Yeast dough buns in the oven: recipes with photos. Simple sweet yeast buns

Probably everyone loved sugar buns in childhood. And at the mention of this type of baking, your mouth begins to water profusely. A fragrant delicacy generously sprinkled with sugar! Despite the danger of gaining excess weight, it is very difficult to resist the buns! Therefore, every self-respecting housewife should know how to make baked goods on her own so that the final product turns out much better than in the store. The buns are extremely original in design. Their shape is extremely varied: butterfly, heart or curl. Besides, everything is easier than you think, both kneading the dough and baking the bun!

How to make buns with sugar - kneading the dough

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Dry yeast – 8 g.
  • Homemade milk – 300 ml.
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Wheat flour – 450 g.
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp.
  • Vanilla sugar – 10 g.
  • Refined sunflower oil – 40 ml.
  • Butter – 40 g.
  • Salt – 1 pinch.

Ingredients for brushing and powder:

  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Butter – 60 g.
  • Sugar – 100 g.

Cooking process:

  • Heat milk (250 g) to 38°C, dilute dry yeast (8 g) and sugar (2 tbsp) in it. Within 10 min. the yeast comes to life. In the future, they will give the dough the necessary fluffiness. Wheat flour is cleared of debris and enriched with oxygen by sifting through a sieve.
  • Mix homemade milk with yeast, a pinch of salt, regular sugar (3 tablespoons) and vanilla sugar (10 g), 2 types of butter (sunflower and butter) with flour. In a deep bowl sprinkled with flour, knead an elastic and homogeneous ball.
  • Cover the container with cling film or a clean towel and place in a warm place for 50 minutes. During this time, the dough will rise and be ready for making buns. Now you need to choose an option for shaping the appearance of the bun. There are 3 common methods: heart, butterfly and curl.

How to make heart-shaped sugar buns

First of all, the table is sprinkled with flour to prevent sticking. A small piece, the size of the intended bun, is torn off from the main dough. The lump is rolled out into a circle the size of a large plate (diameter about 24 cm). Lubricated with butter or vegetable oil, sprinkled with sugar. To prevent the sweetness from spilling out during further manipulations, you can walk over the pancake with a wooden rolling pin, supposedly pressing it into the layers. Next, the roll is rolled up and folded in half. The ends are connected to each other. It is cut with a knife along the rib, leaving a few centimeters to the connected ends. The edges unfold and the heart is ready.

How to make butterfly buns with sugar

A piece of dough the size of a bun is rolled out into a circle with a diameter of 24 cm. Sprinkled with sugar and greased, as in the previous version of the “heart”. Roll up the roll and connect the 2 ends in the middle, easily securing with your fingers. Make 1 cut on both sides, without bringing the knife to the middle. The butterfly's wings are unfurled by hand.

How to make swirl-shaped sugar buns

The product goes through all the previous stages of rolling and sprinkling with sugar. The roll is rolled up and cut on one side for the entire length, leaving 3 cm on the other edge. The ends need to be wrapped around a 3-centimeter ponytail on all sides.

Baking sugar buns

When the buns are already formed, they are baked. To do this, grease a metal baking sheet with refined sunflower oil and carefully lay out the buns, maintaining a distance of 3-4 cm on each side. Now you should wait 20 minutes. for lifting. Then beat the egg with sugar and butter with a whisk or fork, brush the top of each bun. This way you will get a golden brown crust. Preheat the oven to 180°C and place a baking tray. Bake for 35 minutes. with verification.

There are many varieties of this bakery product: the Moscow version with sugar, with raisins, apple, cinnamon and cottage cheese. The most traditional is an ordinary sugar bun, which will take a little time to make. Well, baking is a breeze! About 35 min. for baking in the oven and about 50 minutes. for the main job. And in subsequent moments, when your hand gets full, this period is halved! If you make the dough with yeast (and this is the whole secret), the product will come out fluffy. The yummy food is very popular not only in our country, but also far beyond its borders!

Have you noticed how pleasant and appetizing the baked goods smell in supermarkets, bakeries and other stores that have their own culinary department? Sometimes you really want the delicious aroma of fresh buns, for example, buns, to be in your home! Of course, for housewives with experience this is simple and understandable, but beginners will immediately wonder how to prepare buns with sugar!

This is a classic recipe for buns, somewhat conservative (if you can call it that), but loved and revered by both children and adults. By the way, baking buns with sugar according to this recipe is quite easy, so even if you are going to bake buns for the first time, you will definitely succeed if you follow the steps of the recipe.


To prepare bun dough with sugar you will need:

  • wheat flour – 500g;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs. (necessarily fresh);
  • butter – 70g (do not spare money on quality butter);
  • yeast – 1 tablespoon (can be topped);
  • a pinch of salt;
  • granulated sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk – 220 ml;
  • butter for filling – 100g;
  • sugar for filling – 150g.

You will also need yolk to grease the buns.

And now about how to prepare buns with sugar.

Mix the eggs with sugar and beat this mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved. By the way, try whipping not with a mixer or a whisk, but with two forks - this is exactly what real professionals do, for example, when whipping homemade mayonnaise.

Next, dilute the yeast in hot (no higher than 40 degrees!) milk and leave for 15 minutes so that it “grows.”

Pour the yeast into the egg mixture, add melted butter (it is best to melt it in a water bath, not in the microwave) and salt. Mix everything well, you can beat it with a fork again.

Next, flour is added; it can be pre-sifted. Add it a little at a time and knead the dough. If necessary, add flour. The bun dough should be plastic and not sticky.

Cover the dough with a dry, clean towel and leave it in a warm place for an hour with a sense of accomplishment.

During this time, the dough will increase in volume, “proof” and be ready for further steps.

Now the most interesting thing is the actual process of the birth of buns. Cut off a piece of dough, knead (or roll) it into a round layer about 0.5 cm thick. We also prepare the filling: melt the butter and measure out the required amount of sugar.

Pour a spoonful of butter onto the rolled out layer of dough (by the way, choose the diameter at your discretion; the smaller it is, the smaller the buns you will get), and sprinkle plenty of sugar on top.

Roll the circle into a tube...

...and fold the tube in half. Press the ends lightly so that they stick.

Turn the curl over and make a deep cut, leaving about 1 cm near the ends. The result will be something in the form of a slingshot.

We unfold the ends of the “slingshot”, opening the curls so that the relief of the bun is clearly visible.

We do the same with the remaining dough. Next, cover the baking sheet with foil, you can lightly grease it with vegetable oil. We place all the buns, if possible, leave a little space between them, since they will still grow in the oven. Lightly brush them with egg yolk.

Bake the buns for 20 minutes at 200C. If your products are small in size, then the baking time can be reduced to 15 minutes and vice versa, if you made large buns with sugar, then you need to bake them for 30 minutes.

The finished buns must cool and only then can they be served. If desired, you can sprinkle them with powdered sugar, chocolate chips, etc. These baked goods go well with milk, cocoa, and other drinks, including juices.

Bon appetit!

Victoria Panasyuk

I love making homemade buns... There is no clear answer to why, but there are a few observations.

Firstly, this is the yeast dough from which it is made. I like the way it rises, I like looking at this ball of dough and touching it with my hands.

Secondly, this is the form. It’s one thing to simply eat buns and quite another to penetrate the secret of how to twist them. Do you know how to give a bun the shape of a bun? No? But I know, and I write this proudly, because now I am no longer a green housewife, but a more ripe one.

And thirdly, it's taste. I don’t know who came up with buns and when, but the author was clearly in a good mood since he managed to make a bun with caramel.


  • Water or milk 250 ml
  • Pressed yeast 40 g
  • Eggs 1 piece
  • Butter 40 g + 10 g
  • Flour 550-600 g
  • Sugar 100 g

Crumble the pressed yeast a little and place it in a deep bowl suitable for kneading dough.

Add warm water (milk), pre-melted but not hot butter, beaten egg and mix well.
As you may have already noticed in the recipe, you can choose to use milk or water. I recommend water when there is no milk in the refrigerator. If you try to compare to understand the difference, then the dough prepared with milk tastes better. But believe me, the buns with sugar and water also turn out decent.

Add 1 tablespoon of sugar, 0.5 salt and stir.

Add flour in two additions. The first portion of flour can be mixed with a large spoon. For the second one you will have to use your hands.

When the dough forms a ball, transfer it to the table, start kneading and continue with the same activity for about 2-3 minutes. In turn, the dough should stop sticking to your hands (or easily fall behind without leaving marks on them).

Good kneading is important for yeast dough, so don't skimp on the effort, you'll benefit from it. At some point, the dough may start to stick more, if you feel that the work has become more difficult, sprinkle a little flour on the table and continue.

Place the dough back into the bowl, cover with something and place in a place where there is more heat than usual if the weather outside is not the warmest. In comfortable conditions, it will fit you faster. At the moment when it increases by about 2.5 times, you can begin to form homemade buns.

How to roll a bun with sugar, method No. 1:

Divide the dough into two parts. Roll out the layer to a thickness of 4-5 mm. There is no need to make it too thin, as this may affect the appearance of the finished product. Grease the entire surface with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar.

Roll the layer into a roll and cut into equal pieces.

Cut each piece lengthwise, not reaching one end. Move the pieces apart, like butterfly wings.
By making buns with sugar in this way, you will end up with small and neat products.

Method of rolling buns with sugar No. 2:

There is another way to form buns, in which they turn out larger and look more familiar.

Roll out a layer with a diameter of about 15 cm. Also grease it with butter, sprinkle with sugar and roll it into a roll.

Bring the ends together and press until they stick together.

Cut lengthwise, without reaching the end (it is convenient to do this using scissors) and straighten the resulting parts to the sides.

Place the homemade buns on a baking sheet and leave for 20-30 minutes to rise. Brush with beaten egg and bake until golden brown.

Sweet, buttery and lean, with or without a variety of fillings, buns are always welcome with tea. You can easily have them as a snack “on a working afternoon”, stock up on them for a short trip, or simply order them in a cafe with a cup of tea.

A special case is the attitude towards buns of little sweet tooths. It’s such a delight if you can enjoy fluffy buns with your friends, stealing them on the sly from your mother!

Well, all mothers can do is knead the dough, prepare the filling and bake the most delicious buns in the world. There are a lot of options for such simple baking, but to get an airy delicacy, the dough must be kneaded with yeast.

General principles for making airy buns

Yeast dough is prepared using dry or fresh pressed yeast, which is activated with warm milk. To speed up the process, sugar is added to them. The prepared mixture is left warm for some time until bubbles appear on its surface. Further kneading is carried out according to the recipe, since each type of dough has its own nuances that cannot be ignored.

Properly activated yeast is only half the battle. Well-kneaded yeast dough must rise - at least double in volume - to make the buns airy. To do this, it, like yeast, is placed in heat. The holding time can last from one to two hours and depends not only on the type of yeast, but also on the amount of baking. The more eggs and butter in the dough, the longer it will take.

After rising, the dough must be kneaded to release excess air from it. Then they are cut into portions and made into buns. The formation of buns has its own subtleties, as it can affect the splendor no less than the factors described above. You cannot roll out the dough thinly; the minimum thickness of the layers should be 8 millimeters or more. It is unacceptable to roll the yeast dough into tight rolls; there should be a little free space between the layers for rising.

Rich airy buns made from yeast dough – “Raisins”


Half a kilo of flour;

1.5 spoons of dry active yeast;

A glass of medium-fat milk;

50 gr. sugar;

60 ml vegetable oil;

A spoon of crystalline vanillin;

50 grams of high-quality, not overdried raisins;

One raw yolk.

Cooking method:

1. Sort out the raisins, scald them with boiling water, and fill them with warm water. After waiting for 10 minutes, put it on a sieve and let the remaining water drain.

2. Heat the milk. We don’t boil or make it hot, we bring it to a temperature of 38–39 degrees, no more. After pouring warm milk into a large bowl, add yeast and sugar. Stir well and set aside until bubbles appear.

3. Add vanilla, vegetable oil to the foamed yeast, pour in the egg. Mix everything well with a whisk. Gradually adding flour and dried raisins, knead the dough. After transferring to the table, knead thoroughly for about ten minutes. Then put it back in the bowl, cover and put it in a warm place for an hour and a half.

4. After the dough has risen well, knead it a little again, cut it into 12 parts and form them into round buns.

5. Cover the baking sheet with parchment, moisten the paper with vegetable oil and lay out the buns, leaving centimeter gaps between the products.

6. Brush them with beaten yolk on top, sprinkle with sugar, and put in the oven for half an hour. Bake at 180 degrees.

Airy buns with dry yeast – “Cherry bagels”


Granulated instant yeast – 8 g;

Half a kilo of high quality flour;

A glass, plus two spoons of milk;

Two large eggs;

Half a glass of sugar;

30 gr. "Farm" oil;

A spoon of quality starch;

270 grams of fresh or frozen cherries.

Cooking method:

1. In a deep bowl, mix yeast with 2 full tablespoons of sugar. Pour the mixture with warm milk and stir until smooth.

2. Break the egg, pour the white into a deep plate, and the yolk into a cup. Pour another whole egg into the white, whisk, and pour into the foamed yeast. Add a spoonful of milk to the yolk, beat and set aside.

3. Pour a little salt into the yeast base, sift all the flour, add melted butter, and knead the dough.

4. Remove the pits from fresh cherries; if the berries are frozen, thaw them in advance in a colander. Add two tablespoons of sugar and one starch to the cherries and mix.

5. Having prepared the filling, we begin to form the bagels. Divide the dough into three equal parts, roll it into circles, 8 to 10 millimeters thick, and cut them into eight segments.

6. Using a spoon, place three cherries on the wide edge of the triangles and roll them up. We pinch the sides so that the juice from the filling does not leak out.

7. Place the cherry bagels on a baking sheet lined with parchment and leave them near the oven for 15 minutes. Then grease them with yolk whipped with milk, put the roasting pan in the oven.

8. Bake the bagels for about 10 minutes.

Vanilla fluffy buns without eggs – “Sugar Roses”


Four full glasses and an additional 4 tablespoons of premium flour;

50 gr. compressed yeast;

One and a half glasses of drinking water;

Sugar – two spoons;

Half a glass of refined oil;

Vanilla (powder) – 2 tsp.


Half a glass of beet sugar;

A packet of vanilla crystal powder.

Cooking method:

1. We dilute the crumbled yeast with warm water. Dissolve sugar in the yeast mixture, add three tablespoons of flour, lightly whisking, stir thoroughly to remove lumps. Place the bowl with the yeast in a warm place and wait for it to foam.

2. When the yeast mixture begins to rise, add some flour, add a little salt and vanilla, and stir. Add vegetable oil and, little by little adding the remaining flour, make a soft dough. After thoroughly kneading it on the table, immediately divide it in two.

3. Roll out squares, centimeter thick, grease them with refined oil and sprinkle generously with sugar. We go over the top, rolling without pressure, with a rolling pin, and roll it up into rolls. Cut them into five-centimeter pieces.

4. In a small bowl, mix sugar with vanilla powder. If desired, regular refined sugar can be replaced with brown sugar.

5. Take a piece of roll, slightly pull down the top layer of dough and pinch it tightly. Dip the top of the bun into the sugar mixture and place on the prepared baking sheet.

6. Let it rise for a quarter of an hour, then bake for 20 minutes in a preheated oven.

Airy buns instead of bread: a recipe for fragrant garlic dumplings


A full glass of 2.5 percent milk;

Two eggs;

25 gr. Sahara;

Five tablespoons of unfragrant oil;

11 gr. instant yeast;

Half a kilo of wheat flour;

Fine salt, evaporated.

For the garlic coating:

A small head of garlic;

Spoon of salt;

50 ml unrefined oil;

Fresh dill (chopped) - a tablespoon.


Fresh egg;

Dessert spoon of low-fat milk, pasteurized.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the yeast into a bowl, add two tablespoons of heated milk, stir, add a spoonful of sugar. Leave for 10 minutes for the granules to swell.

2. Place the swollen yeast in the slow cooker. Pour in the remaining sugar, break the eggs and pour in cold, room temperature milk. Pour in the oil and, adding a little salt, add a small pinch of fine salt. Gently stir everything with a whisk.

3. Pour the flour sifted a couple of times into the bowl and knead the dough. Leave it in the bowl, forming it into a ball. After turning on the “Multi-cook” program for forty minutes, set the temperature to 35 degrees.

4. While the dough is rising, prepare the garlic coating. Mix the garlic grated on the fine side of a grater with salt. We dilute the garlic mass with refined oil.

5. Grease the table with vegetable oil. After waiting for the set program to complete, transfer the risen dough to the table, grease your hands with oil, and knead thoroughly. Separate small pieces, roll them into balls. After gathering and slightly twisting the dough inward, place the buns on an oiled baking sheet.

6. In a hot oven, bake at 180 degrees until done, at least half an hour.

7. Beat the egg and mix with milk. Coat the buns with the mixture on all sides five minutes before they are ready.

8. Mix the prepared garlic oil with dill. We grease the surface of the hot buns with it, spread the garlic and dill on them, and leave to stand. A quarter of an hour is enough for the buns to become saturated with garlic aroma.

“Chrysanthemums” – airy buns made with dry yeast


Half a liter of three percent milk;

Spoon of salt;

15 gr. dry “fast” yeast;

Two spoons of sugar;

40 milliliters of clarified oil;

Wheat flour – 800 gr.

For the filling:

Butter, “Peasant” butter – 50 gr.;

Two spoons of hand-ground cinnamon (or very high quality, purchased);

Ten spoons of sugar.


One egg, choice.

Cooking method:

1. Stir yeast in heated milk, add sugar, and place the bowl in a warm place. We wait a quarter of an hour and pour a quarter spoon of salt into the rising mass, add vegetable oil, add the sifted flour and knead the dough without delay. Putting it in a warm place, we give it time to rise well. Then we put it on the table, cut it into thirteen pieces, and roll them into balls.

2. Roll out the pieces into rectangles up to 8 mm thick, grease them, not too much, with melted butter. Sprinkle with cinnamon mixed with sugar, roll into long rolls and assemble them into a “snail” of two tiers, with the seam facing inward. Transfer to prepared roasting pan.

3. Using scissors, in a checkerboard pattern, cut both tiers of the resulting flower. We make no more than four cuts on each.

4. Grease the future “chrysanthemums” with beaten egg, bake with the oven heating at 180 degrees, 20 minutes, without opening the door.

Airy buns with boiled condensed milk – “Golden Key”


Butter, high-quality butter – 100 g;

Half a liter of low-fat milk;

125 gr. Sahara;

Five glasses of good quality wheat flour;

20 gr. "quick" yeast;

One egg;

A can of caramelized condensed milk.

For coating:

Two spoons of powdered sugar;

Drinking water – 30 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Pour warm milk into a deep plate. Pour the yeast into it and stir until smooth.

2. Pour sugar into a wide bowl, add melted, well-cooled butter, pour in eggs. Lightly beat the sweet mass with a whisk.

3. Continuously stirring the yeast mixture, gradually add the sweet mass, then beat vigorously. Add flour, knead the yeast dough. Place the bowl in a warm place and let the dough rest for up to half an hour, waiting for a good rise.

4. Kneading with your hands, remove excess air from the risen dough and roll it out into a thick layer. Use a glass to squeeze out the buns.

5. Place a teaspoon of boiled condensed milk in the center of each mug and secure the edges tightly over the filling. Turn it seam side down, shape it into an oval and place it on the roasting pan.

6. Dilute the powdered sugar with water, grease the buns with syrup and bake them for about 25 minutes.

Secrets and tricks of making airy buns

When activating yeast, strictly observe the temperature regime. Do not pour cold or excessively hot liquid over the yeast, it may die and airy baking will not work. Be sure to let the yeast mixture sit for a while, it takes time for successful activation.

Knead the yeast dough slowly, carefully distribute the newly added ingredients throughout its entire volume. The dough should be homogeneous, without any inclusions or poorly mixed flour.

If the room is cool, place the container with the kneaded dough near the radiator or the oven. Additionally, wrap the bowl in a blanket.

Although our family is small, we often have guests with whom we love to have tea, and what could be better for tea than home-made pastries?

These yeast milk buns are unique in that they do not have any fancy or unfamiliar ingredients in the recipe. They are also stored for more than 30 days, our personal record was exactly 38 days, but they did not go stale and remained soft, airy and tasty. They need to be stored in a tied bag in a place out of direct sunlight.

I myself will present you with the “original” recipe for my mother’s buns with milk, and I’ll warn you, you get a big bowl of buns from these ingredients (!). For us this is completely normal, but if you do not eat so much baked goods, it is recommended to reduce the proportions of the dough by half.

Recipe for yeast buns with milk

For the dough you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons yeast;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons flour;
  • A glass of milk.

How to make a dough?

I pour flour, sugar and yeast into a cup and mix them dry. So, the components connect better with each other, and when you pour in warm milk, you will immediately notice how the yeast reacts and bubbles appear, and the sugar enhances their nutrition.

The milk needs to be poured warm, but not hot, usually I put a glass of milk in the microwave for 30-50 seconds, and it becomes the desired temperature. Warm milk speeds up the process of yeast swelling and subsequently the dough will turn out very airy and soft.

Pour milk into flour with yeast and sugar, mix. It is usually recommended to stir until the lumps are completely dissolved, but I do not do this and allow for the presence of small “flour bubbles”. Since yeast does not like to be disturbed too much, and lumps in any case will go away when the dough swells and when kneading the dough.

Leave the dough for 5-15 minutes to rise. Usually I wait for the dough to swell like a cap to the edge of the cup and start kneading the dough.

For the yeast bun dough you will need:

  • 500 ml milk;
  • 1 large glass of sugar;
  • 5 eggs;
  • Packaging of margarine (200 g);
  • Flour.

How to make buns at home?

Pour the dough into the bowl where you will knead the dough. Place the prepared ingredients into the dough - milk, sugar, eggs and melted margarine. I stir the batter lightly as I add the eggs and pour in the melted margarine afterwards to prevent them from cooking.

You need enough flour to knead a dough that is not too tight and not too liquid. I usually knead the dough until it doesn't stick to my hands.

Advice for housewives: Add a pinch of salt to any baked goods, then the taste will be richer and sweeter. But don't add salt to the yeast as it will block its growth.

Be sure to grease the dough with vegetable oil so that it does not dry out, and put it in a warm place to rise. The dough should rise and double in size.

I couldn’t wait for the dough to fully proof and started baking the buns from the first proofing, but it still rose well. I usually leave the first batch of buns for 20 minutes so that the dough rises a little and then put it in the oven.

I make the next batch as soon as I put the buns in the oven, and while they are baking this batch will rest.

These are the delicious and fluffy milk buns I made!

Enjoy your tea party, and I, myself, a Happy Housewife, will be sincerely glad if this recipe for fluffy homemade buns adds to your collection of recipes!

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