What do military personnel do? Description of military professions

The serviceman is obliged:

To be faithful to the Military Oath, selflessly serve your people, courageously, skillfully, not sparing your blood and life itself, defend the Russian Federation, fulfill military duty, steadfastly endure the difficulties of military service;

Strictly comply with the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, fulfill the requirements of military regulations;

Constantly acquire military professional knowledge, improve your training and military skills;

Be honest, disciplined, brave, and show reasonable initiative when performing military duty;

Unquestioningly obey commanders (superiors) and protect them in battle, protect the Battle Banner of the military unit;

To value military camaraderie, not sparing one’s life, to rescue comrades from danger, to help them in word and deed, to respect the honor and dignity of everyone, to avoid rudeness and bullying towards oneself and other military personnel, to restrain them from unworthy acts;

Observe the rules of military politeness, behavior and performance of military greetings, always be in uniform, clean and neatly dressed;

Be vigilant and strictly maintain military and state secrets.

7. Official and special duties of military personnel

Each serviceman has job responsibilities that determine the scope and limits of the practical implementation of the functions and tasks assigned to him according to his position. Job responsibilities are used only in the interests of the service.

These responsibilities are determined by military regulations, as well as relevant manuals, manuals, regulations, instructions or written orders of direct superiors in relation to the requirements of this Charter.

Military personnel on combat duty (combat service), in daily and garrison duty, as well as those involved in eliminating the consequences of natural disasters and in other emergency circumstances, perform special duties. These duties and the procedure for their implementation are established by legislative acts, general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other legal acts developed on their basis, and are, as a rule, temporary in nature.

To perform special duties, military personnel may be granted additional rights, which are determined by legislative acts and general military regulations of the Armed Forces. Russian Federation.

8. Responsibility of military personnel (list types of responsibility)

All military personnel, regardless of military rank and position, are equal before the law and bear the responsibility established for citizens of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics of their legal status.

Disciplinary responsibility military personnel are liable for offenses related to violation of military discipline, moral standards and military honor, on the basis and in the manner established by the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Administrative responsibility military personnel are liable on a general basis in accordance with the legislation on administrative offenses. At the same time, administrative penalties in the form of a fine, correctional labor, administrative arrest and other administrative penalties established by the legislation of the Russian Federation cannot be applied to them.

Civil liability military personnel are liable for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations provided for by civil law, for damage caused to the state, legal entities, citizens, and in other cases provided for by law.

Material liability military personnel bear responsibility for material damage caused to the state during the performance of military service duties, in accordance with the Regulations on the material liability of military personnel.

Criminal liability military personnel are held accountable for crimes committed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. For crimes against the established procedure for military service, they are held accountable under the law “On Criminal Liability for Military Crimes.”

For offenses committed, military personnel are, as a rule, brought to one type of responsibility.

Military personnel subjected to disciplinary action in connection with the commission of an offense are not exempt from criminal liability for this offense.

In the event of an offense involving the infliction of material damage, military personnel shall compensate for the damage regardless of the imposition of other types of liability or the application of public sanctions.

Social sanctions may be applied to military personnel for offenses related to their violation of military discipline and public order.

When bringing to justice, it is unacceptable to infringe on the honor and dignity of military personnel.

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Description of military professions

(Lesson materials


Profession "Military doctor"

Military doctors in the army are highly respected figures. Both privates and senior officers treat them with honor, considering doctors to be smart, intelligent, and “intelligent” people.

Demand -54%

Payability - 56%

Competition - 42%

Entry barrier - 83%

Prospects -53%

The profession of a military doctor has a long history. In the troops Ancient Egypt There were dressing stations. Ancient Roman legionnaires were served by entire teams of doctors. Also, the legions were served by specially trained, unarmed people, who carried the wounded out of the battle during the battle. Warriors Ancient Rus' they took special scarves (ubruses) with them on hikes, which were used to bandage wounds; The technique of applying tourniquets was also used.

In the Zaporozhian Army, according to legends, the functions of field healers could be performed by the so-called “Cossacks-characterniks”: they were impeccable warriors and knew many secrets from the fields of martial arts, strategy and tactics, medicine, psychology. The Kharakterniki Cossacks were such skilled warriors and authoritative figures in their circles that in myths and legends they are endowed with magical abilities, the ability to “communicate with a pure spirit and ward off evil spirits.”

The first regimental doctors in the imperial army are officially mentioned in 1616. In 1847, the luminary of medicine N.I. Pirogov, the first to use general anesthesia in the field; this made it possible to perform complex surgical operations in field hospitals.

Description, pros and cons

A military doctor is a person with a higher medical education and shoulder straps. There are many doctors in the army - paramedics with the rank of warrant officers, private orderlies, and medical sergeants. But only officers, starting with junior officers, can be doctors. Currently, there are many women among medical service officers.

    ARVSN named after. Peter the Great, Moscow.

    RVIRV them. Marshal M.I. Nedelina, Rostov-on-Don.

    Branch of RVIRV named after. Nedelina in Stavropol.

    SVIRV, Serpukhov.

    VKA im. A. F. Mozhaisky, St. Petersburg (space forces).

    PVIRKV them. Marshal Savitsky E. A., St. Petersburg.

    MVIRKV, town. Kubinka-2, Moscow region.

    OAVSRF, Moscow.

    DVI, Amur region, Blagoveshchensk.

    MVI, Moscow.

    NVI, Novosibirsk.

    CHTI, Chelyabinsk. There is also a branch in Kazan.

    MVAU, St. Petersburg. Also, branches in Kazan and Kolomna.

    EAI, Ekaterinburg.

There are several dozen more universities that provide anyone who wishes (provided the applicant’s health, level of knowledge and intelligence meets the requirements of the university) education in this area.


In peacetime, the tasks of military engineers mainly come down to the maintenance and repair of machinery, equipment, buildings and structures, as well as the improvement of existing technology and equipment. During the preparation and conduct of combat operations, military engineers perform the following functions:

    Engineering reconnaissance.

    Construction and installation of fortifications and field structures.

    Construction of obstacles and minefields; blasting operations, equipment of barriers.


    Preparation and maintenance of troop movement routes.

    Equipment, maintenance of crossings, construction of bridges.

    Extraction, water purification.

    Countering enemy intelligence systems, simulating troops, providing disinformation.

In order to successfully perform the functions of the military engineer profession, you must have the following qualities:

    Communication skills.

    Technical acumen.

    Organizational skills.

    Spatial imagination.


    Working as well as long-term memory.



    Strength of will.

    Distribution of attention, stability and speed of its switching.

    Physical endurance.

    Emotional stability in the profession.

    The ability to self-govern and make decisions independently.

Salary, prospects and career

After retirement, or simply after early retirement, military engineers can find application for their skills in absolutely any branch of peaceful industry, in construction enterprises, and in administrative institutions. Depending on the place of service, rank, skill level, length of service and position, a military engineer in the Russian Federation today can receive from 40 to 200 thousand rubles. The prospects for a military engineer who decides to build a military career are as follows: military service, then long-term service, first and subsequent ranks, advanced training, additional training in military educational institutions - everything fully corresponds to the peculiarities of the career development of any military serviceman.

Profession "Military pilot"

Military pilots are the elite of the army in many modern states. Tactical significance military aviation difficult to overestimate. Selection for military aviation is very strict. There is no place for the weak and stupid here.

Demand -46%

Payability -55%

Competition -50%

Entry barrier -86%

Prospects -54%

Military aviation appeared in 1909. At the beginning of World War I, aircraft were used only for reconnaissance and artillery fire adjustments. But already, in the second half of the conflict, pilot assistants manually dropped flechettes (metal darts) on the infantry, as well as bombs on ground targets. Afterwards, machine guns were installed on the planes, which made it possible to fight with enemy aircraft. During World War II, military aviation reached a new level of development. There were fierce battles in the sky between fighter squadrons, and communications centers, infrastructure and production facilities were destroyed by bombers dropping heavy bombs.


A military pilot is a member of the crew of a military aircraft. Modern military aircraft are designed so that they are multifunctional and can not only destroy ground targets, but also perform reconnaissance missions, as well as engage in combat with enemy aircraft. However, all military aviation is divided into the following types:

    Fighters are aircraft capable of reaching high speeds and destroying objects in the air at altitudes of up to 20 km and above.

    Tactical bombers are devices designed to perform individual missions both on any sector of the front and behind enemy lines, with the goal of turning the tide.

    Strategic bombers are aircraft designed to carry out large-scale combat missions and participate in major battles, supporting ground forces. military equipment and infantry.

    Scouts. As a rule, these are lightly armed, multi-seat fighters or bombers, equipped with photo and video cameras, radar devices, and various communications equipment.

    Military transport aircraft are large aircraft with large capacity and payload capacity, capable of dropping cargo (fuel, equipment, ammunition, equipment, food) and manpower (paratroopers) from a height of up to 3000 km.

    Helicopters. Often used for landing troops, transporting cargo, wounded and killed, evacuating civilians and special forces, destroying tanks and ground equipment, as well as supporting infantry and equipment in local operations.

Advantages and disadvantages

Negative sides:

    A military pilot is a very dangerous job. There is a risk to life. Moreover, it has been noted that in armed conflicts, pilots are often interrogated with particular passion and, as a rule, are not held captive, but destroyed.

    All the disadvantages of the military profession are inherent in the work of a military pilot - life in a garrison and military camps, often far from civilization or in closed cities.

    Work that is harmful to health. Constant overload emotional stress, all this, over time, leads to the occurrence of a number of diseases.

    Strict requirements during aptitude tests. As a military pilot, it is easy to become “decommissioned” or transferred to another branch of the military.

In the Russian Federation, military aviation is given Special attention. Strategic and tactical bombers - the basis military power any nuclear power. Therefore, this branch of the army has very good support: food, salary, housing, etc.

    Military pilots may retire early. Their pension is decent.

    Military pilots climb quite quickly career ladder.


You can become a military pilot by receiving a relevant education at an aviation or military university, or at a flight school. Or you can simply end up in this branch of the military during the distribution of conscripts. After passing the KMB, military pilots undergo long-term training - as much as five years. The first two years of study take place at the base in Krasnodar. After that, depending on the chosen type of aviation - in Armavir (IA), Balashov (DA, VTA) or Borisoglebsk (FBA, SHA).

Pilot responsibilities, salary

A military pilot must know everything about the features and characteristics of all types of military aircraft that, today, may be in service with states around the world. In addition, the pilot must understand the nuances of aircraft designs and know their internal structure in detail so that, if necessary, he can independently carry out repairs in any conditions, in any condition (illness, injury, lack of sleep). In addition, the pilot must have ground combat skills and a good knowledge of how air defense systems and radars work. Impeccable mastery of an aircraft is not only the main factor influencing the success of a combat mission, but also a skill on which the personal safety of the pilot and the lives of civilians directly depends.

The salary of a military pilot is at least 100,000 rubles. Moreover, during participation in armed hostilities (especially when the presence of state troops is unrecognized and veiled), this figure can increase significantly. The military are fully supported by the state, which allows them not to spend money on food (and they are fed well). In addition, military pilots are among the first on the list to receive housing at the expense of the state budget. In general, for many reasons, this branch of the military can be called privileged.

Profession "Military signalman"

A military signalman is a prestigious and interesting profession. The merits of the Signal Corps in the Second World War cannot be overestimated. And already in those years it was determined that women could cope with such work quite well.

Demand - 64%

Payability -43%

Competition -38%

Entry barrier -56%


In 1919, signal troops were created in the USSR. Their main tasks were:

    Ensuring uninterrupted transfer of information.

    Installation and development of communication systems.

In the second world war The lives of soldiers largely depended on the work of signalmen. The correctness of the transmission of information, the reliability of information encoding, the correctness of setting up communication channels - all this directly influenced possible outcome every fight. Typically, in the field, Morse code was used, combined with code concepts. Today, with the improvement of communications, the popularity and importance of this profession has only increased.


The profession of a military communications operator will cease to be relevant only when the wars stop. Military signalmen are responsible for transmitting information at all levels. Communication systems today are automated and very well developed. With their help, information is transmitted quickly, over vast distances, sometimes to several objects at the same time. Military signalmen carry out training and educational tasks on mobile and stationary communication systems every day. Such specialists can establish communication in any environment, any area, using minimum quantity resources and tools. The arsenal of a military communications operator includes a wide range of equipment designed for receiving/transmitting signals, as well as encoding and decrypting data.

The main disadvantage of the work of a military signalman is this: in the event of combat operations, there is a possibility that during a retreat, unit commanders may receive an order to destroy their own signalmen along with their equipment if there is a high probability of them being captured.


You can become a military communications operator by obtaining the appropriate specialty at a civilian university in the field of communications specialist, and then going to serve in the armed forces. For example, graduates of Moscow educational institutions such as MTUSI, MSTU, MPEI, MADI, MAI or National Research University are very willingly accepted into the Signal Corps. graduate School economy". However, there are also specialized educational establishments, leading the training of military communications specialists; for example, this is YOU named after. Marshal S. M. Budyonny or the Educational Center at Moscow State Technical University. Bauman (the specialty is called “Repair and operation of ground-based radio communication equipment.”


Often, the work of signalmen is somewhat reminiscent of the work of system administrators. But military specialists of this kind often have to endure serious physical exercise and, of course, keep yourself in good shape by regularly passing standards for the skills of conducting ground infantry combat. In addition, the military signalman must:

    Monitor the operation of communications equipment. Using special programs and devices, monitor signal transmission between communication points.

    Troubleshoot communications problems. Find out the causes of the malfunction if the signal disappears. If the local location of the defect is determined, go (if necessary) to the problem area to troubleshoot.

    Diagnosis of problems, determination of faults by elimination.

    Drawing up an effective signal transmission scheme. Design of structures for appropriate purposes.

    Equipment setup.

    Organization of constant power supply, testing and use of emergency power supplies to communication facilities.

    Repair work.

    Creation of telecommunication networks.

    Calculation of quantities and determination of the type of necessary consumables.

    Organization and development of communication centers in any area for receiving/transmitting operational information.

Who is it suitable for?

A military signalman must have the following qualities:

    Good health, stamina.

    Analytic mind.


    Above average intelligence.

    Dexterity, ability to perform small, painstaking manual work.

Salary, career

The salary of a military communications operator can range from 20,000 rubles and above. The salary amount, of course, directly depends on the region, climatic conditions and the strategic importance of the location to which the specialist is assigned. In the Khabarovsk Territory, a military signalman (junior officer) receives, on average, 60,000 rubles. If you are not happy with the prospect military career, after completing military service, you can easily find a job in civilian life. Professional specialists are needed by companies providing mobile communications and Internet services, as well as many other enterprises, ranging from small to large or medium-sized businesses. Average salaries for signalmen (not military) range from 19,000 rubles (province) to 48,000 (Moscow).

Women's military professions

If anyone says that in the army there are jobs only for men, laugh in the face of such a “smart guy.” Long gone are the days when women's activities were limited to the kitchen and cleaning.

Demand -64%

Payability -46%

Competition -53%

Entry barrier-50%


In the Israeli army, along with men, tens of thousands of women perform military duty, serving in all branches of the military.

There is an opinion that in the Russian Army, women can only serve in the medical troops, as nurses, field surgeons, etc. In fact, the list of military specialties for women is much wider; it consists of more than forty items. Below are just a few examples.

1. Communication installer

He is a specialist in the assembly of complex communications equipment. The telecommunications installer marks the places where equipment is installed and parts are replaced, installs fittings and parts, frames for equipment, lays and secures cables on structures, along the walls of buildings, on brackets. Also, such a specialist must mark routes, measure the length of cables, assemble and install transmitters, isolation filters, switches and other components of communication nodes. In addition, the communications installer installs concentric feeders, waveguides, and lays high-frequency grounding tapes.

Most of the installer’s time is spent laying cable blocks, jumpers, prefabricated cables, “terminating” and then connecting control, power, multi-core wiring cables, separating, switching on high-frequency and signal cables. Often, a communications installer has to eliminate faults and installation damage after identifying them during equipment inspection.

2. Optician-mechanic

A specialist of this kind in the armed forces is engaged in the preliminary and final assembly of military optics, as well as any other optical means and instruments necessary for the full functioning of the army: control and measuring devices, cameras, spectral instruments, microscopes, etc. An optical mechanic makes from various parts complex components and devices, and then configures them.

Such a specialist can also work on production conveyors. The most difficult work performed by a mechanical optician is considered to be the so-called “rolling” (installation of a lens into a frame). During this operation, the specialist must correctly maintain the luminous diameter of the lens, according to the dimensions in the drawing.

Elena Pronina
Profession - military

« Profession – military»

V. – Children, what is necessary for people to live peacefully, to work, so that children can safely go to school kindergarten and school? (children's answers)

Of course there must be peace. Our peace and quiet is protected by the army.

On February 23, our country celebrates the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this day, we honor all those who defended their Motherland in difficult years, who today stand guard over the world.

Peace is the most important word in the world,

Our planet really needs peace.

Adults need peace, children need peace!

Everyone needs peace!

Song about Russia.

Reb. Hello holiday!

Hello holiday!

Celebration of boys and dads!

Everyone congratulates the military

Our fun kindergarten!

This holiday is very important

We celebrate in February -

Feast of brave warriors,

Celebration of peace on earth!

Glory to the beloved army!

Glory to the dear army!

Our soldier is brave and strong

Protects our peace.

Q. Guys, today we will talk about profession - military.

Military is a heroic profession, dear and very necessary!

Today our guest is Sonya's grandfather Vedeneeva: Vedeneev Mikhail Nikolaevich.

Mikhail Nikolaevich, we know that your profession - military responsible and complex, tell us a little about her.

Guest's story.

(If there is no guest, a story from the teacher or a musical director with a demonstration of slides or showing pictures, physical education, games, riddles)

IN Russian army soldiers, officers, sailors, admirals serve. All of them are defenders of the Fatherland. In peacetime, they conduct mock battles, study military equipment.

The armed forces can be divided into three main groups - ground or ground forces, air and naval forces.

Slide show air force.

Our army has aviation - combat aircraft and helicopters. They are ready to defend our Fatherland from the air if necessary. The plane is controlled by a crew of pilots - these are the first and second pilots, a navigator who plots the plane's course in the sky, a radio operator who maintains contact with the airfield, and a mechanic who is responsible for the serviceability of the aircraft. The pilots wear a beautiful blue uniform to match the color of the sky. In addition, during flight they have special high-altitude helmets.

Airborne troops are assigned to a special group. Military, serving in these troops undergo special training, they are trained, physically strong, and know combat techniques. They descend to the ground with a parachute.

Both the border guard and the tanker serve in the ground forces. More to ground forces include artillerymen, rocket men, signalmen, sappers, and engineering troops.

Slide show.

Tanks are self-propelled vehicles with caterpillar tracks, which allows them to pass through any terrain: through ravines and off-road. Tanks are armed with cannons and machine guns. There are people inside the tank - the crew.

Artillery launchers fire shells, and rocket launchers fire missiles.

Border guards stand guard over the borders of the Motherland. Military personnel border troops serve at border outposts. Their main task is to prevent spies from crossing the border. Specially trained dogs help border guards carry out this difficult service.

The sea spaces of our homeland protect military ships and submarines. All together they make up Navy.

The military are called sailors. There is always a captain on a ship; he is responsible for the entire ship.

Slide show.


Everyone on the ship has their own responsibilities: The boatswain keeps order, the radio operator maintains contact with the ground, the food is prepared by the ship's cook - the cook. Large surface ships are equipped with guns and machine guns.

Submarines move underwater. They can hit an enemy ship with projectiles called a torpedo.

All military professions are honorable and important. Work military is a constant risk. Our country is proud of its army and its brave warriors. All military ready to defend at any time civilians, that is, you and me. Military is a heroic profession, dear and very necessary!

V.: – Thank you for taking the time and coming to us. We ask you to stay and the guys have prepared musical gifts for you.

Guys, I want to make a wish for you puzzles:

He is ready for fire and battle,

Protecting you and me

He goes on patrol and into the city,

Will not leave post (soldier)

At first he was a cadet,

Came to the regiment as a lieutenant,

He is trained to fight

Tell me, what should I call him? (Officer)

Who are the guys at the border?

He guards our land,

To work and study

Could our people calmly? (border guard)

Dance "Border"

V.: On a February day

Freezing day,

Everyone celebrates the holiday

Girls on this glorious day

All men are congratulated.

Dance with ribbons.

V.: Our army does not attack, but protects Russians military are rightly called defenders. The most worthy, strong, courageous and courageous serve in the army. Now I suggest you play a game.

A game "Tug of War"

Or passing the ball “Name the words that refer to military professions»

IN.: Military service is both dangerous and difficult Military personnel often risk their lives and health to protect peace and tranquility on Earth. They love their Motherland, their people, have great knowledge, health, strength, and readiness to carry out any order.

Reb.: Children have different names -

There are a lot of us on the planet...

Children have different names

For us, everything is the best in the world.

May there be a bright kindergarten everywhere

He greets the guys with joy.

Let there be enough schools for everyone everywhere,

So that everyone goes to school in the morning!

We want to live under a peaceful sky,

And rejoice and be friends.

We want it to be everywhere on the planet

The children did not know war at all.

V.: Our meeting has come to an end. Let's say it again thanks a lot to our guest and to all those who defend our country, so that we can live in peace and study under the peaceful sky of our Motherland.

Children, would you like to become military? (Yes)

To do this you need to study a lot, play sports, be strong and resilient.


The art of warfare has appeared since the formation of states and exists to this day. For the defense and protection of their territories, a constant composition of physically resilient and professional specialists is required. Even in peacetime, constant training of the armed forces is carried out. This is not only the construction of military bases and the production of equipment, but also human resources. Special educational institutions have been created to train highly qualified military personnel.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession Serviceman are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Military personnel.

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Description of activity

What knowledge should a soldier have? Not only theory is important here, but also the practice of preparing and conducting military operations on land, sea or in the air. Every serviceman adheres to the Charter Armed Forces, norms of international humanitarian law, as well as rules for the treatment of the wounded and prisoners. Military personnel have their own special obligations. They can't do it entrepreneurial activity, disclose military secret and refuse to complete the task.


Moscow average:

Uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Serviceman cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years now, there has been a demand in the labor market for representatives of the profession Serviceman, despite the fact that many specialists graduate every year.

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What education is needed

Higher professional education

Survey data show that to work in the profession Serviceman You must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work For military personnel(related or similar specialty). Average vocational education not enough to become For military personnel.

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Job responsibilities

The duties of military personnel are determined by the Charter of the Armed Forces, as well as the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation. The soldier protects territory, equipment and human resources. Depending on his rank, he can supervise his subordinates, make decisions and give orders. Before this, the serviceman analyzes the available facts, predicts possible danger. His responsibilities include not only physical training and studying the regulations, but also drawing up documentation about the operations or events carried out. A serviceman can also work in educational military institutions and perform the functions of a teacher.

Type of labor

Mainly mental work

Profession Serviceman- this is a profession predominantly of mental work, which in to a greater extent associated with the reception and processing of information. In progress Serviceman the results of his intellectual reflections are important. But, at the same time, physical labor is not excluded.

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Features of career growth

A serviceman's career growth depends on receiving ranks and awards. For this you need positive reviews higher command and a certain period of service. Currently, contract service is popular. This has its advantages: it is high wage, possible provision of housing and benefits for admission to educational institutions.

Career Opportunities

There are enough opportunities

The vast majority of representatives of the profession Serviceman believe that they have enough opportunities for career advancement. If an ordinary specialist has such a goal, then it is quite possible for him to occupy a leadership position in this area.

How users rated this criterion:

Description of the profession

The responsibilities of people performing military service in units and institutions of the Armed Forces include the performance of military duty. This service is not just a profession, but a calling. Society and the entire state as a whole assign socially responsible functions to military personnel.

There is no place in the military profession for people with poor physical fitness and weak strong-willed qualities. After all, the main task of military personnel is to protect and retain territory, as well as human and material resources. People in active service are obliged to unquestioningly carry out all orders regarding necessary military actions, operations and activities. They must be able to predict required amount units of equipment and manpower that need to be deployed. Their responsibilities include detecting potential dangers as well as compiling emergency reports.

Depending on the assigned military rank and official position, all employees are divided into superiors (senior) and subordinates (junior). Strict observance of chain of command is an integral part of military service.

Personal qualities

high morality








Military personnel must be demanding not only of themselves, but also of their colleagues. They have the ability to analyze existing facts and predict the future course of events. Only people with a normal psyche and control over their emotions can serve in the army.

Good physical endurance, discipline, efficiency - these characteristics are not the least in the list of qualities that people performing military service should have. For most, the word “military” is certainly associated with such words as self-control, courage and endurance.


People with strong-willed character traits and organizational skills, who can react quickly and make decisions quickly, should try their hand at becoming a military man. You can master this profession by obtaining a secondary specialized or higher education. Future army personnel study at military schools, academies, institutes and universities.

Place of work and career

Military personnel work in military organizations and research institutes. Of course, people of this profession serve in military garrisons, units, units, etc. They also work in peacekeeping troops and are sent to “hot spots.” Teaching activities are also possible.

Some military personnel try to achieve a high rank, which makes it possible to receive a good military pension after service. People of this profession cannot engage in any entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, those who want to open their own business in the future should not connect their lives with the army.

Related professions

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and military service» in higher military educational institutions, cadets are trained not only in their chosen military specialty, but also in a civilian specialty in one of the related (adjacent) civilian branches - these are the specialties indicated in the information about military universities. Military and related or similar civilian specialties have a single foundation, including humanitarian socio-economic, mathematical, natural science and general professional disciplines. In addition, training programs include special and military professional disciplines that provide in-depth training in selected specialties.

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