What happened to the pelagea on the voice. “The Voice” stars Sergei Mikhailin and Grigory Lavysh: “Pelageya is very tough and demanding

“Grigory Leps has not yet given an answer whether he will act in film, he is weighing everything,” says the artist’s press secretary Maya Serikova. The participation of Alexander Gradsky also raises doubts. “He didn’t want to last year either, but he was persuaded, but this time he firmly insists on his own,” said Andrei, an employee of the Gradsky Theater.

All that is known for sure is that from the project “Voice. Children" Pelageya is leaving: representatives of Channel One have already confirmed that the reason is her maternity leave.

TV presenter Sergei Asharin discusses who could replace the show's mentors. He offers very unexpected options that would have a positive effect on the program's rating.

“In general, I am against Pelageya leaving. If she’s bored alone, she just needs to recruit more pregnant women. This will add drama. A person comes to a casting, but the woman didn’t turn around... because she had toxicosis or was simply not in the mood. Instead of Leps, I would seat Shnur - among the bleeped obscenities it will be difficult to understand whether he liked the performance. But after the broadcast, people will begin to discuss what the jury member meant. By the way, instead of Polina Gagarina we should take Masha Rasputina. You can just admire her. Imagine: in slow motion, lips and breasts appear from behind the chair, and then Masha. In her case, the phrase “jury member” would get a lot of different shades. If you replace Gradsky with Yuri Antonov with his thirty cats, the show “The Voice” will have not only sound, but also smell. The second equivalent option is Elena Malysheva. She would state every time: “This is the norm.” Or vice versa: “This caries needs to be removed,” Asharin jokes.

Let us remind you that the show “The Voice” has been airing on Channel One for four years. Within the framework of the project, talented performers from different cities and republics. Last season, Vladimir Presnyakov was nominated for the jury, Soso Pavliashvili, Sergei Trofimov, Lolita Milyavskaya, Philip Kirkorov, Larisa Dolina, Dmitry Malikov, Yuri Antonov and Olga Kormukhina. As a result, together with Alexander Gradsky, Grigory Leps, Polina Gagarina and Basta were on the jury. The winner fourth season became Hieromonk Photius.

Polina Gagarina sat in the chair of the mentor of the show “The Voice” for two seasons in a row. She took the place of Pelageya, who was in maternity leave. True, fans of Gagarin’s project did not like it. Many viewers seemed, for example, suspicious of some aspects in the communication between the mentor and mentee Ekaterina Kovskaya. Fans of the show even speculated that we're talking about about the conspiracy. After all, the artist was so moved by Catherine’s heartfelt performance that she immediately turned to her. And then it turned out that Gagarina knew Kovskaya very well. It turns out that Catherine writes songs for the star.


Many spectators did not like Gagarina’s refereeing style. “Polina Gagarina was terribly annoying on the jury. Emptiness, a great emptiness passed through this girl and, apparently, she forgot her piece inside her. It’s too early for her to be a mentor. Singing is welcome, although she sounds rather one-dimensional. In my opinion, she is not always understands what he hears, how people sing and why they sing like that. He tries to imitate Pelageya in his manner. Maybe “Hugs” and “barkers” look stupid. “doesn’t mean anything. To be a mentor, you need to be an established person, a professional. And - if you are not one - don’t interrupt experienced adults,” “Gagarin, in my opinion, is afraid of doing something wrong, or blurting out. Like cute, but somehow lifeless,” “Alas, Polina Gagarina has very little experience for a mentor, although Pelageya is practically her same age, she has traveled a much longer path in her singer’s career: she has moved more among informal musicians, and has developed diversified,” they wrote. on the Internet, ordinary viewers and eminent experts.

And the star herself, as they say, has repeatedly clashed with her colleagues on the jury. Polina especially often encountered Grigory Leps. The fact is that the singer constantly interrupted the girl and often did not allow her to express her opinion. “Gregory, you clearly have a reaction to my voice, I understand. As soon as I start to say something, he immediately starts,” the singer was indignant. Viewers noticed that Leps often behaved too rudely towards her.

In a word, in the sixth season, not without the influence of television viewers, they decided to change Gagarina to the usual Pelageya. Polina herself does not regret this. According to her, all members of the “Voice” jury are popular and busy artists whose schedules are not easy to combine with filming. The project is serious and time-consuming, because your team needs to be closely involved. “It’s great that “The Voice” has its own “pool” of judges, which changes from season to season. This helps mentors distance themselves, look at the project from the outside, evaluate themselves and the work of others. For viewers and project participants, the change of faces in the chairs is also is important - the project must change,” Gagarina quotes

Only old men go into battle

Although there are already so many battles in the box... Especially on the First, where they are most sensitive to new trends. Battle in " Evening Urgant“, where Mitya Khrustalev simply “torn” the presenter; the battle in “Tonight” between Basta and Galkin... Well, the hit of the just opened season was the story about Oxxymirone and Gnoin in Sunday program"Time". So now on every political talk show they will organize battles on the topic of Ukraine, Syria and other Trumps. No, talent is not enough.

TV surprised me with its new soulfulness. Yes, there are many programs that grab your soul. The Internet is not our help here. The Voice has arrived, season six, welcome!

Only old men go into battle. "And we?" - Grisha Leps and Polechka asked Gagarin at the same time. “Still young. Enough for your lifetime."

Once upon a time, in the hockey I loved, in order to win, Petrov’s troika was called onto the ice. Or Larionov's five. And these people have been making the game almost always.

They cannot lose, they simply have no room for error. Star cast or gold, as you like: Bilan, Pelageya, Gradsky, Agutin. And it doesn’t matter which of the contestants sings and how. It's important that the jury is in order.

No, they didn’t immediately enter the game either. Still, everyone has their own problems. One was treating the spine, another was giving birth, the third was losing weight, the fourth was relaxing in Miami. At first it even seemed like they wouldn’t succeed, that they weren’t interested. It seemed that Pelageya became tougher, and Bilan and Gradsky became more indifferent. Well, as in “The Irony of Fate”: “I feel like I’m becoming some other person.” - “More arrogant?” - “No, brave.” - “More cheeky?” - “You can’t guess. I feel like I'm capable of anything."

But very soon everything returned to normal. What is the norm for them? This is the same soulfulness. And the mind, and the reaction, and the nerves. The way Gradsky analyzes each song will make you rock. How sophisticated Bilan is, how smart Agutin is - you'll lick your fingers. And Pelageya... She’s actually a human being! After all, Chekhov wrote about her that everything about this singer is beautiful - her clothes, her face, her soul, and her thoughts. The classic was right!

Although in “Evening Urgant” she admitted that she doesn’t sleep at night, she thinks and analyzes everything: did she say it right here, did she look here? Such super responsibility. Don't be so serious, Pelageya. Live the project, breathe it, which is what you have always done. And we will watch and enjoy.

Messi from our yard

He left and didn't even promise to return. He just stayed. But this is so boring and unfashionable. Urgant on First, and no sensation.

He's not trendy. Went on vacation, came back from vacation, on air again. Well, what's interesting here? It’s like in your favorite football: Neymar left, but Messi stayed, and everyone only talks about Neymar. Really, who needs this Messi now, one of the best players in the world? It's sad, girls.

Now, if Vanya had announced in the summer (in secret to the whole world) that he was leaving... I wonder if there would have been the same hype as with Malakhov? Where does it go, why does it go, why? Well, for example, on “Rain”. Vanya would have shouted: “Let me go to Dozhd, I can’t work next to propagandists anymore. I want to be a liberal." Can you imagine what would have happened then?

Maybe Urgant is a liberal, but somewhere deep down. In general, he is a presenter, the best presenter. And every day should be on the level.

You can call him a jester, but only in the most in a high sense. Because he gives good mood looking at night. And this is so important - for me, for example, in our nervous times.


NTV is a tough channel. Rough in places. In some places it’s even anatomical. But the fact that they are making a second season of this show will count for them somewhere. Upstairs, of course. Don’t think that it’s in the Kremlin, take it higher.

Last season it was just “You’re super!” Abandoned children were given hope, brought out of their stupor, and given faith in themselves. Television can do anything. It can extinguish, plant, close, cover with mud. Or maybe, as in “You’re super!”, be unusually kind, do any Your wish, turn into a fairy tale, and make this fairy tale come true for very specific people.

"You are super! Dancing" is a continuation. The same children, side view. Now they are dancing, and how! It doesn't matter how. It is important that they are loved on TV - without pathos, not for show. They just love it and that's it. And Oleshko loves (as a presenter and as a person he is just right here), and Nastya Zavorotnyuk loves him very much, and Evgeniy with the difficult-to-pronounce surname Papunaishvili, and Egor Druzhinin, who in our childhood was simply Vasechkin, and Kristina Kretova.

And here Oleshko works as Valentina Mikhailovna Leontyeva or those who hosted the “Wait for Me” program. Because in this program, in addition to the competition, vocal abilities, and participation, each participant has their own story. A history of abandoning it, as a rule. Mom refused, dad refused... And here they meet. And they cry. And they forgive each other. To then separate again for a long time, maybe forever.

"You are super! Dancing" for NTV - a reputational program. Very important, giving remission of sins. So that's great.

Piece actress

In the USSR there was bad, good and Indian cinema. IN modern Russia TV series can be bad, very bad, terrible and special. One-piece - this is when they are shot by Ursulyak, Todorovsky, Bortko, Guy Germanika.

“The Commissioner” was filmed on the First by Elena Nikolaeva. This is a quality movie because it accurately recreates the time. Much has already been filmed about the work of the Soviet police. The best one here, of course, is Stanislav Govorukhin with his “Meeting Place”. The remaining attempts were with varying degrees of success.

“The Commissioner” is a finished work, but here, first of all, we need to mention the actress leading role. I first saw Irina Pegova (and was amazed!) in Alexei Uchitel’s film, excuse me, “Walk.” But there she is a modern, bright, cynical girl. And here, in “Commissar”, a person is completely transformed. A brilliant game, not a game - life!

Usually, artists go to TV series to earn extra money. And this is clearly visible. But in “Commissar” Pegova showed herself to be a truly grandiose, outstanding actress.

Yes, there are bad, very bad and terrible TV series. And there are great artists. And artists. The ones you look at and can’t look away from. And I want this to continue forever. If only they didn't kill her. The Commissioner, that is.

Folk singer made Pelageya sensational statement that she intends to leave the show “The Voice”.

The news is striking - especially considering that the artist’s songs do not appear on the radio very often. There are also objective reasons for this: the fact is that Pelageya does not have many original songs. “It’s enough for me that after “The Voice,” many children and young people began to come to our concerts. This is such happiness, because when adults come, they break themselves in many ways: “Well, I’ll go, I’ll listen to folk music after all.” But when children and teenagers come, they come to folk music. Because I said something about Olga Sergeeva, my favorite magnificent singing “grandmother,” and then they noted in their VK playlist: “Olga Sergeeva - Birdie.” I’m not lying now - I don’t want to be recognized on the streets or to have any increased attention paid to me. It so happened that for a few more months I will bother everyone, sitting in a chair, but this is also my work, my mission, I took it upon myself and it does not contradict my thoughts and commandments in any way.”


Despite all the obvious advantages of the “Voice” show, Pelageya does not intend to participate in its continuation. The singer will remain on the television project until January, and then focus on her new program « The Cherry Orchard" “No, no - that's it! I need to somehow withstand this, so I gave up,” Pelageya emotionally answers questions from a Metro correspondent about participating in the television project.

Nevertheless, Pelageya has favorites in “The Voice”. “I have a whole team of them,” she says proudly. - Besides this, there are several people who did not come to me, but chose other mentors, but I am not at all offended by them, but on the contrary, I am absolutely calm - now I can just watch their work and I don’t have to kick them out or leave them. Because this is exactly the kind of serious epic fail that this project has, but it is because of it that there are such ratings and half the country is watching... I believe that the second season is stronger than the first, because the level of the performers is much stronger, there are many professionals, who did not initially intend to undertake such projects.”


Be that as it may, Pelageya leaves the “Voice” good reasons. She wants to realize herself as a wife and mother. " The dream is to become a wonderful mother and a wonderful wife. As soon as all this is fulfilled, I will be absolutely absolutely happy woman", she says.


For Pelageya, family comes first. From birth, the singer was taught to honor family traditions, after all, they named her after her great-grandmother. “Unfortunately, we missed each other in this world by six months - she passed away when my mother was pregnant with me,” said Pelageya. - So I don’t know her personally, but in our family there is a tradition of talking about relatives, even those who have passed away, and I know all the stories that are connected with my grandmothers, great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. I saw a lot of photographs and this is all supported by the stories of my grandmother and my mother. And as far as I can judge from them, Baba Polya was a very strong-willed woman, strong, she raised seven children herself and was generally a serious person. Apparently, after her, the women in our family do not give up their positions ( laughs ). In general, what is my grandmother, what is my mother, what is I - what is there to hide! ( laughs ) - not the weakest representatives of the fairer sex. Seriously though, I am infinitely sorry that I didn’t get to know her, but I feel that she is with me and helps me. You need to feel your family roots

“It helps a lot.”

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