Maundy Thursday: signs and customs, history of the holiday. Maundy Thursday occupies an important place in the life of Orthodox Christians

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In this article we want to look at the signs for Easter. Maundy Thursday precedes this holiday. According to tradition, it is on this day that it is customary to put the physical and spiritual body, as well as one’s home, in order. Signs for Maundy Thursday before Easter are usually associated with the health and well-being of a person and his family. Also on this day, various kinds of rituals are often performed. For example, to attract love, financial well-being and business prosperity.

Maundy Thursday precedes a great holiday, which means that it carries a powerful energy flow. With some knowledge, you can use the strong charge this day has to your advantage. To do this, you need to find out in more detail what needs to be done on Maundy Thursday. Signs mainly originate in folk beliefs and are not directly related to religion.

The most famous and widespread custom that relates to Maundy Thursday is washing before the sun rises. You need to have time to carry out the procedure at dawn. According to popular belief, water can heal and cleanse the soul from sins, and the body from ailments on this day, especially before sunrise. On this day it is favorable to get a haircut. There is an opinion that hair cut on Maundy Thursday takes with it illnesses and weakness. And the new one grows healthy, giving its owner new strength and right thoughts. Hair actually grows back quickly, so by following this sign, you can finally become the owner of a long braid.

If there is a baby in the house, approximately one year old, then it is most favorable to cut his hair on this day. Previously, it was considered sinful to cut children's hair during the first 12 months of life. And today this tradition is observed by many.

Signs for Maundy Thursday before the Resurrection of Christ include putting the house in order. This applies specifically to high-quality cleaning of the house, thanks to which the room is filled with new positive energy. Thus, grace descends on the place in which you live. In addition to cleanliness, according to legend, a person finds once lost things and objects. Whether it’s a miracle or just the result of thorough cleaning, everyone chooses for themselves. But there are actually a lot of benefits from this. Because cleaning will not be possible until next week, including on weekends.

Also on this day they usually do a lot of laundry. You need to clean all textiles in the house. According to popular belief, on Maundy Thursday, the owners of the home laid straw on the floor and slept that way. Due to the fact that the laundry was drying after washing at this time.

Depending on what signs a person believes in on Maundy Thursday, he pays more attention to that. Those who are worried about their well-being and financial success should use coins to wash their window frames on this day. To carry out this ritual, you will need a bowl of water into which you need to throw change. After washing all the glass in the house, the liquid must first be poured under the young growth. The second part is poured into a jar and stored in the far corner. According to the sign, such an action will attract wealth to the house. In order for a person to be overtaken by a wave of financial luck throughout the year, he needs to take all the money that is in the house, first add it up, and then count it sequentially. This must be done in private and repeated 3 times - in the morning, at lunchtime and after sunset. By observing the signs of Maundy Thursday for money, you have the opportunity to attract financial wealth and success into your life. There is an opinion that material benefits can only come to a person who is in complete harmony with himself and the outside world. Because of this, signs for Maundy Thursday affect the areas of health, love and relationships. At all times, people have paid great attention to physical health. As many people say, if you have health, everything else will be fine. This is what most popular beliefs are based on.

Signs for Maundy Thursday for unmarried girls mainly contain advice on attracting a soul mate into your life. This can be done while counting money, since it is believed that its energy is close to the vibrations associated with love. That is why, when performing a ritual to attract finance, you need to ask out loud for a meeting with your betrothed. There is an opinion that this not only helps to find a soul mate, but also to organize your life. A similar action is suggested to be carried out during morning ablution. While collecting water in your palms, you need to say a request over it to meet your man, after which you need to wash your face with it. Then fill your hands a second time, say the words again and pour it onto your chest. It is believed that this will make it possible to tune the mind and heart to the correct energy frequency. This is what helps to attract love into life. These and other rituals are recommended to be carried out on the eve of the great holiday. All manipulations must be carried out in a good mood, with hope in the soul and positive thoughts. Such a positive charge will help make your wish come true before the next Easter holiday.

To get married within a year, a girl needs to dry herself with a bath towel when bathing on Thursday, and then, along with Easter and colored eggs in a basket, give it to the beggars near the church. Some sources advise to first consecrate this alms and only after that give the donation.

What other folk signs are there for Maundy Thursday? There are beliefs that are associated with rituals about protection from the evil eye, damage and other magical influences. To do this you need to prepare special water. We need to fill the container, it will be good if we can put it on the windowsill under the moonlight on Thursday night. But this point is not very important. After this, you need to immerse any silver object in water and let it brew. Then you need to wash your face with it in the morning on Good Friday. If there are children growing up in a family, then you need to sprinkle their faces with this water and moisten a lock of hair on the crown of their head.

There are other signs for Easter. Clean Thursday has strong energy, so it has a good counteraction to magical rituals that are carried out with malicious intent. For example, with water infused with silver, over which the words were spoken: “Have a good time with me, and drive away the evil eye,” you need to wash the floors in the house. You need to go through all the places, in particular under the carpet. Then the home will gain powerful protection, and trouble and unkind glances will bypass it.

The following signs for Maundy Thursday testify to the grace descending on the house along with the Holy Spirit. After all, Easter cake is usually prepared on this day. There is an opinion that if the dough has risen well, and the product comes out rosy and of good quality, then love, prosperity and well-being will reign in the house all year. If Easter is very brown on the bottom, then the family will face losses and difficulties. If the bottom turns completely black, but the dough is not baked in the middle, this indicates a serious illness or death in the environment. If the Easter cake does not rise, expect a loss of strength and loss of health this year. It should be noted that the quality of the product, especially those made from yeast dough, has always been influenced by the state of mind and mood of the housewife who prepared it. You can't go into business with bad thoughts. In this case, the Easter cake will not rise, time will be wasted, and food will be thrown away.

Whatever signs on Maundy Thursday exist in beliefs, they are all invented by people and have more pagan roots. Previously, the people were less educated. They could only believe what those a little more enlightened told. This is exactly how signs on Maundy Thursday, beliefs and rituals appeared. They usually have nothing to do with the Orthodox faith. Whether signs should be given great importance is a matter for everyone to decide for themselves. But putting things in order in your home, actions and thoughts will not hurt anyone.

Maundy Thursday falls on a different date each year depending on when Christians celebrate Easter. It is known for sure that this is the last Thursday before Easter; it always takes place within the framework of Great or Holy Week. What are the customs for Maundy Thursday 2018 and what signs must be taken into account on this day?

This year, Orthodox believers will have Maundy Thursday on April 5, because Easter falls on April 8. It is worth preparing in advance for this day, because there are many rituals, customs and traditions that have been preserved for Maundy Thursday, the implementation of which can improve all areas of a person’s life. If, of course, you try and know in advance what to ask for from higher powers.

What rituals to perform

Why did this particular day of Holy Week receive such a name? All because on Thursday you need to bring your body, soul, and also your home into a good, clean condition in every sense of the word. The soul is cleansed by prayers and repentance, the body is cleansed by fasting and water, and the house is cleansed by cleaning. For cleaning the house and for one’s own body, there are certain Maundy Thursday rituals that will help improve health and other areas of a person’s life. You can also cook it.

Clean Thursday includes mandatory swimming in open water. If this is not possible, then before sunrise you just need to take a contrast shower. Be sure to complete all cleaning and laundry in the house on Maundy Thursday, because these activities will no longer be possible until the Red Hill holiday, which is still more than a week away from Good Friday.

To attract good luck to your home on Maundy Thursday, you need to add a little fines to the water for washing windows and doorways. Wash the windows, telling them to keep money in the house and not transfer it this year. After finishing cleaning, pour the water under the tree, and put the small change in a fabric bag and store it in the red corner.

As for the signs that it is simply impossible not to mention during this story, it is worth noting the fortune-telling for the next year. You need to get up early in the morning and look out the window. Depending on what you see, you can make predictions for this year. An old woman promises bad luck, especially if she carries an empty bag or bucket. If a man catches your eye first, it is good luck and good fortune. If there is a family, this means family well-being. Seeing a child means she is studying a lot this year, the young woman promises happiness in the family.

What not to do in:
During the church service on the evening of Maundy Thursday, you cannot sit. Because the Divine service is called “passion” or “great standing”.
You need to stand for the service with lit candles, and then bring them home. If the candle does not go out along the way, then you need to light all the lamps at home from it - this will ensure happiness and well-being throughout the year.
You cannot eat any animal products on this day, because Lent continues.
It is imperative to complete the general cleaning of the house, because from Good Friday it will no longer be possible to clean the home and do the laundry. If the house is dirty on Maundy Thursday, then it was believed that there would be dirt and quarrels in the house throughout the year.
After cleaning, dirty water should be poured outside the house so as not to accumulate negative energy. It is best to pour this water in a place where nothing grows.
You cannot leave unwashed dishes or unwashed clothes in the evening.
Until the whole house is cleaned, on Maundy Thursday you cannot start preparing Easter cakes and coloring eggs. Although, after completing the cleaning on this day, it is possible and even necessary to prepare a festive table.

The signs for Maundy Thursday, as you can see, are quite extensive. If you don’t try in advance, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to do everything in time. I would like to remind you that you can clean the house and do a lot of laundry before Maundy Thursday throughout the beginning of Holy Week. If you plan everything correctly, starting from Holy Monday, then you will definitely be able to get a lot done before Good Friday.

In 2018 it falls on April 5, and indeed this is the last Thursday before Easter 2018, which Orthodox Christians will celebrate this year April 8. In the article you can learn about Maundy Thursday, find out the customs and signs of this day, what you can and cannot do on this day.

The most important day of Holy Week after the Resurrection of Christ is Maundy Thursday, which in 2018 falls on April 5 for Orthodox Christians and March 29 for Catholics. According to the Gospel, on the Thursday before the crucifixion of the Son of God, four important events occurred:

  • Jesus washed the feet of his disciples
  • conducted the Last Supper, sacraments,
  • spoke about sincere prayer to the Lord,
  • and ultimately the betrayal of Judas occurred.

One of the fundamental gospel events is the Last Supper. After all, it was there that Jesus washed the feet of each of his disciples, teaching them the most valuable lesson of humility.

What should you do on Maundy Thursday?

What Maundy Thursday is can be learned from the very name of the holiday; on Maundy Thursday, from time immemorial, our ancestors were cleansed physically and spiritually. It was believed that bathing before sunrise washed away sins, relieved anxiety and fear, healed and strengthened health. Those who have not yet risen the sun can already take a bath or a cleansing shower. But it’s not too late to do this during the day.

After cleansing the body on Maundy Thursday, it is customary for the whole family to go to church to confess and receive communion. Also on Maundy Thursday they helped those in need. These actions will help spiritual cleansing.

On this day, anyone can make Thursday salt. It is believed that it has special powers and protects households from evil spirits and evil spirits. This food additive can be used as a seasoning when preparing Easter dishes.

Upon returning from church, you need to do a general cleaning in the house, clear the house of unnecessary things, wipe the furniture from dust, wash things and prepare for the bright holiday of Easter. It was on this day that pies were baked, eggs were painted, Easter cakes were baked and other holiday treats were prepared. It should be noted that all actions must be accompanied by good thoughts, there is no need to be angry with someone or something on this day, preferably on other days too.

What should you not do on Maundy Thursday?

  • An old belief says that on Maundy Thursday you cannot borrow anything, you cannot share anything - no matter what you are asked to do - borrow money, an item, a pen or a little salt.
  • On Clean Thursday you cannot work on the ground, plant or even water plants.
  • No matter how appetizing Easter dishes may look, you cannot try them during or after cooking.
  • You cannot do handicrafts on this day.
  • You cannot guess and engage in esoteric practices or witchcraft.
  • You cannot leave soaked laundry that you haven’t had time to wash or unwashed dishes overnight from Maundy Thursday to Good Friday.
  • You can’t play gambling, any games for money - you can lose your luck for a year in advance, don’t bet, don’t bet on something and don’t bet your head on it.
  • You cannot make trade transactions.
  • Do not play weddings, do not submit applications to the registry office, do not sign.

Maundy Thursday: traditions, signs, rituals

  • If you clean up on this day, you can find what you have been looking for for a long time. If you leave the house uncleaned, you shouldn’t expect anything good from next year.
  • It was believed that if all the money in the house was counted three times, prosperity and prosperity would reign in the family.
  • Good and sunny weather on Maundy Thursday speaks of the warm remainder of spring, a rainy day predicts cold and dampness until summer.
  • Popular beliefs prohibit lending anything on this day, because along with this, happiness and prosperity are given away.
  • To attract wealth, coins were sometimes thrown into the water intended for cleaning, saying: “Money, move - don’t transfer!”

Visiting a temple is the most important tradition of any religious holiday. It is believed that if you bring a lighted candle home from the temple on this day and it does not go out during the journey, the current year will be happy for the person. To save a patient from a serious illness, a church candle should be placed at the head of the bed and wait until it burns out. The remaining wax must be taken and buried near the temple.

How to make Thursday black salt

To do this, we need ordinary coarse rock salt and a cast iron frying pan, which needs to be heated to 200 degrees. But you need to remember that salt can be endowed with healing powers, which can protect you and your home from the evil eye and damage, only on the night from Wednesday to Maundy Thursday. Therefore, you need to prepare all the ingredients in the evening and start cooking at night. In ancient times, kvass grounds or herbs were used to prepare Thursday salt: they were calcined in a coal oven. The salt turned black during cooking.

White salt must be mixed with a wet additive. In our case, we will use rye bread, mint, dill and oregano. For 1 kilogram of salt you will need 4 loaves of bread and one hundred grams of each herb, which must first be dried and finely chopped.

Then you need to separate the bread crumb and soak it in water, leaving it for a while. Then you need to squeeze out the bread crumb and mix it with herbs and salt. After this, you should fry the resulting composition in a frying pan or put it in the oven. While the product is being prepared, you must read the Lord's Prayer.

Be sure to watch how the salt crackles as it cooks. If it cracks a lot, then your house is damaged. Therefore, you will have to pierce the salt until it stops making sounds: this way you can protect your home from bad influences. The finished black salt should be cooled, crushed and placed in containers and bags. It is advisable to consecrate it in church.

Conspiracies for Thursday salt

Healing salt is used for a whole year until next Maundy Thursday against various troubles and adversities.

Conspiracy from trouble

If trouble has entered the house, then it is recommended to pour this magical remedy into every corner to consecrate the house. It will drive away evil. Moreover, be sure to place a fragrant amulet on the table in a salt shaker. Let family members use this seasoning for a while. At the same time, say this:

“Thursday salt protects the throne of peace! He sits in the corners, the devil is watching! Amen!".

Conspiracy against quarrels and scandals

If a scandal in the family occurs between spouses, then you need to place a small bag with this remedy under the pillow. It will calm both the inflamed brain and the unrestrained tongue. This is also done when one of the family members reacts too emotionally to certain events. Salt will help him look at them from a different perspective. When you start putting the bag in, say the following words:

“Salt of Thursday, take off the veils of anger, take them to the graveyard. Peace will increase for us. Amen!".

Conspiracy for peace in the family

For peace and well-being, salt the headboards of the beds of all household members. This is the tradition. They also place a salt shaker in the center of the table with this product. She will suggest profitable ideas and help in their implementation. This is the conspiracy.

In general, there are a lot of signs, rites and rituals associated with the entire Holy Week that can direct our lives throughout the next year, from Easter to next Easter, in the right direction. Special signs are associated with Maundy Thursday. This is the day when you can get rid of many sins and improve your life.


If you swim before sunrise on Maundy Thursday, you will be healthy all year. This sign is due to the fact that water this morning acquires magical healing properties. She is able to wash away all the sins that have accumulated throughout the year. And, as you know, many diseases appear precisely because of sins. In addition, this water is calming. And if we think logically, then all other diseases are caused by nervous disorders. Therefore, you should not be lazy, but it is better to get up on Maundy Thursday early in the morning before dawn and take a shower or bath. If you do not believe in the power of Thursday water, then at least you will be clean on this day.


On Maundy Thursday, if you clean the whole house, you will get a lot of joy. Cleaning should generally be done regularly. But Maundy Thursday is a special day. If you do not do this on a given day, then according to religious concepts, cleaning cannot be done for the next six days. Friday is Good Friday, Saturday is full of things to do before Easter, and the next three days are a holy holiday, nothing can be done. In addition, there is a popular belief that if a person does a general cleaning of the house, then the Lord gives him the opportunity to find long-lost necessary or favorite things. And many claim that during such cleaning, they actually find things that they mentally said goodbye to long ago.


On Maundy Thursday, count all your money - there will be money. There is an old Russian custom, from which they later made a sign in order to pass on their knowledge to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. It was believed that if all the money in the house was counted three times during this day, then the money would not be transferred during this year. Money should be counted at sunrise, noon and sunset. None of the household members should see this process, and especially not outsiders. Otherwise there will be no point. Only the one who manages the finances in the family should count the money. If there is such a need, then warn all your household members so that you will not be disturbed for some time. Even if a small child enters at such a moment, everything will go to waste, although the child is innocent. This is the very case when no one should bother you. Just you, the Lord God and what you want for your family throughout the next year. And you don’t have to worry about the fact that at this moment there is not enough money in the family. Even a penny can attract to you what you really want.

Clean windows and doors mean money

Wash the windows and doors with the water in which the change lies - the money will increase all year. You should follow one important rule - you should start cleaning with windows and doors, and then everything else. Now, when you are going to wash windows and doors, do not forget to throw a handful of coins into a basin of water. Those who know the special words that must be pronounced at the moment when they put change into a basin of water receive much more help than those who do not know these words. But it is not important. You can read any other conspiracy or prayer that you know. And according to your faith it will be for you. After you have washed all the windows and doors in your house or apartment, the small change should be taken out and placed in the farthest corner of your house for a week, but only after you have cleaned it. And you need to pour the water under any one you like. And after that you can start cleaning the entire room.

Silver water from evil spirits

On Maundy Thursday, if you wash your silver, evil spirits will not touch it. It is believed that if you put any silver item in a vessel with water overnight and wash your face with this water in the morning, then no one will be able to harm you in any way throughout the year. It is especially necessary to wash a child who is not yet one year old in this way. Babies cannot protect themselves, so we need to make sure that we protect them. But it should be noted that recently we have started selling silver, so to speak, economy class. This is the lowest standard of silver that can be found. It will, of course, help, but not as much as real high-quality silver can. But even knowing this, you should not despair. Higher help still comes faster to those who sincerely believe, and not to those who will use the most expensive silver.

Thursday salt for all diseases

Thursday salt, collected from three households, even cures deadly diseases. In Russian witchcraft there is a sign that if collected from three households, then by adding this salt to the food and drink that a terminally ill person takes, he can be cured. What does it mean to collect salt from three different yards? This means that on Maundy Thursday you need to go to your acquaintances and friends and ask for a small handful of salt. Then this salt must be mixed in any container, although the old people say that it is better to do this in earthenware. But, again, it all depends on your faith. There is one more sign about Thursday salt. You don’t have to ask anyone for salt, but pour a pack of salt into a frying pan and fry it, stirring constantly. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly read the “Our Father” prayer. When the salt is ready, you will feel it yourself. If the salt in the frying pan begins to crack and shoot, it means that you have been damaged. In this case, the salt must be fried for as long as possible until it “calms down.” And do not forget that all this time you need to read a prayer.

Preparing for Easter

Only after Maundy Thursday do people begin to bake Easter cakes and paint Easter eggs. This sign was also not invented lightly. Those who do not follow the rules of Maundy Thursday will not have their paska raised. It should be noted that in many regions of Russia paskas are called Easter cakes. Although, on the other hand, the name is not important, but the essence is important. Anyway, first you need to do some general cleaning, and only after that you can start preparing Easter dishes.

What you find in Easter cake is your destiny. In Russia, it was customary to bake one Easter cake just for the family. Notes with predictions were baked in such a cake. Some people find happiness in their family, while others find happiness in money or business. Well, and everything else. Whoever gets something out of the family will get it. It was considered a very bad omen to cut such a family cake while other guests were present. Such a turn could save the family from happiness, but could only add problems. Strangers may envy you, and after that you won’t have to wait for happiness. Therefore, such a cake was closely watched and carefully hidden from guests.

If on Maundy Thursday you move many items from one place to another, then there will be no problems with money. Perhaps this belief is correct. But many old people claim that this sign is more associated with lazy people than with hard-working people. You can rearrange your home if you want your wishes to come true. But if at the same time you leave everything in the dirt, then nothing good will happen. However, there is a sign that if you have been wanting to rearrange your house for a long time, then you cannot even think of a better opportunity. With one blow you will realize your desire and attract good luck to yourself. There is only one condition - cleaning comes first.

If on Maundy Thursday you saw the old woman first, then expect failure. It is this sign that underlies Thursday. If you want to know your future for the next three months, then in the morning, after you wash, look out the window. If the first person you see is an old lady, then over the next three months you will experience a series of failures. It’s even worse if this old lady walks with an empty bucket or an empty bag. In this case, all your failures will be related to money problems. Or rather, with their absence or even with the loss of work. The same thing means if you see a cat. But to see a man or is to happiness and well-being. And if you are lucky enough to see a man with a dog through the window, it means that your cherished desire awaits you. If you see a child, you have to study. You may receive an offer for a new job that will require you to obtain a certain education. If you see a young woman, happiness in the family awaits you. But it should be noted that although a person wants to know his future, he should not guess. Many people who strongly believe in fortune telling take everything at face value. If they see failures in the window, they will do nothing to correct the situation. In this case, failures will constantly stick to these people, because they themselves allow them into their lives.

Clean Thursday of Holy Week (Great Week) is. Moreover, this is the turning point of each year when you can change your future, or maintain what you have. Therefore, all these signs need to be known and observed. Otherwise, you can get into a lot of problems.

Maundy Thursday is one of the most important days. This day is associated with many traditions, customs and signs, the knowledge of which is necessary for every Orthodox Christian. The date of this day changes every year and directly depends on the date of Easter. In 2019, Orthodox Easter is celebrated on April 28, which means that April 25 will be Maundy Thursday.


Every day we remember the suffering of Jesus Christ during the last days of life on earth. On Thursday, Christ gathered his disciples for dinner, which remained in history as the Last Supper. Where he told his disciples that one of them would betray him, that he would be crucified on the cross, but on the third day he would be resurrected. That's exactly what happened.

Another important detail of this Thursday is the establishment of the sacrament of communion. Jesus passed the bread around and said that this was his Body, and Jesus passed the wine around and said that this was his Blood. The Savior also washed the feet of his disciples with his own hands.

Next, we will talk in detail about what needs to be done on Maundy Thursday, according to folk traditions and beliefs. As for the church charter, you must definitely go to church in the evening, pray and receive communion.


During this period, strict fasting is observed. But on Thursday you can cook food using heat treatment, as well as vegetable oil.


The most basic ritual on this day is to get yourself in order. On this morning, the water is said to have miraculous powers and wash away all sins. It is important to do this consciously, with prayer on your lips before sunrise and cold water. In this case you can say: “As this water washes away the dirt from me, let all troubles and illnesses be washed away from me.” Cold water is the way to wash away illnesses on this day and give the body beauty and health.

You can prepare Thursday salt (on the night from Wednesday to Thursday), which is a strong amulet and protector against diseases. There are different modern methods of preparation, the simplest is to simply take the whole family a handful of salt from a common pile and pour it into one cloth bag.

Well, the main ritual of Maundy Thursday is cleaning the premises. The house should be put in order before the great holiday - Easter. Having cleaned on this day, for the next six days you cannot sweep or wash the floors, do laundry or do other housework. Such general cleaning sometimes helps people find long-lost things. Thus, this God directs people on an important path - the path of long-lost things. Housewives usually do a general cleaning on Maundy Thursday, washing everything in the house and ironing it. If you have some strength left, you can start baking Easter cakes or coloring eggs.


There was a custom in the villages cut your child's hair for the first time on this day. For well-being, they also cut off a few pieces of wool from the livestock.

You have to clean up early in the morning- wash and clean everything. Otherwise, throughout the year, the family cannot avoid quarrels and even illnesses.

To have money, We count them three times on this day. From this day until Easter, nothing can be borrowed.

On this day you can rearrange furniture during cleaning also for the purpose of financial well-being.

On Maundy Thursday you will wash yourself from silver- evil spirits will not touch you. It is believed that if you put any silver item in a vessel with water overnight and wash your face with this water in the morning, then no one will be able to harm you in any way throughout the year. It is especially necessary to wash a child who is not yet one year old in this way. Babies cannot protect themselves, so we need to make sure that we protect them. But it should be noted that recently we have started selling silver, so to speak, economy class. This is the lowest standard of silver that can be found. It will, of course, help, but not as much as real high-quality silver can. But even knowing this, you should not despair. Higher help still comes faster to those who sincerely believe, and not to those who will use the most expensive silver.

Thursday salt collected from three yards– cures even fatal diseases. In Russian witchcraft, there is a sign that if you collect salt from three households, then by adding this salt to the food and drink that a terminally ill person takes, he can be cured. What does it mean to collect salt from three different yards? This means that on Maundy Thursday you need to go to your acquaintances and friends and ask for a small handful of salt. Then this salt must be mixed in any container, although the old people say that it is better to do this in earthenware. But, again, it all depends on your faith. There is one more sign about Thursday salt. You don’t have to ask anyone for salt, but pour a pack of salt into a frying pan and fry it, stirring constantly. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly read the “Our Father” prayer. When the salt is ready, you will feel it yourself. If the salt in the frying pan begins to crack and shoot, it means that you have been damaged. In this case, the salt must be fried for as long as possible until it “calms down.” And do not forget that all this time you need to read a prayer.

Only after Maundy Thursday They start baking Easter cakes and painting Easter eggs. This sign was also not invented lightly. Those who do not follow the rules of Maundy Thursday will not have their paska raised. It should be noted that in many regions of Russia paskas are called Easter cakes. Although, on the other hand, the name is not important, but the essence is important. Anyway, first you need to do some general cleaning, and only after that you can start preparing Easter dishes.

What you find in Easter cake is your destiny. In Russia, it was customary to bake one Easter cake just for the family. Notes with predictions were baked in such a cake. Some people find happiness in their family, while others find happiness in money or business. Well, and everything else. Whoever gets something out of the family will get it. It was considered a very bad omen to cut such a family cake while other guests were present. Such a turn could save the family from happiness, but could only add problems. Strangers may envy you, and after that you won’t have to wait for happiness. Therefore, such a cake was closely watched and carefully hidden from guests.

If you saw an old woman first on Maundy Thursday, then expect failure. It is this sign that underlies Thursday fortune telling. If you want to know your future for the next three months, then in the morning, after you wash, look out the window. If the first person you see is an old lady, then over the next three months you will experience a series of failures. It’s even worse if this old lady walks with an empty bucket or an empty bag. In this case, all your failures will be related to money problems. Or rather, with their absence or even with the loss of work. The same thing means if you see a cat. But seeing a man or a dog is a sign of happiness and well-being. And if you are lucky enough to see a man with a dog through the window, it means that your cherished desire awaits you. If you see a child, you have to study. You may receive an offer for a new job that will require you to obtain a certain education. If you see a young woman, happiness in the family awaits you. But it should be noted that although a person wants to know his future, he should not guess. Many people who strongly believe in fortune telling take everything at face value. If they see failures in the window, they will do nothing to correct the situation. In this case, failures will constantly stick to these people, because they themselves allow them into their lives.

In order for guys to like a girl, they buy a mirror on Maundy Thursday, without taking change from the purchase, they stand between two trees, look in the purchased mirror and say: “Just as the whole world looks in the mirror, admires its reflection, so the guys would admire me, make love to me and kiss me, and vie with each other to woo I was torn. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen." Also on Maundy Thursday, girls who wanted to get married quickly did the following ritual: on this day you need to rise as high as possible from the ground and certainly before sunrise and shout three times at the top of your voice: “Guys, guys, look at me and love me.” me!". In order to please girls, on Maundy Thursday, when washing their face, guys read the following spell: “Water off your face, the bride is well done.” Just as people love water, so girls would appreciate and love me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."


Prayer words to wash your face: “Maundy Thursday, I ask you, become my father, pay attention to me. Bright day, Holy day, you are pure and clear, so make my life bright and clear, without problems and mental anguish. Amen".

If you have suspicions that they tried to harm you with the evil eye or damage, then it can be removed if you wash your face several times on Maundy Thursday, repeating the following words: “On Maundy Thursday, I wash away all the bad things from myself with strong natural water, remove the alien torment from my soul, and recharge with God’s bright energy. Amen".

Prayer while swimming before sunrise. If possible and health allows, then on Maundy Thursday it is recommended to swim in running water. A river is best suited for this. But you can also use the shower or just douse. According to legend, it is believed that when reading a prayer while bathing, running water takes away all troubles and adversities, and then takes them with it. The soul is cleansed and a person is given the opportunity to start life from scratch. It is important in prayer to accurately voice what you want to say goodbye to, for example, if you are tired of health problems, you can say the following prayer while bathing: “Maundy Thursday, I ask you to help me get rid of illnesses and illnesses. And you, natural water, take all the bad things with you into the deep blue sea. May my body become strong and healthy, and may my soul be filled with joy. Amen".

If a lot of resentment and evil have accumulated in your soul, then you need to read a prayer with a different content while bathing: “Just as sincere confessions cleanse the soul, and water with its natural power washes away all the dirt, so you, Thursday, cleanse me from anger and hatred. Let grievances leave my soul, let obedience appear, and let all evil talk, vain words, human blasphemy pass by and not harm me. Amen".

There is an option for prayer while swimming before dawn for young girls who dream of the attention of men in order to get married as quickly as possible: “I will get up in the morning before dawn and bow to the first bright and beautiful Star. I’ll go to a clean field, wash myself with dew, and then dry myself with my girlish braid. My face will become more beautiful and whiter than the white light, my cheeks will turn pink, become redder than the red Sun, my eyes will sparkle brighter than the silver moon, my eyebrows will become black, blacker than the black earth. It will happen that all the guys will be fascinated by my beauty, none of them will be able to say a word against me or take their eyes off me. I will become desired and loved only for my one betrothed. My word is molded and strong. I attract love to myself. Amen".

Prayer for cleansing and forgiveness of sins. The power of prayer aimed at cleansing from sins increases many times over on Maundy Thursday. On this day you can read the following powerful prayer: “My Lord, into the hands of Your great mercy, I entrust my soul and body, my thoughts and feelings, I ask for Your advice in all my deeds and movements. I ask you to cleanse my soul and help me to calmly accept the end of my life, and in the last moments of my breathing to believe in the repose of my soul in the Kingdom of Heaven. I ask you, Most Merciful God, to forgive me all my sins and protect me at the Last Judgment. Cleanse, Lord, my soul from the sins and evils I have committed. Give me the strength to correct my life, deliver me from all evil and protect me from demonic temptations. I pray for your love for humanity, protect me from evil and unkind people. You have given me away from enemies visible and invisible, let me walk the righteous path. Grant me a painless death after repentance. Grant me hope for Your forgiveness and blessing. Amen".

Thursday prayers for health. Even people who do not experience major health problems should offer prayers to improve their well-being. But for those who are seriously ill, it is recommended to take a swim in a real Russian bathhouse in the early morning and sincerely pray for deliverance from specific ailments. Prayer words might sound like this: “Holy week passes: here is Thursday, here is Tuesday, here is Wednesday. And now Clean Thursday has come with clean water. Holy, strong water, wash me, take away trouble, remove adversity from my life. May my health be restored, all illnesses be cured, may the harmful damage go away. Wash away all the ailments from me, take away my physical weakness and mental anguish. Help me regain my natural strength. Let it happen according to my will, as it is said.”

Prayers on Maundy Thursday for the health of the child are very effective. They allow you to relieve fear and damage. One of the prayers that needs to be said over a sleeping child sounds like this: “Just as my little child lived in his mother’s womb, he didn’t know trouble, even though he didn’t see the white light, didn’t notice the sun, so now live my dear baby, never believe in a loud knock, in a dog’s barking, in a marten’s laughter, in the chirping of magpies. Let an evil black-haired girl pass by you and an unkind fellow pass you by, let no one be able to harm. Where evil came from and went there, it will not return. Amen".

Maundy Thursday prayer to cleanse your home of negative energy. On Maundy Thursday, you should definitely read prayers aimed at cleaning your home. They will help remove all negativity, which means they will improve the atmosphere. The easiest way is to cast salt, which should then be placed in the corners of the home. The easiest way is to pour salt into a frying pan during sunrise and light a fire. It is important to read the well-known prayer in a fully concentrated state. "Our Father" while stirring the salt. When you need to stop, you will definitely feel it. Then you need to let the salt cool completely and put a small pinch in all corners of your home. A thin strip of salt must be scattered in front of the threshold and at the same time say the following words: “Don’t come to this house for bad luck. Do not cross this threshold, evil man. Only goodness and prosperity. Amen".

Such actions will not only remove negativity from the home, but will also eliminate quarrels and disagreements in the family. The remaining salt cast on Maundy Thursday should be stored in a tightly closed container. You can use it for various purposes throughout the year until the next Easter week.

It will help save yourself and loved ones from illnesses and illnesses if you add a little salt to your food. It is recommended to keep a salt shaker with charmed salt on the kitchen table. To make peace with your soulmate in case of serious disagreements, for this a small bag of salt should be placed under the pillows on the family bed. To return a loved one if he has left and does not return for a long time, to do this you need to throw a pinch of salt into an open fire and ask your loved one to return.

Prayer for Thursday water. Thursday water should be collected at night from a natural spring or well. But if this is not possible, then it is allowed to draw it from the tap, but in this case its effectiveness will be lower. A silver object should be placed in a container filled with such water, it could be a spoon or a chain. After this, the bowl should be placed under the moonlight. In the morning, you need to read any cleansing prayer over the water, and the prayer words can also be pronounced in any way. Before sunrise, you should wash your face with the enchanted water and let your loved ones wash it. For washing to be effective, you should say the following words: “I wash away with Thursday water what my enemies have unleashed on me. All the bad things that make my soul suffer are safely and forever washed away with Thursday water. Amen".

Prayer for baking Easter cakes and painting eggs on Thursday of Holy Week
A special tradition that all Christians honor is baking Easter cakes and painting eggs on Maundy Thursday. All actions must be accompanied by the reading of prayers. They can be chosen arbitrarily.

Baking Easter cakes is a special sacrament. The rules of ritual came to the modern world from ancient times. It is very important not only to use high-quality products for cooking, but also to be in a good mood. If you are in a bad mood, you cannot knead the dough and bake Easter cakes. And the point is not at all that the baked goods may turn out tasteless. Easter cakes will be charged with a person’s negativity, which is absolutely useless on this Bright Christian holiday.

It should be remembered that it is better not to buy Easter cakes in the store. If you bake them yourself, it enhances the positive energy that the holiday creates around you. All of the above also applies to painting eggs. While kneading the dough, you can recite the following prayer: “Lord! Have mercy and save me, a sinner! I come running to You with sincere prayer. I apologize for all my sins. I beg You with all my heart, Almighty, to cleanse my soul from filth, to deliver me from vain sins committed through foolishness. Save me, merciful God, protect me from bad deeds and thoughts. Grant me the strength to resist temptations. Give me the strength to restore your wounded soul after getting rid of sinful dirt. Help me, Almighty, to accomplish everything planned for the good of people, in spite of all evil. Amen".

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