Brothers Karamazov sum. III

The novel "The Brothers Karamazov" is a fundamental work of the famous thinker and brilliant Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky. In its genre, it is a psychological drama, which reveals the confrontation between brothers. Although Dostoevsky began working on the images of the novel quite early, main idea The work was finally formed only in 1874. This article presents brief analysis novel "The Brothers Karamazov".

Images of the novel

The connections between the characters of some heroes and the characters of other works of Dostoevsky are quite easily traced. For example, Alyosha Karamazov and Grushenka are similar to Prince Myshkin and Nastasya Filippovna from the novel “The Idiot”. And Ivan Karamazov is close in his image to Raskolnikov from Crime and Punishment.

In addition, it is interesting to consider the image of Dmitry, whose last name in the draft version of the novel is Ilyinsky. The fact is that at one time Dostoevsky, while in hard labor, communicated with a man named Ilyinsky - he was mistakenly convicted of murdering his father and exiled to serve his sentence.

In general, when analyzing the novel "The Brothers Karamazov", we must remember that it presents a reflection on all the years of the author's life. He recalls his childhood and correlates his childhood years with the reflections of his mature years, and Dmitry, Ivan and Alexey became symbols of the three stages in the formation of Dostoevsky’s personality.

The structure of the novel is complex and multifaceted, and even the genre of the work is not so easy to determine. The ongoing action in the novel takes only two weeks, but what stories, conflicts, disputes and ideological clashes we see on its pages!

Review of the novel in parts

We see two trials, between which the main events develop: the trial of old man Zosima and the criminal court where Dmitry Karamazov appears. There is logic in this sequence, because Dostoevsky managed to show how moral decadence and spiritual negligence lead to crimes.

In the novel "The Brothers Karamazov", which we are analyzing, there are twelve books (we can call them parts). The first two contain the introduction. The third book is an introduction to negative characters- the father of the family Fyodor Pavlovich and lackey Pavel Smerdyakov. On the pages of the fourth book we read about Katerina, the Snegirevs and Father Ferapont, who live “decently”, but their actions have a rotten basis, because it is beneficial for these people to behave so “righteously”.

Finally, the fifth and sixth books reveal to us the main characters - Ivan, Dmitry, Alyosha and Zosima. The author describes difficult trials in which the nature of the brothers and their true values ​​are revealed. The seventh book is about Alexei, the eighth and ninth are about Dmitry, and the eleventh is about Ivan. The final twelfth book contains an assessment of society regarding the moral principles of the main characters.

Other details of the analysis of "The Brothers Karamazov"

What goals does Dostoevsky pursue in his novel? He knows the depths inner world of his heroes, reveals their essence, tries to understand the essence of the motives of their actions, which are sometimes very contradictory. The heroes of the book are morally tormented, tormented by doubts and mistaken in many ways. To convey such a deep psychological drama to readers, the author draws confessional monologues, ideological disputes, scandals and insults. The plot changes direction sharply, and every now and then character confrontations arise and passions boil over, which keeps us, as readers, in constant suspense.

However, let us remember that Dostoevsky did not set out to sow great intrigue. The work “The Brothers Karamazov” provides a generalized formula of the mysteries of the soul of a Russian person, who appears in duality - he consciously denies faith, although he understands that it is necessary, as a saving anchor. He is full of selfishness, but is ready to make sacrifices. He always wanders in the darkness of counterfeit values.

This article presented an analysis of the work "The Brothers Karamazov" by Dostoevsky. We hope you found this article helpful. Our literary blog was created with the aim of highlighting different aspects of works of world literature and their authors.


Novel F.M. Dostoevsky.

"The Brothers Karamazov" - last novel Dostoevsky. It was written in 1878–1880. and was published in the magazine “Russian Bulletin” in 1879–1880.
The events of the novel develop in the same years. The scene is a small town in the center of Russia - Staraya Russa. The main characters of the novel are the Karamazov family: father Fyodor Pavlovich and his sons. Main story line The novel is an investigation into the murder of Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov. In parallel, the fate of his sons, the Karamazov brothers, and their reflections on the meaning of human existence, about a person’s responsibility for his thoughts and actions.
The older brother Dmitry, an officer, a man with a warm heart, capable of rash words and actions, is accused of killing his father and accepts punishment not because he killed, but because he wanted to kill.
Considering that this is equally criminal, he judges himself by the court of conscience, and not by the law.
The middle brother Ivan is a student, an atheist philosopher, who denies the world created by God. The rebel hero proclaims the theory “everything is allowed,” but at the same time believes that the happiness of humanity is not worth the tear of even one tortured child. Without accepting the embodiment of his own concepts in life, Ivan goes crazy.
The younger brother Alyosha is the embodiment of the conscience of all Karamazovs. He is wise with his heart, not his mind, loves everyone and is loved by everyone. Alyosha chooses for himself the path of serving God and becomes a monk. The illegitimate son of Fyodor Karamazov, named in the novel only by his last name - Smerdyakov, serves as a lackey for his own father, whom he hates and kills, realizing in practice philosophical views
his brother Ivan. Smerdyakov commits suicide.
Dostoevsky included in the novel the legend “The Grand Inquisitor,” which tells about the distortion of Christian teachings by people, the state and Catholicism.
The novel leads the reader to the conclusion that a person’s salvation from the evil of the life around him lies only in himself, that only then will people be happy when they become brothers to each other and work together.
In Dostoevsky’s work, the novel “The Brothers Karamazov” became a kind of result of the writer’s philosophical, religious and moral quests, an attempt to embody the humanistic ideal. "The Brothers Karamazov" is one of the most famous novels in Russian literature. He attracted and continues to attract the attention of both literary scholars and philosophers. Russian philosophers of the 20th century paid especially much attention to Dostoevsky’s work. (for example, S.N. Bulgakov, M.M. Bakhtin). The images of the novel constantly arouse the interest of readers, researchers, and artists, receiving more and more new philosophical and artistic interpretations. The pictorial work that is most consonant with the images of the novel is the painting M.V. Nesterova "The Philosophers" (1917) - double portrait
religious philosophers P.A. Florensky and S.N. Bulgakov, in which many saw the embodiment of their ideas about the heroes of Dostoevsky’s novel - Alyosha and Ivan Karamazov. The novel "The Brothers Karamazov" has been dramatized several times. The most famous adaptation of the novel is a film directed by I.A. Pyryeva
The words from the novel became popular: No transformation is justified if at least one child sheds a tear.
"Philosophers". Artist M.V. Nesterov. 1917:

Still from the film "The Brothers Karamazov". Director I.A. Pyryev:

Russia. Large linguistic and cultural dictionary. - M.: State Institute of Russian Language named after. A.S. Pushkin. AST-Press. T.N. Chernyavskaya, K.S. Miloslavskaya, E.G. Rostova, O.E. Frolova, V.I. Borisenko, Yu.A. Vyunov, V.P. Chudnov. 2007 .

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    THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV- “THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV”, USSR, Mosfilm, 1968, color, 232 min. Film novel, drama. Based on the novel of the same name by F.M. Dostoevsky. Ivan Pyryev, who has always shown interest in Russian national character, came at the end creative path to film adaptations... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

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“The Brothers Karamazov” by Dostoevsky is a masterpiece of world literature. In addition, motifs and images were repeated in a new way in this work. previous works writer. Dostoevsky worked towards creating the novel all his life. Here he raised the most important problems of humanity: the moral and spiritual foundations of human existence, the question of the meaning of life.

History of the novel

The author developed the idea for the novel long before writing it - after Dostoevsky met D. Ilyinsky, who was serving a sentence for the murder of his father. But this man was convicted for someone else's crime. In the autumn of 1874, Dostoevsky decided to write based on this tragic story a psychological drama about a crime, but gradually the writer’s plan grew into a full-fledged novel.

The novel was created over three years and published in Russian Bulletin. Dostoevsky began sketching The Brothers Karamazov in the fall of 1878, and finished the novel in November 1880.

The author took a very serious approach to depicting what was happening in the novel, consulted with lawyers in order to describe the judicial procedure as realistically as possible, and consulted with doctors about the character’s illness. The location of the action reproduces Staraya Russa, where the author worked on his novel, and where both the writer’s house (in the novel Karamazov’s house) and the house of Agrippina Menshova (Grushenka’s house) have been preserved. Dostoevsky strove for realism not only in the everyday life of the characters, but also in the spiritual appearance of the heroes.

Purpose and main theme

Dostoevsky, in A Writer's Diary, detailed his intentions for The Brothers Karamazov. The author raised many problems in the work: spiritual and moral development Russia and society, social role courts, the relationship between fathers and children. Reflecting in the novel about people's Russia, could not ignore the question of Orthodoxy. The author filled the novel with pressing issues of that time - there are many responses to events here public life. But the main component of the novel is the past, present and future of Russia.

Using the example of the heroes of the work “The Brothers Karamazov”, F. M. Dostoevsky showed the milestones Russian history. The past of Russia is the passing generation: old man Karamazov, Polenov, Mrs. Khokhlakova, old man Zosima. The author contrasts them with representatives of the “present” time - the Karamazov brothers, Grushenka, Smerdyakov, Rakitin. Liza Khokhlakova, Smurov, Kolya Krasotkin are representatives younger generation, the “future” of the country.

And, of course, the Gospel plays an important role in the moral content of the novel: abundant quoting of texts from the Bible, constant debates and conversations of the characters about the Gospel texts, an epigraph that gives hope for the revival of Russia after decomposition.

Main characters

Dostoevsky in “The Brothers Karamazov” reveals to the reader the relationships in a family where the father does not care about how his sons grow up, that they find shelter in other families while he walks and lives for his own pleasure. The elder Dmitry “moved” from guardian to guardian and met his father at the age of eighteen. He grew up eccentric, creating the appearance of a prosperous life, Dmitry mercilessly borrows money.

The average Ivan grew up observant from childhood, but withdrawn and unsociable. He studied well, graduated from school and gymnasium, and earned his own living by writing articles and publishing them in various publications.

The younger Alyosha is a kind, shy person. Everyone loved him and treated him with respect. Even in the gymnasium, when he was teased, he remained calm and called on everyone to be understanding of human weaknesses and troubles. Alyosha always wanted to serve in the church, but he was blessed to live with his father and brothers, saying that he was much more needed there.

The characters in The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky, father and Dmitry, are in love with the same woman, Grushenka, but she did not reciprocate either of them. As a result, father and son quarreled, and the eldest son repeatedly threatened to kill his father.

When Karamazov Sr. was found with a broken head in his own house, no one doubted that this was the work of his eldest son. Moreover, the rejected Ekaterina Ivanovna, most likely out of revenge, presents a letter in which Dmitry writes about his intention to kill his father. The middle brother tried to prove his brother's innocence, since he had evidence that the killer was none other than their father's illegitimate son. Nobody believed Ivan, Dmitry was sentenced to 12 years of hard labor.

The work ends with Alyosha attending the funeral of Ilya Snegirev and calling on everyone to be kind and take care of each other - life is beautiful, and this is the best thing we have.


Dostoevsky's novel "The Brothers Karamazov" teaches the reader to be more tolerant of each other, to listen to the grief of others, to show sympathy, to love one's neighbor. Sometimes everything that a person does not attach importance to - a look, a sigh, thoughts - can cause harm. And not only for yourself, but also for those who are nearby. A person is responsible for his words and actions, because sooner or later he will have to answer for them, even if they were thrown in anger.

Novel " Brothers Karamazov"is the last work of the great Russian writer Fyodor Mikhailovich. The novel was written in two years, was completed in 1880 and published in the Russian Messenger magazine. It is known that the writer conceived The Brothers Karamazov as the first part epic work“The Story of a Great Sinner,” however, these plans were not destined to come true, since Fyodor Mikhailovich died four months after publication.

In his last novel, Dostoevsky in a sense described himself at different stages of his life, as well as his personality real people that met in the writer’s life. So, for example, it is known that the three Karamazov brothers are a kind of symbolic embodiment of the personality of Dostoevsky himself at different stages of growing up and rethinking life and life values. Romantic, riotous, eccentric, throwing himself from one extreme to another, sometimes unpredictable and self-confident Dmitry Karamazov became the prototype of the early Dostoevsky, the period of his growing up and comprehension of the main moments of life. Ivan Karamazov is the prototype of the atheistic Dostoevsky, of the time when Fyodor Mikhailovich had already matured, got rid of childishness, but had not yet fully thought through the meaning and purpose of existence. Alyosha Karamazov is Dostoevsky’s way of thinking at the time of writing the novel - religious, philosophizing, in constant search the meaning of existence and has already comprehended a lot. The prototype of some features of Fyodor Mikhailovich Karamazov was Dostoevsky’s father, and Elder Zosima’s was Elder Ambrose. There is an assumption that the prototype of one of the main heroines of Grushenka’s novel was Agrippina Ivanovna Menshova (b. 1815), who was a good friend of the Dostoevsky family.

The novel "The Brothers Karamazov" is a complexly constructed Detective story, which sorts out history human destinies, caught up in a tragic event. A criminal offense that results in the death of a person reveals the secrets of the Karamazov family and all those who were close to them. Rivalry, hatred, greed, stupidity, prejudice, deceit, lies, soul-searching, envy and other vices of any person weave a complex tangle of relationships in society that lead to tragic results. At the heart of the whole plot, of course, is love. Because of love, all reckless actions are committed, which people then regret for the rest of their lives, and the heroes of this book learned this from their own experience. One of the most famous novelists of world significance, Fyodor Dostoevsky, created a real masterpiece, which was included in the 100 greatest novels of all times.

THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV - last piece Dostoevsky and the last novel from the great Pentateuch of the writer - describes the life and fate of one generation of the Karamazov family. Three brothers Dmitry, Ivan and Alexey are the sons of one father, Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov. However, they are completely different from each other. Dmitry is a passionate, impetuous, depraved, but capable of repentance person, Ivan is an intelligent, but too cold, rational “philosopher”. Alyosha is a young, somewhat naive righteous man who wants to go to a monastery. The novel is not without detective intrigue. Fyodor Pavlovich is found murdered in his house. Suspicion falls on Dmitry - they often quarreled and had property disputes. But Dmitry denies his guilt. The inquiry begins. Dmitry faces hard labor. The brothers must save him! For this, they will have to decide, each in their own way. eternal questions that Dostoevsky puts before his heroes: about truth and lies, about good and evil, about beauty and love, about salvation (Alyosha Karamazov) and...

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Arina Yamaleeva

"The Brothers Karamazov" - plot

The action of the novel takes place in the small Russian town of Skotoprigonyevsk (Dostoevsky took Staraya Russa as the basis). Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov, a 55-year-old prostitute, married a rich woman, Adelaide Ivanovna Miusova, and began to manage her fortune. Ultimately, his wife left him for St. Petersburg, leaving his father with a very young son, Dmitry. Without having time to dispose of her fortune, she died in St. Petersburg, and Fyodor Pavlovich received the opportunity to dispose of all the capital of the deceased. He happily forgot about his son, indulging in speculation and orgies of various kinds. After some time, he married a second time - to the beautiful orphan Sofya Ivanovna, a pupil of the noble widow of the old general Vorokhova, and had two children with her - the elder Ivan and the younger Alexei. Mocking his wife because of her lack of a dowry, and not stopping his dissolute life during the marriage, he ultimately drove her to insanity and drove her to the grave. As a result, Fyodor Pavlovich had three children left - Dmitry from his first marriage, Ivan and Alexey from his second.

The children were raised first by Karamazov's servant Grigory, then were given to guardians. Dmitry, when he grew up, left the gymnasium and entered military school, and then he found himself in the Caucasus, earned a good reputation, but got into a duel, was demoted, and then again earned himself a favor and began to go on a spree. Ivan and Alexey were sent to study at the university, and the first eventually became addicted to journalism, and the second, being a quiet and pious man, decided to become a monk. All this time, Fyodor Pavlovich did not remember his children. Dmitry inherited part of his mother’s fortune, in fact, he periodically received money from his father, however, not having an accurate idea of ​​​​the size of his inheritance, he quickly spent it all and, according to Fyodor Pavlovich, still owed him. During his studies, Ivan did not take money from his father and even managed to achieve financial independence. Alexei dropped out of high school and entered a monastery as a novice. His mentor, Elder Zosima, agreed to judge between father and son. Alyosha was most afraid that his relatives would behave unworthily in front of the elder - and that’s what happened. Their meeting in the monastery ended in a scandal caused by Fyodor Pavlovich. A few days later, at a family dinner in Fyodor Karamazov’s house, another scandal erupts. Dmitry fights with his father, beats him and runs away, finally threatening to kill the old man. The feud between father and son, in addition to the material part, contained a conflict based on love: both were courting Agrafena Alexandrovna Svetlova (Grushenka), a wayward bourgeois woman with certain means. Almost immediately after the scandal, Elder Zosima dies, before his death sending Alexei “to serve in the world.”

Dmitry reveals to Alyosha that he is burdened not only by a hostile relationship with his father and an uncertain relationship with Grushenka, but also that he has a debt to Ekaterina Ivanovna Verkhovtseva - his fiancee, whom he abandoned because he considers himself unworthy of her ( since she wants to become his wife in order to save Mitya “from himself,” considering herself obliged to him for helping her father avoid shame for embezzlement of government money). Verkhovtseva gave him three thousand so that he would transfer this money to her relative in Moscow, and he spent it on a spree with Grusha in the village of Mokroe. Now Dmitry hopes to receive three thousand from his father to compensate for what was not given to him, and Fyodor Pavlovich, out of anger, decided to use exactly this amount to seduce Grusha. He wrapped this money in paper, tied it with a ribbon, even wrote a touching inscription to Grushenka, and hid it, according to Dmitry, under the pillow. Dmitry himself knows about the hiding place under the pillow from the lips of Smerdyakov, a servant suffering from epileptic seizures and, possibly, illegitimate son Fedor Pavlovich. Being in severe mental distress, and thinking that Agrafena will agree to come to Fyodor Pavlovich, Dmitry sneaks to his father’s house at night, runs up to the window with the intention of distracting him with a secret signal and finding out if Grushenka is there, however, last moment bad thoughts leave him and he rushes headlong towards the fence. He is overtaken by his servant Gregory, who considered Dmitry a “parricide.” In a fit of impulse, Dmitry wounds Grigory on the head with a metal pestle. From this wound the servant loses consciousness, and Dmitry, thinking that he is dead, bitterly leaves him there by the fence. After some time, it turns out that Grigory’s suspicions about the death of master Fyodor Pavlovich are not in vain. He is actually found dead in his room, and, naturally, Dmitry Karamazov is accused of the crime.

Dostoevsky's house in Staraya Russa, standing on the banks of the Pererytitsa. The novel “The Brothers Karamazov” was written in it.

Dmitry rushes to the village of Mokroe that same night, having learned that Grushenka has gone there to her lover, who, having deceived her, disappeared 5 years ago. Upon arrival, Dmitry finds his beloved in company with “the only one,” as she herself calls him; however, Grushenka sits upset, because she has not had feelings for this person for a long time. Moreover, there was no trace left of the passionate, interesting officer she had known before. Dmitry offers the master (his beloved - a former officer) 3 thousand so that he will leave immediately and no longer look for Grushenka. Pan does not agree because Dmitry is not ready to give the entire amount at once. There is a scandal over a game of cards (Dmitry and Pan are playing), as Pan switches the deck. The master demands from Grushenka that she calm down Dmitry, Grushenka drives the master away. Village girls and men come to the inn where Dmitry, Grusha and the Polish gentlemen are, everyone sings and dances, money is handed out right and left - a drunken revelry begins. Grushenka tells Dmitry that she loves him and is ready to leave with him and start a new, honest life. Dmitry is inspired and asks God that old Gregory, whom he accidentally hit, will live.

Quite unexpectedly, the police appear and arrest Dmitry. A preliminary investigation begins, where Dmitry swears that he did not kill his father. Dmitry tells the investigators that he really was in his father’s garden, thinking that Grusha was with him. Making sure that she is not there, he rushes out of the garden; when he climbed over the fence, his servant Gregory grabbed him by the clothes, and Dmitry, being very excited, hit him on the head. Seeing the blood (that's where the blood on his hands came from), he jumped down to see if the old man was alive. When Dmitry is informed that Grigory is not dead, Karamazov seems to come to life and says “there is no blood on my hands.” After the incident in the garden (according to Dmitry), he rushed to Mokroe. When asked by the investigator where he got the money, Dmitry does not want to answer for reasons of honor, however, then he tells how he borrowed 3 thousand from Mrs. Verkhovtsova, but spent only half, and sewed the other half in the amulet around his neck. The catch is that during the first spree in Mokroye, Dmitry himself told everyone that he had brought exactly 3 thousand to spend (although in reality it was 2 times less), everyone confirms this. The investigator says that an envelope containing money that the old man had saved for Grusha was found at the crime scene. Dmitry says that he heard about this envelope, but he never saw it and did not take the money. But all the evidence and testimony of other people speaks against him. At the end of the interrogation, Dmitry is taken into custody and imprisoned.

Ivan returns, he is sure that the killer is his brother Dmitry. Alyosha is convinced that Dmitry is not guilty. Dmitry himself is sure that he killed Smerdyakov, who was in the house on the night of the murder, but Smerdyakov on that day simulates an epileptic seizure and his “alibi” is confirmed by doctors. Meanwhile, Ivan is tormented by his conscience; it seems to him that he is to blame for what he did, since he wanted his father to die, and perhaps influenced Smerdyakov (Ivan could not decide who killed). Ivan goes to see Smerdyakov, who is in the hospital due to a prolonged seizure of epilepsy; talks to Ivan brazenly, laughs. Ivan goes again and again. In the end, Smerdyakov says that it was he who killed the master, but the real killer is Ivan, because he taught Smerdyakov (“everything is permitted,” “what if one reptile devours another?”) and did not interfere with the crime, although he guessed that it will come true. Gives money (3 thousand). Ivan shouts in horror that tomorrow (on the day of the trial) he will hand over Smerdyakov. At home, Ivan begins to have a fever (continued by nervous attacks with hallucinations), Smerdyakov hangs himself.

At the trial, Katerina Ivanovna, ex-fiancee Dmitry, presents to the court a letter written by Dmitry while drunk, where he promises to find the money he borrowed. He will definitely give it back, even if he has to kill his father, he will do it. Katerina Ivanovna does this to save Ivan, whom she loves. Ivan bursts in and shouts that the killer is Smerdyakov, but by this time Ivan is already going crazy, no one believes him. However, it would seem that the jury believes in Dmitry’s innocence, everyone is waiting for pardon, but the jury returns a verdict of “guilty.” Dmitry is sentenced to 20 years of hard labor.

The novel ends with Alyosha helping to develop Dmitry's escape plan, considering the sentence unfair.


The novel was the result of Dostoevsky’s work, and many ideas, images and episodes arose long before work on the work began. The first of them are found in the writer’s work already in 1846; in the 1850s, while in hard labor, Dostoevsky met Dmitry Ilyinsky, whose story of parricide formed the basis of the plot of the novel; in the works of the 1850-1860s, characters appeared who, to one degree or another, served as predecessors of the heroes of the novel “The Brothers Karamazov”. In the fall of 1874, while working on the novel “The Teenager,” Dostoevsky first outlined the plan for “The Brothers Karamazov” in one of his working notes.

The concept, ideology of the novel, and its religious and philosophical concept were largely influenced by the works of other writers, in particular Victor Hugo and Leo Tolstoy, and the works of philosophers and religious thinkers such as Vladimir Solovyov and Nikolai Fedorov. Dostoevsky began processing materials and thinking through the plan in the spring of 1878. As he worked on the novel, Dostoevsky realized that he was not meeting the scheduled deadlines. Some books of the novel more than doubled in volume compared to the plan and were divided; separate chapters and even books that were not included in the original plan were also added.


Reviews of the book “The Brothers Karamazov”

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Eva El

Wow! First review of this book!

Unfortunately, I couldn't finish reading this work to end. It's too heavy. Undoubtedly, Dostoevsky is great, a huge talent, but for several months I simply forced myself to read this book again and again. And not because she's boring or anything like that. It’s just that I literally felt everything that was written on myself, and the feeling was far from pleasant. How could he write like that? Especially when they interrogated Mitya - a pure mockery of my brain and my heart. And this scene with dirty laundry and a curved yellow nail on thumb legs! Unbearable! And depression slowly began to come to me...

But then someone’s review with spoilers turned up, which suddenly deprived my further torment of all meaning, and the previous ones too. I think this is where my acquaintance with Dostoevsky ended.

Of course, there are readers who appreciate such realistic presentation, and they are the majority. But as they say, viewing is prohibited for the faint of heart and pregnant women. I recommend everyone else to read it.

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