What does the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker do? How does Nikolai Ugodnik help? The emergence of the holiday of St.

During the reign of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, from the moment of baptism Ancient Rus', most of the Slavic society completely changed their previous way of life, combining their daily household duties with religious Orthodox service. It implied continuous faith in Jesus Christ, which should be exercised by venerating various icons that depict the main characters of the Bible. One of these is the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

History of the icon

It so happened that the life of Nikolai Ugodnik took shape during very persecuted times for religious society. Under the yoke of the most severe internal political actions taken by the Roman authorities in relation to Orthodox Christianity, Nicholas still did not stop fulfilling what was for him the main vital goal. The Byzantine clergyman was concerned, first of all, with the rights and freedoms of ordinary peace-loving townspeople. He prayed for travelers, children, merchants and anyone else who needed help.

Soon, not only the entire Byzantine people, but also the whole world could quickly learn about the noble deeds of Nikolai Ugodnik.

Currently, icons of St. Nicholas the Pleasant can be seen in 25 Russian churches. They are located in a variety of cities. Among the most famous are:

  • Novodevichy Convent for Women (St. Petersburg);
  • Church of St. Nicholas (Kotelniki);
  • Church of the Resurrection of Christ (Sokolniki).

For those people who wish to expand their range of religious knowledge, it should be remembered that the same heroes of the Bible in different literary sources may be called differently. So, for example, the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are one and the same.

What does the icon of St. Nicholas the Ugodnik look like?

The extraterrestrial patron Nicholas, depicted in the middle of the central part of the sacred canvas, is clearly demonstrated to the public as an elderly sage, whose gaze is filled with common sense and at the same time spiritual sense.

on top of it gray hair there is a bright church chasuble, the appearance of which is completely decorated with various patterns.

The left hand of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker clasps an ancient Bible called the Gospel. The fingers of the right hand, joining together, form the so-called three-fingered finger. With his help, the saint calls on all living people to find light, peace and faith.

According to researchers who managed to uncover individual fragments past life legendary miraculous archbishop, it was established that artistic image presented on the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant exactly corresponds to the real one appearance this clergyman who lived many hundreds of years ago.

The Role of Patrons in the Bible

It should be noted that in biblical mythology, heavenly saviors, who by the will of God are destined to protect and preserve the Orthodox people, are given a separate role in religious iconography. Icon of Saint Nicholas the Pleasant and Elijah the Prophet - patrons of the Most Holy Theotokos. These two sacred images govern the watery expanses of the earthly planet, helping sailors, tourists and other seafarers to overcome life-threatening difficulties in difficult times.

The revered artistic image of the shrine depicting Nicholas is so sought after by Orthodox believers that an exact copy of it can be seen on the wall of the legendary St. Isaac's Cathedral.

The meaning of the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant

For those people who need an indispensable response from the miraculous patron, the significance of the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant is extremely great.

She helps young spouses build strong family relationships, as well as fulfill any dreams you have, receive healing from current illnesses and much more.

In addition, many people also noticed how the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant was able to provide great assistance in eliminating painful emotional experiences, difficulties in performing everyday labor responsibilities and eliminating false accusations.

How to hang an icon correctly

At present, religious canons have not established how to properly hang the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant. However, many literary sources say that this is the business of each person, and it is very important to place it where it will be convenient to deliver a prayer speech.


On this day, people and their families come to church for a service in order to honor the memory of the great patron and archbishop by reading a prayer. Its text looks like this:

O all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and a sad person, in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me, the accursed one, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment, so that I may always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Nicholas the Pleasant was born in Lycia in the city of Patara (Turkey) on September 26, 258 in the morning at 4:30 am.

His parents, father Feovan and mother Nonna, were a wealthy family. They were distinguished by their kindness and always helped everyone in need. There were two daughters in the family, but Feovan really dreamed of an heir. A caravan route passed through their city. Travelers and wanderers often stayed in the house of Feovan and Nonna. Never refusing anyone lodging or food, the hospitable hosts did not take money from the travelers, but only asked them to pray to their gods for them - let them send them a boy-heir.

Nicholas's parents themselves worshiped the Sun God - Mithras, like most of their fellow Lycians, who came from Tibet in ancient times to populate these lands. Christianity spread very slowly in those days, constantly being subjected to severe persecution. It was still a long way off until the Christian faith was recognized as the state religion.

Saint Nicholas (icon from the monastery of St. Catherine, 13th century)

When Feovan turned 50 and Nonna was 48 years old, they had a son, whose name they gave Nicholas. Subsequently they began to call him Nikolai. The boy grew up very affectionate and kind child. That atmosphere of kindness, love, and compassion for people that reigned in his parents’ house left an imprint on the formation of the child’s character from childhood. Nicholas could listen for hours to stories about different countries, extraordinary people, all kinds of exploits and good deeds. His father began to take care of the boy early. At two years old, Nicholas knew all the letters, and at three years old he could already read syllables. The child chose his teacher himself. One Sunday, he and his father were walking around the city, and their path ran past the square where slave trade was taking place. Four-year-old Nick approached the platform where the slaves stood, took one of them by the hand and led him to his father. The numb crowd stood with their mouths open, and no one could move. In those days, if you approached a slave at a distance of one meter, it was considered that you had already greatly defiled yourself. Therefore, the owner gave instructions to his workers only while standing on the porch of the house at a distance of at least three meters from them. Slaves performed heavy labor outside the home. Only poor civilians worked inside the house.

When Nicholas brought the slave to his father with the words: “He will be my teacher,” Feovan was a little confused at first. But there was so much pleading in his son’s eyes, his face shone with such a blissful smile that loving father I couldn't refuse my son. As it turned out, the chosen slave was the son of a rich man from Syria, was taught to read and write and knew three languages. He left home at 17 and traveled a lot. He joined the first Christians, was baptized, receiving a new name - John. When the community was persecuted and destroyed, he was sold into slavery.

It was from this teacher that Nicholas first heard about Jesus, about the Guardian Angels who protect us. The story made an indelible impression on the boy. And then Nicholas told his teacher under big secret that when he was three years old, he ran away from his mother and hid from her in the bushes near the pond, and when he began to get out of there, he slipped and fell into the water. He began to drown, when suddenly two men dressed all in white and with wings grabbed him by the arms and carried him out of the water. He woke up already on the shore of the pond when his mother and father ran up to him.

When Nicholas was 12 years old, a wanderer with a large white beard stopped at his parents' house. This man had a long conversation with the teacher in the evening about something. The next morning, the teacher gave Nicholas the manuscript to read, but asked him not to tell anyone about it. Nicholas, left alone, began to read these sheets on which the Gospel of Matthew was written. After reading it, he did not leave his room for almost two days, causing all his loved ones to worry. On the morning of the third day, Nicholas left the room and approached the teacher. His first words were: “I want to serve Jesus Christ!”

He asked the teacher to find and point out to him those who had already accepted the faith of Christ. Since their faith was persecuted, Christians tried not to gather in groups unnecessarily. Only occasionally did they conduct their meetings in conditions of complete secrecy and secrecy. Nicholas had to wait two months until he was able to attend a secret meeting of Christians and be baptized. On May 28, 270, Nicholas was baptized. The rite of baptism in those days was not carried out the same way as it is now. They baptized one person at a time, and they had to wait in the wings, standing knee-deep in water. Nicholas waited for his turn for five hours. At the moment of baptism, he heard singing from heaven, as if the sun was shining even brighter for him at that moment. On the same day, Feovan and Nonna were baptized. All my later life Nicholas devoted himself to studying, helping people and serving God and His Son Jesus.

He prayed a lot. He liked to do this alone, especially in the forest, under an old mighty tree. Nicholas often traveled, and also completely alone. And although in those days Christian faith did not require celibacy from priests, Nicholas was the first who decided to devote his life only to serving God, without having a family. Since family ties would not allow him to fully do what he loves most in the world - helping people.

Nicholas noticed one girl as a child, when they were only 10 years old. Elivia was wonderful! Huge, half-face-length green eyes, long black eyelashes and wavy hair that reached almost to the knees. And despite Nicholas’s natural shyness and self-consciousness, she chose him out of the entire crowd of fans. They didn’t promise each other anything, didn’t admit anything, just each of them was sure that when the time came, they would definitely unite and be together forever. Elivia was the daughter of a small, bankrupt artisan who had nothing to feed her family. Desperate, Elivia's father took out a loan from a loan shark, which he subsequently could not pay off. And then the moneylender offered a lucrative deal - if they give him 16-year-old Elivia as his wife, he will forgive the debt and also give his father money for a new business. Elivia's father was a widower and therefore personally decided the fate of his daughter. Personally, he himself did not see any obstacles to the wedding, not even the fact that the groom was 30 years older than his daughter.

Elivia tried her best to persuade her father, but he was adamant and stood his ground. Desperate, the girl threw herself off the cliff into the lake. Almost the entire city came to see off this sweet young creature on her last journey. When the cemetery was empty, Nikolai Ugodnik knelt down and stood motionless until the morning, saying goodbye to his beloved, his an unfulfilled dream. Nicholas swore an oath on his beloved’s grave that he would never start a family again.

The next morning he announced to his parents that he was going to travel around the world in order to better understand this cruel and unjust world. Thus began his first journey. His path lay to the east, to the homeland of Jesus. It was his voice that he heard over the grave of his beloved when he was struck by the thought of leaving after her: “Take courage. This is not a solution, you must go east, there I will come to you and show you the way. I am telling you this - Jesus!

He set off on a long journey with a caravan of traders heading to Persia. But after 3 weeks, Nicholas decided to continue the journey on his own. Slowly continuing his journey, the young man stopped briefly in many villages, observing life local residents. And only four months later Nicholas reached his final goal - the city of Jesus Christ. Having learned from the local residents where Mount Tabor was located, he, without resting, headed towards it. Nicholas spent three days on the mountain that Jesus loved so much, where he spent many days and nights, praying and preaching. On the third night, in the morning, Nicholas was awakened bright light. The glow began near the ground and went far into the sky. At first he didn’t even understand what it was, and when he finally woke up, his heart was beating so hard that it seemed like just a little more and it would jump out of his chest. Standing right in front of him were Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the disciples of Jesus.

Nicholas had not yet finished his thought: “I am sleeping and having a wonderful dream,” when Jesus spoke to him. The conversation was unusual, he did not hear the voice of Jesus, but his thoughts seemed to permeate Nicholas’s whole body and penetrate his heart and soul. The vision lasted 15 minutes, but it seemed like an eternity had passed. And during this time, Nicholas saw the whole life of Jesus, understood all his thoughts and feelings, learned what exactly he was striving for and what he was calling people to. After the conversation, Nicholas fell down exhausted and woke up only at lunchtime. But I feel hungry young man was absent, but in my soul there was only a powerful desire to move forward.

Nicholas spent three days on the road, stopping only briefly to rest and drink water. Towards the end of the third day, he stopped and looked around; the road led him to the outskirts of the holy city. Nicholas climbed to a small hill. A few minutes later, he suddenly felt an insurmountable pain in his right hand, then his left hand began to ache, after a while the pain pierced right leg, then left leg, and when a terrible blow from an invisible spear poked him under the rib on the left side, Nicholas lost consciousness. The young man woke up only in the evening of the next day. Memories came flooding back to him, everything that had happened to him in the past flashed through his head. last years. And Nicholas realized that in this way Jesus showed him exactly what kind of torment he suffered in this very place. He spent about two months on this hill in prayer. Nicholas marked the place where he felt the torment of Jesus with a large boulder, so that he could return here later.

The local Christian community became aware of the vision of the stranger, and at first with some doubt, but then with increasing faith, people began to come to this place to honor the memory of Jesus Christ, praying and asking him for help.

During the vision on Mount Tabor, Jesus not only spoke to him, but also endowed the young man with incredible healing powers and the gift of clairvoyance. Nicholas could hear calls for help hundreds and thousands of kilometers away. He could provide this help while being on the other side of the globe from the person asking.

Dowry for three girls(Gentile da Fabriano, c. 1425).

At the age of 20, Nicholas lost his father, and a year later his mother. The saint accepted the death of his parents calmly, knowing that sooner or later their souls would meet in the next world. Having received a rich inheritance, Nicholas begins to engage in charity work. In the city of Patara there lived a rich man who had three beautiful daughters. This rich man went broke and decided to force his daughters to engage in fornication in order to get money for food. At this time, Nicholas walked past the rich man’s house and read his thoughts, since there was so much bitterness and hopelessness in his father’s soul that it was simply impossible not to feel it. Remembering why his beloved died, Nikolai, in order to save the girls from dishonor, crept up to their house at night and quietly threw a bundle of gold out the window. The girls' father, waking up in the morning, was incredibly happy at this happiness and used the money he received to marry off his daughters. Thanks to this story, the custom of giving gifts arose. New Year and Christmas. Saint Nicholas (translated into Dutch as Santa Claus) must enter the house unnoticed and leave a bundle with a gift under the tree while no one sees it. And from that time on, Nikolai Ugodnik began to be revered as the patron saint of children.

At the age of 26, Nicholas received the rank of presbyter, and at 30 - archbishop. After 2 years, he decides to visit Gaul (France) and goes there by ship. A week after departure, he had a vision, and Nicholas warned the captain about an approaching storm, and he was able to change his route to avoid the storm. Thus the entire crew was saved from imminent death. On this voyage, one sailor fell from the mast and was badly injured. He broke his arms and legs and did not come to his senses for a week. Nicholas began his treatment, and after two weeks the sailor was able to walk, and a month later he honestly served on the ship at full capacity.

Nikolai treated people, restored mobility to the paralyzed, restored sight to the blind and gave strength to the weak everywhere he went. Hundreds of thousands of those healed by this man prayed for him, asking God for his health and long life.

Nicholas saved Myra from hunger (he appeared in a dream to a merchant who was carrying bread by sea for sale, and persuaded him to direct the ship to Myra). Waking up, the merchant found three gold coins in his hands. He brought his ship to Myra, and the city residents were able to stock up on bread and avoid starvation.

The Byzantine emperor wanted to execute three slandered governors. The governors began to pray to Nicholas the Pleasant, and he appeared to the emperor in a dream and demanded the release of the innocent, threatening otherwise to raise an uprising that would threaten the death of the emperor. Waking up, the frightened emperor freed the governor.

Under Emperor Diocletian, Nicholas ended up in prison, where he spent two years, steadfastly enduring all the hardships that befell him. In 311 he was released from prison. Nicholas the Pleasant was not spared the persecution to which all other Christians, ministers of the church and God were subjected.

In 325, Nicholas was invited to the Council of Nicaea. He zealously defended the teachings of Jesus Christ from heretics. And when the main one of them, named Arius, proposed to remove much from the New Testament, supposedly for a better understanding and interpretation of the teaching, Nicholas, unable to restrain himself, hit him on the cheek, for which he was imprisoned by other bishops in a tower and deprived of his rank. Nikolai Ugodnik spent only one night in the tower. That same night, Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary appeared to seven bishops in a dream. The next morning, after consulting, the bishops decided to release Nicholas and return him to the rank of archbishop.

Having learned about this incident, the mother of Emperor Constantine, Saint Helena, decided to get to know this man better. They sat talking for about six hours, not noticing how quickly the time flew by. A conversation with Nikolai dispelled Elena’s last doubts, and she finally decided to go to the homeland of Jesus.

In 330, Nikolai Ugodnik visited Jerusalem for the second time. There he visited the Church of the Resurrection and venerated the saving tree of the Cross.

Nikolai Ugodnik lived to a ripe old age and died a gray-haired old man at the age of 94. He was buried in a church in Myra (Türkiye) on December 6 (19), 352.

The current state of the Church of St. Nicholas in Demre

Interior view of the Church of St. Nicholas in Demre

Sarcophagus in which Saint Nicholas was buried

After his death, Nikolai Ugodnik was canonized. His cult spread widely throughout the Christian world, and his relics became one of the most revered Christian shrines.

On May 9 (22), 1087, due to frequent Turkish raids, the relics of Nicholas the Ugodnik were transferred from Mir to the city of Bari (Italy), to the Basilica of St. Nicholas, where they remain to this day.


Basilica of St. Nicholas the Pleasant in Bari

Altar and ciborium

Bishop's throne

Basilica of St. Nicholas (Italian: Basilica di San Nicola) is a basilica in the city of Bari (Italy). It was built to store the relics of St. Nicholas of Myra, transferred in 1087 from the city of Myra.

When the relics of St. Nicholas were brought to the city on May 22, 1087, his Duke Roger I Borsa and Archbishop Urson were in Rome for the coronation of Pope Victor III. The relics were given to the abbot of the Benedictine monastery, Ilya, for safekeeping. Upon his return, the archbishop tried to take possession of the relic, and popular unrest began. Ilya was able to convince Urson to abandon his intentions and the abbot was instructed to build a temple to store the relics.

The site for the construction of the temple was chosen in the city center on the territory of the “catapenal citadel” (a place for holding official events and ceremonies). The land was donated to the church by Duke Roger. In 1089, the basilica was consecrated, and the relics of St. Nicholas were placed in its crypt. Soon after its construction, the church became the site of large historical events: in 1095, Peter of Amiens preached the First Crusade there; In 1098, a church council was held in the basilica under the chairmanship of Pope Urban II on the issue of unifying the Western and Eastern churches, which was unsuccessful.

Construction work continued until 1105. In 1156, during the capture of the city by William I the Evil, the basilica was damaged and was restored in 1160.

The basilica was court chapel Emperor Frederick II, during the Angevin dynasty it had the status of a palace temple.

Major restoration work was carried out between 1928 and 1956. During their course, a sarcophagus-reliquary with the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was found under the altar of the basilica (1951). It is made in the form of a small stone ossuary with a hole for collecting the world.

Since 1969, taking into account the ecumenistic policy of the Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican, as a sign of friendship, respect and deep union with the Orthodox, the Orthodox are given the right to serve together in the crypt of the basilica.

The basilica has three naves 39 meters long, a vaulted transept 31.5 meters long, the naves end with apses. The width of the central nave is 12.5 meters, the side ones - 6.5. From the outside, the apses are closed by straight walls with false arcades, which gives the temple a rectangular shape. The façade is divided into three parts by pilasters, on the sides there are two towers between which rises a central pillar. The entrance portal is decorated with carvings on the theme of the Eucharist (early 12th century). The portico of the portal is supported by columns resting on figures of bulls; in the lunette there is a relief with a solar chariot and a triumphant, symbolizing Jesus Christ. The pediment is topped with a winged sphinx.

The basilica is decorated with sculptural decoration, some of which (reliefs, capitals, cornices) were borrowed from more ancient Byzantine buildings. Around 1130, a throne and a ciborium (decorated with capitals and angels) were created; in the middle of the 12th century, an episcopal throne appeared, carved from a single piece of marble.

Tomb of St. Nicholas Many people are healed near these relics. From time to time they exude fragrant myrrh, which has healing powers.

Many miracles happened and are happening after his death.

On March 1, 2009, the Church in honor of St. Nicholas (built in 1913 - 1917), together with the Compound of the Russian Orthodox Church in Bari, was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev accepted the symbolic keys to the courtyard.

The statue of the saint next to the temple was sculpted by Zurab Tsereteli

In 2009, a group from the University of Manchester (University of Manchester, Unit of Art in Medicine), led by Caroline Wilkinson, compiled a reconstruction of Nikolai's face using X-rays and craniological measurements from Professor Martino.

An anthropological study of the relics indicates that the great saint did not eat meat, but only ate plant foods. The height of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was also determined - 167 centimeters.

Nikolai Ugodnik is the Guardian Angel of male babies born in mid-December and named Nikolai.

It helps sailors, travelers, children and those in prison. He helps everyone who turns to him for help.

Velikoretsk Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

According to legend, the icon was found in 1383 by the peasant Semyon Agalakov on the banks of the Velikaya River in the Vyatka Region - near the village of Krutitsy. A radiance emanated from the icon. After the icon healed one of the village residents who could not walk, a pilgrimage to the icon begins. At the site of its discovery, on the banks of the Velikaya River, a wooden chapel is being built.


With the growing popularity of the icon, it was transferred to the capital of the Vyatka Territory -; the city of Khlynov and is located in the main Temple of the city, built in the name of St. Procopius of Ustyug. The transfer of the icon from the village of Krutitsy to the city of Khlynov is called the First Velikoretsk religious procession. Since then, the Velikoretsk religious procession has been held annually - to return the icon to the place of its glorious appearance. Soon, in honor of the icon, St. Nicholas Cathedral was built in Khlynov, which became the main temple of the city.

In 1554, a big fire destroyed many buildings in Khlynov, and St. Nicholas Cathedral, where the Velikoretsk shrine was located, also burned down. But the icon miraculously remained unharmed.

In 1555, the icon was first delivered by the procession to Moscow, to the Assumption Cathedral “by order of Ivan the Terrible” through Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod and Kolomna. At the same time, the icon commemorates the beginning of the construction of St. Basil's Cathedral. Metropolitan Macarius of Moscow and All Rus' himself renovated the Vyatka shrine. The return of the icon was through Vologda, where it would later be hidden during the Tatar invasion. After the expulsion of the Tatars from Vologda, in the place where the icon was hidden, by order of the tsar, the Alexander Nevsky Church was built, in which a copy of the icon was placed, and the icon itself was returned to Vyatka.

View from across the Vologda River to the Bishop's Courtyard. On the left is the Alexander Nevsky Church

The icon has several copies; many churches and monasteries were built in honor of the icon.

In difficult times for Russia, in 1614-1615, the icon again visited the capital, now at the request of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich. The first Vyatka bishop, Bishop Alexander, who arrived at the new Vyatka see in 1668, issued a decree to celebrate the appearance of the Velikoretsk Icon on May 24 (Old Style). Since then, every year on May 24 (June 6), thousands of pilgrims gathered on the banks of the Velikaya River. They sailed there along the Vyatka and Velikaya rivers on rafts and special plows, since the religious procession was initially carried out by water. His Eminence Lawrence, Bishop of Vyatka, in 1778 saw that the religious procession could be by land, then more pilgrims could take part in it. The Velikoretsk procession was and remains the longest procession in the Orthodox world and one of the most crowded in Russia.

In 1917 -1918 political situation has changed in Russia. Processions of the cross were prohibited, but pilgrims, following ancient tradition, continued to go to the place of the appearance of the miraculous icon of St. Nicholas. The custodian of the ancient shrine was the Trinity Cathedral in Vyatka, but in 1935 it was blown up and the icon disappeared without a trace. The icon mysteriously appeared and mysteriously disappeared.

Pilgrimage to the Velikaya River was brutally persecuted, and a special resolution was adopted to prohibit it. In the year of the celebration of the Millennium of the Baptism of Rus', the relationship between the Church and the state changed radically, and already in 1989, the chants of the Divine Liturgy began to sound again on the banks of the Velikaya River. And a year later, in 1990, the religious procession was completely revived.


O all-merciful Father Nicholas, shepherd and teacher of all who flow with faith to your intercession and call upon you with warm prayer! Strive quickly and deliver Christ’s flock from the destroying wolves, and protect every Christian country and save it with your holy prayers from worldly rebellion, cowardice, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from famine, flood, fire, sword and vain death. And just as you had mercy on three men imprisoned, and you delivered them from the king’s wrath and the beating of the sword, so have mercy on me, in mind, word and deed, in the darkness of sins, and deliver me from the wrath of God and eternal punishment, as through your intercession and With the help of His mercy and grace, Christ God will give me a quiet and sinless life to live in this world and will deliver me from this place, and will make me worthy to be on the right hand with all the saints.

Please, God's Pleasant

Holy great Nicholas!

Enemies surround you everywhere

All my paths are blocked.

They want my death

And so as not to enter into bliss.

But you are my great intercessor

Desired and dear to everyone

Please, God's Pleasant

Have mercy on me.

With your generosity you

You save ships at sea

I ask you, saint of God

Please help me in my sorrows.

You were hidden for everyone until the end

And put a bundle of gold

Any people, be it Slavs or Muslims, honors their ancestors, saints and those who, according to ancient sources, made history. So, today you can meet the most different symbols and signs made in honor of one of the sages, miracle workers. For example, the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant is considered one of the truly worthy works. It is not only beautiful, but also of great importance.

Let's take a look into history. Nikolai Ugodnik is an archbishop who was often called a miracle worker. This meant that the holy man was the patron saint of the seas, travelers, children and merchants. In the history of the church, it was considered a symbol of power, goodness and justice. The saint was born in Asia Minor. This happened in the third century AD. The fate of Nikolai Ugodnik was difficult, and, according to many, it was thanks to such trials that his soul and body chose the right path in life.

The boy was born in a Greek colony and with early years was very religious. From childhood he devoted his life to Christianity. Thanks to his parents, Nikolai Ugodnik was able to receive a basic education. The boy loved to study the Divine Scripture. Almost all the time he was in the dwelling of the Holy Spirit, from where he did not leave during the day. At night, Nikolai prayed, read and mentally talked with God. An interesting fact is that after the death of his parents, the guy gave his entire inheritance to charity.

The beginning of the saint's activity

Saint Nicholas the Pleasant served the church during the reign of the Roman emperors Diocletian, as well as Maximian. These two men hated Christians and issued decrees to persecute them. During this difficult period, temples, communities and other institutions were destroyed. But Nikolai Ugodnik was always on the side of the people. He was nicknamed the “defender” because he always defended the interests of innocently convicted and slandered people.

In addition, Nicholas often prayed for the sailors, mentally sending them good weather, protection from piracy and other adversities. Throughout the life of the saint, many miracles and deeds were attributed to him. The archbishop in Rus' was the most revered, as in the whole world. Today Nikolai Ugodnik (miracle worker) is a symbol of protection from diseases and an adviser in failures who will always help. His power will forever remain great for the Russian people.

Acts of a miracle worker

One of the most early events in his youth the wonderworker had a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. The saint decided to take such a step because he wanted to help and fulfill the requests of desperate travelers. Some claim that Nicholas’s prayers revived people, gave them strength and confidence, and saved them from death. It should be noted that as a young man he went to study in Alexandria and at that period of his life resurrected a sailor who had fallen from the mast.

There is also a legend about how Saint Nicholas the Pleasant saved three young girls whose beauty was “sold” by their own father, as he believed that this was the only way to pay off debts and survive in such a difficult time. When the saint learned about the plight of the young virgins, he sneaked into their home at night and left a bag of gold for the eldest of his daughters, which became her dowry. Exactly 12 months later, Nikolai repeated the same thing, only this time he left the money to the middle of the sisters. Somehow their father found out that the Pleasant was helping their family and decided to thank him. Then the man hid in his youngest daughter’s room and waited for Nikolai to come. According to one version, he still saw the miracle worker, but he did not accept any thanks. It should be noted that he was considered a zealous warrior of the Church of Christ. Sources claim that he incinerated idols and pagan temples mercilessly.

Relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

For my long life Nikolai Ugodnik performed many brave and noble deeds. Some believe that it was because of his merits that God gave him long years life, after all, it’s true that the miracle worker died at a very old age. Today the relics of St. Nicholas the Pleasant are kept in the Basilica of St. Nicholas (Bari), but not in their entirety. Since some of them are located in Turkey, in the Church of St. Nicholas. This is due to the fact that allegedly all the relics could not be stolen. Therefore, it turned out that they are stored in completely different territories.

In honor of the great saint, churches and temples were erected in different cities and countries. It is assumed that the sailors took some of the relics of Nicholas and transported them to Bari, but the remaining fragments remained in the grave. People brought the remains to Venice, where another church was erected.

The Origin of the Feast of St. Nicholas

Today, in many cities and countries there is a temple of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, which anyone can visit. And it is not surprising that people happily go to this place. Some are looking for support, others are looking for consolation, and others simply want to thank the saint for the help he provided. Indeed, since ancient times, Nicholas the Wonderworker has been considered the patron saint of ordinary people, innocent, slandered, weak.

In honor of such a great man, St. Nicholas Day is celebrated in our time. How did people come to this? It all started on the day the relics were transferred. At that time, only the residents of Bari, who had the honor of keeping the remains of the saint, celebrated this holiday. In other countries it was not considered authentic and was not taken seriously. However, in the lands of Great Rus', saints have always been revered, and rumors about the feast of St. Nicholas spread very quickly. Orthodox Church set the date - May 9. Since then, namely since 1087, people have celebrated the holiday of the great and revered saint of God.

Today, the holiday is celebrated several times a year. But for representatives of the Russian people it is associated with the date December 19th. In addition, this day is considered a children's holiday, as Nikolai brings gifts to his little friends under his pillow (of course, if they behaved well all year).

Modern holiday dates

So, in our time there are several dates for the feast of St. Nicholas. The first is December 6 (19). Previously it was believed that this was the day of death of the miracle worker, but today it is common children's party, which is associated with candy and new toys, in a fabulous way appeared under the child's pillow. The second date is May 9 (22). This holiday has been celebrated since 1087, when the remains of the saint arrived in Bari. And finally, June 29 (August 11) - Nicholas's Christmas.

The sacred place of Nicholas the Ugodnik in the hearts of the Russian people

On the lands Russian Empire The name of the miracle worker has always been revered. In addition, the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, which meant a lot to every person, was not hidden from curious and believing eyes. This is precisely why a huge number of temples and works that were dedicated to this person are connected. Until the twentieth century, the name Nikolai was one of the most popular when naming babies. People believed that by naming a boy, they subconsciously conveyed to him a piece of the holiness and masculinity of the miracle worker.

Icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant

It has been noted more than once that people loved and idolized Nicholas the Pleasant, and they turned to him with requests for intercession. It is not surprising that after his death they began to worship the icon of the miracle worker. For every Slav she had great importance. But what was the meaning of the icon? Why did people believe and continue to think that she is capable of healing, helping and protecting?

The symbol of protection, nobility and justice in Rus' was Nikolai Ugodnik. The icon, the meaning of which they have repeatedly tried to characterize and explain, became the embodiment of the miracle worker after his death. People turn to her when they need help; she actually helps believers. And it doesn’t matter whether a person is rich or poor, what his religious preferences are or the color of his skin, the influence of the icon is immense.

The meaning of the miracle worker icon

The icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant “works” differently for each person. But there is a theory about what it actually means. According to many scientists, it is a symbol of the protection of the people. This is where its meaning lies. It is believed that an icon can heal, relieve illnesses, perform real miracles, and it doesn’t even matter whether a person is a believer or not. Thus, the meaning is very easy to decipher - a talisman that helps people. Of course, many preferred to worship the original icon. Today, the image of the saint can be purchased in many places, but this does not diminish the influence of the miraculous painting. It is important to know that the effect of the icon becomes several times stronger if you say a special prayer.

Prayer to Nicholas the Ugodnik

For a long time, prayer in front of an icon was considered a guarantor of protection for a person and the people for whom he asks the image of the saint. Therefore, it is always recommended to pronounce it so that the effect is stronger. In fact, there are a huge number of prayers to Nicholas the Pleasant. A person just needs to choose the one that will help achieve the desired result. For example, ask for marriage or protection, get rid of illnesses or troubles, and so on. But still, there are seven basic prayers that every person can learn. Then, pronouncing them in front of the icon, he can be sure that the unusual power will protect him and all family members, as well as his home and relatives.

The icon of Nicholas the Pleasant (Wonder Worker) has magical power. She can not only fulfill a person’s request, but also answer some questions. Sincere prayer is endowed with an inexplicable power that can heal, relieve mental or physical illnesses, and also become enlightened, unite in legal marriage with a loved one and forget about quarrels. In addition, the icon has energy that decides life problems, starting from small ones and ending with large ones. No Russian icons, except those dedicated to the Mother of God, occupied such an important place in the hearts Slavic people, like the image of Nikolai Ugodnik.

Each person can encounter their own icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant. This is due to the fact that the holiday is celebrated in different days calendar Thus, there is an icon of “St. Nicholas of the Winter” and “St. Nicholas of the Spring”. The first was depicted wearing a bishop's miter, and the second with his head uncovered. Therefore, one should not assume that the icons are different, and the people on them are also different. No, they both have same value and miraculous influence on people.

Among other things, Nikolai Ugodnik is also the patron saint of Orthodox Gypsies. Also interesting fact is that for some the miracle worker is Santa Claus. This is because, according to one legend, when Nikolai left bags for poor girls, and their father wanted to meet him and thank him, he foresaw this situation and threw gold down the chimney. It is on this story that the prototype of the great and generous Santa is built.

It should also be noted that the Ryazan diocese celebrates St. Nicholas Day. This celebration is celebrated locally and in honor of the image of the miracle worker. Among the Slavs, the archbishop is often associated with God himself. He occupies an important place in the hearts of believers and always helps them cope with illnesses and failures. Representatives of the Buddhist people, the Buryats, live in Russia. They identify Nicholas the Pleasant with the deity of prosperity and longevity. The Kalmyks, in turn, included the miracle worker in the pantheon of spirit masters of the Caspian Sea.

Saint Nicholas

Strange as it may seem to some non-believers, the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant truly “works.” Nowadays there is evidence of this, because people share their stories simple people who prayed to the image of the miracle worker. For example, by placing an icon in a car, many were saved from serious accidents or death as a result of a dangerous incident. Others share their experiences of the power of healing. The image of the saint helped many women find love and happiness. Saint Nicholas the Pleasant (an icon whose meaning is interpreted as a talisman, a symbol of protection, grace, and so on) was first depicted around 1325.

A place for a “conversation” with a saint

Finally, I would like to note that there is a place where you can always pray and “talk with the miracle worker” - this is the chapel of St. Nicholas the Pleasant. But you can ask for help from a saint at home, in front of his face, or without an icon. The main thing is to do this with good intentions, pure soul and sincerity.

“The rule of faith and the example of meekness” is what St. Nicholas is called. A great saint of God, his name became famous throughout the world. In his attitude towards his neighbor and in his ardent service to God, he found a response in the hearts of the Russian people, was the ideal of Holy Rus', the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker occupies an honorable place in all Orthodox churches. Protector of the poor and orphans, the innocently convicted and travelers. Nicholas the Wonderworker is revered almost as a Russian saint, so great is the love for him among the people.

Dear brothers and sisters, we present to your attention an icon painted with faith and love in our workshop.
This icon was painted based on the famous image of “Nicholas of Mozhaisk”. The plot of the icon contains a legend about miraculous salvation the city of Mozhaisk from foreign invaders.

In his right hand the saint holds a sword, ready to defeat the enemies of the Orthodox faith, in his left hand a temple, as a sign of patronage of Russian cities.
Nicholas the Wonderworker is dressed in bishop's vestments. In the upper corners of the icon are depicted: the Savior with a blessing right hand and a closed Gospel in his left hand and the image of the Mother of God “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos”.

The design of the icon is decorated with fine carved ornaments (engraved on gesso) and painted.

The image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on holy icons

How reliably do icon painters paint the image of St. Nicholas on icons? Can we find out what Nicholas the Wonderworker looked like during his lifetime?
Based on anatomical and anthropological studies of the holy relics of Nicholas of Myra, which were carried out in 1953 by the famous scientist, Professor Luigi Martino, the true appearance of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was established.

It turned out that the image of the saint on the icons fully corresponds to the image obtained by scientists. This is a man of short stature, 167-168 centimeters, with a stocky build. Correct facial features with prominent cheekbones and chin.

And in the crypt of the Basilica of St. Nicholas, behind the shrine with the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker, there is an icon, according to legend, painted on the basis of the lifetime image of the saint. The miraculous icon was presented to the Basilica by the Serbian Tsar Stefan Uros III as a token of gratitude for the miraculous deliverance from blindness.

On the icons, Nicholas the Wonderworker is immediately recognizable - he is a gray-haired old man in bishop's vestments. Wide forehead, regular facial features. White short beard and mustache. A friendly, spiritual face. Big, radiant eyes. His gaze simultaneously expresses love and severity.
The saint looks with love at us from the icon, at people who bear the image of God. But in addition to the image God has given us, the Lord calls us to achieve His likeness. And the stern look of St. Nicholas tells us how far we are sometimes from the goal commanded to us by God.

Saint Nicholas went through a long, full of trials earthly path. He acquired God's likeness during his lifetime. Now, at the throne of the Lord, Nikolai hears our prayers. And knowing all our infirmities and weaknesses, all the needs of our souls and bodies, all our sorrows and experiences, he does not leave us, he asks our Greatly Gifted God for what is beneficial for our souls and bodies.

Nikola Ugodnik is the name of the saint in Rus'. A holy saint is a saint of God - a person who pleases God. The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker shows us the holy saint. We can take an example from the holy man depicted on it: how to live, how to correctly set life’s priorities, how to please the One to whom Saint Nicholas strove and found what he was looking for.

Variety of icons of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The iconography of Nicholas of Myra is extensive and varied. The boundless love of the Russian people for St. Nicholas the Pleasant has generated great demand for icons with the image of the saint. Not only in every church, but also in the home of every Orthodox family from the red corner, Nikola blessed all household members.

The first images of the saint began to appear during the life of the saint. Byzantine icon painters created the iconography of the saint, and Russian masters supplemented and enriched it. And now our hearts are warmed by an infinite number of holy images, dedicated to Nicholas To the miracle worker.

The Lord glorifies Saint Nicholas to this day, showing us miracles through the icons of His saint. How much miraculous icons Nowadays in Orthodox churches, what an endless line of believers flock to them. Icons with the appearance of a saint are loved and revered all over the world.
Most of all in Russia there are churches dedicated to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Many villages and hamlets bear the name “Nikolskoye” in honor of the holy saint. Those seeking a godly life ask for and find his help.

How does the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker help?

Through His saintly icons, the Lord sends us what we ask for, what is necessary and useful for our souls. The saints, just like us, who have walked the earthly path, know our needs. They experienced the same experiences, overcame similar earthly difficulties.
When we ask a saint for intercession, we ask that he convey our prayer to God and that the saint’s prayers will be heard faster than our sincere appeal to them. The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker helps to establish a prayer connection with the patron saint. Having in front of us the visual image of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, our prayer does not dissipate into empty ideas and dreams. According to the faith of the one who asks, the Lord gives what he asks through the saints.

Before the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker they pray:

What do they ask St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for in their prayers:

About admonishing enemies and offenders
for help in solving financial problems
about assistance in legal disputes
about help in solving housing problems
about the return of the spouse
about convicted and imprisoned
about curing cancer
about help in business
about finding a job
about help in getting rid of alcoholism/drug addiction and other addictions
about a successful operation
about children's welfare
about wanderers and travelers, sailors, drivers.

Which icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to pray to?

Whatever icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker you turn to, be it an ancient, revered and prayed-for image, or a simple paper icon, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will hear the pure prayer of a person and give what the soul of the person praying needs.

Holy relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker

In April 1087, ships entered the bay of the city of Myra, on the coast of Asia Minor. The sailors landed on the shore and resolutely headed to the place where, for more than 7 centuries, the relics of one of the most revered saints, Nicholas the Wonderworker, had rested.
Since they were merchants and sailors, they often visited the port city and saw that it was in a difficult situation. The Seljuk Turks ruled over this territory. The inhabitants of the city stayed in it during the day, and at night they left the city, went upstairs to a fortified place, and the monks remained in the church itself.

Having tied up the monks, the aliens broke open the sarcophagus, stole the honest relics, loaded them onto the ship, and in a hurry headed to the city of Bari. The events of that night to this day are great sadness for some, great joy for others.

Back in the 11th century, after the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to the Italian city of Bari, a special holiday was established dedicated to the transfer of holy relics. The universal church does not know this holiday, because for many it is a difficult event, however, for Rus' this day began to be perceived as a holiday. Therefore, in Russia there is a tradition, which does not exist in the Orthodox East, to celebrate the day of memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker twice - in winter and spring.

Transfer of holy relics to Bari

In May 1087, a ship with honest relics arrived in the city of Bari. At the end of the 11th century, southern Italy was captured by the Normans. Byzantium lost control of this region, and it was during this era that Bari lost its capital status, associated with the presence of the viceroy of the Byzantine emperor there. Accordingly, having lost this status, the residents of Bari lost their sources of income.

Of course, the fact of the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas was largely due to the economic factor. St. Nicholas actually fed this region for many centuries, because Bari became one of the centers of European pilgrimage. Saint Nicholas at that time was revered not only in the Orthodox world, but was also the most revered saint in all of Europe.
St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is often remembered in the West; it was in the Netherlands that the custom of giving children fluffy rolls on the day of his memory was born. These gifts became associated with Christmas gifts. Saint Nicholas became the same Santa Claus who is so revered in America, in English speaking countries, and then merged with the image of our Santa Claus. But in this image it was preserved main feature. Nicholas the Wonderworker is a protector, intercessor and benefactor. Saint Nicholas was considered the patron saint of both children and travelers. In his image, the Russian people saw a protector, an assistant, and even a sailing companion. The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will serve as a wonderful gift, expressing the depth of a loving heart.

Nicholas the Wonderworker – “Russian Saint”

Saint Nicholas is one of the most revered saints in the world. Even in earthly life, he gained fame as a miracle worker, and was perceived as an intercessor before God, for all the offended, hungry, offended, and in trouble. Moreover, he is perceived as almost a Russian saint, how great is his veneration in Russia.

The very first work of Saint Nicholas is his act on the three stratilates, which is well known to everyone. And which tells about the saint who saved from illegal execution three noble citizens of the city of Mirra, and then three stratilates - three Byzantine military leaders.
The life of St. Nicholas says: “Combining meekness with rage, the saint of Christ, without any fear, tore the sword from the hands of the executioner, threw it to the ground, and then freed the condemned men from their bonds. He did all this with great boldness and no one dared to stop him, because his word was powerful and divine power appeared in his actions. He was great before God and all people.

The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker presents us with the image of a man who actively helped people. When innocent people are executed, when they are kidnapped from their parents little son and make him a servant, Saint Nicholas, without hesitation, rushes to the rescue.

Nicholas the Wonderworker - a social worker of his time

Nicholas the Wonderworker is our modern social worker. We all remember the story of how he helped save the inhabitants of Myra from starvation. We all remember how at night, in order to save the daughters of one poor man from desecration, he threw a bag of gold to their father so that he could marry off his daughters and thereby ensure a normal, blameless life for young girls.

Once upon a time the saint, out of his modesty, did not dare to accept the priesthood, but one day in a dream the Savior appeared to him in all his glory and Holy Mother of God, who placed the holy omophorion on him.

The love of the Russian people for Nicholas the Pleasant has strengthened over the centuries. In every Orthodox family there is an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Going to the Holy Land, Russian pilgrims sail through the Italian city of Bari. Since ancient times, Russians have sought to venerate the holy relics of Nicholas. Especially the 19th century saw mass Russian pilgrimage.

Russian Church of St. Nicholas in Bari

At the beginning of 1850, Russian traveler Andrei Muravyov returned from Jerusalem to Russia. Suddenly, a storm blows up and washes their ship ashore, not far from Myra. The Basilica of St. Nicholas, which fell into complete desolation during the years of Turkish rule, makes a depressing impression on the Russian traveler: “I am ashamed to see how we, Russians, have forgotten our heavenly patron. Will there really be no money in Rus', for the honor and memory of the Wonderworker, whom we call upon daily in our prayers?” Fundraising begins, but to secure this for Russia Holy place fails. Half a century later, through the efforts of Emperor Nicholas II and Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna, a plot of land in Bari is purchased with the funds raised.

This is the glorious story of the building of our church. And a difficult church. It was assumed that this would be a memorial temple, a home for pilgrims. And at the same time, evidence of Russian Orthodoxy in the distant Catholic West. We thought about collecting photographs of all St. Nicholas churches, and there were thousands of them in Rus', it was planned to attract best artists. Petrov-Vodkin received an order for painting and made sketches. The pilgrims, unfortunately, did not get to this courtyard at the moment when it was built for them. The first one broke out World War. The courtyard served as a refuge for Russians in difficult years. It served our refugees who fled Europe in flames. And to return to Russia, they traveled through Italy.

The life history of Nicholas the Wonderworker

There were many stories surrounding the saint's tomb. They reflect many episodes of early Byzantine history. It first occurred to Michael Archimandrite to connect them together in the first half of the 9th century. In the 10th century, it occurred to some saint to supplement this life with episodes from the life of another Saint Nicholas - Bishop of Pinar, who lived 2 centuries later than Saint Nicholas of Myra. This life, composed of two, became the basis for all subsequent biographies of the saint. However, the most amazing miracles of St. Nicholas, for which he is so revered and loved by Orthodox people, relate specifically to the ancient St. Nicholas of Myra - a saint of the 4th century.

Buy an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

In the icon painting workshop “Radonezh” you can buy an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. If your heart is inclined towards one of the presented samples made in our workshop, we will paint the icon you like with faith and reverence. If you did not find the desired image on the pages of the site, our icon painters will make a custom-made icon according to your sample, or offer other samples of icons of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from the extensive database of the icon-painting workshop.

If desired, the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker can be consecrated in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra.

Free delivery within Moscow.

Other samples of icons of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, made in our workshop.

Peace and goodness to you, dear brothers and sisters, and may the holy saint of God, Nicholas of Myra, accompany you throughout your entire life’s journey.

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the main saints of the Orthodox faith. The place of his images on the iconostasis is next to the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ. Christians greatly respected the Bishop of Myra during his lifetime and continue to venerate him many centuries after his appointment.

After the baptism of Rus', Svyatonikol churches took first place in number after churches dedicated to the Mother of God. The situation is approximately the same with icons - a huge number of them were created. It is impossible to calculate the exact number - many ancient images were destroyed, others were sold abroad by the Soviet government, and some of those who returned to their homeland are kept by private owners. But the fact that to this day Nikolai Ugodnik is one of the most respected personalities Christian history, remains an indisputable fact.

Personality of the saint

Nikolai was born into a wealthy family in the city of Patara. From childhood he showed interest in worship, everything free time devoted to the study of holy scripture or prayers. The priest of the local church, Nikolai's uncle, noticed his craving for the Lord, and first made him a reader of his church, and later a priest.

After the death of his parents, the Wonderworker inherited a decent fortune. He immediately distributed it to those in need. He himself went to study in Alexandria. After the journey, he entered a monastery to devote his entire life to prayer. But God appeared to Nikola in a dream, said that he should serve him differently, leave the monastery to preach, help those in need, instruct spiritual path, protect the weak.

Soon Nikola became the bishop of Myra in Lycia. There are two versions of how exactly he received such a high rank:

  • The council could not choose a worthy one, so they began to pray that the Lord would show them the person who should take this post. Then the Holy Spirit appeared in a dream to one of the bishops and said that Nicholas should be appointed first to enter the temple. It turned out to be Nikola Ugodnik.
  • He became one thanks to his deeds and fame in the Orthodox world as a pious Christian, preacher, and saint of God.

Historians do not rule out any of the versions. They also cannot say which of them is true based on existing documents.


The iconography of Nicholas has many different images. The main division of the lists is carried out according to the method of depicting the saint:

  • waist - depicted waist-deep;
  • full-length - shown in full height;
  • hagiographic - St. Nicholas is drawn in the center (in full or waist-deep), the frame represents scenes from the life of the saint, his deeds, miracles performed, and formation in the church hierarchy.

Most often, the Wonderworker is shown like this: he holds an open or closed gospel in his left hand, and blesses him with his right hand. But there are exceptions, which are listed below.

On many shrines, in the background or on top, inside medallions, artists placed Jesus and the Virgin Mary, who return the attributes of bishop's powers to St. Nicholas - the Gospel and the omophorion. They are returning it, because after the Council of Nicaea the saint was deprived of his dignity and freedom. Therefore, the meaning of the images is interpreted as follows: Nikola was convicted unfairly, the Lord himself ordered this to be corrected. In church history, the return of the episcopal rank to Nicholas the Pleasant is known as the “Nicene Miracle.”

Examples of different icons and their descriptions

The oldest surviving icon of Nicholas contains his image and the image of the saints of the Sinai monastery of St. Catherine. The meaning of the gesture that Nikola makes with his right hand is not a blessing, as in most images. It is interpreted as pointing to the Gospel, that is, a call to study the Word of God and conduct prayer rituals. Some are sure that this is a gesture of speech, and the Pleasant is depicted reading a sermon, while referring to the Holy Scriptures.

The Bishop of Myra was depicted not only on icons. It is found in the decorations of many ancient temples. Artists placed the saint both separately and in the compositions “Holy Rite”. Frescoes and mosaics have been preserved in the Hagia Sophia Cathedral (Constantinople), St. Sophia Cathedral (Kyiv), the Church of the Assumption (Daphne), and St. George's Cathedral (Staraya Ladoga).

All images are typical: Nicholas blesses with his right hand, and holds the Gospel with his left. The vestments include a phelonion, an omophorion, a robe, and armbands.

The unique miraculous image. According to legend, the Novgorod prince Mstislav, who was seriously ill, had a phenomenon in a dream. Nikola Ugodnik ordered to transfer his image, written on a round board, from Kyiv to Novgorod. The prince was surprised, because there were no such icons in Kyiv churches, cathedrals and monasteries. The meaning of the dream became incomprehensible and mysterious. Meanwhile Russian ambassadors moored to the island of Lipno, waiting out the storm that raged on Lake Ilmen (the western part of the modern Novgorod region). On the fourth day of their stay, they noticed a floating icon that exactly matched the description given in the dream. After the prince’s miraculous healing, the image was left in St. Nicholas Cathedral, in Yaroslav’s courtyard. This is how the name of the icon stuck - “Nikola Dvorishchsky”. A monastery was founded on Lake Lipno.

Since the 15th century, icons of St. Nicholas of Mozhaisk have appeared in Rus'. They repeat the wooden statue that patronized Mozhaisk. Legend has it that during a raid on the city, Nikola appeared to the enemies. He stood in the air, holding in his hands a sword raised to the sky and a model of the temple. The attackers fled, frightened by the saint who showed them the warning, and the inhabitants created a carved statue of their protector. Today the sculpture is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery.

What are they asking Nikolai for?

Nikola is the protector of the weak, the slandered, the patron of children, sailors, soldiers, and travelers. This saint always responds to sincere requests and helps in seemingly hopeless situations. Most often, people turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with the following problems:

  • Danger on the way. If a person goes to long journey, it is unknown what troubles might happen to him. It is imperative to pray for the traveler Nikole, so that the Wonderworker will look after him and help him in trouble.
  • Problems in studies. The Bishop of Myra studied all his life. The passion for knowing God's Word was with him from early childhood until old age. Therefore, he is always ready to help those who find it difficult to study.
  • Unfair conviction. Nikola was imprisoned several times. And each of them is unfair. Once he suffered for preaching Christianity, then a church court sentenced him to imprisonment. Even during his earthly life, Nikolai was remembered as an ardent defender of the innocent.

Nicholas the Wonderworker will help you return to true path lost, find the right solution in a difficult situation. It is important to sincerely pray to him, while pronouncing the holy words, to cast aside all bad, sinful thoughts.

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