The central characters of the novel are Eugene Onegin. "Eugene Onegin" main characters

“Eugene Onegin” reflected the entire life of Russian society early XIX century. However, two centuries later, this work is interesting not only in historical and literary terms, but also in terms of the relevance of the questions that Pushkin posed to the reading public. Everyone, opening the novel, found something of their own in it, empathized with the characters, noted the lightness and mastery of the style. And quotes from this work have long become aphorisms, they are pronounced even by those who have not read the book itself.

A.S. Pushkin created this work for about 8 years (1823-1831). The history of the creation of “Eugene Onegin” began in Chisinau in 1823. It reflected the experience of “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, but the subject of the image was not historical and folklore characters, but modern heroes and the author himself. The poet also begins to work in line with realism, gradually abandoning romanticism. During the period of Mikhailovsky exile, he continued to work on the book, and completed it during his forced imprisonment in the village of Boldino (Pushkin was detained by cholera). Thus, creative history The work absorbed the most “fertile” years of the creator, when his skill evolved at breakneck speed. So his novel reflected everything that he learned during this time, everything that he knew and felt. Perhaps the work owes its depth to this circumstance.

The author himself calls his novel “a collection of motley chapters,” each of the 8 chapters has relative independence, because the writing of “Eugene Onegin” took a long time, and each episode opened a certain stage in Pushkin’s life. The book was published in parts, each release becoming an event in the world of literature. The complete edition was published only in 1837.

Genre and composition

A.S. Pushkin defined his work as a novel in verse, emphasizing that it is lyrical and epic: story line, expressed love story heroes (epic beginning), adjacent to digressions and author’s reflections ( lyrical beginning). This is why the genre of Eugene Onegin is called a “novel.”

"Eugene Onegin" consists of 8 chapters. In the first chapters, readers get acquainted with the central character Evgeny, move with him to the village and meet their future friend - Vladimir Lensky. Further, the drama of the story increases due to the appearance of the Larin family, especially Tatyana. The sixth chapter is the culmination of the relationship between Lensky and Onegin and the escape of the main character. And in the finale of the work there is a denouement of the storyline of Evgeniy and Tatiana.

Lyrical digressions are related to the narrative, but it is also a dialogue with the reader; they emphasize the “free” form, the closeness to an intimate conversation. The same factor can explain the incompleteness and openness of the ending of each chapter and the novel as a whole.

About what?

A young nobleman, already disillusioned with life, inherits an estate in the village and goes there, hoping to dispel his blues.

It begins with the fact that he was forced to sit with his sick uncle, who left his family nest to his nephew. However, the hero soon becomes bored with rural life; his existence would become unbearable if not for his acquaintance with the poet Vladimir Lensky. Friends are “ice and fire,” but differences did not interfere with friendly relations. will help you figure this out. Lensky introduces his friend to the Larin family: the old mother, sisters Olga and Tatyana. The poet has long been in love with Olga, a flighty coquette. Much more serious and more complete character

However, the relationship between Tatiana and Evgeniy is not over. They meet at a social evening, where the hero sees not a naive girl, but a mature woman in full splendor. And he falls in love. He is also tormented and writes a message. And he meets with the same rebuke. Yes, the beauty did not forget anything, but it’s too late, she was “given to someone else”: . The failed lover is left with nothing.

The main characters and their characteristics

The images of the heroes of “Eugene Onegin” are not a random selection of characters. This is a miniature Russian society of that time, where all the known types of noble people are scrupulously listed: the poor landowner Larin, his secular but degenerate wife in the village, the exalted and insolvent poet Lensky, his flighty and frivolous passion, etc. All of them represent Imperial Russia during its heyday. No less interesting and original. Below is a description of the main characters:

  1. Eugene Onegin - main character novel. It carries within itself dissatisfaction with life, fatigue from it. Pushkin talks in detail about the environment in which the young man grew up, about how the environment shaped his character. Onegin's upbringing is typical of the nobles of those years: a superficial education aimed at being successful in decent society. He was not prepared for real business, but exclusively for secular entertainment. Therefore, from a young age I was tired of the empty glitter of balls. He has “direct nobility of soul” (he feels a friendly attachment to Lensky, does not seduce Tatyana, taking advantage of her love). The hero is capable of deep feelings, but is afraid of losing freedom. But, despite his nobility, he is an egoist, and narcissism underlies all his feelings. The essay contains the most detailed characteristics character.
  2. Very different from Tatyana Larina, this image appears ideal: an integral, wise, devoted nature, ready to do anything for love. She grew up in a healthy environment, in nature, and not in the light, so real feelings are strong in her: kindness, faith, dignity. The girl loves to read, and in books she drew a special, romantic image, shrouded in mystery. It was this image that was embodied in Evgenia. And Tatyana gave herself up to this feeling with all passion, truthfulness and purity. She did not seduce, did not flirt, but took upon herself the courage to confess. This brave and honest act did not find a response in Onegin’s heart. He fell in love with her seven years later, when she shone in the world. Fame and wealth did not bring happiness to the woman; she married someone she didn’t love, but Eugene’s courtship is impossible, family vows are sacred to her. More about this in the essay.
  3. Tatiana's sister Olga is not of great interest, there is not a single acute angle, everything is round, it’s not for nothing that Onegin compares her to the moon. The girl accepts Lensky's advances. And any other person, because why not accept, she is flirtatious and empty. There is immediately a huge difference between the Larin sisters. The youngest daughter took after her mother, a flighty socialite who was forcibly imprisoned in the village.
  4. However, it was the flirtatious Olga that the poet Vladimir Lensky fell in love with. Probably because it’s easy to fill the emptiness with your own content in dreams. The hero still burned with a hidden fire, felt subtly and analyzed little. He has high moral concepts, so he is alien to the light and is not poisoned by it. If Onegin talked and danced with Olga only out of boredom, then Lensky saw this as a betrayal, ex-friend became an insidious tempter of a sinless girl. In Vladimir’s maximalist perception, this is immediately a break in relations and a duel. The poet lost in it. The author poses the question, what could await the character if the outcome is favorable? The conclusion is disappointing: Lensky would have married Olga, become an ordinary landowner and become vulgar in routine vegetation. You may also need .


  • The main theme of the novel “Eugene Onegin” is extensive - this is Russian life. The book shows life and upbringing in the world, in the capital, village life, customs and activities, typical and at the same time unique portraits of characters are drawn. Almost two centuries later, the heroes contain features inherent in modern people; these images are deeply national.
  • The theme of friendship is also reflected in Eugene Onegin. The main character and Vladimir Lensky were in close friendship. But can it be considered real? They got together by chance, out of boredom. Evgeniy sincerely became attached to Vladimir, who warmed the hero’s cold heart with his spiritual fire. However, just as quickly he is ready to insult a friend by flirting with his beloved, who is happy about it. Evgeny thinks only about himself, the feelings of other people are absolutely unimportant to him, so he could not save his comrade.
  • Love is also an important theme of the work. Almost all writers talk about it. Pushkin was no exception. True love is expressed in the image of Tatiana. It can develop against all odds and remain for life. Nobody loved and will love Onegin as much as main character. If you miss this, you remain unhappy for the rest of your life. Unlike the sacrificial, all-forgiving feelings of the girl, Onegin’s emotions are self-love. He was afraid of a timid girl who had fallen in love for the first time, for whose sake he would have to give up the disgusting but familiar light. But Evgeny was captivated by the cold, secular beauty, with whom visiting was already an honor, let alone loving her.
  • Theme of the extra person. The trend of realism appears in Pushkin’s works. It was the environment that raised Onegin to be so disappointed. It was precisely this that preferred to see superficiality in the nobles, the focus of all their efforts on creating secular splendor. And nothing else is needed. On the contrary, education in folk traditions, the company of ordinary people made the soul healthy and the nature whole, like Tatyana’s.
  • Theme of devotion. Tatyana is faithful to her first and strongest love, but Olga is frivolous, changeable and ordinary. Larina's sisters are completely opposite. Olga reflects a typical secular girl, for whom the main thing is herself, her attitude towards her, and therefore she can change if there is a better option. As soon as Onegin said a couple of pleasant words, she forgot about Lensky, whose affection was much stronger. Tatyana’s heart is faithful to Evgeniy all her life. Even when he trampled on her feelings, she waited a long time and could not find another (again, unlike Olga, who was quickly consoled after Lensky's death). The heroine had to get married, but in her soul she continued to be faithful to Onegin, although love had ceased to be possible.


The problematics in the novel “Eugene Onegin” are very indicative. It reveals not only psychological and social, but also political shortcomings and even entire tragedies of the system. For example, the outdated, but no less creepy, drama of Tatyana’s mother is shocking. The woman was forced into marriage, and she broke under the pressure of circumstances, becoming an evil and despotic mistress of a hated estate. Here's what actual problems raised

  • The main problem that is raised throughout realism in general, and by Pushkin in Eugene Onegin in particular, is the destructive influence of secular society on the human soul. A hypocritical and greedy environment poisons the personality. It imposes external requirements of decency: a young man must know a little French, read a little fashionable literature, be decently and expensively dressed, that is, make an impression, seem, and not be. And all the feelings here are also false, they only seem. That is why secular society takes away the best from people, it cools the brightest flame with its cold deception.
  • Eugenia’s blues is another problematic issue. Why does the main character become depressed? Not just because he was spoiled by society. main reason– he does not find the answer to the question: why all this? Why does he live? To go to theaters, balls and receptions? The absence of a vector, direction of movement, awareness of the meaninglessness of existence - these are the feelings that overcome Onegin. Here we are faced with the eternal problem of the meaning of life, which is so difficult to find.
  • The problem of selfishness is reflected in the image of the main character. Realizing that no one would love him in a cold and indifferent world, Eugene began to love himself more than anyone else in the world. Therefore, he doesn’t care about Lensky (he only relieves boredom), about Tatyana (she can take away his freedom), he thinks only about himself, but for this he is punished: he remains completely alone and is rejected by Tatyana.


The main idea of ​​the novel “Eugene Onegin” is to criticize the existing order of life, which dooms more or less extraordinary natures to loneliness and death. After all, there is so much potential in Evgenia, but there is no business, only social intrigue. There is so much spiritual fire in Vladimir, and besides death, only vulgarization in a feudal, suffocating environment can await him. How many spiritual beauty and intelligence in Tatyana, and she can only be the hostess of social evenings, dress up and carry on empty conversations.

People who do not think, do not reflect, do not suffer - these are the ones for whom it is suitable existing reality. This is a consumer society that lives at the expense of others, which shines while those “others” vegetate in poverty and filth. The thoughts that Pushkin thought about deserve attention to this day and remain important and pressing.

Another meaning of “Eugene Onegin”, which Pushkin laid down in his work, is to show how important it is to preserve individuality and virtue when temptations and fashions are rampant around, subjugating more than one generation of people. While Evgeny was chasing new trends and playing the cold and disappointed hero Byron, Tatyana listened to the voice of her heart and remained true to herself. Therefore, she finds happiness in love, albeit unrequited, and he finds only boredom in everything and everyone.

Features of the novel

The novel “Eugene Onegin” is a fundamentally new phenomenon in the literature of the early 19th century. He has a special composition - it is a “novel in verse”, a lyric-epic work of large volume. In lyrical digressions, the image of the author, his thoughts, feelings and ideas that he wants to convey to readers emerges.

Pushkin amazes with the ease and melodiousness of his language. His literary style devoid of heaviness and didacticism, the author knows how to talk about complex and important things simply and clearly. Of course, a lot needs to be read between the lines, since harsh censorship was merciless even towards geniuses, but the poet is also not a natural person, so he was able to tell in the elegance of verse about the socio-political problems of his state, which were successfully hushed up in the press. It is important to understand that before Alexander Sergeevich, Russian poetry was different; he made a kind of “revolution of the game.”

The peculiarity also lies in the image system. Evgeny Onegin is the first in the gallery of “superfluous people”, who contain enormous potential that cannot be realized. Tatyana Larina “raised” female images from the place “the main character needs to love someone” to an independent and complete portrait of a Russian woman. Tatyana is one of the first heroines who looks stronger and more significant than the main character, and does not hide in his shadow. This is how the direction of the novel “Eugene Onegin” is revealed - realism, which will more than once open the theme of the superfluous person and touch upon the difficult woman's destiny. By the way, we also described this feature in the essay “”.

Realism in the novel "Eugene Onegin"

"Eugene Onegin" marks Pushkin's transition to realism. In this novel, the author first raises the topic of man and society. A personality is not perceived separately, it is part of a society that educates, leaves a certain imprint or completely shapes people.

The main characters are typical, but at the same time unique. Eugene is an authentic secular nobleman: disappointed, superficially educated, but at the same time not like those around him - noble, intelligent, observant. Tatyana is an ordinary provincial young lady: she was brought up on French novels, filled with the sweet dreams of these works, but at the same time she is “Russian in soul,” wise, virtuous, loving, harmonious in nature.

It is precisely in the fact that for two centuries readers see themselves and their acquaintances in the heroes, it is precisely in the inescapable relevance of the novel that its realistic orientation is expressed.


The novel “Eugene Onegin” evoked a great response from readers and critics. According to E.A. Baratynsky: “Everyone interprets them in their own way: some praise them, others scold them, and everyone reads them.” Contemporaries criticized Pushkin for the “labyrinth of digressions”, for the insufficiently defined character of the main character, and careless language. The reviewer Thaddeus Bulgarin, who supported the government and conservative literature, especially distinguished himself.

However, V.G. understood the novel best. Belinsky, who called it “an encyclopedia of Russian life,” is a historical work, despite the absence of historical characters. Indeed, a modern lover of belles lettres can study Eugene Onegin from this point of view to learn more about the noble society of the early 19th century.

And a century later, the comprehension of the novel in verse continued. Yu.M. Lotman saw complexity and paradox in the work. This is not just a collection of quotes familiar from childhood, it is an “organic world”. All this proves the relevance of the work and its significance for Russian national culture.

What does it teach?

Pushkin showed the life of young people and how their fate could turn out. Of course, fate depends not only on the environment, but also on the heroes themselves, but the influence of society is undeniable. The poet showed the main enemy that affects young nobles: idleness, aimlessness of existence. Alexander Sergeevich’s conclusion is simple: the creator calls not to limit oneself to secular conventions, stupid rules, but to live life to the fullest, guided by moral and spiritual components.

These ideas remain relevant today, before modern people often a choice arises: to live in harmony with oneself or to break oneself for the sake of some benefits or public recognition. By choosing the second path, chasing illusory dreams, you can lose yourself and discover with horror that your life is over and nothing has been done. This is what you need to fear most.

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I. Theme and idea of ​​the work, features of the composition

Everything is put into this book: mind, heart,

youth, wise maturity,

moments of joy and bitter hours

without sleep - a whole life of beauty,

a brilliant and cheerful person.

N. Dolinina

(From the book "Let's Read Onegin Together")

The artistic structure of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is based on a principle that later made it possible to call it "an encyclopedia of Russian life." “Pushkin is the poet of reality,” said Kerensky. Pushkin's brilliant novel in verse includes absolutely all aspects of Russian, both social and literary life of that time. But the main character embodies, perhaps, the main dilemma that had historically developed by this time. The time of Pushkin's novel coincides with historical timelessness in Russia, when it became obvious to the thinking part of society that there were no radical historical changes, which for a certain time made possible Patriotic War one thousand eight hundred and twelve, I won’t see it. A protracted reaction began in Russia, when the thinking and searching part of Russian society found itself out of work, and as a result, some were forced to resign in scandal, and some joined the ranks of anti-government organizations. But there was still a third

option - to live mindlessly own life, languishing from idleness and inaction, from the inability to realize one’s inner world, when the abilities and potential of the individual were completely unclaimed. Russian literature very clearly perceived this current situation and reflected this third category of Russian enlightenment of society, creating a whole series of images of “superfluous people.” Griboedov laid the foundation for this series by creating the image of Chatsky in his immortal comedy “Woe from Wit.” Pushkin significantly continued and expanded what Griboedov began in his novel Eugene Onegin.

Korovin believed: “The rights of personal freedom, human dignity, honor, enjoyment of nature and the beauty of art are immeasurably higher than any political programs that in one way or another subordinate a person to their transient and narrow normativity.”

Pushkin was realistic and faithful to historical and artistic truth; he was not able to put his universal ideal into concrete forms. Alexander Sergeevich did not accept the former social orders, he started from them, noticing that during his life there were no conditions for the reconciliation of different layers within the country and peoples different countries. This is a work about Russia at the beginning of the 19th century, about its people and fate, about life and culture, about the spiritual quest of the best people.

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" there is a gulf between educated Russia and common people's Russia, between metropolitan and provincial Russia.

The action of the novel takes place against the broad background of Russian reality of the 20s of the 19th century. Focus on life metropolitan nobility era spiritual quest advanced noble intelligentsia. Conceived and begun during the years of social upsurge, before the Decembrist speech, the novel in its main chapters was created and ended after the defeat of the Decembrist movement. Pushkin showed the movement of history through the changing destinies and characters of the main characters of the novel. The poet devoted nine years to the work “Eugene Onegin”; it is one of the largest and most interesting in his work. This work reflects the thoughts and feelings of the poet himself. The author’s personality was reflected in the choice of theme and plot of the novel, in the understanding of the course of life, in the assessment of the heroes, in the tone of the narrative, lyrical and ironic. The author evaluates certain plot situations: Tatiana's letter, Tatiana's meeting with Onegin, the duel, interrupts the narrative with lyrical digressions, recalling her past, sharing with readers thoughts about the present, about the heroes, about their actions. At certain moments he becomes actor novel (talking about his meetings with Evgeniy, offering to read Tatyana’s letters that he has). The poet compares the interests and passions of one main character, Onegin, with his own interests, noting some similarities and differences.

The author acts as a bearer of a moral ideal, with which not only the main characters of the novel, but also the “noble multitude” are correlated. Alexander Sergeevich emphasizes that he knows more about life and sees further than his heroes know and see. Before describing Onegin’s last meeting with Larina, the writer recalls his life and creative path. Against the background of the poet’s life story with his passion for creativity, nature, and the joys of life, Evgeniy’s fate looks especially tragic. And at the same time, the author’s intervention in the narrative seems to indicate that life does not end with the completion of the novel, it continues, illuminated by further light.

II. The main characters of the novel in verse

Each created image is dear and loved by the poet in his own way. One of these images is Tanya Larina. Tanya, Pushkin’s favorite heroine, it is no coincidence that he writes: “... I love my dear Tatyana so much.” Tatiana - perfect image Russian girl and woman, but the image is not fictitious, but taken from real life.

Larina’s mysterious image can be explained by the depth of her nature, the existence of a moral core in her image. The author pays great attention to the process of developing the personality of her heroine. It is thanks to this that her image can be fully characterized. Tatyana to some extent reflects the traits of provincial young ladies of that time: she loves fortune-telling, believes in dreams and omens, but in many ways differs from the girls of her circle. Compared to other girls, including her younger sister, she seems withdrawn and values ​​her loneliness: Alexander Sergeevich calls her friend the “thoughtfulness” that adorned the heroine’s “rural leisure time.” Tatyana’s dissimilarity from the rest of the family was also noted:

She is in her own family

The girl seemed like a stranger.

The mystery of Tanya Larina lies in the formation of an extraordinary character. After all, the Larin family is the most ordinary family of typical representatives of the local nobility. Tatyana, as it were, “nourished” from nature itself, she is a person who has “roots”, is connected with the national “soil”, which is why she is busy forming her inner world, “she is bored” with external noise.

She loved on the balcony

Warn the dawn,

When on a pale sky

The round dance of the stars disappears,

And quietly the edge of the earth brightens,

And, the harbinger of the morning, the wind blows,

And the day gradually rises.

Alexander Sergeevich points to Larina’s “Russian soul”; it is this trait that gives her the strength to maintain her moral ideal, Despite everything.

Tatyana was alien to “childish pranks”; she early became involved in novels, which “replaced everything for her.” No one supervised the girl's reading, and she perceived the world in accordance with the image that was associated with the image that appeared to her while reading books. In particular, her idea of ​​love was also bookish, and the ideal of her future chosen one was based on the novels she had read: “The soul was waiting for... someone,” “the time has come, she fell in love.”

The appearance of Onegin, similar to the traditional romantic hero disappointed in life, a gloomy dandy, dramatically changes the heroine’s life: she has hope for the fulfillment of her secret desires. Heroes of the novels she read

They have clothed themselves in a single image,

Merged into one Onegin.

Tatyana's closest friend is her nanny, to whom she trusts the secret of her heart. This is also the main property of a girl: her feeling is too deep and serious: “Tatyana loves seriously,” so that she could tell about it to someone less close.

The choice of Onegin as the subject of passion turned out to be predetermined not only by novels. Affected romantic traits character that Tanya inherited from her mother: once she, too, was in love with the “hero of the novel,” but then she was married to Dmitry Larin and quickly forgot about her previous feeling: “habit sweetened grief.” Looking ahead, I will say that Tanya Larina’s feeling turned out to be so deep that she retained it for many years.

Tatyana writes a letter to Evgeniy: this is what any heroine of the novels she has read would have done. The author speaks with admiration of the letter, which reveals Tatyana’s feelings for her chosen one:

Who inspired her with this tenderness,

And words of kind negligence?

The reader is faced with another question: did the heroine act rightly or wrongly by writing a love letter to a person whom she did not know at all. Many are puzzling over the riddle of whether Larina’s act is moral. However, for Tatyana there was no moral choice in this scene, because it seems to her that she knows the hero of her novel well: she has read so much about him. In addition, all the heroines of the novels: Clarice, Julia, Delphine, who experienced the same feelings: “secret heat”, “dreams”, “delight”, “sadness” - wrote love letters, and were rewarded for this, it is not surprising that Tanya did so, following their example, without any doubt about the correctness of her action. The fact of the message to a man she barely knows speaks of the heroine’s passion and reckless courage, disregarding the fears of being compromised in the eyes of others.

Onegin, who mentally understands the nobility of the soul and the depth of Tatyana’s feelings, is not ready for a reciprocal feeling. Undoubtedly, he immediately appreciated her originality, her sublimely romantic nature and was quite surprised that the romantic poet Lensky did not notice any of this and gave his preference to his much more earthly and ordinary younger sister. "This chilled an indifferent person, - wrote Belinsky - it took one or two inattentive glances to understand the difference between both sisters, - while the fiery, enthusiastic Lensky never entered into his head that his beloved was not at all an ideal and poetic creation, but simply pretty and simple girl, which was not at all worth risking for it and killing a friend or being killed yourself."

The novel in verse Eugene Onegin, written by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, is central to his work. The work contains many bright, in its own way unique heroes, including Alexander Sergeevich himself, who introduced himself into the novel as a character.

Eugene Onegin

Evgeny Onegin, one of the main characters of the novel, belongs to the type of “superfluous man” in literature. " Extra person“is a literary hero who has exceptional talents, but is unable to realize them in society, and cannot find the right application for them.

Onegin is a young rich nobleman living in St. Petersburg. Eugene was born “on the banks of the Neva”; he was an ordinary child in a completely ordinary noble family. His father did not raise him, and the Frenchman “taught him everything jokingly.”

The hero's youth takes place in the capital. Onegin is fashionably dressed, has a haircut, speaks French and dances the mazurka. Evgeniy has no education, but is distinguished by his erudition, wit and broad outlook. The hero is interested in cultural, historical and political issues. People around him decide that Onegin is “smart and very nice.” However, the light was not interested internal qualities hero, people only looked at his shell, they did not know what kind of person he really was.

The author does not idealize Eugene Onegin, endowing him with such character traits as hypocrisy, selfishness, indifference, and coldness. Blues, dissatisfaction with life, boredom, monotony disappoint the hero.

Onegin is mentally empty, prone to melancholy, his life is monotonous and boring, because it directly depends on the opinion of the false high society. Onegin is bored, “hard work makes him sick.”

The turning point in the hero's life is the murder of Lensky. Onegin suddenly begins to understand the insignificance of his former existence. He goes on a journey in hopes of changing and calming his conscience. He returns to St. Petersburg as a completely different person. At this point, the development of the main character’s character ends; Alexander Sergeevich leaves the ending open.

Tatyana Larina

Another main character of the novel in verse is Tatyana Larina. This is a girl from a poor family living in the provinces. Pushkin makes the heroine his favorite, endowing her with modesty, homeliness, simplicity, naivety, but at the same time deep inner world.

Tatyana appears to the reader as a poetic young girl, exploring the world around you through the pages of your favorite novels. She is withdrawn and immersed in her own feelings.

As a child, Tatyana did not like playing with dolls and hanging out with her friends; she liked listening to her nanny's stories, embroidering, or sitting alone with a book.

Seeing Eugene Onegin and comparing him with the Byronic hero of her favorite novel, Tatyana succumbed to an impulse of feelings, which was completely unusual for her, and confessed her love to her beloved. Tatyana Larina, being naive, gentle and meek, did not expect to hear a refusal. And it broke her heart.

At the end of the novel, the reader sees a completely different Tatyana Larina. This Tatyana has matured and turned into a beautiful, wise, sensible, noble woman. She behaves proudly, evenly and coldly, as expected in high society. Tatyana continues to love Onegin, but diligently hides her feelings, deeply respecting her husband. She places a sense of duty and self-esteem above all else, maintaining honor and loyalty to moral principles.

Vladimir Lensky

Vladimir Lensky is presented in the novel as the antipode of Eugene Onegin. He is still very young, naive, stupid in his own way, a sentimental romantic poet. Lensky, having studied in Germany, returns home full of hopes and aspirations.

Despite contradictory characters and different views on the world, Lensky easily converges with Onegin and becomes his best friend: “They got together. Wave and stone, poetry and prose, ice and fire...”

Vladimir has not yet succumbed to the influence of the corrupted world, she is sincere, bashful and timid, blushes at the smile of her beloved girl, allowing himself only to touch the hem of her clothes or hair.

Lensky, this hot-tempered, gentle, romantic poet inspired by life, dies in a duel at the hands of Onegin: “Almost out of a baby’s clothes, he has faded!”

Olga Larina

Olga Larina is the complete opposite of Tatyana Larina, her younger sister. Olga has a flighty character, carefree, flirtatious, and differs from her sister in her “innocent charm.” The heroine likes to flirt with Lensky, although she does not take him seriously. Olga is not distinguished by a deep inner world, “Olga has no life in her features,” she is stupid, and is easily attracted to men. She does not yearn for the deceased Lensky and very soon after his death she gets married. The author creates the image of a beautiful, but stupid and empty doll.

Thus, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin reliably showed the picture of a typical noble life, way of thinking, moral principles and the values ​​of this society.

Characters of the novel

The novel "Eugene Onegin" was written by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in 1831. This work is still relevant today. And it is not surprising, because it raises very important and relevant problems to this day. In addition, the novel is notable for its colorful characters, whose personalities not only influence the plot itself, but are also the author’s means to show the reader how different people are. Let's look at the main characters in more detail.

Main character - Eugene Onegin. A young rake, tired of everything, a playmaker who has become fed up with secular society. It was in this society that he grew up, it was in it that he acquired his qualities. Evgeny is cold, indifferent, cunning and, partly, smart. He honors science, keeps up with the times, but at the same time, the reader understands that this is just following a fashion that is accepted in high society. Even Onegin’s attitude towards love is based on the ideals of the secular world. Can Onegin be called noble? Not at all, but he, like Pechorin in M.Yu. Lermontov’s novel “Hero of Our Time,” is the hero of Pushkin’s modernity. Therefore, it is impossible to say with confidence whether the moral character of the main character of the novel is bad or not.

About Evgeny Onegin, in particular, it can be noted that he is capable of friendship. The relationship with Lensky was a real friendship, when one person completely complements the other. But only Onegin’s indifference, Lensky’s temper and Olga’s frivolity led to the fact that Vladimir died, and Eugene lost, perhaps, his only friend. Also, although the story with Tatyana is sad, the blame lies entirely with Onegin, and he understands this. The reader can only sympathize with the main character and conclude that sometimes composure, principles that do not correspond to human nature and indifference can lead to tragic consequences.

The second main character of this novel is undoubtedly Tatyana Larina. Eldest daughter in the Larin family, the “gray mouse”, a sensual, gentle and very sincere nature. Tatyana is dear not only to the author, but also to the reader, because she combined the qualities of a simple Russian girl and the qualities of the daughter of a noble nobleman. She also showed how a person can change in new conditions and at the same time remain himself.

Having married the general, Tatyana became a true aristocrat, but retained her personal qualities. She remained the same romantic in nature, vulnerable and slightly sad. No one can doubt that the elder Larina’s love for Onegin was the most real and sincere love that people are capable of. However, Eugene’s refusal not only painfully disappointed Tatyana, but also taught her a life lesson. So, when meeting Onegin again, she preferred marriage whirlwind romance with the one she loved so dearly. This indicates that Tatyana is a person of principle and nobility.

Bright secondary character - Vladimir Lensky. He is young, hot, quick-tempered, passionate and dreamy. Onegin is his complete opposite, and this is what attracts young poet to the capital's rake. Vladimir had a fiancée - Olga, an ordinary laughing woman. I dare to suggest that because of her frivolity and Lensky’s integrity, a duel to death took place. Vladimir during it, but the reader initially understands that both friends do not want to shoot each other, but the conflict is a matter of principle. Also, it is worth noting that in the famous lines about poetry and prose, ice and fire, Lensky acts as everything passionate and living.

In his friendship with the completely icy and prosaic Evgeniy, Vladimir is the hot word of poetry, bringing revival and action. It can be concluded that Lensky's death was the most great tragedy Onegin, and also that the love between Olga and Vladimir was a short-lived impulse. Proof of this is the fact that Olga went to the officer almost immediately after her death.

And the last character about whom they said so much and said nothing - Olga. Younger sister Tatiana, a favorite in the Larin family. If Tatyana was the moon, then Olga would be the brightest sun. Yunna is charming and simply beautiful. All these qualities of Olga lead to the fact that she is always in the center of male attention. And, as mentioned earlier, because of her unreasonable actions, her fiancé died, and he died at the hands of his own friend. But Olga, presumably, does not take the sin on her soul, and, after grieving for a short time, marries a promising officer.

Also, the main secondary characters cannot but be called Larin spouses. They gave birth to two beautiful and completely different girls. At the time of the development of the story, the father, Dmitry Larin, is no longer alive. The reader only knows about him that he was a humane and kind nobleman with the rank of brigadier. His wife, Praskovya Larina, was forced into marriage, according to the principle “endure, fall in love.” And in fact, love arose between the Larins, and its fruits were two sisters. The couple are extremely close to their serfs and the traditions of the Russian people. This strikingly distinguishes them from the secular nobility. But this does not contradict the fact that the Larins are kind, hospitable people whose morals and principles stand above all else.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is the characters of the novel “Eugene Onegin” that give color to this work. Their contrast, images, qualities and characters - all this contributed to the logical course of events. In addition, through the images of the main and minor characters Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin showed the reader what the consequences may be from one or another type of behavior.

In the novel “Eugene Onegin”, next to the main character, the author depicts other characters who help to better understand the character of Eugene Onegin. Among such heroes, first of all, Vladimir Lensky should be named.

According to Pushkin himself, these two people are absolutely opposite: “ice and fire,” as the author writes about them. And yet they become inseparable friends, although Pushkin notes that they become such because there is “nothing to do.”

Let's try to compare Onegin and Lensky. Are they that different from each other?

Why did they get together? It is better to present the comparison of heroes in the form of a table:

Eugene Onegin Vladimir Lensky
Education and upbringing
Traditional noble upbringing and education - in childhood he is looked after by a mamzel, then a monsieur, then he receives a good education. Pushkin writes: “We all learned a little something and somehow,” but the poet, as we know, received an excellent education at the elite Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Studied in Germany. The author does not say anything about who raised him at an earlier age. The result of such education is a romantic worldview; it is no coincidence that Lensky is a poet.
State of mind, attitude to human values
Onegin feels tired of life, disappointed in it, for him there are no values ​​- he does not value love, friendship, or rather, does not believe in the sincerity and strength of these feelings.
>No: his feelings cooled down early
He was tired of the noise of the light.
And then the author “makes a ‘diagnosis’ of his hero’s condition - in short: the Russian melancholy has taken possession of him little by little...”
Having returned to his homeland, Lensky expects happiness and miracles from life - therefore his soul and heart are open to love, friendship and creativity:
The purpose of our life is for him
Was a tempting mystery
He puzzled over her
And he suspected miracles.
Eugene Onegin Vladimir Lensky
Life in the village, relationships with neighbors
Arriving in the village, Onegin is looking for an application to his strengths, a way out of his aimless existence - he is trying to replace corvée with an “easy quitrent”, and strives to find people close to him in outlook and spirit. But not finding anyone, Onegin himself separated himself with a sharp line from the surrounding landowners.
And they, in turn, considered him an “eccentric,” a “farmazon,” and “they stopped their friendship with him.” Soon boredom and disappointment take hold of him again.
Lensky is distinguished by an enthusiastic and dreamy attitude towards life, spiritual simplicity and naivety.
He had not yet had time to fade “from the cold depravity of the world,” he “was an ignoramus at heart.”
Idea of ​​purpose and meaning of life
Doesn't believe in any lofty goal. I am sure that there is some higher purpose in life, he just doesn’t know it yet.
Poetic creativity and the attitude of heroes towards it
Onegin “could not... distinguish iambic from trochee...,” had neither the ability to compose nor the desire to read poetry; Lensky, like A.S. Pushkin, treats Lensky’s works with slight irony. Lensky is a poet. He wandered through the world with a lyre Under the skies of Schiller and Goethe With their poetic fire, the Soul ignited in him. Lensky is inspired by the work of German romantic poets and also considers himself a romantic. In some ways he is similar to Pushkin’s friend Kuchelbecker. Lensky's poems are sentimental, and their content is love, “separation and sadness, and something, and the foggy distance, and romantic roses...”
Love story
Onegin does not believe in the sincerity of female love. Tatyana Larina, upon first meeting, does not evoke any feelings in Onegin’s soul, except perhaps pity and sympathy. Only after several years has passed, the changed Onegin understands what happiness he gave up by rejecting Tatyana’s love. Onegin's life has no meaning, since there was no place for love in it. Lensky, as a romantic poet, falls in love with Olga. Ideal for him female beauty, loyalty - everything is in it. He not only loves her, he is passionately jealous of Olga for Onegin. He suspects her of treason, but as soon as Onegin leaves the evening dedicated to Tatiana’s name day, Olga again sincerely shows her affection and love for Lensky.


With all the differences in characters, temperaments and psychological type One cannot help but notice a number of similarities between Onegin and Lensky:

They are opposed to the nobility, both in the city and in the countryside;

They strive to find the meaning of life, not limited to the “joys” of the circle of secular youth;

Broad intellectual interests - history, philosophy, moral issues, and reading literary works.


The duel becomes a particularly tragic page in the relationship between Onegin and Lensky. Both heroes perfectly understand the meaninglessness and uselessness of this fight, but neither was able to step over the convention - public opinion. It was the fear of judgment from others that forced the two friends to stand at the barrier and aim the muzzle of a gun at the chest of their recent friend.

Onegin becomes a murderer, although according to the rules he does not commit murder, but only defends his honor. And Lensky goes to a duel in order to punish universal evil, which at that moment, in his opinion, was concentrated in Onegin.

After the duel, Onegin leaves, he goes to travel around Russia. He is no longer able to remain in a society whose laws force him to commit acts that are contrary to his conscience. It can be assumed that it was this duel that became the starting point from which serious changes in Onegin’s character began.

Tatyana Larina

The novel is named after Eugene Onegin, but in the text of the novel there is another heroine who can fully be called the main one - this is Tatyana. This is Pushkin's favorite heroine. The author does not hide his sympathy: “forgive me... I love my dear Tatyana so much...”, and, on the contrary, at every opportunity he emphasizes his affection for the heroine.

This is how you can imagine the heroine:
What distinguishes Tatyana from representatives of her circle Tatiana in comparison with Onegin
. She is not like all the secular girls. There is no coquetry, affectation, insincerity, or unnaturalness in it.
. She prefers solitude to noisy games, does not like to play with dolls, she prefers to read books or listen to her nanny's stories about antiquity. And she also amazingly feels and understands nature, this spiritual sensitivity makes Tatyana closer to to the common people than to a secular society.
. The basis of Tatiana's world - folk culture.
. Pushkin emphasizes the spiritual connection of a girl who grew up in a “village” with beliefs and folklore traditions. It is no coincidence that the novel included an episode in which Tatyana’s fortune-telling and dream are told.
. There is a lot of intuitive and instinctive in Tatyana.
. This is a discreet and deep, sad and pure, believing and faithful nature. Pushkin endowed their heroine with a rich inner world and spiritual purity:
What is gifted from heaven
With a rebellious imagination,
Alive in mind and will,
And wayward head,
And with a fiery and tender heart...
Believes in ideal happiness, in love, creates in his imagination under the influence of what he reads French novels the ideal image of a lover.
Tatyana is somewhat similar to Onegin:
. The desire for loneliness, the desire to understand oneself and understand life.
. Intuition, insight, natural intelligence.
. The author's good disposition towards both heroes.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” became a breakthrough in the literature of that time. At that time, the Russian language was in a stage of active development and replenishment with new phrasal units. According to the same Pushkin, every person who writes in Russian was already a priori a writer - in order to express himself, it was necessary to come up with a certain turn of phrase, because such options did not exist in the language stock. Therefore, the appearance of a work of significant volume attracted the attention of readers.

Definition of genre

"Eugene Onegin" is a novel. Several factors indicate this.

Wide system of acting characters

All heroes can be divided into main and secondary. Some of them appear once in the text and then only for a few moments. The main array of events falls on 12 characters. Not all of them actively take part in the conflict that has arisen; some of them are represented by indirect action.

Portraying many aspects of life

The life of the main characters is described from different sides, multifaceted. The reader can see the character's action in different life situations, find out how he manifests himself in others social roles. For example, as a family member - in other words, how he treats his relatives, how social subject- this is how the character acts in society, as an employee - as a person fulfilling certain job requirements, etc.


The events of the novel cover a time period of several years. This duration of action is also a characteristic of the novel as a genre.

Number of storylines

There are always several plot lines in a novel. There is no maximum allowed value for storylines. In "Eugene Onegin" the main storyline is in the relationship between Eugene Onegin and Tatyana Larina.

There are also two side ones - the first concerns the friendship of Lensky and Onegin; second – love feeling between Olga Larina and Vladimir Lensky.

Lyrical digressions and explanations of the author

A characteristic feature of the novel is also the presence lyrical digressions or additional information in the text itself, allowing you to better understand the essence of what is happening. The most striking manifestations of “Eugene Onegin” in this regard are Tatiana’s dream, the girls’ songs, and the poetry of Vladimir Lensky.

Features of the genre

Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" has elements of a socio-psychological novel. Alexander Sergeevich actively portrays the internal state of the characters, their spiritual doubts and searches.

Unexpected, sometimes extreme, events in the lives of characters allow us to more fully understand their character traits. Revealing dreams, daydreams, hidden desires contributes to the analysis of the subconscious part of the personality.

Another feature is that the novel is written in poetic form, in other words, it is a novel in verse.

Features of stanza

Since the novel has a poetic form, the main features of poetry should also be considered.
The work was written in a special stanza. Its rhyme scheme is depicted as follows: AbAb CCdd EffE gg. Let's decipher it.

The first four lines are connected by cross rhyme. In this case, the first and third lines are represented by a feminine rhyme, and the second and quadruple – by a masculine rhyme.

The next four lines are united by an adjacent rhyme, that is, they rhyme in two lines. The first two of them are feminine rhymes, the next two are masculine.

The next four lines are connected by a ring rhyme - the first line (also 9 in the general list of lines of verse in the novel) rhymes with the 4th (12 in the general list), and is a feminine rhyme, and the 2nd with the 3rd (10 and 11 respectively), and is represented by a masculine rhyme. The last two lines rhyme with each other in a masculine rhyme.

This type of stanza was called the Onegin stanza, since its initial identification was made precisely in this novel.

Novel structure

Initially, Pushkin outlined the volume of the novel at 9 chapters, but later changed his intention, reducing their number to eight. The fact is that the eighth chapter was supposed to describe Onegin’s trip to Odessa, but the objects depicted by Pushkin in this chapter could incur the wrath of the authorities, so Alexander Sergeevich not only abandons the idea of ​​publishing it, but also partially destroys the text of the chapter.

Characteristic feature chapters was that each of them is essentially a complete work and allows you to break off the narrative at any of them. In this way, the similarity with the manner of Byron's fragmentary presentation was emphasized.

Heroes of the novel

The system of the novel's heroes is quite simple - at the center of events there is a couple united by attraction to each other. They are joined by several groups minor characters, which contribute to the development of the conflict that has arisen between the two main characters. The text also contains episodic characters - their influence on the development of the plot is minimized; they were created by the author to create a certain mood in society.

The main characters of the novel

The main characters of Pushkin's novel are Evgeny Onegin and Tatyana Larina.

Eugene Onegin- a nobleman by birth, a wealthy young man, who by coincidence came to visit his dying uncle. His life was typical of young people of that period - balls, dinner parties, theaters. He is very popular in St. Petersburg society.

Tatyana Larina also a noblewoman, but her family is not so rich and famous. At the time the events began, she was 17 years old. Tatyana, at the time of the development of the main events, was deprived of the opportunity to actively visit secular society, led a quiet and secluded life in the village with her parents and sister.

Minor characters of the novel

The list of minor characters in Pushkin's novel is more voluminous.

  • Vladimir Lensky- friend of Evgeny Onegin, nobleman. He is a poet and romantic. Lensky dies at the hands of Onegin in a duel;
  • Praskovya Larina- mother of Tatyana and Olga. A sweet and kind old woman;
  • Dmitry Larin- landowner, father of Tatyana and Olga. He died before the start of the story;
  • Olga Larina- The youngest daughter of Praskovya Larina and Tatyana’s sister. A frivolous and flirtatious girl. Her behavior becomes a prerequisite for the development of a conflict between Lensky and Onegin and, as a consequence, a duel;
  • Filpyevna- serf peasant woman, nanny of Tatyana Larina. A good-natured and affectionate old lady;
  • Prince N- landowner, husband of Tatyana Larina, relative of Evgeny Onegin;
  • Zaretsky- landowner, Lensky's second in the duel, his friend and comrade of Evgeniy Onegin;
  • Princess Alina- cousin of Praskovya Larina. Praskovya and Tatyana Larina stay in her house upon their arrival in Moscow.

History of writing and publication

The novel “Eugene Onegin” is not one of the works written in one go. It took Pushkin more than seven years to create the narrative. According to the author's own calculations, the exact period of writing is 7 years, 4 months and 17 days.

Pushkin began work on the text of the novel in Chisinau on May 9, 1823. It took more than 5 months to write it - the chapter was completed on October 22. This text was not the final version and subsequently underwent many revisions and changes. This chapter was first published in 1825.

Writing the second chapter was not such a long process. By December 8 of the same 1823, it was already ready, however, as in the case of the first chapter, this did not become the final version - the text was subject to correction and was first published in 1826.

Pushkin began writing the third chapter immediately. The process of writing it was quite long - about 8 months and on October 2, 1824 it was written in full. Pushkin was in no hurry to publish the chapter; readers saw it only in 1827.

The writing of the fourth chapter was interrupted from time to time. Pushkin was distracted by writing other works, so the whole process took a year and three months. The text was completed in January 1826. It was published in 1828 simultaneously with the fifth chapter.

The fifth chapter of the novel was also written intermittently. Pushkin began work on it two days before the final version of the fourth chapter. The writing took 10 months. In November 1826, the chapter was already ready.

The manuscript of the sixth chapter has not survived, so there are no reliable dates indicating the period of its writing. Most likely, Pushkin began work on it immediately after finishing work on the fifth, and finished it in August 1827. It was published in March 1828.

The dates for the writing of the seventh chapter are also approximate. It is known that Pushkin began writing in August - September 1827, and finished in November 1828. It was published in March 1830.

The eighth chapter told about Onegin's journey; the completion of its work fell in September 1830, but in the light of political events, Pushkin abandoned the idea of ​​placing it as part of the novel. Only minor fragments of the chapter, published during the course of writing, have reached us. Full text The manuscript was destroyed by Pushkin.

The place of the deleted chapter was taken by a new one. It took 9 months to create it. It was ready in September 1830, and published in 1832 with the note “The last chapter of Eugene Onegin.”

In addition to fragments of chapter 8, a draft version of chapter 10 has also reached us. Presumably, this chapter was supposed to tell about Onegin’s trip to the Caucasus and his death, but there is no absolute certainty in this position.

“Eugene Onegin” was published as a separate book in 1833, its next publication took place in 1837.

Prototypes of "Eugene Onegin"

The novel "Eugene Onegin" is devoid of precise premises on reality. existing people. Many alleged prototypes were discovered by writers and literary researchers after some time and are based on the similarity of certain events or character traits.

Chaadaev could very likely become the prototype of Onegin. He has some biographical similarities with Onegin. It may also be that this image arose under the impressions of Childe Harold and Don Juan - heroes of Byron's works.

In the image of Lensky one can easily read the resemblance to Kuchelbecker.

Other characters lack prototypes (or their prototypes were not discovered or announced by the author) and are collective images.

Byronism and the concept of the “superfluous man”

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin admired the works of J. Byron, so it is not surprising that Pushkin took over some elements characteristic of Byron’s work for himself.

Alexander Sergeevich planned to write a novel within the framework of realism, but he failed to fully implement his intention - the first chapters of the novel are marked by inclusions of romanticism, and the main character is similar to a classic Byronic hero.

Evgeny Onegin is in search of himself and his meaning in life. He cannot find solace in conventional activities and, as a result, wastes his life.

Pushkin's Byronism skillfully reunited with a unique phenomenon in Russian literature - the concept of the “Superfluous Man.” The features of such a phenomenon are embodied in the image of Eugene Onegin.

The hero, like generally accepted traditions, leads his life. He received a decent education, has a talent for eloquence, and is quite in demand in society. He leads an idle way of life - for that time - this is not an innovation, but the norm, but soon this state of affairs begins to weigh on him. Since the image of Onegin is devoid of zeal for hard work - he does something only during the period of passion for a new process. As soon as the novelty recedes into the background, Onegin loses interest in the activity. This state of affairs does not allow him to achieve significant results in any type of activity, which increases the state of melancholy and spleen.

At the end of the story, the Extra Person dies (in most cases this is due to illness). It is impossible to say for sure whether Pushkin planned to kill his hero. The preserved fragments of Chapter 10 make it possible to admit such a possibility.

Themes and problems of the novel

Like any novel, “Eugene Onegin” has diverse problems and themes.

Opportunity to realize oneself in society

How to find your place in life and society, organize yourself and your leisure time? What's the point human life? "Eugene Onegin" is not without a philosophical basis. Pushkin examines and analyzes the life and principles of the contemporary aristocracy and tries to determine the path of human development.

Tolerance towards others

Man is social. His activities are inconspicuously connected with the interactions of other people. The novel clearly shows how ignoring such principles as tolerance and the ability to delicately express one’s position can cause irreversible tragic consequences.


Communication between people often goes beyond the boundaries of acquaintance. From time to time, under the influence of common interests, views, or, conversely, the dissimilarity of the heroes, with the active interest of one of them in other types of activities, unknown or little known to him.


Romantic feelings often become the cause of emotional distress and personal tragedies. What happens when one character plays with the feelings of another and is it possible to live fully after the disappointment of first love? – Pushkin is actively looking for answers to these questions.

Duty, pride and honor

The life of an aristocrat is integral to such concepts as duty, pride and honor. The actions and words of a representative of high society should not go beyond the bounds of decency; he should maintain the proper level of honor and not stoop to shameful acts.

Attachment to public opinion

People do many things under the influence of public opinion. The disastrous result of such activity is demonstrated in the episode with the duel between Lensky and Onegin. Young people still have time to explain themselves, make peace and avoid a duel, but they do not do this, since it contradicts public opinion.

Thus, the novel by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is written in a realistic manner, but is not devoid of elements characteristic of romanticism. The wide structure of images allows you to fully reveal the problems and topics that interest the author.

The novel “Eugene Onegin” by Pushkin: analysis, characteristics of heroes, materials for essays

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