“The Cherry Forest” will open with metaphysical insights. Alexander Ovechkin planted a tree and thought about his son Chereshnevy forest football

In Moscow on the territory of the Luzhniki sports complex as part of the XVII Open Arts Festival " Cherry forest», famous artists, athletes and officials planted seedlings and presented the annual Oleg Yankovsky Creative Discovery Award. The landing took place under the sign of preparations for the upcoming World Cup, which, as is known, will be held in next year in Russia. And Luzhniki will become the main sports arena, which will host not only the most important matches of the championship, but also its opening and closing ceremonies.

The renovated Luzhniki Stadium and participants of the Chereshnevy Les festival

Therefore, it was decided to plant the symbolic (but at the same time real) cherry forest here this year - so that by the championship the young trees would get stronger and delight the guests with their fresh foliage. And this time the gardening team included representatives from the world of sports: Minister of Sports Pavel Kolobkov, official ambassadors FIFA World Cup Alexander Ovechkin, Alexey Nemov, Ilya Averbukh and other famous figures. But there were also “old-time gardeners” of a permanent composition: Ingeborga Dapkunaite, and Ksenia Alferova with Egor Beroev, and Valery Syutkin, and Igor Ugolnikov, and Pavel Tabakov and many others were here. There were also quite a few newcomers.

First eyewitnesses

The ideological leader and main organizer of the Chereshnevy Les festival, businessman Mikhail Kusnirovich, comes up with something interesting for his guests every year. Either he will dress up as pioneers, or as Michurinites. This time, at the entrance, all participants were given white construction helmets and fan scarves with the double-sided inscription “Chereshnevy Les” - “Luzhniki”.

The ideological inspirer of the Cherry Forest festival, businessman Mikhail Kusnirovich, with Yulia Peresild and Ingeborga Dapkunaite

This theme was not chosen by chance: the ceremonial part of the event took place at the Great Sports Arena, where a grandiose reconstruction began a little more than three years ago in preparation for the upcoming FIFA World Cup. The festival participants were the first after the builders to see the stadium in all its renewed splendor: all work here is almost completed. The guests were given a special tour, and then they tested the stadium's acoustics, rehearsing several traditional fan chants. And the famous gymnast Alexey Nemov demonstrated his signature somersault in a standing jump.

Fashionable gardeners

After the official part, the Chereshnevy Les gardeners began their favorite part of the event - planting and planting. All participants received all the equipment necessary for gardeners - shovels and watering cans, work gloves and galoshes. Behind musical accompaniment answered the Moscow State Jazz Orchestra conducted by Igor Butman.
The leader of the action was a fashion historian and host of the program “ Fashionable verdict» Alexander Vasiliev.

“This is my second cherry tree - I planted the first one at VDNKh several years ago,” Alexander Vasiliev told us. – The event is good and useful, but as an experienced gardener, I have one remark: the holes for the cherries are dug too close to each other!

I must say that Alexander has his own land plot in France, where he personally does all the planting himself.
Not far from Alexander Vasiliev, his “partner” on the TV show, Evelina Khromchenko, was planting a tree. This time she came to boarding with her son Artemy.

— I don’t have a dacha, but my trees grow in the gardens of the “Cherry Forest” - I plant them with great pleasure, because I simply adore cherries and pamper myself with them every year! And this time - despite the crazy schedule, which included the presentation of my new collection, filming of a TV show, and a master class - I came to the landing. This, as they say, is sacred, and it has been included in my schedule since last year

Family brigades

To get hungry fresh air guests could refresh themselves on time; tables were set for them, where there was everything the soul desired: from exquisite dishes to simple dishes- such as boiled eggs and corn. There were even belyashi prepared according to Soviet GOST. It was behind them that we found Quartet I member Kamil Larin and his wife Ekaterina.

Kamil and Ekaterina Larin are expecting a new addition to their family in the fall

The couple has a two-year-old son, Daniyar. And it turned out that a new addition was coming to this family - this time the young parents, as an ultrasound showed, were expecting a girl. Let us remind you that Kamil has an adult son, Jan, from the first barque.

“When the children are a little older, the whole family will go to the Chereshnevy Forest planting,” Larin promised us

Irina Slutskaya came to the event with her six-year-old daughter Varvara. The girl helped her mother: Irina planted the tree, and Varya watered it.
Valery Syutkin also arrived with his 20-year-old daughter Viola. They were accompanied by a Bichon Frize dog, Juliet, who even has her own page in one of social networks. I must say that Viola flew to Moscow for just a few days from Paris, where she studies and lives.

Valery Syutkin with his daughter Viola, her fiance Thor and dog Juliet

The girl was accompanied by her boyfriend, the Frenchman Thor. Just the day before, Viola received her bachelor's degree, and now she is a certified art historian and theater critic. And judging by the fact that her lover helped the girl’s father plant the tree, the wedding is not far off.

Yankovsky Prize - Yankovsky

After the gardening work, here, on the open stage, a solemn ceremony of awarding the laureates of the annual Oleg Yankovsky “Creative Discovery” award took place for the eighth time. It is awarded in different areas arts - theater, music, cinema, literature.
One of the first to take the stage for an award in the form of a glass cherry the size of a large apple was Philip Yankovsky - he received the award for his role as Yevgeny Yevtushenko in the series “ Mysterious passion"Based on the novel by Vasily Aksenov.

“I’m so touched... Although I myself am a member of the award’s board of trustees, I, honestly“I didn’t know that they awarded it to me,” the artist said from the stage. “They hid this from me because they know I am against nepotism.” But it seems that the audience really liked the image of Yevtushenko that I created. I am proud of this role and adore his poetry. And I want to say thank you, first of all, to my mother. And, of course, to my dear teacher - Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov, who is also here

Philip Yankovsky at the Luzhniki Stadium

After the thank you speech, Philip read a poem by Yevgeny Yevtushenko “And the snow will fall, it will fall...”.
Philip's son Ivan was also supposed to take the stage - he was awarded an award for his role in the Studio's production theatrical arts Sergei Zhenovach "The Master and Margarita". But the young actor could not come to the event, because this moment is on tour.

Incredible love Peresild

Yulia Peresild was not left without an award. Interestingly, on this day the actress was in great demand: early in the morning Yulia ran a charity half-marathon with Natalya Vodianova, and then, without even having time to change clothes, she arrived at Luzhniki. And she managed not only to inspect the renovated stadium and plant a tree, but also perform on stage, performing several song compositions. And a little later, the Honored Artist of Russia received a prize in the category “She plays love incredibly...”.

Yulia Peresild came straight from a charity half-marathon without even having time to change clothes

“Today I have debut after debut: for the first time at the Chereshnevy Les Sunday, I planted the first tree,” Peresild told us after the presentation. “I’m just shocked: they kept it a secret from me that they were going to give me an award.” The surprise was a success! This is a wonderful festival that takes place under the sign of a great artist. And planting a tree is also a very important personal matter. Now I will watch my tree and wait for it to grow, so that I can then pick cherries and treat the kids to them.

Igor Vernik received his “cherry” from the hands of Oleg Tabakov for the role of the Dragon in the play of the same name based on the fairy tale by Evgeniy Schwartz at the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov.
After the presentation of the awards, the guests sat imposingly on the grass, awaiting the promised barbecue. And then they played football - and planned the next time they would come here to see how their tree had taken root.

Oleg Tabakov was pleased to present the award to the actor of his theater Igor Vernik

Alexander Ovechkin planted a tree for the German national team...

The Chereshnevy Les open arts festival continues its gardening activities. In the spring, his gardens bloom in Moscow in the Neskuchny Garden and in Gorky Park, in the park in front of State Museum fine arts named after A.S. Pushkin, in Michurinsky Park at VDNKh and at the Palace of Pioneers on Sparrow Hills, on Chistye Prudy -at the Sovremennik Theater, on Ordynka -under the windows of Anna Akhmatova’s apartment, in the Mikhailovsky Garden -in front of the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, in the park near the Marine Station in Sochi, symbolizing the restoration of the lost Chekhov “cherry orchard” and continuity cultural tradition... And now Nikolai Fomenko, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Egor Beroev and Ksenia Alferova, Igor Ugolnikov, Igor Mirkurbanov, Sergei Filin, Irina Slutskaya, Daria Moroz, Yana Churikova, Alexander Vasiliev and Evelina Khromchenko, as well as other celebrities from the world of cinema and theater, television, pop and sports armed themselves with shovels and cherry seedlings to green the territory of the Luzhniki sports complex - one of the largest in the world, which after the Moscow Olympics-80 was called a wonder of the world. Nowadays, Chereshnevy Les, and this year it is held for the 17th time, visited Luzhniki for a reason: voluntary participants in the festival’s greening movement planted a cherry alley in anticipation of XXI The FIFA World Cup, which will be held in Russia, and the first and final FIFA matches will take place on the field of the Luzhniki Grand Sports Arena. And it was the amateur gardeners of the Chereshnevy Les who became the first who, after the grandiose renovation of the Luzhniki sports complex, found themselves in it and were even able to carefully examine it - inside and out...

The continuity of generations

Concerts, performances and film screenings, performances and original art projects are held annually at the best venues in the Russian capital as part of Open festival arts “Cherry Forest”, according to tradition, spring comes here with it. It's a festival nowis supported by the Moscow Government, and among his good friends are the National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia under the direction of Vladimir Spivakov, Yuri Bashmet and the Moscow Soloists chamber ensemble, pianist Denis Matsuev, saxophonist Igor Butman, the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov and Sovremennik, sculptor Georgy Frangulyan, choreographer Boris Eifman.

In 2001, the company “Bosco di Ciliegi” founded this festival with the aim of supporting and developing culture in its various manifestations - both international and Russian, modern and with a long history. Continuity of traditions and connections between generations is the mission of Chereshnevy Les. Therefore, before the landscaping of Luzhniki, Mikhail Kusnirovich, organizer and ideological inspirer festival, he very opportunely noted that his mother Edith Iosifovna, among the young volunteers, planted trees on the territory of the same sports complex in 1956, on the eve of its opening after construction.

Never before in its history has our Chereshnevy Les planted trees with such a stunning effect, with such big amount beautiful words and official speeches, - Mikhail Kusnirovich said to his friends and guests who gathered at the Luzhniki Grand Sports Arena. - Now you and I have received a great honor - we have become the first to try out the main stand of this sports complex, because stadiums are primarily built for fans. And at this moment, being here, we immediately perform many functions related to testing the entire complex, including checking its acoustics. In a word, wow - what are we doing! After the stadium was closed for reconstruction in 2013, I dreamed of being here sooner. Today it worked! What happened here is a real miracle, I take off my helmet in front of the builders! And I share this happiness with the faithful gardeners of the Chereshnevy Les! Everything is in our favor, even the weather, which was not warm this spring...

The guests of Chereshnevy Les 2017 were also greeted by the Minister of Sports of Russia Pavel Kolobkov, with a smile he noted that, in fact, it is forbidden to go onto the Luzhniki football field without special sports shoes, but only today and only festival participants have the opportunity to trample a little brand new lawn made of real grass.

There is a slight feeling of nostalgia for the old Luzhniki stadium, but in the new one the spirit of sport is completely preserved, and it is also imbued with the spirit of victory,” the minister shared his feelings.

330 cherries

Chereshnevy Les activists planted 330 three-year-old seedlings in Luzhniki. They were joined that day by Pavel Kolobkova, General Director of Luzhniki OJSC Alexander Pronin, legendary football players Valery Nepomnyashchy and Evgeny Lovchev, Ambassador of the Italian Republic to Russia Cesare Maria Ragaglini (by the way, several years ago Chereshnevy Les cherry trees planted in Sorrento, Italy), and hockey player Alexander Ovechkin, gymnast Alexey Nemov and figure skater Ilya Averbukh planted trees as ambassadors of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Armed with shovels and watering cans, work gloves and galoshes, we got to work. The cherry variety “Zhivitsa” was planted; it was chosen with intent - it easily tolerates the vagaries of spring in the middle zone, but at the same time pleases with an excellent harvest.

The Minister of Sports told us that the cherry alley at Luzhniki is dedicated to the legendary football players of the national teams participating in the 2017 Confederations Cup. Eight trees were named after football legends: Luis Figo (Portugal), Hugo Sanchez (Mexico), Harry Kewell (Australia), Samuel Eto" O (Cameroon), Ivan Zamorano (Chile), Lothar Matthäus (Germany), Ivan Vicelich (New Zealand), Rinat Dasaev (Russia).The football goalkeeper, who has been one of the best goalkeepers in the world for more than 35 years, was appointed by Pavel Kolobkov.

It's an honor for me! - said the minister. - Besides, I recently scored a goal for him, which I am very proud of.

And Yana Churikova revealed her little secret:

I have no doubt that my tree will grow. I have a phenomenal gift that no one except my grandmother Nina knows about. I can stick my finger into the ground, and everything will start to sprout, turn green and bloom!

Evelina Khromchenko also spoke candidly with us - the day when Chereshnevy Les plants cherry orchards, special for her, she doesn’t miss it, despite her own crazy schedule:

I don’t have a dacha, but the trees I planted grow in the gardens BOSCO. And landing in the company of family BOSCO – It's a great pleasure for me!

All the time while landscaping work was going on, jazzman Igor Butman led on stage under open air with their own team - the Moscow State Jazz Orchestra. Musicians playing the highest level really supported the working spirit and enthusiasm of the gardeners of Chereshnevoy Les 2017.

He saw everything from above!..

After the landscaping of the territory, a solemn ceremony of awarding the annual “Creative Discovery” award to Oleg Yankovsky, People’s Artist of the USSR, took place.

The award was established in 2010, at X festival "Cherry Forest", in memory of the great actor who stood at its origins and headed the Board of Trustees of the festival from the day of its foundation. And since then it has been awarded for the most striking creative discoveries of the year in various fields of art: theater, music, cinema, literature. The laureates are determined by members of the Chereshnevy Les Board of Trustees, which includes prominent figures of Russian culture.

The Oleg Yankovsky Prize is awarded in the form of cherry berries, handmade from Murano glass in the workshops of the Venetian master Silvano Signoretto, with Oleg Ivanovich’s autograph and engraved date - May 32... There is no mistake here! It was on this day that Baron Munchausen, brilliantly played by Oleg Ivanovich in Mark Zakharov’s film “That Same Munchausen,” planned his flight to the moon.

Today the legendary actor received awards Opera singer Albina Shagimuratova in the category “Masterpieces for All Time”, the son of Oleg Yankovsky - Philip (for the role of Yevgeny Yevtushenko in the TV series of the First Channel “Mysterious Passion” based on the novel by Vasily Aksenov), and also Ivan Yankovsky - the grandson of Oleg Ivanovich. Ivan - already famous actor, he received an award for his role in the play“The Master and Margarita” of the Theater Arts Studio of Sergei Zhenovach. The young man was unable to personally receive the award; he was on tour in Omsk; Philip Yankovsky promised to give the prize, who literally glowed with pride for his son.

Honored Artist of Russia Yulia Peresild took the award in the romantic category “She plays love incredibly...”. The actress admitted to us afterwards that the victory came as a complete surprise to her, because she just came to plant a cherry tree. Therefore, it is not surprising that, having received the glass cherry, Julia cheerfully performed “The Song of good mood", Igor Vernik picked her up, making a duet for the actress. But Vernik, the People’s Artist of Russia, also had Yankovsky’s “cherry” waiting for him. Igor received the award for his role as the Dragon in the play of the same name based on the fairy tale by Evgeniy Schwartz at the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov, and Oleg Tabakov awarded him - artistic director this theater.

In the cinema, the same role was played by Oleg Ivanovich Yankovsky, Igor Vernik reminded the public. - And this is significant for me! And it’s also a great happiness to receive an award from the hands of Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov, who gave me a chance to succeed as an actor.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite, a member of the Chereshnevy Les Board of Trustees, awarded the artist and set designer Maria Tregubova, a graduate of the theater and set design department of the Moscow State Academic art school in memory of 1905, the oldest artistic educational institution Russia. Maria has already designed more than three dozen performances in various prominent theaters, and received the Yankovsky award as an artist for the play “Circus” at the Theater of Nations. The premiere of the production took place this year - just in the midst of the Chereshnevy Les festival.

Oleg Yankovsky’s scarlet “cherry” in the “Breaking Stereotypes” nomination was also given toFrench businessman, president of the Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy group of companies Bernard Arnault. It turns out that the Forbes list regular's passion is music. And the future billionaire won the heart of his wife, Canadian pianist Hélène Mercier, with a performance of Chopin’s “Revolutionary Etude.” True, Mr. Arnault was not able to come to collect his award, but Vladimir Spivakov undertook to hand it over.

The beautiful finale of the ceremony was the screening of excerpts from the play “Neformat” by the Sovremennik Theater, which united the works of Dostoevsky, Bulgakov, Pogodin, Berto, Chekhov and Chervinsky. The production is also a “cherry” winner; its premiere took place at the Chereshnevy Les festival last year.

And Oleg Ivanovich Yankovsky himself watched everything that was happening from above - a portrait fluttered in the clear sky above Luzhniki genius master acting art.

Natalya Kolobova, Moscow-Tallinn

Photos provided by the press service of the Chereshnevy Les festival

Fans of the Chereshnevy Les Open Arts Festival, as well as new viewers, can add event dates to their schedule - the 17th program of the festival has been announced. Chereshnevy Les will last longer this year - right up to the anniversary October revolution, which means there’s a lot ahead interesting events.

The exhibition "Giorgio de Chirico. Metaphysical insights" will be one of the main events of the "Cherry Forest". Photo: RIA Novosti

On April 20, the festival will open with the exhibition “Giorgio de Chirico. Metaphysical Insights” at the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val. On the occasion of the opening of the exhibition, a press conference was held at TASS, in which CEO State Tretyakov Gallery Zelfira Tregulova, curator of the exhibition Tatyana Goryacheva, director of the Italian Institute of Culture Olga Strada and organizer of the Open Arts Festival "Cherry Forest" Mikhail Kusnirovich.

This is the first large-scale retrospective Italian artist Giorgio de Chirico in Russia. The exhibition, organized jointly with the Giorgio and Isa de Chirico Foundation, will display more than 110 works of painting, drawing, sculpture, theatrical costumes, made by the artist for Sergei Diaghilev’s enterprise for the ballet “The Ball” in 1929, as well as archival materials and photographs.

“This exhibition, which we have been preparing for a year and a half, is the first exhibition of de Chirico in Russia. Before that there was a project in 1929, where only three works by the artist were shown. One of the works was purchased and stored in the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, who has now kindly provided us with this work,” said Zelfira Tregulova. According to her, the Italian de Chirico was quite closely connected with Russia: “he was friends with Diaghilev, communicated a lot with Russian emigrant artists, and was also married twice to our compatriots - like many great artistic geniuses of the 20th century.”

“Chronologically, de Chirico’s work will be presented from 1910 to 1970 and divided into several thematic sections,” said exhibition curator Tatyana Goryacheva.

In addition to the grandiose exhibition, for which a special ticket program has also been developed, the Chereshnevy Les festival, together with the Theater of Nations, will present the premiere of the play “Circus” directed by Maxim Didenko. Main role In the stage version of the famous Soviet musical comedy, Grigory Alexandrov will play Ingeborg Dapkunaite. Maria Tregubova is responsible for the design of "Circus", the musical component was created by composer Ivan Kushnir. This year the festival program also includes the play “Cherry Verse,” which will be held jointly with the Galchonok charity foundation. “Each scene of the play is a poem about some common childhood memory,” says theater and film actress Yulia Peresild. The performance features poems by young authors: Masha Rupasova, Natalia Volkova and Anastasia Orlova.

Another exhibition of one of the most famous representatives of naive art in Russia, self-taught artist Katya Medvedeva, whose works Western collectors call “painting of the naked soul,” will be presented in May at Petrovsky Passage.

In the musical program of "Chereshnevy Les" in the Year of Stravinsky on stage Concert hall them. P.I. Tchaikovsky will host the play “The Devil, the Soldier and the Violin” based on the fairy tales of Alexander Afanasyev. The idea and one of the main roles belong to the famous violinist and conductor Dmitry Sitkovetsky.

Leading performers new version musical production will be: Vladimir Pozner, Andrey Makarevich, Vladimir Varnava and others. On the stage of the Moscow International House of Music there will be a concert young musicians accompanied by the National Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Vladimir Spivakov. The first part will feature the young musician Alexander Malofeev, who played at the Oleg Yankovsky Prize ceremony last year, and the second part will feature Daniel Lozakovich, a talented violinist from Sweden.

The traditional planting of cherry trees, at which celebrities are happy to retrain as amateur gardeners, will take place on the territory of the Luzhniki sports complex.

And at the finale of the festival, the winners of the Oleg Yankovsky “Creative Discovery” Prize will be announced. Their names will become known only at a ceremony at the Moscow International House of Music. In their honor, the poetry program “Bella Blues” will be presented with the participation of Chulpan Khamatova.

By the way

This year, the Chereshnevy Les Open Arts Festival continues its touring tradition: for the sixth year in a row, a tour of the St. Petersburg State academic theater ballet by Boris Eifman. July 16 and 17 at Historical scene State Bolshoi Theater The world premiere of the play "Russian Hamlet" will be presented to Russia.

“If you want your garden to bloom, cultivate it,” says eastern proverb. The XVII Open Arts Festival “Cherry Forest”, which has already become a tradition of the capital’s spring, has replenished its “flower garden” with new authors, genres and formats.

The festival starts with the opening day of the exhibition “Giorgio de Chirico. Metaphysical insights" in the Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val. The exhibition, organized jointly with the Giorgio and Isa de Chirico Foundation, will show more than 100 works of painting, drawing, sculpture, theatrical costumes made by the artist for Sergei Diaghilev’s enterprise for the ballet “The Ball” in 1929, as well as archival materials and photographs.

The project, which we have been preparing for a year and a half, is the artist’s first exhibition in Russia. Before this, there was a project in 1929, when only three of his works were shown. One of them was purchased and stored in the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin, the museum kindly provided us with this work. Chronologically, de Chirico’s work will be presented from 1910 to 1970 and divided into several thematic sections,” said Zelfira Tregulova, general director of the Tretyakov Gallery, while presenting the exhibition.

Music program Chereshnevogo Les will celebrate the Year of Stravinsky with a specially created performance “The Devil, the Soldier and the Violin” based on the fairy tales of Alexander Afanasyev and the works of the composer. The famous musician Dmitry Sitkovetsky will take the violin into his hands. The performance will also feature Polina Osetinskaya (piano), Igor Fedorov (clarinet), Anton Pleskach (drums), Alexander Tronov and Anna Deltsova (dance).

We used fragments from “The Story of a Soldier” and other works by Stravinsky, created around the same time. These are the opera “The Mavra”, the ballet “The Fairy’s Kiss” and others. The text for our order was specially written by Mikhail Uspensky,” Dmitry Sitkovetsky presented the project.

The theatrical part of the festival is marked by cooperation with the Theater of Nations, on whose stage director Maxim Didenko will show the musical “Circus”, based on the legendary film of the same name by Grigory Alexandrov.

The picture, which appeared in 1936, glorified the joy and happiness of life in the USSR - according to the screen reality, it resembled an endless holiday. But here the action takes place in a conditional future, which was invented in the distant past,” said Maxim Didenko.

He defines the style of his performance as retrofuturism. In the role of Marion Dixon, once played by Lyubov Orlova, Ingeborg Dapkunaite. Also promised carpet clowns, circus tricks, a live orchestra, and even a black boy, whose lullaby was sung by director and actor Solomon Mikhoels in the first version of “The Circus.”

The children's section of the festival is curated by People's Artist Vladimir Spivakov. The Moscow International House of Music will host a concert of young musicians accompanied by the National Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by the maestro. Pianist Alexander Malofeev and violinist Daniel Lozakovich will appear on stage.

The play “Cherry Poem” is also intended for children - a joint project festival and charitable foundation"Galchonok." According to its inspiration, actress Yulia Peresild, the story will be about childhood memories common to all of us.

Traditional planting of cherry trees, during which famous people retrain as amateur gardeners, will take place on the territory of the Luzhniki sports complex. At the finale of the festival, the winners of the Oleg Yankovsky Creative Discovery Award will be announced. In their honor, the poetry program “Bella Blues” will be performed with the participation of Chulpan Khamatova.

The summer festival block will open with a tour of the St. Petersburg State Academic Ballet Theater of Boris Eifman. On the Historical Stage of the Bolshoi Theater, the maestro will present the world premiere of the play “Russian Hamlet”.

Last Sunday the participants XVII Open Arts Festival "Cherry Forest" - famous artists, athletes and officials—disembarked The Cherry Orchard V "Luzhniki" and there they presented the annual Oleg Yankovsky Prize "Creative Discovery". This place was chosen by the festival organizers on the eve of World Cup. 330 seedlings - this is exactly the number of activists of the “cherry movement”, among whom were the Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation Pavel Kolobkov, General Director OJSC Luzhniki Alexander Nikolaevich Pronin, ambassadors World Cup Alexander Ovechkin, Alexey Nemov, Ilya Averbukh and others landed according to a long-established festival tradition.

And although I am no stranger to gardening, I can’t say that I planted many trees - almost all the landscaping work on the site was done by specially trained people, otherwise my site a few years ago would not have been included in the list of the best according to the magazine Tatler. But I planted a lot of bushes, even viburnum with currants and three capricious rhododendrons took root. I can’t boast about the trees - only one thuja, however, I expected that it would remain small, as when I bought it, but for some reason the tree grew bigger, became three times larger and spoiled the picture a little. There was also a thin birch tree, crossed with a fern-like plant, which died within a month... I only remember that I dug a hole for its roots as if for a half-century-old oak tree. The friends laughed: “If I imagine you in the garden, then only in gloves from Chanel" They couldn’t believe my passion. This was my experience in gardening. As for flowers, radishes, zucchini and even strawberries, I’m on first-name terms with this. But after my husband decided that I should make a garden from the lower plot, my interest in gardening disappeared, and very unexpectedly and quickly for everyone around me.

Bosco press service

But, as they say, you can’t lose your skill. So I went to planting cherries quite prepared. And she went fully armed, even bringing with her gloves and fertilizers preserved in the barn.

Vika Lopyreva planted trees - as she should beautiful girl- in diamonds. Why not? After all, they are ours best friends. And it’s sad to part with friends even for a while. And then, our beauty and heartbreaker didn’t have to plant anything: there were plenty of men who wanted to help her in this matter.

Maxim Kashirin, head of the company Simple, the largest importer of alcohol, and the owner of the wine stores of the same name, came to the landing not alone, but with the whole family. " Happy people, I thought. “Apparently, they haven’t encountered gardening as closely as my family.” After communicating with our gardeners, I wouldn’t have dragged my husband with a lasso... To celebrate, Maxim tied a sign to the planted cherry tree: “Kashirin family”, drawing a big heart and listing the names of all household members. Some came not only with their families, but even with pets, like Valery Syutkin, who was seen in the company of his charming companion Juliet, a seven-year-old snow-white Bichon Frize.

The leading actress Theater on Malaya Bronnaya Yulia Peresild had a busy day; she came straight to the ceremony from a charity race "Running Hearts". The actress managed to plant a tree, perform in front of festival guests and receive the Yankovsky Prize, which, according to her, she did not expect at all. The “boss” himself, Mikhail Kusnirovich, acted as a conductor at the opening of the event, but not of the orchestra, but of the stadium Luzhniki" Yana Churikova, Ambassador, helped him in this World Cup 2018 . Under their leadership, the podium chanted in unison: “Cherry Forest”, “Luzhniki”, “Russia”. Thus, those present tested the acoustics of the stadium, in addition to rehearsing several traditional “chants” of fans.

On solemn ceremony opening of the landing, Alexey Nemov - the pride of the country, our famous gymnast, four-time Olympic champion - decided not to make a long speech, but to perform a signature somersault. Moreover, on this day Alexei celebrated his 41st birthday.

At these Kusnirovich events, such a relaxed atmosphere always reigns that no one was surprised when, during a performance by Igor Butman’s orchestra, the musician’s son brought ice cream onto the stage to treat his dad.

The famous actor Camille Larin, who came to board with his wife Ekaterina, secretly told the whole world that a new addition was coming to their family. The artist did not specify the gender of the offspring.

For many years, the tireless energy of Mikhail Kusnirovich has connected people of various passions, professions, and ages. This is the seventeenth time he is gathering a team to plant a new cherry forest. And we are happy to help him with this!

The next day at the restaurant Crystal Room Baccarat represented new collection perfume house Chopard Perfumes. Secular Moscow got acquainted with four fragrances there Haute Parfumerie Collection, which were created by famous perfumers Nathalie Lorson and Alberto Morrilas. The organizers of the evening were inspired Cannesfilm festival, history and philosophy of the house close to this viewing Chopard. It was then that I met an old friend Ilona Lanzman, the owner of the salon L'Oréal on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, which last time I saw it last summer on the Cote d'Azur. Ilona moved from New York to Moscow, where her daughter Eva studied with Boris Lanzman. Boris is the general director of the state unitary enterprise "Center City" and the father of the famous metropolitan restaurateur Igor Lanzman. After all, our native spaces are closer to us, Russians. In the girlish chatter, it turned out that the TV presenter Kristina Levieva, who was sitting with us at this party, whose mother is the general director Foundation "Academy Russian television» And general producer CJSC "Top Secret"Telecom"— I studied with Ilona’s eldest daughter Nora in the same class. Still, I don’t know a village smaller than Moscow.

But the highlight of the evening was my meeting with Katya Peskova. The same one ex-wife Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of our president. Having kissed me, Katya introduced me to her impressive companion: “Meet the best society chronicler - Irina.” Clever woman always knows how to flatter another. Katya looked stunning: after all, many women benefit from young gentlemen. I concluded that they are a couple because this is the second time I have seen them together. The first time - at the premiere of the play "Audience" V Theater of Nations. Katya now comes to Moscow only on business trips. And he works in France - not just as someone, but as a director Russian Center for Science and Culture in Paris. “Now all of France and Monaco are under me,” Katya said modestly.

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.

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