Valuable tuna fish: its benefits and harms for humans, consumption standards, culinary recipes. Health benefits of tuna fish and possible harm

Tuna is a key staple of the American fish diet. In many ways, the popularity of this sea fish was determined by its rich nutritional composition, including omega-3, proteins, vitamins and minerals. In other words, almost everything the human body needs nutritionally.

Among the most well-known beneficial properties of tuna, authoritative American media mention the prevention of heart attack, breast cancer and Alzheimer's disease, lowering blood pressure and the level of “bad cholesterol”, normalizing heart rate, preventing heart and kidney diseases, obesity, reducing inflammation in arthritis, etc.

The wide range of beneficial properties of tuna is easy to explain, because this seafood is rich in proteins and other valuable nutrients, such as selenium, magnesium, potassium, B complex vitamins, vitamin D, as well as vitamins E and K. The last pair of biologically active substances are needed for health heart, cancer prevention and internal bleeding.

Tuna is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. It plays a key role in the processes of healthy human growth and development. This is evidenced by a 2008 study covered by the Journal of Clinical Medicine.

Pregnant women with a good proportion of sea fish in their diet gave birth to healthier children with high development rates.

100 g of tuna contains an average of 20-25 g of valuable dietary protein, which is 50% of the daily value, according to the recommendations of scientists from Harvard University.

Compared to other animal sources of protein, tuna is extremely low in cholesterol: about 1/3 less than an equivalent weight of chicken breast.

The remaining beneficial properties of tuna are related to its mineral composition. Potassium, iron and iodine are important components of our health. Potassium has a positive effect on nerve conduction, controls heart contractions, and nourishes the heart muscle. Iron is involved in the delivery of oxygen to organs and tissues, and iodine ensures the health of the thyroid gland.

7 benefits

Healthy heart

Omega-3 in tuna may provide significant support for heart health. This is because fatty acids of this type increase the concentration of “good” cholesterol in the body, suppress the formation of blood clots in blood vessels and prevent arrhythmia.

Another medical property of polyunsaturated fatty acid number three: it successfully fights inflammatory processes of various localizations.

Excellent vision

And again we are talking about omega-3 and its healing power. This magical fatty acid prevents macular degeneration, a common cause of poor vision for people over 50. This is evidenced by numerous scientific studies. Therefore, fatty sea fish is part of the must-eat foods for the older age group.

Cancer Prevention

Scientific research aimed at finding natural products that protect against cancer has not spared tuna. This type of marine fish can help prevent ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer and cancer of the digestive tract (stomach, esophagus, intestines, oral cavity). The presence of ubiquitous omega-3 gives tuna its protective qualities against breast cancer and leukemia in children.

Healthy brain

We continue our comprehensive research into polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are present in abundance in this giant sea fish. The properties of omega-3 also appear in such a delicate area of ​​\u200b\u200bmedical interest as the human brain. This refers to the prevention of Alzheimer's disease, healthy stimulation of brain functions, normalization of its blood supply, reduction of inflammatory risks, support of nerve impulses, etc.

Without obesity and diabetes

Tuna is especially beneficial for those with type II diabetes, again due to its high concentration of omega-3s. This valuable natural substance protects the body from obesity, normalizes metabolism, controls body weight and improves the so-called insulin response.

Help with detoxification

Perhaps the best food sources of selenium are marine life, from squid to flounder fish. This wonderful mineral is also present in tuna. It is involved in the production of glutathione antioxidants such as peroxidase, plays an important role in liver detoxification, and protects against cancer and heart disease.

For a good mood

For those who diet, depression is not a rare occurrence. In this case, it can be advised to increase the consumption of tuna and other fatty sea fish in order to improve mood, relieve tension, and escape dietary stress.

Since omega-3 fatty acid affects blood flow, the functioning of the immune and hormonal systems, brain activity also falls under its influence. We are talking, in particular, about the transmission of nerve signals through ion channels and metabolic participation in the production of serotonin, one of the key factors of depression.

After 1903, this seafood became the most popular in the United States, when the shortage of sardines, the main sea fish for canning, became acute. But over the past 10-20 years, everything has changed and the little lanky-legged one has climbed to first place. The reason is numerous media reports about high levels of mercury found in tuna cans.

The irony is that tuna contains far more omega-3s and other nutrients than the new seafood favorite.

There is no doubt about the beneficial properties of fish, although many believe that canned seafood has less nutritional value than cooked fresh seafood. Canned tuna is one of the popular products, which is used as an independent dish with various side dishes, as well as for preparing salads and soups.

Tuna meat has a layered structure, the fillet is easily separated from the bones. White meat from the back is used to make expensive canned food and is even considered a delicacy in some countries. The remaining small pieces and gray meat from the sides of the fish are used to produce cheaper products.

Tuna meat is rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

It is known that fish is, its content in canned tuna meat reaches 30%. This protein is complete and easily digestible, containing all 8 essential amino acids for adults, as well as arginine and histidine, which are essential for children.

Tuna meat is rich in unsaturated fatty acids belonging to the omega-3 complex, which are not produced in the human body. It contains virtually no saturated fat, cholesterol and carbohydrates.

This fish contains a large number of macro- and microelements. It is rich in phosphorus, sodium, iron, cobalt. In addition to them, tuna meat contains several dozen more different mineral salts. Also, many vitamins were found in the flesh of this fish, especially vitamin B6 and nicotinic acid.

The calorie content of tuna depends on the method of canning. 100 g of fillet preserved in oil contains about 230 kcal. Tuna in its own juice is a less calorie dish; 100 g of fish contains only 96 kcal, so this product can be considered. The gray meat on the sides of the fish is looser, waterier, less fatty and high in calories, but its iron content is much higher than in white fillet.

Benefits for the cardiovascular system

Many scientists associate the good health and longevity of residents of coastal areas in different countries with the presence of large amounts of seafood in their diet. The omega-3 complex found in tuna meat helps prevent the development of heart disease, one of the leading causes of cardiovascular disease. Many studies have shown that regular consumption of this fish helps reduce the content of triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins in the blood (they are responsible for the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels).

Benefits for the nervous system

The fatty acids contained in canned tuna are a source of energy for the body. They are necessary for the rapid transmission of impulses along nerve fibers. It has been proven that with a sufficient intake of omega-3 from food, a person’s memory, attention and thinking abilities improve.

Tuna is rich in B vitamins, which are also necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and brain.

The benefits of fish for immunity

Acids belonging to the omega-3 group are involved in maintaining homeostasis and take part in ensuring an adequate immune response during inflammation. The vitamins contained in canned tuna are necessary not only to strengthen the immune system in general, but also to ensure tissue regeneration processes.

Unsaturated fats and many microelements, such as selenium and zinc, have antioxidant properties, protecting the body's cells from harmful chemicals. That is why their presence in the diet will help prevent premature cell death and aging of the body.

Musculoskeletal health

Canned tuna contains everything necessary for normal growth and development of the musculoskeletal system in children.

Canned tuna contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, which are necessary for the formation and growth of bones and teeth.

The protein that this fish is so rich in is a “building material” for the human body and, first of all, muscle tissue. That is why eating this fish is very useful for children, athletes and people who have an increased need for this substance. Fish oil, which is rich in sea fish, is also recognized as a useful product for the normal growth and development of children.

The dangers of canned tuna

Fish is one of the common allergens; eating canned tuna can cause an allergic reaction.

When following diets that reduce the amount of protein in the diet, it is recommended to limit the consumption of seafood.

Canned food with butter is a very fatty and high-calorie product, so they should not be consumed if you have atherosclerosis, obesity, diseases, etc. If you have these diseases, it is better to choose tuna canned in its own juice.

There may also be harm to this product due to the accumulation of fish in the meat. The older and larger it is, the more of this substance accumulates in it. Of course, the amount of mercury that can accumulate in tuna is very small. However, some researchers do not recommend consuming it more than twice a week. They believe that if you eat fish more often, mercury may accumulate in the body in dangerous concentrations.

TV channel “Trust”, program “Do you want to live long?”, theme of the issue “Tuna. Beneficial features":

OTV, program “Morning”, story about how to choose canned tuna:

Tuna - benefits and harm to the human body

What is tuna fish?

Tunas are a group of marine fish that have become one of the most valuable species of commercial fish in the markets of many countries around the world (). Tuna's delicious taste, availability and health benefits make it an ideal substitute for red meat. Tuna belongs to the mackerel family (lat. Scombridae), and includes species such as skipjack and albacore tuna. Tuna belongs to the tribe Thunnini. This tribe includes 15 species of tuna, most of which enjoy great popularity as a food item in various culinary traditions around the world.

Various types of tuna are found throughout the world's oceans, and although different cultures consume different varieties of this fish, the health benefits are largely similar. Tuna typically range in length from 30 cm to 4.5 m. While most tuna species live for 3-5 years, some are known to live for more than two decades. They regularly migrate for long periods of time across the oceans, sometimes covering thousands of kilometers due to mating and changing seasons. These fish are relatively easy to catch as a number of species organize themselves into large vertical schools near the surface of the water.

Tuna has been caught since 2000 BC. in Phenicia. Scientists believe that this fish lived on planet earth 45 million years ago. To reduce the impact of overfishing on this food source, tuna farming has become a mass industry, with more than 240 fish farms established in the Mediterranean Sea. The taste of tuna makes it an ideal product from which to prepare various dishes. It's versatile, tasty, inexpensive and very healthy.

Nutritional value, composition and calorie content of tuna

The benefits of tuna for the human body are due to the impressive content of vitamins, minerals, nutrients and other organic compounds found in this tasty fish. These include antioxidants and proteins, and little saturated fat or sodium.

Tuna meat also contains an impressive amount of selenium and good amounts of phosphorus, iron, and potassium. In terms of vitamins, it contains a huge amount of niacin, as well as a good amount of riboflavin.

100 grams of cooked bluefin tuna contains (% of the recommended daily intake) ():

  • Calorie content: 184 kcal (9%).
  • Fat: 6.3 g (10%).
  • Protein: 29.9 g (60%).
  • : 2520 IU (50%).
  • Thiamine: 0.3 mg (19%).
  • Riboflavin: 0.3 mg (18%).
  • Niacin: 10.5 mg (53%).
  • Vitamin B6: 0.5 mg (26%).
  • Vitamin B12: 10.9 mcg (181%).
  • Pantothenic acid: 1.4 mg (14%).
  • Iron: 1.3 mg (7%).
  • Magnesium: 64 mg (16%).
  • Phosphorus: 326 mg (33%).
  • Potassium: 323 mg (9%).
  • Zinc: 0.8 mg (5%).
  • Copper: 0.1 mg (6%).
  • Selenium: 46.8 mcg (67%).
  • Cholesterol: 49 mg (16%).
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: 1664 mg.
  • Omega-6 fatty acids: 68 mg.

The benefits of tuna for the human body

Now let's look at the scientifically proven beneficial properties of tuna for human health, which are associated with the abundance of nutrients contained in the meat of this fish. Here are the benefits of tuna:

1. Heart health

Perhaps the most common health benefit attributed to this fish is its significant positive effect on cardiovascular health.

Tuna meat contains a significant amount and small amount, which helps prevent and treat coronary heart disease, as omega-3 fats help reduce “bad” LDL cholesterol and total blood cholesterol levels (). In addition, people often replace foods high in saturated fat with this fish, which further reduces the risk of developing heart disease.

2. Blood pressure

In this regard, tuna is a real champion for strengthening the immune system. This relatively rare mineral is found in huge quantities in various types of tuna, amounting to almost 200% of the daily requirement per serving. This makes tuna meat a very powerful antioxidant and immune system stimulant.

6. Energy levels

7. Blood circulation

Many people start eating tuna meat because it is good for the heart, but people often forget that it is also very good for the blood! Tuna is a rich source of iron as well as B vitamins, which play an important role in the formation of red blood cells ().

Without iron, people develop iron deficiency anemia (another problem faced by many vegetarians and vegans) and their blood is unable to properly oxygenate the body's extremities or vital organ systems that need fresh oxygen to function effectively. Eating tuna provides the body with iron, keeping our body functions at optimal levels.

8. Cancer prevention

As mentioned earlier, tuna meat has very good antioxidant properties due to selenium and various other nutritional compounds, making it effective in preventing certain types of cancer ().

Numerous studies are ongoing, but those already conducted have linked tuna consumption to a reduction in breast cancer, while other studies have also found its effectiveness in the fight against kidney cancer.

Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals before they can cause mutations in healthy cells, turning them into cancer cells. Other promising results have shown a reduced risk of colon cancer due to high levels of omega-3 fatty acids.

9. Kidney disease

10. Reduced inflammation

Eating tuna meat helps reduce overall inflammation in the body thanks to the “good” HDL cholesterol and anti-inflammatory vitamins and minerals it contains, helping to reduce overall stress levels in the body ().

Reducing inflammation throughout the body allows for improved functioning of all organ systems by focusing on core functions. It also helps prevent inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and gout, both of which affect millions of people around the world.

11. Damage to cell membranes

When tuna is cooked, the proteins in the meat begin to break down into fragments called peptides, and these fragments can actually be powerful antioxidants that specifically target cell membranes, keeping them healthy, strong and functioning ().

Free radicals often attack membranes throughout the body, including in the brain. Due to the protective properties of peptides in cooked tuna, eating it protects cell membranes from free radical damage.

12. Balance of mercury and selenium

Many fish contain trace amounts of methylmercury, and when consumed in small quantities it is not harmful to the human body. However, in large quantities, mercury poisoning can occur, which is a dangerous condition ().

Various studies have shown that consuming tuna above a certain limit can cause mercury levels to become unhealthy in our bodies. The most recent research has shown that tuna contains a unique form of selenium called selenoneine. It actually binds to the mercury and acts as an antioxidant, slightly changing the composition of the mercury and making it less dangerous. However, research is still ongoing to fully confirm this.

13. Depression

Consumption of fish is also a good remedy for depression. Study results suggest that fish consumption may be beneficial for women's mental health. It may also reduce the level of depression in women ().

Harm of tuna to the human body

Despite the many health benefits of tuna, there are also some dangers associated with its consumption. Here's why tuna is harmful:

  • The most common danger– this is excessive consumption of this type of fish. There is a risk of mercury poisoning if you consume it in excess, but as the aforementioned studies hint, this may not be as significant a health risk as we previously thought. Consume only fresh, unprocessed tuna meat.
  • It should also be remembered– the larger the predatory fish (and tuna is a predatory fish), the higher the level of methylmercury in its tissues. By choosing smaller types of tuna, such as mackerel tuna, you can significantly reduce your risk of methylmercury poisoning.

Tuna is a deep sea fish from the mackerel family. There are about 15 species that belong to 5 genera. That is why sizes can be from 50 cm to 4.6 meters and 1.8 kg - 684 kg, respectively. The largest representative is considered to be the common tuna. The name comes from the Greek word, which means “throw.” Tuna is a predatory fish. It lives in the waters of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Their usual food is crustaceans and cephalopods. The body of this fish is torpedo-shaped with many single fins from the dorsal fin to the tail.

In pursuit of prey, tuna can reach speeds of up to 75 km/h.

This family of mackerel is a valuable industrial resource, which is why it has long been hunted by fishermen. Tuna meat is very valuable and has many beneficial properties for human health. It is caught on a large industrial scale; the population of some species is even on the verge of extinction.

The annual tuna catch is about 4 million tons.

Tuna meat is very valuable for the restaurant business and is in great demand among gourmets around the world. It can be purchased chilled or frozen. Tuna is prepared into fried steaks with various sauces. Grinding and preparing minced meat from it is considered barbaric. It is customary to enjoy the sweetish, pale pink (when raw it is red) tuna meat in combination with various vegetables. Asparagus, bell peppers, carrots and mushrooms go best with this tandem. The carcass contains only large skeletal bones, so this fish is very convenient and safe to eat.

Canned tuna in its own juice

It is customary to prepare canned food from frozen semi-finished products. Cooked canned tuna in its own juice is very similar in appearance to chicken meat in color and texture. For these purposes, striped, spotted and big-eyed fish from the mackerel family are most often used. In the USA, until 1960, it was not eaten at all, being considered a trash fish. The fish is usually caught far from the shore, gutted by hand and immediately frozen. Tuna meat is very sensitive to high temperatures, which is why for long-term transportation a temperature of -60 is used. Only frozen fish meat is put into canned food, which is why the broth has an opaque color. The fish is cut up, skinned, separated from the bones, and filleted. Only the back is used. Cuts of dark side meat are sent to cheaper canned goods. Canned tuna retains all the minerals and vitamins found in fresh tuna. The calorie content of such a product is slightly higher than that of raw meat. Salads are prepared from canned food and can be used as a hearty and healthy snack. The nutritional value of this product is 96 kcal.

Calorie content of tuna (100 g)

The calorie content of tuna is slightly higher than the dietary norm that hake fits into. But still, the meat of this fish has many beneficial properties that cannot be neglected. By eating this fish with freshly prepared vegetables, you can level out the average calorie level.

Vitamins Content mg ​​(µg)
A 654 mcg
D 5.8 mcg
E 1 mg
IN 1 0.25 mg
AT 2 0.26 mg
AT 5 1.04 mg
AT 6 0.50 mg
AT 9 2 mcg
AT 12 9.44 mcg
AT 4 64 mg

Presence of minerals (100 g)

Beneficial properties of tuna meat for the body

  • during long-term diets, it is useful to consume tuna meat to replenish the reserves of healthy fats necessary for normal metabolism;
  • Regular consumption helps normalize blood sugar levels;
  • will be of great benefit in the presence of hypertension. Minerals in meat (magnesium, potassium) will help normalize blood pressure;
  • positively affects and strengthens the heart muscle;
  • Omega 3 will help avoid and reduce the risk of tumor diseases;
  • Vitamin E removes free radicals, promoting rejuvenation of the body;
  • high vitamin D content helps absorb phosphorus and potassium from the blood to strengthen the musculoskeletal system;
  • has a beneficial effect on the immune system. Regular consumption of tuna can reduce the level of respiratory infections during the cold season;
  • has a beneficial effect and is directly involved in cell reproduction;
  • the presence of phosphorus is a magic wand for the human brain: it will help strengthen memory, improve the quality of mental work, and relieve stress;
  • benefits for the liver have been proven, the elements contained in meat help in cell regeneration, remove toxins, and normalize function;
  • has a miraculous effect on the skin, thickness and thickness of hair, and the integrity of tooth enamel;
  • tuna meat is recommended as sports nutrition;
  • will benefit the male body: it will give strength, help build muscle mass, and improve the quality of seminal fluid.

Harm and contraindications to eating tuna

  • It is contraindicated to consume fish meat during exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, as well as with their ulcerative manifestations;
  • can cause great harm if you are allergic to seafood;
  • preference should be given to smaller tuna, since a large one during its existence may have time to accumulate a lot of harmful substances (heavy metals);
  • canned tuna can also be unhealthy. It is necessary to carefully select canned food with a suitable shelf life. It is better to give preference to fish in its own juice rather than in oil.
  • the period of breastfeeding in the first months of a child’s life.

More and more people around the world are starting to give up unhealthy foods, switching to foods that will only benefit the body. Although today it is not so easy to choose absolutely harmless food. Therefore, it is worth deciding on the one from which the benefits will be greater than the harm.


The fact that seafood contains a large number of substances necessary for the body has been known for a long time. Therefore, their presence on the menu is mandatory. Their benefits are used when doctors create menus for their patients in case of various diseases. Today, canned tuna is considered one of the most accessible representatives of marine fauna. Its use is recommended for almost all groups of people. Those who have problems with the following organs should definitely consume canned tuna:

  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • hematopoiesis;
  • thyroid gland;
  • vision;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • brain

The benefits of tuna, which many experts equate to the effects of certain medications, can have a beneficial effect in cases of such diseases:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • arrhythmia;
  • low hemoglobin level;
  • very weak immunity;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • various stages of goiter.

Eating tuna is also recommended for disease prevention. The elements that make up this marine inhabitant help stimulate brain activity, help avoid heart attacks, and improve metabolic processes in the body. In addition, tuna gives strength and also increases performance if consumed in sufficient quantities, but not exceeding the recommended norms.

Also, this seafood has low calorie content, so it promotes weight loss.

The beneficial properties of seafood are also used in ophthalmology. As for canned tuna, it is characterized by the following qualities:

  • protects the retina from loss of moisture and drying out;
  • prevents the formation of glaucoma;
  • prevents degeneration at the macular level.

Another terrible disease of our time is cancer. The beneficial properties of canned tuna are also used in the fight against this disease. Consuming this product at least once a week will be a good prevention of cancer of the breast, oral cavity, chest, and gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, Omega-3 acids contained in canned tuna give it antidepressant properties and normalize hormonal levels. By activating brain activity and improving blood supply to organs, this seafood helps to overcome stressful situations and avoid Alzheimer's disease and other related diseases.

The taste properties of canned tuna benefit many gourmets around the world. Using seafood for cooking has long been popular. Tuna is one of the healthiest and most affordable of them. True, it is best to buy this seafood in its own juice.


Of course, the beneficial properties of canned tuna are undeniable, but it also has negative characteristics that can harm the body. First of all, it is worth noting that any food preserved in the form of canned food already contains preservatives, which have zero benefit. Therefore, doctors recommend eating fresh tuna.

Mercury, which accumulates in tuna through the body's integument, can also cause harm to the body. Daily consumption of this seafood can cause problems with the vestibular system, hearing and vision, impair speech, and impair memory. They manifest themselves through the following symptoms:

  • sensory disorders;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • imbalance.

It also happens that an excess of this seafood in the diet contributes to the development of diseases of the nervous system, cause urinary tract diseases, gout, and lead to intoxication.

But, if you improve your diet and stop eating canned tuna every day, then the symptoms go away and over time, all disorders in the functioning of certain organs cease.

The presence of some mercury in tuna is not a reason to completely refuse it from the menu. Repeated studies have proven that the harm from it is minimal, especially in comparison with the benefits. Therefore, this seafood should not be excluded from the diet.

Although sometimes it happens that the amount of mercury exceeds the norm, and this leads to severe poisoning of the body with a toxic substance, causing great harm to health. In such cases, the following symptoms appear:

  • swelling of the larynx;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • dizziness;
  • nasal congestion;
  • rashes.

These signs require a doctor's examination, so you should immediately go to the hospital.

Calorie content

Seafood is known for its nutritional properties. But at the same time, their use will not lead to more energy. Their calorie content is quite low. Canned tuna is no exception. Its calorie content is significantly less than meat or other products with similar beneficial components. But at the same time, tuna does not lose its exquisite taste characteristics. Such properties make it possible to use it during diets in order to receive all the necessary substances and not cause harm to the body. A more detailed explanation of the calorie content of canned tuna is given in the table below:

Tuna in its own juice:

100 gr. 1 glass 1 tbsp. 1 tsp
Calorie content 96 192 24 6,7
Squirrels 21.0 42,0 5,2 1,5
Fats 1.2 2,4 0,3 0,1
Carbohydrates 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0

Tuna in oil:

100 gr. 1 glass 1 tbsp. 1 tsp
Calorie content 197.9 395,8 49,5 13,8
Squirrels 29.1 29,1 7,3 2,0
Fats 8.2 16,4 2,0 0,6
Carbohydrates 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0

Eating canned tuna largely provides the daily requirement of essential proteins and fats. But it is worth considering that it is not recommended to eat it every day in order to avoid some health problems.


Seafood is a very healthy product. They are recommended to be used frequently. But there are categories of people who should not get carried away with canned tuna. As already mentioned, this is due to the presence of a certain amount of mercury in it, as well as other individual signs of intolerance.

Contraindications to canned tuna are:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • children under 3 years old;
  • allergy sufferers;
  • asthma patients;
  • those who have kidney problems.

These recommendations are quite relative. Each person must independently determine their body’s reaction to a given seafood product. But, besides this, contraindications include the fact that it is not recommended to eat it more than 1-2 times a week.


Unopened canned tuna is well processed and can be stored unopened for up to 3 years. You can find out in more detail the expiration date of a particular canned product from the information on the jar itself. At home, canned tuna is best placed in a cool, dark place.

After opening canned tuna, the contents must be transferred to a glass jar and closed tightly with a lid so that less air gets inside. It must be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than a day, that is, 24 hours from the moment of opening.

The nutritional value

The nutritional value of tuna is of great importance to the human body. Despite the fact that this seafood contains absolutely no carbohydrates and is also low in calories, the proteins and fats contained in the composition, as well as other substances, compensate for them.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are especially beneficial. The nutritional value is also increased by amino acids and other elements. You can find out in more detail about their quantity per 100 grams. from the table:

Tuna in its own juice:

Tuna in oil:

Canned tuna is considered one of the most popular seafood products in terms of nutrition. Its value is associated with the presence of a large number of useful elements in it, as well as its availability in stores and supermarkets.

Vitamins and minerals

Like many other seafood, canned tuna contains many different vitamins and minerals. It is thanks to their presence that this seafood provides such benefits.


Tuna in its own juice:

Name Weight per 100 g, mg
1 Vitamin PP 9,80
2 Vitamin B1 0,05
3 Vitamin B2 0,15
4 Vitamin E (TE) 0,20
5 Vitamin PP 14,00

Tuna in oil:

Name Weight per 100 g, mg
1 Vitamin PP 9,20
2 Vitamin B1 0,04
3 Vitamin B2 0,12
4 Vitamin E (TE) 6,10
5 Vitamin PP 13,20


Tuna in its own juice:

Name Contents per 100 g.
1 Calcium 24.0 mg
2 Magnesium 24.0 mg
Sodium 960.0 mg
3 Potassium 296.0 mg
4 Phosphorus 228.0 mg
5 Chlorine 165.0 mg
6 Sulfur 225.0 mg
7 Iron 1.2 mg
8 Zinc 0.7 mg
9 Chromium 55.0 mcg
10 Fluorine 430.0 mcg
11 Molybdenum 4.0 mcg
12 Nickel 6.0 mcg

Tuna in oil:

Name Contents per 100 g.
1 Calcium 25.0 mg
2 Magnesium 25.0 mg
Sodium 961.0 mg
3 Potassium 298.0 mg
4 Phosphorus 238.0 mg
5 Chlorine 165.0 mg
6 Sulfur 220.0 mg
7 Iron 0.8 mg
8 Zinc 0.7 mg
9 Chromium 55.0 mcg
10 Fluorine 430.0 mcg
11 Molybdenum 4.0 mcg
12 Nickel 6.0 mcg

Magnesium and iron are able to fill the deficiency of these minerals necessary for the body, which largely affect the functioning of all organs. B vitamins are an excellent medicine against depression and significantly strengthen the nervous system. Eating canned tuna can satisfy the need for essential substances.

Canned tuna is a seafood product that has found its way into many people's homes. It has many useful properties that are perfectly preserved even in canned form. In addition, this is one of the most accessible forms of this delicacy. Not everyone can afford fresh tuna. But everyone needs useful elements, so canned food will be an excellent analogue, but cheaper.

True, in no case should we forget that this delicious seafood, even in processed form, cannot be consumed daily. Otherwise, you can cause harm to health, more benefit. Nutritionists and other medical professionals recommend pampering yourself no more than once a week.

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