen so quickly that sometimes you don’t have time to get used to them and realize them. After all, our Time does not stand still and increasingly requires strength and dedication from you. It is called Evolution. We want more, and the demands placed on us are also great. This is the Law. Whoever understands this will understand everything that follows. And knowledge will come to the rescue, because it is everywhere - whoever wants to hear will hear, whoever wants to see will see and find. And he will gain knowledge for the benefit of himself and others. This is also common knowledge.

But the trouble is, as soon as we don’t master something somewhere, don’t have time to overtake, we are already trailing at the end columns, and we often hear offensive words addressed to us: losers, losers, brakes, sucks and many others offensive words, which our language is very rich in. For everyone personally, this is difficult to bear; it is a test of his psyche, character, will and vitality.

Is suicide a solution? What is a sense of life? Is my life worth living?

It seems to you that the world does nothing but beat, humiliate, insult, hate and dislike you. Not everyone can stand it and someone begins to take it for granted that he really is a loser, an outcast, unloved and despised by everyone. And everything he does is useless, there is no light in relationships, in love and friendship, at work and in school, and most importantly in life itself. And as a result, only one thing comes to mind - to end it all at once and forever.

Is this the way out? You are only showing your lack of viability, your complete defeat. By committing suicide, you are committing a sin that is not accepted by any religions of the world, any philosophy, any social formations, be it wild Aboriginal tribes in Australia or developed European civilization. And for loved ones and relatives this will be a real shock and a wound for life.

Is this why father and mother raised you. Is this why God gave you life? Of course not. No matter how bitter your life may be from your point of view, there is nothing more valuable than your life. After all, your life is a chance. New chance change everything around. Make the world and yourself your own unique initiative.

It’s difficult, yes, it’s hard, yes, but nothing is impossible. And the world only changes before your eyes if you continue to cling to it, fight and hope. But hope works wonders if you are faithful to it to the end. Believe, hope, work! Here are three magic words which should become for you rule all my life. And then life will open to you in all its fullness and versatility.

And you will see that you were endlessly, blindly mistaken when you wanted to commit suicide. After all, life cannot be ended. Life on its own beautiful, and it doesn’t matter who you are in it, or master, loved or not loved. What matters is that you are human, you are alive and you are looking for your own path, unique, untrodden and Great in its own way.

After all, you are the only one in the world and not one of the seven billion people is absolutely like you. Not a single one... Which means you must live and sometimes bear the heavy burden of life until the bitter end. The only way Nature manifests itself, only in this way does one who is worthy of life survive. And life in this knows no boundaries and definitions, life requires only one thing from you - life! Therefore, believe, hope and work! Blessing will come, recognition will come, love will come. It has always been so, and so it will be... After all, this is Life!

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