What does high hematocrit mean? Why is the hematocrit in the blood increased, what does this mean? Blood test hematocrit

Each of us has had a blood test done at least once in our lives. The purpose of it, along with other characteristics of our blood, is to determine Ht - the hematocrit indicator. It’s great if it’s normal, because both high and low hematocrit indicate some pathology in the body. However, a deviation of Ht in one direction or another does not mean that the person being examined has an incurable disease. It only means that you need to conduct a more in-depth examination and find the reason for such blood test results.

What is hematocrit

Hematocrit (Ht) is also called hematocrit number or value. This indicator determines what part of a unit of blood volume is occupied by the volume of red blood cells. Sometimes the Ht number is an indicator of what part of a unit volume of blood is occupied by red blood cells together with leukocytes and platelets. Considering that of these three particles 99% are red blood cells, the difference between the two readings is very small. Hematocrit is measured as a percentage, less often in milliliters per liter. In the latter case, the indicator is calculated to the second decimal place. For example, 35%=0.35=350 ml of red blood cells per 1 liter of blood.

In addition to the blood indicator, hematocrit is also called a special measuring device - a thin glass tube with a scale. It is used to measure the level of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets in the blood.

Hematocrit values

It is generally accepted that the average normal hematocrit for men is in the range of 0.4 - 0.48, and for women in the range of 0.36 - 0.46. Although some doctors are inclined to believe that for men over the age of 15, Ht readings are 0.35-0.5, and for women (also over 15 years old) 0.34-0.47 is also the norm. There is also a gradation of Ht relative to the patient's age. The younger the person, the lower the hematocrit reading. In newborn children, the hematocrit is usually 20 percent higher than in adults. This is considered the norm. Gradually, children's hematocrit decreases, and by about a year or two, its value becomes slightly lower than in adults. In addition to age, the size of erythrocytes influences the Ht value. There are various reasons why your red blood cell count increases or decreases. For example, a lack of iron causes red blood cells to shrink in size. In this case, their volume and, therefore, Ht readings will be low, but their total amount per unit volume of blood may be normal.

What does an increased hematocrit mean?

By analogy with hemoglobin, some patients tend to believe that only a low hematocrit is dangerous. However, if its number is equal to or higher than 0.55, additional examinations should be carried out. A high level of red blood cells in the blood leads to thickening of the blood and promotes the formation of blood clots. An increased hematocrit can be caused by various diseases, such as: diseases of the hematopoietic system; tumors in the uterus; adrenal diseases; lung and kidney diseases; extensive burns; peritonitis. In healthy people, this blood condition can be observed:

High in the mountains, where the atmosphere is thin;

In open-hearth furnaces or during prolonged exposure to high temperatures;

When dehydrated.

Causes of low hematocrit

A decreased hematocrit can be caused by the following reasons:

Bone marrow cancer;

Cirrhosis of the liver;

Anemia acquired or hereditary;

Bleeding, large blood loss;

Pathological hemolysis (rupture of red blood cells);


Artificial heart valve transplantation;

Disturbances in the hemoglobin reproduction system;

Overhydration (when a person receives a lot of liquid drugs intravenously);

Chemical poisoning (mushrooms, bites of poisonous insects and snakes, and others);

Lack of iron, vitamin B12 or folic acid in the body;

Poor nutrition;

Last months of pregnancy.

Why is low hematocrit dangerous?

Red blood cells - erythrocytes - are very important for human life, as they are suppliers of nutrients and oxygen to all cells of the body. Red blood cells also take carbon dioxide from the cells. If the hematocrit is low, that is, the volume of red blood cells per liter of blood is less than normal, the cells of the human body experience oxygen starvation, the acid-base balance and the functioning of all organs are disrupted. If Ht is much lower than normal, a person may experience general malaise, high fatigue, shortness of breath, and frequent headaches. The most common cause of low hematocrit is anemia. Many people do not take this diagnosis seriously enough, because in the first stages nothing hurts. At the same time, anemia (or they also say anemia) is a syndrome of a number of diseases. In pregnant women, a low hematocrit occurs due to the fact that a large amount of iron is consumed to form the red blood cells of the unborn baby. Its lack in the mother’s body leads to a decrease in the formation of her own red blood cells and, as a result, the development of anemia.

What to do if the hematocrit is higher or lower than normal

If the results of a blood test show that the hematocrit is low or high, do not panic. Doctors will definitely conduct additional examinations to find out the cause of the deviation from the norm. If necessary, treatment is prescribed, but often, especially with a low hematocrit, the patient needs to organize proper nutrition, including all the necessary vitamins, and also reconsider his attitude towards smoking and alcohol. Pregnant women whose low Ht number is caused by a lack of iron are prescribed medications containing this element. As a rule, the use of medications as prescribed by the doctor completely restores the normal hematocrit in the blood.

A blood test helps evaluate not only the functioning of the organs of the hematopoietic system, but also the condition of the body as a whole. Among the parameters taken into account in the analysis, the leading position is occupied by the concentration of red blood cells - hematocrit, as doctors call it.

What is hematocrit in a blood test?

Patients, receiving test results in their hands, seeing the hematocrit indicator, what this parameter is and what it is responsible for, do not know. This term is usually used to denote the ratio of the volumetric amount of formed elements to a unit volume of whole blood. The indicator is expressed as a percentage, less often - as a decimal fraction with a two-digit value after the decimal point. Experts often call it the hematocrit index. To calculate hematocrit, the number of red blood cells is compared with the volume of plasma, then multiplied by 0.01 (to convert to a percentage).

What is hematocrit responsible for?

From the above it follows that hematocrit is a quantitative indicator. The hematocrit number is a reflection of the cellular composition of blood circulating in the human body. It does not depend on factors affecting the synthesis of intracellular hemoglobin. At the same time, the value is actively used by doctors when they suspect hidden diseases, anemia. The test is often prescribed after surgery and during pregnancy. This is done to eliminate the risk of losing a large volume of blood.

The hematocrit value is the primary indicator in the diagnosis of pathologies. Deviation from existing standards becomes an indication for further comprehensive examination of the patient. To find out why the hematocrit is below normal, what this means, you need to undergo more than one examination. Indications for analysis include:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • liver pathologies;
  • high risk of bleeding.

Hematocrit is normal

Research conducted by doctors has shown that the hematocrit value changes with the patient's age. In addition, due to physiological characteristics, girls have lower values ​​than men. Taking this feature into account, when deciphering the hematocrit analysis, the norm in women is set lower. Among the determining factors during outcome assessment is the patient’s age. Hematocrit in the blood changes as follows:

  1. Children:
  • newborns – 35–65;
  • up to 1 year – 32–40;
  • 1–11 years – 32–41;
  • girls 12–17 years old – 35–45;
  • boys 12–17 – 34–44.
  1. Adults:
  • women 18–45 years old – 39–50;
  • men 18–45 years old – 34–45;
  • women over 45 – 40–50;
  • women over 45 years old – 35–46.

Hematocrit is reduced - what does this mean?

Deviation of values ​​from existing standards is an indication for further examination of the patient. To find out why the hematocrit is low, what this means in a woman, hardware research methods are prescribed:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • Ultrasound of the liver;
  • examination of the gastrointestinal tract.

To find out why the hematocrit is below the established norm, what this means, doctors also take into account the time of the analysis. During menstruation and a few days after its end, the hematocrit level in girls decreases. Hematocrit is also below normal during pregnancy, which a woman is often unaware of during pregnancy.

Hematocrit is reduced - reasons

When the hematocrit is low, what kind of disorder it is and what is associated with it can only be determined by a specialist. The interpretation of the analysis is carried out exclusively by doctors who have information about the general condition of the patient’s body, his diseases and chronic pathologies. Among the disorders and conditions accompanied by a decrease in hematocrit:

  1. – provoked by congenital and hereditary diseases, toxic damage to the bone marrow.
  2. Hemolysis is the resolution of blood cells in congenital anomalies of red blood cells, a decrease in their elasticity, and diseases of the spleen.
  3. Overhydration is the introduction of a large amount of fluid into the body during infusion.
  4. An increase in the volume of proteins and salts in the plasma, which leads to a relative decrease in the concentration of blood cells.
  5. Pregnancy.

Low hematocrit - symptoms

The fact that the hematocrit is low can be suspected by a number of characteristic signs. Most of them do not have specificity, so patients often do not attach importance to them. Among the main symptoms of a decrease in hematocrit in the body:

  • general malaise - a decrease in the concentration of red blood cells leads to a decrease in the volume of oxygen delivered by blood cells to organs and tissues;
  • constant fatigue;
  • the appearance of a feeling of lack of air;
  • pale skin;
  • tachycardia;
  • frequent headaches.

Why is low hematocrit dangerous?

A reduced hematocrit in the blood indicates insufficient production of red blood cells - erythrocytes. These formed elements are responsible for delivering oxygen and some nutrients to the organs and tissues of the body. A decrease in their concentration is fraught with the development of chronic hypoxia - constant oxygen starvation. This phenomenon negatively affects the functioning of the brain. Memory impairment, decreased ability to concentrate, and mental activity are directly related to cerebral hypoxia.

A hematocrit below normal (what this means is indicated above) is the cause of anemia. As a result, a disruption of hematopoietic processes occurs. Such patients are more often susceptible to colds and infectious diseases, and constantly experience weakness and fatigue. Other negative consequences of low hematocrit include:

  • heart disease;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • deterioration of kidney function (toxins are poorly removed from the body, intoxication is possible).

How to increase hematocrit?

Before increasing the hematocrit in the blood and starting therapy for the abnormality, doctors conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. Establishing the direct cause of the violation is the main task of specialists. Often, eliminating the factor that provokes a decrease in hematocrit leads to normalization of the indicator. Among the main areas of treatment for this disorder:

  • therapy – Sorbifer, Maltofer, Ferritab;
  • enriching the diet with foods containing iron: meat, eggs, nuts, liver, pomegranate;
  • reduction of physical stress on the body;
  • frequent walks in the fresh air.

Hematocrit is reduced during pregnancy

Hematocrit always decreases during pregnancy. This phenomenon is physiological in nature. As gestation progresses, plasma volume increases, resulting in fewer red blood cells per unit volume of blood. The drop in the rate begins around the 4th week of pregnancy. At the same time, the maximum minimum is recorded at the 32–34th week – 31–35%. In this way, the body prepares for possible blood loss during childbirth. A decrease below 30% increases the risk of developing fetal hypoxia. With a hematocrit of 14–25%, the pregnant woman is hospitalized and constantly monitored.

Each of us has had a blood test done at least once in our lives. The purpose of it, along with other characteristics of our blood, is to determine Ht - the hematocrit indicator. It’s great if it’s normal, because both high and low hematocrit indicate some pathology in the body. However, a deviation of Ht in one direction or another does not mean that the person being examined has an incurable disease. It only means that you need to conduct a more in-depth examination and find the reason for such blood test results.

What is hematocrit

Hematocrit (Ht) is also called hematocrit number or value. This indicator determines what part of a unit of blood volume is occupied by the volume of red blood cells. Sometimes the Ht number is an indicator of what part of a unit volume of blood is occupied by red blood cells together with leukocytes and platelets. Considering that of these three particles 99% are red blood cells, the difference between the two readings is very small. Hematocrit is measured as a percentage, less often in milliliters per liter. In the latter case, the indicator is calculated to the second decimal place. For example, 35%=0.35=350 ml of red blood cells per 1 liter of blood.

In addition to the blood indicator, hematocrit is also called a special measuring device - a thin glass tube with a scale. It is used to measure the level of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets in the blood.

Hematocrit values

It is generally accepted that the average normal hematocrit for men is in the range of 0.4 - 0.48, and for women in the range of 0.36 - 0.46. Although some doctors are inclined to believe that for men over the age of 15, Ht readings are 0.35-0.5, and for women (also over 15 years old) 0.34-0.47 is also the norm. There is also a gradation of Ht relative to the patient's age. The younger the person, the lower the hematocrit reading. In newborn children, the hematocrit is usually 20 percent higher than in adults. This is considered the norm. Gradually, children's hematocrit decreases, and by about a year or two, its value becomes slightly lower than in adults. In addition to age, the size of erythrocytes influences the Ht value. There are various reasons why your red blood cell count increases or decreases. For example, a lack of iron causes red blood cells to shrink in size. In this case, their volume and, therefore, Ht readings will be low, but their total amount per unit volume of blood may be normal.

What does an increased hematocrit mean?

By analogy with hemoglobin, some patients tend to believe that only a low hematocrit is dangerous. However, if its number is equal to or higher than 0.55, additional examinations should be carried out. A high level of red blood cells in the blood leads to thickening of the blood and promotes the formation of blood clots. An increased hematocrit can be caused by various diseases, such as: diseases of the hematopoietic system; tumors in the uterus; adrenal diseases; lung and kidney diseases; extensive burns; peritonitis. In healthy people, this blood condition can be observed:

High in the mountains, where the atmosphere is thin;

In open-hearth furnaces or during prolonged exposure to high temperatures;

When dehydrated.

Causes of low hematocrit

A decreased hematocrit can be caused by the following reasons:

Bone marrow cancer;

Cirrhosis of the liver;

Anemia acquired or hereditary;

Bleeding, large blood loss;

Pathological hemolysis (rupture of red blood cells);


Artificial heart valve transplantation;

Disturbances in the hemoglobin reproduction system;

Overhydration (when a person receives a lot of liquid drugs intravenously);

Chemical poisoning (mushrooms, bites of poisonous insects and snakes, and others);

Lack of iron, vitamin B12 or folic acid in the body;

Poor nutrition;

Last months of pregnancy.

Why is low hematocrit dangerous?

Red blood cells - erythrocytes - are very important for human life, as they are suppliers of nutrients and oxygen to all cells of the body. Red blood cells also take carbon dioxide from the cells. If the hematocrit is low, that is, the volume of red blood cells per liter of blood is less than normal, the cells of the human body experience oxygen starvation, the acid-base balance and the functioning of all organs are disrupted. If Ht is much lower than normal, a person may experience general malaise, high fatigue, shortness of breath, and frequent headaches. The most common cause of low hematocrit is anemia. Many people do not take this diagnosis seriously enough, because in the first stages nothing hurts. At the same time, anemia (or they also say anemia) is a syndrome of a number of diseases. In pregnant women, a low hematocrit occurs due to the fact that a large amount of iron is consumed to form the red blood cells of the unborn baby. Its lack in the mother’s body leads to a decrease in the formation of her own red blood cells and, as a result, the development of anemia.

What to do if the hematocrit is higher or lower than normal

If the results of a blood test show that the hematocrit is low or high, do not panic. Doctors will definitely conduct additional examinations to find out the cause of the deviation from the norm. If necessary, treatment is prescribed, but often, especially with a low hematocrit, the patient needs to organize proper nutrition, including all the necessary vitamins, and also reconsider his attitude towards smoking and alcohol. Pregnant women whose low Ht number is caused by a lack of iron are prescribed medications containing this element. As a rule, the use of medications as prescribed by the doctor completely restores the normal hematocrit in the blood.

Determining the hematocrit number helps to specify the diagnosis in order to begin the correct treatment. Sometimes information about hemoglobin alone is not enough; a multifactorial examination is required.

Hematocrit gives information about the total volume of red blood cells, not the number of cells. It complements the assessment of the patient's condition. In combination with hemoglobin, ESR, the hematocrit number complements and completes the diagnosis.

Deviations from normal indicators indicate that a malfunction has occurred in the erythrocyte system and pathologies such as anemia, oncology, diseases of the stomach, intestinal canal, heart or vascular disease are suspected.

Normal hematocrit in the blood of women, men and children

The total blood volume is 100%, blood plasma is within 60%, the rest belongs to the hematocrit. Normal levels vary depending on age and gender.

The erythrocyte mass in men is 45-49% or 0.45-0.49 g/l. This is the normal hematocrit. In women this indicator is lower, in newborns it is high, and during pregnancy the indicators decrease.

To decipher hct in a blood test, you need to know the norms of the indicator in women, men and children.

Hematocrit norm table

Gender and age Hematocrit level (hct)
Women 18-50 years old 38-49
Women over 50 years old 35-45
Men from 18 to 45 years old 45-49
Men over 45 years old 40-45
Newborn babies 36-66
Children from 3 to 12 months 33-45
From 1 year to 12 years 33-42
Teenagers under 18 years old 35-45

You can find out more about the norms of hematocrit in the blood.

A concentration of indicators from 30 to 35 requires a change in diet with an increase in the amount of meat, green leafy vegetables, and fruits. 28% and 23% are a condition before the disease; iron supplements, vitamin B6 and folic acid help eliminate this syndrome. A decrease in the rate of less than 13% serves as a reason for emergency treatment in a medical institution and is assessed as an extremely serious condition.

Hematocrit in the diagnosis of diseases

A decrease in hematocrit is most often due to insufficient intake of iron from food and a decrease in hemoglobin. This circumstance occurs in girls who practice strict diets or fasting. In childhood, iron deficiency occurs for the following reasons:

  • Poor nutrition, foods contain little iron, lack of meat, apples, buckwheat, pomegranate juice;
  • Rapid growth of the child;
  • Pathologies of the digestive canal, as a result of which the absorption of the iron element is impaired.

A reduced hematocrit is not a diagnosis, but leads to a decrease in overall immunity, thrombus formation is disrupted, other pathologies and dangerous conditions appear.

A balanced diet, especially in childhood, is an important basis for growth, development, and overall health.

Another important reason for a decrease in hematocrit number is large blood loss. This circumstance occurs with long, very heavy menstruation, internal bleeding, injury with significant blood loss. Uterine bleeding due to endometriosis, hyperplasia of the inner layer of the uterus is always characterized by a low hematocrit; during this period, following advice on diet and regimen is most important.

One of the things that affects the hematocrit number is blood thinning and fluid retention. Water accumulates in tissues due to renal pathology, high salt intake, spicy foods, and lack of movement. In diseases that require prolonged stay in bed, the hematocrit usually decreases.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that intravenous drip administration of drugs and solutions discharges the blood and can lead to fluid accumulation. Preventive measures against thrombosis, blood thinners affect hematocrit. When a patient is prescribed such therapy, the hematocrit is determined after the course of treatment.

Causes of low hematocrit

In adults due to various pathologies and conditions:

  • Autoimmune or genetic diseases;
  • Infections in which fluid accumulates in the subcutaneous fat layer and organs;
  • Malignant formations;
  • Blood or lymph cancer - hemoblastosis;
  • Pathologies of hemoglobin formation.

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In a child, a decrease occurs with bleeding, decreased production of red blood cells, and a high content of protein components of the blood. A false positive result occurs after intravenous drips, menstruation, prolonged immobility, or long-term compartment syndrome.

A delay from the norm also occurs with chronic inflammation, for example, with cystitis, glomerulonephritis. In this case, a blood test is taken during treatment and after its completion to monitor the condition and exclude other foci of infection.

In case of liver diseases such as cirrhosis, hepatitis, fatty degeneration of the liver tissue, alcohol abuse, cigarette abuse, the hematocrit also decreases. A chronic decrease in level indicates oncology, most often of the cervix or mammary glands.

Chronic diseases of the vascular system and heart lower the hematocrit level. In order to accurately make a diagnosis, a comprehensive multifactorial examination is recommended.

When the hematocrit level is reduced in a blood test, it is necessary to donate blood again after some time. If three tests one after another show a chronic decrease in the hematocrit index, the patient is prescribed a consultation with an oncologist.

Causes of elevated hematocrit

Due to external or internal reasons. Sometimes an increase is considered normal, for example in the following conditions:

  • Dehydration (vomiting, diarrhea, increased physical activity);
  • Lack of oxygen (from smoking, prolonged stay in the mountains);
  • Taking certain medications (glucocorticosteroids, anabolics, diuretics).

During pregnancy, the hematocrit decreases, this is the norm. If the level is elevated during gestation, this is an alarming signal and intrauterine pathologies of the fetus are possible.

With disorders of the excretory system, the amount of plasma in the blood decreases, which leads to thickening of the bloodstream. With diabetes mellitus, severe burns, as well as with heart failure, peritonitis, obstructive pulmonary disease, the indicators increase.

Increased synthesis of the substance erythropoietin contributes to the rapid maturation of red blood cells. Hypersecretion of a substance occurs:

  • With ischemic kidney disease, heart disease;
  • For erythremia (chronic leukemia);
  • For various types of anemia;
  • In states of shock.

Sometimes an increase in hematocrit is associated with dizziness, numbness of the limbs, morning sickness, and difficulty breathing. If you notice such symptoms, it is better to contact your local physician to find out the cause of such conditions.

How to normalize hematocrit level

If you do not reduce the percentage level of hematocrit in the blood, serious consequences and complications arise that can be fatal. Thickening of the blood makes it difficult for it to move through the vessels, which increases the load on the heart muscle.

Increased blood viscosity is characterized by thrombus formation, which interferes with normal blood circulation. When small blood clots stick together, clots can form and completely clog the vessels. Depending on the location of the blood clots, certain symptoms appear; sometimes an infarction of the heart muscle, kidneys or brain occurs.

In some cases, it is enough to eliminate the cause, normalize your lifestyle and daily diet. Be sure to drink enough fluid per day - at least 2 liters of clean water, and it is also advisable to give up coffee, which removes fluid from the body.

When prescribing a laboratory blood test, a doctor can obtain a lot of information regarding not only the course of the disease, but also the state of the body at the time of the examination. It is a very important indicator for adults and children.

Many patients and their relatives, encountering the name of this indicator for the first time, wonder: what is hematocrit in a blood test? Blood consists of two components - the liquid part (plasma) and a suspension of formed elements in it. The ratio of these two components is called hematocrit. But it would be more correct from a professional point of view to use the term hematocrit number.

Since the largest number of all are red blood cells, determination of the hematocrit number in laboratory conditions can indirectly provide information about the number of red cells in the bloodstream at the time of the examination.

Hematocrit is of great importance in diagnostic terms for such conditions in the patient as dehydration of the body with continuous vomiting and diarrhea observed with various intoxications, with burns affecting large areas of the body.

The determination of hematocrit is not included in the test; the doctor prescribes its examination as a separate analysis.

The designation of hematocrit in a blood test - HCT, short for the Latin hematocrit, is used in new models of laboratory equipment and is indicated as such in printouts obtained from the automatic interpretation of examination results by the machine.

Hematocrit values

The hematocrit number is relative. Since it reflects the ratio of the main components of blood, hematocrit is calculated as a percentage of the total volume. But those used in the world are gradually switching to calculating hematocrit in liters per liter of total mass (l/l). For example, if, as a result of the analysis, the NCT is determined to be 0.46 l/l, this means that 1 liter of blood contains 46% of suspended formed cells.

The hematocrit number directly depends on criteria such as the age and gender of the person being examined.


Secondly, hematocrit in women and men allows us to get an idea of ​​the degree of blood density, which is necessary when studying the functional abilities of platelets. These hematocrit indicators in the blood are of great importance in assessing the degree of threat of thrombosis.

If the hematocrit in the blood test is elevated, the causes of this condition may be pathological and physiological.

Pathological causes

Pathological causes of increased hematocrit are the result of the development of certain diseases in the body or a reflection of the body’s inability to compensate for processes caused by a pathological condition. In differential diagnosis, specialists take into account not only the hematocrit number, but consider its value in combination with other markers.

If the tests simultaneously increase hematocrit and erythropoietin synthesis (a substance that activates the formation of red blood cells), this may indicate:

  • development of oncological processes affecting the kidneys;
  • formation of many cysts in the kidneys;
  • traumatic shock;
  • various ;
  • true erythremia, in which the hematopoietic system is affected;
  • hormone therapy;
  • the presence of emotional overload, stress in the person being examined.

If the hematocrit increases due to a decrease in plasma volume, while the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin level remain normal, such a picture in the analyzes can be observed in the following cases:

  • with the progression of burn disease, if the affected area is more than 15% of the body surface;
  • peritonitis;

Physiological reasons

Physiological reasons for an increase in the hematocrit number in men, women and children include the development of a hypoxic state in the category of people living high in the mountains or involved in mountain climbing.

What leads to a decrease in the indicator

When the hematocrit in a blood test is low, this indicates the development of an anemic condition in the body, characterized by a decrease in the number of formed blood cells, primarily red blood cells.

Also, the development of hyperhydration (retention of fluid in body tissues), which can be observed in various kidney pathologies, acute intoxications, and viral diseases, can lead to a decrease in the hematocrit number.

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