What is a dab hand movement? What does Dub movement mean?

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He was a moron on stage... Arab singer and actor Abdallah Al Shaharani made a move during a concert« deb» — . The gesture, although dance-like, is Saudi Arabia is considered extremely indecent and even illegal - it seems to be a direct reference to drugs. But why?

Dab (in the Russian interpretation “deb”) began to be danced en masse last summer - singers, actors, athletes and schoolchildren during breaks all over the world. And then suddenly we started thinking, what exactly is this? Most likely, the “dab” dance originated in Atlanta, but this is not a fact. The world first saw this gesture in the video of rapper Skippa Da Flippa in 2014, and picked it up... “deb” went into rap, crunk and hip-hop. But there is another version - the movement really started from African Americans who, after sniffing the “happy” powder, sneezed, involuntarily leaning to the side...

To perform the “dab” correctly, you need to lower your head down and bend right hand, bring it to your head while left hand remains straight and slightly extended to the left. That is, a person seems to drop his head on his hand, and maybe that’s why opponents of the “dab” link cocaine lovers here who use it in a similar way - from the elbow. But again... there are no facts confirming this version, but the gesture has long outgrown the rap scene - the “deb” is very often done by athletes.

This is the movement hockey players do without hesitation

... and this is how famous football players celebrate scoring a goal against an opponent. Paul Pogba, a midfielder for Manchester United and the French national team, is especially famous for his love of “dab.”

What is there! LeBron James himself, already a legend of American basketball, greets his team with the help of a “dab.” And even such an elite sport as tennis has its fans of the “dab” - Victoria Azarenka celebrates every winning set with a “dab”.

As for Arab artist, heated debate erupted on the Internet. Much of the Saudi audience considers this behavior unacceptable, and Russian Internet they stand up for the singer - they say, it’s no longer possible to dance!

4 In this article I would like to talk about such a fashionable Dub gesture now. What does Dub gesture mean?? However, I recommend reading a few first interesting articles on the topic of fashionable jargon Pipidastra, Twerk, B-Boy, Beatmaker, etc.
Many are now perplexed and are trying to Google the answer to the question of what the Dub movement means. You need to understand that this gesture was invented among rappers of the trap and crunk crowd, such as Migos, Skippa Da Flippa, Rich The Kid etc. Most likely, Dub dance originated in Atlanta, but this is not a fact.
Now the dance has become so famous that questions have certainly arisen about it, both among schoolchildren and adults. In fact, the Dub has essentially become the dominant dance of the summer. 2016 of the year. Someone without understanding could see LeBron James doing " Dab", and it looked like he either wanted to sneeze into his forearm or wanted to smell his armpit.

Dub movement -this gesture shows your inner state when you have done something cool and are very pleased with yourself. Please note that some football players often “sniff” their armpit

Some believe that the very first team that created the Dub movement were three " acrobat brother" Huey, Duey, and Louie - The Migos, while other individuals, foaming at the mouth, prove that it was created by such famous rappers, How Pee-Wee Longway, Rich The Kid, or Jose Guapo living in Atlanta. However, although they have certain merits in creating the Dub movement, they came up with the main part Skippa Da Flippa, which can be traced back to his videos before they became mainstream. Regardless of who did it first, it should be understood that most likely the now popular Dub movement has roots in Atlanta, where such dances are baked like pancakes at Shrovetide.

Myself the message of the dance means not just stupidly waving your arms and sniffing your armpit. This is what you feel in this moment time, your inner state, and what music means to you.

Few realize the power they have in their hands. There are times when your own hands can save or literally betray, and all this happens without your conscious participation. Of course, if you don't know how hand language works.

A person who speaks a language nonverbal communication, has a lot of advantages over his counterpart, and is able to hear not only what the interlocutor is talking about, but also understand what he is thinking about, or what he is not talking about. But let's talk about everything in order.

Today, many symbols shown by hands have international registration, and are equally understandable to New Zealand Maori and African Maasai. Why did this happen?

Why do soldiers put their hand to their head to greet them, or to praise a person we raise thumb up, and to insult - middle? The answers to these questions came to us from the past. Let's look at the stories behind some of these gestures in more detail.

  1. Thumbs up. Shows that everything is fine and you are doing well. This movement came to us from antiquity. The Roman public, during gladiator fights, in this way signaled that for the diligence and diligence shown by the defeated slave during the battle, his life could be saved. A downturned thumb did not bode well for a loser warrior. Since those times, it has been the custom: the thumb points to the sky - you are on top, to the ground - you are a bit of a loser;
  2. The greeting of the military when addressing a superior or when raising a flag, by raising an open palm to the head, was borrowed from medieval knights. In those ancient times, in order to show the purity of their thoughts, warriors, when meeting, raised their visors, thereby demonstrating the friendliness of their plans. Another version of the origin of this sign is associated with more early periods human history. In ancient times, subjects, in order to show that only the sun was higher than their ruler, when meeting the autocrat, covered their eyes with their hands, thereby demonstrating submission. Over time, the form of the gesture has changed slightly, but the content has remained unchanged. People in uniform show their respect and commitment to their superiors or state symbol by raising their hand to their head;
  3. An outstretched hand when meeting, or a handshake. The origin of this greeting is explained quite simply. In ancient times, an outstretched hand, without a weapon, symbolized your peaceful plans and respect;
  4. Lifted up middle finger. There are at least two explanations for the appearance of this obscene gesture. According to one version, the ancient Greeks showed this symbol to those with whom they would like to carry out actions, the meaning of which reflects what we mean by demonstrating this gesture today. Another option goes back to the beginning of the 15th century, when during the Franco-English Battle of Agincourt, French soldiers cut off the middle fingers of captured English archers so that they could not shoot at them in the future. Naturally, those of the English who could not be caught by the vile French showed them their middle fingers from a safe distance, thereby showing their disdain and courage. Why didn't the French just kill the prisoners? The question remains open;
  5. The so-called goat. A symbol that distinguishes true “metalheads” from the people around them. One version says that the sign originated among the ancient Vikings, and symbolized the Scandinavian rune that protects its owner from the evil eye. According to another version, this is the “fingering” of Soviet prisoners who, in order not to go to work, simply cut their tendons, and the hand took this shape spontaneously. Today, this symbol of cool says that the person demonstrating it is a principled “legalist”, and he will not collect popcorn scattered in the cinema;
  6. The well-known American OK. There may be differences in this gesture depending on the part of the world you are in. For some nations, it symbolizes that your affairs are in perfect order, for others it means that you are “complete zero,” and for some it demonstrates problems with the large intestine. According to one of the most plausible versions this sign is borrowed from the non-verbal language of the native American Indians, who thus showed their fellow tribesmen that there were no problems.

Some hand gestures and their meaning

Each gesture has its own interesting and multifaceted history, however, it’s time to talk about their meaning and the practical use of this knowledge in everyday life.

Open palm

In most cultures, an open hand is associated with honesty. Therefore, if you want to make people believe that you are telling the truth, it is not recommended to present your arguments with your hands clenched into fists.

At such moments, it is better to open your palms to show that you are not hiding anything.

On the other hand, be alert when someone is telling you important things with their hands in their pockets or behind their back. Hidden palms do not make sentences more believable, even if they are true. With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that your interlocutor is lying or hiding some important information from you.

Palm up and down position

The way you use your hands when communicating with others can significantly affect how they perceive your words and you. Ask a simple question with your palms up, and people will think you're asking for a favor.

On the one hand, they will not be bothered by your request, but on the other hand, they will not feel threatened or pressured by you. If you ask this question with your palms facing down, it will more likely resemble a requirement that must be fulfilled.

It can not only set the tone for any business or political meeting, but also influence its results. When two equal interlocutors shake hands, their palms remain vertical.

But if one person's palm is facing upward when shaking hands, this can be perceived as a symbolic surrender, and signify the superiority of the other person.

When talking, your interlocutor holds his hands behind his back and makes meaningless movements with them - he is not interested in you, you should stop the meaningless conversation, or move on to another topic.

What is the meaning of finger gestures

No less revelations can be gleaned from the position of the fingers on our hands. Let's give a few examples.

There is a fine line between a hand gesture and a finger gesture, but we will talk about those cases in which the movement of the fingers is an independent signal.

Some finger gestures are unintentional, and by their position you can unmistakably read in which emotional state there is a person, or about his attitude to the topic of conversation.

  • finger on mouth - they are lying to you;
  • during conversation forefinger involuntarily points towards another person - a clear sign of dominance;
  • index finger up - you should be wary of such a person, since the gesture is often used by parents in relation to a careless child;
  • fingers straight and pressed tightly together - the person has made a firm decision to achieve his goal and does not care about sentiment;
  • fingers squeeze the wrist or palm of the other hand - the interlocutor is furious, trying to restrain his emotions;
  • fingers clenched into a fist from time to time - a clear sign of a hidden threat.

What about the deaf and dumb?

Many gestures unconsciously used in communication are reflected in the alphabet for the deaf and dumb.

Sign languages ​​of the deaf and mute are independent languages, which consist of combinations of movements of the hands and fingers in combination with facial expressions, position of the mouth, lips and body.

It is a mistake to believe that sign languages ​​for the deaf were invented by hearing people to convey information to those who cannot hear. In fact, these languages ​​develop completely independently.

Moreover, in one country there may be several sign languages ​​that do not grammatically coincide with the verbal languages ​​of that country.

As practice shows, in the absence of the opportunity to use sound language as a means of communication, people instinctively begin to use gestures for this. The main means of communication for this are the hands and fingers.

At the same time, deaf people have many gestures, the meaning of which can be understood by an unprepared person. For example, the word “peace” in the language of the deaf and dumb will look like hands squeezing each other, located in front of the chest, “love” is a palm raised to the lips in the form of an air kiss, and “house” is palms folded in a triangle in the form of a gable roof.

Youth hand gestures and their meaning

Our children also use sign language for their communication, and the variety of these non-verbal signs is constantly enriched by the emergence of new ones. Let's give a few examples of such youth gestures, with the help of which teenagers can easily understand each other, while older people, and even middle-aged people, will remain in the dark.

Time and scientific and technical progress dictate their terms, and this fully applies to our gestures.

Just recently, a hand folded in the shape of an English L did not mean anything, but today it is a loser, a sign signaling that you are a loser.

An extended middle finger pointing to the side can mean that you are being sent, but at the same time it can be interpreted as an invitation to sex.

With your fingers shaped like a heart, it’s simple: “I love you.” And here is the “horned goat” with it set aside thumb denotes simple sympathy.

English V performed by a teenager with his face turned towards you back side palms can either mean two Colas or serve as the UK equivalent of the middle finger. And such a familiar sign as OK, but inverted, and shown at waist level or below, is an open invitation to sex.

Thanks to its specific versatility through the language of the hands and several widely used English words you can chat with a foreigner you accidentally meet on a busy street. Of course, you won’t be able to conclude a contract with him for the supply of gas equipment, but you can easily explain how to get to the nearest metro station or stadium.

Differences in the interpretation of habitual gestures in different countries

Don't rush to use your extensive knowledge of sign language when you find yourself abroad. Some common symbols may have opposite meanings in different parts of the world. And again let's look at the examples.

  1. If you are in France, then OK, which is common throughout the world, turns into a big, fat zero. And in Turkey, with such a gesture you will signal that your interlocutor is gay - not a very pleasant statement in a country where the majority of people are Muslims;
  2. Raising your thumb and extending your index finger in the sign language of teenagers means a loser, and in China this symbol represents the number eight;
  3. A thumbs up in Europe and America says: “Everything is cool,” and in Iran, Afghanistan and Greece this obscene gesture will be read: “I..., you..., and all your relatives...”, well, you get the idea;
  4. The crossed index and middle fingers protect Europeans from the evil eye, and in Vietnam this figure denotes the female genital organ;
  5. A finger extended forward stops all over the world and seems to say: “Wait,” and in Greece it literally translates as “Eat shit.”

If, as the proverb states, silence is golden, then continuing the association, in some countries, the absence of gestures is a diamond.

The gestures and their interpretation that you have become familiar with are not limited to the examples given. The purpose of our article is to popularize, interest and guide. Perhaps our theses will help solve small life problems. Or maybe not small.

There is some more information about the most popular gestures in the following video.

Dab, dabbing (dab, dabbing)dance movement when a person hides his face in bent elbow and raises his other hand. Deb came from American hip-hop culture. The gesture was popularized by athletes, and in Russia it gained popularity largely thanks to video bloggers. Used to emphasize one's coolness and celebrate success.


Deb appeared in American state Atlanta in 2015. Authors unusual dance The hip-hop group Migos calls itself; thanks to their videos, they significantly popularized dab.

At first, the dab was distributed among hip-hop fans and rap artists in the United States. Then the athletes took the initiative. The first dab after the touchdown in September 2015 was portrayed by Jeremy Hill. Then his colleague Cam Newton began to repeat the gesture regularly.

Deb was picked up by stars and ordinary social media users, making the dance a new trend. Even Hillary Clinton repeated it.

Deb in Russia

The popularity of dab in Russia began to increase in 2016. In many ways, its promotion was facilitated by a wave of enthusiasm for rap and hip-hop. The dab also spread thanks to top video bloggers. For example, this gesture was depicted by Ivangay during his tricks with a bottle.

A parody of this video was shown in 2017 by Sergei Druzhko and, together with the deb gesture, he issued the phrase, which became a new meme.

Druzhko tried to repeat the success. However, in his performance the dab looked more like a Lezginka.


In rap culture, there are several explanations for the meaning of the dab. Some say that the dance imitates the movements of a person who sneezes and tries to cover himself with his elbow. According to others, this gesture alludes to the process of snorting cocaine.

In any case, in the end the dance took on a completely different meaning. As the athletes portrayed a dab after scored a goal or points scored, the dab came to mean victory and success. A person depicts this gesture when he wants to show that he is great at something, has achieved success, and was able to do something important for himself.

IN Lately While watching videos of your favorite artists, you probably began to notice that a new dance movement has come into fashion - “Dab”. We tried to figure out what it is and where it came from.


Where did it come from?

First of all, the dance became popular thanks to musicians from Atlanta. The “inventors” of this feature can rightfully be considered Jose Guapo, Skippa Da Flippa, PeeWee LongWay, Rich The Kid, OG Maco and other rappers around Migos, but there is one thing. Is this a “but”? there is little chance that the dance originated not only among these artists. It will be a clear example to the whole world famous story about how radio appeared? at the same time, but in different places. Some say that Texas has been “debugging” for several years now, while others believe that Memphis holds the palm (although who exactly was the innovator? It is not reported). Nevertheless, official version so far adheres to the theory that the dance appeared in Atlanta, and was first danced in a party QC.

The artists themselves call it more than just dance? it's how you feel, how you look and how you move.

How to do it?

In principle, it is not so difficult, but the clarity of movements plays a huge role. Here is the prepared Rich The Kid a video clearly showing what to do and how to do it.

Coincidences and more

It is worth noting that the movements are somewhat reminiscent of the famous “Crank Dat” dance from Soulja Boy. Agree, there is something similar.

The dance became so popular that some even began to come up with their own names for it.

But these guys from France are completely accused of blindly copying their American colleagues.

What's surprising is that Jose Guapo personally accused 2 Chainz in “the theft of his intellectual property,” because he, in turn, followed the trend.



The trick has become so popular that some of its fans even decided to teach it to their fathers. It turned out well!

And the basketball players did not stand aside. LeBron James And Nick Young also supported the movement. Join us too!

Shall we reconsider?

We suggest summarizing all of the above by watching video clips where these movements occur most often.

By the way, this term also refers to the method of consuming marijuana, but this will help you

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