How the first channel will replace closed broadcasts. Leave First

In recent weeks, colossal changes have occurred on the country's main television channel. Andrei Malakhov left him, followed by Alexander Oleshko, then Timur Kizyakov, and the history of Yulia Menshova’s program “Alone with Everyone” ended.


The First One's ethereal network has been updated. For example, Maxim Galkin will host the show “Hypnosis”. In front of the entire country, the heroes will be put into hypnosis in order to receive frank answers to questions. The directorate warned that there is no need to wait for “yellowness” - the transmission is serious.

Also, the Diva’s husband will become the host of the “Older than All” project about older people who are not lacking in talent. By the way, according to, Dmitry Khrustalev applied for this place.

The program “Kings of Plywood” will appear on the First Channel. Participants will perform songs that are not entirely typical for their format. The main task is to parody the original voice as accurately as possible. Yana Churikova will be at the helm of the show and is expected to give the program an MTV flair. The hosts will be Pavel Priluchny and Yana Koshkina.

Tatyana Arno got the role of the presenter of "Afisha". She will talk about performances, film premieres, exhibitions and other events in the cultural life of the country. In each episode, Arnault will interview one of the celebrity guests.

07:54 — REGNUM The creator and presenter of the “Alone with Everyone” program airing on Channel One, Yulia Menshova, did not “prolong the intrigue” and announced the closure of her brainchild. She wrote on her Instagram that the channel’s management has nothing to do with it: the program will be closed at her request and urgent request.

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The reason for this decision was the reluctance to lose the quality of the program and turn its release into a routine. The press service of Channel One confirmed that the broadcast of the program was stopped at the request of Menshova, and clarified that “good programs must be closed on time.”

In just four years, 600 episodes were aired.“I am sure that television today should be more dynamic than ever, and you need to be able to complete projects on time, leaving a good memory of them,” - said Menshova.

As for the high-profile dismissal of TV presenter Andrei Malakhov from Channel One, Menshova denied rumors about the same situation with her. She clarified that she has agreed with the TV channel on new projects, and the editors of the “Alone with Everyone” program are working “at full capacity.”

“And we look forward to meeting you again in the new season, with new strength and new ideas!” - concluded Menshova.

Earlier, on August 15, it was announced that another project would be closed: the show “While Everyone is Home.” The reason for the closure was the alleged machinations of the program's hosts, which ruined the channel's reputation.

The scandal surrounding the program began at the end of 2016, when critics accused the charity section “You’re Having a Child” of some kind of additional funding. Channel One explained that they would look into it, since he was not involved in the creation of the project, the program was purchased from the Dom company.

The presenter of the program, Timur Kizyakov, in an interview with the radio station “Moscow Speaks”, said that he considers the methods of managing the channel unacceptable. And, according to him, the team of the “While Everyone is Home” program stopped collaborating with Channel One in May 2017.

A little earlier, in early August, Alexander Oleshko left Channel One - there were no “suitable projects” for him after the show “Exactly” was closed. The contract with the TV presenter was not renewed for 2017, and Oleshko did not work on the channel for six months. Oleshko will not be left without work; he will sign a contract with the NTV channel.

In July 2017, the television world was shocked by a loud departure: the program “Let Them Talk” left its permanent presenter Andrei Malakhov. Many versions have appeared in the media regarding the reasons for Malakhov’s departure from Channel One. So, one of them could allegedly be a conflict with the old-new producer Natalya Nikonova.

At one time, Nikonova on Channel One created the talk show format in which, in fact, Malakhov became famous, but then she left the channel along with a number of colleagues. Now she has returned, and some sources claim that Malakhov cannot work with her.

According to one version, Malakhov is “running” from politics: Nikonova allegedly returned to Channel One to shake up all the talk shows during the pre-election period and add more politics to them.

The media also suggested that Malakhov quit due to maternity leave: his wife, brand director of ELLE magazine Natalya Shkuleva, is expecting a child. In this regard, Malakhov decided to take maternity leave (legislation allows this), but the management of Channel One allegedly opposed Malakhov’s decision and gave him a choice: either a child or a job.

All versions were tried, but in the end it really turned out that Malakhov was going on maternity leave: the showman himself confirmed this, saying that the time had come to shed light on his “perinatal situation in the family.”

“Yes, Natasha and I are expecting our first child! - he said. — I don’t know yet whether I will follow in the footsteps of the general director of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater Vladimir Kekhman, who, after the birth of his fourth child, decided to go on maternity leave for as many as three years, or will I act according to a shortened option, like a prince William with [Portuguese national football team striker] Cristiano Ronaldo, who devoted a little less time to caring for their babies.”

The famous showman, unlike his colleagues, was able to make the show not only out of the blue on his airwaves, but also in leaving it: the news was actively discussed on social networks for several weeks.

Authors and presenters of popular TV programs continue to leave Channel One. Most of them say that they do not find mutual understanding with management. TV presenters are moving to other federal channels that compete with the first button. “360” talks about the latest and possible changes on the First.

RIA Novosti / Alexander Kryazhev

On Tuesday, August 15, it became known that Timur Kizyakov was added to the list of presenters who left Channel One. Earlier it was reported about the departure of Andrei Malakhov and Alexander Oleshko.

The reasons for Kizyakov’s dismissal have not been officially reported, but it is believed that this is related to the charitable activities of the TV presenter and his wife Elena. In December 2016, a scandal erupted related to the “You’re Having a Baby” column, which was published as part of the “While Everyone is Home” program. It showed video passports of orphans with the aim of finding new parents for them. The media received information that for the production of stories about orphans, Kizyakov immediately took money from Channel One, from the state, and from sponsors. The TV channel conducted its own investigation, which was followed by the dismissal of the presenter.

The TV presenter himself says that he was slandered and that everything was in order with the financial statements of his television company “Dom”, which produced video passports, and cooperation with the federal television channel was broken on his own initiative. The corresponding letter was sent to the channel on May 27.

We do not accept the methods of the management of Channel One that are currently being practiced there

According to him, when attacks on the program began, the channel’s management simply ignored the situation and did not stand up for Kizyakov’s team. He says that a number of companies that have begun to accuse him of embezzling money simply see him as a competitor, “because they see it as a business.”

RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

Vedomosti wrote at the end of last year that Kizyakov’s company for the production of video passports for orphans received 110 million rubles from the Ministry of Education and Science and at the same time from regional authorities.

“When a sponsor is present in a program, the absolute majority of sponsorship advertising goes to the channel. Some small part remains for the development program, and that’s all. And what the sponsor gives as a gift, and here a certificate for 100 thousand rubles was given, goes directly to the children’s institution where the child was shown,” explained Kizyakov.

The program “While Everyone is Home” has been broadcast on Channel One on Sundays since 1992. In it, famous people talked about themselves and their family over breakfast. Now the authors of the TV show are thinking about what to do in this situation.

A week ago, on August 9, it became known that showman Alexander Oleshko was also leaving Channel One. At different times, he hosted a number of entertainment programs, including the humorous parody show “Big Difference”, “One to One”, “Minute of Fame”, “Exactly the Same”.

“Being a free artist, I accepted an offer that I couldn’t refuse! Wherever and whoever you are with, the main task remains to give the viewer joy, peace of mind and good mood,” Oleshko wrote on his Instagram. Now the TV presenter can be seen in the show “You are Super!” Dancing”, which will air on NTV.

RIA Novosti / Vladimir Astapkovich

Rumors about the departure of Showman Andrei Malakhov in social networks back at the end of July. Later the information was confirmed. Competent sources claimed that Malakhov was leaving due to the fact that he could not work well with the new producer of “Let Them Talk” Natalya Nikonova. She returned to the channel not long ago and, according to one version, insisted that the popular talk show have more socio-political topics. Malakhov was categorically against this approach.

The TV presenter, according to some, decided to leave to host the “Live Broadcast” program on the Rossiya 1 TV channel. Along with him, the main part of the team that was involved in the production of “Let Them Talk” left. Malakhov himself wrote in the Vedomosti newspaper that the reason for his dismissal was precisely a conflict with management.

It has already been leaked to the media that Andrei Malakhov met with the team of the new project that he will lead and discussed the creation of the program. It is reported that the first program will be released at the end of August.

The series of dismissals of Channel One presenters may well continue. The website previously said that TV presenter Elena Malysheva and Leonid Yakubovich could quit. True, in a conversation with “360” they did not confirm this information.

“Nothing happens on the channel and everything is great. But everyone has their own problems. Some programs are closed, some are changed. Some people are simply unhappy. We're not going anywhere. Until we are closed, we will work,” Leonid Yakubovich’s representative Anatoly denied the information.

Among the potential new hosts of “Let Them Talk” is the outrageous actor Nikita Dzhigurda. He told “360” that this was discussed, but he accuses the TV channel of slandering himself and his family, so he did not agree. Moreover, Dzhigurda connects the dismissal of Andrei Malakhov precisely with the fact that he once in his program accused the actor of forging the will of his rich girlfriend.

RIA Novosti / Maxim Bogodvid

“The transfer of Malakhov is connected with our statements to the police, the court and with the scandal provoked by the “Let Them Talk” program. The management of Channel One, in order to relieve themselves of responsibility and report that measures had been taken, started this game with Malakhov’s departure. My dream is for [Konstantin] Ernst to be fired from his position. I am convinced that few people want to tolerate the immoral methods that Channel One rebroadcast and with which dissenting journalists leave,” says the artist.

In a conversation with 360, other top presenters of Channel One said that they have no complaints against the management yet. “I cannot comment on the situation with the departure of the presenters, because I do not work there. Channel One simply buys my show, and I don’t plan to break off relations with them. I have no complaints about Channel One,” said journalist Vladimir Pozner.

Another old-timer of the channel, TV presenter and traveler Dmitry Krylov, agrees with him, who says that he has no complaints about his management. “And it would not be very correct for me to comment on the situation with the departure of the presenters, since I work on Channel One,” Krylov said.

On the eve of the new television season, Channel One managed to significantly stir up public interest with rumors about the departure of old-time TV presenters and the closure of popular programs. Let's try to figure out what turned out to be true and what was an exaggeration.

They left and didn't promise to return

The fact that Andrei Malakhov left the main federal channel is no longer a secret to anyone. Not long ago, the presenter was officially introduced to the “Live Broadcast” team on “Russia 1”, where he will replace Boris Korchevnikov. It is expected that along with Malakhov, the heroes of his programs, in particular Diana Shurygina and Dana Borisova, went to “Russia 1”. New episodes of the show with a new host will be available at the end of August.
Another defector is Alexander Oleshko. We will no longer see him in “Minute of Fame” and “Exactly the Same”, because the artist “moved” to NTV and will host the show “You are Super. Dancing". The project starts on September 2.

Who was closed and who was left

Timur Kizyakov, who created “While Everyone is Home” and worked on TV for 25 years, left Channel One along with his program. Alas, his departure was surrounded by all sorts of unpleasant rumors. The “Alone with Everyone” program has also closed, but everything is calm here. As its presenter Yulia Menshova admitted, the format has exhausted itself, and she is already preparing for a new project.

The channel's press service assures that the projects "Let's Get Married", "Fashionable Sentence" and "First Studio" will remain on the air. Press secretary of Channel One Larisa Krymova said that rumors about the mass closure of programs are exaggerated.

Who's new?

Of course, the upcoming TV season will not be left without new products. The most anticipated of them is Maxim Galkin’s project “Hypnosis”, which, however, can hardly be called a new product, since it is an analogue of the show “Stars sous hypnose”, which appeared on French television in 2014, and the 2016 Ukrainian show “Stars under Hypnosis”. However, the invited celebrities will have to enter a state of hypnotic trance and answer questions. However, the producers of the show warn: the project is serious and there is no need to expect any “yellow” revelations from the stars.

Following the children who participated in “The Best of All!”, the older people who will take part in the “Olest of All!” program will have to demonstrate their talents.
The project “Kings of Plywood” will also appear on air - a Russian adaptation of the legendary Lip Sync Battle, where various celebrities compete with each other in singing to the soundtrack, and the audience chooses the winner. It is expected that in our version, Alexander Revva will try himself in the role of Lady Gaga, and Nikolai Fomenko - Stas Mikhailov. The show will be hosted by actors Pavel Priluchny and Yana Koshkina.

And yet, the fate of most of Channel One’s projects will be decided on August 25, when a meeting will be held at which possible changes to the broadcast schedule will be discussed.

She announced the closure of her program “Alone with Everyone” on Channel One.

“Of course, I would like to prolong the intrigue, but stupid rumors have spread, we will have to split up a little earlier. Yes, it's true, the Alone with Everyone program is closed. But it is not true that the program was closed by the channel’s management. This was solely my desire and urgent request,” Menshova wrote on her Instagram page.

She said that over the four years of the program's existence, 600 episodes were filmed. And, according to the presenter, “it was very difficult work, although endlessly interesting.”

“I didn’t want this program to become routine and reduce its quality. In this regard, we, together with the channel management, decided to close the project. I understand that you will be sorry and will even make complaints to me, list potential heroes and so on. But I am sure that television today should be more dynamic than ever, and you need to be able to complete projects on time, leaving a good memory of them,” Menshova explained.

The TV presenter reassured her viewers that she was not breaking off relations with Channel One.

“I’m not leaving Channel One. We have agreed on new projects that are currently under development. The editors of the program have not been disbanded, but are working at full capacity. And we look forward to meeting you again in the new season, with new strength and new ideas!” - summed up Menshova.

The press service of Channel One confirmed that the program was closed at the request of its creator.

“Yulia Menshova herself proposed completing the Alone with Everyone project, believing that good programs should be closed on time, before they become boring. We supported her decision and are now working with Yulia on two new projects, which viewers will see on Channel One in the new season,” said a representative of Channel One.

The annotation for the TV show states that “Alone with Everyone” is a portrait program.

“People through the prism of the most famous, serious and important events of their lives. We are not so much interested in information as in feelings. Of course, the degree of openness will depend on the interlocutor. But many guests of the program know me personally, and this helps make the conversation comfortable for the interlocutor and talk about topics that they usually prefer to remain silent about,” says the Channel One website.

The text indicates that often the essence of a conversation with the characters of television programs remains undisclosed due to the fact that correspondents ask formulaic questions.

“Very often, journalists ask standard questions, and the essence of the person escapes. My task is to capture this essence, and it seems to me that it lies precisely in feelings, and not in words.

When preparing for each program, I read a huge amount of information about the hero, bring up the entire background and try to grasp what interests people about my hero,” explains Menshova in her commentary on the program.

In addition to “Alone with Everyone,” the television project “While Everyone is Home” is also being closed on the First - this was announced on August 15. This is due to the scandal that began last year. The charitable part of Kizyakov’s program - the section “You will have a child” - was accused by critics of additional funding. Channel One then expressed bewilderment about this.

“We are buying the “While everyone is at home” program from the “Dom” company (formerly “TMK” and “While everyone is at home”). Since we are not involved in the creation of the project, we do not know the details of the authors’ relationships with government organizations, including financial ones.

We have always considered charitable projects to be an important matter, and, of course, the column about orphans was welcomed by the channel. The information you provide is news to us. We’ll sort it out,” the website quoted the response of the television company’s press service in December 2016.

In an interview, he himself indignantly rejected claims about this. Moreover, according to his version, it was he and his team who stopped collaborating with Channel One, back in May.

At the end of 2016, Channel One stopped broadcasting the show “Exactly”, and the show’s host left the channel because, according to the channel’s management, there was no suitable project for the TV host.

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