What to tell your mom not to go. What to tell your mom not to go to school

Today you rarely meet a child who would like to go to school. Even those who really love to study sooner or later simply do not want to get up in the morning and go outside in the rain or snow. What to do in this case? This question plagues many schoolchildren. Next, we’ll take a closer look at 10 ways to avoid going to school.

Navigator by methods

1. Method.

You need to prepare for a walk in advance and think through everything carefully. One option may be routine medical examinations or vaccinations. Quite often they are called from the clinic to undergo a medical examination or other planned procedures. Therefore, you need to warn the teacher in advance that tomorrow you need to go to the clinic and that’s it. You also need to warn parents that the school has told you to undergo a medical examination or get vaccinated. After this, you can rest quietly for a day or two.

2. Method.

Of course, it’s not nice to lie, so this method should be used only as a last resort. You can say that one of your relatives has died and you need to go to the funeral tomorrow. At the same time, you should not slander living people. It is better to choose a neutral object to ease your conscience. But it is better not to deceive in such a cruel way and use it only as a last resort.

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There are 100 ways not to go to school that everyone should know modern schoolboy, but we will consider only the most popular ones.

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3. Method.

You can suddenly get sick in the morning. The first symptoms of the disease should be bad feeling, headache, weakness and, as usual, fever. To increase the temperature on a thermometer to the desired degree, you can use the following methods:

— You can carefully heat the thermometer on the battery. In this case, you cannot lean it against a metal surface, you need to hold it above it. In this case, the temperature should not exceed 39 degrees. Otherwise, an ambulance will be called.

- You can also heat the thermometer from any other warm device. It could be a regular computer that has been heating up for some time. Other warm devices in the apartment are also suitable. Therefore, it is worth trying and experimenting in advance.

— Animals have a higher body temperature than humans, so they can also heat up the thermometer. At the same time, you need to be as careful as possible with the artificial version so as not to accidentally break it. Animals can heat the thermometer up to 38 degrees.

— Thermometers can be heated with hot drinks, such as tea. Therefore, take a warm drink and raise the temperature.

— A variety of lighting devices are suitable for heating, for example, a table lamp. You just need to hold the thermometer in front of her for a few minutes.

— If you rub your armpits with garlic, you can raise the temperature to 38 degrees. But this method will lead to uncomfortable and even painful sensations.

- If you turn the mercury thermometer down and lightly hit it back side palms, then you can move the mercury column a few degrees.

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Every student should know effective ways to avoid going to school, so let’s look at the following six.

4. Method.

You can also try to feign poisoning. You don't need to do anything to do this. Just pretend to make several frequent trips to the toilet, and also say that your stomach hurts a lot and you feel nauseous. After this, your parents will definitely leave you at home. You can skip one or two days this way. Therefore, it’s worth a try if you really don’t want to go to school.

5. Method.

You can skip the first and second of September if you really don’t want to say goodbye summer holidays. The teacher just needs to say that they were on vacation and could not arrive on time. This option does not require a certificate, so it’s worth a try if your parents allow it. But you can come up with a different story for them.

6. Method.

After the first lesson, you can tell the teacher that your mother called and asked you to come home urgently. You can come up with any stories here. For example, that you need to pick up your sick sister from kindergarten or take the keys to your mother. There can be many excuses, so let’s use our imagination.

There are a lot of ways to avoid going to school, but it’s enough to know only the best of them to give yourself an unplanned day off.

7. Method.

You can go to school, but return a few minutes later and tell your parents any story. For example, that the school has been closed for quarantine or that only girls or boys are undergoing medical examinations, renovation work or the heating was turned off. There can be many excuses, you only need to choose one.

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8. Method.

This method is only suitable if parents go to work faster in the morning. Mom just needs to put her apartment keys in her bag in the evening. And in the morning, when she goes to work, call her and say that you can’t find the keys. You need to call when mom can no longer return home.

There are many ways to avoid going to school, but we only need a few of the most effective ones to achieve our goal.

9. Method.

You can just oversleep, of course, if your parents leave home early for work and can’t wake you up in time. At school, you don’t have to say anything at all, and you can simply tell your parents that the alarm clock is broken or they forgot to set it. A simple and effective excuse for not going to school.

10. Method.

You can say that you are stuck in an elevator. This excuse is suitable for both teachers and parents. In the second case, if the parents cannot verify this fact. You will tell the teachers that the rescue team took a long time to travel. The same can be said to parents.

These are all 10 ways not to go to school, which will definitely be useful to every student.

The most inventive and brilliant people are schoolchildren. Who else can handle a situation like this when you don’t want to go to school?! Here you need to get out of it with your parents, and with your teachers, and go about your business and not “get burned” in the city among your parents’ friends.

Drama club

A) We pretend to be unhealthy and use the power of suggestion. To make it more natural, we assume pallor and unhappiness in our facial expression. “Clap, clap” with your eyes, more pitifully, so that a tear will break through!

If the scene is still not plausible, then we do the following: again we pretend to be sick and go... where? Right. To the toilet. And then two fingers in your mouth, and there you have it - poisoning. The parents didn’t want it to just be a headache, let them have it.

You should also definitely keep a spare thermometer that can be heated to the desired temperature. high temperature. Just don’t go too far, otherwise they won’t believe you. By the way, to keep your forehead hot, you need to gently rub it, or find a hot spot on the pillow where you slept and lean your forehead there. “Temperature” is provided.

B) Another option, rarely successful, is to oversleep. It's good if parents leave for work early. True, mine once bought a new alarm clock, and it rang for an hour until you turned it off. Therefore, the morning began with a “guessing game” of where my parents hid the alarm clock: they deliberately hid it so that I would get up, find it, and wake up during the process. Once they put it under my pillow - .


If you still decide to just skip school without pretending to be sick, hang around the yards with friends or play on the computer, then don’t forget to get a bunch of medical forms and learn how to forge signatures. It will come in handy when you are trying to get rid of teachers. Here you can even do without the intervention of your ancestors, which in itself is fraught with consequences; they will also take away all your “certificates”.

We fight parents using their own methods:

Is mom tired? Does daddy want to sleep? You are also a person. Remember everything they tell you, and then retell it to them in your own interpretation, remembering that you are also a person and you get tired like them, and every day is the same. And all for what? To please them, the parents! Although these would have to be ultra-modern and mega-tormented parents to fall for this.

Typical school stuff:

Here you need to warn your parents in advance that tomorrow your class has an excursion, a trip, a competition, an Olympiad, in which you do not want to participate or cannot because you are sick, you were not accepted, etc.

In the end, be late and they may not let you into school, class, excursion, or competition.

Let the teachers themselves “get sick”, or “send” them to a teacher’s competition. Helps!

Being on duty is a wonderful way out of a situation when you don’t know what to think of. Be outraged that everyone was forced to wash and scrub again. Are you a cleaner or something?


If neither method works, then you really need to get sick. What you need for this: wash, don’t dry yourself, go out onto the balcony or any cool place, stand for five, ten, fifteen minutes, depending on the temperature “overboard,” your own stamina and the degree of suspicion of your parents. Tonight, most likely, your throat will start to hurt, and tomorrow morning you will have no fever at all.

You can, of course, get hurt on the asphalt or get hurt in a physical education lesson, but falling through with a real broken leg seems like an uninteresting activity.


Every day the beginning is getting closer school year. There are hard everyday life ahead, lessons, homework and, probably, every child is already starting to feel sad about the end of the holidays and come up with options for not going to school. And parents and teachers will have to monitor academic performance and, of course, truancy again and again.


There are many options for how to get away from school for 1 day. Let's analyze the different ones and find out which method is better.

The most popular excuse today, but not the first one on the list, is illness. You can refer to any part of the body or internal organs. The main thing is not to overdo it, as particularly nervous parents may send you for a comprehensive examination.

Medical examination

How to get out of school from a teacher? Now we'll tell you. So, choose the day carefully. It is better if this is the day when tests or dictation are assigned. The day before the expected date, we begin the preparatory process. We approach the teacher of the subject from which we are going to leave, or to to the class teacher. We inform him that a medical examination is scheduled for tomorrow. It is held annually, and therefore there is no way to cancel it.

We promise to bring a note from the parents by the next day. When communicating with a teacher, you need to be convincing, speak confidently, then most likely you won’t need a note. But if you are still asked to write it, ask your older brothers, sisters or friends to write it. Be careful when inviting your relatives to write you a note, because they may report it to your parents.


The version about the funeral of loved ones takes second place in excuses from the teacher. When breaking this news to your teacher, act a little sad. But don't overdo it so you don't have any questions. In this case, notes are usually not required. The main thing is not to forget which relatives were chosen for this sad event.

Raising temperatures

Everyone knows how to excuse themselves from school for 1 day from their parents due to a headache. But how can this be confirmed with facts?

It’s easy to pretend to have a stuffy nose, just sniffle your nose more often. Be careful, otherwise there may be blood. You can also peel the onion, and the snot will flow like a stream. But the headache needs to be supported by the temperature that the parents see on the thermometer.

There are also several options for this:

We use the battery. This option is good when the heating is turned on in the apartment. You need to take a thermometer and hold it near the battery. Do not place it on top under any circumstances, as it may burst. Keep a close eye on mercury. As soon as the thermometer shows 38 degrees, remove it immediately. After this, the temperature indicator may rise a little more, literally a couple of notches, and stop. An indicator of 38.2-38.3 is what you need;

This option requires preliminary preparation and a computer. Turn on your computer or laptop in advance and check the location of strong heat. We bring the thermometer to those parts that get very hot and wait for 38 degrees. If the computer is in another room, you need to come up with a reason in advance to approach it when measuring the temperature. In principle, this method is suitable for any device that emits heat;

Let's use the help of a pet. The temperature of any animal, cat or dog, is at least 38 degrees. We take a thermometer and place it under the pet’s paw, actively stroking it so that it does not damage the device. We wait for the required temperature and present it to the parents.

Hot tea will help raise your temperature

How to get out of school for 1 day at your mom's? The answer to this question will be prompted by instinct and knowledge of her weaknesses. Any mother strives to feed her child during illness, since there is an opinion that the patient must be given tasty water and food. We order hot tea from her, maybe with honey and lemon. Additives do not play a role in heating. It is important that the tea is brought before the thermometer.

When placing it in a hot drink, be careful as it may slip out and break. We bring the temperature to the desired level and wait for mom. If for some reason you are denied tea or hot milk, then you can ask for something to eat. Any hot food will do.

There are many options for heating a thermometer, choose yours. Attention, under no circumstances should we rub the thermometer with our hands. You may break the tip and mercury will spill onto your hands. It is very dangerous. In general, when using a thermometer, follow safety precautions.

After presenting the thermometer, do not forget to adhere to the legend. We lie down, feel sad, move slowly if necessary, moaning.

Abdominal pain

Another way is to pretend that your stomach hurts. We begin the operation the night before. We set the alarm clock so that we get up four to five times a night. Be careful, parents should not hear the call. We get up, go to the toilet and spend ten to fifteen minutes there. Loudly, so that everyone in your house can hear, we flush the water. In the morning, if mom doesn’t ask first, we’ll tell you that we’ve been struggling with our belly all night. And now it hurts, plus you feel dizzy and feel nauseous. We depict, of course, severe agony on our faces and hold our stomachs. In response to mom’s questions about food, we can say that we bought something at a fast food place on the street. In this option, of course, you will be “fed” activated carbon(or another similar drug) and drink herbal tea. Alas, you will have to give up practically food, or eat very little, and also sit at home. Don't forget to go to the toilet every 2 hours.

First days of school

How to excuse yourself from school for 1 day from parents and teachers in the first days of school? You can come up with the answer to the question on the fly.

For example, these days it is acceptable to tell your parents that you are going on an excursion with your class, and tell the teacher that you went to the sea with your mother. At the beginning of the year, everyone will be happy with this version, and the school will not ask for a note. The main thing is confidence.

A little conclusion

There are still plenty of options for how to get out of going to school, but many of them, unfortunately, are fraught with consequences. For example, it is suggested to drink iodine, put mustard plasters or other warming compresses on the forehead, rub the armpits, etc. But it is best to choose safe options so that absenteeism does not turn into a real illness and trips to the emergency room.

In order to don't go to school, parents need to present serious arguments. Most often they are related to health conditions, so this is exactly what the offspring who want to stay at home try to play on.

There are many ways to imitate illness, and although many people care little about the moral aspect of such actions, deception is deception, and parents worry and worry. In addition, it is dangerous to slander your health, because even thoughts materialize, let alone colorfully painted painful condition. Very often imitations are embodied in real life, and the disease can be very real. Although, some people actually strive to get really sick.

To avoid going to school, you can try the following methods:

  • pretend to be sick, imitating the symptoms of a viral disease that you have already had before. To make your cheeks glow, confirming the presence of a cold, you can pat or pinch them (remembering to periodically repeat the procedure so that parents do not suspect anything)
  • you need to talk through your nose, breathe through your mouth, clear your throat and sniffle in the presence of your parents (or knowing that they are nearby)
  • complain of a sore throat, headache and general fatigue
  • The face and head can be warmed up with a hairdryer, simulating increased body temperature
  • You can also carry out certain manipulations with a thermometer, for example, warm it up to a certain temperature by applying it to an incandescent light bulb, a hot battery, or placing it under a stream hot water. Just don’t be zealous, raising the temperature excessively, otherwise they’ll call an ambulance.
  • you can go to bed and even limit yourself to food or something tasty, cancel a meeting with friends, they say, it’s so bad. In this case, the disease will look more convincing.
  • You can develop it in front of your parents. Refuse dinner or eat a little food, answering that your stomach hurts a lot (you can stock up on food in advance, then it’s easier to refuse dinner). You can approach this issue more thoroughly, with nausea and vomiting. To do this, you need to hide a ladle of water in the bathroom in advance and periodically, with appropriate sounds, pour water out of it. The face after leaving the bathroom should also be appropriate.

Ways to temporarily raise body temperature:

  • Place one drop of iodine on a piece of refined sugar. may rise to 37.7 0, although not for long - for a maximum of one day. You just need to be careful with iodine in case of allergies or poisoning
  • rub your armpits with regular salt or garlic, the temperature can then rise to 39 0
  • stylus from a simple pencil capable of raising the temperature to 38 0, but for three or four hours, and you can get poisoned.

A way to quickly raise blood pressure:

  • you need to strongly clench and unclench your fists for 1-2 minutes at a very fast pace (as much as possible). This way you can provide a pressure of 140x90 mm, accompanied by complaints of pain in the back of the head and nausea.

To avoid going to school for a long time, you can:

  • drink cold milk
  • breathe through your mouth in cold air
  • sit naked in front open window in the cold

The temperature will be the same, and you can sit at home for a week, but it’s better not to do that.

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