What is mystical content in literature. The hero of modernism is a man of “unhappy consciousness” (in quotes because it’s just a term)

Mysticism is one of the most interesting and intriguing modern genres. Its components are strange events and inexplicable phenomena, signs of the other world and chilling creatures that appear out of nowhere. And fear is the fear of the unknown, the supernatural, which defies logical explanation.

Mysticism tickles the nerves and fascinates, which attracts the attention of readers. And it creates problems for writers, because it’s not so easy to create horror and scare with words.

Genre features of mysticism

There aren't many of them. Let's try to list basic:

  1. The idea and plot are based on the theme of death (otherworldly).
  2. Heroes and characters are either owners of supernatural (psychic) ​​abilities, or representatives of the other world (ghosts, demons).
  3. Dual world is a combination of reality and unreality, where reality predominates, and the unreal world adds an illogical poignancy to familiar phenomena.
  4. Often, mysterious events and manifestations of the other world are designed solely for the reader’s faith in the supernatural and are not explained in any way.
  5. The atmosphere of the story and the details of the surroundings are implicated in fear, which is “derived” from real and logical things - the creaking of floorboards or the howling of the wind outside the window.

The main character in mysticism is fear. And not only, but also the reader’s fear, as well as your own. To authentically write a frightening scene, you need to understand how fear affects a person. And you yourself need to be afraid of what you write about. Therefore, descriptions of monsters, ghosts or night cemeteries alone will not do.

Without a premonition of something terrible, without a feeling of an unknown and terrible danger from which you cannot hide or protect yourself in the usual ways (with the same stool or a pistol), a mystical phenomenon will simply be an element of the surroundings - strange, but not scary at all.

How the plot of a mystical story is built

In outline the plot of almost every mystical story consists of following steps:

  • the hero imagined something strange (and the day before he had had strange dreams, and the cat stubbornly hissed at someone in the corner);
  • the hero begins to come up with explanations from the logical to the otherworldly, one more terrible than the other, and he himself escalates the situation;
  • the cat stubbornly continues to hiss for several days now, and strange things seem to happen, despite running to the church and holy water in every corner;
  • out of fear, the hero becomes slightly inadequate, flinches at every rustle, sleeps poorly and himself looks for the “otherworldly” in his own home;
  • the priest’s arrival calms both the cat and the hero, and nothing happens for a couple of days;
  • and suddenly, one moonlit night, when the hero is sleeping peacefully...

And this is where the fun begins!

General mood and increasing tension in the story

In mysticism, of course, there must be a lot of inexplicable and frighteningly strange things, but all strange things must be logically included in the plot, therefore fears must have a logical basis.

If the hero, for example, has been afraid of ghosts all his life, a little background is needed - why they scare him terribly even in adulthood.

Thus, if you are not afraid to take on such a difficult genre... then be afraid! Be afraid in every scene – for the hero and his sanity, for the lives of the characters. And, of course, be afraid of what you write about, because the most reliable fear is the one that you know firsthand, which you have experienced and felt. And if you are not afraid to be afraid and are not afraid of what lives inside you... Good luck in writing a mystical story!

If you want to try your hand at writing mystery, come to the OPEN trial course "Keys to Mysticism: How to Write Books in the Mystical Genre"(subscription form at the very bottom).

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    When eight years ago the author of this work revised the contents of the lectures he gave in 1902 into a book, he entitled it: “Christianity as a Mystical Fact.” This title was supposed to indicate the special nature of the book. Its goal was not only to historically outline the mystical content of Christianity, but also to depict the emergence of Christianity, based on mystical view on him; show that the very basis of Christianity lies spiritual events, visible only to such mystical perception. The very content of the book shows what the author means by “mystical” not the same views that rely more on vague knowledge of the senses than on “strictly scientific presentation.” Nowadays, in wide circles of society, “mysticism” is understood in precisely this way, and many therefore attribute it to areas of mental life that cannot have anything in common with “genuine science.” In this book, the word “mysticism” is used to express such a spiritual event, the essence of which is revealed only to knowledge drawing from the very sources of spiritual life. Anyone who denies this kind of knowledge, which draws from such sources, will naturally not be able to take any definite position on the contents of this book. Only one who understands mysticism in such a sense that it can be dominated by no less clarity, than with a correct presentation of the results of natural scientific research, only he will be able to agree with our mystical depiction of the content of Christianity as mysticism. For the matter is not only about the content of this work, but - and this is most important - about those methods of knowledge with the help of which it is presented here

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    Only those who agree that full recognition of our modern, so amazing knowledge of nature is completely compatible with genuine mysticism will be able to accept this book.

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    When starting the second edition, the author did not consider it necessary to make any changes. But some were produced here additions compared to what was written eight years ago. And also regarding many places an attempt has been made to present them more precisely and in more detail than how it was possible to do it then. Unfortunately, many other works allowed the author to publish this second edition only long after the first had long been out of print.

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    Mysticism in a broad sense

    Mysticism (from the Greek mystikos - mysterious) in a broad sense is a concept more general and more vague than the concept of religion. We can say that any specific religion is a special case of mysticism. Mysticism forms the basis of all religions without exception. It is known, for example (and this is not at all uncommon) that people professing different religions can belong to the same mystical community, which is engaged in, say, spiritualism or theosophy. The essence of the mystical worldview generally comes down to the idea of ​​the duality of the world. Initially, this idea is apparently determined by the fundamental circumstance that a person, in his cognitive attitude to the world, constantly encounters the unknown, which is usually at first perceived as unknowable. This eternal conflict, oppressing and perplexing man from the first steps of his historical movement and from the first efforts of his cognitive activity, constitutes the epistemological and psychological basis of mysticism and determines its primary operational form, which should be considered primitive magic. The idea of ​​the duality of the world does not remain unchanged. It gradually becomes more complex and, with the emergence of ideas about the soul, takes on the form of new alternatives: the material and spiritual world, the natural and supernatural world.

    Mysticism is much older than religion and constitutes its epistemological substratum. The famous Soviet historian of religion V.D. Bonch-Bruevich has a judgment about the relationship between mysticism and religion: “All religions have always, at all times and among all peoples, be it sectarianism, or orthodox religions, or Orthodoxy, have always had and have a mystical beginning . That’s why they are religious systems, because they are mystical.”

    Mysticism in a special sense

    What constitutes the content of the concept of “mysticism” in the narrow sense? G. V. Plekhanov considers the main thing in mysticism to be “belief in the possibility of direct unity of man with deity and with spirits in general.” He emphasizes that .....materialist philosophy, and this alone, is the complete opposite of the philosophy of mysticism. For a materialist, man with all his properties is nothing more than a part of nature. For the mystic, nature itself is nothing more than a revelation of the deity... According to the materialist theory, the only source of knowledge is experience interpreted by the human mind. According to the teachings of mystics, the deepest, only, true knowledge is achieved through divine revelation. The mystical philosophy of nature is nothing other than theosophy. The materialist rejects magic with the same contempt with which he treats all witchcraft and witchcraft. In the eyes of a mystic, magic is something much more respectable and serious than our ordinary natural science.”

    So, in a broad sense, mysticism is such an interpretation of being that sees in being, first of all, a mysterious, incomprehensible principle. In a narrow sense, mysticism is the idea or belief in the possibility of direct communication between a person and a supernatural principle or the idea of ​​the possibility of super-experienced and supersensible knowledge.

    Self-definition of mysticism

    It seems not only appropriate, but also necessary to consider here the self-determination of mysticism. In this regard, the interpretation of mysticism and its typology, proposed at the end of the last century by the famous Russian mystic Vladimir Solovyov, is not without interest. This is all the more important because Solovyov’s mystical speculations are widely proclaimed in our time by bourgeois religious scholars and moralists. Solovyov distinguished between two types of mysticism: real, or experiential, mysticism, and religious-philosophical, or cognitive, mysticism. By real, or experimental, mysticism, Solovyov understood a set of phenomena and actions that allegedly in a special way connect a person with a “secret being” and “secret forces of the world,” regardless of the conditions of space, time and physical causality. By religious-philosophical, or cognitive, mysticism, Solovyov understood “mystical theology” and theosophy. In turn, Solovyov divided real, or experimental, mysticism into divinatory mysticism (clairvoyance, fortune telling) and active or operational mysticism (magic, theurgy, necromancy, witchcraft, spiritualism). Solovyov also included hypnotism, or, as he put it, , “animal magnetism,” which indicates Solovyov’s clear tendency to see mysticism in any insufficiently studied phenomenon. In his typology of mysticism, Soloviev pointed out that from a Christian point of view, real, or experienced, mysticism is subject to division into divine, natural and demonic mysticism. By “divine mysticism” we mean “mystical communication with God,” manifested in visions (i.e., hallucinations) and ecstatic attacks. By “natural mysticism” we mean alchemy and all kinds of “miracle-working.” Finally, “demonic mysticism” means “communication with evil spirits,” that is, all kinds of phantasmagoria about witches’ Sabbaths, ghouls, etc.

    In Catholic theology, mysticism is defined as “the empirical knowledge of divine grace in man.”

    Mysticism and religion

    Mysticism, which arose in pre-class society, during the era of the formation of the maternal clan, then, with the emergence of class states and especially Asian despotisms, where “the role of theocratic elements was very significant, acquired a huge influence on the spiritual life of peoples. For correct orientation, it seems fundamentally important to distinguish between the concepts of “mysticism” and “religion.” How does mysticism differ from religion and what do they have in common?

    First of all, mysticism and religion have a common ideological basis: a perverse (dualistic) concept of the world. As for the active, or operational, side of mysticism and religion, there are significant differences between them. Thus, if a religious cult is open, public and even official in nature, then the actions of mystics are usually carried out secretly. Of course, the relationships between mysticism and religion noted here are conditional and fluid. Thus, in the Christian cult there are “seven sacraments,” the interpretation of which is given by theologians from the position of pure mysticism. The dogma of revelation and creation is also pure mysticism. However, in any religion one can easily point out many principles and elements that are clearly mystical both in origin and in meaning. Likewise, many mystical actions and ideas are so closely related to religion that it is difficult to separate them from each other.

    "Occult Sciences"

    Mysticism permeates not only religion, but also tries to penetrate into the sphere of science. We are talking about the so-called “occult sciences,” which are also based on mysticism. The term “occult” (from the Latin occultus - secret, hidden) in the combination occolta philosophia was first used by Agrippa of Nettesheim in his three-volume treatise “De occulta philosophia”, written in 1510–1512. The occultists themselves define their “science” as a set of views, beliefs and knowledge about the mysterious properties and forces of nature and man. According to the occultists, their “science” stands on the line between materialistic science and religion. Occultism is supposedly similar to science by the desire to penetrate into the essence of things and comprehend the deepest secrets of the universe and the human soul, as well as to build a holistic, consistent worldview. What is wrong with religion about occultism is that occultism recognizes deity as the starting point of all things. Thus, occultism is basically a theological system and mysticism. At the same time, recognizing revelation as the main source of knowledge, occultism creates the appearance that it does not abandon the generally accepted scientific methods of knowledge - experiment and logical inference. Occultists most readily use the method of analogy, which, as we know, is the least accurate and least convincing, but provides the greatest opportunities for creating mystical phantasmagoria. Claiming to be scientific, occultists at the same time claim that if materialistic science is able to comprehend only the external side of phenomena, then occult sciences supposedly explore the inner essence of things and phenomena, which is accessible only to the initiated and enlightened. The main source of knowledge, according to occultists, is divine revelation. They claim that the supreme deity “gave revelation to the founders of world religions - Rama, Krishna, Hermes, Moses, Orpheus, Buddha, Zoroaster, Pythagoras, Plato, Jesus, Mohammed” and that all religions that have ever been professed by mankind, in their internal essences are reduced to some deepest single truth and therefore represent one universal universal religion.

    Let us now briefly consider the main stages of mysticism that are clearly discernible in history.

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    This book includes twenty of Edgar Allan Poe’s most famous mystical stories, intriguing and eerie due to their atmosphere and unique emotional coloring. The book also includes “The Tale of the Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket” - one of the largest in volume and controversial in content of symbolic adventure works from the pen of E.

    By. The reader will be presented with the deepest and inexplicable recesses of the human soul, very strange journeys, acquaintances and amazing encounters with the otherworldly that arise on the edge of a borderline situation.

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    Oscar Wilde Fairy tales Absent

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    Wilde's fiction, devoid of mystical overtones, is either a naked - conditional assumption, or a fabulous game of fiction. All his tales end with the apotheosis of love, self-sacrifice, compassion for the disadvantaged, and helping the poor. CONTENTS 1. The giant is an egoist; 2.

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    Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov Russian classics Missing No data

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    Oscar Wilde Fairy tales Absent

    The cult of the Beautiful, of which Wilde was an ardent propagandist, led the young man to rebellion against bourgeois values, but to a rebellion that was rather purely aesthetic. The preaching of the beauty of suffering, of Christianity (taken in the ethical and aesthetic aspect), which Wilde came to in prison (De profundis), was prepared in his previous work.

    Almost for the first time in the history of culture, an artist or writer considered his entire life as an aesthetic act. However, what became almost an artistic norm in the 20th century was unacceptable for Victorian England at the end of the 19th century. Wilde, with his pursuit of exquisite sensations, with his gourmet physiology, is alien to metaphysical aspirations.

    Wilde's fiction, devoid of mystical overtones, is either a naked - conditional assumption, or a fabulous game of fiction. All his tales end with the apotheosis of love, self-sacrifice, compassion for the disadvantaged, and helping the poor. CONTENTS 1. Wonderful rocket; 2.

    The fisherman and his soul; 3. Happy Prince.

    The Russians will not come (collection)

    Alexander Kabakov Absent

    Writer Alexander Kabakov is a master of dark prophecies, mystical dystopias and psychological novels. The book “The Russians Will Not Come” contains works that are considered Kabakov’s calling card: the legendary “Defector”, an action-packed action film whose total circulation exceeded a million, its continuation – the phantasmagoria “Condemned” and the recently thunderous “Fugitive” (“Prose of the Year - 2009 ") - an elegant stylization of an old diary.

    Diary of the king. Records of evil spirits

    Andrey Khems Contemporary Russian literature Missing No data

    The first mystical story about Peter, which will not leave any reader indifferent with its content and form. This literature is a guide to the world of adventure and mysticism.

    Adventures. Fantastic

    Victor Zhitinkin Contemporary Russian literature Missing No data

    Fantastic stories are written simply and easily, reading them even brings pleasure and turns into real relaxation. Read and relax!

    Third prophecy

    Elena Hanga Modern detectives Absent

    A modeling agency is not only a profitable business, but also an unpredictable one. Zhenya Linderman, notorious for the fact that at social shows, VIP parties and banquets, he brought together... that is, introduced beautiful models to politicians and oligarchs, had to be convinced of this.

    And now a wonderful business is disrupted by inexplicable attacks on the “girls”. At the same time, an international criminal group kidnaps a girl with unique abilities from Russia. Who is she, how is she connected to Linderman, where can I find her? The main character of the mystical detective story “The Third Prophecy” will not only have to find out this, but also face the biggest secret of the twentieth century - the third prophecy of the Virgin of Fatima, the content of which has long been hidden from humanity.

    And perhaps he is still hiding...

    Us and them. How to be friends with dogs and cats?

    Elena Medvedeva Pets Missing No data

    In the previous dog breeding guide “Adopt a dog?!” The author, amateur dog trainer, trainer and judge recounted the extraordinary adventures of dozens of her pets, from tiny Chihuahuas to giant mastiffs and greyhounds. These stories include advice on choosing a puppy, its maintenance, feeding, education, and targeted training.

    In this book you will find interesting observations of representatives of the cat family, including true mystical stories. The author, the owner of a total of 15 cats of different breeds and several dozen kittens, gives a comparative description of four-legged pets, as well as advice on their maintenance.

    Complete euphoria of those present in the hall. The joy and exaltation are so high that the guests did not soon notice that the hero of the occasion was dead. Confusion, calls for ambulance, police, security. But when the investigator appears, it turns out that there is no corpse in the cordoned off room.

    Mystic. The detective interviews everyone who was present at the banquet and those who were on television. No results. The story is mystical, full of adventurous events. It’s as if we are watching the program “Legend of the Star” - equally mysterious, full of amazing transformations of actress Alisa Dashkova, created by herself or her sister...? There is a lot of adventure, mysticism, and adventure in the novel.

    How to become a magician. French occult manifesto of the era of decadence

    Josephine Peladan 19th century literature Absent

    The treatise “How to Become a Magician” was written by the famous writer and mystic Josephine Peladan at the end of the 19th century. It reflected the author's views on the mystical heritage of the Rosicrucians. The content of the book is structured according to the principle of upward movement - from the concrete and earthly to the abstract and sublime - similar to the structure of the Tree of Life in Kabbalah.

    In the first part, Peladan talks about the magician’s lifestyle - what will have to change, how to eat, with whom to strive to communicate and enter into relationships. And in the second and third - about twelve steps that will lead you to an understanding of culture, society, death and the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe divine.

    And if you completely immerse yourself in the book, you will have already completed a significant part of the journey, and the opportunity will open up before you to live life as if it were all a magical work.

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