Read Bunin's sad stories. Bunin's works

He begins his literary activity as a poet. In articles written in his youth, he imitates Pushkin and Lermontov.

In 1891, the first book of poems was published, in 1897 – the first collection “To the End of the World”, and in 1901 – another collection of poems “Falling Leaves”.

Intimate and landscape lyrics form the basis of the work of the Russian poet of the 90s - 1900s.

Landscape lyrics reflect the author's life philosophy. It is nature that serves as the source creative ideas artist. Therefore, the lyrics of this period are characterized by the motif of frailty. human existence, in contrast to the eternity and incorruptibility of nature.

The lyrical works of this period include the poem “Forest Road”.

The image of the Motherland is key in the poetry of I.A. Bunin. It is found in discreet pictures of nature, permeated with a poignant feeling of love. For example, the poem “Spring”.

The lyric poet is characterized by restraint in the expression of feelings, a variety of described moods and an almost complete absence of artistic tropes.

The range of lyrics is quite wide, but the fame of I.A. Prose brought Bunin.

Main topics early stories The writer began to depict the peasantry and the ruined nobility.

In his stories, such as “New Road”, “Pine”, the author writes about the passing harmony of the patriarchal way of life, about the gradual withering away of the class.

The devastation and destruction of noble nests causes sadness. The author’s sadness is conveyed especially vividly in the story “ Antonov apples"(1900).

The writer avoids acute plot events. For early creativity Bunin is characterized by smooth narration, sometimes even slowness. The texts are filled with complex associations and figurative connections. Of particular importance is artistic detail which can tell about psychological state character, beauty and complexity of life.

The revolution of 1905 left its mark on the work of the writer and poet. According to I.A. Bunin, the Russian peasant was divided into two types - the humble and the rebel. He will write about the confrontation between these types of people in his works “Village”, “Sukhodol”, “Thin Grass”.

1914 - 1916 is the time of the final formation of style and worldview in the writer’s work. During this period, a person is a part of something eternal, which is included by the writer in the Cosmos, but at the same time, everyday connections are not lost, so a person is forced to fight for elusive and fragile happiness.

This dialectic is typical for Bunin's works of this period. A well-known example reflecting these thoughts was the story “The Mister from San Francisco.” The writer, through the image of the main character, showed the depravity and sinfulness of modern civilization, which has lost its spirituality.

The writer's foreign prose is filled with a feeling of sadness and homesickness.

In exile I.A. Bunin is working on the collection " Dark alleys", where it conveys love as the embodiment of the unity of spiritual and physical principles.

Bunin, as a poet, was engaged in poetry until the end of his days. Mine creative path He graduated by writing his last poem, “Night,” shortly before his death.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin (October 10, 1870, Voronezh - November 8, 1953, Paris) - Russian writer, poet, honorary academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1909), the first Russian laureate Nobel Prize on literature (1933).

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - the last Russian classic who captured Russia late XIX- beginning of the 20th century. “...One of the last rays of some wonderful Russian day,” wrote critic G. V. Adamovich about Bunin.
Ivan Bunin was born into an old noble family in Voronezh. Subsequently, the family moved to the Ozerki estate in the Oryol province (now Lipetsk region). Until the age of 11, he was raised at home, in 1881 he entered the Yeletsk district gymnasium, in 1886 he returned home and continued his education under the guidance of his older brother Julius. I did a lot of self-education, fascinated by reading world and domestic literary classics. At the age of 17 he began to write poetry, and in 1887 he made his debut in print. In 1889 he moved to Oryol and went to work as a proofreader for the local newspaper Oryol Vestnik. By this time, he had a long relationship with an employee of this newspaper, Varvara Pashchenko, with whom, against the wishes of his relatives, he moved to Poltava (1892).
Collections “Poems” (Eagle, 1891), “Under open air"(1898), "Leaf Fall" (1901).
1895 - personally met A.P. Chekhov, before that they corresponded. His acquaintances with Mirra Lokhvitskaya, K.D. Balmont, and V. Bryusov date back to the same time.
In the 1890s, he traveled on the steamship “Chaika” (“a bark with firewood”) along the Dnieper and visited the grave of Taras Shevchenko, whom he loved and later translated a lot. A few years later, he wrote the essay “At the Seagull,” which was published in the children’s illustrated magazine “Vskhody” (1898, No. 21, November 1).
On September 23, 1898, she married Anna Nikolaevna Tsakni, the daughter of a revolutionary populist, a wealthy Odessa Greek, Nikolai Petrovich Tsakni. The marriage didn't last long only child died at the age of 5 (1905). Since 1906, Bunin has been cohabiting (the civil marriage was formalized in 1922) with Vera Nikolaevna Muromtseva, the niece of S. A. Muromtsev, Chairman of the State Duma Russian Empire 1st convocation.
In his lyrics, Bunin continued classical traditions(collection “Falling Leaves”, 1901).
In stories and stories he showed (sometimes with a nostalgic mood) the impoverishment of noble estates (“Antonov Apples”, 1900), the cruel face of the village (“Village”, 1910, “Sukhodol”, 1911), disastrous oblivion moral principles life (“Mr. from San Francisco”, 1915), sharp rejection October revolution and the Bolshevik authorities in the diary book “ Damn days"(1918, published 1925); in the autobiographical novel “The Life of Arsenyev” (1930) - a recreation of the past of Russia, the writer’s childhood and youth; tragedy human existence in the story “Mitya’s Love”, 1924, the collection of stories “Dark Alleys”, 1943, as well as in other works, wonderful examples of Russian short prose.
Translated “The Song of Hiawatha” by the American poet G. Longfellow. It was first published in the Orlovsky Vestnik newspaper in 1896. At the end of that year, the newspaper’s printing house published “The Song of Hiawatha” as a separate book.
In April-May 1907 he visited Palestine, Syria and Egypt.
Bunin was awarded twice (1903, 1909) Pushkin Prize. On November 1, 1909, he was elected an honorary academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in the category of fine literature. In the summer of 1918, Bunin moved from Bolshevik Moscow to Odessa, occupied by Austrian troops. As the Red Army approached the city in April 1919, he did not emigrate, but remained in Odessa.
He welcomed the capture of the city by the Volunteer Army in August 1919, personally thanked General A.I. Denikin, who arrived in Odessa on October 7, and actively collaborated with OSVAG during Armed Forces South of Russia. In February 1920, when the Bolsheviks approached, he left Russia. Emigrated to France. During these years, he kept a diary, “Cursed Days,” which was partially lost, and which amazed his contemporaries with the precision of his language and his passionate hatred of the Bolsheviks.
In exile, he was active in social and political activities: he gave lectures, collaborated with Russian political organizations of nationalist and monarchist orientations, and regularly published journalistic articles. In 1924, he issued a famous manifesto on the tasks of the Russian Abroad regarding Russia and Bolshevism: “Mission of Russian Emigration,” in which he assessed what happened to Russia and the Bolshevik leader V.I. Lenin.
Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1933 for "the rigorous mastery with which he develops the traditions of Russian classical prose."
Second world war(from October 1939 to 1945) spent in the rented villa “Jeannette” in Grasse (Alpes-Maritimes department). He was extensively and fruitfully engaged in literary activity, becoming one of the main figures of the Russian Abroad. While in exile, Bunin wrote his best works, such as: “Mitya’s Love” (1924), “ Sunstroke"(1925), "The Case of Cornet Elagin" (1925), and, finally, "The Life of Arsenyev" (1927-1929, 1933) and the cycle of stories "Dark Alleys" (1938-40). These works became a new word both in Bunin’s work and in Russian literature in general. According to K. G. Paustovsky, “The Life of Arsenyev” is not only the pinnacle work of Russian literature, but also “one of the most remarkable phenomena of world literature.”
According to the Chekhov Publishing House, recent months life Bunin worked on literary portrait A.P. Chekhov, the work remained unfinished (in the book: “Loopy Ears and Other Stories”, New York, 1953). He died in his sleep at two o'clock in the morning from November 7 to 8, 1953 in Paris. According to eyewitnesses, on the writer’s bed lay a volume of L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “Resurrection.” He was buried in the Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois cemetery in France.
In 1929-1954. Bunin's works were not published in the USSR. Since 1955, he has been the most published writer in the USSR of the first wave of Russian emigration (several collected works, many one-volume books). Some works (“Cursed Days”, etc.) were published in the USSR only with the beginning of perestroika.

Outstanding Writer and the poet of the 20th century, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, had a special creative talent. Rich life experience and the events taking place in the country in those years inspired the author to write a wide variety of works created on current topics.

Bunin painfully observed the destruction and neglect of noble estates, the ruling bourgeoisie and the deteriorating life of ordinary peasants. This theme was often raised in his poems and stories.

The great writer was a sensitive artist of words, so all the social upheavals in the country were painfully experienced by the author. The revolution of 1917 and the prediction of fratricidal Civil War, forced the Russian writer to leave his homeland and emigrate to Europe. He moved to France, where Bunin’s numerous works were written.

Ivan Alekseevich opposed the revolution, he was true to his convictions and did not want to accept the events taking place as an opportunity to transform life in the country. Observations of the terrible acts of activists, mental comparison possible outcome and simple pity for ordinary people, created a premonition of trouble. Your concerns, as well as real facts revolutionary process, he described in famous work"The Life of Arsenyev." In this novel, the author quite clearly and truthfully described the events of 1917, and this bold statement delighted the reader and critics.

Bunin wrote on different topics. He traveled a lot and did translations. His rich life and diversified activities made it possible to demonstrate talented qualities in many directions.

Bunin's first works

Ivan Alekseevich began writing as a child, however, the great author’s first poem was published when he was 17 years old. Late 80s XIX century, he begins a stormy literary activity, dedicated to poor peasant life. During this period, the stories “On the Foreign Side”, “At the End of the World”, “On the Farm” and others were written.

The works of the 90s are distinguished by a democratic idea, special knowledge and empathy for ordinary folk life. Bunin meets many mature Russian writers and poets, from whom he draws professional experience, trying to find his own style in literary art.

Ivan Alekseevich managed to get closer to impressionism; in his works one can see harmonious combination principles of composition with new techniques, effectively intertwined with the realistic traditions of Russian literature.

His works often contain social issues, problems of life and death, as well as the unfading beauty of natural nature. The versatility in creativity has always aroused the interest of the reader, and most importantly, this wonderful poet And great writer XIX-XX centuries, could skillfully convey his thoughts and ideas to the listener.

Works about the homeland

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin loved his homeland very much, however, the truthfulness of the usual human life Russians, left a painful mark on his soul. He could not ignore all the events taking place in the country, he described his observations with anxiety and clearly conveyed painful moments in his new works.

The theme of the homeland in Bunin’s work is the main one. He glorifies it already in his first works, and follows this tradition throughout his entire creative career.

The first poems and stories written back in at a young age, clearly depict the life of peasants and typical village life. In his poem “Motherland,” the poet presents Russia as a poor peasant woman, who is being taken away by spiteful critics who want to desecrate her for her simplicity. Reading this poem, it becomes clear that writing such an honest and true story Only a true patriot could do it, caring with all his heart for his homeland.

Bunin clearly saw all the problems of the country, he was oppressed by its poverty and poverty, but, at the same time, the poet was delighted with the noble beauty of Russian nature, its sunsets and autumn landscapes. Love for the environment was also represented in the creative works of Ivan Alekseevich, who, like experienced artist, skillfully transferred magical moments of natural beauty onto a sheet of paper.

The patriotism of the great Russian author was always present in his creative masterpieces. He skillfully wrote about his homeland, harmoniously expressed his beliefs and colorfully conveyed its natural beauty. This topic was relevant throughout the author’s career, even when the writer was in exile.

The theme of nature in the work of the Russian poet

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin loved Russian nature very much, admired and idolized its charming beauty. The poet wrote many poems devoted to this topic.

Man and nature are the most important direction in his work. He watched the many-sided landscapes changing in different time of the year. He was delighted with the liveliness of the Russian forest and perceived its rustling as pleasant music for the soul.

Bunin lived last years life in France. Separation from home and inability to observe natural landscapes native land, often fueled sadness and genuine pain. The poet enthusiastically wrote new works, without changing his views and without betraying his true love for the country and natural colors. Now he is thinking more and more about the possible turning point consequences awaiting Russia in the post-revolutionary period.

Ivan Alekseevich always appreciated the work of great poets such as Pushkin, Polonsky, Fet, Yesenin and others. He was fascinated by their works, which vividly convey unearthly beauty Russian nature. Feeling this connection and wanting to achieve perfection and true beauty In his creative works, the poet with particular diligence reproduced the living world of nature, clearly conveying its unique charm and impeccable beauty.

Philosophical direction in Bunin's work

Since 1917, philosophical themes based on the author’s thoughts began to often appear in the works of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. He tries to look beyond the boundaries of existence, to understand the main purpose of each person, he is oppressed by doom and these worries are conveyed in the works of the great Russian writer.

Quite a deep topic fatal outcome was revealed by the author in the story “The Man from San Francisco.” Main character self-satisfied and full of snobbery, he strives for wealth and luxury, and this idea completely captures his thoughts and life principles. When the master still manages to achieve his goal, the crucial moment, the understanding comes that money cannot become happy and prosperous. The hero dies, and his bets on wealth during his lifetime turn out to be worthless and empty. Bunin clearly described terrible death a rich gentleman, his lifeless body transported in the hold of a ship and the emptiness of memories in people’s memories of this man, whose life was built exclusively on a material level.

Creative works Ivan Alekseevich is decided by many philosophical problems, reveal to readers the author’s worldview, his excessive interest in the unknown and natural. The problem of life and death is often intertwined with the eternal theme of love, which the author also managed to describe in his numerous works.

The concept of love in the works of Bunin

In the works of Bunin Special attention is given love theme. There were several women in his life, and relationships with them were often reflected in his work. Came out in '26 famous story Ivan Alekseevich “The Case of Cornet Elagin.” In this work, the author described the personal feelings and emotional experiences experienced towards Varvara Pashchenko.

This woman became my first love young writer, but the passionate relationship between lovers was often overshadowed by serious scandals and quarrels. Her parents were against marriage with a poor poet, so the short-lived living together Bunina and Pashchenko were doomed.

The author described his love relationship with Varvara in another famous work, published in the fifth book of “The Life of Arsenyev.” Bunin often felt jealous of the woman he loved, and their quick breakup seriously affected his condition famous poet and at some time he even had thoughts of suicide.

Some readers may perceive Bunin as a dry and callous person, but in reality, this opinion is wrong. People who were closely acquainted with Ivan Alekseevich often spoke about his unusual soul, filled with tenderness and passion. Bunin knew how to love and devoted himself entirely to this magical feeling. He often hid his emotions from those around him, tried to disguise his own experiences and fear, and he was quite successful in this in his creativity, but not in real life.

Mad love for Varvara Pashchenko was expressed selflessly and impetuously. Sincere feelings inspired the writer, and this topic began to occupy a special place in his creative list.

List of works by Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

Collections of poems:

✔“Poems” (several volumes);

✔“Open Air”;

✔“Leaf fall”;


✔“On Nevsky”.


✔“To the ends of the world and other stories”;

✔ “Antonov apples”;


✔“Shadow of a bird”;

✔"John the Sower";

✔“Cup of Life”;

✔“Easy breathing”;

✔“Chang's Dreams”;

✔“Dark Alleys”

✔"Temple of the Sun";

✔“Initial love”;



✔"Rose of Jericho";



✔“God’s tree”;

✔“Spring in Judea”;

✔“Loopy ears and other stories.”




✔“Mitya’s love.”

Novel:"The Life of Arsenyev."

Ivan Alekseevich also translated works of famous foreign writers. His creative list includes several memoirs and diaries, with very informative stories about personal life. Some of Bunin's works have been adapted into films. Based on the story “Summer of Love,” the film “Natalie” (melodrama) was shot. Also quite interesting is the film “Sunstroke”, created based on story of the same name famous writer.

Lying on the threshing floor in a sieve, I read for a long time - and suddenly I was outraged. I’ve been reading again since early morning, again with a book in my hands! And so every day, since childhood! He lived half his life in some kind of non-existent world, among people who had never been, made up, worried about their destinies, their joys and sorrows, as if they were his own, until the grave connecting himself with Abraham and Isaac, with the Pelasgians and Etruscans, with Socrates and Julius Caesar , Hamlet and Dante, Gretchen and Chatsky, Sobakevich and Ophelia, Pechorin and Natasha Rostova! And how can I now sort through the real and fictitious companions of my earthly existence? How to separate them, how to determine the extent of their influence on me?

I read, lived in other people's inventions, but the field, the estate, the village, men, horses, flies, bumblebees, birds, clouds - everything lived in its own, real life. And so I suddenly felt this and woke up from my book obsession, threw the book into the straw and with surprise and joy, with some new eyes, I look around, I acutely see, hear, smell - most importantly, I feel something unusually simple and at that but an unusually complex time, something deep, wonderful, inexpressible, which exists in life and in myself and which is never properly written about in books.

While I was reading, changes were secretly taking place in nature. It was sunny and festive; now everything is dark and quiet. Little by little, clouds and clouds gathered in the sky, in some places, especially to the south, still bright and beautiful, but to the west, behind the village, behind its vineyards, rainy, bluish, dull. It’s warm and softly smells of distant field rain. One oriole sings in the garden.

A man returns from the graveyard along the dry purple road that runs between the threshing floor and the garden. On his shoulder is a white iron shovel with blue black soil stuck to it. The face is younger and clearer. The hat is pulled down from his sweaty forehead.

I planted a jasmine bush on my girl! - he says cheerfully. - Good health. Do you read everything, make up all the books?

He is happy. How? Only by living in the world, that is, by doing something most incomprehensible in the world.

An oriole sings in the garden. Everything else became quiet, silent, you couldn’t even hear the roosters. She sings alone, slowly making playful trills. Why, for whom? Is it for yourself, for the life that the garden and estate has been living for a hundred years? Or maybe this estate lives for her flute singing?

“I planted a jasmine bush on my girl.” Does the girl know about this? The man thinks he knows, and maybe he’s right. By evening the man will forget about this bush - for whom will it bloom? But it will bloom, and it will seem that it is not for nothing, but for someone and for something.

“You read everything, you make up all the books.” Why invent? Why heroines and heroes? Why a novel, a story, with a beginning and an ending? The eternal fear of seeming not bookish enough, not similar enough to those who are famous! And eternal torment is to remain silent forever, not to speak about what is truly yours and the only real thing, which requires the most legitimate expression, that is, trace, embodiment and preservation, at least in words!

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Lesson objectives:

  • Determining the significance of the value “love” in interpersonal relationships;
  • Creating conditions for a comfortable, respectful relationship between boys and girls of the class.

Lesson objectives:

  • Determine the polysemy of the value of the word “love”;
  • Unleash your spiritual potential Bunin's stories,
  • To trace the dynamics of the relationships between the characters in I. Bunin’s stories;
  • Generate interest in the work of I. Bunin;
  • Develop associative thinking and creative imagination students;
  • To cultivate in students such qualities as love, tenderness, and responsiveness.
  • Perform creative work that allows you to reveal the significance of the value “love”.

Equipment: texts of stories, notebooks, exhibition of books, individual cards-schemes, video cassette of the opera by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Eugene Onegin", media projector.


Everything is beautiful in love - does it bring us
She is suffering or a balm.
For the sake of suffering true love
Call it bliss, O lover.

I'm looking for combinations in this world
Beautiful and eternal.
I.A. Bunin

During the classes

B. Okudzhava’s song “Let’s Exclaim...” is playing.

I. INDUCTOR (Preparation for the perception of the topic)

– What are compliments?

– Is it easy to give compliments?

– Why is it that when we want to please someone, we don’t have enough words? Is this always due to the poverty of our vocabulary or are there other reasons?

– Do you often give compliments yourself? In what cases does this happen? Do these words sound sincere or are they some kind of ingratiation to the person you need?

– What does it mean to give loving compliments?

- Guys, today we will talk to you about love, great feeling on the ground. And the stories of I. Bunin will help us with this.

– What is love in your opinion, in your concept?


Slide 3

(relationships between a man and a woman, gifts, waiting, joy, happiness, flowers, mom, dad, family, home, children; with love a person is transformed, changes his outlook on life; he wants to sing, celebrate, do only good deeds)

– What are the personality traits? moral values should accompany, go next to the value “love”?


LOVE– this is a feeling of selfless, heartfelt affection; inclination, addiction to something. (S.I. Ozhegov)

DECENCY– honesty, inability to engage in low, anti-moral, anti-social actions

HONESTY– integrity, imbued with sincerity and directness

SINCERITY– expression of genuine feelings, truthfulness, frankness

FRANKNESS- sincerity, sincerity

OPENNESS– sincerity, frankness, expressing directness and sincerity

RESPONSIBILITY– necessity, obligation to be responsible for one’s actions, actions, to be responsible for them

- Indeed, it is so. Love - happiness, joy, children, family, home

- Please pay attention to close connection existing between these values.

- Guys, name the works about love that we have already read.


– Now I suggest you watch an excerpt from Tchaikovsky’s opera. Try to get to know the characters, observe their feelings.

– Name the work on which the film is based? ("Eugene Onegin")

– Name the characters in this work who experience the feeling of love.

- So, love is eternal theme, which worried a person, worries and will always worry. Love is an eternal theme of art, literature, painting, music...

– From the passage you can see how the characters suffer. What kind of love do we see here? What does she bring to the heroes? (Makes you suffer, suffer).

– Is there a cure for love?

– Why do you think such a medicine has not yet been invented? After all, scientists already know how to cure a person from many diseases that until recently seemed incurable. Imagine how good it would be if you drank the mixture and are healthy! If the love is mutual, the person rejoices and is happy, but if it is unrequited... then suffer, worry,

(There is a medicine for the heart, for the kidneys, for headaches. But love is in the soul. We don’t see the soul, it is inside us, and it is impossible to cure it. And each person perceives love in his own way, and one medicine cannot help everyone).

II. The teacher’s word “The theme of love in the stories of I. Bunin”

– Today we will talk about the power of love, revealed by Ivan Bunin in his stories “Natalie”, “Mitya’s Love” and “Dark Alleys”.

– What do you think the concept means: the power of love?

POWER OF LOVE- This is a person’s ability to manifest his spiritual properties.

A.N. Tikhonov

– Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is a wonderful Russian writer, poet and prose writer, a great man and difficult fate. He wrote a lot about love, its tragedies and rare moments of true happiness.

I.A. Bunin has a very unique view of love relationships that distinguishes him from many other writers of that time.

In Russian classical literature At that time, the theme of love always occupied important place, and preference was given to spiritual, “platonic” love over sensitivity, carnal, physical passion, which was often debunked. The purity of Turgenev's women became a household name. Russian literature is predominantly the literature of “first love”.

The heroes of Bunin's stories are characterized by extraordinary strength and sincerity of feeling. Love captures a person, all his thoughts and strength. In order for love not to disappear and dry up, you need to part forever, which is shown in all of Bunin’s stories. His heroes thirst for love and, scorched by it, die. The writer's love does not last long, it is like a short, bright and dazzling flash, penetrating the souls of lovers to the depths, and ultimately leads to tragedy - suicide, death, non-existence. All his life a person tries to find the answer to the question: “What is love? Sunstroke, longing of spirit or grace?” It seems to me that it was I.A. Bunin tried to unravel the most inexplicable, mysterious feeling.

The image of love in Bunin’s work is a special synthesis of spirit and flesh. According to Bunin, the spirit cannot be comprehended without knowing the flesh. I. Bunin defended in his works a pure attitude towards the carnal and physical. He did not have the concept of female sin, as in “Anna Karenina”, “War and Peace” by L. Tolstoy, there was no wary, hostile attitude towards feminine, characteristic of N.V. Gogol, but there was no vulgarization of love. His love is an earthly joy, a mysterious attraction of one sex to another.

True love for Bunin is the eternal beauty of nature; for him it is beautiful only when the feeling is natural, not false, not invented.

Such stories as “The Grammar of Love”, “Dark Alleys”, “Natalie”, “ Easy breath", "Mitya's Love", "Caucasus", etc.

III. Work on stories by I. Bunin

(according to PLAN)

  1. Title of the work, author
  2. Who are the main characters
  3. Feelings of lovers
  4. The characters' search for "love"
  5. What kind of love? (I think there is love in this story....)

“MITINA LOVE” – Popova Arina


– So, what kind of love did I. Bunin depict here? (The love in this story is pure, unclouded, Mitya’s love is real, the first, completely absorbed in love)

“Yes, love is in the story.” Mitya's love


“NATALIE” – Yulia Tutaeva


– So, what kind of love did I. Bunin depict here? (In the story “Natalie” love wasted. Death. Suffering. Torment)

“Yes, love is in the story.” Natalie» ___________________________.




“Dark Alleys” has been called by critics “an encyclopedia of love.”

– So, what kind of love did I. Bunin depict here? (Undivided, unequal, class prejudices. For N.A. this is “a vulgar, ordinary story,” but for Nadezhda it is not dying memories, many years of devotion to love. Love is God’s gift, not given to everyone).

“Yes, love is in the story.” Dark alleys» ___________________________.


– How did the power of love between the heroes of the story manifest itself? (she never stopped loving him, proof of this is the color image: scarlet rosehip, red blouse, red “Tatar shoes.” He: “I think that I, too, have lost in you the most precious thing I had in life.”

IV. Watching a movie fragment

– What kind of relationship developed between the characters?

– What can you say about their love?

V. Lesson summary

- Guys, look at our diagram.

– What NEW can you say about love now? What is she like? (SUFFERING, BROKEN DREAMS, WASTED TIME, DISAPPOINTMENT, DEATH)

Slide 10-11

– Which of the works more vividly and convincingly shows the human feelings that arise between lovers?

– What can you say about the relationships characteristic of today’s youth?

Real love- great happiness, even if it ends in separation, death, tragedy. Later we understand this and repent. But this late spiritual resurrection speaks of the imperfection of people who have not yet learned to live, recognize and value real feelings, and of the imperfection of life itself, social conditions, environment, circumstances that often interfere with truly human relationships.

Love is a mysterious element that transforms a person’s life, giving his destiny uniqueness against the background of ordinary everyday stories, filling his earthly existence with special meaning.

Bunin believed that “love is beautiful that is natural, not false, not invented.”

Our lesson showed that love is not only joy, happiness, warmth, mutual understanding, but also pain, suffering, separation, torment and even death. But “All love is happiness, even if it is not shared.” And therefore every person must go through this.

Slide 13-14

VI. Creative work in groups

Group 1 – develop rules for relationships between young people of different sexes;

Group 2 - compose a Hymn of LOVE;

Group 3 – performance homework: interviews with teenagers and adults: how they see the power of love

VII. Presentation of work

VIII. Homework

Read I. Bunin’s story “Sunstroke” and complete the diagram.

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