What to do if you can’t pay the loan? Legal ways out of the situation. What should a debtor do when he has nothing to pay his loan?

By signing a loan agreement, a citizen assumes obligations to repay the debt; he must comply with the payment schedule established by the bank. If the payment procedure is not followed or monthly payments are stopped altogether, the bank has the right to apply penalties, charge penalties and go to court to collect the debt.

Borrowers find themselves in such situations either by force or intentionally, I will try to help you and figure out how the bank will resolve the issue regarding the resulting debt and is it possible not to pay the loan legally?

○ What to do if you have nothing to pay the loan?

If you find yourself in a situation where you cannot pay a loan, then the first thing I can recommend is to contact your bank with your problem. If you come to the bank on your own, this will have a positive impact on the development of the situation in the future. Lenders offer borrowers several methods to resolve the issue of the borrower entering into the payment schedule, namely:

1. Debt restructuring.

This is a re-issuance of a loan agreement in order to change the current lending conditions. Changes most often concern the term of the contract; it increases.

It turns out that the term becomes longer, accordingly, the size of the monthly payment decreases, and the debt burden on the borrower decreases. Restructuring can be applied both with and without arrears.

2. Credit holidays.

The borrower is given a certain time period during which he is fully or partially exempt from paying monthly payments. This period can be 6-12 months. During this period, a citizen can solve his financial problems.

So, if you foresee a situation where you will have nothing to pay the loan, or you have an existing overdue loan, there is no need to hide from the bank, it can offer real help. This way you will avoid damage to your credit history and further unpleasant collection procedures.

○ Responsibility for non-payment under the law.

Criminal liability for non-payment of a loan occurs only when fraudulent actions are committed when applying for a loan, which falls under Article 159 Part 1 (fraud); a specific article for non-payment of a loan is not provided for by the Law.

For fraud you can be imprisoned for up to 5 years. If you took out a loan without falsifying documents or providing false information about yourself, then you will not face criminal liability.

For example, an investigation into fraud in Vorkuta was recently completed, where a woman obtained a car loan by providing false information in her application form. After this, the woman did not pay the loan. During the investigation, the bank discovered a forgery; now the fate of the debtor will be decided by the court.

If you took out a loan according to all the rules, providing real documents and without embellishing information about yourself, but now do not pay the loan, then according to the Law “On Banks and Banking Activities”, Art. 27 and 23, forms of recovery in the form of seizure of accounts and property may be applied to the debtor in court.

✔ What other consequences will an overdue loan lead to?

Legal liability is not the only tool in the fight against unreliable borrowers.

If there is even a small delay, the bank transmits information about this fact to the Credit History Bureau (BKI). This means that during subsequent attempts to take out a loan, each new creditor will see information about the non-payment of the debt. Banks are very reluctant to cooperate with such borrowers, so obtaining loans of any kind will become a problem in the future.

Of course, the possibility of obtaining a new loan while on the blacklist also depends on the degree of violation that led to negative information being reflected in the dossier. And if we are talking about the fact that the borrower simply took out and did not repay the loan, then refusals are certainly guaranteed.

○ What are the consequences of failure to repay a loan from the bank?

In any case, the bank is interested in the return of its own funds; the presence of problem loans in the loan portfolio harms the reputation of banks.

Initially, according to the loan agreement concluded between the bank and the borrower, if a monthly payment is late, a fine is imposed, and penalties are also charged. And if the fine can be one-time, then penalties will accompany every day of credit debt.

Now the bank needs to return the borrower to the payment schedule as quickly as possible, for this purpose regular calls are made to the borrower in order to obtain information regarding the reason for the delay, and it also needs to convince the borrower of the need to make a payment in the required amount. It is important for the bank to obtain a promise from the client to repay the debt.

If the promise is not fulfilled, the borrower does not take any action, then the bank has no choice but to apply more demanding measures.

And although relatives are not held liable for non-payment of debt, the bank starts calling them. This is a tool of psychological pressure; no one will be pleased to receive reproaches from relatives about calls from the bank.

They can also call the contact persons specified in the borrower's application form and the work phone number. Most often, this method of influence is the most effective.

✔ Collectors take the stage.

If the bank cannot cope with the debtor on its own, it turns to a collection agency. More stringent measures will be applied here. It is no secret that such agencies are not very courteous with debtors and may use methods that border on the law, or even violate the law.

This collection method mostly ends with the debt being closed, but the bank will be forced to pay the collectors.

✔ Litigation.

The last resort measure is going to court. For the borrower, this can be a relief from pressure from creditors, so initially there is no need to be afraid of litigation, it can even be a way out of the situation. Banks do not like to bring a case to court, since a court decision most often leaves only the principal debt and, perhaps, part of the interest and fines to be paid. Most of the debt, which has already accrued enormous interest and penalties, will be written off. Many people are interested in the loan statute of limitations. There is such a concept, but it is often interpreted not entirely correctly. If the bank does not make any attempts to collect the debt within three years, then only in this case can we talk about the statute of limitations.

After a court decision is made, bailiffs enter the case. Their collection methods in order of application:

1) Collection of up to 50% of wages (can only be imposed on official income).

2) Seizure of the debtor's bank accounts and deposits.

3) Seizure of the debtor’s property, most often cars. Real estate can be taken away only if it is not the debtor’s only home.

4) If the loan was issued with collateral, then the procedure for seizing the collateral begins immediately.

○ So is it possible not to pay the loan?

The short answer is YES. But there are nuances.

If you take the case to court, then it is possible to avoid paying for the loan altogether. Even the bailiffs will not be able to do anything with the debtor if he does not have bank accounts, official income and his own property. Bailiffs do not have any other tools for debt collection; after a certain period of time, they have no choice but to send a decree to the bank about the impossibility of collection.

But there are several other absolutely legal methods of not repaying a loan, and this fact may not even harm your credit history:

Option #1.

The economic policy of Russia and sending the ruble to float freely, a violation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of the Constitution of Article 75.

Based on materials: banki.ru/forum/?PAGE_NAME=read&FID=61&TID=262853

In view of the sharp fall of the ruble and the inability to further influence the exchange rate, helping the national currency, the government decided to send the ruble exchange rate to free float. And it is precisely this fact that has become a circumstance that allows for temporary non-payment of the loan on illegal grounds.

Any loan agreement does not regulate the relationship between the bank and the borrower in the event of force majeure (force majeure). According to Article 416 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, “A circumstance is terminated by the impossibility of performance if it is caused by a circumstance for which neither party is responsible.”

It turns out that the government did not fulfill its obligations, which were also assigned to it by the Law, and sent the ruble exchange rate into free float, which led to an increase in prices and a deterioration in the standard of living.

According to the Law, this fact is precisely a force majeure circumstance, which means that on a completely legal basis it is possible to stop loan payments (theoretically) until the Central Bank resolves the situation with the ruble exchange rate.

Option #2.

Use of the law on bankruptcy of individuals.

From July 2015, every citizen, under certain circumstances, will be able to declare himself bankrupt, which will become an official reason not to pay the loan.

The law applies to citizens whose credit debt is more than 500,000 rubles.

The bankruptcy procedure for an individual will not be simple; it is carried out only through the court. It is assumed that the debtor should not have money in his accounts, as well as property that can be sold to pay off the debt. All this is documented.

Transactions with real estate and expensive property that the citizen has carried out over the past three years are also considered. Declaring yourself bankrupt is a real opportunity not to pay the loan at all, and everything will be completely legal.

Option #3.

Paying a loan to a bank with foreign capital is treason.

(Based on materials: superomsk.ru/news/9043)

So far, this method cannot be called really working, but experienced lawyers are already studying the Laws and accepted norms to resolve the issue regarding the possibility of not paying a loan to a bank whose founder is a foreign person.

According to Article 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “High treason”, repayment of a loan to such a bank can be equated to financial assistance to a foreign person, which can indeed be interpreted as treason. Let us remind you that at the moment all the legal subtleties of this fact are at the verification stage.

So it turns out that modern legislation of the Russian Federation allows, using completely legal methods, not to repay existing loans. It is up to the borrower to decide whether to do this or not.

Unforeseen situations may occur in the life of every person, due to which his level of income decreases or he generally loses the ability to fulfill his loan obligations. Moreover, those who have many large loans often face similar problems. The main thing is not to succumb to negative emotions, but after calculating the most priority way out, act immediately.

First step

Quite often, clients who have many loans from different banks find themselves in a situation where they have nothing to pay their debt obligations and, not knowing what to do, begin to hide from the banks. This is a fundamentally wrong approach. These actions not only create a negative reputation for the borrower, but also increase the total amount of debt due to penalties and fines. Moreover, as practice shows, you still have to pay.

Initially, it is necessary to draw up a letter that will be of an informational nature stating that you, as a bank client, do not refuse to pay on a previously taken out loan, but at the moment you do not have the opportunity to repay the debt. Naturally, you will need to indicate the reason for financial insolvency (loss of job, illness, etc.), with documentary evidence.

At the same time, when providing these letters, it is worth checking in each branch the amount of the remaining debt on the loan. This is necessary for further calculation of the maximum amount that you can afford to pay for obligations to financial companies.


One of the most presentable options if you have a lot of loans from different banks but have nothing to pay with is restructuring. And both for banks and their clients. Here it is important to carefully study the terms of restructuring, because many unscrupulous financial institutions simply take advantage of the debtor’s difficult situation, driving him into even greater debt, rather than offering ways out of credit bondage.

You should not immediately agree to restructuring, rejoicing at the reduced monthly payment due to an increase in the term or a decrease in the interest rate. This is due to three reasons:

it is initially calculated whether there will be enough money to repay all restructured debts, based on monthly income;

the borrower must check the previous and proposed agreements so that the conditions in the new one do not turn out to be worse than in the old one;

the client is obliged to make sure that there are no pitfalls in the form of preferential interest, commissions, etc.

Provided that everything in the restructuring complies with the norms and really helps the debtor get out of the vicious circle, it is necessary to request a certificate of repayment of the previous loan. This will make sure that the client has only one debt obligation with this bank.

Going to court if you can’t pay off your loans

If restructuring cannot solve the current problem or the debtor has no money at all, then you should immediately go to court yourself. This must be done because the debt is frozen - after going to court, penalties and fines will not be charged.

In court, depending on the situation, an individual may be declared bankrupt. In this case, his property, with the exception of the only living space, will be transferred to repay the loan, and the remaining debt will simply be written off.

The disadvantages of this procedure are the long trial period (up to 4 years) and a damaged credit history with a ban on holding managerial positions for up to 3 years. Although in the absence of money they can hardly be called problems. It is also worth remembering that you will need an amount of 10,000 rubles, plus 2% of the repaid amount, to remunerate the financial manager.

Anti-collectors - help with multiple loans from different banks

The option of contacting specialized organizations is quite presentable, but it is suitable for those who still have at least some money. The list of anti-collector services includes handling the debtor’s case on all of the above points. The client simply does not have to calculate convenient monthly payments himself, prepare letters to the bank or go to court. Therefore, whether to contact these companies or not is a personal matter for everyone.

Let me start with one quote: “Even if you are eaten, there are at least two ways out.” So, on to the topic. You have a loan or microloan that you have nothing to repay. Lost your job, had your salary cut, was overcome by illness, family circumstances changed - there can be many reasons. The first thing you need to understand, having realized the sad reality, is that there is a way out. Don't panic, make decisions with a cool head.

Does not work? Then read the article - it answers the question: what to do when you have nothing to pay a loan with? Several ways out of a difficult financial situation that will preserve your reputation and money are considered.

This must not be allowed!

There are two simple rules that must be followed. By violating them, you will only complicate the situation and give the bank an advantage in further proceedings:

  • Don’t let the situation take its course by simply stopping paying. The sooner you start to figure it out, the simpler and easier everything will be resolved. Why do you need fines and penalties for late payments and growing debt?
  • Don’t avoid negotiations with the bank by stopping answering calls – stay in touch. You, like no one else, are interested in the agreement.
Don't give in to provocations

Your relatives and friends will not be held accountable for paying your debt. Debt collection specialists like to “scare” borrowers and their loved ones with non-existent liability: criminal penalties, charges of fraud. A personal loan is individual and no one except the borrower himself, his spouse and the guarantor is obliged to repay it.

They will be held criminally liable in two cases:

  • Malicious evasion of loan payment is regulated by Art. 177 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The amount of debt under this article must be at least one and a half million rubles (only after a court decision!).
  • Fraud (Article 159.1), if the bank manages to prove that you intended not to pay when applying for the loan.

Have you already made several payments? Continue to do the right thing and sleep well - you will not face criminal liability.

Action plan if you have nothing to pay

Step 1. Review the contract. If the loan is insured, review the terms. Most often they insure against job loss and illness. Maybe this is your case? Then the loan will be closed by the insurance company.

Step 2. Official letter to the bank and/or insurance company with supporting documents attached. Regardless of the availability of insurance, the main task is to show your integrity as a borrower. Even if the bank does not respond to the letter, you will have a trump card in your hands: you are not a fraudster, not a malicious defaulter, not a evader, but a person who finds himself in a difficult situation and has taken the initiative to negotiate. You must have a document in your hands confirming receipt of the letter: a postal stamp, a bank stamp.

What to write in an appeal? Explain your situation, attaching supporting documents (copy of work record book, dismissal order, medical certificate). Invite the bank to negotiate and resolve the situation in the following ways:

  • . Reduce the monthly payment amount and increase the total loan term.
  • . Either a deferment for several months, or payment of the “body” of the loan first, and then the interest.
  • Selling debt to a third party. This option is suitable if you have a relative or friend who is ready to buy your loan from the bank (yes, this is possible - not only debt collectors are assigned debt). They will most likely sell for less money. You will still owe money, but not the same amount, without interest and not to the bank.
  • By going to court. Advantage: your loan will be frozen and interest, fines and penalties will no longer accrue on it. You will leave the courtroom with a fixed, rigid amount of debt. Disadvantage: if there is a mortgaged property, it will be sold at a price much lower than the market price.
  • With the involvement of an insurance company, if your case is covered by insurance.

Step 3. Payment according to schedule. While you are collecting information, consulting with a lawyer and writing a letter, the next payment may already be due. Deposit as much as you can, without waiting for the payment to become overdue. Let it be one tenth of the payment - it doesn’t matter. Your task is to show your integrity and desire to pay, and by contributing at least something, you will receive another trump card. All the time while the proceedings are ongoing, pre-trial settlement, trial - deposit any amount, no matter how small, strictly according to schedule. The main condition is the fact of payment in accordance with the schedule.

Step 4. Drawing up a plan to pay off debt and overcome the crisis. It's easier to act when you have a goal. Find a second job, become a freelancer, taxi, sell or rent out some of your property - no one but you will take care of your well-being and reputation. Don’t fall for scammers: forget about playing on the stock market and network marketing. Sell ​​non-essential household appliances, fancy gadgets (don’t you have an iPhone lying around?), extra furniture - you can always find something when a financial hole is looming in the future. In general, your main task is to find a permanent source of income (legal!) at all costs.

Depending on the plans, several exits will appear:

1. Agreement with the bank. If you are still solvent, then restructuring or credit holidays are suitable for you. Think about their conditions: it is better to pay longer, but a smaller amount, or take a complete time-out for several months, and then pay off the entire amount at once (if you decide to sell the property or expect receipts from another source soon).

2. Court. Wait for the court - there you will present all your trump cards and ask to have penalties, fines and interest removed from you (Article 333 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation will help you). Try to agree with the bank on a payment schedule in the meeting room. After the trial, you can repay the loan yourself. If you can’t, the bailiff will send a resolution to your place of work and up to 50% will be deducted from your salary every month. If there is no work, they sell the property. There is no property, no work - the debt will be written off in court (but this is rather an exception).

3. . If the amount of debt exceeds 500 thousand rubles, you can initiate bankruptcy proceedings. There will be not very pleasant consequences: the appointment of a manager for your property and its sale, the inability to take out new loans for three years, and others. Consider whether you need them.

4. New loan. Taking out a second loan to pay off the first is a dubious undertaking. There is a risk of falling into a deep financial hole, especially when several payments are missed and the debt begins to grow. This step is advisable only if you have not fallen behind on the payment, if the second loan is taken out at a lower interest rate. You can pay off a car loan in this way: at least you will get rid of mandatory CASCO expenses, and this is a significant saving. If you decide to take this step, look for a bank that will provide you with a targeted loan to repay the loan. This service is called “refinancing” and takes time: the sooner you apply, the greater the chance of not defaulting on the loan.

5. An interest-free loan from a relative or friend (no private loans from unknown individuals - there is a high probability of fraud) - and with proper execution of the transaction. If you are trusted and you are ready to take on the obligation to repay the debt, then it would be the best decision to pay off existing debts to a bank or microfinance organization, and over time, repay the debt to your new creditor. This way you will get rid of interest and harassment from collectors or debt collection service specialists of a credit institution, and save yourself from a nervous breakdown.

If you are looking for ways in which your credit history will not suffer, there are two options: an agreement with the bank and refinancing.

As you can see, you have as many as five global options, and if you learn to save, find a part-time job, sell something (especially things taken on credit), then, quite possibly, you won’t need radical measures, you will be able to get out of the situation with your head held high and self-esteem: you can do it!

The task of any borrower who finds himself in a difficult financial situation is to realize this fact, find strength in himself and stop digging deeper into a debt hole by taking out new loans. You need to set a goal: to pay off existing debts no matter what, and not to go with the flow, waiting for the next crises and dark days. Then you will find what to do if you have nothing to pay for a loan or loan. The crisis is primarily in the head.

We wish you good luck in freeing yourself from debt!

Lending is a responsible step. A person who takes out a loan must be prepared for force majeure situations, due to which his solvency may suddenly become zero.

Creditors are usually not interested in what circumstances led to non-payment of the debt. The borrower is alive and capable, which means he must pay.

What to do if circumstances have developed such that it has become impossible to repay the loan? Fortunately, there are several ways to legally solve such a difficult problem. From this article you will learn about debt restructuring, refinancing and other ways to eliminate debt without paying it off in full.

What could be the consequences?

The most common consequences of non-payment of a loan:

  • full collection of debts in court;
  • seizure of property pledged;
  • criminal liability (in some cases).
  • The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for only 2 types of debt collection from a person who does not want or cannot repay the loan. The first is the collection of penalties. The penalty is most often calculated as a percentage of the total loan amount, but can also be a fixed amount. The second is early repayment of the full loan amount. This method becomes available to the bank if the borrower is overdue for 3 payments in a row, each by more than 60 days.

    The bank cannot immediately collect all the money from the borrower. The law must set a reasonable time frame within which the borrower can find the money to pay. For setting an unrealistic deadline, the client can sue the bank, and he will have every chance of winning the case.

    As for the seizure of property, one should not always be afraid of this procedure. If, when taking out a loan, the property pledge was not specified in the agreement, then the bank does not have the right to take anything away.

    Letters coming from the bank will almost certainly contain such threats, but the bank has the real right to take property from the client only if the client himself pledged his things when concluding the agreement.

    There is also no need to be afraid of criminal liability. Bank employees like to say: “If you don’t pay, you’ll be jailed!” But this is just a method of intimidation. You can be sent to prison for non-payment of a loan only in 2 cases:

  • if the borrower owes more than 1,500,000 rubles and does not pay the debt even after a court decision;
  • if the loan was obtained fraudulently or through breach of trust.
  • Thus, if you did not violate the law when taking out a loan, and the debt is less than 1.5 million rubles, then you will not face criminal liability.

    Ways to solve the problem. How to get rid of a loan?

    The main mistake of debtors is that they hide from bank employees. This cannot be done. You need to make contact with the creditor organization, because many banks and companies now offer special programs designed to help problem borrowers.

    Often you may be faced with debt restructuring or refinancing. The essence of these programs is that the client can avoid additional costs for penalties and fines, and his credit history remains positive.

    Restructuring and refinancing agreements must be carefully studied before signing. Sometimes such agreements offer extremely unfavorable conditions for the debtor, and after signing you will not change anything.

    Debt restructuring

    Restructuring is a measure taken against a borrower if it is in default.

    For a person who cannot pay his debt, this procedure is often the most desirable.

    The restructuring includes 3 measures:

  • editing the payment amount and/or payment terms;
  • exchange of loan debt for a share in property;
  • partial debt write-off.
  • The advantage of restructuring is that there is no need to bring the case to court. Neither the client nor the bank wants bureaucratic red tape. Therefore, everything happens at the contract stage. At the same time, banks almost always write off fines and penalties, but almost never reduce the principal amount of the debt.

    On-lending. What it is?

    Loan refinancing, or refinancing, is another option for the debtor. This service provides for borrowing an amount sufficient to repay the debt. Naturally, the amount must be borrowed from another bank. The client’s credit history is not very clean, so everything is built on trust. When refinancing, the borrower has many more responsibilities and responsibilities than with a regular loan.

    Refinancing has its pitfalls. Many banks offer their customers very high interest rates, while others have additional conditions that make refinancing difficult.

    Is it possible to go to court?

    If the bank sues the debtor, this is not a very big problem. Moreover, the client himself can sue the bank for extortion calls, and especially for blackmail, which has nothing to do with reality.

    When it comes to court, the debt has to be paid in any case. But the court always stands on the side of the client, not the bank. The only exceptions are rare cases of criminal liability.

    To win a lawsuit against a bank, you need to use the services of an experienced lawyer. A competent approach to business is possible only with the help of a professional. Therefore, when filing a claim in court, you need to be prepared to shell out money for quality services.

    Bankruptcy of individuals. What it is?

    Starting from October 1, 2015, an individual can officially declare himself bankrupt. The basis for this may be a debt exceeding 500,000 rubles and supported by documents. A bankruptcy application will definitely be considered by the court, but you should not be afraid of this. If the debt exceeds the specified amount, then bankruptcy is confirmed without any difficulties.

    Why declare yourself bankrupt? There are 3 reasons to do this:

  • the bank provides the bankrupt with a financial manager;
  • a bankrupt can pay off his debt with valuables and precious metals;
  • no one has the right to take away housing from a bankrupt if it is the only one.
  • Bankruptcy has many disadvantages. You can resort to this option only as a last resort, when restructuring and on-lending are impossible for some reason, and the debtor faces a criminal case.

    Forced repayment of debt. How does this happen?

    If the court obliges the debtor to forcibly repay the debt, or the debtor declares himself bankrupt, then there are several sources of debt payment:

  • precious metals and valuables;
  • cars and real estate;
  • luxuries.
  • All this can be sold at open auction, and the proceeds will be used to force the repayment of the debt.

    How to avoid getting into debt?

    If you took out a loan, then from that moment you have no guarantees. Who knows what will happen tomorrow? Therefore, the only sure way to avoid debt problems is to be debt-free. Try to refrain from taking out loans, and you will never have to worry about your debts.

    Be careful! After all, caution is your main weapon in this dangerous world of finance.

    hello, I found your site very late, I have a very difficult situation, I took out loans and when I couldn’t pay, I took them over and over again, in the end I have a lot of loans and debts to pay, I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what kind of day off I can’t sleep or have constant calls from banks I can’t even pick up the phone anymore, how to live on, what should I do? Answer from the website website Hello, Mikhail. First of all, don't despair! Realize that all credit and debt obligations are just monetary obligations. The second point is that you should not allow the bank to take away the most valuable thing you have - health and life. If you waste your nerves, don’t get enough sleep, and become depressed, it will be much more difficult for you than if you approach the solution to this problem with a clear and well-rested mind and a healthy body. Health and peace of mind, alas, cannot be bought, and the bank will never compensate you for the fact that you can lose it irrevocably. Reflect on who and what is most important in your life and don't forget about them or that. Don’t have a complex because of debts and loans, the lending system was initially structured unfairly, especially in Russia, so it’s not surprising that such situations have been, are and will be, no. Neither you are the first, nor are you the last! There is experience in getting out of such situations, it is real and not made up, so the most important thing is to sort everything out and begin to gradually solve the big problem. A journey of millions of steps begins with the first step. The worst and stupidest thing is to give up and give up. First you need to separate loans and debts. Loans are what banks and all sorts of LLCs and other husks with microloans gave you, and debts are what your relatives, acquaintances, friends borrowed from you and what is INTEREST-FREE. Next, you add up your income. Without seeing the figures on loans and debts, it is difficult to recommend a specific strategy, but the general one is this: stop paying all bank loans and microloans out of court. There is no need to pay a little bit at a time, it won’t change anything, and the money you throw in a little bit at a time is probably more needed by you and your family for current expenses. In addition, even if you manage to save up something, start paying off the debts that your relatives, friends borrowed from you and the return promise for which has expired. You should not lose those who are dear to you and help you. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).. For friends and relatives, we delay giving back, and accordingly we lose their respect and trust, and we ourselves pay off the largest monthly loan with income, so that interest does not accrue and the amount does not increase. The disadvantages are that if you do not have property, then in court you only face payment of up to 50% of all your legal income. You will not lose trust and respect, and the ability to seek help again. The bank to which you will pay the largest loan is not a fact that will provide you with a second loan, if necessary, and this is another bondage, but people can lend you funds WITHOUT INTEREST, which is much more useful and valuable. About banks and calls. First, they have no legal force. You are not obligated to confirm, discuss, talk, promise, or explain anything. You have every right to have your situation considered in a LEGAL court. The court is a normal, civilized tool for solving problems in “Europe” and “America”. There is nothing wrong with the word "court". Over the phone, you can safely say that you will not pay out of court. Since the court is not beneficial to either the bank, or the collectors, or the LLC “we issue money at 1000% per year,” they will begin to put pressure on you either culturally and cunningly, or trivially and stupidly. Most likely, depending on the callers, it will be both. The main thing is to understand one thing - you want a fair trial, to which you have the right. Only those who are sure that they are right, who are not hiding from the Law, who are respectable and honest citizens want a trial. They will tell you that if you pay even a little, you will not ruin your credit history, this is a lie, and such decisions are not made by callers from the call center. You will never be able to track whether it will be ruined for you or not, and I think that in situations where a person suffers from loans, he is unlikely to voluntarily go to take it out again. Your credit history is ruined, take this as an axiom. The second point is that they will call the contact persons you indicated in the questionnaire (application) for a loan. If these are your relatives, they may be put under pressure (by telephone) by presenting your situation as “critical” so that they go and pay something for you. Consider these points. All telephone numbers that you provided to the bank will receive calls, both to work and to home. What else will they try to intimidate you with? As soon as you say that you will pay according to the court, they will tell you that you will pay much more, because all legal costs will be “hung” on you. It's just a laugh. Lawyers are on the bank’s payroll, you won’t pay for their time, and the state duty is not as huge as employees of banks and collection agencies like to portray it as. They will try to scare you with criminal charges and predict a criminal record - this is all a lie. does not apply to you, since there is not even a court decision yet. It also does not apply to you if you paid at least 100 rubles for the loan, and in court you can confirm that you borrowed in order to repay the loans, that is, you tried to solve the problem. Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for those who KNOWLEDGELY planned to take money, not pay and hide. They can also talk about Article 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Causing damage by deception, etc., alas, it does not apply to you either, since you did not falsify documents. If you want, read everything through the links, but I’ll tell you right away, don’t waste your nerves and health thinking about criminal liability. IN YOUR CASE THIS ALL IS NOT APPLICABLE! They will definitely say that you will be prohibited from traveling abroad, well, I think you will not be upset by this, and all this can only be initiated by a bailiff after a court decision has entered into legal force. To cool the heat and pressure in the mouths of those calling from the bank, understand that they are required to comply with Part 3 of Article 18 of the Law “On Personal Data”. Before discussing the debt, the caller MUST at least say his full name, where he is calling from, legal address (zip code, city, street, company house number), position, his contact number where you can contact him and verify that he is he . The circle of persons and the basis for processing your data (loan agreement) and the funniest thing is your rights, which he MUST tell you from the Law “On Personal Data”. Remember that you are not obliged to tell anyone anything, or even confirm that you are you, until you are sure that the person calling you has been identified, and this is impossible to do over the phone. In fact, when you talk on the phone with a bank employee or debt collector, you yourself assumed that he was him. Legally, this is still an unidentified person. The right to silence and not to incriminate oneself is enshrined in Article 51 of the Russian Constitution and is valid everywhere and immediately on the territory of Russia. I don’t want to answer the question, and I don’t answer. The Constitution of the Russian Federation gives you this right, but most citizens do not know this. If you don’t like the question, you don’t want to answer, Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, period. Does a bank employee or debt collector have questions about the article and its text? Let them contact their lawyers, you don’t want to explain or read anything out, don’t conduct consultations. The most “scary” moment for many borrowers with problem debt is a visiting team, which, according to the bank or collectors, will “assess the solvency” of the borrower before the trial and conduct a PERSONAL conversation. Funny and nothing more! First, we don’t open the doors to anyone, we immediately call or imitate a call to the police, if the guys are so confident and cool, it won’t be a problem for them to wait for the police. In 99.99% of cases, they will run away down the stairs and are unlikely to come to you again. And if they suddenly stay, then when the police arrive, you can go out and even video record, if you want. Nothing confuses the “cool” more than publicity and publicity. The second point - do not be afraid of any visiting group to work or anywhere else, we immediately call the police, if there is a checkpoint at the entrance, then in theory they should not let bank employees through, since they do not have a special status. The list of stupid fantasies from collectors and bank employees can go on for a long time, but it will all end one way or another in court, that is, in a legal way. Any illegal wave is stopped immediately by calling the police. No one has the right to enter the home without our knowledge, only in EMERGENCY cases, and then these are firefighters, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the police, and then they MUST report why they broke in. The probability of a visiting team arriving in itself is 0.01% of all cases of problem borrowers, if not less. What useful things can you do while they call you and make you laugh with all sorts of nonsense and fairy tales? First, normalize your sleep and take care of your health. Clarity of mind has never harmed anyone, especially in such a situation. As soon as, and if, you stop paying your loans, you will most likely begin to have “free” funds that were previously used to pay off payments or parts thereof. Use them wisely; perhaps you should pay off the oldest or most problematic debt you took on, or buy something that is really necessary for life. Solve current and important tasks for now. You have at least six months to a year before the trial. The smaller the debt, the greater the likelihood that it will take much longer to get to court, since such amounts are impractical at this stage for judicial collection. If you have any questions, please write, this answer is general and general.

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