Boris akimov how to get an appointment. Boris Akimov - personal reception

The expert of the Invisible Man program and palmist Boris Akimov spoke in an interview with the TV-3 channel about how to guess love along the lines of the hand. Boris admitted that most often women come to see him to learn about his personal life.

According to Boris Akimov, throughout his practice, he studied more than 300 different heart lines on the palms and identified criteria by which one can tell about the past and future of a person in relationships with the opposite sex and tell fortunes by hand for love and marriage.

The line of the heart is perpendicular to the fingers and runs horizontally above the line of the mind. The palmist spoke about the main types of the line of the heart and what promises a person this or that location of this line or the signs on it.

According to fortune-telling by the hand, there are three types of heart line in palmistry: physical, idealistic and monastic. These types can be used to judge the sensuality of a person, his attitude to love and marriage, as well as the ability to love and the ability to find contact with the opposite sex.

If the line of the heart ends between the index and middle fingers, then this is a physical type of line. This type includes loving and open people. They love to attract the attention of the opposite sex and are ready to confess their love without any fear. Despite all these positive aspects, the owners of the physical line of the heart are very windy and fickle. They fall in love quickly, but they can cool off just as quickly.

If the line of the heart is straight and does not reach the spaces between the fingers, then it can be called idealistic. Such a line indicates that its owner has many problems with the opposite sex. Carriers of the idealistic line of the heart on the hand have many internal contradictions, which create difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex. The reasons for failures in personal life may be low self-esteem, complexes or excessive demands when choosing a soulmate. According to palmist Boris Akimov, such a heart line indicates that a person does not like to express his emotions, it is difficult for him to talk about his feelings and trust a partner.

A very short line of the heart, which does not even reach the middle finger, is called the line of the monk. Boris Akimov claims that such a line occurs quite often. It indicates that a person does not love anyone but himself. All inveterate egoists have this line. The owner of the line of the monk is prudent, cold and in a relationship always thinks about his own benefit. Often people with this line on their hand cannot start a family, which is why it is called monastic.

In addition, palmist Boris Akimov spoke about the main signs in the palm of your hand, which can tell about future and past affairs of the heart.

If the line of the heart in the palm of your hand does not rise up to the fingers, but down, then it can be argued that its owner has a penchant for same-sex love.

A sign of happiness and good luck in the palm of your hand is a trident at the end of the heart line. If it has branches at the end, then this is a sign of a successful marriage and a strong family. An island on the line of the heart is a sign of unrequited love.

According to these main criteria, everyone will be able to tell fortunes by hand for love and tell from the characteristic features of a person in marriage and relationships. We wish you love and do not forget to press the buttons and

17.03.2014 10:34

You can find out how many children you will have with the help of palmistry. There are specific lines...

Would you like to know how many years you will live? If you are not afraid to receive such information, ...

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Boris Akimov
Corrective palmistry. Draw your destiny

The lines on the human hand are drawn for a reason; they come from divine influence and their own human individuality.


© B. Akimov, 2011

© Amrita LLC, 2014

Preface to the Fifth Edition

Hello, Boris Konstantinovich!

R. C. is writing to you from Almaty (Kazakhstan) I have been doing palmistry for 12 years.

Last year I bought your books from me: “Correctional Palmistry” and “Mirror of Karma”.

I immediately corrected myself. Checked on myself. Thanks to the easy money triangle, I received 6 times money, completely unexpected.

I apply your technique to almost all clients, and I recommend it myself and show your book. Some clients have heard about the technique and have seen you and your programs on TV. I myself saw it too, but I began to use it after purchasing and studying your book.

Considering that people with a difficult fate come to the palmist, I personally find the correction quite applicable in practice. I have such clients who go several times for "free money".

Correction of defective lines gives the client hope and faith in the future. Corrective palmistry helps me in my work.

Boris Konstantinovich, thank you for the knowledge, having acquired it, you do not hide it, but pass it on to people!

Sincerely, R.S.

Hello Borya! Thanks for the Confessions of a Palmist. I ate it in two days. Well done! Glad for you! Excellent book. Really helps a lot. I want to amuse you. Since I am still a scientist and a physician (“a doctor in a square,” as my friends say), I decided to test your method of corrective palmistry on myself (Mechnikov is resting!). I, like everyone else, have a lot of problems, I am not able to solve them all, mainly due to lack of time. Therefore, I decided to help myself with your method, knowing full well what it is, what it is done for and how it should be done. Although there were more doubts: after all, there is no prophet in his own country, and I have known you for more than a dozen years. Well, I think, for fun, I'll draw something.

The next morning after drawing the triangle of money (which, as always, is not enough, I came to the fitness center for yoga classes (I have been going to this center for 11 years, 5 of them for yoga), and the administrator, whom I also see regularly several years, asked for an appointment.

I've been waiting for three weeks. Everything is quiet. We still have to try. I draw again. The next day, colleagues from my previous job call and offer a contract for the development of an environmental program, although I have not worked with them for 10 years. Not a million, of course, but money - they are money in Africa too. Like this!

Good luck! Write. Marina

For five years I remained silent. For five years I used my method almost daily. For five years I patiently waited for long-term results in order to make sure that the path was right. For five years I analyzed, tried and improved my technique. For five years he cut a diamond called “correctional palmistry”.

And now I can safely say: “Today this is the most effective technique that allows you to change your life in accordance with your own wishes! Yes, corrective palmistry works!

For a long time, I treated palmistry as a form of entertainment. I applied it in my life and medical practice, but I did it without advertising my knowledge at all. In the patient, I examined the lines of the hand that were of interest to me, measuring the pulse. Getting acquainted with someone and looking into the eyes of a stranger, I imperceptibly recorded all the movements and anatomical features of his hand. His palm and fingers told me more about his character and inclinations than his eyes and facial expressions.

Having sufficient experience in palmistry, nevertheless, as a doctor, I saw in palmistry only the possibility of diagnosis, but did not see the possibility of treatment. I was not interested in palmistry as a prediction of the future. I just don't see the point in knowing the future. I see the point in doing it.

But a miracle happened: Fate revealed to me the true meaning of palmistry - to heal a person's life.

For a long time I did not succumb to the persuasion of friends, students and the kindest Gayana Sergeevna, the editor of the Amrita-Rus publishing house, which published my first book, to write a manual on corrective palmistry. The first book, Confessions of a Palmist, is about mysticism in the life of a palmist, not palmistry in the life of a mystic, which I consider myself to be.

For the thousand and first time I tested my method in practice, knowing that everything must stand the test of time. And rightly believed that the author's method works only for the author.

But the hour has come. The knowledge that had been accumulated for so long and remained a secret had to be revealed. Being a mystic in life, I sometimes act on prompts "from above". The case was not long in coming: a lady came to my appointment and began to enthusiastically tell that there is such a way to correct a person’s life, called corrective palmistry. I pretended not to know about the method and asked her to tell me more, and then admitted to authorship. I was most struck by the fact that she used the term "chirography" introduced by me, which is far from known to everyone.

It is with this conviction that I write this book.

Hope it helps you make your life better.

General palmistry


If Fate speaks to a person, then its messages must be sought on his hand. After all, the hand is an organ inherent only in a spiritual and creative being, a person, it fully reflects his individuality. And the hand is always at hand. Most often, a person sees it. This means that sooner or later he will pay attention to the signs in the palm of his hand.

Palmistry, like medicine, originated in different human cultures and at different times. The idea to read human life by an open hand came to mind to mystics of different eras and peoples.

The first palmists appeared in Egypt, whose priests had deep esoteric knowledge about 6000 years ago. In China, various divinatory practices were known a little later - from 3000 BC. e. Chinese palmists went their own way and, unlike the Egyptian ones, paid great attention to dermatoglyphs - finger drawings. This was even reflected in a funny Chinese belief: “One curl - poverty, two - wealth, three, four - open a pawnshop, five - become a merchant, six - you will be a thief, seven - meet misfortune, eight - eat straw, nine - you will not be hungry never". This belief reflects the rather naive ideas of the ancient Chinese about dermatoglyphics.

Palmistry is also mentioned in the ancient Indian Vedas.

The custom of guessing on the fingers also existed in Russia. A. Fet writes in an autobiographical poem:

"Give me your hands! - the nanny wants
Look at their features. -
What, on the fingers of the track
Aren't they curled in circles?

From the Egyptian priests, palmistry, like most knowledge, came to Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. Aristotle presented Alexander the Great (Macedonian) with a treatise on palmistry, written, as they say, in gold.

Avicenna in his Medical Canon mentions signs on the hands. The fathers of modern medicine, Galen and Hippocrates, were experts in palmistry. To this day, medical students study a symptom called "Hippocratic finger".

In the Middle Ages, scientists Johann von Hagen and Paracelsus contributed to the study of palmistry. Then the hills began to be named after the planets: Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo, Mercury. It was believed that the energies of these planets form hills on the palms. In the Middle Ages, palmistry was a subject studied in European universities. The German physician Rothmann introduced the hand reading system, which became a unified course in medical faculties. However, at that time in England and Spain, palmistry was considered witchcraft and was prosecuted by law. In our time, London has the largest number of palmists "per capita" - about two dozen officially registered specialists in palmistry. In Moscow, real palmists can be listed on the fingers of one hand.

In the 19th century, the French d'Arpentigny and Adolphe de Barrol gave palmistry a modern look, substantiating the thesis that personal qualities play a big role in the fate of a person himself and their study is mandatory for a palmist. In the East, fate is considered unchangeable. De Barrol, being an artist, introduced the handprint technique in 1879. And he also discovered that the lines on the palm of the hand are constantly changing their shape, appearing and disappearing. Since then, palmistry has become chirology - a science that studies the relationship of the psychotype, health and events occurring in a person's life, according to the structure, lines and patterns of the palm. In parallel with chirology, dermatoglyphics appeared - the science of papillary palm drawings. Unlike chirology, it is officially recognized. She just got lucky. Forensic scientists became interested in her, and fingerprinting became an integral part of forensic science. And in 1892, Charles Darwin's cousin Sir Francis Galton published his classic work on finger drawings, which attracted public attention.

Currently, in the city of Mumbai (India), there is a National Indian University, which teaches palmistry. Since 1940, the National Academy of Palmistry has existed in the city of Montreal (Canada), where everyone can learn the art of reading hands.

My palmistry

My study of palmistry, of course, began with the classics: d "Arpentigny, de Barrol, Cairo. However, when I began to practice myself, I discovered an amazing thing: the knowledge of palmistry was outdated! The signs described by the classics did not correspond to reality. Then I already read contemporaries: R. Webster, D. Finch, our compatriot A. Desney. Their observations are more consistent with reality. Nevertheless, I discovered many signs on my own in the process of practice. Signs that have not been described by anyone. My work differs from the works of the classics, in its the basis was primarily based on observations of more than twenty years of chirological practice.

I am not going to write about everything, but only about simple and at the same time important things for everyone. Perhaps in time I will write an encyclopedia of palmistry. But this is serious work, requiring many years of work and observation. And now I do not set myself the goal of compiling an academic work. Let small or, conversely, big secrets remain. This will awaken a healthy interest in palmistry and self-knowledge. The truth is always out there somewhere.

I set a goal to teach simple, one might say, everyday things. And of course, change your life. Knowledge is power!

At the appointment with a palmist

I looked at the first hand about thirty years ago. Then he observed the hands of his patients. For the last five years I have been doing palmistry professionally. And the more I learn about my clients, the more I learn about myself. As a professional, I am well aware of my capabilities and my responsibility to the client.

But every time I look at a new hand, I experience two opposite feelings: curiosity and doubt.

Curiosity. I am interested in the hands of people, especially strangers. After all, glancing briefly, imperceptibly at the hand of a stranger, I quite clearly imagine his personality and some of the events of his life that have already occurred. I must have had some need to read hands. I even took a nickname for myself: handhunter- hand hunter

Doubts. As a person with a higher medical education, I understand the absurdity of predicting the future. And the complete absurdity from a scientific point of view of the fact of reflecting the fate of a person in the lines of his hand.

Nevertheless, I feel a great sense of joy when, having read the mysterious signs of palmistry, I make a person wonder.

And only the knowledge that I will really be able to discern human destiny in the intricacies of lines and signs, having unraveled them as a scientist, as a researcher, and not as a fortuneteller, guided by his gift, sometimes doubtful, makes me read human life again and again as an open hand .

And I still feel fear. Fear of a secret. After all, to recognize the existence of palmistry means to recognize the existence of the otherworldly. Recognize the existence of the non-material world. the Most High and his angels. The fear of God is what keeps a person from spiritual fall. After all, if there is no God, then there is nothing, and then everything is possible.

The most important question: what will a visit to a palmist give a person? It's hard for me to judge what my colleagues in the chirological society say to their clients. When communicating, we mainly discuss professional issues. But they are wise people and will not wish evil. It is interesting that each palmist has his own experience and each palmistry reveals some of its secrets. So, an excellent specialist Alexander Arkadievich Nurmin (Moscow) necessarily combines palmistry with physiognomy and perfectly sees the signs of misfortune related not only to the client, but also to his relatives, and he is sure of their inevitability. Victor Vladimirovich Deshun (St. Petersburg) sees criminal signs on the client's hand, including the sign of the prison. It’s more difficult for me, and my motto is: “Only happy predictions!” But I am well versed in the signs of health. But Andrey Adolfovich Sentsov (Voronezh) sees Vedic signs on his hand, which his colleagues mentioned above do not see.

However, I also have a negative experience - I twice consulted with "palmists" out of boredom, which I tell about in my first book, "The Confession of a Palmist". In both cases, they lied to me with inspiration. I'm not offended. Women are prone to fantasy. Therefore, I see the point in explaining what a client can get from a qualified palmist.

My communication with a client begins with the question: “How can I be of service to you?” I have been asking this question to people since the age of 23, when I received my medical degree. True, before it sounded different: “What are you complaining about?”

I do not separate my mission from my medical duty, and if earlier I treated illnesses, now I treat a person's life. This is called psychotherapy.

My goal is not to entertain a person with "fortune-telling", but to help them sort out their lives.

My direction in psychiatry is mystical psychotherapy.

I prefer dialogue, contact with the client. It is important for them to have a clear understanding of their problem. This makes communication easier. The openness of the client is very important when consulting. And although I have a talent for winning over people, people come to the reception different. I adhere to the principle: "The more you give (information), the more you will receive."

The issue needs to be discussed. Sometimes counseling, which is usually within an academic hour (45 minutes), can take two to three times longer. I set myself the task of solving a person's problem in one session. Most of the time I succeed. But it's nice when people come back and consult with me more often. They come once a year: “Everything you said has come true. See what happens next." One client, S., has consulted with me every Saturday for three years. Is it good for him? And how! During this time, he became a well-known businessman.

I start my analysis of the hand from the back of the palms - the palm and fingers can give a lot of information. I cover this practice further. And when I have a complete picture, I turn to the lines that give more detailed information.

Two things must be sacred for a professional palmist: not to pour water and analyze the past. The first one is clear. There are plenty of masters to "powder brains" to the client.

When I begin to tell a client about the events that have taken place in his life, sometimes I hear: “I know my past - I am not interested in it.” Answer: “It is interesting to me. I have to figure out if I'm reading your hand correctly. By understanding the past, it will be easier for me to talk about the future. Yes, and you will be able to make sure that I am not a deceiver. A palmist or soothsayer who is unable to determine the events of the past will not tell about the future.

What can a person's hand tell me?

At one time I was engaged in correspondence consultation on photographs of hands. You understand that the task is difficult. Because a photograph cannot convey all the nuances of a live hand, and the lack of feedback makes it very difficult to predict. It's like making a diagnosis over the phone. Nevertheless, I can be proud of my advice. The predictions were mostly clear. It's inspiring. But I refused paid correspondence counseling - there is no time. Yes, and it's difficult.

Below is one of my analyses.

The client is a 27 year old girl.

Your hand is elongated, proportionally folded, energetic, speaking of a subtle, sensitive and holistic nature, striving for harmony and beauty. Most likely, you are a young lady, pleasant in many ways, balanced, energetic, with a lively intellect, well built and successful with the opposite sex.

Fingers are predominantly conical in shape, inherent in creative natures with a rich spiritual world and a fantasy world. Such people are dreamy and thoughtful. The philosophical knot on the ring finger is typical for people who are looking for the meaning of life and are prone to a mystical perception of the world, as well as who love to impress others.

A flexible thumb is a wonderful sign, a sign of flexibility of consciousness, a broad nature, tolerance, curiosity, and love of life. Such people are easy to communicate, quickly master in any environment and society, sentimental, amorous at first sight, generous to the point of extravagance. Closed fingers speak of modesty, sometimes shyness. They form a straight line with the palm - a sign of determination. The length of the fingers indicates a quick reaction, combined with slowness in conclusions.

Hills of the palm are well expressed. The Mount of Venus characterizes your health, energy and sexuality as moderate. The absence of an active hill of Mars speaks of extreme peacefulness. A well-defined hill of Jupiter indicates a desire to lead and manage oneself rather than obey. However, ambition can be satisfied at the expense of attention from outside and respect. The combined hills of Saturn and the Sun indicate that loneliness does not threaten you. A very large hill of Mercury with an extension towards the hill of the Sun - the ability to science and business. A well-designed hill of the Moon with a lot of lines speaks of developed intuition, rich imagination and numerous travels.

Line of Life. Quite even, which indicates stability, but not deep enough in the most active age period from 20 to 30 years - loss of vitality and difficulties. Although from birth to this period the line is quite prosperous.

The absence of the line of the Guardian Angel, or the inner line of Life (a very rare sign), indicates that you will have to cope with your difficulties on your own. It makes no sense to list the hardships on your way and their chronology - they will occur to you almost every year until the age of 40, and a couple of times they will coincide with illnesses. Do not worry, they are not so significant and will only temper your character and make you wiser. For every trouble, Fate will give you consolation.

However, after 40 years, you will begin a prosperous period of life. At the age close to 50 years, the line of Life bifurcates - the sign of the Immigrant. You have a great chance to change your life by moving far from your place of birth - better to another country. And the sooner you start implementing it, the better.

Another good sign is the free-standing lines of Life and Head, the sign of the Adventurer. Great combination with the Immigrant sign. It is also good because it speaks of stable mental health and the absence of mental and physical addictions. It is easier for you to start a new business than to finish an old one. You are capable of any, the most insane adventures. Unfortunately, they do not always bring success due to insufficient caution. Take advice from wise people, but rather take part in adventures and adventures organized by other people and guaranteeing success.

From 50 to 60 years, life will not be without difficulties, but then a calm and happy old age will come for another 20 years.

Health. Fortunately, I don’t see any obvious signs of illness that you should have warned about. Maybe headaches bother me, but this will pass after 40 years.

Line of Destiny. You do not have a clear line of Fate. Education: legal, linguistic. You work more for the future, gain experience and easily get used to any team until the wind of change blows. However, if you are a freelance artist, then you work only by inspiration. I think that while your interests do not bring material prosperity. However, after 40 years, life will change and you will achieve both success and material well-being. You will change the scope of professional activity three times.

You do not have signs of big money, you will earn everything by righteous labors.

Mind line. Straight and short - a sign of practicality. Absence of nervous diseases and mental breakdowns. There is also a rare sign on the line, similar to Z, corresponding to the age of 32-34 years. At this time, you will review all your life values ​​​​and start life anew. Of course, this is a painful, but necessary process - a person is born in pain and the new arises when the old dies.

Line of the Heart. You are an idealist in love. But the ideal is more often an illusion than a reality. In youth, physical intimacy plays a greater role than ideals, and is able to compensate for the lack of mutual understanding and contradictions in the psychology of the sexes. But this is not for you. Your chosen one should consist of some virtues. Alas, the search for a man without flaws is not always justified. Especially since you are more likely to wait than seek.

Therefore, enter into a marriage that will bring you happiness, at the age of 31-33, bringing your ideal closer to reality. A large island on the line of the Heart testifies to the great suffering that is yet to come. The first attachment and, accordingly, the first serious love you are experiencing now or have already experienced. Its duration is three years. Do not be upset - it will not leave a deep mark on your life.

You may have two children of different sexes.

your karma. You have a young soul. You are a student in this life. Now you are probably even in the kindergarten stage. Therefore, spend more time on study and self-improvement. Invest your energy and resources in yourself. Cut the diamond of your soul - it will surely shine. Live simply and honestly, without thinking about the future. You have the sign of the Samaritan, or healer (short lines on the hill of Mercury), which means that your heart is full of love that you can give to people. Do not change yourself and your ideals and, having reached maturity, you will achieve happiness. The most responsible period for you is 32–34 years. This is a period of revision of life values, finding a life partner and the beginning of professional growth. This period is also ideal for immigration. However, Fate until the age of 50 will give you more than once a chance to move to a more favorable country for you.

Here is what the girl said:

Boris Konstantinovich, thank you for your analysis. He made a big impression on me - quite truthful. The main features are mine. I always have to achieve everything myself, solid thorns, but always a successful result. I improve myself, develop professionally, I hope that by the age of 40 success will come to me ("life is just beginning at forty"). In a word, your forecast and my intuition coincide completely, intuitively I have always imagined my life this way. Your prediction about possible immigration did not surprise me. I have lived abroad since childhood, I speak three languages, I love some countries and feel very comfortable there. So it is quite possible that I can go there.

A career is important to me, it makes me learn, improve in a particular area, develop. But for the sake of a career, I will not go over corpses. I am too human, sentimental and kind.

I have a highly developed intuition, as a child it even frightened me: whatever I think about, whatever I say, everything will come true. But since I always trusted her, she never let me down. Now I'm not afraid of her, but just friends with her. Money is not easy for me, I have to plow all the time. At the age of 16, I entered the university for a paid department, they paid for me - apparently, this was easy money. You are absolutely right that I love to lead (and I'm pretty good at it), but I can completely replace the leadership of people with their respect and recognition. I must say that I am very sociable, my work is directly related to people, and at this stage of my life I am very pleased with this work.

With my life I fully correspond to your wishes - I study, I go forward, I improve. You have confirmed that I am on the right track! So I hope everything goes well for me. Thanks again.

I hope you got an idea of ​​the possibilities of palmistry.

People come to me most often with two questions: “what to do?” and “when will it happen?”. To answer the first question, it is necessary to understand human nature. To do this, you need to live life. Be a psychologist. Have experience. And a desire to help people.

One day a young man approached me with a request to save his marriage. To do this, he was going to resort to corrective palmistry. I did not see an opportunity to save the marriage, about which I warned him. But he insisted, and I said that I would “draw” everything for him as it should be.

- So there is a chance? the young man asked.

“None,” I replied.

So why draw?

“I see an island in your year-long Life line and a gap in your idealistic Heart line. All this time you will suffer from unrequited love. Advising to find a girlfriend is pointless. She won't heal you. You still love your wife. And you will try to get it back. But she has already forgotten you. You have every right to call her, say that you love her, offer to meet. However, your actions will only annoy her. You will not be able to quickly get rid of the pain, and you need to do something about it. As in a joke: "Do not catch up, so you will warm up." So do it. You will still want to use my method, although I warn you that it will not help you.

I made a correction for the young man.

“Come,” he said in parting, “we’ll cry together.”

Six months later, he came back with the same problem, but with a different mood. This time I corrected the Head line, as the client had almost recovered from the love drama.

If the person asks the second question, "when will this happen?" - I focus it on certain time periods, but always leave a chance for free will.

Rice. one

Client S., 26 years old. Befriends a young man. He asks her to marry him.

On the hand (Fig. 1) there are three lines of Marriage - at the age of 18–19, 27–28 and 42–43. On the line of Life is an island aged 29, five years long and two children.

My advice: “Get married even tomorrow, but it’s better to do it in a year. Until the age of 28, abstain from children, but after giving birth, from 29 to 34, give birth to another. Between the ages of 42 and 43, your marriage will be tested. If you keep it, you will live happily ever after. If Fate separates you (it also depends on your husband), then do not be upset - you will find happiness in a new marriage. But I advise you to keep what you have. Karma is persistence and patience."

The topic that I do not discuss is the topic of death. Including relatives. I can give advice at what age and what to pay attention to in terms of health, but I will not take on the function of the Lord and talk about the date and circumstances of the death of a client, even if it is clear to me like broad daylight. Fortunately for me, in most cases this is unknown to me. And clients rarely raise this topic. And my conscience is clear.

I don't like predicting death. I love predicting life.

I can't bear to get married


The lines of Marriage for different people differ both in quantity and quality, just as human lives differ from one another: “everyone chooses for himself a woman, religion, road ...”

Line of the Heart (1), descending to the little finger from the index finger, outlines the hill of Mercury, on which the lines of Marriage are located. Actually, where else is the line of Marriage, if not next to the line of the Heart? “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife, and the two shall be one flesh.”

One of the questions that clients most often ask is: will the marriage be official or not? I usually reply with the following anecdote.

Kyiv. Beginning of XX century. Dialogue between two Jews.

Izzy, where are you going? Today there will be Jewish pogroms!

Solomon Moiseevich, I am Russian by passport.

Izya, they will beat you not on your passport, but on the face.

Of course, anyone can be deceived by testimonies and seals, but not fate. In general, the line of Marriage is more correctly called the line of Affection or the line of Destiny. Fate doesn't care whether you put a stamp in your passport, throw a banquet for 1000 people, or do without a registry office and wedding pomp. Fate connects two people at its own discretion, and then everything depends on their desires and personal qualities.

All marriages, attachments, unions, relationships (between people in general and between a man and a woman in particular) can be divided into three types:

Two halves,


Two worlds.

Two halves are people who look at each other and see only themselves in the eyes of their counterparts. This kind of union is a gift of fate, a karmic connection, the relationship of spiritually mature people. Sometimes the halves are similar, sometimes not. Their relationship can be fundamentally different: father-daughter or mother-son. But in any case, they complement each other and do not represent life separately. Together they are harmony, love and strength that can move mountains.

Partners do not look at each other, but in one direction and see everything that happens in approximately the same way. Their relationship is even, each performs its duties. At the same time, everyone remains an individual.

The two worlds are people who are completely different from each other, looking in different directions. Their relationship is often atypical: they live a parallel life, in different cities or houses, a man and a woman belonging to this type of union are quite satisfied with the so-called "guest" marriage. This is the union of two opposites, united to achieve some common goal in life. It is more common among creative individuals. An example of such a relationship is the marriage of writers Dmitry Merezhkovsky and Zinaida Gippius. It was not a classic marriage, it was not a family - a unit of society. The conditions for their coexistence implied the existence of freedom of relations and the absence of children, each of the spouses had affairs on the side. At the same time, they lived together, as Gippius wrote in her memoirs, "for 52 years, without being separated for a single day." Of course, over time, their passion cooled down, but there was respect for each other, affection and a life lived together. It was a union of two different, wise people, maturity crowned with love. Agree, to live the way Merezhkovsky lived with Gippius is much better than in the case when the relationship begins ardently and passionately (with a burning desire to live "happily ever after and die on the same day"), and then crumble to dust, leaving no after nothing but dark memories. Unfortunately, in modern Russia (and not only in Russia), the latter option is very common: over the years, people move away and become strangers, up to hatred.

However, it's time to look at the palm.

Kiss - spit

Relations between two independent people are two lines coming from one. However, there are also exceptions. One clear, long line, without any defects, is a sign of a long and happy family life. The owner of such a sign will definitely meet his karmic half, and quite early. Such people are holistic in their relationships, family ties are more important for them than any affair.

Alas, one line of Marriage is a rather rare phenomenon. At least in our country. More often, there are still two lines on the palm. This is a sign indicating the presence of circumstances that destroy the first marriage (both external - fate, and internal - doubts about the correct choice of a partner). At the same time, two lines are not a mandatory indication of two marriages; this may also be a sign of a difficult period in a relationship with a partner, when the probability of parting is very high. Fortunately, it also happens that the storms pass, and the house built by joint efforts withstands the pressure of the elements.

The owner of three or more clear lines will not avoid divorce under any circumstances. The main thing is that subsequent relationships are better than the previous ones.

The absence of Marriage lines on the hand, or weak, but numerous lines, is a sign of loneliness (up to monasticism, both figuratively and literally). In any country, at any time, there have always been and will be people for whom the fulfillment of social functions is more important than family ties. However, the described configuration in the palm of your hand does not exclude short ties without deep affection, like a marriage of convenience. Here, however, exceptions also occur: the described picture can be observed in the hands of children and adolescents who are still ignorant of passions that are not ripe for marriage.

The lines of Marriage more often than other chirological signs are subject to transformation: they can both appear and disappear. For example, instead of two lines, one may remain, even if the owner had two marriages. It's just that the first one was short, and nothing was left of it over time.

Short Marriage Line (2)- a short union, which may not necessarily be marriages, more often it is a strong love that has left a mark in the heart. The main thing is to survive this “happiness” so that the next love turns into a long, strong, harmonious union, indicated by a clear and long line (3).

Thin but long line of Marriage, speaks of fragile and shallow relationships, the reason for which is selfishness and callousness. But even in this situation, relationships can drag on for years and eventually become a marriage.

Availability points on the Marriage line- Difficulties in relationships, or problems with a spouse: illness, financial problems.

Wavy Line of Marriage also points to the same wave-like difficult relationship from the category “loves - does not love, kisses - spit ...”

Marriage line ending in a cross, often interpreted as a sign of widowhood. This is not true. The described sign, to which you can also add long lines coming from the center of the palm and crossing the Marriage line, as well as the scars that cut it, is a sign of an adverse third-party impact on the union (starting with the ubiquitous annoying relatives and ending with the participants of the notorious love triangle).

Marriage line ending in a tassel usually means divorce. Island, triangle on the line- scandal.

"Love for all ages"

Of course, the main question is when will loving hearts unite? Dating along the lines of Marriage, as well as dating based on other chirological signs, is a complicated thing. It would seem - what is simpler: divide the distance from the line of the Heart to the little finger into equal segments and calculate the approximate time. Alas, it is almost impossible to do this. Firstly, the mentioned distance is very small, and even if viewed through a lens of multiple magnification, an error of 3 to 5 years cannot be avoided. Secondly, each person's life flows according to his internal schedule, it can speed up or slow down.

An example of "incorrect" dating is the line of a happy and only marriage, which is always located in the middle of the hill of Mercury, which corresponds to the middle of life, although such unions, bestowed by fate, are concluded quite early. Therefore, as I have already noted, the time of marriage must be considered with a certain degree of error.

You can consider the following rule: the closer the line of Marriage to the line of the Heart, the sooner the owner of such a sign will enter into an alliance. The closer to the little finger, the later. I have seen the Marriage line, located almost at the very crease (on the border of the little finger and palm). The owner of this sign got married at the age of 72. I can only agree with the poet: "all ages are submissive to love."

Palmist Boris Akimov

Boris Akimov- the guru of domestic palmistry. The author of many articles in the media, an expert on many TV channels, a well-known palmist from everyone's favorite program "The Invisible Man" on TV3.

Doctor, mystic, palmist with great experience. Author of the books "Confessions of a Palmist", "Meditation. Self-Suggestion. Autotraining", Mirror of Karma", "Correctional Palmistry", "Miracles of the Lunar Diet".

Boris Konstantinovich invented a method for correcting fate, for more than 10 years he has been helping people fulfill their desires. Palmistry from Boris Akimov is simple and affordable. At the same time, it is extremely effective!

If you need a palmist's consultation, you deserve the best! In matters of Fate, one cannot take risks. Boris Akimov is number 1 palmist in Russia.

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The book of Boris Akimov is one of the first works of the genre, which is just beginning to take shape in our country - the original Russian esotericism. Its uniqueness lies in the position of the author, who managed to achieve a combination of mystical, esoteric, everyday, philosophical and even scientific jets of narration about his life.

Can we read our destiny from the lines on our palms? What if we see trouble there? Can it be prevented? It is possible and necessary, Boris Akimov is sure. After all, his methods for correcting lines in the palm of your hand have helped thousands of people change their lives for the better. How to do this is described in detail and shown in numerous photographs that make the chirography method even more accessible. And a bonus for all readers will be a small final chapter dedicated to the hands of famous personalities of the past and present.

Many people think that the lines on the palms and the shape of the hands are unchanged and that palmists predict the fate that was given to us at birth. However, in reality, only fingerprints do not change with us. All other parameters of the palm are plastic and reflect the appearance of our personality, formed as a result of our own actions. They can determine the trends of our development and warn us against possible mistakes.

In our time, the strength of the intellect is much more useful in life than physical strength. Fortunately, the brain is just as susceptible to exercise as the muscles. In the book by Boris Akimov, a well-known psychotherapist and yoga teacher, the reader will find a number of the most effective methods for spiritual and mental development - from Indian meditation to auto-training and self-hypnosis.
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Buy in Labyrinth

A well-known expert in palmistry Boris Akimov talks about his unique author's technique, which allows not only to determine what events happened in the past and will happen in the future in the life of a particular person, but also to change Fate in accordance with his dreams and desires!

Voice behind the scene: Boris Akimov is a legend of the Bolshoi Theatre, a brilliant dancer, a student of Maris Liepa, a partner of the incomparable Maya Plisetskaya. How many outstanding names and events raced through the half-century, rich creative life of Akimov within the walls of the Bolshoi. His story is an example for many ballet dancers: having been seriously injured and leaving the first echelon of soloists at the peak of his career, he did not break down and, overcoming physical pain, continued to work! He found himself in pedagogy, brought up dozens of outstanding ballet masters, Akimov's students are soloists of the best theaters in the world. People's Artist of the USSR, Professor Boris Borisovich Akimov has been the most sought-after Russian ballet teacher in the world for thirty years now! His students are waiting for him in Paris and Milan, Tokyo and London, everywhere the name of Akimov is perceived as a superbrand of the Russian ballet school.

Dmitry Kirillov: Are you one of the Russian choreographers, number one in the world, can you say so?

Boris Akimov: Well, I don’t know, I’m very modest about this work.

Dmitry Kirillov: Boris Akimov - champion of Moscow among youths in figure skating?

Boris Akimov: Yes, it was.

Dmitry Kirillov: You were born in Vienna, where Mozart, Schubert, Beethoven worked, was it really so, when you first came to your homeland, did the mayor's office of Vienna meet you as an honorary countryman?

Boris Akimov: Yes, it really was.

Dmitry Kirillov: You write music - is writing music harder than doing ballet?

Boris Akimov: Ballet is my profession, my whole life, and this is the distraction that allows me to get away from all the difficulties and problems that exist in the profession.

Dmitry Kirillov: Will modern dance with acrobatic elements soon replace classical ballet?

Boris Akimov: I think never.

Dmitry Kirillov: Years and hours of rehearsals on stage can lead a dancer to disability?

Boris Akimov: Probably excessive.

Dmitry Kirillov: Are traumatology students trained in pictures of your kneecaps?

Boris Akimov: Not cups, but the bones of the lower leg.

Dmitry Kirillov: The diagnosis of periostitis made by doctors is the moment when you realized that your career as a dancer was over?

Boris Akimov: For me, no, although many academicians, doctors who looked at me, they said that it was necessary to switch to another job, they offered pedagogy, but I did not believe in it.

Dmitry Kirillov: Only hard cane methods can raise a ballet star?

Boris Akimov: No.

Dmitry Kirillov: You have been teaching in the West for almost thirty years, in England, Japan, France, is it easier and more interesting to work there?

Boris Akimov: For me, it’s just more interesting professionally, because different theaters, different artists, different schools, and it’s interesting for me to try myself in everything.

Dmitry Kirillov: Is it possible in our life, without having natural data, to become a ballet star?

Boris Akimov: In order to become a real star, you need excellent natural data.

Dmitry Kirillov: The Bolshoi Theater is a big intrigue, it has always been like this, you cook in this all your life, you can go crazy with it, no?

Boris Akimov: No, I somehow adapted to this over the years, they always, probably, always have intrigues, always will, but this is theater!

Dmitry Kirillov: Does the Bolshoi Theater still remain your main energy accumulator today?

Boris Akimov: Yes, fortunately it stays that way!

Dmitry Kirillov: Boris Akimov is a young champion in figure skating, he quits figure skating and runs to a choreographic school, where did this passion come from, why?

Boris Akimov: My mother brought me to Sokolniki Park, to a wonderful figure skating school, then one of the largest and most famous in Moscow, and I began to skate. Any school of figure skating has a choreographic lesson. We were taught from the Bolshoi Theater by the ballet dancer Anatoly Gavrilovich Elagin, who later became a teacher at the Moscow Academy of Choreography. He kept saying to my mom: “Give him to a choreographic school, he is capable of this.” But the fact is that my dad danced with me, only he was a populist, he also danced in the Alexandrov Ensemble, then it was called the NKVD Ensemble, but dad and mom somehow didn’t see me in continuing my father’s dance and my mother didn’t want to go, she always said: “This is such a difficult profession, you see.” But the fact is that dad took me to his rehearsals, he sometimes took me and everyone in the ensemble loved me and always waited for me, I was there like the son of a regiment. I always came and was apparently capable of this, they told me: “Borya, come on, we will show you something”, they showed pieces of Hungarian dance, even tap dancing, I grasped it all and it was such a wonderful atmosphere for me, I learned this rather quickly, it would seem that I had to go in this direction and suddenly again an accident in life - I get sick. Jaundice, it turned out that the infection had passed through our entire group of skaters, a lot of people fell ill, then we all met in one infectious children's hospital. When I came out, they said that you couldn't do physics for six months. You know, they somehow dissolved me for six months, somehow they already distanced me from this, and when I came to the rink again, I no longer had such a powerful desire and nerve. I was 12 years old, I was already an adult.

Dmitry Kirillov: Are they accepted into the choreographic department before?

Boris Akimov: Previously, and at that time, I believe that it was right, there was a special experimental department for boys and girls a little older, but capable of this. You know, I went through the first two rounds, and I’m doing it, and it’s my great happiness that I fell into the hands of a wonderful teacher, such was Elena Nikolaevna Sergievskaya, I always remember her, I remember as long as I’m alive, I will always remember, because everything, what I have, she laid it. She just became a second mother to me, and in general my parents idolized her, because she turned my whole life upside down, she was so modern, she was a teacher who was ahead of her time. She was the first to have a video camera that started from a spring, she filmed us, and then at home on a special editing table that was spinning, she showed us everything that we did all the elements and said: “See where you start, where you come” She organized me so well! She saw something in me, this is a great happiness!

Dmitry Kirillov: Maris Liepa himself was also your teacher, what kind of teacher was he?

Boris Akimov: In continuation of this, Elena Nikolaevna Sergievskaya was very close to Maris Liepa, because she, while relaxing in the Baltic states, she saw him, and she did everything so that he moved from Riga to Moscow, she really played a very big role in his fate the role and she wanted to hand us over to a real dancer who would already fix it all. And then the day came, she appeared and a man stood behind her - it was Maris Liepa, and our work began with him, he taught us for two years, this was his only class. Of course, it’s difficult because he had morning rehearsals in the theater, he was an active artist, then a tour, but she reassured him and said: “These guys are so conscious, I brought them up like that and then Borya can always replace! You are not there, he can give a lesson. She raised me so that I could already give a lesson! He came, he always had a big bag on his shoulders, he loved this bag very much, he had everything there right up to the thermos and before breakfast, he came, jumped onto the piano, took out a high-calorie bun and a bottle of kefir, he drank and said: “You know I have come to tell you that I must go." And he says: "Bora, old man, start!" And he left, but he was a very interesting teacher and, most importantly in our art, the transfer of everything from hand to hand. He came, for example, took off his shoes, twisted his trousers, stood in the center of the hall and began to show how it should be, the approach to the jump, to which, then he led us like this for two years, we finished the exam together with the nine-year parallel department and three of us out of six were admitted to the Bolshoi Theater. Then my life at the Bolshoi Theater went on, and then Spartak, when I, together with my teacher, went to the premiere of the play.

Dmitry Kirillov: Did you join the troupe of the Bolshoi Theatre?

Boris Akimov: I came like everyone else, as a corps de ballet dancer, I did not come as a soloist, this is very important for everything, not only for physics, but in general for understanding oneself in the theater and in general. To assess what will happen next. I danced a lot, it used to be 28-29 corps de ballet performances a month! Almost every day and at the opera, I danced, that only I did not dance, a lot of things.

Voice behind the scene: The talented hard-working boy was noticed by Natalya Kasatkina and Vladimir Vasilev and were not afraid to give him the main role in their production of the ballet "Geologists", this was the first triumph of the young soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. Boris Akimov was recognized by the entire ballet world.

Boris Akimov: And then Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya comes up and says: “Borya, I need a tall Ivan.” This is the ballet "The Little Humpbacked Horse", she was a tsar-maiden and such a proposal! Plisetskaya herself suggests some such initial stages in life!

Dmitry Kirillov: Was it scary with Plisetskaya?

Boris Akimov: You know, she was so contact, I entered the hall, of course there was awe, excitement, as soon as I entered the hall, they began to rehearse, she has such a sense of humor, she will say something funny and everything is very calm, everything is fine!

Dmitry Kirillov: Grigorovich, as I understand it, still?

Boris Akimov: But this is already big work later, here are the proposals of Yuri Nikolayevich. I entered the cage of those dancers, this is a great happiness, especially when he makes roles for you! He did roles for me! I always loved roles, I didn’t just like dancing, it was interesting for me to dig, to find my hero, I already danced a lot, touring in Italy, I danced a lot in Italy and I had my own repertoire and Spartak and Swan.

Dmitry Kirillov:"Evil Genius" you danced the same?

Boris Akimov: He did the “Evil Genius” on me, he danced the prince, but Yuri Nikolayevich did the “Evil Genius” on me. By the way, he also began to do “Swan Lake, Prince” on me, he planned!

Voice behind the scene: The news that Yuri Grigorovich himself was putting his new ballet under Akimov instantly spread throughout the Bolshoi Theater - intrigues to curl did their job, the role of Prince Grigorovich had to be given to other, more eminent colleagues of Akimov, and Boris continued to dance 30 performances a month, constantly replacing the injured dancers. Akimov is a strong, hardy real workhorse, they literally plowed on him, no matter how rude it may sound. And it all ended with a disability...

Boris Akimov: I get out of bed and feel a hell of a pain in two legs, in my lower leg. When the picture was taken, there were five cracks on the right lower leg, four on the left, they are like a black felt-tip pen.

Dmitry Kirillov: It's a hell of a pain!

Boris Akimov: The first period, of course, then I went to all the academics, and I ended up with Academician Vishnevsky, he was a very interesting person, his whole room was in cages with parrots, they duplicated our conversation all the time, we drank tea with him, and he looked my pictures and said: "You know what it is, think about leaving." Everyone already understood that everything. There are also moments in the theater, here too there were moments that were quite difficult. With Yuri Nikolayevich it was also: “You see, we have waited a period, I don’t know what to do, how to be, we have to leave already, to solve some issue, disability, not disability.”

Dmitry Kirillov: How to survive all this psychologically?

Boris Akimov: I rescued the theatre, but it was already legally impossible, many were already starting to write, what, how, they keep this actor, the stakes, the struggle, life. Then the director of the Bolshoi Theater Muromtsev called me and said: “My dear, how much you need to be treated, how much you will be treated, understand? Once or twice you will go out in the play simply in Giselle, in the courtiers, that's all! And you will be cured! I thought that in order to get out, you need to save yourself somehow, and I began to study, I came up with a whole system of lying on the floor. I came for one and a half, two hours a day so that the regime was, I worked out to the sweat of the present. It was easier for me, my body worked, and I worked out this whole system, I turned around, whatever I did. And then Plisetskaya came up and said: “I can’t watch how much you suffer, I will give you my doctor.” He was a wonderful surgeon, when he saw my pictures, he said so calmly: “Borya, we will dance with you in a month and a half, two!” I left on wings, as he later told me: “I had to psychologically ... when I saw the pictures, I understood.” He said, "Don't waste time, don't run, read books, do a little pedagogy." And I have already begun to fantasize something in pedagogy, I have switched my creativity there.

Voice behind the scene: Akimov is a born teacher, this was talked about in the theater for a long time, even when Boris was a young soloist of the Bolshoi, he spent hours watching the work of Asaf Messerer, Alexei Ermolaev and Alexei Varlamov. And, moving from class to class, I was looking for my method, my way. Years will pass and classes with Boris Akimov will be in demand by absolutely all the stars of the Bolshoi Theater!

Boris Akimov: All the leading soloists of the theater began to come to me, including Volodya Vasiliev and Maya Mikhailovna Plisetskaya, Volodya Tikhonov began to come and many others! And my teacher is Maris Liepa! It even happened, everyone went to work with pleasure!

Dmitry Kirillov: Fantastic student!

Boris Akimov: And I kept fantasizing, I wanted to do it all, sometimes I didn’t sleep, didn’t go to bed, I thought that I needed to give them something so interesting! There was an interest in me, it even got to the point that we had a woman impresario in Brazil, she suggested to our leadership, found out that such a class was conducted in an interesting way, she suggested and you know what it resulted in? Tickets were sold at large stadiums for twenty thousand: the lessons of the Bolshoi Ballet and were led (it was written) by Professor Akimov and thirty-five or forty soloists, we had an hour and a half full of emotional cascade of everything, there was absolutely terrible applause and that was it!

Voice behind the scene: The news that Boris Akimov works miracles spread far beyond the borders of the Soviet Union, foreign delegations visiting the Bolshoi Theater wanted to see this teacher, Professor Akimov became world famous!

Boris Akimov: I received a call from the directorate's box: “Come down immediately! Ministry of Culture of the USSR, office such and such, "I enter:" You have an invitation from the Royal English Ballet! Everything has already spread, Akimov is invited! And here was my first visit to the English Royal Ballet, which was very successful, and then the second, third, and now I have been working with ballet for 27 years in the Royal English Ballet, this is a rare case of such constancy.

Dmitry Kirillov: And you have become an exporter of Russian ballet pedagogy to the West.

Boris Akimov: You know, I am happy that I represent the Russian pedagogical school and the school of Soviet-Russian ballet, Russian ballet in general, I see that somehow everything is going well, which I am very happy about, in my face I prove its strength!

Dmitry Kirillov: For forty years you have lived together with Tatyana Nikolaevna Popko - your wife, but she has been gone for ten years, so who helped and what helped you survive this tragedy?

Boris Akimov: Well, firstly, she was a wonderful ballerina, forty years have passed like one day, as everything in this life goes. Our life is very good, besides the fact that we loved each other, we understood each other, she was also an artist, and then a wonderful teacher, although we never took all the pedagogical topics at home! She came to my classes, but practically not, and I also practically never visited her. Sometimes only in the morning she says to me: “Listen, well, offer me at least some combination of batman-tandyu, you gave it yesterday.” You remember this, it’s very pleasant, we lived like that, it was certainly a surprise, we fought the disease, but, unfortunately, it was impossible to defeat it. We saw her off, all of Moscow saw her off, because they loved her very much, she was very modest, we had complete understanding in life! Of course, it’s very hard, I say softly, when she left, it so happened that I arrived at the dacha and not ... but there is a reflex of life and you do something, bent down to drip something and think, now her voice is from the porch: “Listen you check, ”and this is already gone and you know, I had some kind of shift, stress, I started writing something, I wrote all this and by the anniversary we all got together and I published a book of poems. It was called “A Conversation a Year Long”, I kind of talk to her, and then the second year went “Love, long into infinity” book and the third year went “You only weave a wreath”, these three years were a conversation, and I agreed on various topics, we kind of talked with her like that. In 1995, on the occasion of Yesenin's centenary, I offered to make a performance, there was all my music, an overture, twenty-odd songs - romances, Yesenin's poems, I wanted them to help realize it, it was naive of me, I came, everyone said, that this is wonderful, very interesting, but we can not help. The last was Tikhon Nikolaevich Khrennikov, whom I knew from theaters, he was close to ballet, I came to him at the Union of Composers, showed him some of my things, he said: “Borya, it’s so interesting, you’re doing it so well, keep going, but I can’t help, I have a lot of students.” Suddenly I come home, turn on the radio and an orchestra of folk instruments sounds, the leader is Nikolai Nekrasov, it’s so beautiful and I understand what if I go to him. I went to him, told him in a nutshell, he sat down at the piano and played a melody with his right hand and said: “Borya, this is interesting.” We went deeper, we sit, he says: “This is for our orchestra! I take"! I still teach, I look for moves in pedagogy, although sometimes it happens, I come to the same London, for 27 years already and I think: I need to give them something else, I’m in the ring and there’s no way out, I’ll move along the eight and suddenly they are such doors, you open, it turns out that there are moves! And you go further into them, it's amazing, you just run, fly, from what you found again! This is extremely interesting for me. I continue to act, create, continue to show, always saying: "I am conducting an experience of interest, how long the human body can hold on." I’m even wondering how much, how the ligaments can work, in general the apparatus, I continue to follow the students. I want this wheel to spin, of course I would like to repeat something else and create something interesting, and thus, if it is interesting, it brings joy to people! And what you need? You need to bring joy to people, I think that's what life is all about!

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