Buzova is trying to make peace with Tarasov. Olga Buzova is thinking about returning to her ex-lover. By the way, she even encountered this from her fans, who said: “Olya, you’d better not sing.”

The presenter of “DOM-2” admitted why she established a relationship with her ex-lover, whom she was going to marry. Olga Buzova told what kind of relationship they have now and what it cost her to establish it.

Olga Buzova
Photo: Oleg Zotov

Every day of Olga Buzova is scheduled to the minute. The most popular girl country releases hit after hit, tours the country, acts in films, plays in the theater, releases clothing collections and hosts the longest-running reality show. Despite active professional activities, in personal life Olga is calm. Buzova admits that now she gives all her love to fans and like-minded people.

Olya, tell us about the track “She’s Not Afraid,” which you released recently. How was it created?

Something incredible was happening at the studio. Everyone who worked on the track had the feeling that this was my best song. I think it will start with her new era in my creativity. All fans heard the composition on March 8 - I prepared a wonderful spring gift for them.

Who wrote the track?

The author was my friend Sanya ST, he also wrote “Halves Are Few.” The story is simply amazing. On January 2 last year, Sasha and his wife were visiting me, and it was then that he showed me the song “Halves Are Few.” As you know, it became a real hit. A year later, again on January 2, we again gathered at my house. ST brought a fresh song that I immediately fell in love with. I don't think this is a coincidence.

Sasha ST wrote two hits for Olya
Photo: Instagram

For the last few months, Roma Gritsenko has been courting you. Recently you rejected his advances. Why did you decide to put an end to it?

Initially, I understood that I was in the status of a leader, so I needed to maintain subordination. I didn’t understand whether it was right that a participant was looking after me. I can say that Roma’s behavior was dignified and reverent, he did beautiful things, which endeared me. I remember when I celebrated my birthday in Thailand, they sent me a huge number of bouquets and gifts from friends and relatives from Moscow to my villa. On the one hand, it was even somehow awkward, and then one acquaintance said: “Let people please you, learn to accept their gratitude and love.”

It was the same with Roma - I understood that one should not cut off a person in his sincere impulses. Moreover, I was pleased with it, because I had already more than a year I am in the status of a free girl. However, I want to note: from the very beginning I understood that I would not be with him. I talked about it and didn’t give hope - I didn’t deceive the guy.

Buzova for a long time accepted Gritsenko's advances, but ultimately refused him
Photo: Instagram

What turned you off about the participant's behavior?

At some point, Roma really hurt me. I didn’t even expect that I would feel such emotions again, I thought I had already acquired armor. Of course he good guy, but still young and flighty. First, I went on a tour, where I behaved ugly, then there was a situation with another girl who tested positive on a lie detector test. I don't want men like that to court me. From the perspective of my fans, it should only be me. Wi-Fi guys who distribute themselves left and right are not interesting to me. Roma took on great responsibility, but it turns out that he betrayed me.

I'm not a dog in a manger. I hope Roma will build love on the project. I will give him advice and help as a presenter. I treat the guy very well, there is no negativity.

I’m a little worried about him, I want everything to work out for Roma. I definitely won’t ruin his happiness; on the contrary, I’ll try to help.

Olya is ready to support Roma in everything, but she considers a relationship with him impossible
Photo: Program frame

What kind of man do you see next to you?

This is the most complex issue. I never set limits in love. I can say whatever I want now, but when I fall in love, I’ll lose my head. I always dated men completely different from those I pictured in my head. I imagined that he would be an adult, a businessman. And then you know who you married. Feelings cannot be controlled. If I fall in love, I give myself completely to my other half. Back in the summer, I felt that I would like to again feel those emotions when you are going on a date, walking with a guy in the park hand in hand. But, alas, I have not yet met the same one.

But you have boyfriends, right?

Yes, but many of them are simply afraid of me. They send huge bouquets, but I don’t even know who they are from. People are embarrassed to show their faces. I can't build relationships with cowards. I will wait for my one and only, because love is the main thing in life. I know that worthy men yes, I understand this when I look at my family friends. My chosen one must be morally strong. Not everyone can accept the rhythm and schedule in which I live. Now I am not ready to give up any of my projects. Love is not self-sacrifice, it is acceptance of your partner.

What qualities of a man can you never put up with?

With lies and betrayal, with stupidity. I must follow my chosen one and learn from him. I want him to lead healthy image life. Of course, a man cannot be greedy. Although now I’m saying all this, I could fall in love with a completely different person and I will accept his shortcomings.

After breaking up, don't you keep in touch with your ex?

It used to be mine life principle. I never understood how you could continue to communicate with those you used to love. I thought it was impossible. But life makes its own adjustments to our views. Time heals, wounds heal, and you evaluate some situations differently. Recently, for the first time in eight years, I met my ex-boyfriend Timofey. Our relationship lasted three years. This man is remembered by the most devoted fans who have been following me for many years. He proposed to me, we thought about getting married, but it didn’t happen. Although he is a very worthy man.

Why did your relationship break up?

We parted on good terms. It’s just that both were still young, inexperienced in some ways. I was young, I could be capricious somewhere. Timofey, although five years older than me, was then in a serious relationship for the first time. We were unable to preserve our feelings, although we separated lovingly; it was difficult for the two of us. Then I waited another year for him and believed that we would be together again, but this did not happen. I still have a good relationship with his parents, and he with my family.

How did it happen that you started communicating again?

Timofey found himself in a difficult situation life situation and got in touch with me. We met and talked very warmly, I immediately felt that this dear person.

I realized that I knew him completely - gestures, facial expressions, manner of speaking. It was such a look into the past, as if these eight years had never passed. Now we are in touch, maintain friendly communication, and can meet for a cup of coffee.

The ex-boyfriend still communicates with Olga's family
Photo: Instagram

Have you thought about rekindling your relationship?

They say that you cannot step into the same river twice. But even from the example of our participants, we know that relationships can be given a second, third, and fourth chance. I myself know couples who separated for five years, and then got back together and still live happily. Now I don’t set any restrictions for myself - anything can happen. But love feelings I don’t feel that way about Timofey. Although I repeat that this is a dear person who never humiliated me and said only good things about me. It seems to me that if we met now, we would be together and never part.

Recently, a benefit performance took place within the framework of “DOM-2”, where your loved ones and relatives were invited. When you saw your father’s interview, you cried and said that you missed him. This is true?

This was the first time I spoke about this. Recently in St. Petersburg we had a very sincere conversation. My parents divorced, and my dad has a different life now. I recently recalled how he accompanied me to DOM-2 in 2004, how he helped me understand mathematics while studying at school and university. When mom and dad broke up, I couldn’t forgive him for a long time; I didn’t understand my father. But then I realized that you need to continue living with a person only if you still love him. When love leaves, it is better to separate. I love my father very much, we often call each other, but sometimes I feel that I miss him.

During our meeting in St. Petersburg, he hugged me and told me to always tell him about such things. At that moment, I felt that dad was also bored, and we needed each other.

Buzova forgave her father for old grievances and improved relations
Photo: Instagram

Are you communicating with new family father?

We know each other, we congratulate each other on the holidays. But when I meet my dad, I want him to be only with me at these moments.

You, like your mother, went through a divorce. Both of you and her are strong and independent women. Have you thought that in some ways you are repeating your mother’s fate?

We talked about this. And yet I think that I have my own path. I am as strong as I am weak, I am easily hurt. I went through a difficult and thorny path with ups and downs and now I live the way I want.

I know that I know how to love, so the person who is next to me will be the happiest.

Olya believes that she will soon meet true love
​Photo: Oleg Zotov

" The TV star has practically decided on her preferences, as she admitted her liking for three participants:, and. At the same time, there is another person in the show who Buzova really likes: this is her former lover. As soon as he appeared on the program, the man said that he was not going to compete with other participants, but would simply help his ex-lover choose a mate. At the same time, Timofey regularly gives Olga luxurious bouquets, takes her to restaurants, etc. Astrologer Katya Kailas believes that .

Timofey Mayorov and Olga Buzova on the set of the show “Married to Buzova”

Buzova herself in Lately increasingly thinks about returning to Mayorov. She admitted this on the show "". Show guest, TV presenter and socialite, shared her love story with the audience. She admitted that she still loves ex-husband, whom I divorced eight years ago. Olga Buzova replied that a man with whom she met eight years ago also appeared in her life: “He told me that he still better than women never happened in his life. I don’t know how to take this information.” Buzova wondered if after a while it was possible to “enter the same river twice.” The guests in the studio convinced her that nothing is impossible if two people have feelings for each other.

Ksenia Merts and Olga Buzova in the studio of the show “Borodina vs. Buzova”

Let us recall that Olga Buzova and Timofey Mayorov met in 2009. The TV presenter and the businessman tried not to advertise their relationship, but when the paparazzi captured Olya and Timofey kissing in an amusement park, there was no doubt about love affair there are none left. However, the romance ended as quickly as it began. One of possible reasons The separation could have been a scandal in which the lovers were drawn into. Mayorov reported the theft of his expensive car, however, employees law enforcement They decided that there was no theft, and the businessman thus wanted to receive insurance in the amount of 4.5 million rubles. Buzova was a witness in this case. Since then, the lovers have not communicated. Buzova managed to be married, and Mayorov was credited with an affair with a TV presenter.

Timofey Mayorov and Olga Buzova

Timofey Mayorov and Olga Buzova at football match(year 2009)

Olga and Timofey restored their relationship at the end of 2017. They tell those around them that a warm and tender friendship has been established between them. After the show “Married to Buzova” aired, Timofey became more active and... And Buzova herself said in one of her interviews that if she and Mayorov had met now, they probably wouldn’t have parted.

// Photo: Press service of Bella Potemkina

The scandalous separation of the 30-year-old Dom-2 TV presenter from 29-year-old football player Dmitry Tarasov caused a lot of noise. For two weeks, fans of the couple wondered whether they would reconcile or not. Buzova was the first to take a step forward. Last week, on the set of “House-2,” Olga appeared again with wedding ring. In addition, the star tries to maintain a close relationship with her mother-in-law. A few days ago she signed her up at the Bella Potemkina Beauty salon.

“Olya called in advance so that Dima’s mother could be met and dyed,” Bella Potemkina tells StarHit. “I haven’t seen a person who worries more about her mother-in-law than she does.” She writes to me every hour and asks if she likes it. She asked: “Offer Olga Alexandrovna some champagne and tea, she’s shy!” Olya always tries to arrange a holiday for Dima’s mother and orders flowers. They say that a man chooses a woman who looks like his mother as his wife. And this is the same case. I hope Olga Alexandrovna will reconcile the guys.”

The TV presenter is supported by her mother Irina, sister Anya and close friends. Last week, she flew with one of them on vacation to Spain. By the way, New Year holidays Buzova and Tarasov had it planned for a long time.

“The guys bought an expensive trip to the Maldives,” they told StarHit, surrounded by the couple. – It will be a shame if Dima spends his long-awaited vacation in another company. Olya was looking forward to this trip so much.”

Apparently, Dmitry Tarasov does not yet intend to reconcile with his wife. Last weekend, the athlete allowed himself to make a careless statement about the woman he once loved. . When in social network Instagram approached the man with a question about his opinion regarding Olga’s well-being (the star was filmed crying on vacation, and these shots ended up on the Internet - Note from StarHit), he reacted very sharply. “Is she crying? I think I just drank too much,” said the footballer. Needless to say, what a wave of condemnation this answer caused. Tarasov was reproached for lacking a sense of tact and even created the hashtag #Tarasovnemuzhik, which became popular.

For two weeks now, concerned fans and sensation-seeking journalists have been monitoring the development of the relationship between Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov, whose marriage, according to some sources, is under threat. Now the TV presenter is in Spain with her friends, but the athlete remains in Russia.


According to latest information, Olga decided to give a second chance to her relationship with her husband. Moreover, the TV presenter decided to establish contact with Dmitry through... his mother. So, Buzova signed her up for a beauty salon.

“Olya called in advance so that Dima’s mother could be met and dyed. I have never seen a person who worries more about her mother-in-law than she does. She writes to me every hour, asking if she likes it. She asked: “Offer Olga Alexandrovna champagne, tea, she I’m shy!” Olya always tries to arrange a holiday for Dima’s mother, orders flowers. They say that a man chooses a woman who looks like his mother as his wife. And this is the same case. I hope Olga Alexandrovna will reconcile the guys,” quotes the owner of the salon, Bella Potemkina.

Let us note that despite the fact that the presenter publishes photographs on the social network in which she smiles radiantly, her mood leaves much to be desired. As vacationers next door to the presenter assure, she often sits by the pool alone: ​​tear-stained and with a glass of champagne.

In addition, many noticed that Buzova constantly spends time talking to someone on the phone. At the same time, eyewitnesses note that, judging by the girl’s gestures and facial expressions, these conversations are not pleasant. Tourists suggested that we're talking about about the upcoming divorce from Tarasov.

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