What is written on ritual tapes. Rules for writing an inscription for a funeral wreath

Laying on mourning wreaths on burial mounds- a sacred ritual that allows you to mentally demonstrate sincere respect and reverence to the deceased. A decorative ribbon with words of sorrow is the central attribute of a composition of fresh or artificial flowers, the elegance of which is emphasized by the branches of evergreens. The laconic message on the tape “patents” the tragedy of the event and the unthinkability of loss. But how to choose the right ribbon for a funeral composition, what inscriptions on wreaths are appropriate and relevant?

How to choose a ritual ribbon

Traditionally, satin, satin or silk ribbons are chosen to decorate a ritual composition. The fabric must be sufficiently dense, tear-resistant, wear-resistant and durable. The color of the ribbon must correspond to the specific concepts of the funeral process, as well as the color palette of the ritual composition.

Black is the universal color of mourning cloth, but which is applied to words of grief and sadness. If veterans, participants in military conflicts, or active military personnel are buried, the ribbon is designed in the style of the country’s national flag. When burying clergy, spiritual mentors, young girls, as well as minor children and teenagers, wreaths are decorated with ribbons of white fabric. Burgundy and red tones are relevant when burying public figures, artists, officials, politicians and top officials of the state.

How ritual inscriptions are applied

The inscription on the wreath should be clear, legible and concise. Ten words is the optimal length of a ritual inscription. In this case, the message can be easily positioned so that it is clearly visible to all participants in the funeral process. Previously, mourning inscriptions were applied using brushes and paints. Such work took a lot of time and required the performer to have jewelry precision, accuracy and endurance.

Today, mourning inscriptions on wreaths are decorated with gold, black or white paints using plotters.

Filigree cut and pasted letters retain their integrity, expressiveness and presentability for as long as possible. This method allows you to apply even a non-standard inscription in just 8–10 minutes. As a rule, on the left side of the canvas they indicate who the wreath is intended for, and on the right they write who this composition is from. The finished tapes must be securely fastened with one or more special pins.

Key rules for ritual inscriptions

There are no strict rules for creating inscriptions on wreaths. The main thing is that the words of grief come from a pure heart. You can limit yourself to impersonal sentences: “We remember,” “We love,” “We mourn,” or you can use a relevant poetic line from a suitable poem. Avoid pathos and solemnity. Keep the funeral message sincere and humble. In order to avoid all sorts of gossip and gossip, adhere to the generally accepted concepts of ritual phrases on mourning ribbons.

  1. The modest size of the canvas requires that the inscription be laconic, without unnecessary creativity or framing.
  2. The classic formula of a mourning message requires the presence of three blocks: to whom, words of grief or instruction, from whom.
  3. If from the meaning of the funeral message it is obvious who the wreath is to whom and from whom, then the first and last parts can be omitted.
  4. The metrical characteristics and localization of the text depend on the size and design of the funeral composition.
  5. For a relative or loved one, it is best to draw up own phrase, and not imitate templates.

Ease, meaningfulness and sincerity are the key requirements for the text of sadness on a funeral ribbon. Words must come from the heart, so it is best to compose ritual phrases yourself. Agree, entrusting such a delicate matter to a stranger is extremely undesirable, because it is unlikely that he will be able to reflect in the text mourning inscription the bitterness of your emotions, feelings and experiences. But it is advisable to consult on all issues of choosing a wreath. Competent funeral agency specialists will certainly help you make a rational choice.

How to choose funeral wreaths with ritual ribbons

Choosing a funeral wreath is an important, responsible event, because it is this attribute of the funeral ceremony that allows you to mentally demonstrate the depth of loss and the significance of the deceased in our lives. Experienced florists will certainly help you avoid an awkward situation and choose the right flower arrangement. Using their services, you can create a custom-made funeral wreath.

Traditional oval or round funeral wreaths symbolize the unimpeded liberation of the soul from the physical shell and the mortal world.

The composition contains pairs of no more than five types of flowers. Strict yellow, red, blue, white and green inflorescences are woven into mourning wreaths. The unique symbolic language of flowers allows you to convey thousands of feelings and emotions as accurately as possible, so you simply cannot do without consulting a specialist when choosing wreaths for a funeral ceremony. Since fresh flowers quickly lose their freshness and vitality, it is best to order wreaths from the cemetery on the day of the funeral, 5–6 hours before the burial.

What do they write on the wreaths?

The context of the ritual inscription directly depends on the status and social significance of the deceased in the lives of mourning people. You can use both standard and custom phrases. If the wreath is from relatives, then inscriptions are placed on the mourning ribbon that contain the words: to a dear loved one; dear, respected, as well as phrases of grief and specification of family ties.

  • Infinitely beloved, dear and sweet husband.
  • Dear grandma. You will forever remain in our heart.
  • Dear father-in-law. With gratitude for kindness and justice. From my daughter-in-law.
  • We will forever remember your smile and kindness. From children and grandchildren.
  • With longing in my soul for my beloved mother.
  • The earth is empty without you... From relatives.
  • Dear godson. We mourn and remember.
  • Thank you for always being there. From his wife and children.

There are a huge number of variants of ritual phrases from relatives. The main thing is that they are truthful, sincere and meaningful.

Examples of inscriptions on wreaths from the team

  1. You are always with us in our souls and memories. From a friendly team.
  2. Rest in peace. Bright memory.
  3. From brigade No.... We remember and mourn.
  4. Dear... From the employees...
  5. To an invaluable employee from management.
  6. From everyone who knew. Bright memory.
  7. A true master of his craft. rest in peace

How to choose a funeral agency

When contacting a funeral agency, be sure to study the history of its activities and evaluate the reputation of its employees. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the permitting documents that justify the right of specific individuals to provide funeral services. Real reviews People will also be helped to navigate the funeral services market, avoid the traps of scammers, and also order a wreath with ritual ribbons from conscientious and responsible specialists.

Mourning ribbons are an attribute that reflects pain, sorrow, last words farewell to the deceased. Death loved one- great grief. The flower arrangement expresses respect and sorrow; it is important to make the inscriptions on the wreaths correctly.

A funeral ceremony requires a certain set of items. Many mourners struggle to find suitable farewell words. Most often, the inscriptions on ribbons for wreaths for funerals are selected from standard set funeral service bureau. The standard options are not disrespectful to the deceased. Designed to free those shocked by the death of loved ones from composing words, adjusting them to the size, color of compositions, and thinking about the readability of the phrase. You can order an individual inscription, but it must be short, succinct, and suitable for the ceremony.

Items are made according to certain traditions. The color, material, length and width, and font are important. At the request of customers, artificial or live plants and a portrait of the deceased are placed in the wreaths.

Key rules

Mourning ribbons and inscriptions on them are made according to certain rules. The durability of the paint, the readability of the text, and relevance are taken into account.

Main criteria:

  • material;
  • color of fabric and letters;
  • canvas size;
  • font;
  • number of words, phrase length;
  • construction of an inscription;
  • presence of ornament;
  • location on the wreath;
  • fixation method.

Wear-resistant fabrics are used as materials when creating ritual cloths: satin, silk, satin. The edges are hemmed using the zigzag method. They retain a decent appearance for a long time, do not tear, do not decompose in any weather conditions, and fade less.

The shade of the tape has symbolism: it conveys information about age, social status deceased, gender. The main colors are black, white, red, and the national flag. Sometimes they order canvases with inscriptions on the wreath, in harmony with the tones of the other attributes.

  1. Black is universal for a sad event.
  2. White is the color of innocence. Snow-white is used for the burial of young girls, children and clergy.
  3. Red is chosen for funerals politicians, servants of art.
  4. State colors signify the death of a serviceman.
  5. Others, those close to the deceased, can choose any color for the mourning ribbon.

The inscription is usually done in black, gold, white. They are clearly visible in contrast with the fabric, they look solemn, but at the same time restrained, allowing the letters to look clear.

The size of the canvas depends on the size of the wreath; 15 by 200 cm is considered standard. The font is selected based on its readability and the size of the material. Usually a phrase can fit up to ten words, not counting prepositions.

Along the edge of the memorial ribbon, a decorative religious ornament or a stylized national decorative ornament can be made. The first conveys the attributes of religion: Orthodox crosses, crucifixes, eights, candles. Depending on the religion of the deceased. Stylized borders contain symbols used in cultures various peoples: arabesques, Greek symbols, Russian or Ukrainian motifs, hieroglyphs, Byzantine script.

The inscription can be located in the center or along the edges of the wreath, if a flower arrangement is meant in the middle. The ends of the canvas are not filled. Fixed in the form of a tie or bow tie using one or two fasteners.

How to apply

Previously, the text on mourning panels was applied manually using a brush and paint. This method of application took a lot of time and did not give long-lasting results. Modern technologies allow you to print letters using a plotter: they are cut out and molded onto the canvas. The process of creating a tape takes about 10 minutes. The inscription on the funeral wreath remains clear long time. Gold paint is considered durable.

Words are written in the center or on the edges, indented from the very tip. The text has a clear structure: first it indicates who the lines of grief are intended for, then there is a parting message to the deceased, and ends with the designation of the customer or writer.

The family and relatives of the deceased can express their emotions in the “middle” segment. If customers of a ritual ribbon for a wreath want to come up with an inscription on their own, you can start from frequently used standard vocabulary. Popular options: we mourn, we remember, we love, we will not forget, of blessed memory, with respect, in our hearts, with a feeling of sorrow, everlasting memory.

Some choose quotes, poems, excerpts from the Bible, emotional phrases, addresses to the deceased. The mourning lines must be completed by indicating from whom the burial attribute is being presented - relatives, friends, colleagues, co-workers.

Examples of inscriptions on wreaths

There are several types of words on a funeral wreath ribbon:

  • spouse;
  • grandma or grandpa;
  • parents;
  • other relatives;
  • colleagues;
  • friends or neighbors;
  • official (public figure, military man, unknown dead);
  • addressless;
  • non-standard.

In order not to make a mistake, you can study examples of inscriptions on a mourning ribbon.

From relatives

The inscription on a wreath from relatives is usually distinguished by its emotionality and variety.

Examples include:

  • “To my beloved wife from my husband”;
  • “Dear dad from the family”;
  • “To dear grandfather from his grandchildren”;
  • “To a precious nephew from an aunt and uncle”;
  • "From grieving godparents";
  • “Mothers-in-law with longing for a large family”;
  • “Dear son. Eternal memory to you";
  • “From my son-in-law. The memory of you is always alive."

Relatives order non-standard inscriptions for wreaths without the usual structure, appeals, containing quotes or rhyming fragments.

From friends

The relatives of the deceased order or write the lines themselves. Frequently encountered appeals: dear, close, best, priceless. Examples of mourning ribbons for wreaths from friends:

  • "Dear friend";
  • "From friends and comrades";
  • "From close friends";
  • "To an invaluable friend from mourning comrades."

From colleagues

Wreaths from colleagues do not contain messages with a strong emotional connotation. Their purpose is to pay respects to the deceased at the cemetery. Often inscriptions begin with the words “respected” or “dear.” Compositions are given by work colleagues, co-workers, subordinates, and managers.

The funeral ribbon may not contain an address, but may consist of the following phrases:

  • “Peace be to your ashes”;
  • "Untimely loss";
  • "Sleep well";
  • “We remember, we appreciate”;
  • "Everlasting memory";
  • "With sadness and pain";
  • "Bright memory".

From neighbors

Depending on the relationship with neighbors, memorial inscriptions on such satin ribbons are of a friendly or official nature. For example: “From grieving neighbors”, “We remember, we mourn”, “From the residents of building No. 1”.

There are “official” texts on the wreaths dedicated to the military, heroes of the Fatherland, from city structures and government institutions.

Correct funeral preparations will help you say goodbye to the deceased with dignity. Pain and respect can be expressed by writing inscriptions on mourning ribbons.

Everything you need to know about composing text for a funeral ribbon. Here we answer your questions.

Mourning ribbons. Texts on mourning ribbons.

Why is it needed? mourning ribbon?

Mourning ribbons bring special meaning during the final farewell to a loved one. This is an opportunity to say something that was not said, to express those feelings that, perhaps, were not shown or heard.

How it is made mourning ribbon? How long will it take?

Material for ritual ribbonsdurable, most often satin is used for their manufacture. It keeps good appearance regardless of weather conditions for a sufficiently long time,ribbondoes not get wet from precipitation. Manufacturingmourning ribbontakes no more than 5 - 7 minutes. Thus, any of your text can be put ontapein your presence, no need to order in advance or wait a day for it to be made. It is very comfortable.

A few words about the symbolism of color, which is taken into account when choosing mourning ribbon.

Black mourning ribbon- an eternal symbol of mourning and sorrow. Red and burgundy symbolize pain and tragedy.White mourning ribbon- symbolizes the innocence and spiritual purity of a person. At funerals of current or former military personnel, ribbons with the Russian tricolor are often used.

What can you write on mourning ribbon?

When we are asked such a question, we answer "Everything. Whatever you want to say." This is true. There are no rules, write what is in your heart. People come to us with a request to write lines from poems, songs, phrases on tape that make sense only to close people. Of course, when a person is in doubt, we provide some advice. Text mourning ribbon can be roughly divided into two parts. On the left side tapes they write “to whom”, on the right - “from whom”, which are supplemented with any words of sympathy.

You are not with us, but you will never die in our hearts.

Quiet the trees, don't make any noise, our dear one is sleeping, don't wake him up.

Sleep well, our dear. From family.

To dear Kostya from those who love and remember

Thank you for your understanding and shining example life. Children and grandchildren.

Dear, dear, endlessly beloved husband

The pain of separation is incurable. The separation that is forever.

Eternal sleep for you, and eternal melancholy for us.

How much of ours went with you. How much of yours remains with us.

It’s so easy to imagine you alive, that it’s impossible to believe in your death.

You left life instantly, but the pain remained forever.

We will have enough grief and sadness for the rest of our lives, About the one we loved and so suddenly lost.

You loved everyone and sang songs. There is hope and support in the family. The world turned black. The light has dimmed and our grief is inconsolable.

To those who were dear during life, From those who love and mourn.

You are always with us in our hearts and memories. Thank you for the years we have lived together.

The earth is empty without you... I love you.

The warmth of your soul remains with us.

Sleep in peace and pray to God for us.

They don’t part with their loved ones, they only stop being close to them.

It is impossible to return, it is impossible to forget.

To the respected, beloved father-in-law from his sons-in-law. Thank you for your perseverance, for your honor, for your bright future, for your life as an example to all of us.

Dear husband, father, grandfather. Thanks for all. We remember. We love you.

From everyone who knew. Bright memory.

**Product shown in photo B384 name "Bagration" see http://www.venki-spb.ru/venok/380

We offer beautiful mourning ribbons for funerals with fast delivery. Ritual ribbons are used to decorate wreaths of fresh and artificial flowers and ritual bouquets. The signature on the tape can be any: standard or as specified by the customer.

Order the design of a ritual wreath or bouquet of flowers from a professional florist of the VEK funeral bureau, then your wreath or bouquet will consist only of fresh flowers and will retain its appearance for more than 10 days.

Photos of ritual ribbons from the VEC Bureau

How to sign a funeral ribbon

The mourning ribbon is a long-standing ritual tradition that is intended to express pain and sorrow at the passing of the deceased. This is an indispensable attribute of a funeral, with the help of which the grieving person expresses respect for the deceased. That is why it is very important to make the correct inscription on the mourning ribbon.

Funeral ribbon is required attribute funeral ceremony, through which sadness and grief are expressed for the person who has left this world. They are intended for mounting on baskets of flowers or wreaths. With the help of these accessories, people who come to say goodbye to the deceased have the opportunity to last time express your respect and recognition to him.

The color of the mourning ribbon also carries a certain meaning:

  • black– considered universal and suitable for any occasion;
  • color of the national flag (blue and yellow)– used for the burial of military personnel and military pensioners;
  • scarlet– used for funerals public figures, politicians, famous personalities;
  • snow-white– children, young girls, persons of clergy;
  • other colors– if desired, match the color of the flowers in the basket.

Mourning ribbons are made from materials that are resistant to various adverse weather conditions. The most common is satin.

Methods of applying an inscription to a ritual tape

It is traditionally believed that the inscription placed on a ritual ribbon should be short and concise, but carry a deep semantic load.

Basic rules for applying text to a funeral accessory:

  1. The inscription reflects all the grief and pain of loss for the deceased.
  2. To apply the text, gold-colored paint is used, which is stable and durable.
  3. On the left side of the tape it is written “to”, and on the right - “from”, between them parting words.
  4. The maximum number of words on a tape should not exceed 10.
  5. Do not be afraid to express your sincere feelings, because they come from the heart and are intended exclusively for the deceased.

Previously, text was applied to attributes manually using a brush with paints. But it was very painstaking work, which required too much effort and time. Today, a plotter is used for this purpose, with the help of which the letters cut out and glued to the fabric do not lose their brightness even after more than 40 days.

Requirements for text on the tape

Texts printed on mourning ribbons can be either unique or standard. Such issues are resolved on an individual basis. Some people choose to include a line from a poem loved by the deceased. Others opt for standard phrases, but with no less deep meaning. When choosing text for ritual attributes, you can start from the following words:

  • remember;
  • let's not forget;
  • love;
  • we mourn;
  • of blessed memory.

It is also mandatory to indicate from whom the mourning accessory is intended - from relatives, colleagues or friends.

The portion of ribbon used to place specific text is determined by the size and shape of the wreath. Most often, the inscription is applied in the center of the fabric, and the ends are left empty. But in this case, there should be no flower buds in the central part of the ribbon.

How to formulate an inscription on a tape

The wording of the inscription on the ritual tape depends on who it is intended for and from whom. Here are some examples of texts compiled for mourning ribbons from colleagues:

  • Mikhailov Ivan Petrovich from the Saratov branch of the STOK company;
  • with deep respect from the Darina store;
  • to the respected teacher and mentor from the students of 11-B class of 2002;
  • Igor Grigorievich, you are forever in our hearts. Administration of the VRKP "Rodnik";
  • with a feeling of deep sorrow, the team of clinic No. 11.

Examples of inscriptions on a ribbon for a husband or wife

  • To my dear husband from my wife.
  • To my beloved husband from the family.
  • To the dearest person from his wife and children.
  • To my beloved wife. You are always in my heart.
  • To my dear wife from my husband.
  • Sleep well, beloved wife.
  • Dear and beloved husband. The memory of you is always alive.

Examples of inscriptions on a ribbon for grandparents

  • dear grandmother from her grandchildren. Rest in peace;
  • to dear grandfather from grandchildren;
  • dear grandfather. Rest in peace. From grandchildren.
  • beloved grandmother from the family;
  • dear grandfather, eternal memory to you;
  • to my beloved grandmother, with great gratitude from my granddaughter;
  • to my grandmother, with love and sorrow from my grandchildren.

Inscriptions on the tape to other family members

  • With gratitude for all the good. Son-in-law.
  • To my beloved sister. The earth is empty without you...
  • Dear brother. Thank you for always being there.
  • To a beloved niece from a grieving aunt.
  • To my dear godson from my godmother. The memory of you is always with me.
  • To my beloved mother-in-law from my son-in-law. The memory of you will not fade for centuries.
  • To my beloved daughter Olechka. All the good things that happened in our lives are connected only with you...

Non-standard inscriptions

The inscriptions on ritual wreaths can be quite non-standard. Here are some examples of original wording:

  • How much of ours went with you, how much of yours remained with us...
  • You left life in the blink of an eye, but the pain remained forever;
  • You passed away too early, words cannot express our pain;
  • It is with bitterness and sorrow that we see you off;
  • With great gratitude for your understanding and shining example of life;
  • You left, leaving pain and longing in your heart;
  • Your bright image is forever with me.

Laying wreaths on graves has become a traditional sign of respect from the living. It is customary to bestow such honors on relatives, friends and colleagues. An elegant combination of artificial or fresh flowers framed by green branches symbolizes respect and grief associated with loss. dear person, and the inscriptions on the wreaths convey these feelings. They are placed on mourning ribbons, which are woven into the wreath and frame it. The text of the inscription on wreaths is usually terse.

Mourning ribbon

Funeral ribbon for wreaths can be silk, satin or satin. The main requirement is that the fabric must be dense and wear-resistant. The color of the tape is selected in accordance with the following factors:

  • Black is universal, suitable for all occasions.
  • Tricolor (colors of the flag) - for the burial of veterans, military personnel and combatants.
  • White - in case of death of minor children, young girls or members of the clergy.
  • Red or burgundy is usually used when burying cultural and artistic figures, politicians, and people of public professions.
  • Other colors - selected according to individual preferences and combination with the overall color scheme wreath of sorrow or basket of sorrow.

Inscriptions on mourning ribbons

The inscriptions on mourning ribbons are applied with gold paint using a plotter. Previously, the text was written by hand, and such work took a lot of time. Now the manufacturing process takes 5-7 minutes, even if a non-standard formulation was chosen.

There are no set rules for writing on wreaths. You can limit yourself to monosyllabic “We mourn”, “Remember” or use a suitable line from the corresponding poem. The words come from the heart, and therefore any text will be correct under such sad circumstances. If you still find it difficult to find the right phrases, use the following recommendations:

  • The mourning ribbon is small in size, so it is recommended to limit yourself to 10 words for the inscription.
  • In expanded form, the text consists of 3 parts:
    • to whom,
    • parting words,
    • from whom.
  • In most cases, when the text makes it clear to whom the wreath is intended or from whom the wreath is being given, the first or third part is omitted.
  • Don't be afraid to express your feelings. Your words are intended for the deceased and must come from the heart.

Examples of inscriptions on wreaths

When ordering a funeral wreath or funeral basket, you can use standard texts to express your grief or order a custom inscription. Below are examples of inscriptions on wreaths that have become the most common.

From family members:

  • Dear grandfather. Rest in peace. From grandchildren
  • Grandmother, mother, wife. You will forever remain in our hearts
  • To my beloved, sweet and infinitely dear husband
  • Sleep well, beloved wife
  • The earth is empty without you... From grieving relatives
  • Dear father-in-law. From sons-in-law
  • Dear Vanechka. We mourn and remember. From godparents
  • With longing in my heart for my beloved mother and grandmother
  • With gratitude for all the good. From daughter-in-law
  • They don’t part with their loved ones... They just stop being close to them
  • Thanks for being there. From wife and children
  • We will always remember your smile and kindness. From children and grandchildren

From employees:

  • You are always with us in our hearts and memories. From colleagues
  • From everyone who knew. Bright memory
  • Rest in peace. From a friendly team
  • To dear Ivan Ivanovich from the employees of Aist LLC
  • From Brigade No. 5. We mourn and remember
  • With bitterness and pain we see you off on a long journey. Teachers and students of vocational school No. 17
  • To the great master of his craft
  • To a valuable employee from the management

For military personnel:

  • To Ivan Ivanovich from his comrades
  • To the victorious warriors from grateful descendants
  • Defender of the Motherland
  • To you, who gave the flame of life, for the sake of life on earth
  • For valiant service. From the officers of military unit 11111
  • No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten
  • Peaceful sky above your head. From colleagues
  • You and I have gone through a lot. It's a shame you left so early
  • From fighting friends. You have always been an example for us
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