Is black magic worth the risk? Do you have enough strength and energy to practice Black Magic?

Black magic. Many of those who take the Dark Path abandon this matter in the very first months for the reason that they immediately take up the practical side of magic, without studying basic theoretical knowledge. After performing a couple of rituals, the novice black magician sees that his actions have no effect, and gives up a new hobby (precisely a hobby, since real magic is not a hobby, but life. It is impossible to get carried away with magic, you need to LIVE it). The more persistent ones continue to move on, over time simple rituals begin to emerge, but Death overtakes them, because due to stupidity they harm themselves without even realizing it. But there are also those who stop at nothing, continue to follow this difficult path and, in the end, achieve some success - a few who are GIVEN this from birth.

Unfortunately, the reality is that in order to study magic (any kind), you will most likely have to pay your future teacher a considerable amount of money (but this is not always the Magician’s fault). So is it possible to study and subsequently practice magic if, for some reason, you have this moment you don’t have the means to pay for training, but you have the desire (or it seems that you have it)?

Yes, it’s possible! But you should prepare for the fact that at first your life will constantly hang by a thread, since there will be no one next to you who can help if necessary, or give advice.

Dark Forces are a very, very dangerous thing, mistakes when working with them are often fatal or very painful, and these are not just words, but our own experience...

It is easier for those who follow the Light Path, since this Path is much softer and easier. You can pray to God, and he will come to the rescue, he will always forgive, but Satan, on the contrary, teaches harshly, even cruelly. If you decide to become a black Mage and save your life at the same time, you should prepare for the fact that pain at the first stage will become your traveling companion, you will receive bumps and abrasions in abundance until you learn to control the Force perfectly, but this is also necessary, without it no way, it will harden you and make you stronger and more resilient. You may have to rethink everything again, destroy it and start over, and so on more than once.

The novice black magician notices with surprise that everything is completely different from how it was presented to him; his worldview begins to radically change and restructure. At the first stage, for the unprepared, there may be some shock from what you have learned, but over time it will pass, and you will feel free from everything that has prevented you from developing until now.

If you still feel afraid of black magic, you should think about it: is it yours? Perhaps you don't need this? Perhaps you should look for yourself in other, brighter directions of magic? There should be no fear, you should feel that this is your Path, your life views should coincide with the philosophy of the chosen Path. Fear speaks of your uncertainty, and uncertainty is dangerous! But fear (here we are not talking about fear of black magic as life philosophy, and, for example, about any ritual) cannot be avoided even by experienced practitioners. Fear is also your assistant, which will help you avoid many unwanted mistakes. Sometimes you should listen to yourself, as one of my good friends said: “If you are afraid of something, it is better not to do it.” There is no such person who would not be afraid of anything, fear is inherent in all of us, the one who ignores his fear is like a kamikaze: he knows that he is going to certain death, but nevertheless does not stop.

You should also know that it will no longer be possible to renounce this (and, most likely, you will not have such a desire), this is a one-way path. You will have to take and give energy, you become its conductor, you will constantly perform various rituals in order to give energy, but if you stop practicing, everything can end very, very sadly for you.

You can draw energy from various sources: stones, trees, elements, other people (which I don’t recommend doing, but sometimes you have to), or directly from the egregor to which you are connected (or from other egregors, which is also not bad), etc.

Why is black magic so attractive?
1. Whites are fixated on the concepts of good, light and love, black and evil. Blacks are beyond these concepts. It was man who came up with the idea of ​​dividing any actions into good and bad, but in nature such concepts do not exist; remember the saying: “What is good for a Russian is death for a German.”
2. Whites for the most part recognize the dominance of certain Higher Powers (various gods) over man. Blacks are their own gods. Following Satan does not mean worshiping him as a god; following Satan means following the Path of Freedom and Knowledge. We ourselves create the gods, and they do not create us; bowing before our creation is stupid.
May the Force be with you!
Simnist, black magician, Nergal (Simnist's student)

  • I do not advise you to practice black magic. VERY! Dangerous for life and soul! Once you start, there may be no return - there will be no one to help! It will be very difficult to return to God - but He is merciful and can forgive betrayal on the condition that you go to a monastery and serve Him sincerely - then you can wash away your betrayal. Serving Satan ALWAYS ends in tears for a person and his family. No matter how much you gain by contacting him, you need to remember - if God rewards you in full for mercy to the beggar, for the small good done by you in His name, then Satan demands the most valuable thing for you for the slightest reward. And if life now seems like a nightmare to you, then don’t think that later with Satan it will become paradise - it’s not so. Yes, you will gain strength - but you can only invest this strength in evil, and this will not bring happiness. You can take revenge on your enemies, on your loved one who abandoned you, on your annoying parents who don’t understand you, but won’t love you anymore! Your only friend will be those who will always be there from the moment you take up black magic - those who can be driven out by believers, saints... Evil, of course. From my own experience I know HOW DANGEROUS it is for yourself to get involved with Satan - there will be no happiness and harmony in your life.

    And one more thing - don’t get involved in magic, especially black magic, out of simple curiosity “I wonder what will come of it”!!! IT WILL WORK! This ancient art and those who owned it knew how effective it was - you are entering a spiritual area about which you know practically nothing and do not know about those who live there. If you think that dead people simply disappear into oblivion, then explain - how can mediums contact those who do not exist at all?! The souls of the dead, light and dark spirits are not a fairy tale. But the dark ones do not know what pity, love, forgiveness are. Everything they do is done with one goal - to get what they need - you all along with your soul. They are evil, and it is no coincidence that magicians say that if they fail to cope with this power, a person will die. These are not just words - they are ancient knowledge. By signing a contract with Satan, you will receive power, but you will lose your life, you will receive power here on earth, but you will give up peace of mind, if you do not end up in a mental hospital at all. Having received what you want here, you will remain with Satan There.

    What satisfaction did conspiracies and rituals bring at first, because these seemingly simple words and the actions had power - they always acted! If you want to attract your loved one to you, get it - he’s nearby! Just not happy - because with a love spell I subjugated his will to myself, although a person is born with free will, choice. And naturally, he tried to break free, because I took away his freedom of choice and forcibly tied him to me. He drank himself to death. An attempt to turn away a persistent boyfriend from a friend resulted in her still not being able to find a guy - they are avoiding her, although it would seem that I turned only one away from her. All the conspiracies and love spells worked, even despite the fact that sometimes she even did them lazily, all she had to do was just look at the photo or imagine his face. And they still do. Damage, the evil eye... You just have to think and direct your energy in the right direction - and here you go - life becomes not pleasant for a person. Yes, everything works out, I can take revenge on my enemies, bring death, curse and it will work, but it does not bring me happiness. After all, I want to be loved sincerely and of my own free will, I want to live simply and in harmony with nature and the world around me, but black magic took this away from me and upset the balance in my soul. Forced to serve Satan.

    I am no longer surprised at why and where this strength came from. I didn’t sign a contract with Satan, something else led me to this. From childhood until the end of my studies at school, I was a sleepwalker, I even began to be afraid of my thoughts, because I knew that in a state of somnambulism I could cause harm (this happened) or even kill. As soon as I got offended or angry, I grabbed a knife in a dream - it was scary. After school, this passed, but something else came - I began to see prophetic dreams, especially those that foreshadowed the death of loved ones and friends. And at first it was shocking. You see a dream and the next day it comes true - it's scary. I accidentally stole books on esotericism from one of my friends, took them to read, and took up magic - I still regret it, and I thank God that I didn’t leave with “them.” Prophetic dreams, heightened intuition, spells with rituals that always work - yes, I am a real witch. I only paid for it by the fact that now I was left alone, without friends, in disharmony with myself and the world. Suicide would not have helped, it would only have brought me closer to meeting the one with whom I “came together.”

A black magician who has joined the world of Evil consciously makes his choice. In pursuit of power and dominance, he makes a deal with the Devil and takes an oath to serve him all his life.

Any ritual, spell or witchcraft of Black magic is aimed at harming a person, at destroying his aura. The purpose of magic is to subjugate and control humanity. The ceremony of communication with the world of Evil is negative in nature, because demons, devils, Satan and other evil spirits participate in it.

The basics of magic are the violent control of someone else's will, pumping out energy and using a person's soul for one's own nefarious purposes. Dark forces feed on negative emotions and feelings, such as hatred, rage, anger, envy. Moreover, the stronger the negative manifestation, the more powerful the harmful energy emanating from it.

Black sorcerers are capable of causing damage, sending a curse, illness, misfortune, poverty - in a word, bringing suffering and pain into a person’s life. There are no moral or moral barriers for Black Magic; with its help, evil is intentionally caused and all life principles are violated.

Black magic has spawned a large number of followers and occult offshoots such as spiritualism and Satanism. The practice of spiritualism involves communication between a medium and dead souls with the aim of finding answers to any questions or causing harm to a certain person. Satanists worship the Devil, reject God and Christianity, perform black rituals of sacrifice and engage in the most repulsive forms of Satan worship.

Rituals and possibilities of magic

A person who turns to a Black Magician is driven by negative feelings. There is also resentment among them. The offended person can long and furiously hatch a plan of retaliation, cherish the feeling of satisfaction of his offense and furiously hate the enemy. No arguments can convince a person to give up his revenge and forgive the offender. Savoring his victory and the humiliation of the enemy, he sinks to the very bottom and comes to the magic of Evil in order to take full revenge on the enemy.

The terrible possibilities of magic are great. Black magicians cause damage, the evil eye, and pronounce curses. A person can become a slave until the end of his days if he is bewitched for blood or cemetery soil. The most terrible conspiracies are made for illness and death.

The most famous rituals of Black Magic include the following rituals.


This action is based on malicious intent with the aim of harming the enemy, transferring illnesses and misfortunes to him. Damage is carried by water or wind, read on a shadow or trace. You can also influence a person through his clothes, drink or food. Signs of damage are: a sharp deterioration in appearance, bad dreams, unknown illnesses, causeless weight fluctuations. Negative signs of damage can be failures in personal life, infertility.

Evil eye

This type of impact on a person is weaker than damage. It carries informational destruction of the integrity of the aura using a certain witchcraft technique. The essence of the evil eye is a rough penetration into the etheric shell of a person with the help of a negative emotion, a desire for harm. Signs of the evil eye may include conditions such as constant fatigue, frequent quarrels in the family, apathy, insomnia, causeless anger.

Love spell

Black magic through rituals can influence the psychological or physical state of a person, causing love or sexual affection in him. A love spell can be carried out through a photograph, a personal object or through direct contact. However, when resorting to inducing such artificial affection, you should know that it has nothing in common with real love. The feeling that arises is more like a manic addiction, which devastates and takes a lot of strength from a person.

Cemetery magic

The rituals performed in this place are very unexpected and dangerous. The cemetery concentrates extraordinary energy and powerful force, so the most terrible rituals and deadly spells take place here. Spirits from kingdom of the dead who agree to take part in the ceremony. Damage, a spell, or the casting of a love spell have such power that a person either obeys someone else’s will to the point of death, or dies if he disagrees with it.


The main purpose of this ritual is to transfer illness from one body to another. The disease is transferred to any object of the patient: clothes, a mirror or leftover food through a ritual and transferred to the person to whom harm is wished. If a seriously ill patient is near death, he undergoes a procedure for paying off the disease. In this case, the diagnosis of the disease is made on expensive items that the patient constantly wore - gold items, crosses. It is enough to carry out a certain ritual and place the thing in a crowded place for the disease to leave one person and pass on to another.

Guiding an Incubus or Succubus

These creatures come at night in various images when a person is half asleep. An incubus appears to women, a succubus appears to men. The creature enters into sexual intimacy with a person, and the latter can neither say nor do anything, since his body is paralyzed and strong fear. All sensations remain vivid, and this closeness brings pleasure to the victim. But the next morning a person feels so devastated and defeated that he has no strength left for a normal existence.

Succubi and incubi feed on the energy of their victim, drawing out all the vital juices from it. Any magician can perform a ritual to bring these creatures to a person, but only a strong and experienced sorcerer can get rid of the dates of an energy vampire-lover.

Village Black Magic

All rituals and conspiracies of this type of magic are very simple and are mainly performed by old healers who are knowledgeable in witchcraft. It is not for nothing that such magic is called rural - most often its rituals are performed in remote villages. The materials for carrying them out also cannot be found in the city: a live (fresh) egg, horsehair, twigs, grass from the field.

Despite its simplicity and primitiveness, the Black Magic of village old women is very powerful and quickly comes into effect. The most common rituals are love spells for a married or single man, inducing sexual desire in the opposite sex, and getting rid of a rival. Conspiracies are pronounced over drinks and food, which are then placed on the culprit of love suffering.

Village love spells are most often performed with the help of alcoholic drinks, over which spells are cast. The main advantage of alcohol when used in magical matters is that it is instantly absorbed and enters the human blood. This increases the chances of achieving high, quick results and a long-awaited connection with the object of adoration.

Protection from Dark magic

In order to prevent the forces of Evil from invading your life, you must prevent your aura from weakening, believe in the existence, power of the Almighty and his limitless protection. In moments of danger, you should imagine yourself in a shining white shell, emitting a bright stream of light. Tune in to the fact that this is reliable protection that will protect you from the destructive energy of dark forces.

Strong and effective amulets are stones, amulets, sacred crosses, and runes. Pentagrams - stars with five or six rays - are good defenders from Satan. The easiest way to protect yourself from damage or the evil eye is to attach a pin to the wrong side of your clothing, head down.

In your home, you can use fragrant oils of rosemary, geranium or cypress for protection. You can apply them to the body as perfume - this fragrant smell will drive away evil spirits and evil spirits of Darkness from you.

You can protect yourself from minor manifestations of Black Magic by wearing your underwear inside out. Negative energy will not be able to pass through these clothes and will pass by. However, it is worth remembering that you should dress this way deliberately, with the desire to protect yourself from evil spells. If you constantly wear a piece of clothing inside out, there will be no protective effect.

The best action against “black” intentions is unconditional faith in God and wearing pectoral cross. If you feel a flow of negative energy from a stranger, remain calm, close your aura into a tight cocoon and simply read a prayer.

Consequences of Black Magic

The possibilities of dark forces are unlimited, and the consequences of these actions are very often unpredictable and terrible. A person who is forcibly tied to himself through a love spell does not feel happy and resorts to vicious hobbies of alcohol, gambling, and drugs.

The initiator of the induced damage or conspiracy in case of return negative energy also suffers. Unexpected illnesses appear, accidents haunt him, and things don’t work out. Very often, people lose their fortune, money, taste for life, and health due to participation in Black magic.

But the most terrible consequences of dark spells can be experienced by future descendants. Many of them will have to suffer from mental illness, depression, seizures, and nervous disorders. Genetic abnormalities incurable diseases children, infertility and loneliness - all this is a consequence of the evil intentions of the world of Darkness.

When deciding to turn to a Black Magician, you should know that these actions can have dire consequences and affect the family, health and life of a person in general. Communication with the world of Satan can only cause misfortune, cripple someone else’s life and lead to the death of innocent people.

Practical black magic - what is it + 5 basic methods of black magic + evil eye and damage + spells and curses + incantations and love spells + spinning in black magic + cemetery methods

First, it’s worth understanding what magic is. In general, magic is actions aimed at solving any problems with the involvement of certain third-party - more precisely, even otherworldly - forces.

Practical black magic turns to dark forces with the goal of harming someone, white magic turns to the light forces of good in order to get help. This is the official interpretation.

In fact, many experts believe that the division into black and white magic is very arbitrary. If only because religion condemns any attempts by mere mortals to communicate directly with supernatural entities, reserving this monopoly for itself.

Therefore, will the magician turn to light forces or dark forces - in this case of great importance does not have.

Moreover, the division into good and evil in this life is also conditional. If evil must be inflicted for the purpose of self-defense, this is the most good thing. However, there is a division of magic “by color”, so it is worth understanding in more detail what is meant by practical black magic.

What does black magic include?

Like any science - recognized or unrecognized at the official level - black magic has its own sections. Anyone who decides to engage in practical magic must first study the “material parts,” that is, the theoretical “black magic” foundations. And only then move on to practice.

However, in reality, most prefer to immediately move on to practical magic, be it black or white. If you are one of these “practitioners”, at least take care of your own protection.

In black magic, the “return” arrives very quickly. And everything that you “conjured” evil on others can hit you, and with redoubled force.

Practical methods of black magic:

  1. Damage and evil eye.
  2. Spells and curses.
  3. Conspiracies and love spells.
  4. Verticalism.
  5. Cemetery methods.

This classification, like most classifications in magic, is conditional. Points may overlap - for example, cemetery methods include spells, curses, and damage.

However, they have their own, peculiar to them, patterns that must be observed in any cemetery ritual, which allows them to be included in a separate subsection.

Practical black magic: damage and evil eye

It is not for nothing that the words “damage” and “evil eye” stand side by side in black magic. Many people think that these are the same thing, although the difference is noticeable. In short, the evil eye can be felt as minor and quickly removable troubles.

But damage is felt globally and on a large scale - in deteriorating health, failure of important affairs and transactions, breakup of relationships and even the premature death of someone.

You can eliminate the evil eye yourself by mastering simple self-defense methods and having minimal energy that can simply withstand external influences. At the same time, it is not always possible to remove damage yourself.

Moreover, the help of an experienced magician who knows special ritual “technologies” and is able to correctly carry out ritual actions “from start to finish” is almost always required.

Black practical magic: spell and curse

The terms "spell" and "curse" are also often used together. In principle, both are varieties, so to speak, of “oral” magic. At the same time, this is an example of the mutual penetration of “magic” methods. So, with the help of a spell you can curse someone or cause damage.


This “oral” format often contains an appeal to any specific forces that should help fulfill the wish of the caster. These are not always dark forces like the Devil or Satan.

With the proper energy message, you can convey the negative “to the addressee” with the help of wind, water, and other natural elements. But, of course, this requires certain skills and experience.

There are also texts that simply state the need to cause harm or perform some kind of action on a potential victim. Let’s say something like “let God’s servant such-and-such be deprived of peace.”

A spell is usually part of some magical act. Although sometimes it happens that a certain action requires simply pronouncing a text, without additional ritual innuendo.


A curse usually includes not only a text part, but also a certain set of manipulations with something (photography, cemetery soil, candles, and so on).

The simplest example is “fleeting” curses, which involve whispering texts while looking at the back of a departing enemy. Here the gaze plays the role of action, and the “spell” whispering performs the function of conveying the necessary information to otherworldly forces.

More complex examples are curses with wishes for illness and/or death. Often these are complex multi-day and multi-step ritual actions in which not a single move can be missed and all recommendations must be followed correctly.

Conspiracies and love spells of black magic

Conspiracies and love spells - partly universal methods, used by both white and black magic. It all depends on the goals and means of achieving them. So, if, for example, a love spell is based on increasing the subject’s female attractiveness in order to establish a relationship with the “man of dreams,” then this is considered white magic.

If a love spell and a readable conspiracy involves invading an energetic essence and forcibly keeping a person close to you, this is, of course, practical black magic.

The “black” essence of such practical actions is especially clearly visible when love spells are used on blood or love spells using the biochemical material of the victim - for example, hair.

Black practical magic: verititude

Veretry, also known as heresy, is a separate area of ​​practical black magic, based on a voiced and obvious rejection of Christian values. Therefore, the direction has two names.

This hereticality comes from the word “heretic”, and “verticality” comes from the word “spindle”, which is actively used in practical rituals of this branch of magic.

By the way, this is also one of the most mysterious directions in terms of origin. Some people date the emergence of veretnichestvo to the 17th century, when the church split. Some believe that this was a response to the forced baptism of Rus'.

And some believe that it arose during the times of paganism, therefore the denial of Christian values ​​is not an end in itself, but adherence to pagan rituals.

Mages who practice this direction of black magic turn to the “Nine Hellish Princes” and their assistants, of whom there are even more, so we will not list them. A clear example is the damage to health “by 9 knots.” There, Abara, one of the assistants of the “Hell Princes,” is called upon to help evil intentions.

9 Hellish Princes:

  1. Satan. Leader, supreme king.
  2. Veligor. The embodiment of evil, the best victim of which is blood. The one who once incited Satan to rebel against God.
  3. Versaul. Patronizes magicians and witches. A huge ugly fly with a man's face or a winged and horned black man.
  4. Asp. Free from greed, jealousy and envy. Veretny version of the merman. Appears in the guise of a winged serpent with the head of a man.
  5. Enacha. Responsible for lust, debauchery, penchant for gambling and love for alcohol. Outwardly he looks like a man, but only his body is covered with hair, and his head is that of a goat.
  6. Black Widow. She was once married to one of the angels, whom God ordered to be executed. Angry, the Black Widow sided with Satan and took responsibility for the territory of the cemeteries: she is the Mistress of the graveyards.
  7. Mafawa. Provokes thirst for profit. Loves gold and gems. Reigns over material resources and the bowels of the earth.
  8. Indic. A demon living underground. Causes landslides and earthquakes.
  9. Enareus. A werewolf demon capable of taking the form of any animal or plant. Lives in forests. Analogous to a goblin.

It is also practiced to appeal to Demons, of which there are countless numbers. Demons have their own “specialization”, so experienced magicians turn to the demon who most likely will solve his problem.

Abaddon (Abvadon, Apollyon)- demon destroyer.
Abduscius is a demon who uproots trees.
Abigor is a demon horseman, a skilled warrior.
Adramalech is a demon advisor in charge of Satan's wardrobe.
Agaliarept is a demon who can solve any riddles.
Agvares is a demon, Duke of Hell, organizer of dances.
Azazel is a demon, the standard bearer of the troops of hell.
Azi Dahaka - the one who knows all the sins of the world.
Alastor is a demon herald.
Amduscias is a demon musician, Duke of Hell.
Andras - demon, marquis.
Asmodeus is the demon of lust and family troubles.
Astaroth - Grand Duke, keeper of the treasures of hell.
Acheron is a hellish monster with flaming eyes.
Barbatos is a demon, a duke who can find hidden treasures and predict the future.
Behemoth is a huge demon who ruled the feasts in hell.
Belphegor is a demon who seduces people with wealth.
The demon is the messenger of evil.
Baal is the demon of treachery and deceit, the great duke of hell.
Vaalberith is the chief secretary of hell.
Valafar is a demon, patron of robbers and robbers.
Belial is a powerful ally of Satan, a demon of lies.
Beelzebub - commander of the legions of hell, lord of the flies.
Verdelet is the master of ceremonies of hell.
Vin - could destroy the thickest walls and cause a storm at sea.
Glasialabolas is a winged dog. He directed the killings. In his free time from his main duties, this demon taught people the art of becoming invisible.
Gomori knew how to achieve the love of women, especially young ones. As a Grand Duke, he appeared in the form of a beautiful woman riding a camel, with a ducal crown on her head.
Dagon is a demon, the baker of hell.
Dantalian is a demon who incites people to do evil things.
Dubbuk is a wandering spirit in mythology.
Zalpas is a destroyer, a builder of cities, populating them with warriors thirsty for battle. Has the appearance of a stork and a hoarse voice.
Zepar is a demon who drives women to madness.
Incubus is a male demon lover.
Ifrit - genie, servant
IblisaKaym - at first had the appearance of a thrush, and then turned into a man with sharp sword. If they asked him questions, he answered them not entirely clearly - with burning ashes. When he was an angel, he loved to argue, and if he was in the mood, he could talk about the meaning of bird songs, the mooing of cattle, the barking of dogs and the babbling brook.
Xaphan is a demon who makes fires in hell.
Lamia is a female demon, a vampire, who hunted mainly children.
Leviathan is a huge snake, ruler of the oceans.
Leonard is a demon, the master of the covens.
Lerayer is a powerful marquis, an archer in a green tunic, armed with a bow and sharp arrows. He provoked quarrels and battles between people, but especially sought to ensure that they wounded each other with arrows, the wounds of which never healed.
Lufitzer is an angel who rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven, Satan.
Lucifuge Rofocal is the Prime Minister of Hell. Mammon is the demon of wealth.
Marbas is a demon who could send and cure illness.
Melchom is a demon, keeper of the treasures of the princes of hell.
Mephistopheles is a demon who served Faust for 24 years.
Moloch is a demon-deity to whom children were sacrificed.
Mulciber is a demon, the architect of hell.
Navkas are the souls of killed or unbaptized children (among the Slavs).
Nebiros is a demon, field marshal of the army of hell.
Nibras is the demon in charge of entertainment.
Nisrok is a demon, one of the administrators of hell.
Oyedlet is a demon seducer of the vow of poverty.
Olivier is a fallen archangel who awakens in people cruelty towards the poor.
Parks is the demon of fate; If anyone has seen the parks, then that person is a demon himself.
Paimon rules public ceremonies in hell, breaking people's will. Rides a camel. Portrayed as a man with a woman's face.
Pishacha is the spirit of a person who committed a crime during his lifetime, for example, fraud, rape, theft, etc.
Pretas - “hungry spirits”) are hostages of their bad karma, corrupted by previous reincarnations. They constantly experience insatiable hunger and thirst.
Put Satanakia is the supreme commander of Satan's army.
Rakshasas have huge claws and feed on people.
Sabnak is a demon responsible for the rotting of corpses.
Salamanders are lords of fire, spirits who live in flames.
Sargatanas is a demon, major general of the army of hell.
Satan is the Supreme Lord of Hell and Demons.
Seera is a demon of time, could slow down or speed up its progress.
Sitri is a prince who had the head of a leopard and the wings of a griffin. He stimulated sexual desire, in particular, he encouraged women to walk naked.
Succubus is a devil lover.
Ufir is a demon, a doctor of hell.
Utburd - ghost of a dead child (Norwegian).
Philotanus is a 2nd class demon and Belial's assistant. An instigator of debauchery.
Flevreti - Beelzebub's lieutenant general in charge of Africa.
Furfur is a demon who controls thunder, lightning and hurricane winds.
Khabaril is the demon of fire and fire. He has three heads - cat, human and snake, he rides on a viper, waving torches.
Shax is a demon that blinds and stuns its victims.

Cemetery methods in black magic

Cemetery methods occupy a special place in black magic. The cemetery has always been associated with the other world, which, in essence, is almost true. The difference between the perception of mass grave sites by a magician and the perception ordinary person– this is the intention to use the energy of otherworldly forces for one’s own purposes.

These methods range from very simple to super complex. A simple example is burying a photograph of an enemy in a cemetery with a mental wish for him of all bad things. Even people who are far from magic often undertake such a ritual. In principle, something may work out for them, but the main thing is not to forget to protect yourself from the “boomerang effect”.

Professional actions are performed with many other attributes, at certain times, at certain graves. However, both simple and most complex actions are united by a number of rules that are characteristic of almost all cemetery magic rituals.

Rules for conducting cemetery rituals:

  • self-defense is mandatory;
  • respect for the souls of the departed is mandatory;
  • It is advisable to enter through the emergency exit, because the main gate is for funeral ceremonies;
  • you cannot be afraid, feel horror or dread;
  • if you cannot overcome fear, avoid the ritual;
  • strictly follow the rules of the ritual, unless otherwise stated;
  • if the ritual fails, transfer to a tree;
  • After the ceremony, leave without looking back and without talking to anyone.

Also, many types of magical actions in places of mass graves stipulate the time of performance or the so-called “ransom”.

Always carefully follow the requirements of cemetery rites. Due to the high concentration of otherworldly energy, any deviations can cause significant harm to the magician. Also study how the transfer to the tree is done specifically in the ritual you have planned - recommendations for different rituals may differ.

It seems that now practical black magic has revealed its secrets to you. If you want to know more, we offer a training video:

Black magic what is it?

The video introduces both practical and theoretical foundations of magic. Good luck in exploring the world around you!

Magic− is a knowledge system that operates with energies. It involves connecting and using supernatural powers(energy beings of the subtle world), to influence natural phenomena, people, circumstances. Magic is a remote influence on a person, circumstances, etc. Magic is not a game we can play for our own pleasure or praise.

Real magic is a system of certain knowledge on reality management. Magicians are conductors of otherworldly forces. Accordingly, if magic is not performed according to the rules, an imbalance of the forces of the subtle world may occur and everything will get out of control.

The main task of the magician− this is:

  1. Constant accumulation and storage of knowledge in your information space.
  2. Constant development and improvement of your magical power.

The level of a magician's magical power depends on the results he achieves. How better results magician, the higher his level becomes.

A person will not be able to comprehend the basics of magic if he does not study himself to the smallest detail and does not realize his inner world.

People who have magical abilities have many names - magicians, sorcerers, wizards, shamans, sorcerers. In fact, what the magician’s name is doesn’t matter, but there is one main feature, a line beyond which not all people endowed with a special gift decide to cross. This trait is white and black magic - a choice between them. And the difference here is huge.

White magic- this is a counterbalance to black, neutralizes the open magical effects of black magicians. It is forbidden to harm people here; morality limits the possibilities. Permissible conspiracies against illnesses, getting rid of or removing damage, protecting the home, preserving the family and its well-being are practiced here.

Constant constant- everything must be voluntary. No one has the right to influence a person if he has not asked for it.

Which is more effective, white or black magic? It all depends on the level of clearance of the magician - the power with which he can influence reality.

White magic helps one to gain beauty and good fortune through special prayers. The essence of intentions is to serve people, heal them, and provide reliable protection. Therefore, in order to become a white magician, you need to undergo a complete cleansing of the body, and even more so of the soul. This may take many years. But it is precisely what is difficult that is sublime. Everyone who is subject to white magic should only benefit people.

White Master's Assistants- prayers, herbs, roots and good perfumes. White magic spells are light, helpful and accessible even ordinary people, for self-help.
White magic healers use spells, make amulets, and read prayers.

What is a conspiracy?
CONSPIRACY- made by a spiritually strong magician, was the right way without doctors, stop the disease, remove damage, protect your family from quarrels, the evil eye, and accidents. With white conspiracies, well-known and at the same time powerful prayers are used, “Our Father”, “I Believe” and “The Life-Giving Cross” and more.

What is a talisman?
Amulet- a faithful assistant to the white magician. An item made to order from a healer must be created in compliance with all the rules of a suitable ritual. It is believed that it is best to use precious or semi-precious stones; you can also make it from herbs, a piece of wood, an animal’s claw or tooth. An experienced magician will determine the material that suits you based on your date of birth.
Prayer- a magical action in which the word serves as a correct appeal to good spirits, to the Forces of Light with a request to send their mercy to those in need. Most often, the magician prays for a person, or gives him a text, and explains how and when it is best to contact good entities.

What is black magic?

Black magic− this is a remote influence on a person, without his knowledge.

Each person realizes within himself that black magic- is a source of destruction of living things, a threat human soul. Black magic is in the nature of violence and subordination of the will of man, and therefore has nothing to do with the source of Life.

When a magician casts a spell, dark forces, demons and demons come to his aid. They are ready to fulfill any request of the customer, but in return they can take much more than they gave. Behind all this there are always dark forces, there is always Evil, which has never been ready to serve for the benefit of humanity.

The rituals in black magic are completely different.Sacrifice- this ritual requires the death of a living creature, be it an animal, or even a person. The sacrifice is needed to appease the Prince of Darkness, and thereby achieve the desired goal. It is believed that at the moment of the death of the victim, a huge amount of energy is released, which an experienced magician is able to direct to fulfill his plans.

Necromancy- the art of divination through the ritual of summoning spirits, in which trained priests perform rituals to communicate with dead entities. Necromancers employ the awakened ones at their service souls of the dead, to use to your advantage, but this concept should not be confused with spiritualism. Necromancy in black magic is considered more complex and very risky, which requires more experience and dedication to the dark side.

Black magic is, for the most part, calling dark forces to your side, controlling them, and achieving desired goals with their help. Everything that black magic gives will subsequently be taken back in double amount.

Inevitable retribution for turning to black magic

People who turn to magicians for help in order to get what they want do not realize that by doing so they are putting the lives of their children at risk. At the very moment when the magician begins to remotely influence a person without his knowledge, at the will of his client, the client’s child loses the divine monad, which is the protective core within which the soul lives.

The soul thus exposed is left without protection, and the child is subjected to severe mental shock. Not understanding what is happening to him, the child immediately begins to look for the lost feeling - the divine monad, often finding it in a substitute - a drug, under the influence of which the soul dissolves completely.

Thus, magician's client receives punishment from Life for using violence against a person without his knowledge, subordinating his will and encroaching on a life that does not belong to him.

White and black magic: position of the source of Life

A white magician considers himself a person who brings good in the name of life. But if you look from the position of the source of Life, then its curse is the inevitable war, which destroys it during a fight with a black magician (and vice versa).

What choice a person makes, which side to take, is, of course, everyone’s personal choice.


Remember that every word, every deed in our Art serves either good or evil. Before you say or do anything, you must know what the price you have to pay is.

It is worth understanding what magic is, understanding that it is changing the conditions of the surrounding world with the help of energies. Whether she is light or dark, one way or another, when she goes into our world, she makes changes to it. Naturally, all the energy sent comes back to us, perhaps even with a vengeance. What you send to the Universe is your choice, the main thing is to realize your readiness and accept your message at the return stage.

Mistakes in magic are not forgiven, and therefore magic, like other sciences, should be carefully and painstakingly studied, learning all the intricacies of this difficult craft.

Anything that scares us makes us angry, fearful, and in denial. This is fine. It is common for the human race to fear and deny everything for which they cannot find an explanation.

Black magic is a special cult and ancient teaching

Black magic, as an ancient teaching or as a special cult, also causes a feeling of apprehension, fear among most people, and magicians who have chosen this type of employment for themselves are condemned by society. What is Black Magic in its essence, is it worth fearing and condemning?

History of Black Teaching

The first thing I will say is that in the world of magicians there is no clear definition of Black, White or Gray magic. Magic is a teaching, one stream, one sphere. But this area includes various branches. If you really want to divide the concept of magical influence into categories, then it is better to use psychological concepts rather than colors.

Black Magic is aggressive witchcraft. The actions of such witchcraft are aimed at aggressively achieving goals. If there is an enemy, then the dark magician does not offer to forgive him, but offers to take revenge and take revenge harshly. This is precisely what damage, curses and evil eyes are aimed at. Mentioning the power of Love, the consequences of Black magic are not aimed at enhancing the attractiveness of the magician performing the ritual, but at enslaving the will of the victim.

There is no need to argue that this is wrong or say that it is an unpardonable sin. None of us mortals, whether we are magicians or ordinary people, have received the supreme right to decide whether Black Magic and its rituals are a crime or not. You should not take on the role of the arbiter of someone’s fate or someone’s thoughts.

Aggressive Magic in Human History

If you look from the point of view of an adept of aggressive magic, that is, from my point of view, then Black Magic has been undeservedly oppressed and humiliated for many centuries. Yes, that’s exactly what is not deserved.

By accusing adherents of dark forces of harming humanity, the Inquisition, with its sentences, violated the main commandments of God: do not torture, do not kill, do not steal. And if their faith in God and Paradise was justified, then all those who passed judgment and carried out punishments quite successfully reserved a place for their immortal souls in the fiery hyena of Hell.

But, despite the fact that times are changing, the attitude towards Dark Magic has not changed much. People, ordinary people, are also afraid of dark magicians, they condemn their actions, and do not accept their way of life as a worthy choice. At the same time, absolutely everyone resorts to the services of the Black Teaching, consciously or unconsciously. Consciously, this is when a person goes to a magician and orders damage to his enemy.

And unconsciously, this is if a person, in a strong rage, showers his enemy with curses, sending all the troubles of the world to him and his family. So I’ll tell you that it is not yet known what is a great sin: the professional work of a magician who knows how to correctly carry out the ritual of punishing one person, or the menial work of an ordinary person who, with his evil words, harms not only the enemy, but also his children, and sometimes to grandchildren.

Should you be afraid of Black Magic?

I will not console you and say that there is nothing to fear from dirty deeds. Yes, Black Dark Magic is aggression, and if a ritual of punishment, revenge, damage or curse is performed by a professional, the consequences will not only be terrible, they will be disastrous:

  • illness;
  • death;
  • psychological exhaustion;
  • loss of performance;
  • neurological disorders;
  • pursuit magic;
  • depression;
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • destruction of personality, etc.

Psychological exhaustion - a consequence of the effects of black magic

But I will also mention that witches and dark magicians are not particularly eager to do damage, cast curses, or drive people crazy. Most offenses are not worth paying for with your life, even the most strong magic against the destruction of man. And Black Magicians appreciate human life even more than the ordinary people themselves.

Working with Dark Energy gives many opportunities, but takes a lot of energy. And therefore, I would not recommend getting involved in rituals and creating magical objects for those who do not feel enough strength and energy.

Who can and who cannot practice Black Magic?

Due to rapid development scientific psychology, as well as esotericists, many cease to perceive Magic as something serious and dangerous. Inexperienced and unprepared people are trying to discover superhuman abilities in themselves, others are studying various types of fortune-telling, practicing spells and summoning spirits, while others simply want to know themselves from a different perspective.

Speaking about modern Black Magic, ordinary people still tend to be more skeptical about it.

However, there are those who not only believe, but also have a desire to try themselves in a similar direction. There are many various types magic, but, as my practice with beginners shows, Dark witchcraft is of greater interest than Light deeds. And this is exactly what we will talk about, because in reality, not everyone knows what Black Magic is, and what it is, and who can and who is not allowed to practice it.

How to determine your strength for a choice like Aggressive Magic

Black, Aggressive magic is a relatively unknown concept for many people. All that the average person knows is that:

  • turning into a black magician can be spontaneous;
  • every witch knows how to make the enemy “death”;
  • ancient magic is stronger than modern rituals;
  • Black Magic spells are always Evil.

Basically, everyone associates it with destruction, chaos, evil and nothing but negativity. To a large extent, this is true - the basis of Black Magic is largely based on the worship of Satan, dark forces, and work with otherworldly entities. But on the other hand, adepts and sorcerers, witches and warlocks, just like light sorcerers, healers and sorcerers, adhere to the laws of the nature of magic.

But, it is rare that a spell made by an ordinary person has a powerful charge, or a magic spell containing special words, but pronounced by a novice practitioner will cause death to the enemy. It will take away vital forces, but it is unlikely to provoke death.

Fear and inexperience will ruin a novice practitioner

This side of magic is very difficult both in understanding and in practice, especially for beginners who, before learning all the basics of magical science, begin to cast various kinds of spells, damage, and inflict evil forces on other people.

Such curiosity and bitterness can cost an inexperienced magician a lot. At best, the spell may not work, and at worst, it will have the opposite effect and return to its performer, leading to nightmarish consequences. That is why, in such a matter, you need to be as careful as possible and not get into trouble. Better yet, you should contact a specialist in this field, so you will have a better chance of not harming yourself and a chance to receive invaluable advice from an experienced magician.

In Black Magic there is the possibility of solving certain problems in ways that are simply not available in white magic.

Black magic can heal mental wounds making a person happy

But still, with the help of dark forces, you can not only harm a person. With the help of such teachings, sorcerers are able to help people recover from illnesses, wounds inflicted on them, and so on. It works on the principle that everything that is applied with a negative is removed with the same negative. Also, with the help of Dark Rituals, damage and love spells are removed.

How to determine that Aggressive Magic is your destiny

As already mentioned above, Dark Magic is very dangerous, sometimes painful and even fatal. Not every person can engage in such power, because in order to devote oneself to this matter, one must have great courage and strength.

When starting to study Black Magic, you need to decide and find out whether you can do this specifically. How to find out? Let's look at it:

Do you have enough strength and energy to practice Black Magic?

Each person has his own specific energy level. If your energy level is quite low, then under no circumstances should you practice Dark Magic. Otherwise, you will at least face health problems. In order to raise your energy level, start doing more sports, gymnastics, yoga, meditation, and so on. The choice is yours, so follow your preferences.

Can you control your thoughts when learning the Dark Teachings?

While you are practicing your Dark forces, you need to know clearly what you are thinking and what you want. The flow of extraneous thoughts is not allowed, especially if it is not related to Black Magic. In this situation, you may get an undesirable result or not a very good one. good consequences. Nuances that are insignificant for the average person play an important role, but there are no trifles in such a matter:

Your religious preference

Many religious movements do not approve of those actions inherent in Black Magic. Christianity does not accept any kind of magic and does not accept it from its followers. If you are in some kind of religious community, you should think several times whether certain actions associated with the study of Dark Magic are consistent and whether you should do it. You must begin to master otherworldly magic without the slightest doubt, since any doubt is the key to unsuccessful work and results.

Do you have the patience?

As in absolutely all endeavors, the best results will naturally not be expected in a week. You will have to hone your skills over a long time, it will take a lot of effort and nerves, but this aspect is very important, since patience is the key to any success, Moscow was not built right away. Start with the easiest thing - develop your intuitive feeling.

Do you have a place to practice Dark Magic?

You must have your own private space, hidden from everyone, to practice Aggressive Witchcraft. No one should disturb you, you should be completely focused on your activities and not be distracted by anything. None alive soul should not see your records and notes; only people trusted by you or your sorcerer brothers can be present at the rituals.

The ability to focus on one specific energy

If you practice your magical abilities without being focused on your actions, expect to get any result other than what you want. In addition, such absent-mindedness can lead to disastrous consequences that you may regret in the future. There are many exercises to improve your concentration level. You can also try meditation, it is the best way in order to learn to concentrate.

Your doubts bring about the collapse of all endeavors.

You should absolutely not start studying black or any magic with doubts. You must be completely mentally prepared to accept magic into your life, as it will become part of everything you life path, and it will no longer be possible to eradicate it. If you have even the slightest doubt, you cannot start studying magic.

If you still have a fear of otherworldly magic, it’s worth thinking about whether this is yours? Maybe you don’t need this at all and you should look for yourself in another type of magic, but you shouldn’t associate yourself with black forces. There should be no fear, you need to feel that this is your Path.

Aggressive magic and magic in general is a very serious and responsible type of science that requires detailed study and strong moral preparation. Be prepared for big changes in your life after you let in magical powers. Be careful, judicious and attentive while you use the magic of dark forces.

There is no need to harm people and be selfish, casting spells only for your own benefit and in the name of your motives. With great power comes great responsibility. Try to help people and not hurt them, cure diseases with the help of your magical abilities, do good, albeit with the help of dark energy.

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