"black chicken or underground inhabitants." Reviews of the book black chicken, or underground inhabitants

// / Analysis of Pogorelsky's tale " Black chicken, or Underground inhabitants"

The fairy tale “The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants” was written by Antonio Pogorelsky in 1829. It is known that it was created for the writer’s nephew, Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy, the future famous Russian wordsmith. It all started when little Alyosha told his uncle how he enjoyed playing with the chicken in the yard of the boarding house. This simple incident turned into a fairy tale that has been popular for more than 100 years.

A. Pogorelsky gave the work the subtitle “A Magic Tale for Children.” In fact, a story in literary criticism means a medium-length work with several plot lines. The volume of the analyzed work is more like a story, and story line there is only one in it - the life and adventures of Alyosha. We can conclude that the word “story” is used here as a synonym for the word “story”. The genre of the work is a fairy tale. It contains both real and fantastic events and characters, the events are designed to “educate” the reader.

In A. Pogorelsky's fairy tale, it is not difficult to consider dual worlds - a feature characteristic of romanticism. The events unfold before the reader in the boarding house ( real world) and in the underworld (fantastic). During the war, A. Pogorelsky served with Hoffmann, hence the trend of romanticism in his work.

The theme of the analyzed work is the adventures of a boy in a boarding house and a dungeon. The author wants to show how important it is to keep the word you gave, he claims that only those fruits that you get yourself are tasty. A. Pogorelsky also proves that one cannot consider oneself better than others, since fate is unpredictable.

At the beginning of the fairy tale “The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants,” the author takes the reader to St. Petersburg. The description of the city and the boarding house in which the events take place takes up several paragraphs. This allows you to completely immerse yourself in the atmosphere of what is happening. Gradually he introduces the heroes of the fairy tale. In the center of the plot is Alyosha, the main one can be called the chicken minister. Minor role played by a teacher, a cook, and Dutch grandmothers. There are also composite images in the fairy tale - the inhabitants of the dungeon and the students of the boarding school.

The plot of the work develops in two worlds, but all its elements are located in a logical chain. The exhibition is an introduction to Alyosha and the boarders. The plot - Alyosha begins to be “friends” with Chernushka and saves the bird. Development of events - traveling with the minister to the dungeon, studying with hemp seeds. The climaxes are the loss of a hemp seed and Alyosha’s punishment, a conversation with the minister after the “betrayal.” Denouement - Alyosha is corrected, but everything that happened seems to him like a vague dream.

Using the technique of “two worlds,” A. Pogorelsky raises many problems in the fairy tale. He talks about kindness when Alyosha saves Chernushka. The writer speaks with irony about the importance of recognition by superiors for people (the director's reception at the boarding school), and speaks with the same irony about wealth (jewels in the underworld).

The tale of A. Pogorelsky is an example of an original presentation eternal problems, so it is worth reading not only for children, but also for adults.

It’s rare that a Soviet-Russian schoolchild does not know the fairy tale “The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants,” because this work is included in school curriculum By literary reading. And those who found Soviet time, they also know a cartoon based on a fairy tale, which I never liked.

The Black Chicken, or Underground Inhabitants is an amazing work. And him creative history is also amazing.

The fairy tale was written by Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky, a bastard count and brother of our Orenburg governor Vasily Alekseevich Perovsky (handsome, no strength, also a bastard and a count, naturally).

Probably, it was not a count’s business to write on his own behalf, so he wrote under the pseudonym Antony Pogorelsky (the surname was taken from the name of the estate where Perovsky lived with his sister and nephew Alexei Tolstoy, for whom the fairy tale The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants was written) .

I respect Anthony Pogorelsky immensely. First of all, because he was the first in Russian literature to write a work about childhood for children.

According to the plot of the fairy tale, the boy Alyosha saves a hen that did not lay eggs, at the cost of the most expensive thing he has - a golden imperial, and for this he receives access to the kingdom of the Underground inhabitants and the fulfillment of his desire. And so, at the moment of making a wish, the good boy Alyosha turns out to be no longer as good as we see at the beginning, Alyosha asks for the ability to know a lesson without learning it. The underground king keeps his word and Alyosha receives the ability, albeit accompanied by the king’s regret about the boy’s laziness. In addition, the hero is made to promise not to tell anyone about the Underworld.

The fairy tale is full of various details that make the story as reliable as possible for a fairy tale - thanks to them, the child has a good idea of ​​what it is about.

The tale is very didactic and instructive. The author had to debunk the image of his hero (whose prototypes were both himself and his nephew; it is no coincidence that the hero’s name is Alyosha) as good boy, because after a good deed and a sweet character, Alyosha commits bad deeds. Well, how else to raise children without directly telling them what to do and what not to do?

The fairy tale Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants would not have lived as long as literary work, if it were limited only to instructiveness for the child. The fairy tale is very beautiful: the style, the description of the Underworld and its inhabitants, the room of the old women - everything is incredibly picturesque. Hard work and laziness, truth and its concealment, loyalty and betrayal - thanks to even this one fairy tale, Anthony Pogorelsky harmoniously fit into the galaxy of Russian classic writers who help their readers understand and comprehend life as it is and as it should be.

The fairy tale “The Black Hen or the Underground Inhabitants,” written by Pogorelsky, teaches the attentive reader that nothing is given for free, everything has to be paid for. It also shows that very often people do not value what they have, and only when they lose do they begin to understand what they have lost. The work shows that betrayal has far-reaching consequences. The fairy tale warns that even a person with kind hearted may change in bad side. She also teaches us to value what we have earned through hard work.

This fairy tale is funny and cool. Teaches that you can’t make your dudes friends. Friendship is important and cannot be treated like a dirty dog. So value your friendship and love because one day you may lose him forever. Like I once lost. Two best friends and that I communicate with classmates, but I was left alone for half a day, sitting at home, looking at my phone. And that life gets better? How? Think about it, do you need this?

The fairy tale by Antony Pogorelsky “The Black Hen or the Underground Inhabitants” teaches his readers to achieve what they want solely on their own, to work hard and never cheat. Alyosha wanted to gain knowledge without hard work, and was exposed. Only those who study hard and work hard will achieve success.
In addition, the fairy tale teaches you to always remain modest. You should never extol yourself over other people, no matter how high your achievements. Alyosha became proud and lost the most valuable thing in a person’s life - friendship and comradely support. Therefore, you should never be arrogant and rude if you do not want to be alone.

What is the fairy tale The Black Hen about?

This tale is about a boy who lived and studied in a boarding school for boys. His name was Alyosha. He was a kind, dreamy and romantic child. IN free time he read books about knights and dreamed of meeting his parents. Sometimes he was allowed to walk in the yard where the chickens lived, and he loved one of them, Chernushka, very much. He brought crumbs to the birds and watched them. One day, the cook decided to slaughter Chernushka and prepare dinner from her, but Alyosha bought the bird for his only gold coin. The chicken turned out to be the minister of the underground inhabitants, and secretly took Alyosha to the king at night. As a reward for saving the minister, the king fulfilled the child's wish - to always know the lesson perfectly, without making any effort. In exchange, they made him promise, under no circumstances, to talk about the underground inhabitants. Alyosha became the best student, became proud and lazy, but before he was diligent and responsible. One day he lost a grain and failed the lesson, but Chernushka brought it to him the next day and Alyosha completed the task. The teacher believed that Alyosha had deliberately failed the lesson the previous time, and the students confirmed that he had not studied. Alyosha was punished and he told about the underground inhabitants. After this, they began to consider him a deceiver, and Chernushka was punished by the underground king and all their people moved away.

What does a fairy tale teach us?

  1. You need to be kind and save the innocent from death.
  2. You cannot be proud of actions and deeds in which success is not earned on your own. The reward for such actions is not deserved.
  3. You need to try hard in your studies and in life, not be lazy, make an effort and, regardless of the results, everyone around you will notice and appreciate it.
  4. You cannot betray people who rely on you, and whose life and happiness depend on your actions. As in a fairy tale, the life and peace of an entire people depended on the boy’s honesty and devotion.
  5. The fairy tale teaches forgiveness and repentance. The minister forgave Alyosha and remained faithful to him and loving friend, despite the fact that he was shackled and would have to suffer punishment. And Alyosha repented of his action and remembered this lesson for the rest of his life.

Antony Pogorelsky wrote his famous fairy tale“The Black Hen or the Underground Inhabitants” was written almost 200 years ago - in 1829, but children still read it with pleasure, and parents find that it contains a lot of useful thoughts. Children usually like the fact that a fairy tale is magical, mysterious, and charming.
The language of the fairy tale is not like the lightweight modern language we are used to. There are ancient figures of speech here, but they are so poetic that they do not make reading difficult at all.
The essence of the tale is that a kind and obedient boy Alyosha lives in a private boarding school for men in St. Petersburg. He studies well, everyone loves him for his friendly disposition. And then one day he saves the Black Hen from death, who turns out to be the chief minister of the mysterious underground people. Alyosha is invited to a magnificent underground kingdom, where gems, where beautiful candles are burning everywhere, little knights in shiny armor are rattling their armor, where you can go hunting on horseback on a wooden stick...

The king of a fairy-tale country for saving his chief minister Chernushka invites Alyosha to make a wish. And from that moment on, the boy’s series of mistakes begins, which then leads to sad consequences. Alyosha makes a wish that “even without studying, you will always know your lesson.” The king is saddened by such an unseemly desire and says: “I didn’t think you were such a sloth.” But still, he fulfills his promise, giving the boy a magic hemp seed.
The author of the fairy tale leads the children to the idea that without work, without diligence in studying, a person will still not achieve anything good in life. Alyosha becomes famous throughout the boarding house and in the city - thanks to his excellent memory that came from nowhere, without studying at all. Immediately he became excessively arrogant, proud, began to consider himself smarter and better than others, and became self-willed and disobedient. His comrades turned their backs on him and did not want to be friends with him anymore. They saw that Alyosha’s successes did not cost him any work, and while they studied hard, he spent his time in idleness. And when the boy lost the magic seed and couldn’t answer the lesson, everyone just laughed. But the saddest thing was that, while awaiting punishment with rods, the boy betrayed his secret friends - he spoke about the underworld, although he promised to remain silent. As a result, the fairy-tale people left their country moaning and crying. Alyosha made those who trusted him their secret unhappy.
True, at the end of the fairy tale Alyosha corrected himself and realized all his mistakes. But it wasn't easy.
Thus, reading an interesting, entertaining fairy tale, children understand that they need to study hard, not be arrogant, listen to the wise advice of adults, and not betray friends even under pain of punishment.
Of course, Pogorelsky, due to the traditions of that time, often openly “reads morality,” which we are absolutely not accustomed to now, but these frank teachings are perceived precisely as the old Russian tradition, when a smart adult tells a child what to do so that everyone considers you a good man. So I recommend that mothers read this fairy tale aloud to their 7-9 year old children.

A fairy tale called “The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants” was written by the Russian writer A. Pogorelsky in 1829. But the work has not lost its relevance today. The fairy tale will be of interest to many schoolchildren, and for some it can serve as a real source of life wisdom.

How the book was created

Many schoolchildren liked the fairy tale “The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants.” Reader reviews of this book are very positive. However, not everyone knows for what purpose the fairy tale was originally created. This work was a gift to A. Tolstoy, for whom Pogorelsky replaced his father. Alexei Tolstoy was a relative paternal line of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. It is known that over time, Alexey Nikolaevich also became a popular writer and even contributed to the creation of the famous image of Kozma Prutkov.

However, this awaited him only in the future, and for now the boy was causing a lot of difficulties for Pogorelsky due to the fact that he did not want to study. That is why Pogorelsky decided to compose a fairy tale that would encourage his pupil to work in his studies. Over time, the book became increasingly popular, and every schoolchild could write a review about it. "The Black Hen, or the Underground Dwellers" has become a classic for every student. Perhaps fans of the fairy tale will be interested to know that the surname Pogorelsky is actually a pseudonym. In fact, the writer's name was Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky.

The main character of the fairy tale, the scene of action

The main character of “The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants” is the boy Alyosha. The fairy tale begins with a story about the main character. The boy studies in a private boarding school and often suffers from his loneliness. He is tormented by longing for his parents, who, having paid money for education, live with their worries far from St. Petersburg. Books replace the emptiness in Alyosha’s soul and communication with loved ones. The child's imagination takes him to distant lands, where he imagines himself to be a valiant knight. Parents take other children away on weekends and holidays. But for Alyosha, books remain the only consolation. The setting of the fairy tale, as stated, is a small private boarding house in St. Petersburg, where parents send their children to study. Having paid money for their child’s education several years in advance, they, in fact, disappear from his life completely.

The beginning of the story

The main characters of “The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants” are the boy Alyosha and Chernushka, a character whom Alyosha meets in the poultry yard. It is there that the boy spends a significant part of his free time. He really enjoys watching how birds live. He especially liked the chicken Chernushka. It seems to Alyosha that Chernushka is silently trying to tell him something and has a meaningful look. One day Alyosha wakes up from Chernushka’s screams and saves a chicken from the hands of the cook. And with this act the boy discovers an unusual fairy world. This is how it begins fairy tale“The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants” by Anthony Pogorelsky.

Introduction to the Underworld

At night, Chernushka comes to the boy and begins to talk to him in a human voice. Alyosha was very surprised, but decided to follow Chernushka into the magical underground world where little people live. King of it unusual people offers Alyosha any reward for the fact that he managed to save their minister, Chernushka, from death. But Alyosha could not come up with anything better than asking the king for a magical ability - to be able to answer correctly in any lesson, even without preparation. The king of the underground inhabitants did not like this idea, because it spoke of Alyosha’s laziness and carelessness.

A lazy student's dream

However, a word is a word, and he had to keep his promise. Alyosha received a special hemp seed, which he had to always carry with him in order to answer his homework. At parting, Alyosha was ordered not to tell anyone what he saw in the underworld. Otherwise, its inhabitants will have to leave their places, leave forever, and begin to build their lives in unknown lands. Alyosha swore that he would not break this promise.

Since then, the hero of the fairy tale “The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants” has become the best student in all of St. Petersburg. He feels awkward at first as the teachers praise him completely undeserved. But soon Alyosha himself begins to believe in what is chosen and exceptional. He begins to be proud and often plays pranks. His character is getting worse and worse. Alyosha becomes more and more lazy, becomes angry, and shows impudence.

Plot development

It is not enough to familiarize yourself summary"The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants." This book is definitely worth reading, because it contains many useful ideas, and its plot will be interesting to everyone. The teacher tries not to praise Alyosha anymore, but, on the contrary, tries to bring him to his senses. And he asks him to memorize as many as 20 pages of text. However, Alyosha loses the magic grain, and therefore can no longer answer the lesson. He is locked in the bedroom until he completes the teacher's assignment. But his lazy memory can no longer work so quickly do this work. At night, Chernushka reappears and returns him the precious gift of the underground king. Chernushka also asks him to correct himself and once again reminds him to remain silent about the magical kingdom. Alyosha promises to do both.

The next day main character fairy tale “The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants” by Antony Pogorelsky brilliantly answers the lesson. But instead of praising his student, the teacher begins to interrogate him when he managed to learn the task. If Alyosha does not tell everything, he will be whipped. Out of fear, Alyosha forgot about all his promises and spoke about his acquaintance with the kingdom of the underground inhabitants, their king and Chernushka. But no one believed him, and still he was punished. Already at this stage one can understand the main idea of ​​“The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants.” Alyosha betrayed his friends, but the main vice that became the cause of all his troubles was banal laziness.

The end of the story

Residents underground kingdom I had to leave my native place, Minister Chernushka was shackled, and the magic grain disappeared forever. Due to a painful feeling of guilt, Alyosha fell ill with a fever and did not get out of bed for six weeks. After recovery, the main character becomes obedient and kind again. His relationship with his teacher and comrades becomes the same as before. Alyosha becomes a diligent student, although not the best. This is the ending of the fairy tale “The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants.”

Main ideas of the tale

Chernushka gives Alyosha a lot of advice with which he could save himself and not become evil and lazy. The Minister of the Underworld warns him that it is not so easy to get rid of vices - after all, vices “enter through the door and come out through the crack.” It is worth noting that Chernushka’s advice coincides with the conclusions made by Alyosha’s school teacher. Labor, as both the teacher and the Black Hen believe, is the basis of morality and inner beauty of any person. Idleness, on the contrary, only corrupts - recalls Pogorelsky in the work “The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants.” the main idea fairy tale - there is goodness in every person, but in order for it to manifest itself, you need to make efforts, try to cultivate and manifest it. No other way. If this is not done, trouble can fall not only on the person himself, but also on those close and dear to him who are close to him.

Lessons from the story

Pogorelsky's fairy tale is interesting not only for its magical plot, but also for the morality that Pogorelsky tried to convey to his pupil. From literary heritage There are very few writers left, and that is why it is worth listening to the ideas that can be found in the works that have survived to our times. What does “The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants” teach and who will benefit from these lessons? They will be useful to every student, regardless of his academic performance. After all, they teach everyone to be better. And first of all, you should not try to put yourself above other people, even if you have any outstanding talents and abilities.

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