Black beam white ear analysis. The theme of mercy in Troepolsky's story "White Bim Black Ear"

Troepolsky wrote the story “White Bim Black Ear” in 1971. The author dedicated the work to A. T. Tvardovsky. The central theme of the story is the theme of mercy. Using the example of the story about the dog Bim, the author shows that a person in any situation must remain human, show kindness, and take care of our little brothers.

Main characters

Bim– a dog “from the Scottish Setter breed with a long pedigree. Was of an atypical color: white with “red tan markings”, one black ear and one black leg.

Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov- master of Bim, hunter, participant of the Great Patriotic War; retired journalist.

Tolik- a boy who took care of Bim.

Other heroes

Stepanovna- a neighbor who looked after Bim.

Dasha- the girl who helped Bim.

Khrisan Andreich- Bim's temporary owner in the village.

Gray man- the man who took the sign off Bim’s collar and beat the dog.

Aunt- a neighbor who disliked Bim.

Chapters 1–2

Bim was born from purebred setter parents, but had an atypical color. The owners wanted to drown Bim, but Ivan Ivanovich took the puppy to him. The man became very attached to the animal and soon began to take it with him hunting. “By the age of two, Bim became an excellent hunting dog.”

Chapter 3

The third summer has passed. A “shrill and fat” aunt wrote a complaint against Bim: supposedly the dog was dangerous. The chairman of the house brought the paper, but when he saw the dog, he realized that Bim was kind and obedient.

Chapters 4–5

During the hunt, Ivan Ivanovich tried to limit himself to one or two woodcocks per hunt, and then only so that Bim would not “die like a hunting dog.”

Ivan Ivanovich once took Bim on a wolf hunt. After this incident, the dog always showed his owner during the hunt that he had smelled the scent of a wolf.

Chapter 6

Ivan Ivanovich suffered from pain more and more often; he was bothered by an old wound - a shrapnel near his heart. One day he became very ill. Ivan Ivanovich was taken to the hospital. The man asked his neighbor Stepanovna to look after the dog.

Bim ran after the owner. The dog followed the trail to the ambulance building and began scratching at the door: it smelled like his owner. However, Bim was driven away.

The next morning the dog went out searching again. Bim sniffed the people and examined them. Passers-by noticed the dog and called the police. However, the girl Dasha stood up for Bim. She took the dog home. Stepanovna told the girl that Ivan Ivanovich was sent by plane to Moscow to have an operation.

Chapter 7

In the morning, Dasha brought Bim a collar with a plate on which was written: “His name is Bim. Lives in an apartment. Don't offend him, people."

The neighbor let Bim out for a walk alone. The dog wandered into the park, the boys noticed him, and they brought the dog some food. One of the boys, Tolik, hand-fed Bim. “Some guy” with a cane—“gray”—came up to the guys and asked whose dog it was. Having learned that the dog was a nobody's, the man took it with him and brought it home. He took off Bim’s collar, as he collected all kinds of “dog badges” (medals, leashes, collars). At night, out of loneliness, the dog began to howl. Angry, the “gray” one beat the dog with a stick. Bim attacked the man and jumped out of the apartment through the door opened by the offender’s wife.

Chapter 8

"Days passed by days." Bim already knew the city well. Somehow the dog smelled Dasha, which led him to the station. The girl was leaving. The dog ran after the train for a long time, and then, sadly, fell between the rails.

A woman approached the almost dying Bim and gave him water to drink. Bim trudged along railway, his paw got pinched. At that moment the train was approaching. Fortunately, the driver managed to stop and freed the dog. Bim returned home.

Chapter 9

Tolik found out where Bim lived and now walked the limping dog every day. An advertisement appeared in the newspaper that a setter with a black ear was walking around the city and biting passers-by. Having learned about this, Tolik showed the dog to the veterinarian. The doctor concluded that “the dog is not mad, but sick.”

Chapter 10

Gradually, Bim began to recover, but only in late autumn was he able to stand on all fours. The neighbor started letting the dog out alone again.

One day Bim was picked up by a driver who was taking him and Ivan Ivanovich hunting. The driver sold the dog to a friend for 15 rubles. New owner Khrisan Andreich named the dog “Chernoukh” and took it with him to the village.

Chapter 11

In the village, everything was unusual for Bim: small houses, pets and birds. The dog quickly “got used to the courtyard, to its population, and was not surprised at the well-fed life.”

Chapter 12

Khrisan Andreich took Bim with him to graze the sheep. The dog now has the duty of “turning unauthorized sheep towards the herd and keeping an eye on them.”

One day an acquaintance, Klim, came to Khrisan Andreich and began asking him to sell Bim. However, the owner refused: he had previously advertised in the newspaper that “A dog has stuck,” and received the answer: “Please don’t advertise. Let him live until his term."

Khrisan Andreich allowed us to simply take the dog hunting. The next day, Klim and Bim went into the forest. Not accustomed to large prey, the dog missed the hare. Klim became very angry and hit Bim with his boot. The dog fell. Klim abandoned the dog in the forest.

Bim, who had lost consciousness from the blow, soon woke up and, barely walking, found medicinal herbs.

Chapter 13

The dog spent five days in the forest until he felt better and returned to the city. Following the trail, Bim found Tolik's house. The boy was glad to have the dog, but his parents categorically did not want to leave the dog at home. At night, Tolik’s father took Bim to the forest and abandoned him there.

Chapter 14

Bim returned to the city and again came to Tolik’s house. The boy's father tried to catch the dog again, but he managed to escape.

Chapter 15

Bim trudged to Ivan Ivanovich's house. However, when she saw the dog, that same noisy woman called the “quarantine station.” Bim was caught, put in an iron van and taken to a dog pound. Waking up in an “iron prison”, the dog began to scratch the door. “He chewed shreds of tin with his teeth and scratched again, already lying down. Called. I asked." By morning the dog became quiet.

Chapter 16

That morning Ivan Ivanovich also returned. The man already at the station began asking if anyone had seen Bim. Ivan Ivanovich went to the quarantine station. The man barely managed to persuade the watchman to open the van doors.

“Bim was lying with his nose to the door. Lips and gums are torn on the torn edges of the tin. He scratched at the last door for a long, long time. Scratched until my last breath. And how little he asked. Freedom and trust - nothing more.”

Chapter 17

In the spring, Ivan Ivanovich took a new puppy for himself and Tolika. It was a “pedigreed, typical-colored English setter,” who was also named Bim. “But he will never forget his old friend.”


In the story “White Bim Black Ear,” the author talks about the fate of a dog that remains faithful to its owner to the last. Depicting the suffering of an animal, its homesickness, the author seems to compare the kind, loyal dog and all those people who met him: many of them positive qualities inferior to Bim.

The story “White Bim Black Ear” has been translated into more than 20 languages. We recommend that you do not stop at the retelling of “White Bim Black Ear”, but read the work in its entirety in order to experience all the events described in the story along with the characters.

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Why does the author kill Bim?

I read G. Troepolsky’s sad book “White Bim” black ear". This book tells about the sad fate of a dog.
Bim is a smart and cute dog, but he had a non-standard color. Setters are usually black, raven-colored, with reddish spots. And Bim is white, with a black ear and a black paw, and his other ear is red. Bim has kind and smart eyes.
Ivan Ivanovich, Bim’s owner, was a participant in the war, and a shrapnel hit him in the chest. Ivan Ivanovich often felt bad, his heart ached. And when Ivan Ivanovich became very ill, he went to the hospital. From that moment on, Bim's troubles began.
When Bim wandered in search of his best friend, the owner of Ivan Ivanovich, he exposed his life to danger and injury. During the search, Bim became disabled: his paw was pinched on the arrow, the evil Gray guy hit him hard on the head and posted advertisements stating that Bim was mad.
On his way, Bim knew a lot of good and bad people. He was in a village hunting, where he was injured by the evil hunter Klim, who kicked him hard.
At the end of his adventures, near the house, Bim met an uncultured aunt who sent him to the slaughterhouse. There he met his death. Bim died from long agony and longing for Ivan Ivanovich.
But Bim did not live his life meaninglessly. His traces remained on the ground. Perhaps Bim is the kindest, patient, loyal, purposeful, intelligent dog. Bim made friends with the guys who were looking for him when he was wandering around in search of a friend. He helped Ivan Ivanovich find new acquaintances. Bim influenced many people, including Tolik’s parents. They allowed their son to keep a dog at home.
I don't really like this book because I love animals, and in this story an innocent dog is tortured. But perhaps the writer wanted to talk about real events. G. Troepolsky killed Bim in order to create serious literature. Bim could not die the usual death of a dog, because he himself is unusual. He is smarter than other dogs. And Bim thinks almost like a person.
Sad books can sometimes help solve a problem. When people read such books, their hearts do not become stone.

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There are works of not only Russian, but also Soviet literature, which not to read means to seriously deprive yourself. Such books must be read, more than once and in at different ages. They make you think about eternal truths and enduring human values.

"White Bim Black Ear": summary

In terms of plot, this is a very simple story. About smart dog, whom the writer and hunter took in, about his life with his beloved owner. The story is told as if from the perspective of three narrators: the owner, Bim himself and the author. Moreover, the author also conveys Bim’s impressions, but the style of narration changes radically. Childhood, hunting, communication with a wise and selflessly loved person - here happy life Bima before the owner's illness. This dog is White Bim Black Ear. The summary cannot give an idea of ​​Beam's perception human world, about all the dog’s experiences, about all the misadventures that befell him.

Bim is looking for his dear owner and dies literally a few hours before he is discharged from the hospital. If you don’t read the book “White Bim Black Ear”, the summary will not help you sympathize with Bim; he will remain one of the dogs who were simply unlucky.

A film was made based on the story, which currently known even better than the work itself. It must be admitted that the director repeatedly used common melodramatic techniques. The film is a heart-warming story, while the book, if you read it carefully, is also a story about Soviet society. There are many like this: they got lost, found themselves homeless, abandoned due to the death of their owners or due to their irresponsibility. Not all of the “lost ones,” of course, are as smart as Bim, they understand words, they are as intelligent, but they all look at the world with the same confidence as he does. In the book, Bim, of course, is strongly humanized; he thinks and acts not according to instincts, but like a person. This is what causes such a strong emotional reaction.

The film “White Bim Black Ear”, a brief summary of which can be summarized in two lines, is a two-part series. And all of this is Bim’s misadventures, which are watched in one breath.

But while sympathizing with Bim in the book, is everyone ready to behave the same way in life? The work “White Bim Black Ear” touches and makes you cry, but does it teach anything? Or do emotions remain on their own and do not influence actions? Is anyone ready to adopt a stray dog? There are a lot of these in our cities, but for almost all people they only cause irritation. The book “White Bim Black Ear,” the contents of which many knew from childhood, taught kindness to absolutely not everyone. Why is this happening? Why does the most wonderful literature, the most refined ones, not automatically change a person, simply because strong impression, which they produced? In order to become kinder, more humane, it is necessary to carry out enormous internal work. Every new generation should definitely read books like this in order to learn to be more attentive to those around them.

When an exam is just around the corner, it is important to devote time, attention and effort to preparing for it. Sample essays that will be required for the OGE will help you with this difficult task. Here we wrote all three essays based on Troepolsky’s text “White Bim, Black Ear.”

Assignment: Write an essay based on a quote from V.G. Korolenko: “The Russian language... has all the means to express the most subtle feelings and shades of thought.”

(93 words)

I agree with the words of the great Russian writer V.G. Korolenko that all half-tones of feelings and emotions can be expressed through our great and powerful language.

Our native speech is complex, multifaceted and beautiful. Thus, in sentence 34, with the words “headlong” and “floundering,” the reader is quite clearly presented with a picture of Bim running merrily across the field, frolicking, and the form of the name in sentence 25 gives us an idea of ​​the owner’s love for the animal, expressed in affectionate address.

Thus, our Russian language is a universal means of expression for any purpose of expression. It is not only multifunctional, but also beautiful in its diversity.

Essay-reasoning 15.2 based on a quote from Troepolsky

Assignment: How do you understand the meaning of the ending: “So warm friendship and devotion became happiness, because everyone understood each other and each did not demand from the other more than what he could give. This is the basis, the salt of friendship.”

(97 words)

I am convinced that without mutual understanding there can be no friendship, because only it gives the interlocutors topics for conversation and the tact to remain silent at the right moment.

I find confirmation of my words in the text of G.N. Troepolsky. The person realizes that the puppy is sad without its mother and “gives sad concerts” for a reason. The owner is not angry with him, but instead shows affection that comforts his friend. Therefore, in sentences 9-10, 16, 27 we see Bim’s gratitude and devotion to his friend. Mutual understanding brought them closer together forever.

The salt and basis of friendship lies in the fact that comrades understand and accept each other.

Essay-reasoning 15.3 “What is friendship” based on the text by Troepolsky

(96 words)

The word “friend” means mutual assistance, understanding and sympathy that people selflessly show to each other.

The same definition certainly applies to a person's feelings towards a dog. The affection of Ivan Ivanovich and Bim is obvious (sentences 17, 22, 26-27). The owner is affectionate and caring with the dog, and the dog responds with devotion. They understand each other well.

I can say the same about my cat Syoma. He always senses when I feel bad and caresses me to calm me down. I also try to be a good housewife for him.

Friendship has great value in our lives, because we can always rely on it in difficult times.

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When I read G. Troepolsky’s story “White Bim Black Ear,” I felt very, very sad. It's sad how evil and callous people can be.

You, of course, remember that at the center of the story is the story of tragic fate Scottish Setter Bim, left alone with troubles in this complex world. Having grown up in the apartment of Ivan Ivanovich, who surrounded the puppy with care and affection, Bim found himself powerless in the face of cruelty and hypocrisy.

Pensioner Ivan Ivanovich is an example wonderful person, who not only saved the unfortunate puppy from death (he let down his entire breed by being born with the wrong color), but also became a true friend for Bim, support and protection. Kind and humane, main character raised a puppy. And Bim turned into a good hunting dog. The naive, cheerful dog learned to understand people. But in the first part of the story, he was not very upset by the clashes with the neighbor who hated him, because the reliable Ivan Ivanovich was nearby. And Bim perceived the world through the prism of his owner’s intelligence, his love for nature, and his caring attitude towards the puppy. And Bim really appreciated all this, loved his owner, was devoted and faithful to him. Then it seemed that bright and wonderful world it will always be like this around.

How terrible was Bim’s disappointment when he was left alone. I read the pages of the story, which describe the dog’s encounters with heartless people, and cried. I felt sorry for the main character. I felt a sense of shame for the actions of adults. The shrill aunt becomes Bim's worst enemy for no reason. Her hatred leads the dog to tragic death. The greed of Gray, a collector of dog collars, makes me seriously doubt his integrity. The cowardly Klim, who beat the dog for disobedience, leaves him to die in the forest. A tram driver makes money by selling a Bim that does not belong to him.

G. Troepolsky shows many such heroes, cruel, cynical, angry towards the dog. You become very disappointed in people when you read such works.

The little heroes of the story: Alyosha and Tolik - fell in love with a setter, but various reasons they couldn't keep it. Bim experiences pain and resentment thanks to the attention and care of the boys, neighbor Stepanovna, and girl Lucy. Fortunately, we met Bim and good people. But they could not save him from death. A grumpy neighbor who wants to clear the dog from her yard gets her way.

The sad ending of the story teaches us mercy towards animals. After all, they are always devoted and faithful to people. It hurts to look at abandoned kittens and puppies, at homeless dogs and cats. Behind each of them there are people who doom them to suffering.

The fate of the main character of the story, the Scottish setter White Bim Black Ear, reminds us that people are becoming cruel. No matter how the world changes, there is always a place for kindness and good deeds. And, to my great regret, our contemporaries are cruel both towards people and towards animals. But people can stand up for themselves! What about animals? Their fate is in our hands! We need to be more merciful and humane! And don’t forget that we are all “responsible for those we have tamed”!

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