Budagov Yuri biography. Family of Ksenia Borodina

Name: Ksenia Borodina
Birthday: March 8, 1983 (age 34)
Place of birth: Maskva, Russia
Height: 165 cm Weight: 49 kg
Zodiac sign: Fish
Eastern horoscope: Boar
Activity: actress, TV presenter

(Ksenia Borodina and Oscar Karimova)

(Ksenia Borodina and Nikita Isaev)

Writing career Ksenia Borodina

Participation in the show as a TV presenter inspired Borodina to take up writing. In 2007, the girl published her first book, which was called “The Laws of Love.” The book was warmly received by loyal fans of the show "Dom-2". Ksenia promised that she would write another book soon after this. It will differ from the first both in genre and content. And the second book was supposed to tell about the biography of the TV presenter herself, about how she came to all-Russian fame. However, Borodina’s plans were not destined to come true.

In 2011, Ksenia published her second book. She was dedicated healthy image life. The book was called “Lose Weight with Ksenia Borodina.”

Entrepreneurial activity

Borodina also decided to try herself as an entrepreneur. Her friend, stylist Sergei Zverev, supported the girl in this endeavor. Together they opened a beauty salon. Ksenia also began to agree to host various events. She skillfully combined all this with work on a TV show.

Personal life of Ksenia Borodina

The TV presenter’s first husband was businessman Yuri Budakov. A beautiful date was chosen for the wedding: 08/08/2008. The spouses were brought together by television. They met at a recording session for one of the Comedy releases Club. Like Yuri, Ksenia attended the program as a celebrity guest.

For a long time after this, the young people communicated. However, their relationship did not go beyond friendly conversations. The event that finally brought them together was that Ksenia had trouble with her car. And Yuri helped the girl without any questions. Since then they started dating.

Three years after they met, Yuri proposed to Ksenia. They had a modest wedding so that nothing on this day would distract them from each other. Among the guests were only the closest people.

Soon after the wedding, rumors appeared that Borodina was preparing to become a mother. On July 9, 2009, the rumors became true - Ksenia gave birth to a daughter. The girl was named Marusya. Motherhood has become the most desired role for Ksenia. She even got a tattoo of her daughter's name.

(Ksenia Borodina and Yuri Budakov)

However, unfortunately, the marriage ended in divorce. Yuri demanded a divorce from the TV presenter, arguing that they had different ideas about the family. Ksenia was able to recover from a failed marriage. She began dating another participant in the television set.

After breaking up with Terekhin, Ksenia got married again.

(Ksenia Borodina and Mikhail Terekhin)

Her second husband was Kurban Omarov. The couple had a daughter.

(Kurban Omarov andKsenia Borodina)

Ksenia Kimovna Borodina is the idol of many young people, because she is talented and knows how to present herself favorably to her fans. The woman learned not to pay attention to the evil words of ill-wishers, and also to never give up.

At the same time, Ksyusha is not only a famous TV presenter and socialite, but also a DJ, a sought-after actress and the author of two best-selling books. The woman teaches her fans how to look good, offers a proven author’s diet, and also says that to be happy you just need to respect yourself.

Borodina is not only an accomplished star, but also a loving wife and caring mother, who never leaves her daughters to their fate.

Fans are constantly looking for information about their favorite’s height, weight, and age. It’s easy to find out how old Ksenia Borodina is, knowing her date of birth, which is not a secret.

At the same time, Ksenia Borodina: photos in her youth and now prove that the TV presenter is a woman without age, because she looks simply gorgeous. The fact is that Ksyusha was born in 1983, so she already managed to celebrate her thirty-fifth birthday.

The zodiac gave the girl the sign of dreamy, creative and original Pisces, and the Eastern horoscope endowed her with the stability and talkativeness of the Pig.

The shade of the girl’s hair is constantly changing, so for those who follow the process, we hasten to inform you that Ksenia Borodina’s hair color in 2017 and this year allowed her to be considered a brunette. By the way, a woman recently did this season’s fashionable balayage, which looks great with curly locks.

By the way, Ksenia Borodina’s haircut is a light cascade at the maximum long hair, which is complemented by a straight parting.

Ksyusha’s height was one meter and sixty-five centimeters, and she weighs incredibly little, only forty-six kilograms.

Biography of Ksenia Borodina

The biography of Ksenia Borodina began when she was born in the capital of our Motherland. Her parents were far from television and creativity, while her father’s name was always shrouded in mystery.

The father, Kim Amoev, is a man who was associated with crime, but he was also an entrepreneur who abandoned his daughter when she was one year old.

Mother, Inna Amoeva, is a nurse and housewife who married an Italian and left for this country, leaving her daughter with her grandparents.

Brother - Nikita Amoev - is younger than his famous sister, no one knows for sure whether he is her brother or cousin, it is only known that the young people do not communicate, and the guy raps under the pseudonym Stakhat.

The girl studied at a Moscow school and studied foreign languages, and after graduating, Ksyusha ended up at the Multilingual international school. By the way, higher education she received her studies at the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism in the capital, while simultaneously attending castings for a TV show.

Borodina's television career began with the Dom-2 project in 2004, because of which she refused to go for permanent residence to Italy. In addition, as a participant and presenter, she shone in the programs “Windows”, “ Cruel Games", "Dancing with the Stars", "Reloaded", "Let Them Talk."

Ksenia Borodina starred in the films “The Lavrova Method”, “Zaza”, “Happy Eighth of March, Men!”, wrote books, and also starred in photo shoots for men’s magazines and hosted concert programs.

Personal life of Ksenia Borodina

The personal life of Ksenia Borodina was eventful and tragic at the same time, since everything romance novels it ended before it even began. Ksyusha’s first love was her seventeen-year-old peer named Sasha, who lived with her on the next train. They dated the boy for two years and could not live without each other even a day. It was because of her loved one that Borodina decided to return from Italy, where she studied at a prestigious school.

Sasha and Ksyusha decided to enter the same university, but soon the young people broke up, although the girl was grateful to the guy for staying in the Russian Federation.

On the site of the Dom-2 project, Borodina had new fans who fell in love with her, but quickly left her. These include Misha Terekhin and the fatally handsome Oscar Kerimov, who dated the beauty for about a year.

Later, the couple broke up, but Ksenia was not alone for long, because Nikita Isaev appeared in her life, who was a fairly successful guy and headed the Prime Insurance company, which was engaged in insurance.

After Nikita, a young Moscow DJ named Anton burst into Ksyusha’s life, however, the girl did not meet him for a long time. Many of her fans often say that the reason, most likely, was Borodina’s beloved boyfriend and at the same time the vocalist from popular group“Dynamite” Leonide Nerushenko, who tragically died in 2005 in an accident.

However, recently information appeared on the Internet that Kurban Omarov and Ksenia Borodina got married, so we can say that the dark streak in the life of the TV presenter is over.

Family of Ksenia Borodina

Ksenia Borodina's family was strange, because it broke up as soon as Ksyusha was one year old. After this, the girl never saw her father, so she was terribly offended and even changed her surname Amoev to her mother’s, because she waited for her dad for several hours at his birthday party, but he did not come.

At the same time, the mother was also not close to her daughter, she decided to improve her personal life, married an Italian architect and owner construction company Jenny went to Italy. The baby stayed to live with her mother’s parents, Galina and Bulat, who simply adored Ksyusha, but could not make ends meet.

Mom sent the girl expensive gifts from Italy, but Ksyusha asked her grandparents to sell them in order to buy food and clothes; by the way, Inna Bulatovna knew nothing about this for a long time.

As a child, Ksenia did not get along well with her stepfather; she was afraid of him, but in adolescence I started flying to Italy all the time. The stepfather even called his stepdaughter to permanent place residence in this country, but Ksenia chose a career in Russian television.

Children of Ksenia Borodina

Ksenia Borodina's children were born from different husbands, but the woman simply adores babies. She says that she is grateful to the couple precisely because they gave her children.

When the eldest Marusya was born, her famous mother got a tattoo with her name so that her daughter would always be next to her. However, due to dense creative graphics Borodina was forced to hire an experienced nanny who replaced her and raised her daughter.

By the way, the age difference between the girls is six years, but they are very friendly, although Marusya, as an older sister, constantly protects the baby and takes care of her.

Ksyusha often calls Omarov’s son from his first marriage his son, and Omar simply adores his new sisters and often comes to visit them. Recently, information appeared on the Internet that the couple broke up and the baby is now not allowed to communicate with his sisters, although he really wants this, but this information remained at the level of gossip.

Daughter of Ksenia Borodina - Maria Budagova

The daughter of Ksenia Borodina, Maria Budagova, was born in 2009, her father was Yuri Budagov. Marusya slightly disappointed her mother, because she was born not on June 8, as she had planned, but on the ninth.

By the way, the baby has already become a real star, since in 2011 she already posed with her mother for the cover of Dom-2 magazine, she took part in many issues of the program, and also participated in photo shoots. Marusya studies at the school for young politicians, she wants to become a fashion model and constantly participates in fashion shows, while doing gymnastics and maintaining her own blog on Instagram. She loves Legos and monsters, as well as cartoons about Shopkins.

Marusya did not suffer in any way from her parents’ divorce, since she often spends time with her dad and gets along well with her stepfather.

Daughter of Ksenia Borodina - Teona Omarova

The daughter of Ksenia Borodina, Teona Omarova, was born in 2015, and her father was Kurban Omarov. The baby is often called Thea, which means “divine wisdom”, and she is growing up to be a copy of her dad.

Until two years old, Ksenia hid the name and photo of her second daughter from fans, and then she decided to reveal this secret. At the same time, Thea’s character is surprisingly reminiscent of her mother; she is active, cheerful, easily gets along with people and radiates positivity.

Teona loves to play with dolls, and especially baby dolls; she enjoys communicating with animals. The baby works with her mother using the Doman method; she draws, sings and learns English.

Ksenia Borodina's ex-husband - Yuri Budagov

Ksenia Borodina's ex-husband, Yuri Budagov, is a famous businessman whom the TV presenter met in 2008 on the set of popular show Comedy Club. This meeting was not love at first sight, but the guys met for a long time to chat and drink a cup of coffee.

The romance began when Borodina’s car broke down right on the road, and Yuri simply repaired it without charging a penny for it. Three years later, the guys secretly and modestly got married, and the bride didn’t even have a white wedding dress.

However, in 2011, information began to appear more and more often that Budagov had decided to get a divorce. The fact is that he needed a submissive housewife, and Ksenia spent all her time on the set of “Dom-2” and films, forgetting about her husband and daughter.

After the divorce, the guys went to different apartments, but continue to be friends and communicate only for the sake of their daughter.

Ksenia Borodina's husband - Kurban Omarov

Ksenia Borodina’s husband, Kurban Omarov, met her in 2015; he was a famous Dagestan businessman and a fan of his future wife’s talent. Since childhood, the guys simply called him Winter, because he was distinguished by restraint and self-confidence.

Kurban was not a public person, but for the sake of his beloved he agreed to give interviews and post his photos on the Internet. In 2015, the young people got married, and their children from previous marriages were present at their wedding. Together with the kids, the newlyweds went to honeymoon to the Turkish coast.

Kurban gave his chosen one a beauty salon, but the relationship was on the verge of collapse, since the guy turned out to be incredibly loving. Ksenia threw him a scene of jealousy, and for the first time he raised his hand to her.

The couple did not meet for several months, but then Ksenia nevertheless forgave her husband, although the Internet was already quick to report their divorce.

Naked Ksenia Borodina

Naked Ksenia Borodina on the Internet is far from uncommon, since the girl often posed nude for many men's magazines. She first undressed for the men's edition of XXL in 2005, but the photos turned out not vulgar, but naive and sweet, since Ksenia looked like a young girl with huge eyes in them.

In 2011, the beauty posed in more candid photo shoot for Playboy magazine, where she appeared as an insidious temptress in furs and a black peignoir. After this, shootings for other magazines followed, but in them Ksyusha, no matter how hard she tried, looked quite chaste.

In 2014, hackers hacked the girl’s computer and put racy photos of Borodina on public display because the star refused to pay them 1,000,000 rubles.

Photos of Ksenia Borodina have never appeared in Maxim magazine, although she is quite pleased candid photos often ended up on the Internet. And it’s not just the hackers who hacked her website, but also the woman’s openness.

However, a completely naked Borodina never appeared on the pages of publications or on the Internet, because she believed that being completely naked is only possible for a loved one whom you trust as much as yourself. There are also ambiguous photos and videos that were taken in films or on television programs.

Ksenia often appears before her fans in luxurious underwear, or in a swimsuit, since she is an avid traveler who loves to soak up the sea and ocean.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ksenia Borodina

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ksenia Borodina exist in official form, since the TV presenter is incredibly sociable. From the article dedicated to Borodina on Wikipedia, you can learn about her childhood, education, parents and stepfather, spouses and children. There is also up-to-date information regarding filmography, participation in television programs and doing business.

At least 10,800,000 people have subscribed to Ksyusha’s Instagram profile and can rate and comment on photos and videos, dedicated to creativity, spouse and children.

It is worth noting that Borodina has official page VKontakte, which you can trust, but, besides VK, you can find reliable data about her life on Facebook or Twitter.

Ksenia Borodina was born on March 8, 1983 in Moscow. The father of TV presenter Ksenia Borodina, Kim Amoev, was among crime bosses, detained last night at a gathering of thieves in law.

Borodina has a brother Nikita (lives in Mitino). After graduating from a private lyceum with in-depth study foreign languages Ksenia immediately entered the second year of the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism with a degree in tourism manager. Ksenia actively sent her resumes to TV channels, participated in castings and auditions, but there were no job offers.

Borodina, Ksenia Kimovna

Ksenia met with Leonid Nerushenko, the lead singer of the Dynamite group, who later tragically died in a traffic accident. The day before, in Moscow, police stopped a gathering of crime bosses. Kim Amoev attended Usoyan’s 40th meeting because he is a distant relative,” a law enforcement source told Life News.

The thieves gathered for the wake along with their wives and other relatives, a source explained to Life News. — Naturally, no one was going to keep women in the police. Ksenia herself refused to comment on the detention of her father. Ksenia Borodina - Russian TV presenter, who became famous after working on the scandalous reality show “Dom-2,” where Ksenia Sobchak became her partner.

Ksenia made frequent visits to sunny Italy, but her attachment to Russia again brought her back to Moscow. Then Ksenia Borodina, at the age of 17, continued her studies in the summer English school“Multilingual”, living in the family of a simple builder and a nurse. At the age of 18, on the day of her majority, Ksenia waited for her father for several hours, but he never showed up at the holiday.

Going towards her intended goal, Ksenia Borodina sent photos and resumes to various castings, and was a regular participant in various auditions. Conquering domestic showbiz was not an easy task. When Ksenia became desperate and was about to fly to Italy, she unexpectedly received a call and was informed about her confirmation on the TV show “Dom-2”.

Ksenia Borodina's father was detained

With the popularity of the show and the noise growing around it, Borodina's persona became increasingly visible to the public. Borodina showed herself as a writer in 2007, releasing the book “The Laws of Love.” Ksenia successfully combined working on a television project and running a business with performances at all kinds of events as a guest star.

Their daughter Marusya was born on June 9, 2009. Unfortunately, Borodina, like her parents in their time, failed to save the marriage. In 2011, the family broke up. For some time, Ksenia dated former Dom-2 participant Mikhail Terekhin. He arrived at the wake of Ded Khasan (Aslan Usoyan), who was killed in Moscow. Borodina’s father is a distant relative of the wife of Ded Khasan’s son, Nodari Usoyan.

Ksenia Borodina: personal life

After the conflict that occurred on her 16th birthday, Borodina, according to the agency, broke off all contacts with her father and took maiden name mother. In total, about 70 people were detained, among them, in particular, two of Usoyan’s nephews - Oka Khatoev (Oko) and Temuri Mirzoev (Timur Sverdlovsky), who is tipped to be Ded Hasan’s successor. True, according to Life News, Ksenia does not communicate with her father due to a long-standing resentment and for this reason took her mother’s maiden name.

Borodina's father was detained at the wake of Ded Hassan

Mother - Inna Bulatovna Borodina, fitness trainer. After graduating from university, Borodina received the specialty of tourism manager. Ksenia has a second higher education - she graduated from Moscow State University economics, statistics and computer science, becoming a certified economist. On April 4, 2011, Borodina and Budagov divorced.

Ksenia’s parents, in her own words, are Armenians, real name Borodina - Amoeva. Borodina studied for 9 grades at school 749, after which she moved to another institution. Borodin dreamed of becoming a TV presenter youth, was actively involved in sending out her resumes, attended auditions and castings, but TV channels did not find a place for her in any project.

Ksenia Borodina on Instagram:

A year later, the lovers have a daughter, Marusya, and happy Ksenia even got a tattoo with her daughter’s name. Ksenia Borodina is a fan of FC Lokomotiv, loves to watch romantic comedies, read poetry. Ksenia was a co-host of the “Cosmopolitan. On Monday, at the Moscow restaurant Korston at the wake of the murdered crime boss Ded Khasan, police officers detained his own father famous TV presenter Ksenia Borodina.

In one of her interviews, she noted that she is Armenian on her father’s side. When she was one year old, her parents divorced. She spent her childhood with her grandparents, visiting her parents living in Italy every year. One day, her parents deprived her of summer holidays and was sent to study at the English school “Multilingua” for three months.

At the age of 18, out of resentment towards her father, she took her mother’s surname. 72-year-old Amoev, like dozens of other detainees, was taken to the police department, where he was fingerprinted, photographed and checked for involvement in previously committed crimes.

On February 25, at about 4 p.m., in one of the restaurants in the southwest of the capital, police officers stopped a gathering of so-called criminal authorities, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow reported.

According to operational data, he controls most of the spirits business in Krasnodar region, where Hassan also had a very strong position. As for Kim Dzhioev, he got into this company thanks to his relationship with Hasan.

According to the official website of Ksenia Borodina, her parents are Armenians. Offended by her dad, Ksenia Amosova took her mother’s maiden name - Borodina. On August 8, 2008, Ksenia Borodina married businessman Yuri Budagov, whom she met at the Comedy Club.

Name: Ksenia Borodina (Ksenia Omarova)

Age: 35 years old

Height: 165

Activity: TV presenter, actress

Ksenia Borodina: biography

Ksenia Borodina is one of the brightest Russian TV presenters, which is the permanent “mistress” of the longest-playing Russian television reality show "Dom-2".

Over the years of working on TV, Ksyusha has gained unprecedented popularity in society. The successes, achievements and personal life of the TV star are widely discussed today by her many fans, who tirelessly follow all the news about Borodina.

Childhood and youth

Ksenia Kimovna Borodina was born in Moscow on International Women's Day, March 8, 1983, into a wealthy Armenian family. According to the zodiac sign Pisces. At birth, she received her father's surname - Amoeva, which she changed to her mother's maiden name upon reaching adulthood. This decision was a consequence of the fact that even in the first year of her life, her parents separated, and Ksyusha’s father no longer took part in raising the girl, not even appearing on her 18th birthday.

After the divorce, Ksyusha’s mother married an Italian architect and moved to his homeland, the island of Capri. She entrusted the upbringing of her daughter to her grandparents, so the future TV star spent her childhood in the Kuntsevo district of Moscow, where she grew up with street children under Soviet-era conditions.

Ksenia made frequent visits to sunny Italy, but her attachment to Russia again brought her back to Moscow. Until grade 9, Ksyusha attended Moscow school No. 749, and in grade 9 she transferred to a private lyceum specializing in in-depth study of foreign languages, from which she graduated with success.

At the age of 17, Borodina continued her education at the Multilingual English summer school, living in the family of a simple builder and a nurse. But at that time she already had her first love in Moscow - the boy Sasha from the next door. Therefore, the month spent abroad without Alexander seemed future star terrible, and the girl firmly decided to return to the Russian capital, despite the persuasion of her parents.

Upon arrival in the Russian capital, Ksenia Borodina immediately entered the Moscow Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism, where she was immediately accepted as a second-year student. Soon she broke up with Alexander and made a firm decision to become a TV star.


The creative biography of Ksenia Borodina dates back to university years. The future TV star took her career seriously in order to break into the harsh world of show business. She regularly sent her photos and resume to various castings, and passed numerous auditions for new television projects. But conquering show business turned out to be a difficult and almost impossible task for Borodina.

Repeated failed attempts to become a TV star led Ksenia to despair, and she, giving up her hands, was about to fly to Italy to visit her parents. But during this period she unexpectedly received a call and was informed about her approval for the TV show “Dom-2”.

“Dom-2” was the debut of an aspiring star, which became fateful in the future career of Ksenia Borodina. With the popularity of the show and the noise growing around it, the persona of the project's host became increasingly visible to the public.

Ksenia Borodina’s co-host was a TV star, with whom it was quite difficult to compete on screen. Nevertheless, Borodina managed to gain her authority among the participants of the television project and take a worthy position as a “foreman” of a love construction site, which she has held for over 10 years.

Having reached the Olympus of television fame, Ksenia Borodina began to appear in other large-scale projects on Russian television. In 2011, the girl took part in the 11th season of “Dancing with the Stars” and the television project “Cruel Intentions”.

Twice Borodina became a participant in the intellectual and entertainment show “Where is the Logic.” The first time she came to the program with her husband, and the second time with her co-host.

Also in the period 2012-2013, Borodina hosted the show “Reboot” on the TNT channel. In 2016, after a short break, Ksyusha returned to “Reboot” and hosts the program to this day. The show's ratings are high.

The reality show “Dom-2” did not limit Ksenia Borodina. She uses her creativity and outside the project. In 2007, Ksyusha tried her hand at being a writer - she published the book “The Laws of Love.” Ksenia promised that this would not be her only creation and spoke about plans to work in the autobiographical genre. 4 years later, in 2011, she saw the light new book TV presenter called “Lose Weight with Ksenia Borodina.”

In 2008, Ksenia Borodina, together with a stylist, opened the Celebrity beauty salon. Later short time The TV personality developed her beauty business to a serious scale, opening a network of beauty studios under her own name. Ksenia successfully combines working on a television project and running a business with speaking at all kinds of events as a guest star.

In addition to the show “Dom-2” and business, the popular TV presenter also proved herself as an actress - she starred in the film “Zaza” as the protagonist’s girlfriend. Later, Ksenia Borodina starred in the films “The Lavrova Method”, “Deffchonki” and “Happy March 8, men!”

Maria Berseneva and Ksenia Borodina in the film "Happy March 8, men!"

In 2016, rumors appeared that Ksenia Borodina was leaving Dom-2. Supposedly it will be replaced former member TV project. But the information was not confirmed, and, as before, Ksenia remains the permanent presenter of “House-2”. True, since December 2008, Olga Buzova became her co-host.

Many believe that there is an eternal confrontation between the presenters, although Ksenia says that this conflict is far-fetched.

Personal life

The personal life of Ksenia Borodina is full of joy and sadness, and her numerous novels are widely discussed by the public. At one time, Ksyusha met with the lead singer of the Dynamite group, Leonid Nerushenko, who later died in terrible accident. For Ksyusha, the death of her lover was a serious blow, which she took very hard. But time healed Borodina’s mental wounds, and she again opened her heart to love.

In 2006, the TV presenter tried to build love with Oscar Karimov, a participant in the Dom-2 project, the relationship with whom became “office romance No. 1” in the biography of Ksenia Borodina. This romance did not last long, and the couple broke up.

In 2008, Ksyusha married businessman Yuri Budagov. Their first meeting took place three years before the wedding on the set of the Comedy Club show, where the future husband and wife were present as guests. The wedding of Borodina and Budagov took place in an atmosphere unconventional for TV stars - the celebration was held according to a very modest scenario, according to which Ksyusha did not even put on the bride’s white dress, but went to the registry office in a golden evening dress.

In the marriage of Borodina and Budagov, a daughter, Maria, was born, although more often she calls her Marusya. In honor of the birth of her daughter, Ksenia immortalized her name with a tattoo on her arm. Unfortunately, Borodina, like her parents in their time, failed to save the marriage. In 2011, the family broke up with a big scandal. According to Ksyusha, the divorce from Yuri was a consequence of his wild life and bad attitude towards her.

After a short time, Borodina again decided to arrange her personal life. She started " office romance No. 2" with a former participant of "House-2".

During their romance, Borodina got into serious trouble. car accident. According to witnesses, Mikhail Terekhin was in her white Range Rover with Ksyusha. The media vied with each other to publish this news, claiming that Borodina was driving drunk. But the TV presenter said that the car was driven by her driver. She reported this to "Instagram", she also wrote there that no one was seriously injured in this incident.

The lovers had a rather heated relationship - they either quarreled across half the country, then reconciled again. As a result, the couple separated. Later, the TV presenter said that she could not stand Mikhail’s difficult character. According to her, he was too demanding and often limited her freedom.

On July 3, 2015, Borodina married a businessman, a Dagestani by nationality. The TV star took her husband's last name. This time the celebration was truly royal.

The wedding of Ksenia and Kurban can safely be called the event of the summer of 2015. The hall where the dinner was held resembled a winter landscape: a real forest of snow-covered trees, white flowers, frozen streams of crystal chandeliers. The surprise of the evening was a four-meter cake created by the best pastry chef in Moscow. The wedding dessert was also made in a snow theme.

On December 22, Ksenia Borodina gave birth to her beloved daughter Teona in one of the elite metropolitan clinics.

In July 2016, the media was full of information about the family. Spouses who previously posted on social media joint photos with declarations of love, removed each other from friends and stopped answering fans’ questions about personal life. The couple did not comment on this information for some time; later Borodina admitted to the press that the reason for the separation was Omarov’s infidelity.

Only the lazy did not discuss the divorce of Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov, but unexpectedly for everyone, the spouses reconciled after some time. On Instagram, Ksenia Borodina posted joint photos with her husband and said that her differences with her husband had been resolved. She persistently asked fans not to spread rumors about her personal life, assuring that she loved her husband and was not going to divorce him.

In addition to the reality show “Dom-2” and her vibrant personal life, Ksenia Borodina is interested in football, she is a fan of FC Lokomotiv. Also among Borodina’s hobbies there is a place for poetry. Borodin calls his favorite poets and, many of whose lyrical works he knows by heart.

Ksenia Borodina now

In 2018, the TV presenter celebrated her 35th birthday. Ksenia celebrated her anniversary with guests in Milan.

For several days after the celebration, Borodina published photographs on Instagram, which gave rise to many rumors. Despite the fact that the girl was wearing a light, tight dress, fans could see that she was almost 7 months pregnant. But, probably, the attention from the press was so intrusive that she still decided to comment on the current situation:

“It turns out that they saw me in this dress pregnant belly. Have you already decided who I am? Fat with a belly or too skinny?”

She also said that she is completely satisfied with her shape (with a height of 165 cm, her weight is 46 kg). So the rumors that the presenter is pregnant with her third child are nothing more than fan speculation.

Ksenia Borodina with daughters Marusya and Teona

By the way, Borodina approaches everything with great irony. In July 2018, she trolled her followers by posting a video where she first stroked her rounded belly, and then suddenly hit it with her hands. The caption under the post read:

Ksenia Kimovna Borodina(at birth - Amoeva; in the second marriage - Omarova; genus. March 8, Moscow) - Russian TV presenter, actress and DJ.


When she was one year old, her parents divorced. She spent her childhood with her grandparents, visiting her parents living in Italy every year. For some time I studied at the English school “Multilingua”. At the age of 18 (out of resentment towards her father), she took her mother’s surname. Borodina has a brother, Nikita, who studies at the Faculty of Law at the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Personal life

Met with former participants reality show “Dom-2” by Oscar Karimov and Mikhail Terekhin.

On July 3, 2015, Ksenia Borodina married businessman Kurban Omarov. On December 22, 2015, she gave birth to a daughter. The girl was given the name Thea.

  • Loves romantic comedies and football (he supports FC Lokomotiv).
  • He knows by heart many poems by his favorite poets - Alexander Pushkin and Nikolai Nekrasov.


  • - “House-2. Laws of love" ISBN 978-985-16-3060-4
  • - “Lose weight with Ksenia Borodina” ISBN 978-5-699-51624-7


  • - Zaza (dir. Andrey Silkin) - main character's girlfriend
  • - Lavrova Method (TV series, season 1, 3-4 episodes) - episode
  • - Deffchonki - as herself, reporter in Zvonarev’s apartment (episode 36)
  • - Happy March 8, men! - friend of the main character.


  • Participant in the talk show “Windows” (-)
  • Participant in the talk show “Girl’s Tears” (-)
  • Host of the program “House 2” ( - present)
  • Participant in the talk show “Let Them Talk” ( - present)
  • Co-host of the program “Cosmopolitan. Video version » ( - present)
  • Co-host of some episodes of the “Battle of Psychics” program ()
  • Participant in the television project “Dancing with the Stars” (season 2011)
  • Participant in the television project “Cruel Intentions” (season 2, 2011)
  • She was parodied twice in the TV show “Big Difference” as a co-host of the show “Dom-2”. The skits were performed by the troupe's artist Valentina Rubtsova.

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Excerpt characterizing Borodin, Ksenia Kimovna

“However, it seems no one noticed,” Rostov thought to himself. And indeed, no one noticed anything, because everyone was familiar with the feeling that an unfired cadet experienced for the first time.
“Here’s the report for you,” said Zherkov, “you’ll see, they’ll make me a second lieutenant.”
“Report to the prince that I lit the bridge,” the colonel said solemnly and cheerfully.
– What if they ask about the loss?
- A trifle! - the colonel boomed, - two hussars were wounded, and one on the spot, - he said with visible joy, unable to resist a happy smile, loudly chopping off beautiful word on the spot.

Pursued by a hundred thousand French army under the command of Bonaparte, met by hostile inhabitants, no longer trusting their allies, experiencing a lack of food and forced to act outside all foreseeable conditions of war, the Russian army of thirty-five thousand, under the command of Kutuzov, hastily retreated down the Danube, stopping where it was overtaken by the enemy, and fought back with rearguard actions, only as much as was necessary in order to retreat without losing weight. There were cases at Lambach, Amsteten and Melk; but, despite the courage and fortitude, recognized by the enemy himself, with whom the Russians fought, the consequence of these affairs was only an even faster retreat. The Austrian troops, having escaped capture at Ulm and joined Kutuzov at Braunau, now separated from the Russian army, and Kutuzov was left only to his weak, exhausted forces. It was impossible to even think about defending Vienna any longer. Instead of an offensive, deeply thought-out, according to the laws new science- a strategy, a war, the plan of which was transferred to Kutuzov when he was in Vienna as an Austrian gofkriegsrat, the only, almost unattainable goal that now seemed to Kutuzov was to, without destroying the army like Mack at Ulm, unite with the troops coming from Russia.
On October 28, Kutuzov and his army crossed to the left bank of the Danube and stopped for the first time, putting the Danube between themselves and the main forces of the French. On the 30th he attacked Mortier’s division located on the left bank of the Danube and defeated it. In this case, trophies were taken for the first time: a banner, guns and two enemy generals. For the first time after a two-week retreat, the Russian troops stopped and, after a struggle, not only held the battlefield, but drove out the French. Despite the fact that the troops were stripped, exhausted, weakened by one third, backward, wounded, killed and sick; despite the fact that the sick and wounded were left on the other side of the Danube with a letter from Kutuzov, entrusting them to the philanthropy of the enemy; despite the fact that the large hospitals and houses in Krems, converted into infirmaries, could no longer accommodate all the sick and wounded, despite all this, the stop at Krems and the victory over Mortier significantly raised the morale of the troops. Throughout the entire army and in the main quarters, the most joyful, although unfair, rumors were circulating about the imaginary approach of columns from Russia, about some kind of victory won by the Austrians, and about the retreat of the frightened Bonaparte.
Prince Andrei was during the battle with the Austrian general Schmitt, who was killed in this case. A horse was wounded under him, and he himself was slightly grazed in the arm by a bullet. As a sign of the special favor of the commander-in-chief, he was sent with news of this victory to the Austrian court, which was no longer in Vienna, which was threatened by French troops, but in Brunn. On the night of the battle, excited, but not tired (despite his weak-looking build, Prince Andrei could endure physical fatigue much better than the best strong people), having arrived on horseback with a report from Dokhturov in Krems to Kutuzov, Prince Andrei was sent by courier to Brunn that same night. Sending by courier, in addition to rewards, meant an important step towards promotion.
The night was dark and starry; the road turned black between the white snow that had fallen the day before, on the day of the battle. Now going over the impressions of the past battle, now joyfully imagining the impression that he would make with the news of victory, remembering the farewell of the commander-in-chief and comrades, Prince Andrei rode in the mail chaise, experiencing the feeling of a man who had waited for a long time and had finally achieved the beginning of the desired happiness. As soon as he closed his eyes, the firing of rifles and cannons was heard in his ears, which merged with the sound of wheels and the impression of victory. Then he began to imagine that the Russians were fleeing, that he himself had been killed; but he quickly woke up, with happiness as if he learned again that none of this had happened, and that, on the contrary, the French had fled. He again remembered all the details of the victory, his calm courage during the battle and, having calmed down, dozed off... After the dark starry night It was a bright, cheerful morning. The snow melted in the sun, the horses galloped quickly, and new and varied forests, fields, and villages passed indifferently to the right and left.
At one of the stations he overtook a convoy of Russian wounded. The Russian officer driving the transport, lounging on the front cart, shouted something, cursing in rude words soldier In the long German vans, six or more pale, bandaged and dirty wounded were shaking along the rocky road. Some of them spoke (he heard Russian dialect), others ate bread, the heaviest ones silently, with meek and painful childish sympathy, looked at the courier galloping past them.
Prince Andrei ordered to stop and asked the soldier in what case they were wounded. “The day before yesterday on the Danube,” answered the soldier. Prince Andrei took out his wallet and gave the soldier three gold coins.
“For everyone,” he added, turning to the approaching officer. “Get well, guys,” he addressed the soldiers, “there’s still a lot to do.”

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