What is the xyz generation theory and who are these people? Generation X, Y and Z Motivation of generation y and x.

Hello everybody! There is an interesting theory about similar values ​​and behavioral characteristics of generations, that is, groups of people who are born in a certain period of time and raised under the influence of some large-scale events. These groups of people are called generation x y and z, and today I want to talk about each of them in more detail.

The emergence of the theory

In 1991, William Strauss and Neil Howe put forward this idea about the similarities of certain groups of people who were influenced by economic and political events, or due to rapidly developing technologies. It was initially used to increase the level of sales, so that, taking into account the characteristics of a certain age of a person, they would have an idea of ​​how to offer him a product so that he would buy it.

In general, to this day it is used in business, among team builders, PR people and managers. It also helps a lot in relationships when misunderstandings arise between different age groups. When you understand about the living conditions and development of, for example, a grandmother, you become more accepting of her style of behavior, habits, values, and even ultimatums. After all, she grew up in a completely different environment, and this is not her personal behavioral characteristic, but that of her entire generation.

There are only 4 generations, and they replace each other approximately every 80 years. Scientists have managed to trace the connection between times only over the last 500 years, but if we continue research, it is likely that there will be similarities in character traits with people who lived a thousand years ago. So there is a generation of baby boomers, x, y and z.

I will talk about the conditions for the formation of the value system and the character of people in Russia. Because each country has its own historical events, political and economic situation, which left their mark on the life of the population. We are closer, clearer and more familiar with the conditions in which our relatives lived and we live.

Baby Boomers

A strong generation of people who were born between 1943 and 1963. This period saw victory in the Great Patriotic War, achievements in space exploration, and the Khrushchev “thaw”. They were named so because at this time there was a huge surge in the birth rate due to the restoration of balance after the war. They are distinguished by their patriotism, because they had to restore their country, in which they believed and considered a superpower.

Awards, diplomas, medals and all kinds of certificates are valuable. They are active, and even now, whoever is still alive, is trying to maintain their health with at least minimal physical activity. They work well in a team, community is very important to them. They are active, do not stop in their development, as they have a great interest in learning something new. Their whole life was devoted to work, which they began at an early age, striving for independence.


This is exactly the generation that charged water through the TV when Chumak became popular in the 90s, or was coded from alcoholism thanks to Kashpirovsky’s performances. The period of birth was between 1964 and 1984. At this time, the number of divorces and the number of single mothers who worked in factories to raise their children on their own began to increase, as a result of which the birth rate fell. Drugs and AIDS appeared. The war in Afghanistan also affected the quality of life and value system.

Xs are hyper-responsible, so they put concern for others first, sometimes even sacrificing their own interests. Due to the fact that their parents lived in difficult times, many of whom were children of war, they did not learn to care and give love. Therefore, Xs, having received less affection and attention in childhood, look for them in a partner. I wanted love and family so much that many women were ready to endure the beating of their husbands, or his addiction to alcohol.

The difference with their predecessors is that they were not ready to work for public good, preferring to engage in self-education and self-knowledge. It is believed that this generation is more susceptible to depression. Since most of my life I experienced anxiety, restlessness and a feeling of internal conflict, emotional instability. Apparently because they ignored own desires and needs, preferring to satisfy others.


They are called the generation of zero or millennium (1984 – 2003). The formation of their values ​​was influenced by the collapse of the USSR, the emergence of new technologies, terrorist attacks and military conflicts. They prefer the Internet to newspapers and books, where they can get any knowledge and learn about news in the world. These people are distinguished by their naivety, due to the fact that the information is accessible, they do not need to look for literature prohibited by censorship, while the X-ers had no publicity at all, and they had to study any materials with suspicion.

Greeks value their freedom, they are optimistic and cheerful. The baby boom generation, which has achieved its goal and raised the whole country, does not at all understand the players who are ready to obey and adapt, and especially for their refusal to accept the shortcomings of other people. Millennials are different from the rest in that for family life They strive to choose an equal partner who will inspire to achieve any goals and who knows how to support.

They pay attention to the level of quality of their life, wanting to receive pleasure and satisfaction. Therefore, a career is more important to them than starting a family. They are in no hurry to have children, and do not strive to plan their future. Because the economic crisis, which “broke” many people, showed people of zero that it is worth taking care of the present and living here and now, due to the fact that the future is changeable and unreliable. They are flexible and know how to adapt to new conditions.

They do not value knowledge, believing that success can be achieved thanks to your resources, contacts and the ability to “spin.” This depreciation occurred due to the fact that they observed how parents who had higher education, scientists and doctors of science, were forced to go to trade in the market due to perestroika in the country in order to survive.


Now these are still children, our near future, who were born or will be born in the period 2003 – 2023. They do not know what the Holodomor is, they feel the care and love of their parents who strive to provide them with a quality life. It can be assumed that favorable conditions for their “nurturing” will contribute to the development of a healthy value system, the ability to build relationships that do not destroy the individual, but help her to reveal her capabilities.

Zetas, unlike X's, will understand that, first of all, they need training and knowledge. And that they can rely on them. And they already differ even from the zeros in that they grasp new information very fast. And mastering technology is not at all difficult for them. A child born during this period learns to use a phone or tablet very early, sometimes even without being able to speak.

Sometimes one is surprised by their age and style, because with the development of the fashion industry, a huge amount of beautiful clothes, and kids from an early age attach importance to how they look, wanting to be fashionable and beautiful. They are very freedom-loving and from an early age they try to defend their opinion, demanding that it be taken into account. A huge number of opportunities around not only develops, but also affects the style of behavior.

Zetas are prone to hysterics and whims; they simply demand what they want. Experts believe that this generation will not be able to find compromises, much less make efforts to achieve their goals. Moreover, when faced with failure, these children will give up in the future instead of looking for solutions. And this will contribute to the development of self-doubt, they will not take risks to achieve success.


That's all, dear reader! Regardless of how old you or your loved ones are, and what type they belong to, you should remember that this characteristic is general, which does not exclude individuality in manifestations, perceptions and character traits. It’s just that the conditions in which we and our relatives lived are very different, and if you understand this, then you will be able to accept the other as he is, without trying to impose your vision.

The theory of generations was created in 1991 by American scientists Neil Howe and William Strauss. They simultaneously and independently decided to study in detail such a concept as “generation”. Their attention was drawn to the well-known “generation conflict”, which is not related to age differences. The adaptation of the theory of generations for Russia in 2003-2004 was carried out by a team led by Evgenia Shamis.

This theory is based on the fact that the value systems of people who grew up in different historical periods differ. This is due to the fact that a person’s values ​​are formed not only as a result family education, but also under the influence of social events, the entire context in which he finds himself while growing up. Everything matters: economic, social, technological, political factors. The formation of values ​​occurs according to this theory until approximately 12-14 years of age.

Now representatives of the following generations live in Russia (years of birth are indicated in brackets).

  • The Greatest Generation (1900-1923).
  • The Silent Generation (1923-1943).
  • Baby boomer generation (1943-1963).
  • Generation X (“X”) (1963-1984).
  • Generation Y (“Igrek”) (1984-2000).
  • Generation Z “Zed” (since 2000).

Let's look at each in more detail.

The Greatest Generation (1900-1923)

The basic values ​​of people belonging to this generation were formed before the mid-30s of the last century. These years, as we remember, were revolutions, Civil War, collectivization, electrification. They are distinguished by hard work, responsibility, faith in a bright future, commitment to ideology, family and family traditions, categorical judgments.

Almost every one of us knows or was familiar with people who were born in those years. If they judge something, then it is really very difficult to convince them of something. These people, even at an advanced age, at 80-90 years old, are ready to go to the authorities to prove their truth. Money is not valuable to them. Apparently, this is explained by the fact that during their lifetime money repeatedly depreciated, became paper money, and people many times lost everything they had acquired.

The Silent Generation (1923-1943)

The values ​​of these people were formed before the mid-50s. We all remember this period of time: the Great Patriotic War, Stalinist repressions, first the destruction of the country, then restoration; discovery of antibiotics.

The concept of “family” is a sacred concept for them. Only in the family can he speak on any topic, discuss problems, because his family will definitely not betray or let him down. In other places they will control themselves. Hence the name of the generation - silent. The fact that antibiotics were discovered at that time, which revolutionized the entire world of medicine, inspired them with unconditional respect for doctors. The words of doctors are a law that cannot be discussed. People belonging to this generation respect the laws, positions and statuses of other people, they are very law-abiding. Their vacation is often associated with replenishing supplies in the cabinets of pickles, jams and canned goods.

Baby Boomer Generation (1943-1963)

Events that had the greatest influence on the formation of the values ​​of people of this generation: of course, the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet “thaw”, the conquest of space, uniform standards of education in schools and guaranteed medical care.

The generation received its name due to the post-war surge in birth rates. They grew up in a real superpower.

They believed in their country as they did not believe either before or after them, and they probably still believe. The events that determined the fate of this generation are very powerful. These people are optimists, team-oriented, collective people.

Even the sluggish Soviet economy responded to the peak of boomer activity in the 1960s and 1970s. It was then that the chains of specialized stores “Svet”, “Radio”, “Hunter-Fisherman” and others appeared in the country.

The best sports for them are football and hockey. The best vacation is tourism. They greatly respect curiosity in other people. Now representatives of this generation, the “boomers,” are quite active, go to fitness centers, swimming pools, master new gadgets and the Internet, and travel to other countries as tourists.

Generation X, or the Unknown Generation (1963-1984)

Values: readiness for change, choice, global awareness, technical literacy, individualism, desire to learn throughout life, informality of views, search for emotions, pragmatism, self-reliance, gender equality.

Now this is the largest generation in business, including myself. This is the so-called generation with a key around its neck, children who learned early independence, did their homework themselves, and knew how to heat up their own lunches left on the stove. Their boomer parents believed that what better baby learns to cope with difficulties, the easier it will be for him to live. Therefore, they did not make life easier for their children and could even make it more difficult for pedagogical purposes. The key around my neck is a symbol of early independence, which many of my peers remember well.

“Xers” draw conclusions based on their own experience, but at the same time they are strongly focused on the opinions of loved ones. They, unlike the previous generation, are more fond of individual sports - tennis, alpine skiing. They value their time very much and are always in a hurry. All companies doing business in semi-finished products and fast food should be grateful for their appearance to representatives of generation X.

The thing is that representatives of generation X are very pragmatic, they understand that fast food is not healthy, but it is fast. Also, when choosing medications, they will choose the more potent one, realizing that this may not be the best option for quality recovery.

What is happening in the world at this time as Gen Xers are growing up? The country's closure, stagnation, the Cold War, the war in Afghanistan, the emergence of drugs, the beginning of perestroika. And also such an important phenomenon occurred at this time as a boom in divorces. Family values At this time, things were very shaken, many women - representatives of this generation began to engage in business and strive for independence.

The main value of the X's is to have the opportunity to choose. Best work for them - one that allows them to express their Creative skills. “X” does not have to change jobs all the time, but he needs to constantly realize himself. Patriotism among representatives of this generation is much less pronounced than among their predecessors; to understand the reasons for this, it is enough to look once again at the list of events that occurred while they were growing up. For X, the homeland is first and foremost small homeland, or very small: family, close circle of friends, the one that he considers his own.

The majority of successful entrepreneurs of our time in Russia belong to Generation X - Evgeny Kaspersky, Oleg Tinkov, Evgeny Chichvarkin.

Generation Y, or generation Millennium, Next (1984-2000)

Values: freedom, entertainment, results as such. The value system of these people also includes the concepts of “civic duty” and “morality”, “responsibility”, but at the same time psychologists note their naivety and ability to obey. Immediate gratification is at the forefront for Generation Y.

In research, Generation Y is also called the Thumb Generation due to the fact that a cell phone has almost always existed for them and these guys can write SMS very quickly. They are very similar to the representatives of the Greatest Generation, whose representatives were born at the beginning of the last century. Just as categorical. During their childhood and growing up, the collapse of the USSR, terrorist attacks, military conflicts, the rapid development of communications, digital technologies, the Internet, mobile phones. The speed of development has become very high. The era of brands has arrived.

Drug addiction, smoking, and alcoholism have become a number of major problems and are discussed at the highest level, right up to the interstate level. The era of publicity has arrived - everything went on television and the Internet. Another important aspect- globalization, erasing borders and leveling national differences and traditions.

Important features. Almost all representatives of generation Y are not accustomed to the independence that was inherent in their parents, the Xers, and their grandfathers, the Boomers. They grew up confident in their own worth. Due to external environment the environment around them changed very quickly as they grew up, they became characterized by such traits as the desire to receive immediate reward for the work done, and absolute disbelief in the long term. When they tell him that you need to work for ten years in an organization, and your work will be rewarded with a prosperous life, he replies: “What ten years? We may have a different country in ten years. After all, life changes so quickly. Ten years ago there were no smartphones, no fast internet, or even the Schengen zone in Europe.”

And he's right. If for previous generations nothing changed for decades (and for their predecessors - for centuries), in his life there was nothing except rapid changes. He knows no other life.

Another important aspect for the “Greeks” is fashion and brands. They even go in for sports not to win, to be healthy or to feel better, but because it is fashionable and brings pleasure. If the “Greeks” choose a sport, it will be more of a beautiful sport than a useful one.

Generation Z (since 2000)

And finally, let's say a little about the generation of people born after 2000 and who continue to be born to this day. Little is known about this generation yet, since the values ​​of even the oldest representatives of Generation Z are in the process of formation.

At the heart of generational theory itself is the assumption that generations are not only different from each other, they are also cyclical. So, as mentioned above, representatives of generation Y are somewhat similar to the “greatest”. There are also opinions that Generation Z will be very similar to the “silent generation” that was born before World War II. Of course, we can only guess, but if the theory of generations is correct, then they will be approximately the same as those whose childhood occurred during the war and post-war years.

What global events are happening now as Generation Z children grow up? Global financial crisis, business consolidation, creation of retail networks.

Their silence may also be due to the ubiquity of various means of communication; they draw conclusions based on the information they received from the Internet. The share of live communication with people is steadily decreasing in favor of virtual communication.

In order to clearly imagine which generations now form the basis of the working population, we present a diagram developed by the company “ECOPSY Consulting”*.

Before we summarize what has been said above regarding the theory of generations, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the years of birth indicated for each generation are approximate frames. Much depends on the specific region in which a person grew up. For example, if in large cities generation Y was born in 1983-1984, then in the outback X were born back in 1986. In addition, there are people who were born on the border of generations, in which case they may have value characteristics inherent to both generations.

If you, as a young manager, think that among your employees, most likely, there will be no people of an older generation than the one to which you belong, then keep in mind that you will probably meet them in the form of your managers, colleagues or clients.

Core values

Knowing and understanding core values employees related to different generations, we can work with them more specifically in terms of their motivation and setting goals for them. For example, we will need to take into account that for a person born after the war (1943-1963), the status of things is very important.

The origin of everything he touches is important. For example, if he got a good Swiss watch, he believes that this has seriously advanced him on the path of success in life. This is important to him. And if you tell him that this Swiss watch that he is so happy about is actually made in Taiwan or Korea, you will significantly ruin his mood. In his understanding, everything should be conservative and predictable, square - square, and perpendicular - perpendicular. Swiss watches made in Korea are nonsense.

Therefore, when we are looking for arguments for these people in order to motivate them to do something, we must definitely refer to authorities. The President of Russia himself skis - this is an argument. The main office of Gazprom has the same furniture - this is an argument. Bruce Willis wears the same shirt - that's an argument.

People from this generation have a certain conservatism towards brands. If he once decided for himself that Adidas is cool, then he will think so all his life. It is very difficult to convince them; he can only convince himself. You can gradually slip in materials, invite people who are authoritative for him, but it is useless to put pressure on him. It is important to take this into account.

But the X's love to be surprised. For them, the property or quality of the product will have higher value than the brand. They are ready to use Chinese devices if they are of high quality. IKEA definitely hit the X's. The generation of those who grew up with a key around their neck will begin to assemble these stools with their own hands and put together modular furniture in different combinations.

Independent “X’s” and more important issues They will try to draw conclusions and make decisions themselves; it is very difficult to influence them. If you want “X” to do something, he must “get” to it himself, he will not take your word for it. This must be taken into account when assigning tasks to the “X”. Only if they understand why you are setting such a task, what goal you are actually pursuing, will they carry out the task, but in this case they will perform it in an exemplary manner.

For the “Game”, as we have already said, the determining factor when choosing a product is the brand. He is well versed in fashion, knows what is fashionable now and what is not fashionable. Even knowing that aspirin from different manufacturers does not differ from each other in chemical composition, he will choose aspirin from a more fashionable brand.

Mood is very important for them; they love positive emotions. For such people to work effectively, they must enjoy both their work and their interactions with people. You will constantly have to create such conditions for them.

The question of how to effectively work with employees - representatives of generation Y - is now probably the most discussed in the HR environment. Business was not ready for their appearance. Over the past ten years, organizations have hired mainly X employees and told them: “If you work for us for ten years, you will earn enough to buy a good car and an apartment.” It was for the “X” that enterprises developed such motivators as systems of grades and ranks: “Whoever works for five years gets this bonus, and whoever works ten years gets this bonus.” And so generation Y came into the world prepared for Xers. And for them, grades and allowances are an empty phrase.

Now all previously created motivation systems are being destroyed by this. The best head of the sales department that I have seen produces supernatural results, 2.5 times more than the rest, top managers meet with him, give him a big bonus: “You are great, improve your theory, learn more, and you will develop your career! And he answered: “No, guys, I want tomorrow. I’ve already invested, I want a return.”

That is, by and large, we must admit that business was not ready for the “players”; managers, trainers and consultants in many organizations are still trying to come up with and create conditions that are interesting for the players. At the same time, continuing to work with “Boomers” and “Xers”.

Management formula. Practical guide for aspiring managers/ Timur Dergunov. - M.: Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 2015.
Published with permission from the publisher

Generation X, generation Y, generation Z - these phrases often appear at HR conferences and in special articles. Who are these gentlemen? Why do you need to know them by sight? How can you attract them to your company? According to labor market experts, the theory of generations is not a fashionable hobby, but an expansion of opportunities for attracting and managing personnel.

Tell me when were you born...

Two American researchers decided to describe the characteristics and differences of different generations in 1991: William Strauss and Neil Howe. The theory they created was based on the fact that the value orientations of different generations differ significantly. Strauss and Howe studied these differences, as well as the reasons that gave rise to them (political and social situation, level of technical development, significant events of their time). This scientific achievement soon found its way practical application: It turned out that the theory of generations is very useful to use in business structures, and now modern HR people are guided by it. “The deep values ​​of generations are an important guideline for specialists in the field of personnel management,” says Mikhail Semkin, Advisor to the General Director, Empire Personnel Holding. This idea is continued by Sofya Pavlova, business development manager at the Beagle recruiting company: “Indeed, professionals of different generations have their own characteristics. Working in a recruiting company reveals a lot of differences between generations.” But what are these differences?

Baby boomers. According to Mikhail Semkin, the main values ​​of the baby boomer generation (born in 1943-1963) are interest in personal growth, collectivism, and team spirit. Such employees understand personal growth as a growing ability to achieve results together as a team. Almost all baby boomers have now reached retirement age. Despite this, many of them are still working. A feature of most Russian baby boomers is enviable health and endurance.

X. “Generation X (from 1963 to 1983) is characterized by: readiness for change, the ability to choose, global awareness, informality of views, self-reliance,” says Mikhail Semkin. This generation of employees can be called the “generation of loners”, focused on hard work and individual success.

Sofia Pavlova also speaks about these same characteristics of the “X’s”: “These are people who are accustomed to building their careers gradually, throughout their lives, and moving in one direction. There are many examples when “X” work for 30-40 years at the same factory, enterprise or government agency, where they accumulate experience over the years, starting their professional path from the lowest levels. As a rule, immediately after college, where they received a specialized education.”

Y. Generation Y (from 1983 to 2003) has its own understanding of success and determination. “Greeks are often not ready to start their journey from the very bottom and slowly rise up, waiting for years for promotion and increased remuneration,” says Sofya Pavlova. It is precisely the “focus on immediate rewards” that Mikhail Semkin considers the main drawback of “Igrek” employees.

However, young workers have an excuse. “Y” faces an incredible flow of information and a very unstable external professional environment; “Y” cannot afford to be a specialist in a certain very narrow field and work in it all his life,” says Sofya Pavlova. According to Mikhail Semkin, generation Y is the main hope and support of modern companies.” Why? “This generation is characterized by an unprecedented level of technical literacy, an increase in the amount of work done at home, and a desire for new knowledge,” the expert continues.

According to Mikhail Semkin, these people will become the main workforce in the labor market in ten years. However, the attractiveness of “Greeks” for modern employers is explained not only by high technical literacy. According to the observations of Sofia Pavlova, it is not so often now possible to meet a person of this generation who works by profession - more often they prefer to work in those areas where high earnings are possible here and now, and it does not require years of painstaking work.” At a time when companies are looking for many service workers and middle managers, Generation Y can feel quite confident in the job market.

Z. Generation Z is still too young to say anything about their professional characteristics. “It is still difficult to say exactly what values ​​generation Y will pass on to their followers, since time is accelerating and technology is changing at high speed,” agrees Mikhail Semkin. Nevertheless, one of our previous articles expressed interesting thoughts in this regard.

Hunting season

Why do HR specialists need all this? But if you ask the question a little differently: “Why does a human resource specialist need this?”, everything will fall into place. “Initially, the term Human Resources means that people come first,” emphasizes Sofya Pavlova. The focus of business is shifting towards human potential. It is he, and not material assets, that becomes the main wealth of the company.

In addition, the personnel market is entering a period of active competition for each applicant. To win it, you need to offer Better conditions talented employees from every generation. It is impossible to measure all generations by the same standard - their ideas about the “dream job” are too different. “The theory of generations is very important for understanding the driving factors and motivation of employees,” says Mikhail Semkin.

What is good for the “X” is good for the “Y”...

What is the “best conditions” in the understanding of employees of different ages?

Baby boomers. This generation, as Mikhail Semkin notes, is the most stable in its needs and is strongly focused on sustainability. If you create stable conditions for baby boomers, you can “energize” them to achieve results without the help of material motivation.

X. “The main motivation for “X” is to be an integral part of the corporate culture, confidence in the future and a clear organizational structure"- says Sofya Pavlova. According to Mikhail Semkin, one of the working motivators for representatives of this generation is the opportunity to learn throughout their lives. As for material motivation, as Sofya Pavlova says, X prefer fixed salaries. Too much variable salary makes them nervous.

Y. “Igreks” are sometimes also called the “network generation.” It is not surprising that they are most easily recruited through the World Wide Web, especially through social networks. “The main motivation for “Y” is financial reward, lack of bureaucracy, technology (for example, equipping offices with high-tech equipment),” says Sofya Pavlova. Mikhail Semkin completely agrees with this: “If the company does not introduce new technologies, there are no activities to optimize and automate business processes, this can scare off promising employees of generation Y.”

In addition, “Greeks” are attracted to companies that have few restrictions and prohibitions. Generation Y values ​​a relaxed atmosphere and a free style of communication; they do not like to adhere to a dress code or toe the line. Another effective method of motivation for the generation that grew up on computer games is “disguising” the work routine with the aesthetics of the game.

Should not be neglected

One can, of course, dismiss the theory of generations as just another invention of theorists. But companies that dismiss most trends as fads slow down their development (as do those who adopt them thoughtlessly and without careful consideration). “A special approach to representatives of different generations is certainly necessary,” says Sofya Pavlova. - As they say, “for every product there is a merchant,” and where “X” is needed, “Y” will not replace it. It’s ideal when symbiosis occurs: “X” take patronage over “Y,” while listening to the younger generation and adopting new things from them.”

What could be the consequences of ignoring generational differences? “There can always be negative consequences, most often this is due to the fact that the company receives a “not its” candidate,” the expert continues. “In the race for quick results, consultants can “tailor” a person to a position, which entails quick disappointment for both the newly hired employee, the company, and the consultant himself, who will need to select a replacement.”

“Taking into account the differences between generations, the psychological profile of the candidate and deep knowledge of the client company, the consultant will spend more time on the search,” continues Sofya Pavlova. “But as a result, in addition to financial rewards, he will also receive results in the form of grateful people.”

Also, the theory of generations helps not only to select personnel for the company, but also to advise the employees and job seekers themselves. This is how Sofia Pavlova sees it: “The market dictates its own, and currently it is easier for “Y” to find the job of their dreams, since they are much more adaptable, while “X” may need more time for this. Here, the main task of the recruiter is to indicate to the candidate his importance and individuality, so that in case of refusal, the person understands that the problem may not be in him, but in a combination of factors and current market conditions. Indeed, thanks to the professionalism of the recruiter, the candidate can turn his attention to other areas where, perhaps, he has not seen himself before.”

In addition, according to the expert, if the conditions are dictated by the candidate, then it is useful for the recruiter to understand the characteristics of generations and the motivation factors of each in order to more easily “sell” the company and the vacancy to them.

In addition, the application of generational theory helps to build a company’s corporate culture. The latter is most effective when it is based on the values ​​of employees of the generation whose representatives are the majority in the company. At the same time, of course, you should not ignore the interests of other employees.

Andrey Pavlyuchenko

Generation Z in Russia there are approximately 21 million boys and girls who were born between 2001 and 2010. These children and young people do not know a world without financial crises, the Internet and cell phones.

Their life position, foundations and values ​​are not at all the same as those who were born earlier. It is believed that Generation Z people will represent the most active, resourceful, knowledgeable and entrepreneurial population. Until they are fully formed into a full-fledged workforce, we offer you some facts and characteristics of generation Z for your information. This information will help you better get to know the representatives of this generation, determine what is important to them, as well as how to hire them and offer them your services .

The most best workers- enterprising employees. They are full of new ideas, they are ready to work hard and take responsibility. But they are also the most dangerous - sooner or later they decide to work for themselves. At best, they will simply leave and create their own business, at worst, they will grab your information, your pool of clients and become competitors.

If you are already a subscriber to the General Director magazine, read the article

Theory of Generations X, Y and Z

In 1991, American scientists Neil Howe and William Strauss developed the “Generation Theory”. A generation is a collection of people born in a certain time interval, exposed to the same external factors, incidents, methods of education, with similar life priorities.

We are not aware of the impact of these priorities and values, but they largely determine our lives: the manner of communication, ways of resolving conflicts and creating teams, development paths, making purchases, motivation, setting goals and managing people.

The formation of values ​​occurs at a very young age (up to about 10-12 years). Over the next years, their transformation or even radical change is possible, but this is practically impossible without the influence important events in the world, society and the life of the person himself.

This theory identifies and describes periodic generational cycles. One cycle consists of four generations. The time phase during which people of one generation are born is approximately 20 years, respectively, the duration of one cycle is about 80-90 years. When the cycle comes to an end, a new generation begins, possessing the values ​​and traditions characteristic of the first generation of the previous period. Children who were born at the junction of generations absorb the priorities of the two groups and represent a transitional, or echo generation.

Generations of a new cycle duplicate the main features of the corresponding generations of previous cycles, therefore the change of generations is compared with the seasons and is divided into the following types:

“Autumn” (Heroes) are active, self-confident warriors who mainly fight for existing values, rather than create new ones.

“Winter” (Accommodators) are lonely, indecisive, even weak conformists who choose an opportunistic lifestyle.

“Spring” (Idealists) are rebels, activists, changing the world around them and creating a bright future.

“Leto” (Reactionaries) – fickle, sarcastic, nihilists deceived by false hopes for the happy functioning of the existing system.

At the moment, the following types of generations are distinguished:

  1. Generation GI (born 1900–1923)
  2. Silent Generation (born 1923–1943)
  3. Baby Boomer generation (born 1943–1963)
  4. Generation X (born 1963–1984)
  5. Generation Millennium, or Y (born 1984–2000)
  6. Generation Z (born in 2001)

Generations X, Y and Z and their characteristics

Generation X(Unknown generation). Born in 1963-1984 (“summer”, “nomads”). Their personalities were formed under the conditions of the Cold and Afghan wars, information isolation, drugs, AIDS, total shortages, economic stagnation, and the beginning of perestroika. A wave of divorces swept across the country, which made Gen Xers more flexible in their relationships with others, and the constant absence of parents from home due to work pressures - more independent.

Baby Boomers did not see raising children as their calling in life. In their opinion, a child who independently copes with the difficulties that arise will be happier than a refined child. Therefore, in childhood, the Xs rode bicycles and scooters around the city, warmed their own food and knew how to cook simple dishes in case their parents were delayed in the service again.

The consequence of such a childhood was constant mobility, readiness for reforms and confidence only in one’s own strengths and one’s own experience. Gen Xers are more reluctant to ask for help. Most of them are introverts and try to avoid large events and crowds. Even when choosing a hobby, the emphasis is on non-team sports: as a rule, boxing and wrestling for boys and figure skating and gymnastics for girls.

The main priorities in life are time and the right to choose. The greatest pleasure for people of this generation will be work that allows them to create and not limit their imagination and originality of thinking. The best vacation is a relaxing time in a boarding house, sanatorium, or on the beach.

At the same time, Gen Xers are cynical and entrepreneurial. For them, the definition of “patriotism” loses its meaning, since they were brought up behind the “Iron Curtain”, in isolation from the influence of other countries. Their homeland is family, children and immediate surroundings.

Generation Y(the Network generation, the Millennium generation, since its representatives graduate from schools already in the third millennium). This is the population that was born during the "autumn" period, 1984-2000 ("heroes"), who, according to generational theory, have similar characteristics to the GI generation.

The main historical events during the period of their formation as individuals were the collapse of the USSR, regular terrorist attacks, epidemics of new diseases. And all this happened along with the rapid development of digital, communication, information and biotechnologies. Ys are simple-minded and prone to collective activities. Generation Y people are good with computers, so it’s easier for them to find a soul mate many kilometers away from them. settlement than to maintain communication with your nearest neighbor.

Scientists call Yers the “thumb generation” for their habit of texting thumb holding the phone in one hand. For them there is practically no difference in virtual and real world, since they combine them in their lives without unnecessary difficulties, spending time daily in correspondence, blogs and computer games. These are gentle, spoiled creatures, practically devoid of the independence that their parents possessed. They formed a well-led generation, but at the same time convinced of its indispensability and significance.

They do not believe in future rewards; it is important for them to receive their due payment immediately. For people of this generation, a sense of duty and high moral principles play a more important role than among the previous generation. Y-ers are the fashion-savvy generation of brands. Fashion is their principle, and the main goal in life is to get maximum pleasure from everything they do. Adrenaline and positive emotions are what generation Y want to feel even from playing sports. The most preferred sports equipment is roller skates, a skateboard or a bicycle.

Generation Z(Generation Z, Net Generation, Generation M, Internet Generation, digital generation, lost generation, winter period). These are guys who were born from 2001-2003 (according to various sources). Generation Z children live in times of regular economic crises. The powers of the authorities are becoming stronger, the state is gaining greater power and influence. Large networks absorb small firms, everything powerful grows stronger, and the weak perishes. Humanity is constantly on the lookout for terrorist attacks and new deadly epidemics, such as swine flu or Ebola.

An important characteristic of generation Z is their parents, already middle-aged representatives of generation X and young Y's. For Generation Z, what was previously called “future technologies” or “new technologies” is their present. This is the biggest difference from Generation Y, whose young years passed before the technological boom.

Characteristics of Generation Z

Feature 1. We are accustomed to the easy availability of information.

All people over 30 years of age young age accustomed to waiting and remembering. All cartoons and TV shows could only be watched at a certain time. There was no Internet, and the story of interest could only be watched at the time scheduled by the television channel. It was customary to know the phone numbers of relatives and friends by heart, so as not to carry a phone book with you all the time. Everyone was in constant anticipation of something, they were in a hurry and teaching! Everyone except Generation Z.

Generation Z technologies – digital and mobile inventions. These guys don’t need to memorize numbers (why? After all, everything is written down on the phone), wait for their favorite shows and movies (why? After all, they exist cable TV and high-speed Internet).

It would seem that all the advantages of the availability of information that previous generations could only dream of have deprived representatives of Generation Z of the need to remember and know many things. Therefore, they are unlikely to remember the dates of significant events for our country, the authors of great works and mathematical formulas...

But Generation Z analyzes a significant amount of information without any problems and quickly finds the necessary answers.

Feature 2. They do not like strict schedules and schedules.

Older generations could not imagine their lives without a strict schedule. IN kindergarten- by 8.00, for class - by the first bell, work - from 9.00 to 18.00, evening news at 21.00. The generation born in the 1990s did not adhere to such strict frameworks. Therefore, when generation Z was just born, the system of conscious motherhood entered into life, mothers preferred to raise their children themselves, without sending them to kindergarten, the school schedule and the authority of teachers decreased, and favorite cartoons could be watched at a convenient time.

As a result, representatives of Generation Z do not understand why they work in an office according to a strict schedule and why they have to work all day long, and not when they have strength and inspiration.

For generation Z, work is a set of goals and tasks that must be completed within a certain time frame. Something like a familiar computer situation in which the hero must find a treasure, coping with all the difficulties, otherwise his princess will be eaten by a dragon. Until the evening, the hero can do nothing at all, because the condition is this: you need to complete all tasks BEFORE darkness sets in. And generation Z is not accustomed to doing something in advance, BEFORE the set time.

Feature 3. Frivolity in relationships.

Generation Z, character traits who differ significantly from older generations, perceives relationships, both friendly and work, very carelessly. Z-v has several hundred friends and subscribers on social networks, and they, without hesitation, will add their boss as “friends” and comment on his photos without a drop of doubt or embarrassment.

Because of this frivolity in relationships, Generation Z has difficulty establishing strong connections. If suddenly they no longer feel comfortable at work, then they will write a letter of resignation without unnecessary worries. Moreover, representatives of Z-ers do not recognize hierarchy and will not obey simply because this person is a leader.

But they have an undeniable advantage - wide circle communication, respectively, and general erudition. Almost every member of Generation Z has among his friends a doctor, a teacher, an insurer, and a bank employee. Z will not hesitate to consult each of them on the necessary issue. Thanks to the active use of social networks, this generation is always up to date with the latest events - in the field of fashion, the film industry, modern technologies and developments, and the political situation. Generation Z is actually a source of information. The most important thing is to know how to use it.

Feature 4. No interest in careerism.

The Millennial generation planned their lives for many years ahead. Purchasing or building housing, landscaping, buying a car, career growth... Psychological characteristics Generation Z is such that even the thought of planning is abhorrent to them. Living only today and now is their principle.

As soon as a representative of this generation loses interest in work, he will leave even the most successful and profitable project without regret. Z-s are capable of exchanging the expected increase for a downshift if they suddenly get carried away with it.

It is worth considering that generation Z goes to work not for a prestigious position or a big salary, but to complete an exciting task. If you can interest him, you will get an enthusiast who can work on an irregular schedule and for low pay.

How to work correctly with generation Z

Provide them with parental care

Generation Z, whose formative years taught them to be independent, start earning money at the age of 16, and at 20 they already consider themselves adults and independent. But that's not true. According to research by analysts at Sparks and Honey, 60% of representatives of this generation manage to change three jobs by their 20th birthday, but 95% have still not moved out of their parents.

Zs are not ready to solve the problems that arise in any adult. All their lives they acted according to their parents' plan. Mom and dad decided for Z what club he would go to, what sport he would play, what extra classes he would take, what subjects he would go to a tutor for, and what elective exams he would take. As adults, this generation still wants their lives to be planned out by other people. Therefore, in order for them to successfully complete tasks, everything must be described in detail, dividing it into points. As it was in childhood.

Don’t: “Prepare a report on sales of our branded office supplies.”

To do: “By next Wednesday, make a report on the sales of our branded office supplies. This report should include a graph of curves relative to last year's sales. You can get the initial data from Anna, Vladimir will help with the calculations, Evgeniy will draw up the graphs. This report is very important and will be presented at the investor meeting. Nikolai will supervise the completion of the task.”

In the first option, a representative of Generation Z will search on the Internet how to make a report. He will try to fit his data to the examples found, he will do something somehow, just to deal with this task.

And if you use the second option, then Z will complete the task, strictly following the instructions, taking into account the deadline. But at the same time, he will approach it responsibly and creatively, for example, by creatively designing the presentation.

Generation Z, unlike Y-ers, does not consider strict boundaries to limit their imagination. This is how Y thinks:

A task without restrictions → “I can do it better than others” → does it to his own taste → the manager is dissatisfied and annoyed → the task needs to be corrected → Y is annoyed.

Here's what Generation Z thinks:

A task with restrictions → “I’ll do it as expected” → add a little imagination → the task is completed within the limits, but unusual → the boss is satisfied → the task is closed → Z is a good “son”.

Generation Z projects the task onto their childhood. Y-“mother” sets the task. Z is calm because he knows that Y is on his side. This is a familiar and calm situation. And when quiet, the Z works well.

Invite them to become supermen

Generation Z and other generations have different motivators for completing tasks. For Zs, interest is of great importance. The main components of their comfort are the absence of boring frameworks and the presence of an interesting task.

This can be easily seen in the following example. Students from the Institute of Agriculture were sent to practice at the agricultural company. For successful completion In the second year of study, it was necessary to fill out an animal observation diary. The students completed the task, but did it lazily and dishonestly.

Then it occurred to the chief engineer to invite students to take part in the work to create a system with artificial intelligence. He explained that the purpose of the system is to reduce resource losses. In order for the system to function fully, data collected by trainees is necessary. After this, the students began to take a more responsible approach to the task at hand and gave productive suggestions for optimizing the operation of the system.

The advantage of Generation Z is that they can solve several tasks simultaneously without losing quality, and in a short period of time. But they are unable to complete a task if they do not understand its essence. They need to know what exactly needs to be done, why and how it relates to the company's goals.

Don't: Create five different product packaging options (for multiple audiences) and send to marketers.

Do: We are planning to expand, so you need to develop five packaging design options. By introducing changed packaging, we will be able to attract new consumers.

In the first case, a representative of Generation Z will complete the task, but will rely only on his thoughts and preferences, and in the second case, he will complete it as management expected. Z will monitor a significant amount of information, identify the main points and create a new solution.

Generation Z will take several consultations from their peers and experts on social networks, which will save time. Y may be much more educated and erudite than Z, but will spend more time on the same task. Z has a hard time remembering information, but he knows where to find it. He will quickly complete this task. Speed ​​is a reflection of Generation Z.

Clearly dictate the rules of your game

For Generation Z, there is no hierarchy even in work relationships. They treat their colleagues and management in a friendly manner. Z will not be shy and if a question arises, he will consult not with a colleague, but through a message to his boss. When collaborating with representatives of generation Z, it must be taken into account that they will respect Y as a person, and not as a leader.

Z does not like to live according to a schedule, adjust to a schedule, or work within normal working hours, because he believes that one should work according to inspiration and convenience, and not according to orders.

Z thinks of work as a combination of tasks that must be completed conscientiously and on time. Time is the only valid limiter. Failure to meet the deadline will result in punishment, as was the case in childhood.

Don't: Prepare tender documents for me and respond to consumer complaints.

Need: By Monday morning, the tender documentation should be ready: conditions, provisions, our recommendations, presentation. You have until Tuesday evening to review and respond to customers' complaints. You must first provide me with a draft report. Don't forget that we have introduced penalties for being late.

In the first case, Z will complete all the tasks, but even if he knows that it is urgent, he will not rush. In the second, the documents will be prepared on time. And if he is late with the change and receives a fine, he will take it calmly.

People Z do not accept strict control over themselves, but at the same time they calmly work under restrictions (deadlines, fines, etc.), perceiving these as special conditions of a computer game.

Offer tasks designed for quick results

Generation Z are realists. They have seen how the plans of older Y-ers were dashed, so they do not want to take on unsolvable tasks, so as not to worry in the future. Zs are determined to win and do not like to experience defeat at all.

Ambitious tasks are not for Zs, this is the prerogative of Ys, who are very eager to achieve them, but so far have been unsuccessful. If you set an ambitious task for Z, then you need to divide it into smaller and achievable goals.

Don't: The profit of our company should be increased by next year by 50%.

Do: You should identify the factors limiting the company's sales and get rid of them. Then determine which innovations will increase profits. At the same time, think about how to reduce current costs (deadlines and level of responsibility should be established for each task).

In the first case, people Z will come to the conclusion that boss Y is nagging and deliberately sets impossible tasks. In this situation, it will be easier for them to quit and start looking for new job. And in the second case, they will try to complete tasks as quickly as possible in order to report to Y.

Z, unlike Y, is not career-oriented. It's too long and boring for him. He works for the sake of interest, and not for career growth and making money. Salary is a pleasant bonus, thanks to which you can buy trips, courses and pay for entertainment. Z is not a creator, but a performer who is interested in solving assigned tasks, like a puzzle.

Promise rewards

For Zs, the value of the reward is not important, but the lack of reward at the end will devalue the task itself. The reward may not be too large and conditional, but its presence is mandatory.

The Yandex company offers its employees comic raises. After a year of work in the company, a person is assigned the status of “guardian of the coffee point.” The longer the service period, the higher the joke position. Such “titles” do not carry with them any advantages, but, according to research by Milenian Branding, it became known that generation Z would prefer a minor career advancement after a certain period of time rather than a high position at some point.

Generation Z people need to know their immediate future. They are used to living in comfort and peace. Zs must know not only the time required to solve the problem, but also the date when the first victory will be achieved.

No need: after completing the internship, we will consider your candidacy and, if we are completely satisfied with you, we will hire you full-time.

Need: we are ready to take you on an internship. If you perform well during it, then at the end we will raise you wages and we will accept you with a probationary period. If you do not complete your assigned tasks, we will be forced to fire you. And if you are proactive and efficient, you will be included in the staff.

In the first case, Z will be scared and continue looking for work, and in the second, he will work hard to establish himself and reach the next stage.

Generation Z people are focused on achieving quick results. They expect success after the first effort. The next stage may be more difficult, but it is also doable and limited in time.

7 tricks on how to adapt to Generation Z for the benefit of the company

Sometimes it seems that it is better not to build business relationships with generation Z: they are capricious, lazy and poorly motivated. Moreover, the generation after Z will soon come - the incredibly talented Alpha prodigies, who will grow into promising leaders.

Z people are thoughtful performers, they are flexible and easily transform into serious workers.

1.Write clearly, point by point, speak briefly, explain clearly. According to Microsoft employees, Generation Z children only listen to new information for eight seconds. They are unable to concentrate on long messages. The speaking task should consist of approximately 25 words and be broken down into sub-items. Each point should also be a maximum of 25 words. has trouble remembering information because he knows that everything can be found on the Internet. A written task will help you remember the details.

2.Outline the problem in the form of a comic strip. The new generation understands pictures better than words. Illustrated tasks and video instructions are more effective for them. This also applies to larger tasks, such as the company's development strategy.

3.Give it a like. Z has been praised by his family and teachers since childhood. They were awarded prizes for all their achievements, they even got likes for their photos on social networks. -s cannot work without encouragement and praise. The reward does not motivate them to solve the problem better, but its absence knocks them out of their working rhythm.

4.Don't deprive them of gadgets. According to research by the Childwiz company, he uses all modern gadgets every day. Setting a task in the form of a program has a greater impact on them than a meeting. Introduce modern technologies into the work of the company, do not prohibit the use of social networks and do not force them to maintain only paper documentation. This will increase Z's performance.

5.Give them some leisure time. This generation is used to having fun. Information does not need to be submitted to instructive form, this will only turn Z-in away from working. Allow them to develop and learn as they wish, which will increase their commitment to the firm.

6.Find them friends. Despite all the virtual friends, the Zs are lonely. There is no substitute for live communication. They only look relaxed and sociable, but in fact they have virtually no relationship building skills. Involve them in the team, let them feel involved in the team.

7.Set a clear deadline. Generation Z people understand the importance of time limits, but often violate them. Set strict deadlines and fines for violations. Once such control is established, irresponsible workers will be weeded out themselves.

Last time global network and Runet are energetically discussing Generation MeMeMe, which in Russian is called “Generation YaYaYA”. The quintessence of half of these articles: “The MeMeMe generation is not cute. It’s difficult to communicate, live and work with them.” The other half is trying to protect these guys by “debunking myths”, but it seems to only make things worse by creating confusion in concepts. Zillion decided to clarify some of the nuances and offer its position.

The essence of the problem

The problem with generations, which has been on everyone’s lips lately, is actually more complex and deeper than is formulated in articles entitled “how should we live and work with them.” Because, firstly, this is a new phenomenon of “witch hunt”: man, as the most cruel species of all the fauna of the Earth, historically needs to find a common enemy. Secondly, ironically, those who were not “targeted” by social accusers, that is, representatives of other generations, also come under attack as a result of negligence and the subsequent confusion in concepts. age groups and lifestyles. So, it’s better to call Generation MeMeMe classically - Generation MeMeMe (sounds like “MiMiMi”) - so as not to confuse the terms (there are already so many of them). And especially not “Generation Millennials” or “Generation Y”. Because it turns out that millennials/Y have had nothing to do with it for 10-15 years. Thirdly, the inflated negativity around the generation, which is called “YAYA”, will not lead to anything good. Millennials, accustomed to the fact that they are “forever young” and that they are always scolded, take articles about the MeMeMe/YAYA generation personally and begin to write articles in their defense. Although society didn’t really have any questions about the generation of 30-year-olds, with families, mortgages, children and startups.

What is a generation anyway? Strictly speaking, not everything is clear with the definition itself. According to the dictionary, in demography, a generation, or as they also say “cohort,” is people born in the same year. Generations are also called steps in descent from common ancestor, each covering 30 years. And everything seems to fit smoothly: according to this logic, the MeMeMe Generation belongs to the Millennial Generation. But in practice, a gap of three decades at our stage of civilizational development is a gigantic difference in worldviews, and it is also worth taking into account the transition across the border of millennia. Sometimes they say that one generation spans five years, and more or less this seems to be true: a year is not enough, ten is already quite a long time, and a 30-year gap means people with different paradigms of consciousness and a set of socio-technological skills. The confusion in concepts occurs due to the fact that the “acceleration of time”, the acceleration of progress, and the fact that measuring generations in thirty-year periods is not taken into account is a formalism and an irrelevant approach. Disciplines do not manage these processes, but only reflect and explore. New generations and subcultural branches are not immediately identified, but are formed within each generation - and it is possible to assess what has become a “dead-end branch” and what has taken shape and dissociated itself as a new generation only after several decades.

It’s time for us thirty-year-olds to admit that for ourselves we are forever young, but from the point of view of society and demographics we have “aged” - we are no longer the very heart of what is called youth. Thirty-year-olds are young adults. She got the historical opportunity to remain an eternally young adult, even to a very old age, and this can be comforted. After 30-year-olds, that is, millennials/Y, “young, long-legged and politically literate” have already grown up, who today, by inertia, are still classified as millennials. But it is already becoming clear to many researchers and journalists that this is like a “generation within a generation”, a new generation that has many differences from 30-year-olds and another social psychology. A comical situation arises: old people lamenting about how 30- and 40-year-olds can live and work next to 20-year-olds (+/-).

This column is not really about whether the MeMeMe generation is good or bad - it is very heterogeneous. The very idea of ​​raising such issues in society only to be the first to express a provocative and obviously imperfect idea in a well-known magazine, and then watch how it spreads virally around the world, overgrown with inventions, is absurd and dubious. In Generation MeMeMe there are girls and boys obsessed with selfies and techno-fetishes, bringing obscenities for sleepovers under the doors of Apple Stores, trying to get on vulgar reality shows, selfish narcissists overestimating their personal value and labor market costs. Among 50-year-old celebrities and non-celebs from different countries There are also plenty of people who take comical selfies in toilets and elevators and then post them on Instagram and Facebook: strictly speaking, liking such things is a vague criterion. And in the MeMeMe Generation (the one that is self-made called YAYA) there are bright heads, young scientists and just normal guys, from whom by the age of 30 they will grow up to be very decent people and good specialists. The same can be said about any generation: technological realities and habits change, social trends rise and fall, but only one thing remains constant - society is always heterogeneous. In any generation there are people who rush to absurd or even dangerous extremes of behavior and worldview at any stage of progress.

At first, it is not clear why this fuss is happening with a comprehensive discussion of the traits of the MeMeMe Generation and Generation Y, that is, millennials. And it looks like this: Millennials (that is, 30-year-olds with families, relationships, children, mortgages, MBA degrees and 1-3 higher educations, with their own business or a bunch of work tasks) suddenly learned that they are “problem people”: selfish narcissists, careerists, overestimators their talents, and generally do not like to think, work and wait, but want to sell themselves at a higher price, etc.

First of all, very “timely”. And secondly, all these lists of qualities and myths around which lines of defense and attack are built are absurd: any normal person strives to avoid waiting, find more efficient work algorithms in order to shorten the path to the goal and make a career leap.

About overestimating their talents, inflated demands and narcissism with selfishness: the new youth belonging to the MeMeMe Generation have been given a difficult set of social trends, problems and contradictions to which they are adapting. Life in the era of universal media and mutual responsibility of social networks requires new protective mechanisms, and when going to extremes, they show “holes in reality.” This allows us to “cure” or weaken another social neurosis, such as our dependence on social media, networks and services.

The recent Internet sensation, the festival short film Noah, is all about MeMeMe. In the film, a young man, Noah, continuously switches from his (ex-)girlfriend's hacked Facebook account to a porn channel, Chatroulette, and back. Two Canadian film students, Walter Woodman and Patrick Cederberg, made a 17-minute film as their thesis and better than any article they described the difficult lifestyle situation of the MeMeMe Generation.

The fact is that the new generation, which for now can loosely include both 20-year-olds and schoolchildren, grew up/is growing up in the era of the Internet and the heyday of social media. Most 30-year-olds first experienced the Internet at college in the early 2000s. And those who are younger do not remember a time when the Internet and social networks were not immediately accessible. The Internet has set a global trend for the speed and accessibility of information and contacts, and social networks have absorbed and exaggerated all the most painful features of their most grateful and natural audience - schoolchildren, students, and young people in general. From them, the new laws of Internet sociality spread to the older generation, to 25-35 year olds, who have their own typical problems, mainly related to the issue of self-worth and social achievements: “what have I achieved compared to...?” (substitute the name of a classmate/Zuckerberg, etc.). Thus began and continues to be a continuous cycle of fake and real coolness in social media, which sometimes degenerates into comic forms. When a 20-year-old person or a middle/high school student, exhausted by typical complexes and age-related problems, opens his page on a social network and sees there a celebration of the “protective” vanity of another schoolchild/student, imitation, copying, imitation begins, and so on ultimately patterns emerge. The distance between these patterns and real young people can be incredibly large: there is only one online image, but a real man- completely different, sometimes more adequate.

There is also a great distance between those who belong to the same generation. Here is the young talented scientist Ionut Alexandru Budisteanu, with whom we recently interviewed (read also: ) After all, he can also be attributed to a lesser extent to the Millennial Generation and to a greater extent to Generation Z (this is another name for the MeMeMe Generation): he was born in 1993. Frikessa (currently) Miley Cyrus was born in 1992. The generation is approximately the same, but while Miley is demonstrating her abilities and achievements in the field of twerking, Ionut Alexandru is demonstrating her abilities and achievements in the field of developing self-driving cars based on artificial intelligence. And, by the way, he not only dreams of helping the people of Earth, but has already developed a device that helps blind people see with their tongue, while Miley demonstrates to the people of Earth the length and flexibility of her tongue. Moreover, Ionut is also quite MeMeMe in the sense of the concept - there is also a lot of “YAYA” in his words. But, firstly, this is not at odds with the matter: Grand Prize The Intel ISEF - Gordon E. Moore Award is given for a reason. Secondly, in the construction of this “YAYA” there are three key meanings: “ I I want to see if I can do this project too,” “ I I want them to be proud of me, and for the neighbor’s children to follow my example” and “ I I want my inventions to become useful to all people on the planet” (literally). If this is selfishness and narcissism, then perhaps more selfishness and narcissism. Naturally, we can say that there are only a few such 20-year-old guys. Not as much as we would like, yes. And in order for there to be more of them in the transitional MeMeMe Generation, and in the next one after it, the main thing is continuous education.

If speak about negative qualities, attributed to generations, then there is an exhaustive thesis on this subject: “each generation has its own ELLs.” And then there is recursion: depending on the meaning of “YAYA”. Don't worry about the new generation of 20-year-olds seeming arrogant and overestimating themselves. Half of this is superficial, a mask. In the other half of the cases, the 20-year-old generation is testing boundaries and luck, seeing many examples of quick success. And who wouldn’t want to try to find quick legal success if given the chance? The depreciation of generations smoothes out these rough edges and in 15-20 years those who are today scolded/defended as Generation YAYA will also be indignant at the vices and “vices” of those born in 2013. The same thing was done in Ancient Greece. This is simply fatigue of the spirit of growing up and adults - and envy of other people's youth.

Another point: society loves to tickle its nerves. It is quite possible that the medieval witch hunt was essentially something similar, but it turned into such a nightmare due to general intellectual poverty and underdeveloped ideas about humanity. Man is by nature hostile. Throughout history, he searches, finds and assigns enemies to himself: it doesn’t matter whether we are talking about another nation, representatives of another faith, party or social group with an unusual image/behavior.

Generation Z /MeMeMe /YAYA had a contradictory time with its own characteristics (however, just like 30-, 40-year-olds, etc.). They cope as best they can. Why further complicate their task with articles in the spirit of “how to live and work with them”? Yes, it’s normal to live and work as usual: choosing the most pleasant and adequate ones for your relationships, family, friends and work, which is a universal rule for everyone. Well, a new generation has emerged, so what? What is such an urgent need to decide what to do with them: “how to live and work with them.” A couple of years ago, “kids were scared” by hipsters. Now they have begun to promote the “YAYA” theme. And they promote it unpurposefully: it’s just a fun thing for humanity to find a common “enemy” and “make friends against” him. Then they get bored, and they take on someone new, who is still fresh in the image of a “social threat”.

What millennials and the MeMeMe generation have in common is serious social problems: with work, education and personal life. The world has become more open and at the same time sociopathic: people have a lot of quick contacts, but strong comfortable connections are problematic for many. Millennials are also a “generation of disappointed hopes”: they expected more from life than most millennials received by the time they were thirty. Both generations faced financial difficulties in accessing classical higher education and higher unemployment rates than previous generations. And the hype around millennials and the MeMeMe generation is not harmless: it programs society and employers for negative stereotypes that manifest themselves in attitude and behavior. If, for example, a MeMeMe representative in one situation or another behaved at work differently than his 40- or 50-year-old manager was used to, such behavior will immediately be interpreted in the context of horror lists describing the strangely generalized qualities of the MeMeMe Generation. But what could really happen? Millennials and the MeMeMe Generation are truly people with a different paradigm of thinking. Although, again, not everyone: you can be a progressive 60-year-old and a dense 20-year-old. The names of generations mean not so much the years of birth and life, but rather the paradigms of thinking. So, millennials and MeMeMe are distinguished by a “horizontal” vision of social contacts, while the “parental” generations adhere to a “vertical”, hierarchical paradigm of social interactions.

Greg Kress, an American engineer, designer, physicist, futurist, researcher in the field of team building, founder and CEO of the innovative startup Radicand Lab, spoke interestingly about this topic in a recent interview with Zillion. (read also Gregory Kress: "If you can predict the outcome, you are not doing anything new." :

- I believe that most effective teams do not need a leader at all. The best teams have no hierarchy and decision-making responsibilities are shared evenly. I've found that the best managers are the ones that leave people alone. I have often encountered cases of mismanagement or being assigned to a task that was clearly below my potential. This did not happen when I managed my work myself in a team context. So in a sense, the best leader is the best teammate.

This is precisely why the lack of sacred hierarchical fear among millennials - and even more so among MeMeMe - is called arrogance: it is incomprehensible and outrageous to those who are not used to it. But in essence the idea of ​​“horizontal” social interaction- that is, without hierarchical nods - a healthier, essentially democratic paradigm. Behind its development is a future in which everyone can become truly equal, and not so that “everyone is equal, but some are more equal.” If we talk about arrogance in another context, then this is always a matter of personal ethics.

Today, several generations have been identified unscientifically or pseudo-scientifically, which appeared in the 20th century and exist in the 21st. Almost each of them has duplicate names, which also carry a slightly different meaning. There are many options for staggering generations by decade, especially when we're talking about about generations Y and Z. An option is proposed here that seems convincing, although for now the time boundaries of these generations can only be designated conditionally - time will clarify and correct.

Lost Generation

These are those born in 1880-1900. The authorship of the term belongs to the American writer Gertrude Stein: this is what she called those who emigrated American writers who gathered at her house. Subsequently, the meaning of the term covered a whole group of post-war writers, whose works expressed pessimism, loss of ideals and disappointment in modern civilization. The same extended to readers who shared these sentiments. Historical events that influenced the formation of the Lost Generation: the First World War, the Great Depression and the events that led to the emergence of the USSR and the development of the Union's policy according to the Stalinist scenario.

Greatest Generation

Other names: Generation GI, Generation of Winners. Those born in 1901-1924 are included in it. The term was coined by journalist and NBC anchor Tom Brokaw (sometimes spelled Tom Brokaw). Representatives of this generation witnessed such historical events as the Second World War and the creation of the UN.

Silent Generation

This is what Time magazine called those born between 1925 and 1945. Significant historical events for him are the Korean War and the Cold War. This generation is called silent because of conformism and lack of significant cultural contribution(with the exception of the beatnik movement).

Baby Boom Generation

Other titles: Me Generation,Generation Me , Baby Boom Generation. Branches: Golden Boomers, Generation Jones, Alpha Boomers, Yuppies, Zoomers, Cuspers. These were born in the decades of the population explosion, in 1946-1964. The sharp increase in population was associated with the sexual revolution, the popularity of rock music and the hippie movement, and the evolution of the socio-political views of a democratic society. The term was coined by the New York Times. Events that were most significant for this generation: the emergence and flowering of rock music, the sexual revolution, the Vietnam War, the invasion of Czechoslovakia and May 1968 in France (a social crisis that resulted in demonstrations, riots and huge changes in French society) . The main feature of baby boomers who grew up in comfort was their rebellion against authoritarianism and “classical” moral principles. Interestingly, baby boomers as a generation were segmented into Golden Boomers, Generation Jones, Alpha boomers, Yuppies, Zoomers and Cuspers, but it was not possible to give clear boundaries to the different branches.

Perhaps it will be the same in the case of millennials and the MeMeMe Generation - this can only be assessed in a historical context, from a distance, which once again confirms the pointlessness of trying to evaluate millennials and YAYA here and now.

The baby boomer generation is also called a term coined by the writer Tom Wolfe - Me Generation. Wolfe, like Christopher Lash later, noted the rise of narcissism among younger generation. Narcissism meant the priority of self-realization at the expense of social responsibility. But here is an important point: socio-political and economic hypocrisy are the best demotivators that encourage people of any generation to protest or go into internal emigration and focus on self-realization and enjoying life. That is, compared to the middle of the last century, now there is no terrible new generational misfortune: everything has already happened and will be repeated. If several decades later the features of Generation Me were multiplied by three to form Generation MeMeMe, this only speaks of one thing - demotivation by socio-political and economic hypocrisy has tripled in half a century.

Generation X

Other names: Xers, Xers, Generation 13, Unknown generation. These are those born in 1965-1982. The term was proposed by British researcher Jane Deverson and Hollywood reporter Charles Hamblett, and established by writer Douglas Copeland. Events that influenced this generation: the Afghan War, Operation Desert Storm, the beginning of the era of personal computers, the first Chechen war. Sometimes people born in these years are classified as generation Y and even generation Z (although the latter were not included in the project), and sometimes they try to unite millennials (Y) and MeMeMe (Z) with the letter X. In the United States, Generation X is commonly referred to as people born during the post-Baby Boom decline. Jane Deverson's 1964 study of British youth for Woman's Own magazine found that young people "sleep with each other before marriage, are not religious, do not like the Queen or respect their parents, and do not change their surname when they marry." The journal declined to publish the results. Deverson traveled to Hollywood to publish the book with reporter Charles Hamblett. He came up with the loud name “Generation X”. Canadian writer Douglas Copeland liked the catchy title and incorporated it into his book Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture, which addressed the fears and anxieties of people born between 1960 and 1965: they talked about the loss of cultural connection with the Baby Generation. boomers. It is interesting that those born between 1965 and 1982 were given other high-profile names. For example, “Generation 13” - in the book by William Strauss and Neil Howe in 1991. Strauss and Howe believed that Generation 13 was formed by:

  • Dissatisfaction with authority, lack of trust in management.
  • Political indifference.
  • An increase in the number of divorces.
  • An increase in the number of women-mothers in production places.
  • Zero population growth.
  • Availability of oral contraceptives.
  • Growing divisions in the educational system.
  • Funding cuts educational system and the difficulty of obtaining student loans.
  • Increased academic demands and intellectual abilities.
  • Ecological problems.
  • The emergence of the Internet.
  • The end of the Cold War.

Millennials, or Generation Y

Other names: Generation Y, Millennium Generation, Peter Pan Generation, Next Generation, Network Generation, Echo Boomers, Boomerang Generation, Trophy Generation. Various sources refer to this generation different people. Some say that these are all those born since the early 80s. Others specify: from 1983 to the end of the 1990s. And still others capture the early 2000s. The second option - from 1983 to the end of the 1990s - is perhaps the most convincing.

You might think that two people born 1-3 years apart could belong to different generations just for this reason. Two people born on the same day can belong to different generations depending on opportunities, cultural context, growing up environment, social, educational and technological opportunities, as well as trends - this is more like the truth.

Back to Generation Y: the term was coined by Advertising Age magazine. It is believed that the formation of his worldview was influenced by: perestroika, the collapse of the USSR, the “dashing 90s”, terrorism, wars (in Iraq, Chechnya, etc.); international financial crisis, rising housing costs and unemployment; television, pop culture, torrent trackers and video hosting, the development of mobile and Internet communications, computer technology, social networks, digital media and video games, flash mob and meme culture, online communication, the evolution of devices, etc.

The main thing that characterizes this generation is involvement in digital technologies, philosophical paradigm of the new millennium (millennium), new round division between liberal and conservative views. But the main thing, as they say within the framework of the classical interpretation, is the desire to delay the transition to adulthood, but in fact - the concept of eternal youth (albeit with depressive interludes).

In sociology, a pressing question has arisen: what is considered adulthood? Researcher Larry Nelson suggested that millennials are hesitant to take on the responsibilities of adulthood because of negative examples from their predecessors. On the one hand, this is logical and true. On the other hand, it is not taken into account that this is the Millennium Generation, that is, people with “different brains.” The coordinator of the project “Theory of Generations in Russia - Rugenerations” Evgenia Shamis suggested that Generation Y does not and will not have heroes, but there are idols, and in the future representatives of the millennial generation themselves will become heroes for other generations. This is, in general, what we are seeing in the era of startups. Generation Y has developed a special attitude towards corporate culture: representatives of this generation expect results and benefits from work, strive to adjust working conditions to their lives, prefer flexible hours, outsourcing, etc. Naturally, for those layers of managers who are accustomed to “corporate slavery,” this situation is uncomfortable. But the logic of the generation in it is transparent: people realized that life is beautiful and diverse, they need to work on what is a real passion, and hierarchy is a convention, a construct of society, and in fact, “all people are brothers.”

Generation Z (Generation Z), or Generation MeMeMe (Generation MeMeMe)

Other names: Generation YaYA, Generation Z, Net Generation, Internet Generation, Generation I, Generation M (from the word« multitasking"), Homeland Generation, New Silent Generation, Generation 9/11(a reference to the 9/11 Attack as a turning point in a generation). Until recently, people born before the early 2000s were “canonically” included in the millennial generation. And only now, after dozens of articles, many university professors and journalists, realizing the discordance of the resulting “generation tree,” are inclined to believe that it is incorrect to unite today’s thirty- and twenty-year-olds into one generation, because significant differences are visible, hinting at a new round of social evolution .

So, Generation Ζ (or Generation MeMeMe) are people born in the early 1990s and 2000s (Business Insider writes that Gen Z is those born from 1996 to 2010). Their philosophical and social worldview was influenced by the global financial and economic crisis, Web 2.0 and the development of mobile technologies. Representatives of Generation Z are considered as children of Generation X, and sometimes as children of Generation Y, that is, millennials.

The fundamental property of Generation Z is that technology is in its blood; it handles it on a completely different level than even millennials. The key term in this whole story is Digital Natives. In the digital world, they are locals themselves. And their parents and older sisters and brothers belonging to generations X and Y - Digital Immigrants, digital immigrants. Moreover, the entire Generation Z (GZ) was born in the era of globalization and postmodernism. Z have accumulated the features of predecessors close in time and those features that we already feel, but cannot yet accurately formulate. In ten or twenty years it will be easier: then it will be possible to compare what is being achieved in between and where it started. And since the “building material” for this are more pronounced arrogance, denial of hierarchy, selfishness and narcissism, the “dark side of power” of Generation Z is intuitively called MeMeMe, that is, YAYA.

It is still difficult to look beyond the horizon and understand why human evolution “needs” these qualities of Generation Z (Generation Z). It is quite possible that they will serve something that is not fully understood even by thirty-year-olds. Timid positive assumptions can be made now: having suffered from puberty diseases, generation Z, accused of selfishness and narcissism, will take the first steps towards a balanced lifestyle of the future, in which they work for creative pleasure and social benefit, create a family out of feelings, and not because society considers It is indecent to be alone, having children not for a glass of water in old age, but to pass on their matured digital and libertarian values ​​to Generation Alpha, as demographer Mark McCrindle predicts. Negative scenarios for Generation Z are also possible: time will clarify a lot. Here is Mao Zedong’s brilliant answer to everything: “It’s too early to draw conclusions.”

Generation Alpha

The Alpha people are already among us. They were born around 2010. This is the real generation of the 21st century. Millennials, that is, today's thirty-year-olds, are actively participating in the creation of Generation Alpha - and will pass on their values ​​to them in order to build a brighter future. Therefore, the best thing we can do for Generation Alpha today is to continuously learn and help others learn: support the “bright side” of Generation Z.

Let us stipulate that all these divisions are not strict and are not fixed by science - different interpretations and positions are possible: since we are witnesses of transition processes, we can only assume that such a continuity of generations is now emerging. In general, it will be seen.

P. S.

University of Georgia psychology professor William Keith Campbell shared some interesting thoughts with Zillion about generations, individualism, and narcissism.

William Keith Campbell

(W. Keith Campbell)

Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology at the University of Georgia, Ph.D. Specializes in the study of narcissism. Author of numerous articles, including in USA Today, Time and The New York Times. Guest expert on popular radio and television programs. His books include: When You Love a Man Who Loves Himself: How to Deal with a One-way Relationship, The Narcissism Epidemic Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement”) and many others (“The Hand book of Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder: Theoretical Approaches”, “Empirical Findings, and Treatments”). Official site: WKeithCampbell. Com

For every generation There are several names, and none of them are scientifically correct. We found in our research that change occurs smoothly. Someone born in 1980 will be closer in psychology to someone born in 1979 than someone born in 1990.

United States Culture, like many other countries, it is changing towards individualism. This has many positive aspects, in particular, increasing the level of tolerance. Our work is focused on the increase in narcissism as one of the negative manifestations. To explore this cultural phenomenon, we observe various social activities: from how people behave on Facebook to what they name their children.

Overall, watching generations, we see individualism, narcissism and self-esteem increasing - but also tolerance.

Narcissism is a grandiose or inflated assessment of oneself. Attached to narcissism are character traits such as self-centeredness, attention-seeking behavior, and a sense of being chosen. Narcissism is associated with individualism, but it is individualism with less responsibility and a sense of superiority over others. In extreme cases, narcissism can become mental disorder, but this happens quite rarely.

Professor William Keith Campbell: "I think what's really interesting is the question: why haven't the psychological traits of young people changed in line with the economic downturn that we've seen over the last five years?"

Changes in culture that we are seeing began at least in the early 1970s. So this is more than the influence of social media or reality television. I think there is an important difference between staying young and full of life- for example, being energetic and open to new ideas - and not growing up and giving up important adult responsibilities and duties.

There is a theory that millennials must be a very involved generation with a civic consciousness: its traces stretch from the ideas of the Russian economist Kondratieff. However, the large amount of data we collected does not support this idea. I think what's really interesting is the question: Why aren't the psychological traits of young people changing in line with the economic downturn that we've seen over the last five years?

When you do research Group differences - whether across cultures, genders or generations - always run the risk of viewing differences and stereotyping individuals in negative (and sometimes positive) ways. Each generation represents a wide variety of individuals.

In younger generations much more tolerance. At the same time, there may be a tendency to identify less with nations and more with transient groups. I don’t know whether we will have a global nation or whether the importance of belonging to a nation will simply decrease, which will become key to the organization of society.

Cover illustration: Photo by on

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