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Jan 11, 2017

Fatal eggs Michael Bulgakov

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Title: Fatal Eggs

About the book “Fatal Eggs” Mikhail Bulgakov

Mikhail Bulgakov is one of the most talented and mysterious personalities 20th century. The fate of this writer was not easy, but from his pen came stunning masterpieces that largely shaped Russian literature. Bulgakov's stories and novels are daring, realistic, they ridicule not only the authorities, but also the entire structure of life of that time.

The story “Fatal Eggs” was first published in 1925; this book belongs to the genre science fiction. Mikhail Bulgakov wrote this work in 1924, but its action takes place in the future, in 1928. This story is fantastic, but at the same time it is frighteningly realistic. The author uses his traditional narrative style - the book is replete with bright allegories, metaphors, Bulgakov’s language is bright and multifaceted, every sentence carries deep meaning. With the help of bitter humor and subtle satire, the author conveys the characters’ characters and general atmosphere that time.

“Fatal Eggs” should be read slowly and thoughtfully, this is the only way to understand the author’s real intention when creating the book. Main character This story is about the talented scientist Persikov, who works in the field of zoology. He develops a “ray of life,” that is, a stream of light that promotes the rapid development of embryos. The chairman of the state farm, Alexander Rokk, wants to take advantage of this discovery for personal gain.

Rokk orders several boxes of chicken eggs and plans to use the life ray to speed up the process of birth and development of chickens. But a terrible mistake occurs - instead of chicken eggs, snakes, crocodiles and ostriches are sent to the state farm. Under the influence of the ray of life, the cubs not only hatched, but also grew to unimaginable sizes, multiplied and began to pose a real danger to society.

The result of the mistake, described in Mikhail Bulgakov's story "Fatal Eggs", terrible events occur, people die, and a huge number of hatched snakes and crocodiles are gradually moving towards Moscow. The reptiles are multiplying at a tremendous speed, and all village residents are forced to leave their homes to save their lives.

This book is both scary and interesting; at the time of publication it created a sensation, since such a genre in literature was rare. The author's amazing talent allows him to create realistic paintings; the plot of the story is completely unpredictable. “Fatal Eggs” leaves a deep imprint on the reader’s soul; it is a classic of literature, a must-read.

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Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov's story “Fatal Eggs” is a fantastic work that was far ahead of its time. The invention of the “ray of life”, the appearance and attack of giant monsters with superpowers – today such a plot is the envy of science fiction authors. And all this against the backdrop of the eternal and unchanging accompaniments of human society - bureaucracy, envy, negligence, panic.

At the beginning of the century, back in 1928, the Soviet scientist Vladimir Ipatievich Persikov, quite by accident and unexpectedly for himself, received a ray that activated the strange qualities of living organisms. The “Ray of Life” first manifests its effect on amoebas, which multiply at a terrible speed, destroy each other, leaving offspring of the strongest and most aggressive. As a result of this natural selection, amoebas become twice as large and are characterized by increased agility and anger.

Having memorized the location of mirrors and lenses, Professor Persikov and Associate Professor Ivanov build several chambers in which they receive a more powerful and larger “ray of life”. With its help, they conduct experiments on frog tadpoles. The results are simply amazing. Tadpoles go through the entire development period intended by nature in just a day. And the hatched frogs are distinguished by their anger and gluttony. As a result, the strongest frogs devoured the weaker half and reproduction began at an unprecedented speed. Information about strange experiences leaks into the press.

At the same time, a chicken epidemic occurs in the country, which takes the lives of all poultry in the country. An emergency commission is being created to combat chicken plague, which includes Persikov, but the consequences of the disease are irreversible. Everyone thinks so, but not Alexander Semenovich Rokk, who obtained permission from the Kremlin to use the ray of life to breed a new generation of chickens. Persikov warns the head of the collective farm that the “ray of life” has not been fully explored and the results of its influence may be terrible. But an enterprising figure takes all the professor's cameras.

For his experiments, Persikov orders eggs from tropical animals from abroad - pythons, crocodiles, ostriches. At the same time, Rokk orders chicken eggs for breeding. Both negligence and inattention did their job: the parcels were mixed up. Rokk finds eggs with tropical animals in his hands, which do not arouse any suspicion in the manager, despite their strange appearance. While the eggs were brought to the cells, all the frogs in the vicinity disappeared and the dogs howled. A few days later, huge snakes, crocodiles, and ostriches hatched from the eggs. People, including Rocca's wife, die from their gluttony and bloodthirstiness. The representatives of the GPU, who came to verify the reality of the situation, also die.

A real war begins between people and giant monsters, which are also multiplying at an amazing speed. When the information reaches the capital, an angry crowd in a panic brutally kills Professor Persikov, blaming him for all the troubles. But people cannot defeat the monsters and nature comes to the rescue. Sudden frosts in August reach minus 18 degrees, from which all tropical animals die.

Ends tragic story rotting corpses of monsters, cleaning up territories. The capital almost forgets about the horror that could befall it. The whole world has been talking for a long time about the “ray of life”, about the professor, about the catastrophe. But no one, including Associate Professor Ivanov, is able to obtain an amazing beam.

The book by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov “Fatal Eggs” is narrated by Alexander Sinitsa. As always, excellent, professional performance of the work allows you to enjoy the classics. Combine the correct significance classic work And fantastic Alexandru The tit, apparently, succeeded without difficulty. Clear sound, correct emotional tones and nothing superfluous.

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Audiobook length: 3.5 hours

Book voiced by: Alexander Sinitsa

Recording quality of this audiobook: high

"Fatal eggs" - fantastic story Mikhail Bulgakov, first published in 1925. It was also published in an abbreviated form under the title “Ray of Life” in the same year. Having written the story “Fatal Eggs” in 1924, Bulgakov places his characters in 1928. The brilliant and eccentric zoologist Professor Vladimir Ipatievich Persikov accidentally discovers the amazing phenomenon of the stimulating effect of light in the red part of the spectrum (which is symbolic) on embryos. Organisms irradiated with an open Peach ray at the time of development (for example, embryos in eggs) begin to develop much faster and reach larger sizes than the “originals”. In addition, they are distinguished by their aggressiveness and incredible ability to multiply rapidly. Just at that time, a chicken pestilence swept across the country, and one state farm, headed by a man named Rokk, decided to use Persikov’s discovery to restore the number of chickens. According to orders from above, Rokk takes the irradiation chambers with which the professor conducted experiments from Persikov and takes them away. Rokk orders chicken eggs abroad, and Persikov orders snake eggs for experiments. Having seen “some kind of dirt” on the delivered “chicken” eggs, Rokk calls Persikov, the professor thinks that this is a mistake, there cannot be “dirt” on the eggs, and therefore allowed Rokk not to wash them. Rokk begins irradiating the eggs, by the evening anacondas and crocodiles of monstrous sizes hatch from them, they kill Rokk’s wife and the visiting security officers. Persikov, ready for experiments, receives chicken eggs. The professor is outraged by this mistake, his assistant associate professor Ivanov shows him an “emergency application” to latest issue newspapers, where the photograph shows a huge anaconda... from the Smolensk province! Persikov realizes that a monstrous mistake has occurred: chicken eggs were sent to him, and snake eggs were sent to Rokka at the state farm. Rokk mistook the mesh pattern on snake eggs for “dirt.” Reptiles and ostriches multiply incessantly; their hordes, sweeping away everything in their path, move forward towards Moscow. Units of the Red Army enter into battles with reptiles, using, among other things, chemical weapon, but under the onslaught of reptiles they die. The capital, as well as the rest of the country, is in panic; the maddened crowd, deciding that it was Persikov who had unleashed the bastards, and, enraged, burst into the institute where the professor worked and killed him. When it seemed that there would be no salvation, suddenly a terrible frost fell by August standards - minus 18 degrees. And the reptiles, unable to withstand it, died. And although there were widespread epidemics from “the corpses of reptiles and people” for a long time, the main danger had passed. Although Associate Professor Ivanov, the former assistant of the great professor, now the head of the institute, tried to get the strange ray again, nothing worked out for him. “Obviously, this required something special, besides knowledge, which was possessed by only one person in the world - the late professor Vladimir Ipatievich Persikov.”

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