What do you need to get into culinary school? Where to study to be a chef

Some school students are thinking about what subjects they need to take to become a cook. In particular, for a pastry chef. The thing is that this profession is considered very promising. With modern opportunities, a person can not only become a famous pastry chef, but also open his own business. Only with regard to training and admission to the field, very serious questions arise. Which ones exactly? What challenges will you face upon admission? Where to study to become a pastry chef? How long does training last on average? All this will be discussed further below. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems.

A pastry chef is...

First of all, it is necessary to understand what a person with this profession will do. What do cooks do? What about confectioners? The answer is simple: they cook.

The cook prepares a variety of dishes. The confectioner gives preference to the preparation of baked goods, as well as sweets. Very promising occupation, although not as simple as it seems. The cook spends a lot of time on his feet and puts in a lot of physical effort. Despite this, the work attracts many. And therefore, schoolchildren are interested in what subjects they need to take to become a pastry chef in this or that case.

How to study

To accurately understand the answer to this question, you must first figure out where and how to study. A lot actually depends on this. Why? Because different educational institutions offer different entrance tests.

On this moment You can get the profession of a pastry chef:

  1. In universities and universities across the country. There is both training on the basis of secondary education and "tower". For example, the specialty “Food Production Technology” is suitable. You can study to become a pastry chef or a regular cook, for example, at the Russian State Technical University in the capital, at the Plekhanov University, at the BSTEU of St. Petersburg.
  2. In colleges. Either humanitarian or specialized culinary schools are suitable. Quite often, in this case, there is no need to think about what items need to be passed on as a cook. After all, technical schools often admit students only on the basis of a certificate.
  3. At specialized courses organized by private educational institutions. There are no entrance tests at all. The student pays money, studies, practices, receives a certificate or certificate of mastery of the pastry chef profession.
  4. At retraining courses. Sometimes labor exchanges and employers refer people for retraining. It is quite possible to train to become a cook or pastry chef through such courses. There are no entrance exams.

Most often, preference is given to colleges and private courses. That is why future chefs do not know what they will have to take to study their specialty.

No exams - no problems

You don't always have to worry about this feature. It has already been said that not in all cases you have to think about what exams you need to take to become a cook after 9th grade or after 11th grade. Especially if we're talking about about colleges.

As a rule, there are no entrance tests. And they are accepted for training only on the basis of submitted documents. Accordingly, if a person is thinking about what he needs to pass to become a pastry chef or a regular cook, the answer is simple: documents. This:

  • certificate;
  • statement;
  • identification.

Nothing else is needed. These are the conditions offered by many colleges and schools. Therefore, becoming a chef often does not bring any hassle. But this does not mean at all that you can get rid of the Unified State Exam or State Examination.

Mandatory tests for release

What exams do you need to take to become a chef after 9th grade or after 11th grade? Regardless of which educational institution a person will enroll in (technical school or university), he will have to go through several tests. They are needed not for immediate enrollment, but in order to graduate from school and receive a certificate.

At the moment there are only 2 mandatory exams. In the 9th grade they are taken in the form of the State Examination, in the 11th grade - in the form of the Unified State Exam. This:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics.

Both subjects are not specialized. If we are talking about studying at a technical school or private courses, then this will be more than enough. But in the case of universities, you will have to seriously think about entrance tests. Indeed, in this situation there can be a lot of objects.

For universities

What exams do you need to take to become a chef after 11th grade? The point is that there is no clear answer here. And it cannot be. It all depends on the chosen educational institution. And specialties as well. Some universities sometimes only require the mandatory exams listed earlier. This is possible if the university issues diplomas about secondary vocational education. The phenomenon is not that rare. But if we are talking about the “tower”, you will have to try hard to be enrolled for further education.

What subjects do you need to take to become a chef? Universities often require Unified State Exam results in the following disciplines:

  • chemistry;
  • biology;
  • physics.

All applicants also undergo an individual interview. As practice shows, the most common combination of the following exams that are requested upon admission:

  • mathematics;
  • physics;
  • Russian language;
  • chemistry.

The major is usually either physics or chemistry. It is better to clarify this information with a specific educational institution.

Duration of training

Now it’s clear what subjects you need to take to become a pastry chef after 9th grade or after graduating from school. But how long will you have to study at a particular educational institution? Here, as in the case of exams, there is no certainty. After all, a lot depends on the form of education and the specific educational institution.

As practice shows, in colleges after 9th grade you study for 3 years, after 11th grade - about 24 months. In universities higher education takes 4 years of study. Retraining lasts from several months to six months. And if you study to become a cook or pastry chef in private courses, you can only hope for 1 year of training. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Perhaps this is all the relevant information that everyone who wants to become a pastry chef should be familiar with. In fact, mastering a specialty is easier than it seems.

Cook is a food preparation specialist. A good cook is sometimes called a wizard, because he can cook a real masterpiece from the most ordinary products that will bring joy and pleasure to people. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world artistic culture and work and economy (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

By the way! You can or download our chef resume sample.

What does a cook do?

The cook prepares dishes according to special recipes, but can modify them to his taste, that is, approach the process creatively.

Specifics of the profession

The work of a cook consists of several stages:

  • obtaining initial products;
  • maintaining cooking technology and recipes;
  • ensuring the cooking process: preparation necessary equipment, procurement of semi-finished products;
  • proper operation of kitchen equipment;
  • ensuring proper accounting and storage of products in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • sales of products.

In Russia there is chef profession classification, which differs from European and American:

  • Chef - the highest level in the profession. He prepares applications for necessary products, ensures their timely receipt from the warehouse, controls the timing, assortment, quantity and quality of their receipt and sale. Studying customer demand, she forms an assortment of dishes and culinary products, and compiles a daily menu. Monitors food preparation technology and employee compliance sanitary requirements and hygiene rules. Organizes accounting and reporting on the activities of the enterprise.
  • Pastry chef specializes in the production of confectionery products, which requires exquisite taste, imagination and ingenuity.
  • Cook-technologist organizes the process of preparing food. Determines the quality of raw materials, calculates their quantity to obtain portions of finished products, and calorie content of the daily diet. Develops recipes for new signature dishes and composes them technological maps. Prepares necessary documentation and instructs cooks.
  • Cook calculates raw materials and the yield of finished products, prepares dishes, performs straining, kneading, grinding, molding, stuffing, stuffing products, regulates temperature regime, determines the readiness of dishes and products using control and measuring instruments, as well as appearance, smell, color, taste, produces decoration dishes and confectionery, divides them into portions.

Even culinary masterpieces cannot be preserved in any museums. They are eaten the faster the more beautiful they are

V. Pokhlebkin

Advantages and disadvantages


The profession of a cook is in demand and creative; there is a place for imagination and ingenuity in it. Good cooks high level wages.


The work requires great physical endurance and responsibility. Not every person can stand standing at a hot stove full-time. At the same time, there is a constant strain of attention when you have to monitor the preparation of many dishes and there is no opportunity to relax or get distracted.

Gluttony is the worst of sins, but the most pleasant.

Chef's place of work

The profession of a cook is in demand in any industry: in schools, hospitals, kindergartens, canteens in factories and factories, modern offices, luxury restaurants, in the army and navy. In good hotels, the profession of a cook is considered key in the hotel business. In hotels, chefs cook themselves and at the same time control the process of creating almost all dishes - from standard breakfasts to desserts. They also participate in the purchase of equipment, create menus, and ensure that restaurant products are fresh and immediately processed.

The chef can also open his own restaurant or cafe. Wealthy people hire chefs for their homes.

Chef training (education)

graduate School cook's art educational activities since 1998. The main task of the school is to train everyone in one of the specialties in demand on the labor market. Training is conducted in Moscow according to various training programs that differ in duration, complexity, cost, and are intended both for training beginners and for improving the skills of already practicing chefs.

You can learn the profession of a cook through paid chef courses. Also, to master the profession of a cook, it is enough to obtain an average special education, but for a more in-depth mastery of the profession and broadening one’s horizons, higher education is necessary. Preparation program for the profession of a cook: 01/43/09 - Cook, pastry chef. To obtain the profession of a cook-technologist in the specialty “Technology of public catering products”, it is necessary to study for the qualification “Technologist” at a secondary specialized educational institution. There are advanced training courses for experienced chefs. The unofficial club of the world's best chefs "G9", organized in 2010, consists of 9 people.

Chef Abilities

  • olfactory and tactile sensitivity, olfactory memory;
  • good taste and color perception, taste memory;
  • good eye;
  • refined taste, imagination, penchant for creativity;
  • the ability to recognize small deviations of technological process parameters from specified values ​​by visual signs;
  • the ability to simultaneously perceive several objects;
  • Fine developed sense timing;
  • dynamic thinking;
  • knowledge of measures, ability to quickly and accurately determine by eye the required amount of liquid, bulk products, spices
  • ability to understand the quality and freshness of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits
  • knowledge of fast food preparation technologies, how to rationally allocate time
  • good coordination of movements of both hands, firmness of the hand, stability of the hands;
  • ability to perform small precise movements;
  • efficiency;
  • physical endurance: the ability to work intensively for a long time without reducing performance;
  • energy;
  • ability to improvise;
  • responsibility;
  • prudence;
  • punctuality, pedantry;
  • ability to switch from one activity to another;
  • striving for professional excellence.

A good cook has a lot of character, imagination and feeling

EMIL YUN, chef of the Strasbourg restaurant "Au Crocodile"


The chef's work takes place in the kitchen, in conditions of high temperature and humidity. The professional activity of a cook begins in an educational institution. Many culinary schools and colleges provide students with full-time internships throughout their studies. For subsequent successful job search, a novice chef should create a portfolio with photographs of the dishes he has prepared. This modern approach to a job search that is perceived positively by a potential employer. In the profession of a cook it is possible career from assistant chef to chef in a prestigious establishment.

Salary as of 02/20/2019

Russia 18000—60000 ₽

Moscow 30000—70000 ₽

Chef salary depends on the region of residence, the specifics of the institution, the size of the enterprise and the range of responsibilities that the cook performs.

Today we will talk about the profession of a cook. It is interesting because it is one of the few types professional activity, providing skills that will be useful in Everyday life. If you learn to be a cook, you will never be able to say that your education was not useful to you in life. However, cooks in many (especially state-owned) catering establishments do not know how to cook at all. The magazine will tell readers about how to become a good cook, what you need to go through to learn how to cook tasty and professionally, and what difficulties await beginners. IQR chef of a St. Petersburg pub with 16 years of experience.

My name is Stanislav. I work as a chef at the Peggy O'Neils pub in St. Petersburg. I am thirty five years old. Total experience in the specialty is sixteen years. Below in the article in the photo you can see examples of my dishes.

Stanislav Niginsky - chef

Does a chef need special education?

The profession of a cook is one of the most in demand. People feel the need for food every day, so the demand for good cooks is consistently high. To obtain this profession, I studied at a lyceum; it can also be obtained at numerous colleges if you want to immediately perform the duties of a production manager. As my experience as a chef shows, since in many catering enterprises these positions are combined, you will have to obtain a university education as a catering technologist.

However, when applying for a job in restaurants or cafes, employers are most interested in your overall length of service and in what places you worked - that is, practice, not theory. A diploma is required only in some government institutions. Often, a highly paid specialist becomes a person who has completed elementary courses. Education does not play a key role in this profession. You need desire, a love of cooking, a willingness to work very hard and achieve your goals.

How to get a job as a cook and what you need for career growth

The employer is primarily interested in professional skills, experience in the specialty, and the ability to cook dishes of a certain cuisine, for example, Japanese. also in Lately are increasingly interested in the lack bad habits. Working as a cook is very difficult: a person spends 8-16 hours on his feet at elevated temperatures, this often leads to occupational diseases, which is why almost all enterprises have an age limit.

When hiring a chef in high-class and luxury restaurants, it is mandatory to have a portfolio, recommendations from previous places work, often requires experience working abroad. Diplomas from culinary competitions and participation in professional communities such as the Guild of Chefs of Russia and others play a positive role. The chef is the “face” of the restaurant, and your fame in the restaurant world is important to employers. The names of many chefs are brand , which has its admirers, many people go to this particular chef because they like his cuisine.

At enterprises of a lower class of service, the requirements are not so serious. All that is required is experience in the profession, often from five to ten years, the ability to cook deliciously, the ability to organize the process, and compliance with requirements government agencies, such as Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspection and so on, which includes keeping logs, conducting briefings, permission to work, and conducting initial inspections.

Restaurant dish

What is the difference between the work of a simple cook and a chef?

The main responsibility of the cook is to prepare food in the required quantities for a certain amount of time established at the enterprise. To carry out the activity you will need a health certificate. The job requires the ability to use equipment and production tools. All this is taught in specialized educational institutions.

The responsibilities of the chef include organizing uninterrupted food supply, monitoring compliance sanitary standards in production, often - changes in the menu with the provision of costing and technical and technological maps. Very often they are required to control the delivery of dishes, to interact with other restaurant staff, it is also periodically required to hold banquets for visitors to the establishment, conduct master classes in the restaurant itself, and resolve conflicts with visitors if they are dissatisfied with the dishes they ordered.

The chef’s responsibilities also include ordering products, knowing the supplier market, reducing the cost of purchasing goods, and monitoring the work of forwarders. The chef is a financially responsible person; he is responsible for the results of the inventory. Often, when inventory figures are negative, employers deduct the missing amount from the chef's salary.

How I became a chef

Chef's Meat Salad

What to do without work experience? Work for experience, not salary

After graduating from the lyceum, I got my first job in a small cafe, this was in 1999, the salary at that time was low - two and a half thousand rubles, I looked for a job for about a month. It was difficult to find, since without experience there were few places to hire. He got a job as a cook in a “hot” shop. I worked there for about six months, gained a little experience, which allowed me to get a position in a restaurant junior cook with a salary of 4,500 rubles. I worked there for 5 years, gradually rising through the ranks. career ladder- rose to the rank of foreman of a hot shop, my salary in 2004 was fifteen thousand rubles, at that time it was not a lot of money, but you could already live on it.

How your salary grows as you grow in your career

I was striving for more, a supplier I knew suggested that I interview for a job as a chef at another restaurant, which I successfully did. I initially received 30 thousand, gradually my salary, thanks to the constant increase in income from sold dishes, increased to fifty thousand, plus a percentage of sales, thus in good months due to interest and bonuses, it amounted to about 75 thousand rubles. Thanks to the fact that I spent more than one year at this enterprise, the work was easy, since I knew by heart all its aspects in this establishment. The salary was paid - part, approximately 20 thousand, was official, the rest was given in an envelope. Further, working in other places, I did not see a completely “white” wages.

Current salary level for catering workers today

Grilled meat

On average, in St. Petersburg at the end of 2015, cooks receive 25 thousand rubles, chefs - from 30 to 500 thousand rubles per month. It all depends on your experience and the category of the establishment. Cooks in canteens government agencies can receive 10-15 thousand rubles, plus full social package, which includes payment for sick leave, vacation, provision of a voluntary health insurance policy, a “thirteenth” salary, it is even possible to issue food rations, in addition to the basic salary.

The salary of cooks in restaurants can be forty thousand, but often only part of it is “white”. From my own experience, I can say that sometimes vacations are paid, sick leave, and the “thirteenth” salary can simply be forgotten. At the moment there is a very high demand for this specialty. And if you are a qualified specialist, then there will be no problems in finding a job.

Salaries for different chefs can vary greatly. Chefs of canteens, ordinary cafes, small pubs, and restaurants rarely receive more than fifty thousand rubles. If we are talking about large, high-class establishments, the salary, as a rule, only starts from 60-70 thousand rubles. If your name is recognizable, then you can apply for a job with a salary of over 100 thousand rubles. If we are talking about professional foreign specialists from Europe or America, then earnings are calculated in foreign currency and often reach 300 thousand or more when converted to rubles.

If you want to become a chef

Pub restaurant salad

What you need to know before choosing this profession

Working as a cook is very physically difficult - due to constant long hours of standing on your feet and lifting weights. Often you have to work in stuffy, hot, poorly ventilated rooms, and chronic diseases develop. For many, it becomes hard, low-paid work.

This especially applies to older people who can no longer work in high-class establishments due to the lack of speed and endurance that is lost with age. In order to “get into the public eye” in this profession, you need to have a certain set of qualities that are not available to everyone.

If you are hardworking, inquisitive, love to cook, energetic, have taste, have organizational skills and feel like a leader - then this profession is for you! Thanks to these qualities and a little luck, in a small amount of time you will be able to afford to earn normal money, manage people, constantly discover something new, and acquire the necessary connections.

Cooking is an art, you can “drown” headlong in it, and if you are also a good organizer, then there is no limit to perfection, as well as to earning money.

How soon can you expect career growth?

Working in a restaurant, starting as a junior cook, almost every year I took a small step upward. I tried - and they began to notice it, within six months I became a chef, everything was incredibly interesting to me: the dishes themselves, the high pace of work, acquiring new skills in working with products, outdoor events, meeting new people.

A year and a half of working as a cook did their job, and I became a senior cook, which meant working on frying meat - the most important job in a restaurant. After working for only six months, I rose to the rank of foreman, whose job is to prepare banquet dishes and organize the work of cooks in the hot shop.

Interview for a chef position

All these movements, of course, affected the growth of my wages. Thanks to the experience I gained, I was able to apply for the position of chef. As I already said, an acquaintance helped me in looking for offers for this vacancy, as often happens, by offering to interview his friends who owned a restaurant.

During the interview, I was offered to cook several dishes, I liked them, and so, taking into account my experience, I became a chef with a much higher salary and high status in the company. I report only directly to the director and owners of the establishment.

Who is suitable for working in the kitchen?

If you are an ambitious, energetic person who loves to cook and has good taste, then this profession is for you. But keep in mind that on the path to success in this profession you will face many difficulties. This is physical fatigue, excessive demands from superiors, often contrary to your beliefs. Remember that you will constantly need to seek a compromise in conflicts between your superiors and ordinary cooks, defending the interests of some, while at the same time fulfilling the instructions dictated to you by your superiors.

If you are ready for all this, then this is a magnificent creative work will bring you great satisfaction, improve your quality of life, because the main thing is to do what you love, constantly be in search of new ideas, create new dishes, surprise customers with your cuisine and receive fair payment for it.

This profession is not suitable for inert, lazy, weak-willed people. I hasten to reassure those who think that it is easy to make money in a restaurant kitchen - this is not so.

Young people who love to cook decide to connect their lives with the world of cooking after graduating from school. However, they are faced with the question of which educational institution to go to, so as not to lose their passion for work and love for the profession on the thorny educational path. It was to resolve this issue that the this article, in which we will once and for all figure out where to study to become a chef for everyone who is partial to works of edible art.

What do chefs do and where are they needed?

It is impossible to move on to considering the question of where to study to become a cook without establishing what this profession consists of. After all, graduates may have certain illusions about this field of activity. Chefs are culinary professionals, especially in demand in megacities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg and others, that is, in cities with widely developed areas of restaurant and hotel services, which create an ongoing demand for specialists in the field of creating tasty, good, high-quality food. Of course, in order to get into luxury establishments, like La plage or Composer restaurants, you will need to provide a decent track record, information about experience, seniority and qualifications. However, all this comes with time and with desire even to those who start from ordinary school canteens, hospitals, public or private organizations and firms.

The most promising directions

Today, a pressing question for many young people is “Where to study to become a pastry chef?” Why? The fact is that the area of ​​​​creating sweet products is one of the most promising, well-paid, prestigious and popular areas of the culinary world. In addition to this, the vast majority of applicants choose the specialties of culinary cook, cook-technologist and chef. Professionals in these 4 branches are currently the most competitive and can claim decent earnings.

The culinary chef is responsible for theory rather than practice. He himself is not directly involved in the creation of dishes, but he organizes the general process, is responsible for warehouses, products, developing new recipes and adjusting old ones, and also establishes a map of recipes that the establishment adheres to.

A chef-technologist is an employee involved in a variety of estimates, as well as the preparation and direct creation of dishes. It is on his shoulders that competent heat treatment, adding required quantity spices, time adjustment, etc.

Finally, the chef is the head, the highest link of the entire process. It is assigned 3 main provisions of activity. Each of them requires professionalism and competence:

  1. Studying the taste desires, preferences and priorities of visitors to a particular establishment.
  2. Preparing recipes. This point is inextricably linked with the point above, since it is on the basis of the data received that the chef regulates the system of recipes, dishes, innovations, and changes.
  3. Monitoring the purchasing process of goods and ensuring that products are delivered to the establishment in the required volumes and of first-class quality.

All of the above areas are combined in the universal curriculum “Product Technologies Food Industry" This can serve as the first point in answering the question of where to study to become a chef. In what places can this specialty be obtained? Let's move on to establish this.

Where can you study to become a chef after 9th grade?

After completing the main course high school any graduate who has passed the certification exams well can enter the culinary school(college). The advantage of receiving an education at such a school is its practical orientation, because the diploma received and the assigned specialty allow you to immediately find a job and begin to apply the acquired knowledge in real life. In the first years at such an educational institution, the basic program will be taught, which should have been completed by the graduate in grades 10-11, but studying will be much easier than at school, because there will be no regular certification exams coming up.

For graduates of the 9th grade, the general program course of the technical school is 4 years, for graduates of the 11th grade (after all, there are such cases) - only 3 years. As a result, the school graduate will receive an education, a diploma as a pastry chef or cook with a certificate confirming qualifications of the 3rd or 4th category (out of 6 possible). and schools are thus a good and time-saving option for those who do not yet know where to study to become a cook. By the way, admission here occurs upon presentation of only a certificate with grades, as well as successful completion of 2 main compulsory subjects: mathematics and Russian language. You do not need to take any additional exams. A popular educational institution among applicants is the Moscow Food College.

Universities and institutes

If graduates with incomplete secondary education now know where to study (chefs after 9th grade today are preparing for professional activities in a number of educational institutions the most different cities), then for graduates of the 11th grade the question of obtaining an education in a similar field remains open. They can be offered to choose a higher culinary education in the already mentioned specialty “Food Production Technology”, which is often taught in institutes with a trade focus. The diploma will indicate the profession of “cook-technologist”. At the same time as the basics of organizing the cooking process, the student will learn the basics of management of public catering establishments, merchandising and product examination, which, of course, will not be superfluous in the future. The duration of obtaining a bachelor's degree at universities and institutes is 4 years. In order to be admitted, the applicant will have to have positive results. passing the Unified State Exam, where in addition to the main exams (mathematics in this case is a core subject), there will also have to be additional ones - chemistry or physics.

If we talk more specifically about where to study to become a cook after 11th grade, then the most famous institutes can be named:

  • Moscow State Academy of Food Production;
  • Academy of Applied Biotechnology;
  • State Institute of Food Industry.


What to do if you don’t have time to get a full-fledged education, but your soul just wants to get behind the stove, closer to the oven, mix, beat and add ingredients? Where can I study? Cooks (pastry chefs in the establishments that will be discussed below will also be trained “excellently”), technologists and culinary specialists emerge not only from the doors of universities, academies and colleges, but also upon completion of short-term courses, where they are served in an intensive, capacious form basics of production technologies food products. The average course duration is only 2-3 months! Typically, the program includes a theoretical basis on the preparation and preparation of dishes, food processing technology, and dietetics. IN practical part Includes classes supervised by an experienced teacher.

Master classes

In what other places can you understand what the profession of a cook is? "Where to study?" - a question that does not pose a problem for those who truly thirst for new knowledge. Thus, today the world of cooking is actively popularized, and its fundamental principles are taught to everyone at special master classes, where the best chefs share secrets, subtleties and nuances with the audience. For example, in the capital, such courses are organized by Academia Del Gusto, where even a beginner can learn how to prepare delicious Italian dishes. The price of one lesson is 5,000 rubles.

Training abroad

If you have the required amount of funds and good ownership foreign language You can go on an internship abroad. However, it should be borne in mind that mastering culinary skills in Europe or the USA will be quite expensive, because there cooking is considered quite honorable and equated to art. For example, at the world-famous culinary school Le Cordon Bleu, the cost of a full program course is... 1,000,000 rubles! Obviously, a diploma received here or at any other foreign culinary school will be much more valuable than one received at any domestic educational institution.

On-site training

In fact, you can become a chef without receiving any special education. To do this, it is enough to regularly check the news of restaurant websites: organizations often announce recruitment of personnel with the condition of training right on the job. Even the fact that you will have to start from a rather low position as an assistant cook is not a problem, because career growth has not yet been canceled. The main thing is the desire!

5 reasons to choose the Culinary Institute program:

1) New cafes and restaurants appearing every day are always eager to offer their visitors original cuisine and high quality dishes, which means they require professional chefs with a diploma. Therefore, the knowledge you gain will quickly find its application.
2) After completing the course, a number of attractive prospects will open up for you - fast career growth, a consistently high salary and the title of specialist in cooking.
3) Certificate state standard, confirming the acquired knowledge that you will receive upon completion of the courses, meets the standard both in Russia and abroad.
4) Individual program training will allow you to easily combine studying at the Institute of Culinary Arts with work or other studies.
5) Studying at the Institute will give you the opportunity to gain recognition in the world of culinary experts, increase your income, and in the future - open your own own enterprise Catering.

If it is important for you to improve your qualifications and become a professional as comfortable and in a fast way– come to the Institute of Culinary Arts MBA “CITY”!

Cooking training

Cooking courses for beginners

Cooking courses for beginners are an excellent opportunity for everyone who wants to join high world cooking, learn about the latest innovations and trends, learn how to independently prepare exquisite and beautiful dishes that until recently seemed incredibly difficult. In addition, such courses teach novice chefs not only to prepare well-known dishes according to proven recipes, but also develop creative potential, which is in every person, contribute to the development of their own taste, as a result of which completely new dishes are born that carry a piece of the culinary soul.
Classes at the culinary school at the Institute of Culinary Arts from the MBA CITY Business Academy are held in a favorable atmosphere, where each student feels comfortable and cozy and can get answers to any questions related to cooking. All this is facilitated by small groups of students, as well as the use of original teaching experiences. During culinary training, course participants get acquainted with unique recipes and cooking technologies not only for classic, traditional dishes from various cuisines of the world, but also learn to create something of their own. Our cooking courses are structured in such a way as to effectively combine not only theoretical knowledge, but also the practical skills of each student. The program takes into account both the vast experience of leading culinary specialists and the culture, traditions and customs of the world cuisines represented in the program.

Institute of Culinary Arts at the MBA CITY Business Academy

Cooking courses are the choice for those who want to learn something new. It is not necessary to have your own restaurant in order to be able to cook beautifully, efficiently and quickly. We understand that both those who want to open their own catering business and those who are just beginning to learn the intricacies of cooking come to us. Each listener has his own level of knowledge that requires individual approach To further education. That is why the Culinary Institute of the MBA CITY Business Academy offers advanced training courses for practicing chefs who already work in famous restaurants, as well as for those who simply want to learn how to please themselves and loved ones with delicious dishes every day.

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