What is a housing mortgage for a young family? Mortgage program for young families.

The “Young Family 2013” ​​subsidy can be spent on various purposes. For example, this amount can be used to purchase housing on the secondary or primary market, and the family can independently choose the appropriate option. In addition, you can use the money to build a house. In this situation, it will be necessary to submit all reporting documents with the cost of materials and work performed to confirm the actual intended use.

You can also pay off the down payment to take out a mortgage loan to purchase a home. As a rule, it is 10% of the amount.
Due to changes in this program, the amount of total family income has changed. This year it is equal to at least 21,620 rubles.
To participate in this program, you must collect a package of documents:

  • statement;
  • original + copy of documents identifying family members;
  • salary certificate for the last year;
  • a document confirming the need for additional living space.

Russian citizens under 35 years of age must submit a package of documents to the local government authorities at their place of residence. Within 10 days, the administration will make a decision on the possibility of including you in the program.
As a result, you will be provided with a certificate that can be used as a down payment on a home or to partially pay off a mortgage. The minimum size of living space should not be more than 15 square meters. meters per 1 family member. At least 1 family member must be under 35 years of age, and the family can consist of 1 person.
Disadvantages of the program
The new approved program has certain disadvantages:

  • due to the larger number of participants, the queue will increase;
  • the program can direct people to build housing rather than purchase it;
  • assistance is provided only to families that have a regular income;
  • financing is no more than 30%;
  • the cost of the mortgage cannot be higher than 2.2 million rubles;
  • a family that has been under the program since 2011 can only use the subsidy to purchase housing in a new building;
  • money cannot be spent on purchasing housing on the secondary market;
  • The mortgage must be paid monthly.

Subsidy amount

A family consisting of 2 people will receive an amount of 600,000 rubles, and a family of 3 people - up to 800,000 rubles, families of four or more members can receive 1 million rubles. Additional assistance is provided for large families.
What do you need to take part in the program?
In order for a family to enter the program, it must contact the administration authorities at its place of residence. This program today operates in different regions of the country and is regulated by local regulations.
The difference between the conditions for implementing this program in specific regions of the country may be as follows:

  • financing budgets;
  • number of participants;
  • construction programs and various banking conditions;
  • document preparation process.

Conditions for obtaining a profitable mortgage for young families

Mortgages under this program for young families were created specifically for this category of the population, and the main goal of the project is to provide an opportunity for a young family to acquire housing.
Today, a mortgage is very relevant, and is often the only possible way to obtain housing. The mortgage program pays 35% of the total housing price for childless families, and if there is a child, then up to 40% of the purchase is paid.
Anyone can become a participant in the program if they meet the following criteria:

  • age no more than 35 years;
  • single-parent family under the age of 35;
  • there is a certificate of the need to improve living conditions;
  • family members have a regular income.

In addition, to obtain a mortgage for a young family, you can invite a close relative as a guarantor, and the loan terms can be extended to 25 years.

Surely many of us have heard of such a concept as a social mortgage.

But the problem is that those citizens who have every right to it do not know how to get it.

What documents need to be provided? Where should I go? What programs does social mortgage include?

Let's consider all these questions in more detail.

What are social mortgage loans? What legal regulations govern

The definition of “Social Mortgage” means a program that is aimed at improving housing conditions for those categories of citizens belonging to the least protected segments of the population.

This type of mortgage includes assistance from the state. If speak about social norms of living space, then depending on the region of residence it can vary from 10 to 18 square meters. meters per person.

In the Russian Federation, the issue of providing a social mortgage is regulated by the following: legislative acts, How:

  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Law No. 102, which clearly defines the issue of the need to provide collateral;
  • Federal Law No. 122, which provides not only general issues on mortgage lending, but also the procedure for registering purchased real estate with a mortgage.

It is also necessary not to forget about Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, which guarantees the provision of social mortgages to those categories of citizens who are in dire need of improving their living conditions.

Social mortgage programs for various categories of citizens

Today there is a social mortgage for such categories of citizens:

For young families

Young families are entitled to a social mortgage only if they live in a property with an area of ​​less than 18 square meters. meters per person. Their total age should not exceed 70 years or no more than 35 years for each spouse.

Under a social mortgage, a young family has the right get help from the government in the amount of 35% if there are no children and 40% if they are present.

For military and law enforcement officers

Every person who belongs to this category has the right to receive a social mortgage, which provides the opportunity to receive a loan in the amount of up to 2.4 million rubles.

Themselves lending terms depend on the following factors:

  • region of service;
  • military rank;
  • size .

Wherein maximum mortgage loan amount is constantly changing, so you need to check the amount at your place of residence.


Medical employees have the right to receive a social mortgage in the same way as employees of other budget organizations.

The only condition is having permanent experience work from 3 years.

Social mortgage extends for such specialties:

  • pulmonologists;
  • ophthalmologists;
  • pediatricians;
  • ENT doctors;
  • psychiatrists;
  • oncologists.

Please note that this list is not final.

The sphere of education

The Russian Federation pays a lot of attention to teachers. For this reason, they also have the opportunity to obtain a social mortgage to improve their living conditions.

Basic requirements Such borrowers are considered to be:

  • age category – up to 35 years;
  • availability of a down payment in the amount of 10 to 30% of the cost of residential real estate;
  • the amount of mandatory monthly payments should not exceed 50% of the total monthly family income.

It is also worth noting that many banks have developed special mortgage lending programs for teachers, which allow significant savings on interest overpayments.

For scientists

Basic requirements for borrowers who belong to the category of scientists it is considered to be:

  • age category from 23 to 35 years. If the borrower is a Doctor of Science, age up to 40 years is allowed;
  • the presence of a scientist working in a research center of any enterprise or in government research bodies;
  • the choice of real estate can be made in any region of the country, regardless of the region of residence.

For registration of social mortgages, you must first submit a corresponding application to your immediate supervisor at your place of work to formulate a request to the Academy of Sciences.

Terms of social mortgage loans for young families

Basic conditions To obtain a social mortgage for young families, it is customary to consider:

It is also worth taking into account the presence or absence children. As mentioned earlier, a young family has the right to count on assistance in the amount of 35% if there are no children and 40% if they have them.

In addition, the young couple must currently live in real estate whose area is less than that required at the regional level. This figure varies from 10 to 18 square meters. meters.

Registration procedure

Where should I go?

To participate in the program, a young family must apply to the municipal authority at your place of residence.

What documents should I prepare?

Before applying, a young family must prepare list of such documentation, How:

Further actions

After the young family has provided all the necessary list of documents to the relevant authority, they can only wait decision making on their question. As a rule, housing department employees notify of their decision after 14 calendar days.

Based on this decision, the municipal authority creates a list of such families in the region and sends application to local authorities. This body makes decisions on the allocation of budget funds. After the amount is approved, the young family just has to contact the local administration and pick up certificate of allocation of funds.

These funds may be spent:

  • to pay the down payment;
  • or to pay the main body of the mortgage loan.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that this certificate can be provided to any banking institution, where a young family plans to register for themselves. When signing an agreement at the bank, you can immediately pay with these funds at your own discretion.

Regional features

Depending on the region of residence, young families are given their own conditions for a social mortgage.

For example, in capital young families can purchase property in a new building at a price several times cheaper than the market cost, if the property is still under construction. Moreover, local authorities themselves recommend taking advantage of this chance. If a young family refuses this option, they have the right to send the state. assistance with making a down payment.

IN St. Petersburg The amount of social mortgage assistance is about 20% for families where one of the spouses works in the public sector. Moreover, his work experience must be at least 10 years.

IN Nizhny Novgorod There are conditions for the purchased property. In particular, the property must have the following area:

  • from 40 sq. meters - for single-parent families;
  • from 65 sq. meters - if the family is full (there is a husband and wife);
  • from 90 sq. meters - if the family consists of 3 or more people.

As you can see, the conditions are different everywhere, but the main thing to remember is: in the capital and St. Petersburg the maximum mortgage size is 15 million rubles, in other regions - no more than 8. However, this is not so significant, since the final amount depends on the level of monthly income.

The features of providing social mortgage loans are described in the following video:

The right to housing is one of the fundamental constitutional rights of every Russian. Family mortgage is one of the forms of support for the population to purchase comfortable housing. Under the terms of mortgage lending, young couples with children have the opportunity to purchase an apartment or private house today, and repay the debt to the bank over a certain period. At the same time, many families can take advantage of government assistance.

Family mortgage in the Russian Federation is a special housing lending program provided to married couples with or without children. It is no secret that having your own home significantly increases the birth rate, thereby improving the overall demographic situation in the country. Therefore, a family mortgage always has 3 sides to the transaction:

  • financial institution providing funds;
  • borrower;
  • state.

In this case, state assistance in acquiring your own square meters can be expressed in one of the following ways:

  • transfer of a certain amount of money to repay debt on a bank loan;
  • reduction of the interest rate on the loan;
  • provision of real estate from a special fund for the purchase and sale.

In 2019, family mortgages with government support are represented by several programs.

“Young Family” program within the framework of the Housing project

The federal Housing program has been operating in Russia for almost 20 years. During this time, thousands of Russian families were able to purchase houses or apartments for personal use by combining their own, borrowed and government funds. The main conditions of the state program for young families are:

  1. Age. In accordance with the name of the program, couples in which each spouse is under 35 years of age can receive a loan.
  2. Need for housing. Families who do not have their own living space or live in inappropriate conditions will be able to become borrowers.
  3. Availability of official income. At least one able-bodied family member must have a permanent job and an income sufficient to make monthly loan payments.

If a married couple meets all the requirements for borrowers, a mortgage agreement is drawn up for the amount needed to purchase their own living space. The state will transfer funds to repay the loan in the amount of 30 to 40% (depending on the composition of the family and the number of children in it).

Young family in Sberbank and Rosselkhozbank

Some banks offer their clients particularly advantageous banking products. Such programs are the result of cooperation between financial institutions and the state. Let's take a closer look at the special programs for young families provided by Sberbank and Rosselkhozbank.

Provided at 9% per annum for a period of up to 30 years to citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 35 who meet the following requirements:

  • legally married or single parents with children under the age of 35;
  • Only ready-made housing is purchased;
  • having an official income commensurate with future payments.

Young families can use borrowed funds from the bank to purchase an apartment, a country cottage, a plot of land or build a private house. The loan can be issued in rubles, US dollars or euros. Requirements for borrowers:

  • not older than 35 years;
  • level of income sufficient to make loan payments;
  • opportunity to make a down payment (minimum 10%, maternity capital is allowed).

When building a house or having a child, borrowers are provided with a 3-year deferment on the payment of the principal debt.

Family mortgage with state support of 6 percent since 2018

Since 2018, a new state lending program has been launched, already called “Family mortgage with state support at 6 percent.” It will be available to families in which a second, third or subsequent child will be born between January 1, 2018 and March 1, 2023.

The main conditions of this loan program are:

  1. Providing borrowed funds at 6% per annum.
  2. The funds can be used to purchase housing in new buildings or to refinance an existing home loan.
  3. The purchase and sale agreement can be concluded exclusively with legal entities.
  4. The maximum loan amount is 3,000,000 rubles, for cities of federal significance – 8,000,000 rubles.
  5. Subsidization is provided for up to 3 years at the birth of the 2nd child, up to 5 years at the birth of the 3rd child. If a 2nd or 3rd child appears in the family during the program, state support is provided for 8 years

A family mortgage with state support is a significant assistance to families with two or more children. Russians will be able to purchase new, comfortable housing using a housing loan with an annual rate of only 6%. It is also possible to use maternity capital to make a down payment or pay off part of the debt.

Putin's decree

In November 2017, the President of Russia once again raised the issue of the need for state assistance for families with two or more children. Putin's decree contained direct orders aimed at creating a regulatory framework and the speedy implementation of a population lending program at 6%.

Government Decree

Already in December 2017, all the requirements of the President of the country were fulfilled, and the Government presented to the country a document signed by Dmitry Medvedev. It contains the rules for state subsidies for financial institutions and JSC AHML when providing citizens with preferential housing loans at 6% per annum. Their essence is simple:

  • banks provide loans to the population at low interest rates;
  • lost income is reimbursed by the state from budget funds.

Changes for 2019

From February 2019, it is planned to change the terms of the family mortgage in terms of the validity period of the preferential rate. As stated by Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, conditions have already been agreed upon under which a preferential rate of 6% for families where a second and subsequent child is born will be valid for the entire period of the loan. It is also possible to introduce subsidies for the mortgage rate in the amount of the Central Bank rate + 4 percentage points. The third point of state support for families under these changes is the possible partial write-off of debt to the creditor, but not more than 10% of the debt and 450,000 rubles.


The “Family Mortgage at 6 Percent” program is short-term. Families who gave birth to their 2nd and 3rd children between January 1, 2018 and March 1, 2023 will be able to become participants in the program and purchase their own housing on favorable terms. So far, an extension of the state program is not expected, but changes are possible based on the results.

Program conditions

Only those financial institutions that express a desire to participate in the program will be able to issue housing loans at 6 percent. To do this, banks will need to submit an application for participation to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, as well as a certain package of documents confirming their financial stability and legal purity.

For potential borrowers, the general ones will be the same regardless of the bank chosen (VTB, Sovcombank, etc.), but will have certain specifics regarding client verification and registration.

Participant and loan requirements

To become a borrower under the new preferential lending program, you must meet certain requirements:

  1. Age. A potential bank client must not be under 21 years of age or over 65 years of age.
  2. Family status. The main condition is the birth of the borrower's second or third child during the program period. In this case, the presence of an officially concluded marriage or the absence of a second parent in the family does not matter.
  3. Employment. The borrower must have a permanent job and income sufficient to pay the monthly loan installments. At the same time, the length of service in the last place is at least six months.

The loan has requirements regarding its direct use:

  • for the purchase of an apartment in a new building or finished housing from a developer;
  • to refinance an existing loan (housing purchased on the primary market, from a developer).

Banks participants

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation accepted applications and approved 47 financial institutions as participants in the “Family Mortgage at 6 Percent” program:

BankLending for a new buildingOn-lendingLimit, million rubles
AHML Dom.RFYesYes320
Russian capitalYesYes22 840
VTB Bank of MoscowYesNo106 726
AbsalutbankYesNo46 586
MetallinvestbankYesYes3 202
SberbankYesNo171 205
GazprombankYesYes22 006
RosselkhozYesYes20 145
PromsvyazbankYesNo14 835
OpeningYesNo14 578
ICDYesNo13 261
RaiffeisenYesYes12 807
RenaissanceYesYes12 135
Bank RussiaYesNo9 285
SovcombankYesNo8 538
DeltaCreditYesYes8 062
TranscapitalbankYesYes7 628
AK BarsYesYes6 980
Investment Trade BankYesYes5 136
ZapsibcombankYesNo4 937
UralsibYesNo4 717
Center-investYesYes4 669
UniCredit BankYesNo4 269
Koshelev BankYesNo3 202
SnezhinskyYesNo3 202
Kuban CreditYesNo3 202
Prio VneshtorgbankYesNo3 202
RNKBYesNo3 202
SMPYesNo3 202
Active BankYesNo3 202
TatsotsbankYesNo3 202
RosevrobankYesNo3 148
Bank "Rus'YesNo3 148
ZenithYesNo3 148
ObverseYesNo3 148
Kursk Industrial BankYesNo3 148
Bank "Saint-PetersburgYesNo3 148
Orenburg Industrial Development BankYesNo3 095
Far Eastern BankYesNo3 095
SurgutneftegazbankYesNo3 095
Ural Financial HouseYesNo3 095
SevergazbankYesNo3 095
BainbankYesNo3 095
Credit Bank of MoscowYesYes3 095
EnergobankYesNo2 988
Bank KuznetskyYesNo2 988
All-Russian Regional Development BankYesNo2 988

How to apply

Applying for a housing loan at a preferential rate must begin by choosing a bank presented in the list of the Ministry of Finance. Having decided on a potential lender, you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Initial contact with the bank.
  2. Filling out the borrower's application form.
  3. Providing the necessary documents (borrowers’ passports, financial documents confirming income, marriage and birth certificates).
  4. In case of a positive decision on the application, it is necessary to find a suitable property within the allocated amount.
  5. Providing documents for the apartment.
  6. Signing a mortgage agreement.
  7. Registration of the transaction in Rosreestr.

Refinancing an existing mortgage at 6%

Those families who previously took out housing loans can refinance if another child is born during the program period. To do this, certain conditions must be met:

  • housing was purchased on the primary market from a seller who is a legal entity;
  • the loan has not previously been restructured;
  • no current arrears on the loan.

The registration procedure is quite simple:

  1. contacting your bank with an application to refinance your mortgage at a preferential rate of 6% and birth certificates of children;
  2. signing an additional refinancing agreement;
  3. rate reduction and a new payment schedule.

Family mortgage with state support at Sberbank

Sberbank was one of the first to issue loans, which have already received the popular name “”. When providing borrowed funds at 6%, the bank sets its own conditions for the successful conclusion of an agreement:

  • mandatory down payment of at least 20% of the loan amount;
  • minimum loan amount – 300,000 rubles;
  • loan term from 12 months to 30 years, while the grace period can last from 3 to 8 years;
  • compulsory insurance of the purchased property, as well as the life and health of the borrower.

Family mortgage with state support from AHML

The country's main mortgage agency provides citizens with family loans on the following conditions:

  1. For a period from 3 to 30 years.
  2. At 6% during the grace period (from 3 to 8 years), then the percentage is set according to the formula: key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation + 2%;
  3. The minimum down payment is 20%. It is permissible to use family capital, as well as any other social payments and subsidies.
  4. Borrower insurance is mandatory.

When drawing up an agreement, it is permissible to involve 4 co-borrowers, one of which must be the spouse of the title borrower.

Other types of assistance to a family with a mortgage

Family mortgage is only part of the all-Russian project, the purpose of which is:

  • creating conditions for families to purchase comfortable housing;
  • increasing the birth rate in the country;
  • increase in construction volumes.

Currently, there are other government support programs for families with children:

  1. Matkapital. Providing mothers who gave birth to a second child with a cash certificate in the amount of 453,026 rubles. You can use funds in several areas (pensions, education, purchase or construction of housing).
  2. Military mortgage. A special savings program (NIS) has been created for military personnel, with the help of which, after 3 years, an amount sufficient to obtain a housing loan and purchase their own living space accumulates in the military’s personal account.
  3. Social lending. There are successful assistance programs for certain categories of citizens: scientists, teachers and other public sector workers. The essence of the program is to repay part of the housing loan (25-45%) from budgets of different levels.
  4. Programs for support and development of the rural population. Young professionals and public sector employees living or wishing to move to rural areas have the opportunity to purchase housing on preferential terms.

A family mortgage is an opportunity for millions of Russians to significantly improve their living conditions. But preferential lending conditions for the birth of a second or third child do not eliminate the need to have a certain level of income and meet the bank’s requirements for borrowers.

We are waiting for your questions about the operation of these programs in the comments.

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Our mortgage lawyer is always in touch and will tell you how to profitably get a mortgage and receive benefits from the state.

What is the procedure for obtaining a loan for young families? Who is entitled to a social mortgage for a young family in 2018? Who can help young families obtain and repay a mortgage?

Hello, dear readers of the HeatherBeaver online magazine! Denis Kuderin welcomes you.

We continue the topic of mortgage lending. A new article is devoted to mortgage loans for young families.

The relevance of this issue is obvious: young people, like no other segment of society, need a complete and comfortable space to live.

So, let's start!

1. How the federal program “Young Family” works

For young families without their own living space, the housing issue is very relevant: people who have decided to forever link their destinies especially urgently need an isolated and comfortable space for a fruitful and happy life.

In modern Russia, young members of society do not have many opportunities to purchase their own housing. It is almost impossible to save money to purchase an apartment or build a house.

There are many reasons for this - the price level (including for the apartments themselves), economic instability, inflation and devaluation of the ruble.

In most state and commercial companies, young specialists without experience are usually offered very low salaries, which are not always enough even to live on.

In such circumstances, young families have only a few options left to acquire their own living space. More precisely, there is only one real way - to buy an apartment or house using a mortgage loan.

The site has a detailed overview of how it functions.

“Young Family” program - assistance in improving living conditions

Mortgages have many negative aspects - high interest rates in most Russian banks, harsh contract conditions, according to which borrowers are subject to monetary penalties for delays in payments, and huge overpayments for the entire loan term.

But there are also positive aspects:

  • the opportunity to purchase your own home right now, and not after decades of savings and savings;
  • a large selection of mortgage programs in banks;
  • availability of preferential conditions for young families.

Let's take a closer look at the last point. It is useful for young people getting married to know that they can get a preferential mortgage under the federal program to help young families.

The initiative is called “ Young family". Program participants have the right to take advantage of free support from the state and receive subsidies when purchasing housing, including mortgage loans.

We are not talking about full payment for apartments and houses by the state. This means significant material support within a certain amount. The young people themselves decide how to spend this amount.

Cash subsidies can be received:

  • for a one-time purchase of real estate;
  • to pay a mortgage loan;
  • for construction.

The project replaced a similar program that operated from 2005 to 2015 and was called “ Affordable housing for a young family».

The program will presumably operate until 2020 - during this period, anyone who meets the conditions of the project can take advantage of federal budget funds and state support.

In addition, regions and constituent entities of the Russian Federation have their own programs for young families, allowing them to take advantage of one-time cash benefits and legal assistance when applying for mortgage loans.

Banks, in turn, are also accommodating to young families. The help of commercial financial institutions is never disinterested, but young spouses can also benefit from it.

For families in which the husband and wife are not older than 35 years, banks provide the following benefits:

  • reduced interest rates;
  • minimal down payment or lack thereof;
  • deferment of payments without imposing penalties.

A mortgage, with all its shortcomings, is still a more reasonable and profitable option than renting a home.

If you choose between paying for a rented home and a loan, the latter will ultimately take up less money and, in addition, will allow you to purchase housing, which after all payments will be completely yours.

A rented apartment will never be yours; moreover, the owners can ask you to vacate the living space at any time.

2. Who can apply for social assistance

To take advantage of a social mortgage, young people need to become participants in the Young Family program.

This is very simple to do - you need to submit an application to the district administration and present the necessary package of documents to the employees of this organization. The application must contain a rationale for your desire to become a participant in the program.

The implementation of government programs to improve the living conditions of young families is carried out by an organization called AHML - Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending. There are branches of this office in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Spouses whose age does not exceed 35 years can apply for membership in the program. By the way, it is not at all necessary to have children to join the program.

Reasons for applying for government assistance:

  • the housing in which the spouses currently live is not a full-fledged residential property with sufficient space;
  • the housing does not belong to the spouses, but is temporarily rented;
  • applicants live in a communal apartment together with a sick citizen or citizens;
  • A young family has their own savings, which are not enough to cover the mortgage payment.

Banks have slightly different conditions for lending to young families. For example, Sberbank takes into account the total age of spouses. If he does not exceed 70 years, the family is considered young.


In the Smirnov family, husband Ivan is 39 years old, wife Olga is 30. According to Sberbank rules, the family falls into the “young” category and can qualify for a preferential mortgage if it meets all other conditions.

Other requirements for commercial organizations:

  • the family has a constant monthly income, the amount of which is at least twice the amount of regular loan payments;
  • official employment;
  • The work experience of each spouse at the last place of service is at least six months;
  • registration in the region where the apartment was purchased for a certain period of time.

One more nuance: if a man needs to go into the army during mortgage payments, the family must provide the bank with evidence that the income for this period will allow him to continue monthly payments in the same amount.

Read detailed material about it in a separate publication.

3. How to buy a home with a mortgage for a young family - procedure

Not all banks provide preferential conditions to young families, but most Russian cities have such institutions.

The algorithm of actions for young families when obtaining a mortgage is as follows:

  1. A husband and wife become participants in the Young Family program and receive a certificate.
  2. Spouses find housing that suits them in all respects, including price, taking into account benefits and subsidies.
  3. Documents that will be required by the financial institution are prepared.
  4. The couple finds a bank that provides preferential programs.
  5. A loan agreement and a purchase/sale agreement are drawn up.

Now about each step - in detail.

Step 1. Participation in state support programs

To take out a mortgage loan as profitably as possible, you need to try to join the ranks of participants in the federal program or regional projects of a similar focus.

Participation in the “Young Family” program does not yet guarantee financial assistance from the state, but, of course, provides a real chance of receiving it.

Participating families are first given a place in line for subsidies, and then given a certificate allowing them to take advantage of government subsidies for housing needs. Finance can be used to build a house or purchase an apartment on the secondary market.

But we are interested in another option for using the funds - using them as a down payment on a mortgage loan.

The mechanism for disposing of federal budget assets is similar to that for using maternity capital funds. Cash is also not issued in person and can only be transferred to a bank account with the permission of government authorities.

There is a separate article on the site about how to get it.

Using public funds when applying for a mortgage will allow you to take out a loan on favorable terms and quickly repay the debt to the financial company.

If you have the opportunity to take advantage of government assistance, you should definitely do so. No matter how minimal budget assistance may seem to you, this will save family funds and direct them to other pressing needs.

Step 2. Selecting a property

What should family people be guided by when choosing a property? First of all, the footage of the apartment or house. Sooner or later, most families have children, so you should count on the addition in advance.

The ideal option, encouraged by the state, is a two-room apartment with an improved layout in a new building. If your income allows you to choose a more spacious apartment, no one will prohibit you from doing so, but the mortgage amount will naturally become larger.

From time to time, banking institutions, together with developers (their partners), hold promotions under which apartments in new buildings are sold on conditions that are especially attractive to young families.

If you track such events on the websites of financial institutions, there is a chance to find an even more profitable option than lending with government support.

Step 3. Preparing documents

Each bank has its own conditions for concluding an agreement. However, the list of documents that need to be completed and prepared in advance is approximately the same everywhere.

Most likely, you will be required to:

  • originals and copies of passports;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • document confirming registration at the place of residence (stay);
  • educational documents;
  • birth certificates of children (if there are children);
  • a copy of the work book;
  • a copy of the employment contract certified by the employer;
  • income certificates in form 2-NDFL (originals);
  • certificate of government subsidies.

Other documents are at the discretion of the specific bank.

Step 4. Selecting a bank and program

With or without government support, the mortgage will have to be obtained from a commercial financial institution. This means that the event will require cash investments from the borrower.

It’s good if the initial payment or part of the principal debt can be paid with funds from the state budget; if not, you will have to be content with the benefits of the banking institution you have chosen.

Experts advise being careful and studying mortgage programs thoroughly - as they say, “with a magnifying glass in your hands.”

Some organizations create social credit offers solely to attract new clients, but in reality, the conditions of preferential loans and conventional loans differ only on paper.

The reasons for loan refusals are often the following:

  • lack of stable income for one of the spouses;
  • maternity leave for the wife;
  • husband's draft age;
  • low level of total family income.

In some situations, it will help to attract co-borrowers - the parents of a spouse with a stable high income.

A number of banks do not serve clients who have lived in the region for less than 10 years.

Step 5. Execution of a mortgage agreement

Let me remind you of the basic terms of a mortgage - the bank provides borrowers with money to purchase housing, the client purchases the property and becomes its owner.

Rights to living space are limited to residence and proper care of housing. The apartment remains pledged to the bank until the loan is paid in full. This means that the borrower has no right to sell real estate or change it without the bank’s permission.

In the agreement, all rights and obligations of borrowers are described in as much detail as possible. Before putting their signatures, I advise both spouses to study this document step by step. If difficulties arise in understanding the conditions, it is better to ask for clarification from bank managers in advance.

Focus on:

  • interest rates;
  • schedule and procedure for monthly payments;
  • sections dealing with late fees.

As mentioned above, banks provide young families with preferential conditions on these points.

Simultaneously with the signing of the loan agreement or immediately after it, a document for the purchase/sale of housing is drawn up.

The method of transferring money to the seller is negotiated individually. Property owners can choose to have funds deposited into their bank account or use a safe deposit box.

Watch a useful video about banking programs for young families:

4. Pros and cons of social mortgages - expert opinion

The benefits of social mortgages for young families are obvious, but not all wives and husbands manage to take advantage of real government assistance. Some borrowers confuse commercial bank programs with federal projects.

To avoid mistakes, you should cooperate only with those banks that are official partners of AHML. It is these institutions that provide programs with government support.

At the same time, funds from the federal budget can be used in different ways:

  • through direct repayment of the down payment;
  • by subsidizing (reducing) the interest rate.

However, if you use programs “for young people” in other banks that are not associated with AHML, you can’t count on help from the state. True, you will still be provided with some benefits - for example, an annual deferment of payments in the event of loss of basic income or upon the birth of a child.

Financial analysts do not advise young families who are unable to obtain government subsidies to rush into obtaining a mortgage.

This issue should be approached strategically. It may be more profitable to take out a mortgage a little later, when some changes occur in the family’s status.


A child is born into a family. In some regions of the Russian Federation (for example, in Kamchatka) this is enough to obtain regional maternity capital. Child benefit, in turn, can be used as a down payment on a mortgage immediately after the birth of the baby.

Even more opportunities will arise after the birth of your second child. Taking out a mortgage using federal capital is allowed in all regions of Russia.

Another important question is how can young families who have no experience in financial planning understand whether their income will be enough to both repay the mortgage and live a comfortable life during the entire loan repayment period?

I advise you to conduct this experiment: open a replenished bank account and, every month for a year, transfer to it an amount approximately equal to deductions on mortgage rates. I think that in just six months it will become clear whether the family is able to withstand such budgetary loads for 15-30 years.

How to get a mortgage for a young family? For a new unit of society, which has just formed and has many needs, own housing is the most desirable luxury. Especially if young parents are expecting a new addition to their family, or dream of moving away from the relatives who have sheltered them. A mortgage for young people is in most cases the only way to purchase housing, because not everyone has several free millions in their account, would you agree?

In an attempt to support new families by improving their living conditions, the state launched the “Preferential Mortgage Lending for Young Families” project in 2011. The ultimate goal, of course, is to improve the country's demographics. Government assistance consists of compensating part of the costs by subsidizing the loan.

In our last year, we already wrote that there was an incentive for a loan for a young family to buy a home in 2015, but it was decided to extend it until 2020, with certain changes. We will talk about them in this article.

Under what conditions are mortgages given to a young family in 2017?

The wording of the law has undergone changes, according to which some points of the program have become more limited.

The most noticeable change, which caused a wave of discontent among the population, was the ban on paying subsidies for mortgages received previously. Also, a wave of discontent was caused by the ban on the purchase of secondary housing as part of a social program.

What does a young family mean for a mortgage?

The age of a young family for a mortgage is limited to 35 years: that is, at the time of application, one of the parents must be younger than the specified age. Family relations must be legalized: simply put, a civil marriage is not a reason to receive a subsidy: state assistance can only be received after the registry office.

What is a young family for a mortgage? It doesn't have to be a couple with children. If each member of the newly created social unit has less than 18 square meters, you can apply for a subsidy. A young family and are compatible only if the family has housing difficulties, but the income allows them to repay the monthly contribution. Plus, the family must have a certain amount of savings that will allow them to make a down payment.

A residential mortgage for a young family is available to couples with an income level of at least 21,600 for two, 32,500 for three, and from 43,300 for a family of three.

The new version limited the maximum subsidy amount depending on the number of family members:

  • 2 people – 600,000 rubles;
  • 3 people – 800,000 rubles;
  • 4 people and more – 1,000,000 rubles.

A mortgage without a down payment is available for a young family, since the subsidy can be directed to start-up capital.

A mortgage for a young family with a child (or without) is issued for:

  • Loan for an apartment
  • Loan for building a house for a young family
  • Contribution to the developer

You should not wait for changes if you want to take part in the “Mortgage - Young Family” project. The conditions for receiving subsidies will not change dramatically until 2020.

What does it take to get a mortgage for a young family?

A profitable mortgage for a young family begins with filling out an application for a subsidy. To do this, you need to get on the waiting list in the housing stock of your city, providing certificates from housing and communal services about the number of your own square meters. If you are recognized as a “needy family,” you wait in line and receive a certificate for the right to provide a subsidy.

What documents are needed for a Young Family mortgage?

Let's take a family mortgage from Sberbank as an example. This program is implemented through a limited list of banks, among which Savings is the most accessible. So, to apply for a mortgage on an apartment for a young family at Sberbank, you will need the following documents:

  • for the borrower and co-borrower, a certified extract from the work record book or a copy of the employment contract
  • Identity documents (passport + 2nd document)
  • Certificate for the right to receive a subsidy
  • Purchase and sale documents, certificate of state registration of rights, registration certificate
  • Report on, extract from the Unified State Register
  • Marriage certificate
  • Birth certificates of children
  • A document confirming the presence of a down payment (if the certificate is sent to the body of the loan)

At the stage of applying for a youth mortgage, Sberbank does not require documents for the apartment. The main thing for you is to get the bank’s approval, and you will have 2 whole months to find housing (that’s exactly how long the bank’s decision is valid).

Now we’ll talk about the interest rates and conditions of the Sberbank mortgage loan “Young Family Mortgage” 2017. The bank's official website will help you calculate the approximate payment using a calculator. Here you will find out the maximum amount you can count on based on your earnings. The 2017 Sberbank Young Family mortgage calculator is no different from the standard one; it also allows you to calculate by income, monthly payment and loan amount.

Home loan terms

  • Down payment: from 15%
  • Rate: from 12.5%
  • Loan term: up to 30 years
  • Maximum amount: 15 million rubles. – for Moscow and St. Petersburg, 8 million rubles. – for regions

The interest rate is influenced by the main indicators (loan term and size of the loan) and secondary ones.

Explanations of the dependence of the rate on the main indicators are easier to show in the table:

Secondary factors influencing the bet size:

  • +0.5% - for those who are not salary clients of Sberbank
  • +1% - for refusal of insurance
  • +0.5% - for obtaining a loan without an income certificate (for salary clients)

When calculating the “Young Family” mortgage through the official website of Sberbank, the calculator is set to the minimum percentage. Don’t forget to indicate secondary factors, or take them into account in your own calculations to determine a more accurate amount within which you can choose housing.

For example, a family of two with an income of 25,000 rubles can count on a maximum of 1,550,000 rubles based on 30 years. In this case, you will have to pay over 18 thousand a month.

The overpayment on a mortgage designed for a maximum term is almost 4 times the cost of the loan itself. Therefore, if you do not want to work all your life on interest for the bank, choose shorter terms. A mortgage without interest for a young family is a dream, but perhaps someday it will come true.

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