Which means my uncle has the most honest rules. What low deceit

Having served excellently and nobly,
His father lived in debt
Gave three balls annually
And finally squandered it.
Eugene's fate kept:
At first Madame followed him,
Then Monsieur replaced her.
The child was harsh, but sweet.
Monsieur l'Abbé, poor Frenchman,
So that the child does not get tired,
I taught him everything jokingly,
I didn’t bother you with strict morals,
Lightly scolded for pranks
And he took me for a walk to the Summer Garden.

The fact that first Madame and then Monsieur Abbot went to Eugene is the system of standard “noble” education of those years. French was the main, sometimes the first, language of the Russian aristocracy. For example, the famous Decembrist Mikhail Bestuzhev-Ryumin practically did not know Russian, and studied it before his death. Such are the things :-) It is clear that with such an education, it is important that the first nannies and teachers are native speakers of French. Everything is clear with Madame, but that’s why the second teacher was the Abbot. Initially, in my youth, I thought it was his last name.

M. Bestuzhev-Ryumin

But no - there is a hint here of his clerical, that is, church past. I think that he was forced to flee revolutionary France, where the ministers of the Church suffered greatly, and labored in Russia as a teacher. And as practice shows, he was not a bad teacher :-) By the way, the word wretched does not carry any negative meaning. Monsieur Abbot was simply poor, and Pushkin uses this term here in this context. He fed from the table of his student, and his father paid him a salary, albeit small.
By the way, they were walking in Summer Garden, which by that time had received its current borders, suggests that Eugene lived nearby.

Lattice of the Summer Garden.

Let's continue.

When will the rebellious youth
The time has come for Evgeniy
It's time for hope and tender sadness,
Monsieur was driven out of the yard.
Here is my Onegin free;
Haircut in the latest fashion,
How the dandy Londoner is dressed -
And finally saw the light.
He's completely French
He could express himself and wrote;
I danced the mazurka easily
And he bowed casually;
What do you want more? The light has decided
That he is smart and very nice.

Real dandies :-)

As I said above, Monsieur Abbot turned out to be a good teacher and taught Eugene well. This can be seen in this stanza and in the following ones. The term dandy went down among the people, as they say, and has since come to mean a man who emphasizes aesthetics appearance and behavior, as well as the sophistication of speech and courtly behavior. This is a separate topic for conversation, and we will be happy to talk about it next time. The term itself comes from the Scottish verb “dander” (to walk) and denoted dandies and rich people. The first real dandy, so to speak, “style icon,” was George Brian Brummel, a friend and clothing adviser to the future King George IV.

D.B. Brummel

Mazurka is originally a Polish national fast dance, which received its name in honor of the Masurians or Mazovians - inhabitants of Mazovia (Masuria), part of central Poland. During the years described in the novel, the mazurka became extremely popular dance at balls, and being able to dance it was a sign of “advancement.” A little later, the mazurka will be taken to a new level by the great F. Chopin.

We all learned a little bit
Something and somehow
So upbringing, thank God,
It’s no wonder for us to shine.
Onegin was, in the opinion of many
(decisive and strict judges)
A small scientist, but a pedant:
He had a lucky talent
No coercion in conversation
Touch everything lightly
With the learned air of a connoisseur
Remain silent in an important dispute
And make the ladies smile
Fire of unexpected epigrams.

Latin is now out of fashion:
So, if I tell you the truth,
He knew quite a bit of Latin,
To understand the epigraphs,
Talk about Juvenal,
At the end of the letter put vale,
Yes, I remembered, although not without sin,
Two verses from the Aeneid.
He had no desire to rummage
In chronological dust
History of the earth:
But jokes of days gone by
From Romulus to the present day
He kept it in his memory.

Learn Latin, really...:-)))

Knowing historical anecdotes is great. Yuri Vladimirovich Nikulin and Roman Trakhtenberg would approve of this :-) Putting vale at the end of the letter is not only beautiful, but also correct. After all, translated into completely original Russian it could be interpreted as “Be healthy, boyar” :-) And if you, my dear readers, are at the end of your written monologue during the clarification the most important issue of being “who is wrong on the Internet” put not only dixi, but also vale - it will be beautiful :-)
It’s not very possible to talk about Juvenal these days, because it’s not always with anyone, but in vain. Decimus Junius Juvenal is a Roman satirical poet, contemporary of the emperors Vespasian and Trajan. In some places it gets annoying :-) Although one expression associated with this Roman is certainly familiar to any of you. This is "B" healthy body- healthy mind." But we talked about it in more detail here:
(if you haven’t read it, I’ll take the liberty of recommending it)

We studied Virgil's Aeneid at the University. I don’t remember about the school, but in theory, it seemed like they could study it. This epic tells about the resettlement of the Trojan prince Aeneas to the Apennines and the founding of the city of Alba Longa, which later became the center of the Latin Union. What we also talked a little about here:

This is exactly the engraving of Virgil that Eugene could have seen :-)

I confess to you honestly, unlike Eugene, I don’t know a single verse from the Aeneid by heart. It is interesting that the Aeneid became a role model, and produced a bunch of alterations and variations. Including the rather funny “Aeneid” by Ivan Kotlyarevsky, if I’m not mistaken, almost the first work in the Ukrainian language.

To be continued...
Have a nice time of day.

To amuse the half-dead ,

Adjust his pillows

It's sad to bring medicine,

Sigh and think to yourself:

When will the devil take you !”

He knew that during his lifetime he would not see Europe retire, but how he wanted to see with his own eyes the revival of Rus'. He knew his destiny, and therefore every day he opened the Gospel of Matthew and read about himself. How should Ev be reflected? from Matthew for 2 weeks from 2/23/17 and read chapter 15:26: “He answered: It's not good to take bread from children and throw it to the dogs." This is what the heir, the son of God, who was previously called Zeus, thought: 341

So thought the young rake,

Flying in the dust on postage,

By the Almighty will of Zeus

Heir to all his relatives .

Friends of Lyudmila and Ruslan!

With the hero of my novel

Without preamble, right now

Let me introduce you:

Onegin, my good friend,

Born on the banks of the Neva ,

Where were you perhaps born?

Or shone, my reader;

I once walked there too :

But the north is bad for me.

That's why Europeans don't need "dogs" give bread, taking it away from the Russians "children" that this is spiritual bread and is intended in this circle only for the Russian people, for this bread contains thoughts and feelings inherent only in the Russian way of life. Dostoevsky wrote: “Now in all the land there is only onepeople- God-bearer ”, coming to renew and save the world in the name ofnew God and to whom alone are giventhe keys of life and new words ...it's the peopleRussian ». 342

Europe will no longer be able to accept this "bread", this "beads": Not only will it not chew with its toothless “mouth,” but it will also not accept it with its diseased “stomach.” Pushkin’s knowledge will then be accepted by the Russian people when it will be possible to say:

The Russian Spirit is there, it smells of Russia! 343

Then they will understand his “Impromptu on A” (the words of science) 344, written at this time:

In silence I'm sitting in front of you.

In vain feel torment,

In vain at youI look :

That's trueI will not say ,

What does the imagination say? .

Having skipped enough years shown in the biography, let us pay attention to the important milestones of Pushkin’s life, reflected in “ Evgeniya Onegin" and in Gospel from Matthew.

The Gospel reflected the 2 weeks of the prophet from May 2, 1829 in chapter 24:20: "Pray that it doesn't happenescape yoursin winter or on Saturday ». That time was Wednesday in the spring on the night of May 1–2, 1829, when he secretly escaped from the surveillance of Benckendorff and his “Masonic brethren.” Pushkin , « impatient hero" « not wait" recognition as a scientist and Prophet from his contemporaries. And day after day from 9.5 to 10.5.1829, the Cossacks accepted his scientific manuscript ( adoptive gift ) for 150-year storage on the Don, with closed for reading (but with keys for the initiated) an exposition of the ring science.

In “Eugene Onegin” this is reflected in chapter 7, stanza XXXVII as follows:

Here, surrounded by my own oak grove,

Petrovsky Castle. He's gloomy

Recentproud of the glory .

I waited in vain Napoleon,

Intoxicated with the last happiness,

Moscow kneeling

With keys old Kremlin:

No,my Moscow did not go

To him with a guilty head .

Not a holiday, notadoptive gift ,

She was preparing a fire

To the impatient hero .

From now on, immersed in thought,

He looked at the menacing flame.

An important event in Pushkin’s life was his marriage with Natalya Goncharova. 10.2.30 Pushkin, in a letter to Krivtsov, wanted to reflect verses from the Gospel of Matthew 345, showing exactly these 2 weeks: "IN For 30 years people usually get married -I act like people , and I probably won’t regret it.” The God-man, son of Zeus, acts like people - gets married.

This is how Pushkin played on this image in “Eugene Onegin”, chapter 8, stanza XXVII:

But my Onegin is a whole evening

I was busy with Tatyana alone,

Not this timid girl,

In love, poor and simple,

But an indifferent princess ,

But an unapproachable goddess

Luxurious, royal Neva.

O people! you all look alike

To the ancestor Eve :

What is given to you does not attract ;

The serpent is constantly calling you

To yourself, to the mysterious tree:

Give me the forbidden fruit ,

And without that, heaven is not heaven for you.

Alexander Sergeevich even predicted that he would not be Natalya "attract" soul, and her "the Forbidden fruit give it to me».

Then the verse of the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 25:15, where it says: “And he gave to one five talents, to another two, to another one,to each according to his strength ; and immediately set off" the events from February 6, 1831 on the eve of the wedding are described. In chapter 8-XXVIII of “Eugene Onegin” Pushkin described Natalya Goncharova as follows:

How Tatyana has changed!

How firmly she entered into her role !

Accepted appointments soon!

Who would dare to look for a tender girl

In this majestic, in this careless

The book includes a novel in verse by A.S. Pushkin (1799–1837) “Eugene Onegin,” which is required reading and study in secondary schools.

The novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" became the central event in literary life Pushkin's time. And since then, A.S. Pushkin’s masterpiece has not lost its popularity; it is still loved and revered by millions of readers.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
Eugene Onegin
Novel in verse

Pétri de vanité il avait encore plus de cette espèce d'orgueil qui fait avouer avec la même indifférence les bonnes comme les mauvaises actions, suite d'un sentiment de supériorité, peut-être imaginaire.

Not thinking of amusing the proud world,
Loving the attention of friendship,
I'd like to introduce you
The pledge is more worthy than you,
More worthy than a beautiful soul,
Saint of a dream come true,
Poetry alive and clear,
High thoughts and simplicity;
But so be it - with a biased hand
Accept the collection of motley heads,
Half funny, half sad,
Common people, ideal,
The careless fruit of my amusements,
Insomnia, light inspirations,
Immature and withered years,
Crazy cold observations
And hearts of sorrowful notes.


And you, young beauties,
Which sometimes later
The daring droshky carries away
Along the St. Petersburg pavement,

From school I remember the first stanza from “Eugene Onegin” by A.S. Pushkin.
The novel is written extremely simply, with impeccable rhyme and classic iambic tetrameter. Moreover, each stanza of this novel is a sonnet. You, of course, know that the stanza in which this work of Pushkin is written is called “Onegin”. But the first stanza seemed so classical to me and, as it were, applicable to the presentation of almost any topic, that I tried to write a poem using the rhyme of this stanza, i.e. last words each line, maintaining the same rhythm.
To remind the reader, I first quote the indicated stanza by Pushkin, and then my poem.

My uncle is the most fair rules,
When I seriously fell ill,
He forced himself to respect
And I couldn't think of anything better.
His example to others is science,
But, my God, what a bore
Sitting with the patient day and night
Without leaving a single step.
Which low cunning
To amuse the half-dead,
Adjust his pillows
It's sad to bring medicine,
Sigh and think to yourself,
When will the devil take you?

Love has no special rules
You just took it and got sick.
Suddenly, someone's gaze made me hurt,
Or a kiss could force you.
Love is a complex science
And this is joy, not boredom,
Tormenting day and night,
Without leaving your heart.
Love is capable of deceit
The game can amuse
And correct the outcome of wars,
Or your melancholy may be a cure.
Don’t waste yourself on this search,
She will find you herself.
07 April 2010

Once upon a time, I found on the Internet entertaining game- collective writing of a sonnet. Very funny. And, after writing the above poem, the idea occurred to me to offer you, dear readers, a poetic game - to write sonnets using the last words of the lines of the first stanza of “Eugene Onegin”
Good exercise for the brain.
But I was tormented by doubts: is it possible to do this? That is, there are limits specific words, limiting the topic.
I again wrote down the last words in the column and, re-reading them, for some reason I remembered “U last line» V. Pikulya. Probably because of the words: forced, deceit, medicine. I thought a little and wrote this:

Rasputin Grishka lived without rules,
Suffered from hypnosis since childhood
And he forced me to go to bed with him
Half Peter and could have done more.
I didn't like this science
To husbands whose wives were tormented by boredom.
They decided one night
Let the spirit go away from the old man.
After all, the scoundrel invented deceit
To amuse yourself with debauchery:
To improve the health of the ladies,
Giving carnal medicine.
Know that if you let yourself go into fornication,
Then the poison in Madeira is waiting for you.
April 14, 2010

But even after that I had doubts - a feeling of being impossible to describe any topic. And with a laugh I asked myself: For example, how to present a simple nursery rhyme"My geese, my geese." I wrote out the last words again. It turned out that verbs belong to masculine nouns. Well, well, to say about grandma, I entered new character- grandfather. And this is what happened:

Reading the list of village rules,
Grandfather fell ill with poultry farming.
He forced grandma to buy it
Two geese. But he could do it himself.
Herding geese is a science
He was tormented as if by boredom
And, having made the night darker,
The geese swam away in a puddle.
The grandmother is moaning - this is deceit,
The geese won't amuse
And improve your mood,
After all, their cackling is medicine for the soul.
Remember the moral - please yourself
Only what makes you happy.
April 21, 2010

Having put aside the thought of posting these poems, I somehow thought about our fleeting life, about the fact that in the quest to earn money, people often lose their souls and decided to write a poem, but, remembering my idea, without a shadow of a doubt, I expressed my thoughts with the same rhyme. And this is what happened:

One of the rules dictates life:
Are you healthy or sick?
The pragmatic age forced everyone
Run so that everyone can survive.
Science is in a hurry to develop
And, having forgotten what boredom means,
Pushing business day and night
Away from old technologies.
But there is deceit in this running:
Success will only begin to amuse -
Rigidity will correct you,
This is medicine for Mephistopheles.
He will give you good luck, but for yourself,
He will take the soul out of you.
June 09, 2010

So, I invite everyone to take part in writing poems with Pushkin’s rhyme from the indicated stanza of “Eugene Onegin.” The first condition is any topic; second - strict adherence to Pushkin's rhythm and line length: third - of course, decent eroticism is allowed, but please, without vulgarity.
For ease of reading, with your consent, I will copy your poems below with a link to your page.
Unregistered readers can also participate. On my first page at this address: there is a line: “send a letter to the author.” Write from your email and I will definitely answer you. And, with your consent, I can also place your verse below, under your name.
The final point of our game is the publication of a book for the anniversary of A.S. Pushkin entitled “My Uncle of the Most Honest Rules.” This can be done within the framework of almanacs published by the site owners, or separately. I can take over the organization.
The minimum is to collect fifty poems, one per page. The result will be a collection of 60 pages.

With respect to everyone.
Yuri Bashara

P.S. Below I publish the participants of the game:

God wrote us 10 rules,
But if you feel sick,
He forced them all to break,
And I couldn't think of anything better.

Love according to God is only a science.
There is such boredom in His paradise -
Sit under the tree day and night,
Don't take a step away from your neighbor.

Step to the left - see - deceit,
Be fruitful - to amuse Him.
We will correct God
Walking to the left is our medicine,

We write covenants for ourselves,
And - the main thing: I want you.

Love has few rules
But without love you would get sick.
And with the unloved, who would force
To live you? Could you?
Let the girls have science:
Oh, my God, what boredom
Spend day and night with him,
After all, children, duty, will you go away?
Isn't this deceit?
To amuse him at night,
Adjust pillows at night,
And before that, take medicine?
Isn't it a sin to forget yourself?
Oh, this is terrible for you...

But suddenly I suddenly fell ill,
He himself forced the apprentices
Put it in a jug! Could

There was boredom in the jug,
Dark as a northern night
And I wouldn’t mind getting out,
But here's a cruel trick:
No one can amuse
And correct his posture.

I would like to release myself from the darkness,
And Jean asks you about it.

Life has one rule:
Anyone, at least once, fell ill
With a feeling of love and forced
Himself to go to any lengths that I could.
And if the Testament is not science for you,
You are betrayed by your boredom
Can push, day and night.
Both God and the rules are gone.
That’s not love, that’s deceit,
Here the devil will amuse
Correct God's laws
Giving false medicine.
All these are stories for yourself,
God will punish you for everything.

Laziness will kill a quitter outside the rules,
Since he was sick of her,
How Rye forced her to eat it,
I could have failed at work faster than I could.
And here's what science tells us:
Not only failures, but boredom
Punishes us day and night -
Others' luck is ruined.
Laziness is the daughter of wealth - that’s deceit,
Mother of poverty, to amuse
Your wallet will begin to improve,
Giving medicine to idleness.
You can only console yourself with idleness,
Laziness is undoubtedly waiting for you.


Amused and infected:
Once upon a time, Jin ruled the country,
But suddenly I suddenly fell ill,
He himself forced the apprentices
Put it in a jug! Could
Only the smartest. Science for everyone
There was boredom in the jug,
Dark as a northern night
And I wouldn’t mind getting out,
But here's a cruel trick:
No one can amuse
And correct his posture.
And to warm up there is medicine.
I would like to release myself from the darkness,
And Jean asks you about it.

An excerpt from the novel in verse Eugene Onegin by Alexander Pushkin.

My uncle has the most honest rules,
When I seriously fell ill,
He forced himself to respect
And I couldn't think of anything better.
His example to others is science;
But, my God, what a bore
To sit with the patient day and night,
Without leaving a single step!
What low deceit
To amuse the half-dead,
Adjust his pillows
It's sad to bring medicine,
Sigh and think to yourself:
When will the devil take you!

Analysis of “My uncle has the most honest rules” - the first stanza of Eugene Onegin

In the first lines of the novel, Pushkin describes Uncle Onegin. He took the phrase “the most honest rules” from Krylov’s fable “The Donkey and the Man.” Comparing his uncle with a character from a fable, the poet hints that his “honesty” was only a cover for cunning and resourcefulness. Uncle knew how to skillfully adapt to public opinion and, without arousing any suspicion, carry out their dark deeds. Thus he earned a good name and respect.

My uncle's serious illness became another reason to attract attention. The line “I couldn’t have come up with a better idea” reveals the idea that even from an illness that can cause death, Onegin’s uncle tries (and succeeds) to derive practical benefit. Those around him are sure that he fell ill due to a neglectful attitude towards his health for the benefit of his neighbors. This apparent selfless service to people becomes a reason for even greater respect. But he is unable to deceive his nephew, who knows all the ins and outs. Therefore, there is irony in Eugene Onegin’s words about illness.

In the line “science is his example to others,” Pushkin again uses irony. Representatives of high society in Russia have always made a sensation out of their illness. This was mainly due to issues of inheritance. A crowd of heirs gathered around the dying relatives. They tried in every possible way to gain the favor of the patient in the hope of reward. The dying man's merits and his supposed virtue were loudly proclaimed. This is the situation that the author uses as an example.

Onegin is the heir of his uncle. By right of close kinship, he is obliged to spend “day and night” at the patient’s bedside and provide him with any assistance. The young man understands that he must do this if he does not want to lose his inheritance. Do not forget that Onegin is just a “young rake.” In his sincere reflections, he expresses real feelings, which are aptly designated by the phrase “low deceit.” And he, and his uncle, and everyone around him understands why his nephew does not leave the dying man’s bed. But the real meaning is covered with a false veneer of virtue. Onegin is incredibly bored and disgusted. There is only one phrase constantly on his tongue: “When will the devil take you!”

The mention of the devil, and not God, further emphasizes the unnaturalness of Onegin’s experiences. In reality, my uncle’s “honest rules” do not deserve a heavenly life. Everyone around him, led by Onegin, is eagerly awaiting his death. Only by doing this will he render a real invaluable service to society.

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