Former participants of the project house 2. Always be in the mood

The “Dom-2” project does something unimaginable with people - its participants come there as ordinary girls and boys, and often leave as plastic dolls!
Only a few managed to actually look better after participating in a reality show. We decided to remember only the most striking transformations.

Evgenia Feofilaktova

From an ordinary provincial girl, Evgeniy Feofilaktova, one of the stars of the modern “House-2”, turned into a real Barbie: of course, her breasts and lips were enlarged first, but Zhenya did not stop at these usual operations. She corrected the shape of her cheekbones and added hair extensions, because that’s the only way beauties look!

Rustam Solntsev

Once upon a time there lived an ordinary boy, Rustam, he looked the same as all ordinary boys. But participation in the Dom-2 project not only changed Rustam’s life, but also radically affected his appearance. Having seen enough of the girls from the project who actively enlarged their lips and received injections, Solntsev decided: he needed it too. I really need it! We all know very well what came of it...

Svetlana Davydova

Svetlana Davydova is another participant in “House-2” whose desire to become the star of the project and “get out among the people” did not lead to any good. Before the reality show, Svetlana was a very pretty girl, but her desire to become even more beautiful ended with her lips being enlarged to incredible sizes. Donatella Versace and Mickey Rourke nervously smoke on the sidelines.

Victoria Bonya

But Victoria Bonya is one of the few on whom participation in “House-2” had a positive impact, no matter how difficult it may be to believe. Although Victoria was engaged in “tuning” her appearance, she did it carefully and wisely: she slightly enlarged her lips and slightly changed the shape of her nose. As a result, after participating in the project, Bonya really began to look better!

Inna Volovicheva

Once the owner curvaceous, Irina Volovicheva during her participation in “House-2” was also able to get closer to the ideal. In just a couple of months she lost 40 kg! Oh, what you can’t do to “build love”... However, they say that it’s not Irina’s steely willpower at all, but liposuction and a lift - there were some rumors.

Victoria Romanets

Whether Victoria Romanets's appearance has changed for the better during her participation in reality or not is up to you to decide. To us, Victoria, who was once an ordinary pretty girl, seems too “rubbery” and “chic”. Apparently at the clinic plastic surgery she chose a package of procedures instead of just one.

Elena Bushina

Elena Bushina came to the Dom-2 project as a brunette with a rather prominent nose, and left the “perimeter” as a blonde with a small, neat nose. During her participation in reality, she managed to get rhinoplasty and change her image - what an achievement!

Olga "Sun" Nikolaeva

But Olga “Sun” Nikolaeva, one of the first stars of “House-2,” became noticeably prettier after the project. While participating in the show, she was a real “tomboy”, and now she looks quite feminine. Oddly enough, Olga did not enlarge her lips and was not interested in any “tuning”, as if “House-2” had never happened in her life!

Snezhana Kambur

Once at Dom-2, Snezhana Kambur immediately followed in the footsteps of her predecessors - she began to actively change everything about herself. True, the girl was not very lucky; after rhinoplasty she blamed plastic surgeon that he mutilated her. It is worth noting that not just the nose: in addition to this operation, Snezhana enlarged her lips and inserted fillers. Now she looks like a completely different person.

Victoria Bonya

This beauty had no luck with guys on the project. As a result, she left Dom-2 as a loner. But a few years later, the whole country learned about her affair with billionaire Alex Smurfit. In 2012, they had a common daughter, Angelina-Letizia. Now the family lives in sunny Monaco.

Alena Vodonaeva

Like many other former participants of “House-2”, today the beauty from Tyumen leads active life on social networks. Alena writes blogs in which she shares the secrets of slimness and beauty. Since leaving the reality show, Vodonaeva managed to get married and give birth to a charming son, Bogdan. After her divorce from businessman Alexei Malakeev, the girl “went into all kinds of troubles.” Print media report with enviable regularity that she has a new boyfriend.

Tigran and Yulia Salibekov (“Dom-2”): former participants today

At the beginning of their relationship, the guy and the girl made a lot of mistakes. But love conquered all adversity. In February 2011, the couple got married. And a couple of months later their first child was born. The son was named with a beautiful Caucasian name - Rolan.

Today Tigran is a successful businessman. He has his own karaoke club, which brings in a stable income. In October 2014, the Salibekovs became parents for the second time. Their son Eldar was born.

Anastasia Dashko

The scandalous blonde from Salekhard was remembered by many television viewers. Where did she go? For the last few years, Nastya has been in women's colony. She was serving sentences for fraud on an especially large scale. Even her own mother turned away from her.

In February 2015, Dashko was released. The blonde was met by her beloved boyfriend, Konstantin Kuleshov. After 7 months, they formalized the relationship.

and Sergey Palych, former participants (“Dom-2”): news today

Initially, few people believed in this couple. Of course, people didn’t understand how the beautiful Maria could choose the talkative Seryozha, who had a passion for alcoholic drinks. But the guy and the girl built a relationship on the project for a long time (they got married) and left it of their own free will. They started working outside the perimeter. Sergey Adoevtsev mastered And Maria opened a fashion showroom.

Unfortunately, the former participants of “House-2” do not live together today. Maria and Palych decided to take If the girl still hopes to save the marriage for the sake of common child, then Sergei Adoevtsev is categorical. He doesn't want to return to Maria.

Gobozov family

For two years, Aliana and Alexander built love under the guns of cameras. During their time on the project, they managed to get married, give birth to a son, Robert, and get divorced. In May 2015, Alexander announced his departure from Dom-2. A few months later, his Aliana also went “outside the perimeter”. Alexander managed to improve his relationship with his beloved. In January 2015, the couple signed again in one of the capital's registry offices.


Now you know where the former participants of “House-2” are and what they are doing today. Each of them is bright and in their own way interesting personality. We wish all the children financial well-being and family happiness!

For thirteen years now, Russian residents have been watching the popular TV show, which has no days off. “-2” is truly a phenomenon of domestic television. The project captures the audience, not forgetting the participants of the reality show. Not only do they live off the popular project current members, but also those who have long gone into free swimming, because wild popularity leads many to very good results. “ProZvezd” found out how “” influenced the fates of the participants and whether everyone coped with the glory that collapsed on them.
Oleg Miami disowns the project

Every day, regardless of weekends and holidays, we can follow the lives of the participants in the reality show. Many viewers began watching the project twelve years ago, while others gradually became involved in screen life. At first, young people went to Dom-2 with the hope of building love and somehow appearing on television, but now the project is opening up unimaginable opportunities. With the popularization of social networks, every participant can now earn a living, even without much fame. Instagram has become more like a business site than a photo blog. Everyone who has managed to show themselves at least a little on a television set quietly advertises on their social page. The guys advertise goods and services - from fur coats to legal advice. Popularity also helped some participants promote their own businesses. Many former residents of the show opened clothing stores, karaoke clubs, and beauty salons in the capital. Thanks to their media talent, many participants got jobs on various TV channels and radio stations; some work for themselves, entertaining guests at various events.

So, Stepan Menshchikov and Roman Tretyakov are members of the “golden”, as fans say, composition of “House-2”. After leaving the project, young people took up hosting events and have succeeded in this business to date. 39-year-old Stepan was one of the brightest participants in the television set. He has novels with Alena Vodonaeva and Victoria Boney - the most popular beauties in the entire history of the project. Menshchikov worked as a presenter before the project, but after participating in the show his popularity as a presenter increased.

“I am grateful to the television production, my deepest bow to Dom-2,” says Stepan. – Media exposure helped in the work – the geography expanded. I also often receive advertising offers, to which I agree and feed my family.

Some say the show played a trick on them cruel joke, however, if it weren’t for the TV project, many would not even be known. For example, Oleg Miami (former “TV producer”, participant in the “Voice” project on Channel One) constantly speaks unflatteringly about the project, does not talk about his participation in the show, but it is thanks to “House-2” that people know him.

Oleg Miami (former “TV producer”, participant in the “Voice” project on Channel One) constantly speaks unflatteringly about the project, does not talk about his participation in the show, but it is thanks to “House-2” that people know his name.

Tretyakov wants to get rid of popularity

36-year-old Roman Tretyakov was also remembered on the project for his sexual relationships. The man was in a relationship with the famous porn actress Elena Berkova, as well as with the popular TV presenter, singer and actress Olga Buzova. Tretyakov and Buzova were a fairly strong couple; many predicted a wedding for the guys. However, after a long-term relationship, Roma left Olga and later married another girl. Although “Dom-2” has not been present in Tretyakov’s life for a long time, its popularity young man doesn't fall. Roman successfully hosts events, and recently appeared in a new show on the channel “ Open mic", where he participates as a stand-up comedian.

– All that’s happening to me now is working to get rid of popularity, in in a good way words,” says Roman. – I would like to move to a qualitatively different level, so that people would still associate me not with some narrow-minded character from a reality show, but with thinking person. The project influenced me in two ways. On the one hand, if it weren’t for Dom-2, maybe I wouldn’t have gone to study at Moscow State University and wouldn’t have taken part in stan-up. On the other hand, the project is playing a cruel joke on people. Few people managed to overcome their acquired popularity with something. Thank God, life is not over, let's see what happens in the end.

Building your life after a TV show doesn’t seem so difficult if you have charisma and desire, but becoming something of a phenomenon Russian television, starting with a reality show, it's not that simple. Olga Buzova is indeed often called a phenomenon, because the girl, having come as an ordinary participant in “Dom-2”, became the host of this project, a writer, singer, actress, and even acquired her own stylish jewelry store. Olga is only thirty-one years old, but it is easier to talk about her talent and efficiency than to list all her achievements. On social page The TV presenter is followed by almost ten million people. It is difficult to find a project in which everyone is not already involved famous surname. The success of the aspiring singer is growing, and before New Year's holidays All Russian media All they did was discuss personal life Olga, it became known that happy marriage broke up with football player Dmitry Tarasov. The young couple have been married for just over four years. However, Buzova only benefited from the divorce - becoming even more popular and expensive.

After the project, Alena Vodonaeva married a successful businessman and gave birth to an heir. The girl herself tried herself as a TV presenter, participated in various television programs, thus her popularity never faded.

Kpadonu compared Buzova to a Chinese product

It would seem that this is an example where a reality show led to wild success, but not everyone thinks so. "ProZvezd" was asked to one of former members“Doma-2” question: are there those who have not coped with popularity, who have not become better because of fame? In response, we heard the name of Olga Buzova.

– Olga has always been crazy open girl, sincere and vulnerable,” recalls former member TV project Liberzh Kpadonu. “At nineteen, a moment of naivety was forgivable, people loved her for that.” But when at thirty years old a person tries to drive out on the same thing, it’s scary. Olga is truly a workaholic, she sleeps 5 hours a day, as she is busy with various projects, but I believe that everyone should develop where they can really do something new. I cannot call Buzova a writer who can convey a certain thought to a generation through a letter. Good PR works here. Everything Olga makes is marketable, but how high is it? We also buy Chinese products, but only because these products are everywhere and the price is affordable. And regarding the fact that Buzova became a singer, I sometimes want to ask: “Olya, are you promoting your singing activity, you want to give your music to the people, but have you thought about the quality of what you give?” Olga Buzova – good man, bright character on television, but is definitely incompetent as a singer, writer, and even more so an expert in dancing.

29-year-old Liberzh Kpadonu is also one of the brightest participants in the popular television project. At Dom-2, the girl was in several long-term relationships. The young people of Liberzh were Ivan Barzikov and Evgeny Rudnev. Kpadonu married the latter, but after a couple of months they were expected to have a loud separation. The young man sought marriage with his beloved several times, but after her consent he changed. After quarrels, betrayals and other troubles, the girl filed for divorce. From then until today, Liberge has not allowed any man to approach her, and is soon planning to undergo an operation to restore her virginity. According to the Dom-2 participant herself, she is not doing this in order to become innocent, she wants to show by this that she will never have an easy relationship. By the way, after leaving the television set, Kpadonu opened her own jewelry store.

The only ones serious relationship Boni on the project is a romance with Stepan Menshchikov. After leaving the “perimeter,” as the participants say, Victoria was the host of a program on TNT, then the girl met Alex Smerfit, the son of an Irish billionaire

May Abrikosov moved to the village

Some former participants of the famous reality show achieved success thanks to their natural beauty and charisma. After the project, Alena Vodonaeva married a successful businessman and gave birth to an heir. The girl herself tried herself as a TV presenter, participated in various television programs, thus her popularity never faded. Alena boasts an impressive number of subscribers in her in social networks. Today she hosts a show on a music channel. Victoria Bonya, perhaps the main beauty of “House-2”, was also able to achieve success. Unlike many girls, Vika was always selective in her choice, so she could not be noticed in fleeting connections. Bonya's only serious relationship on the project is an affair with Stepan Menshchikov. After leaving the “perimeter,” as the participants say, Victoria was the host of a program on TNT, then the girl met Alex Smurfit, the son of an Irish billionaire (read more about this on page 19).

Not everyone famous project helped with media coverage. Former bright participant TV series May Abrikosov, aka Roman Tertishny, does not want to remember his participation in television show, and he doesn’t enjoy his popularity. A 35-year-old man moved to live in his native village, where he works as a freelancer - he writes scripts, advertisements, etc.

Anastasia Dashko, also a famous former contestant, went to prison for fraud after leaving the show in 2013. The 34-year-old girl gained freedom after a year and a half. Now the woman is happily married and is raising her six-month-old son, Klim.

Gleb Zhemchugov also failed to take advantage of his fame. The 28-year-old participant in the TV show left and returned more than once. IN last time Gleb returned to Dom-2 with his family. Viewers loved watching the happy Zhemchugov family; baby Misha became the most popular participant in the television set. The family could not stand the on-screen fame, and soon Olga Veter, Gleb’s wife, left the show in real life. Zhemchugov did not rush after his wife, but continued to live in the clearing. The young man even tried to build a relationship, but his attempts were unsuccessful. Today Gleb does not participate in the television production. Zhemchugov was kicked out of the project without even being allowed to say goodbye to the audience and participants. The reason was the use of alcohol and illegal substances, as many participants in the famous television project said. And Gleb Klubnichka, as it recently became known, works as a salesman at the Moscow market.

“Build your love” is not just a slogan television project, but also a life motto for some of its participants. And no matter how much “Dom-2” is criticized for its scandalousness and infinity, the show helps you find your soulmate. The evidence is in the material on the site about five couples who maintained their relationship after leaving the “construction site.”

Tigran and Yulia Salibekova

The couple's story on the project did not bode well. Quarrels and scandals - of course. Tigran’s family did not accept the young man’s chosen one (neither Yulia nor her sister liked Salibekov’s parents), another reason for discontent. Young people constantly got on each other’s nerves with dubious practical jokes, for example, a girl once showed her chosen one a fake pregnancy test with two stripes. And after a while I found myself in a real situation - and then there was no time for jokes. Tigran demanded a paternity test, refused the role of a parent, persuaded him to have an abortion, and eventually left the project, hitting ex-girlfriend.

In 2011, Tigran returned to Dom-2 for the sake of love for Yulia and the unborn baby (although, they say, they paid a lot of money for this - his act undermined the reputation of the already “hot” project). On December 13 of the same year, the couple got married, two months later their first child Roland was born, and three years later his brother Eldar was born. Now the happy parents are raising two boys and offer their services as hosts of events.

Daria and Sergey Pynzar

Pynzar is one of the strongest and most exemplary TV couples. On the project, Sergei conquered Dasha with all his might, forgiving her for parties in nightclubs, smoothing out quarrels and protecting his beloved even with his fists. And the girl answered the cherished “Yes” to his marriage proposal, romantically made on March 8. True, the celebration almost fell through: Dasha Chernykh categorically did not want to take her husband’s last name, which offended her chosen one and even brought her to the point of being ready to break off the relationship. In the end, the girl gave in, and the wedding took place on May 5, 2010.

After the holiday, the husband and wife returned to the project and became a model for many participants, proving that it is possible to live together with virtually no quarrels. In addition to the fact that the lovers never parted, they also decided to get married, which they did in June 2013. Now the couple is raising a son, Artem, born in 2011, and a seven-month-old son, David, and is also completing construction two-storey house in New Moscow, where he hopes to move in the new year.

Olga and Ilya Gazhienko

Ilya had an affair with Evgenia Feofalktova and even returned to the project for her sake. But Zhenya was not going to put up with her “ex”, so Gozhienko had to look for a new passion. The man’s choice fell on Olga Agibalova - “ snow queen", who gained the reputation of an unapproachable girl with an unbending character. Ilya chose cunningly, but Right way— won the sympathy of Irina Agibalova (mother of Olga and her sister Rita. All three are participants in the project), who set her daughter on the right path. After the proposal on the frontal place, the couple got married in 2011. The celebration took place on a boat and cost the young people more than a million rubles (most of the expenses were covered by the project).

After the wedding, the Gazhienko couple lived for some time in “House-2”, then moved to the country cottage of Olya’s parents, and last year they made renovations and settled in own apartment in Moscow. The couple is raising a son, Kirill, who was born in April 2013.

Aliana and Alexander Gobozov

Perhaps the most unstable couple in our selection. The relationship between the young people quickly began after Sasha returned to the project and developed even faster. The young man introduced his chosen one to his mother, and Olga Vasilievna stayed to live with the couple. Soon Aliana called her mother for help - then the lovers settled in the house with her parents. In the fall of 2013, Aliana announced that she was pregnant from her partner, and the future parents began planning a wedding. A month later there was a celebration followed by Honeymoon(or rather 1 days) in the Maldives.

Despite the birth of baby Robert in May 2014, the couple decided to separate - a year after the birth of their first child, the ex-lovers were officially divorced. And in the summer of 2016, the couple again surprised and delighted fans with a reunion and a joint trip to the registry office. “When we had our wedding for the first time, everything was very quickly and thoughtlessly. Now this step is more than balanced, we made the decision with a cool head, we are really ripe for it. I'm sure it will only be the beginning of our life together, despite the fact that we already have a child. This wedding is forever,” the wife said twice in an interview.

Ella and Igor Tregubenko

You can say "fresh" married couple, released by the television project. Igor came to the show almost a year earlier than his future wife, and managed to be remembered by the audience scandalous relationships with Anya Yakunina. In October 2014, Muscovite Ella Sukhanova appeared in the clearing and replaced the man’s fickle ex-girlfriend - Yakunina had just dropped out of the show. Soon the young people declared themselves a couple and flew to the island of love in the Seychelles.

Igor and Ella - not only happy couple, but also lucky: the lovers won a cash prize in the “Wedding for a Million” competition held on the project. True, at the start of the competition they were in a quarrel and were constantly arguing, but this did not stop them from declaring participation and putting their relationship in order. The celebration took place in July 2016 in one of the Moscow restaurateurs. Immediately after it, the lovers held a second ceremony, but this time on the Seychelles, where, to the sound of the surf, they again swore eternal love to each other.

The already married couple continued to participate in the project, but did not stay long on the television set. In September, the Tregubenko couple with their dog Eva went outside the “House” after a minor quarrel with the presenters. Although fans believe that the couple are expecting a new baby, which they want to hide from the press, fans and other participants in the show.

Dom-2 is undoubtedly the longest-running project (reality show) on domestic television. For more than 11 years (since May 2004), this show has delighted and annoyed millions of fans. Young people build their love and do strange things in order to increase the rating of the program, and at the same time their own. Over the entire existence of the project, more than 850 people took part in it.

Someone became famous thanks to House-2, someone died, someone went to prison. In general, in this article we would like to tell you about what happened to the participants of House-2 after leaving the project.

1. Stepan Menshchikov spent the most time on the project - 1758 days. Moreover, he was one of the 15 very first participants in the show. He left the project on March 5, 2009. Second place goes to the well-known Olga Buzova, who this moment She is also the co-host of this show. In total, her presence as a participant lasted 1677 days (from May 22, 2004 to December 24, 2008). Well, third place is taken by Evgenia Feofilaktova, who remained a participant for 1558 days (from February 28, 2009 to July 24, 2013).

2. Over the 11 years of the project’s existence, only 14 couples got married, and exactly half of these marriages have already ended in divorce. Moreover, 4 out of 7 divorced couples divorced before they could go beyond the project. We built love.

Of all the married couples, a child was born only to the very first family, namely Olga Kravchenko and Alexander Titov, but this did not save their marriage.

3. In total, 6 people died after leaving the project. Two died from cancer, one girl (“Kesha”) died in an accident, two participants were killed, one girl died from kidney and heart failure (according to rumors).

4. 9 project participants were convicted or arrested. Among them is Elena Berkova, known to many people, who received a 3-year suspended sentence for drug possession. Also, the well-known Rustam Solntsev was accused of illegally taking possession of a car. Basically, all participants were involved in fraud (6 cases) and drugs (3 cases).

5. Participant in the 11th Battle of Psychics (bronze medalist) Vlad Kadoni participated in the Dom-2 project and spent 948 days there. He also accused the famous freak Nikolai Dolzhansky of false witchcraft.

6. May Abrikosov preferred quiet image life career of a celebrity. He went to the village and lives there for himself, and “got into” religion. Interviewing him is quite problematic, but possible.

7. Some participants made careers as presenters, for example Olga Buzova, Alena Vodonaeva, Victoria Bonya, etc.

8. Olga “Sun” Nikolaeva studied DJing at the DJ Groove school and today successfully tours. In addition, she opened her own production center.

9. Roman Tretyakov works as a host of celebrations and parties, periodically appearing on television.

10. Stepan Menshchikov was a famous womanizer and a bright personality. But despite the fact that he had relationships with Victoria Bonya and Alena Vodonaeva, he failed to build his love on the project. But outside the walls of House-2, he successfully married and still lives happily married, raising his son. Stepan has his own agency for organizing celebrations, at some of which he himself acts as a host.

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