Buzova why they don’t like her. Yes, I’m so tired of her, this Buzova, I don’t have the strength to talk about her anymore

Olga Buzova's former partner at Dom-2, Roman Tretyakov, accused the newly-made singer of pretense. The ex-participant of the TV show dispelled all the myths surrounding his relationship with the show’s host.

Since Buzova is one of the most talked about people in the country, journalists also show interest in her ex-boyfriends. Roman Tretyakov, with whom Olga built love in the first years at Dom-2, is literally harassed by reporters with calls.

“I’m so tired of her, this Buzova, I don’t have the strength to talk about her anymore!” – the young man literally shouted to the correspondent, who wanted to ask him over the phone for hot details about Roman’s relationship with Olga.

Driven to white heat, Tretyakov hastened to disown Buzova. “She was never my wife or my wife. And I can’t even call her a civilian wife, as it is now fashionable to say. What happened between us cannot be considered a full-fledged relationship - so, a project,” he was dumbfounded former member a show in which millions of TV viewers naively believed in love with Olga (in those years she was still a blonde).

Roman is indignant because of the wall of lies built around the host of Dom-2. “She’s actually pretending that she can’t find a man for herself,” exposed ex-girlfriend Tretyakov. “It’s beneficial for her to be alone, so that everyone would feel sorry for her and make a tragedy out of her loneliness.” Yes, she made an epic out of an ordinary divorce. It's just a shame!"

Anticipating claims that he threw mud at his ex-lover, Roman abdicated responsibility. “I don’t think that it’s either good or nothing about exes. If I could say something good about Buzova, she wouldn’t be an ex,” Tretyakov reasoned.

And the ex-participant of the TV show refuted false and delusional articles that said that Olga was with him supposedly only for financial gain. “I won’t slander her: she never demanded money and expensive gifts from me, as they write everywhere now, because that would simply be stupid! She knew perfectly well what we lived on,” the Wday website quotes Roman as saying

According to young man, she and Buzova were children on the project and earned very little. “The driver’s salary there was 60 thousand rubles, and we, the participants, had 22 thousand each. I, of course, received more than Olya. But all the same, what could it be enough for? - Tretyakov is perplexed. - There was no talk of diamonds - I remember how I saved for three months for a regular laptop.”


Olga's former lover said that everything is natural, because any man will eventually get bored with his wife, carried away by the game of fun and easy girl. Too cheerful, according to Tretyakov.

As Roman explained to Dni.ru, time is running, but Buzova doesn’t change: “Fun, cool, but she’s too keen on this game. At least that's how it was for us. At some point, a man simply gets tired, he becomes bored. I would like to have a thinking, serious person nearby. Unfortunately, Olya is not like that.” Moreover, Roman revealed a secret: the star of “House-2” was always drawn to rude men, but at the same time she wanted a gentleman nearby who “opens the doors for her, and she solemnly enters them.”

Olga herself does not comment on family problems.

Why isn't Buzova giving birth? This, at first glance, seems like an idle question. But if you think about it, the picture that emerges is not good.

Vaughn and Serena Williams gave birth to a daughter. Yanukovych, as they write in the news, has a son. Even the late Nemtsov turned out to be the father of an illegitimate child from some girl.

But Buzova has no children. Why?

Ksenia Sobchak fucked everyone with her pregnancy for a year. Before her, everyone forgot about her. After giving birth, no one needed me either. Childbirth is a major intrigue for cattle.

Buzova's PR people don't understand this? Don’t make me laugh, judging by the methods of their work, they would have made Olenka sound bad and recorded a song from anyone.

Photo: Social networks

Why doesn’t Buzova give birth, despite the huge profit from this business? There may be three reasons.

About no one- this is a good reason for any adequate woman. But where is Buzova, and where is adequate? Moreover, she had a football player named Tarasov, and she might well have gotten pregnant.

Photo: Social networks

Can't give birth, sick- this reason is relevant for many. They eat shit, they have a history of five abortions, how can you get pregnant and give birth here? But this reason, if you think carefully, does not stand up to criticism - Olga is healthy.

Why am I sure of this? If Olga had been sick, her same PR people would have given us a show. Here is Buzova crying that she cannot give birth. Then she sings a song about how she would dream of becoming a mother, and then goes to a demonstration against abortion.

Photo: Social networks

Such PR is worse than pregnancy and childbirth, and after it Olenka would have been treated for infertility in live. The clinics would pay a fortune, and it would be beneficial for everyone.

This means that the reason is not Buzova’s health, nor is it that she has no one to give birth to.

There remains one reason, and it, in my opinion, is most similar to the truth. Buzova hates children terribly, can’t stand them, and therefore no one can persuade her to get pregnant.

Photo: Social networks

Olga cannot admit her hatred to her children. Still, in House 2, in addition to promiscuous relationships, there is a cult of children. Tell everyone you don’t like zucchini, the happy mothers of Instagram will eat you up.

Here is Buzova, a 31-year-old woman according to her passport, who, as they say, is already 38, but looks like she’s 40, and still hasn’t given birth.

The period for childbearing has already passed. And there was someone to get pregnant from. Both a healthy horse and finances allow her, but she does not give birth because she hates children.

What other reasons do you think there could be? You cannot write in the comments that she is a transvestite!

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Few people these days have not heard of. Over the past few years, she has not left TV screens.

Olga – model, TV presenter, singer, designer, socialite and DJ.

According to the latest data, Buzova ranks first in the ranking of stars’ income from publications on the Internet.

The hero is not my novel

When, journalists and bloggers were waiting for a sensation and hoped that they would be the first to publish the news that Tarabuziki were pregnant. At first, the couple simply laughed it off, saying that they wanted to live for themselves, enjoy youth and freedom, which is why they were in no hurry to have a child.

Later, the reason was given as Tarasov’s eternal employment at football camps. As the years passed, news constantly appeared in the press that Olga was pregnant. But this remained at the level of rumors. Buzova did not give birth, but instead a divorce from Tarasov followed.

Tarasov said the following in an interview: “I dreamed of children, but for Olya, publicity and fame came first! She cannot imagine her life without media and hype. I’m tired of being in front of everyone.”

Many friends and acquaintances of the couple cited Olga’s reluctance to have children as the reason for the separation.

Revelation on air

After the divorce, Olga had a hard time. Almost every blogger wanted to find out the reason for the breakup. It seemed that Buzova would soon lose her temper, but this did not happen.

Olya decided to frank interview on Channel One. Yulia Baranovskaya and Alexander Gordon were the first presenters for whom the star revealed her inner world.

When asked why Olga doesn’t want to have children, she answered the following: “Children? From whom? Not near me worthy man. I would really like love, but, alas, I have not met it yet. Give birth to the public, so that society can tick the “Child” box? No, it's not mine."

Olga notes that there is no need to rush into having a child. The TV personality says that she is not afraid of age: “I’m not afraid of years; I’m ready to become a mother at 40 or 60 years old. Look at foreign stars, does age stop them? I don’t try on labels on myself, like if you didn’t give birth until you were 30, that means you’re an old-timer. Naturally, I want not only dogs to run around the house, but also children. I strive for this, but everything has its time!

Opinion of a famous blogger

Olga Buzova media personality. Of course, her life and problems are actively discussed by followers and fans on social networks. Recently, the famous blogger Lera Miro published her vision of the situation.

Having studied Olga’s character and life, Lera made her own conclusion about why she doesn’t have children. There are several reasons for this:

  • There’s just no one;
  • The star has health problems;
  • Buzova is annoyed by children, one might say she simply hates them.

The blogger’s opinion outraged many of Olga’s fans, most of them stood up for their beloved star, wishing Miro to start taking care of his personal life.

Outside opinion

No matter what anyone says, only Olga herself knows why she still doesn’t have a little toddler. Perhaps the reason lies on the surface: she is simply not ready for children yet.

And does she need it now? After all, Buzova is at the peak of her popularity; every month her new songs and videos are released, which occupy leading positions in iTunes. She is young and beautiful, she can allow herself to enjoy life the way she wants, without listening to other people's opinions.

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And, perhaps, she has it every right. After all Buzova made herself, spending a lot of time and effort on it. Remember how TV viewers first saw her on the “House 2” project. A modest, stupid blonde who could only cry and pout at other construction site participants.

And what did her divorce from Tarasov cost her? How much endurance, patience and perseverance you need to have in order to “not become limp,” to survive the betrayal of your loved one and move on through life with your nose in the air.

Olga's a strong character, she always achieves her goals. Perhaps right now, she needs to feel the love of her fans, to be a popular and promoted star.

Sure, the time will come and Buzova will know the happiness of motherhood, because family and children always come first for a woman. But to understand this, there must be a loved one nearby who will always protect and lend a strong man’s shoulder. Perhaps this gentleman will become, after all social media Now they are actively discussing it with Buzova.

Blogger Lena Miro published on her blog an argument about why singer and TV presenter Olga Buzova does not give birth to children. She's sure she knows exactly what's going on. Most commentators agreed with her.

Lena Miro began her reasoning after the famous tennis player Serena Williams gave birth. The blogger believes that even if such women give birth, then with Olga Buzova everything is not so simple. Elena bases her conclusions on one main fact - for Buzova, PR comes first. The girl believes that the singer is trying to achieve him by any means necessary. And childbirth and pregnancy are a major intrigue. According to the blogger, Olga’s PR people understand this and would have forced her to get pregnant long ago. The blogger sees only three reasons why pregnancy has not yet occurred, of which he immediately rejects two. First: no one, but Buzova only recently divorced and could already give birth while married. Second: illness, but then Olga would cry in every program about her unhappy fate. The blogger is sure: “Such PR is worse than pregnancy and childbirth, and after it Olenka would be treated for infertility on air.” The third and most likely, according to Elena: “There remains one reason, and it, in my opinion, is most similar to the truth. Buzova terribly hates children, can’t stand them, and therefore no one can persuade her to get pregnant.”

Internet users enthusiastically began discussing Buzova and her possible motherhood. “These are the kind of genes that are wasted in vain! Let’s better thank her for this!” “Perhaps she simply gave up childbearing? Consciously and consciously... Or maybe she realized that she had missed this moment with Dmitry.. And now there is no one worthy who would take the topic with her seriously..” “She simply doesn’t want children, it seems to me. I don’t see anything strange in this.” “I think she doesn't trust people. For men. That’s why she doesn’t give birth.” “It’s probably better to have no children than to carry them around like Sobchak and Borodin.” “It seems to me that she is so stupid that she doesn’t understand who children are and why give birth to them at all... She’s like a child herself.” “Because she used to be a man, she changed her gender, and now she cannot have children.” “She’s not giving birth, and she doesn’t need to. With the divorce, everyone lost her mind, you don’t know what to watch or read so as not to see Buzova there. I can imagine what will happen if she gets pregnant. And after she gives birth, at least move to Mars!” The real reason Only time will tell, but everyone is discussing this issue with gusto. Even despite the fact that they were tired of Buzova.

And Buzova herself recently flashed in wedding dress. True, not for a wedding, but for a video. But there was also a resonance online.

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