Busulis biography. “The main thing is that I myself understand where I come from, what the flag of my Motherland looks like”

07.12.2017 - 23:16

Intars Busulis, singer, musician, in the program “ Simple questions"with Egor Khrustalev.

Egor Khrustalev, presenter:
It is a great honor for me to talk with you. And I want to say that during the time we were driving together in the car, getting here, I came to the conclusion that you have an absolutely non-Latvian temperament. Do your fellow countrymen tell you about this?

Sourcephoto: instagram.com/intarsbusulis/

Intars Busulis, singer, musician:
By the way, people from the Caucasus say that this is true.

Egor Khrustalev:
What are you – Caucasian?

Intars Busulis:
That I am almost Caucasian, yes. And, as Soso says: “A Latvian with Georgian manners.” Maybe that's how it is.

About trombone

Sourcephoto: instagram.com/intarsbusulis/

Egor Khrustalev:
You have a unique career. You are one of the most famous Latvian musicians. If you had not found yourself on the Russian stage, the most big success, which could be waiting for you inside Latvia – what would it look like?

Intars Busulis:
I'm actually a brass player. And by profession, and by vocation too, one might say. Because I really love brass music, I have played in many orchestras: symphony orchestra, in military.

Egor Khrustalev:
In the military.

Intars Busulis:
Serviceman. If it were now - pah-pah-pah, God forbid, of course - I would be called up. I'm not that old yet. I am a trombonist. I was even a very good trombonist - I had “tens” all the time at school, that is, “fives”.

Egor Khrustalev:
In fact, everyone who follows your work knows that you are an excellent trombonist.

Intars Busulis:
Yes, but now, unfortunately, I don’t play much. I would most likely be a trombonist, I think. I would study classical music. Because, in fact, my main goal, for which I went when I studied at music college in Ventspils - to play in the Berlin Symphony Orchestra. I still have a desire, because I really love classical, symphonic music.

Egor Khrustalev:
Intars, before you started recording, I think you were whistling something classical. But if you play the trombone for yourself, for your own pleasure, or just whistle, what kind of music is that? Is it jazz or, after all, classical?

About flat

Sourcephoto: instagram.com/intarsbusulis/

Intars Busulis:
I love to improvise. I would probably play jazz. For example, Summertime in G minor. Oh, this is such a good tonality, flat.

Egor Khrustalev:
I saw your interview, you were asked: “Flat or sharp?” You said: “No, of course, flat.”

Intars Busulis:
Flat, of course.

Egor Khrustalev:
I can not understand. Of course, I am a person who has something to do with music, as an amateur, but the difference between flat and sharp - how to feel it? Can you find some words to explain the difference between flat and sharp?

Intars Busulis:
I do not know why. I've just been used to playing in flat keys all my life. F major, G minor, B major, D minor. So, in general, in brass music, that’s how it is, it sounds. It just sounds.

Egor Khrustalev:
Sounds better, yes.

About the weather

Source phothen: instagram.com/intarsbusulis/

Intars Busulis:
Better, yes. And here in Latvia... These keys – you can think a little more than in sharp keys. I immediately feel that the song is in a sharp key or in a flat key. It's immediately clear. We love to be sad. I also like to be sad.

Egor Khrustalev:
You can't tell. I love autumn, I love such gray weather, without the sun. I love snow, how gloomy the weather is today. I really love this. And it’s even better when there are weather changes, when summer turns to autumn, autumn turns to winter, winter turns to spring. When spring turns to summer, it’s also nice. But anyway, summer is not my kind of weather at all.

About Eurovision

Sourcephoto: instagram.com/intarsbusulis/

Intars Busulis:
I want to ask a question from the point of view of, say, a Belarusian musician. Because any musician or performer, of course, understands that they can make a career and, relatively speaking, become successful, financially successful only if they enter either the Western market, which is less likely, or Russian market with huge open spaces. And your path was connected with a number of competitions. You won in Jurmala, you won the show “The Voice”, you participated in “Eurovision”. This - Right way? Or, in general, would everything have turned out differently in your situation?

Egor Khrustalev:
I have always believed and still believe that you just have to go and challenge. Firstly, to yourself. And participate in competitions. At the beginning, of course, there are some small competitions, but, in any case, this is some kind of step. And go to big competitions, where there is an opportunity to get to know yourself, firstly. Get to know other people, be in this environment. And, in the end, always think about victory, about the best thing that can happen to you in this competition. That’s why I was at Eurovision, we did everything to get to Eurovision, and we got to Eurovision, but we got, of course, not the best the best place in this competition.

Egor Khrustalev:
I think you had 19th place?

Intars Busulis:
This is the very last one. This is Eurovision, which took place in Moscow. But not the worst - we got second place from the bottom. This is also a good place.

Egor Khrustalev:
Belarus almost always has such results.

Intars Busulis:
This year has been like this for us. But, anyway, we met people, met a lot of Muscovites. And, in the end, I also participated in a jazz competition, where I also had very good results. I received the Grand Prix. And of course, " New wave" in 2005.

About participation in popular shows

Sourcephoto: instagram.com/intarsbusulis/

Egor Khrustalev:
In your opinion, why is it so that almost none of those who shone brightly in the “Voice” project have developed their own repertoire? Almost no one, I will say again, has developed a repertoire with which he could perform. And even now you participated in the transformation show “One to One”.

Intars Busulis:
"Exactly the same".

Egor Khrustalev:
“Exactly”, yes. And, again, people who perform there very successfully, in the end, it turns out that no one ever got their own, let’s say, hit of a lifetime, song of a lifetime.

Intars Busulis:
Yes. I also have a little bit of this problem. But we have a concert repertoire that we play. And our program is structured so that people find it interesting. Firstly, the program is designed in such a way that, of course, it would be interesting for us too. But, the most important thing is the viewer who paid for the ticket and stood in traffic jam. He knows his place, he comes, sits in his place and listens. We just have to give the audience what they want. That's why they came here - to look at us. And we have this repertoire. Now in Lately Of course, songs and videos for songs appeared. “Lead Me” has finally appeared. Because we don’t have video clips of the Russian repertoire, and never have. There were only concert recordings.

About Vaenga

Sourcephoto: instagram.com/intarsbusulis/

Egor Khrustalev:
Your song is legendary - “Neva”, after all.

Intars Busulis:
Oh, what are you talking about? “Neva” is a separate story. About Lena, about our acquaintance.

Egor Khrustalev:
In any, say, duet, the following situation occurs: one loves the other, and the other allows himself to be loved. In your situation, do you think she was more carried away by your talent or did you adore her?

Intars Busulis:
It was such an exchange of everything that you just said. We actually met in Astrakhan. But we met through a friend of ours. It turned out that he also knows Lena - he is from St. Petersburg. And Lena also lives in St. Petersburg and Riga. And, as I understand it, our friend was showing music links from the Internet.

Egor Khrustalev:

Intars Busulis:

Egor Khrustalev:
And she liked it.

Intars Busulis:
And my friend showed me links from Lena’s Internet. She didn't know me, I didn't know her. And this friend wanted us to meet. I was ready, but Lena said that she wouldn’t just get to know each other. Not because she is a great actress, but she just didn’t want me to get to know her not only as a person, but also as a musician. And that she invites you to the concert. And before that, we didn’t talk to her at all, only from the Internet I listened to her, he listened to me. And I came to this gorgeous concert in Astrakhan, which I listened to for the first time and not the last - after that I was at 7 or 8 concerts, I don’t know how many. So, a great concert. The muse just appeared to me at that moment. And we met after the concert. I didn’t even meet her before the concert. I put on the most stylish pants - red ones. And then our cooperation just began, with this meeting in Astrakhan. Friendship, I mean. And all the songs: “Neva”, “Lena”, then “Gravity”, “Brīvdiena” - in Latvian, which she really liked.

About the attitude towards him in Latvia

Sourcephoto: instagram.com/intarsbusulis/

Egor Khrustalev:
You wonderfully performed a song by probably the most popular performer in the Soviet Union - Jaak Joala, “I draw you.” For the Soviet audience, as it were, performers from the Baltic states were very special. It was such a flair of something from what is called “abroad,” from what was Western history.

Intars Busulis:
I understand.

Egor Khrustalev:
But I read information about him that he had a pretty bad time and got it from the press in last years his life. Especially when Soviet Union fell apart, and he had to listen to a lot of offensive things: “I sold out to Russia, the hand of the Kremlin.” What does your destiny look like now? Do you ever hear such offensive things?

Intars Busulis:
I believe that there are very few such people, maybe only a few, who live in some kind of imaginary world of their own. I believe that many people, after all, think realistically. That music is, in general, a thing that has no boundaries. And, if I can speak Russian normally, I think, and understand a little bit what I say... Maybe you don’t understand?

Egor Khrustalev:
No, everything is fine.

Intars Busulis:
And why don't I sing in Russian?

Egor Khrustalev:
They are more proud of you or, on the contrary, as if: “This is already a person who lives in another world, show business.” What does it look like?

Intars Busulis:
The most important thing for me is that I myself understand where I come from, what the flag of my Motherland looks like, how the anthem sounds, and whether I get goosebumps when my anthem plays or not. Still, I love my country, and I love everything that happens there: both good and bad. Mostly good. And, in my opinion, for me this is the most important thing. What are people saying? People talk about something all the time. People are either happy or dissatisfied. There are all kinds. But mostly people are glad that there is a person or group of people - a "Subscription Band" as it is today - who are, I think, missionaries or ambassadors of good news. In general, that we are going to where they are waiting for us.

About Lyme and Pauls

Sourcephoto: instagram.com/intarsbusulis/

Sourcephoto: instagram.com/intarsbusulis/

Egor Khrustalev:
Latvia is a very small country, even compared to Belarus. But in fact, there are a lot of truly iconic musical characters. And those who perform songs like Laima, for example, and music that personifies the golden era itself Soviet stage which he wrote Raymond Pauls. Why do you think this happened?

Fadeev, caught in adultery, immediately rushed to refute the sick fantasy of his ex-ward, inviting Temnikova to take a lie detector and check the authenticity of this information.

Seryabkina was only amused by such news. She is sure: Lena is simply taking revenge on her. After all, if anyone in “Silver” had love relationship– then she has it with Temnikova, and not with Fadeev. By the way, other representatives of show business believe that Elena simply decided to get hyped on the eve of the presentation of the new track “Hug”.

A recently rising star on the stage, Intars Busulis, became popular thanks to the TV show “The Voice”. Many are interested in the singer’s personal life. Some are looking for photos of him and his wife on the Internet. How did he win the hearts of fans?

The singer's childhood and adolescence

Latvian singer, composer and musician Intars Busulis was born in 1978 in the town of Talsi. Almost immediately after birth, the boy’s personal immersion into the world of music took place. The family where he grew up had many children, life in the house was in full swing. Besides him there were four more children. But despite this, parents paid a lot of attention to the development of their children.

The Latvian people are generally very musical. People there love to sing and dance. Song festivals and competitions are constantly held even in the smallest settlements. Therefore, from childhood, little Intars heard folk chants, the sounds of music, watched the dances of the villagers, absorbed musical culture Motherland.

Young Intars Busulis

His parents noticed his talent for music early on and sent him to a music school. There he learned to play the trombone and sing from notes. In parallel with training in music school, the boy was studying folk dances in the team "Talsu Spridisi". He made noticeable progress and was taken to various performances.

My older sister studied at the music school with Intars. Then she graduated from school and went to enter a music secondary school. educational institution, which was located in the seaside city of Ventspils. Intars decided to follow in her footsteps after graduating from two schools - music and general education.

Creative career

While studying at a music college, the talented guy worked as a presenter at the Radio SWH radio station. At the same time, Intars worked in the Ventspils Big Band ensemble, led by Ziedonis Zaikovskis.

He later played trombone in the Latvian military band and in the jazz group Wet Point.

Having made friends with Raymond Tigulis, the future famous singer Intars Busulis decided to create his own personal group with him - the boy band “Caffe”. In it, for the first time in his life, he showed himself as a soloist.

Singer in his youth

Having gained vocal experience, Intars decided to try his hand at various festivals and competitions. The result was amazing! Grand Prix at the Baltic Young Performers Competition, as well as Grand Prix at the International Improvisers Competition in Pärnu.

This victory inspired the young musician so much that he went on concerts throughout Europe and Canada. Everywhere he was successful.

Peak of popularity

Intars is becoming very popular in its homeland. He is invited to various projects. He sings in famous musicals: “Notre Dame de Paris”, “Mass”, etc. Intars tries his hand at the trio “Viva la Bomba”.

Such talent earned him the attention and acquaintance of the famous Latvian composer Raimonds Pauls, who highly appreciated his abilities and predicted a great musical career for him.

In 2005, singer Intars Busulis, on the advice of this composer, decided to take personal part in international competition"New wave". And again victory! Intars took first place. He himself didn’t understand why he was so lucky in life! Since then, the singer annually performs on the stage of this competition among invited stars.

Intars Busulis took part in the New Wave

In the same year, the young singer managed to record his first disc. It included songs on different languages, including in English.

Three years later, the second album of this singer was released. A tour of Latvia was timed to coincide with this event.

Participation in Eurovision

In 2009, Intars Busulis, inspired by previous successes, boldly decides to take part in the popular Eurovision contest. To do this, he first goes to Moscow. The song for this competition was carefully chosen and was called "Street Traffic Jam". The video clip for this song was filmed in a Moscow hypermarket. The most interesting thing is that they were not invited to be extras special artists. They became random visitors, store buyers.

Intars was asked why he performed a song for famous competition in Russian? After all, this was very unusual for a resident of the Baltic states. To which the singer replied that he speaks Russian better than English.

Intars participated in Eurovision

Despite all their efforts, the incendiary song performed by the talented singer did not really resonate with European viewers. The singer didn't even make it to the finals.

But he did not despair, taking a modest nineteenth place. Intars returned to his homeland, where a huge amount of work awaited him.

Collaboration with various musicians

Raymond Pauls decided to cheer up young singer and offered him a very honorable cooperation. Intars Busulis happily agreed.

He had to record a disc with songs by Raymond Pauls based on poems by the famous Soviet poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko. Intars performed the songs with talent. Thus, the album “God Grant” was released.

2013 became the most fruitful year for the singer. He was invited to the Dales theater, which is the most popular in Riga. There he took part in the musical “Onegin”, where he played the role of the great Russian poet.

Intars Busulis and Elena Vaenga

Itars also performed as a vocalist and trombonist in a big band on Latvian Radio.

In the same year, the musician met famous singer Elena Vaenga. This acquaintance turned out to be fruitful. They began to sing a duet. Elena invited the singer to appear on the Russian stage. They performed the song “Neva” together on solo concert Elena in St. Petersburg.

Then Vaenga came to Latvia, where she performed in a duet with Inatrs in concert hall"Dzintari" at the singer's solo concert.

Then they participated together in the Golden Gramophone. Their song “Neva” became popular and was played on many radio stations. On "Chanson" she for a long time held first place.

Then Vaenga wrote the song “Lena,” which they also performed together.

Elena translated Intars' song into Russian. It became known as "Gravity". She also performed it together with Intars.

Participation in the projects “Voice” and “Exactly”

In 2014, Intars Busulis surprised everyone - he took part in popular show"Voice". It must be said in the singer’s justification that his friends submitted the application, but he did not refuse to participate.

At the blind auditions, two mentors turned to his performance: Pelageya and L. Agutin. Intars sang and played the trombone. The singer chose Agutin. Then he confidently began to rise higher and higher in the competition, beat his rivals and made it to the semi-finals. At this point his participation was interrupted.

On last performance he talentedly performed R. Pauls’ song “I love you more than nature.”

I. Busulis and the project “Exactly”

Personal life

Singer Intars Busulis does not hide his personal life. He openly said hello to his beloved wife during his performance in “The Voice.” Intars is happily married. In 1996 he met beautiful girl Ingoy. Fell in love, she reciprocated. They started dating, then got married.

The singer with his wife Inga

For more than twenty years, the couple have been living together in love and harmony. Inga gave her husband three cute children. First a son was born, then two girls. The children took over everything musical abilities from his father. They attend a music school. And the son, like his father, is learning to play the trombone.

Many participants in the show The Voice go on stage not only with a microphone, but also take with them musical instruments. Intars is one of those people, and in his act he demonstrated playing the trombone. At the blind audition, Pelageya and Agutin turned to Intars, but Gradsky and Bilan never saw the energetic performance from the Latvian. Regular TV viewers of the New Wave in Jurmala will probably remember Intars, in which he participated and won in the past. This page contains the biography of the artist, Interesting Facts from his life, as well as photographs. How his fate will turn out in this competition - all that remains is to follow the broadcasts, and who knows, maybe he will win this competition too, although he will have serious rivals.

Biography of Intars Busulis

Date of birth: May 2, 1978
Horoscope: Taurus
How old: 36
From: Tulsa (Latvia)
Personal life: Married, has three children
Where did he work before the Voice project: Worked as a vocalist and musician, took part in various festivals and competitions
Music education: music school (trombone class), music college
Mentor in Voice 3: Agutin

Interesting information about the participant:

In 2005, the artist took part in the “New Wave” competition in Jurmala, and won it.
Recorded a duet with Elena Vaenga, the song Neva and performed on the Saturday Evening program
Intars knows how to cook pilaf, and also sometimes cooks pancakes with potatoes
Favorite dishes of Russian cuisine: rassolnik, dumplings, Olivier.
There is an older sister who graduated from the same school and the same college as Intars.
Intars has both ears pierced
Intars released five albums before participating in the Voice competition

Intars Busulis VKontakte: Intars does not have official page in contact with
Intars Busulis on Instagram: http://instagram.com/intarsbusulis

His charming, attractive and bewitching voice won thousands of ladies' hearts. Talented singer, family man, father of three children and simply a handsome man, Intars Busulis talked with us early in the morning over breakfast on the sunny terrace of the Riga Le Dome restaurant.

LENA: Intars, you come from Talsi, a small Latvian town. How do you remember your life there?
INTARS: This is my hometown and the memories of him are only the best! Even youthful fights are remembered with some warmth! ( Laughs)

LENA: Do you still have many childhood friends close to you?
INTARS: Unfortunately no. Some went to Ireland to pick strawberries, others simply got drunk – it’s a small town. But now, by the way, there are a lot of English numbers in Talsi. Probably the local guys came on vacation. ( Smiling)

LENA: This is a tragedy of the periphery - people move away or drink themselves to death from idleness. But you are a completely different matter. What helped you break out not only to the capital, but also to conquer the Russian and European stages?
INTARS: Oh, still conquer and conquer! But thanks a lot to the parents. I was always busy with something: music school, some clubs. I was taught not just responsibility, but responsibility to myself.

LENA: Do you raise your children according to the same principle?
INTARS: Trying! I want my children to be busy and not spend all their time at the computer. In our family, it’s like in the movies: there is a bad cop - me, and a good one - my wife. ( Laughs). But when they do something mischievous, the son immediately runs to his mother, and the daughter to me. Everything is just like in the book!

LENA: My son and daughter study at a music school. Do you want them to continue the dynasty?
INTARS: Absolutely not! I just want them to be musical, to be able to sing among friends and to be able to do it well. I have an example before my eyes - my neighbor. An adult man, a businessman, deals with cars, but as soon as the feast begins, an accordion appears in his hands and that’s it - before us is another person, the soul of the company, the ringleader!

LENA: Intars, you have long been popular not only in Latvia. After projects on Channel One, you began to be recognized abroad. It's time to “grab a star”, no?
INTARS: I don't have time for star fever! If people recognize us, that’s good, it means everything we do is not in vain. Why do I say “we”? Because I’m not alone, but there’s a whole team of us. ( Switches to a Caucasian accent) We try, we put passion into the music and the listener feels it, right?

LENA: Have you performed in front of children? Is it more difficult than in front of adults?
INTARS: We had charity concerts for children, and you know, it’s generally unclear what they need! As always with children - n-e-p-o-n-i-t-n-o! ( Laughs). In addition, children come to such events with adults, which means they need to interest young listeners, and “oldies”. At such mixed concerts, we even developed a certain work scheme. For example, we invite those who are already eighteen to raise their hands or, let’s say, admit: who kissed? And we perform a song for these categories. Actually it's funny. Teenagers begin to feel embarrassed, giggle, and show bravado.

LENA: Your participation in the “Exactly Exactly” project. So many images! What was the most difficult? Tina Turner?
INTARS: It turned out to be easy to show Tina Turner! What is there to play there? The main thing is that she never straightened her legs on stage. This saved me! Of course, I practiced walking in heels...

LENA: (Laughs) Borrowed my wife’s shoes and walked them around the kitchen?!
INTARS: (Laughs) No, I wandered back and forth around the hotel room. But this is terrible! How do you walk on this?! All my legs hurt by the end of the evening!

LENA: So you suffered and suffered on stage?
INTARS: (Laughs) Exactly! I had to stand still for about fifteen minutes, I would raise one leg, then the other. And everyone thinks: that’s how it should be, that’s the number!

LENA: Which image was more difficult?
INTARS: ABOUT! It was the Frenchman Joe Dassin and the song “Champs Elysees”. I don’t know French, and when I sing, I have to know the literal meaning of each line. There were also difficulties in staging the performance: there was only one camera filming, I had to meet the operator halfway, and on the way greet the audience, remember the text and movements, the plastic movements characteristic of the artist himself. It was all very difficult!

LENA: Have you ever wanted to learn French? Such a beautiful language!
INTARS: I have long had a desire to learn French, Arabic and Spanish! There's just no time...

LENA: Now you’re like in the famous cartoon: “Your mother is shown here and there.” It seems like you are not resting at all! Do you have enough time for your family?
INTARS: I try to devote more time to my family, especially in the summer. In June I had a two-week vacation, then another week and a half in July, and in August I will also have two weeks free. But by the fall you will need to work a lot.

LENA: Creative people usually very emotional, are you easy to get angry, make you laugh, upset?
INTARS: It's easier to upset me than to make me laugh. I can laugh, but it takes effort to laugh until I cry!

LENA: And can you cry?
INTARS: Sure I can! We are all human. But I don’t cry over movies and cats from the Internet. Now, when I stand on stage or hear good song, I might shed a tear. True, only about myself!

LENA: Where is it more difficult for you to perform: in front of a large audience or at private events?
INTARS: It’s hard to say... Every performance is a huge responsibility. But small, intimate events are great for keeping fit. Otherwise you won’t sing for a week and you’ll have to sing for several hours. But be it big concert or a private “Christmas tree” - I’m going to the end! It is important for me that the viewer is satisfied and it is important to see the return from the listeners. If during a performance someone looks up from the plate and listens, if they start dancing, if they react, then everything is not in vain!

LENA: Are you a risk taker? Can you jump with a parachute?
INTARS: Oh come on! I regularly receive invitations to Dinner in the Sky, but I keep turning them down. I look at this crane that holds the platform, and I immediately remember how my brother suffered in the Talsi tragedy - he broke his legs, but, fortunately, he remained alive. Therefore, I will not risk my life for food. But driving a car or riding a roller coaster is welcome!

LENA: What brings joy in life?
INTARS: I love driving fast Pine forest, morning coffee is a ritual! Even my wife and I have learned to achieve zen - the children can go crazy, but we calmly drink coffee. I love traveling around Latvia, but I dream of going to Iceland. I really like to plan my vacation, communicate with friends at home, around a set table, so we have a large table, but no TV. And I love my family, of course!

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