Britney spears then and now. The Britney Spears phenomenon: why a comeback is impossible

A couple of weeks ago Britney released new album and starred for the cover of British Marie Claire, and a month before that she performed at the Billboard and MTV VMA ceremonies. Triumphant return the main pop star of the 90s? We are not sure

MTV VMA-2016 ceremony: Beyoncé celebrates her victory in the company of a record number of astronauts, Alicia Keys appears on the red carpet without makeup, Drake receives another award for the rather boring Hotline Bling, Kim Kardashian, as always, bares her hair, and her husband presents another video blockbuster Fade. It would seem that everything is in its place, but we missed another character. Britney Spears appears in a black Julien Macdonald dress - laconic, moderately covered, but with sexy slits in the right places.

One might not have paid attention to the appearance in a new image, as modern as it was unusual for Britney’s role, but a couple of days before, she presented her new album Glory. This is the first full-length album since Britney Jean in three years - a short break, but not for a star like Britney who has faded into the shadows.

A couple of days after the VMAs, the cover of the October issue of British Marie Claire leaked online -with the takeaway “Britney is back”, and even earlier there was news about the filming of a biopic about the singer. And all together it really gives the impression of a well-structured and successful comeback.

Britney's biography raises one question - why such a commercially successful singer never gained the influence that pop stars now have. She didn't become an icon like Rihanna or the aforementioned Beyoncé. Six out of nine studio albums Spears went platinum in the US, and Glory already took third place on the Billboard Chart 200, displacing Drake, Frank Ocean and the same Beyoncé. Yes, by today's standards, Britney is not an Instagram star: only 12.8 million subscribers. But she's struggling to reclaim her pop princess crown.

The story of Britney's fall is perhaps the most dramatic in the world of pop music over the past 20 years: there are no strangers in it, external factors or evil rock fate. From the angel singing in the Disney show "Mickey Mouse Club" and the hot schoolgirl from the Baby One More Time video, this schoolgirl has turned into America's favorite freak. Britney’s life, surrounded by paparazzi, was no less fascinating than the reality show “Keeping Up with the Kardashians.” Shaving his head, repeated hospitalizations, fights with photographers, display of genitals, fighting with the Los Angeles court for his own children, demonstrative failures to appear in court. Even the story of Michael Jackson evokes more compassion than Britney's purposeful self-destruction.

Miss Spears' rise came at the very end of the 90s: in 1999, she released her debut album Baby One More Time, which exploded the American pop scene, and after it the world. It was the beginning of the 2000s: the financial disasters of the previous decade were already behind us, and the 2008 crisis was still too far away. It was the 2000s that became the most faceless of all eras in the history of fashion: bad taste, deliberate sexuality, ridiculous luxury and consumption, consumption, consumption. In the history of music, too: the era of guitar rock is gone, experiments with electronics have exhausted themselves in the 80s and 90s, the time of Britpop is over, and the time of indie has not yet come. Boy bands Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync continued the tradition of successful girl groups like the Spice Girls, and starlets Spears and Christina Aguilera fit perfectly into this picture.

During the years of Britney's first releases, media scandals were more likely to benefit her. The breakup with Justin Timberlake in 2001 was perceived in the press as an innocent youthful breakup - and it only fueled interest in both pop stars. Short-term periods of Britney's eclipses like marriage to an old man school friend Jason Alexander, which lasted exactly 55 hours, didn't do much to ruin her reputation either.

The situation began to gradually deteriorate when personal life Britney seemed to have become stable. Her marriage to Kevin Federline turned into ruins in three years: Britney was deprived of parental rights and was also forced to pay monthly child support - 20 thousand dollars. By 2007-2008, the situation reached its climax: scandalous appearances in the company of Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan, public shaving bald and drug overdoses.

However, if we look at the other side of this story, Britney turns out to be not the author of her misfortune, but the victim. And the object of numerous manipulations - both from the mother, Lynn, and from the manager. These manipulations ended with everyone losing control over Britney, and at the same time.

Spears’ childhood can hardly be called happy or, conversely, tragic: Small town Kentwood, Mississippi, an unremarkable family - a drinking father, a hysterical mother. It is Britney’s mother who owes her participation in “The Mickey Mouse Club” and other successes. Lynn tried to promote her daughter as best she could: choir, gymnastics, dancing, numerous talent competitions.

Over time, the role of mentor passes from the mother to the singer's manager Larry Rudolph. He was also involved in the promotion of 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys and New Kids on the Block. It was Rudolph who turned Britney into a pop Lolita - the way she appeared in the Baby One More Time video. A sweet and naive girl without bad habits and star fever was ready to work 20 hours a day if we were talking about filming a video. Nothing in common with the Britney the world learned about years later. The early Spears was genuinely embarrassed when reading in the press that she had enlarged her breasts - or she could simply cry with excitement right at the concert.

Artists of the mid-2000s who started out on the same pole as Britney have today either faded into oblivion or risen to unprecedented heights. Justin Timberlake gathers stadiums of fans, and Beyoncé and Rihanna have gone much further. These singers have become icons, the embodiment feminine ideal era - they are loved by rappers, rockers, and those who don’t listen to their music at all. And it’s not about collaborations with major brands, like Rihanna with Puma and Manolo Blahnik, or expensive advertising campaigns, like Beyonce with H&M, or the amazing success of tours and albums. These singers managed to go not only beyond musical, but also social categories: it is hardly possible to find a similar show business star, whose influence on world culture was so strong. Even the popularity of Kim Kardashian pales against their background: she, unlike Rihanna and Beyoncé, does not produce real cultural values.

Why won't Britney's next comeback lead to a Beyoncé-level triumph? Outwardly, all the components of success are evident. But Spears still seems like a producer's project—and a very unfortunate one to resurrect. The last major surge in her activity came in 2008, along with the release album The Circus Starring Britney Spears and a tour in support of it, the most successful of all in the singer’s career. Over the five years of Britney’s complete blackout, the world around her has changed dramatically, but the singer’s universe seems to have remained the same. Don't overestimate either Britney's VMA appearance or her Marie Claire cover. A couple of months before the “reboot,” she appeared at the Billboard ceremony in underwear and mesh boots. And this is not an isolated failure of Spears’ stylist, but important detail. Unlike the zeros, music scene The 2010s do not belong to the wards of the producers. It belongs to strong and integral individuals who have a keen sense of time and make decisions personally. Pop icons of the new generation choose for themselves what to do with their careers, how to look on the red carpet and what to say in interviews. And if Britney and the team behind her have forgotten how to sense time, then Spears, alas, has never been a strong and integral person.

Plastic surgery of stars is not a very interesting topic. More precisely, beaten. But today I can't get past Britney Spears. This is a world-class star. I would even say stars! She is known to absolutely everyone. Yesterday I saw a new video with her and was stunned! Britney had plastic surgery.

Don't get used to it!

Yes, they say that she has gone under the plastic surgeon’s knife before and had her nose adjusted. The photographs before and after the operation really speak of the good work of the rhinoplasty specialist. But these are minor things, since so many celebrities undergo nose jobs.

Otherwise, the pop diva was natural and did not push her appearance people to gossip. Her figure has deteriorated over the years and, frankly, I, seeing her in last time I wasn’t on TV a few years ago, I remembered her as a plump and unsightly woman.


However, today she looks completely different! Her figure is perfect! Her face... Here there are doubts - it has become beautiful or disfigured. On the one hand, she seemed to have become younger and looked like a doll. On the other hand, she has lost her individuality. It's hard to recognize old Bree in her new face.

It seems to me that facial plastic surgery was not a success. Her figure, I think, has been tidied up plastic surgeons, because it is obvious that it is impossible to make today’s Spears into a sloppy plump in the gym. And for this I give 10 out of 10! Great job. Gorgeous legs, butt and waist. But the face... Kill me, I don’t like it. It is "broken". I hope I don't get stoned by Britney fans. But this is another example unsuccessful plastic surgery stars of the first magnitude.

She has achieved considerable heights. She is known in the world as a successful singer, talented dancer, sought-after film actress and owner prestigious award"Grammy" This girl is envied by almost the entire female half of the planet, but recently her “authority” has been shaken...

Britney Spears

Popular American edition MTO NEWS published a photo report from the red carpet solemn ceremony the Hollywood Beauty Awards, which was attended by the world-famous pop singer Britney Spears. For the appearance, the artist chose an ultra-short translucent sleeveless dress embroidered with sequins.

Britney Spears

Photos showing full height, caused absolutely nothing but admiration from her fans. Many women dream of looking at 36 years old just like the pop diva - slender legs, a wasp waist, firm breasts... But people's reaction changed when photos of Britney taken at close range appeared on the Internet.

Britney Spears

In the resonant photo, the face looks older than its years. Deep wrinkles, bags under the eyes and “crumpled” skin—that’s what people saw when they zoomed in on photos of their pet. Perhaps it's all about bad makeup?

Britney Spears

Internet users, discussing the photos, noted that the problem is not her age, but the fact that she doesn’t really take care of her skin. Such wrinkles could be avoided by regularly visiting spa salons and nourishing the skin with all kinds of creams:

“Nightmare, I didn’t expect this... The figure is a dream, but the face...,” “Tattered by life,” “Wow, I let myself go. You need to take better care of yourself, since you are a public person,” “I don’t understand, I have money, why go to beauty salons? You need to take care of yourself,” “But it seems to me that the Spa won’t help here... You should have thought before.”

I, like many of my peers and contemporaries, grew up listening to the songs of Britney Spears. 🙂

At the age of 10-12 I had my first musical idol. I don’t know what I liked more about her - her appearance, her songs or her dancing, perhaps all together. Plus her unique image of a perky schoolgirl, beautiful, fashionable, athletic and cheerful, and by the way, it seems to me, quite modest for that time. 🙂 A T-shirt with Britney, school dances to “Oops I did it again,” and many, many videotapes with recordings of her clips are funny and very pleasant memories from my childhood.

Britney, of course, grew up and we along with her, her songs, as usual, also became less childish, more sexuality and energy appeared in them. In this article, I don’t want to mention the period when Britney fell out of her rut - her unsuccessful marriages, depression, etc., but to remember her most beautiful images, most favorite videos and gorgeous dances of her children’s idol - Britney Spears :) So, let's get started!

Britney Spears then and now

Video Britney Spears — Baby one more time

I remember what a sensation this video and song made. And how it became fashionable to wear wide sweatpants with short tops that reveal the stomach. And the braids and makeup with brown lipstick are just wow! 🙂 By the way, now this lipstick color is back in fashion, although it is generally played out a little differently. 🙂

Britney Spears video - Crazy

In this video she seemed incredibly beautiful to me! Makeup, hairstyle, hair color - everything emphasizes her youthful beauty. And of course, dancing! I think no one will argue with the fact that Britney’s dancing in the first half of her career was excellent - choreography, energy, presence of sexuality, while not very vulgar, pleasant dance Sport. What can I say, at school we staged numbers to her songs, copying as much as possible (as much as we could) the movements from the videos. 🙂

I was born to make you happy

This song is playing in my head right now. 🙂 It seems to me that in a girl’s life it is relevant throughout life, but I will speak for myself - I listen very much different music, believe me - but I just adore this song! 🙂 Watching this clip now, I was instantly transported back to my childhood…. Thanks Britney! 🙂

Oops I did it again

Space clip and Britney's space red suit. And I also remember that even then - as a child - I really liked her makeup in this video.

Britney Spears song Stronger

Another clip with incredibly beautiful Britney Spears makeup. And dancing with a chair. 🙂 The cool colors of the video give it some mystery and drama, which is unusual for her previous videos. It seems to me that it was in it that the feminine Britney Spears appeared, turning from a teenager into a woman. Although wait, it was in the song “I am not a girl, but not a women”! 🙂

I'm slave for you

I quickly jumped from the young, modest videos of Britney Spears to the more explicit and sexy ones. I wanted to clarify that I also like many of her other videos, but here I will highlight my favorites. 🙂 It seems to me that it was Britney who at that time set the trend for jeans with a very low rise. Nowadays fashion is moving towards the “high waist” and in my opinion this is wonderful. But despite this, it seems to me that the video is very stylish, bright - rich colors, cool music and gorgeous dancing, what else do you need? I think this period was one of the most fulfilling already professional dancing in the clips.

Me against the music

Dance, dance, dance! This is one of my favorite dance routines from all her videos. In my opinion, it’s just a gorgeous video, a very energetic and catchy song, even though I don’t really like Madonna’s work, this duet was a success! 🙂

My prerogative

This is no longer a Britney Spears children's video. As far as I remember, the period of the video's release roughly coincides with the beginning of her failed marriage. There is no dancing in this video, but there is a very sexy, matured Britney. I like this song. And by the way, this is, in my opinion, Britney’s first video where curls are present in her image, which is also why it seemed very unusual to me. :). And of course, her parking in the pool could not fail to impress. 🙂


One more clip I wanted to mention. If I remember correctly, this video was filmed after all her experiences. And this is one of the most successful and beautiful clips of that time, in my subjective opinion. I think it wasn’t very easy for her to look chic at that time, but she did it! And this is not surprising - over many years of her work, she has proven that she is a true professional!

In fact, Britney Spears still has new videos coming out, although not as popular as before. And it seems to me that she very firmly stood on her own again. creative path- this makes me very happy, even despite the fact that I am not her ardent fan, as in childhood! 🙂 But probably, like many others, Britney Spears for me will always remain that perky girl with amazing dances and funny songs from childhood!

Let's conclude by just looking at her coolest looks from early 2000 onwards. currently. Let's go :)


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