Large drawing on several A4. How to print a large map on A4 sheets

You can print a collage or poster using a Canon or HP printer. In most cases, there is no need even for specialized software.

What will we talk about:

Preparation for the process

First you need to prepare an image. Its resolution must correspond to the intended purposes, since ignoring this indicator can lead to problems with the clarity of the picture. That is, the more sheets that need to be printed to create the required image, the higher the required image clarity.

Printing pictures

Next, select a printing device. A Canon (HP) printer must work with sheets of A4 format and have a function that implies no margins. The latter will allow great success and create a poster, calendar or photo collage on several sheets in A4 format without any hassle.

Each printer, regardless of the manufacturer, comes with an instruction manual. Before turning on office equipment in electrical network, you should definitely familiarize yourself with it and use the settings that are written there for printing in a special mode. The result will be positive when using “Crop Lines in the Margins”. Thus, before each PC page is printed, it is laid out automatically. This ensures trouble-free laying of finished sheets on top of each other and their connection with glue.

Printing a picture using Microsoft Word

To print on several A4 sheets in Word, you need to save the desired image in this program. A4 sheets are placed in the tray intended for them, and go to the menu called “File”. There they find “Print” and fill in the required parameters; to view the selected mode, open the “Preview” tab.

If the resulting image matches the desired result, the poster is sent for printing via Word. To finalize the printed parts, you will need glue and scissors. Choosing inappropriate parameters will result in defects in finished product. Then the whole process will have to start again.

The properties of the following lines are set:

  • sheet size (minimum four puzzles);
  • sheet orientation (landscape or portrait);

“Cutting lines in the margins” are divided into indicators that indicate the edge and the place where another fragment is attached. A more detailed breakdown of images in Word is possible using specialized programs.

Using Microsoft Excel

Often, to print an image on several A4 sheets on a printer, the well-known Microsoft Excel is used.

A spreadsheet will greatly facilitate the process of breaking down the whole picture into its constituent parts. To do this you need:

  • upload the drawing to the office program;
  • go to the tab called “View”;
  • select “Page Layout”;
  • stretch the image horizontally and vertically, leaving its boundaries far beyond the boundaries of the marker, while reducing the scale;
  • take a position covering the required number of pages;
  • print the picture, not forgetting about the settings (orientation and size), they are checked using a function such as “Preview”.

Printing an image via Paint

The Paint program is familiar even to novice personal computer users. It is considered a mandatory element of the Windows operating system, so it is available on every device. To print a picture on several sheets in A4 format using Paint:

  • go into the program;
  • open the desired image in it;
  • go to the “File” tab and select “Print” and “Options”;
  • indicate the required conditions (portrait or landscape orientation, number of sheets in length and width, centering and scale)
  • confirm them by clicking “Fit”;
  • check the correctness of the entered parameters by going to “Preview”;
  • If there are no flaws, send the poster or collage for printing.

This is very quick way get a picture without additional settings in the printer or other programs.

Online printing via Photoshop

It is possible to print a picture in Photoshop on several A4 sheets. How to print an image using Photoshop? Is it possible to carry out the procedure online? First, you need to make sure that the program supports the image format and is online. Next, you need to open it and go to “File-Print”. Here you need to configure the Photoshop program by selecting and confirming:

  1. An HP printer (Canon), on which you will have to print “puzzles” for the image using Photoshop.
  2. Number of sheets in A4 format.
  3. Method of pagination.
  4. Color preferences.
  5. Picture orientation (portrait or landscape).
  6. Source of supply of consumables.
  7. Photoshop quality.

The last step is to view the resulting image online and print it on sheets in A4 format using Photoshop.

Setting Printer Settings

Plotters are not needed if settings are made in the printer menu. In this case, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • open the picture;
  • select a function that involves printing it;
  • go to the “Properties” tab, then click on the line called “Page”;
  • in the “Page Layout” item, select the “Poster Printing” column;
  • confirm your action by clicking on the “Set” tab;
  • determine the breakdown parameters;
  • send the poster for printing.

The result is shown in the photo.

In this case, it may be difficult to choose between cut lines and overlap marks. According to experts, the latter are a more acceptable option. Unfortunately, not all printers have this functionality.

Using special programs

Professional artists most often use programs created specifically for this type of design of pictures for collages, posters and posters. The corresponding utilities and drivers have more flexible settings that allow you to provide for all possible defects and irregularities that may occur on A4 sheets. Similar developments include “Ace Poster”, “Corel”, “ABViewer”, “The Rasterbator” and many others.

With Word and Publisher, you can print poster letters and resize them from 1 to 1638.
For beginners, the difficulty is that it is not clear how to make the letters larger if the standard sizes are limited to font size 72.
This article discusses the issue of increasing the standard font size, as well as the question of how to create a WordArt title.

How to print capital letters

1. Set the scale smaller because we need to see the sheets and the letters on them in order to edit the inscription.
1.1. In Word 2010, in the status bar we find the scale tool.
Use the slider or click the minus button to reduce the sheet size.

tool - scale

(Picture 1)

1.2. In Word 2003, the scale can be set in two ways - by selecting the desired one in the toolbar.

(Figure 2)

The second way is to click "View" / "Scale"

(Figure 3)

(Figure 4)
After we have chosen the scale, we can see several sheets at once and how the inscription will look.

2. Change the size of the letters.

If you don't know how to increase the letter size (more than 72pt), then it's quite simple.
We erase what is written in the “Font Size” window:
— place the cursor inside the “Font Size” window;
— delete the number indicating the old size using the backspace or delete key;
— print the new font size, remembering that the upper limit is the number 1938 and if you type 1939, the program will report an error.
2.1. In word 2010, go to the “Home” tab, erase the old font size and type 72, and then press Enter.

(Figure 5)

2.2. In word 3003 you also need to erase the font.

(Figure 6)

Here's what I got.

(Figure 7)

Working with WordArt

This feature is not available in Word 2010, but is present in Publisher, where the inscription can be printed and copied into Word.

3. To make WordArt text, turn on the drawing panel in Word 2003; to do this, click “View” / “Toolbar” / “Drawing”. Now click on the letter A in the WordArt panel and select a font for the ad text.

(Figure 8)

And now you can write the text in full or in parts...

(Figure 9)

4. After we have received part of the text, we need to move it, move it, but it won’t work that easily - we will have to change the settings of the WordArt object. To do this, select the text, right-click on the selected object and select “Format WordArt Object” in the window that appears.

(Figure 10)

5. Then in the window that appears, we must go to the “Position” tab and select “By contour”, now we can freely move and enlarge our object.

Go to the Position tab and select Along contour

(Figure 11)


If you are going to print an inscription for a poster in Word, then this can be done using regular text enlarged in size and WordArt text.
And not always new program has better opportunities and the outdated word program can type in the same way, you just need to know the location of the tools.
Good luck with your poster.

Here, as in that joke, we have several options. First, let's understand that a picture (or other information) that needs to be printed on several sheets is called a poster. The simplest and most universal way to print a picture onto several sheets is to use a spreadsheet editor. Its main advantage is the ability to print a poster in any case, using any number of sheets; The disadvantage is that it takes a little more time than when printing a poster using the printer options. Printing a poster using the printer interface takes much less time, however, not all programs for printers include such an option. Therefore, you have to use the first method. So, let's look at the options for the first method of printing a poster, i.e. using editors in the two most common operating systems: Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS. 1. In the Microsoft Windows operating system, the most universal way to print a poster is to place our picture in the MS Excel editor. The algorithm of actions is as follows: Start->All Programs->Microsoft Office->Microsoft Excel; in the menu, select Insert->Picture (->From file), after which the “Insert Picture” window opens, where we find our picture and click the “Insert” button; File->Page Options (Page Layout->Page Options)->"Page" tab - go to the direct selection of the orientation of the poster sheets in the "Orientation" field (landscape or portrait), their number in width and height in the "Scale" field - > "number of sheets:"; go to the document window with the drawing, enlarge our drawing to the required number of sheets. The "Preview" option (File->Preview or File->Print) allows you to see exactly how the picture will be placed. When the result satisfies us, feel free to click on “Print” and print our poster. We carefully cut the result where necessary and glue it together. 2. In the Apple Mac OS operating system, similar manipulations can be done using the Calc editor from OpenOffice. The actions in this editor are almost the same as those in the MS Excel editor. That is, we open the Calc editor, set the parameters of our poster through the Format->Page menu... select the “Sheet” tab, look at the “Scale” option at the bottom, where we are interested in selecting the “Fit print range to the number of pages” property in the “Scaling mode” " on the left, as well as selecting the number of pages in the "Number of pages" property on the right. Now we insert our picture by selecting Insert->Image->From File... in the top menu, expand its dimensions to the required ones with control in the “Preview” (in the “File” menu), after which we safely print. Let's consider software for printers from the most popular companies Epson and Canon. Since their interfaces are most typical for all modifications of the Epson line, as well as Canon, it is easy to build general algorithms of actions. 3. The printing program for Epson printers has the following interface and procedure for printing a poster consisting of several sheets: “Properties” -> “Printing Settings” -> “Layout” tab; On the left, look at the “multi-page” field and put a bird there; We also put a dot in front of the “poster printing” property; using the poster sheet layout counter, select one of four options – 2x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4; When choosing poster options, look at the preview layout. 4. The printing program for Canon printers requires the following algorithm of actions: “Properties” -> “Printing Settings” -> “Page Settings” tab; “Orientation” option – allows you to select portrait or landscape type of poster sheets; the "Page Layout" option has a selection window, by clicking which we can choose one of the three options we like - poster, poster, poster; When choosing poster options, look at the preview window on the left. After confirming the changes to the printer settings, we can print our poster. I hope this explanation helped you, and in the future printing any poster on several sheets will not be difficult for you. Good luck!

Sometimes users of printing devices have a question related to how to print A3 on two A4. At first, it seems that a problem of this kind is very difficult to solve, but in fact this is far from the case. So, if you have to print A3 on two A4 sheets in order to get one large drawing, in this case, you will have to take the help of several software applications.

If you need to print A3 on an A4 printer, i.e. to fit a document with this format on a regular sheet of paper, then in this case simply call up the print menu in Word using the Ctrl+P keyboard shortcut, then select A3 format from the list. Next, click on the menu “1 page per sheet” => “Fit to page size” => “A4”. Now you can click on the button responsible for launching the printing program, having used the preview before this.

Programs for printing A3 on two A4

  1. If you are planning to solve the problem of how to print A3 on two A4s, then use, as mentioned above, special programs, for example, excellent option could become PlaCard. This software is designed for printing posters on several A4. With its help, you can automatically split any image into several fragments, each of which will be equal to an A4 sheet. This program for printing posters on A4, it has the ability to carry out selective printing, save fragments into separate graphic files, print a poster in just three clicks and receive images from the clipboard or scanner. It should also be added that this software supports more than three dozen graphic formats.
  2. In addition, to solve the problem of how to print A3 on two A4s, you can download and install software such as Easy Poster Printer. It allows you to print your own poster in just a few clicks. different sizes, and with the help of ordinary printing office equipment. Using this software, you can adjust the print quality, sheet orientation, enlarge and reduce the image, set the width of the marking line, etc.
  3. Another functional and convenient free program for printing all kinds of posters and placards is Posteriza. This software has a special text block that allows you to add text. To delete it, you just need to open the corresponding tab, then erase everything unnecessary and click on “Apply” for the changes to take effect. All options related to changing the number of fragments and the size of the future poster are available on the “Size” tab.

Using one of the described programs, you can easily print any A3 document on A4 sheets. After this, you will only need to take the printed document and glue it together from two A4 sheets.

How to print A1 on several A4

If you are faced with the need to solve the following problem: how to print A1 on several A4 - in this case, you will not need to download and install additional software, because You can get by with absolutely standard tools.

  • Open any required document using the appropriate program, for example, Word and call the print menu.
  • Click on the "Properties" button, which will open the properties of your printer.
  • Set the portrait or landscape orientation of the sheets, as well as the optimal page size.
  • In the “Page Layout” section, in the same window, you should click on “Print Poster”, the standard size of which is 4 sheets.
  • If you are not satisfied with the number of fragments the image will consist of, then click on “Set”.
  • Specify the desired number of fragments into which your image should be divided.
  • To ensure that each sheet has an edge that can be trimmed evenly if necessary, check the “Cutting lines in the margins” checkbox.
  • At the end, all you have to do is click “OK”, print and view the result of the work done.

Thus, the problem related to how to split an image into parts for printing is solved quite simply, and using standard tools, available in Word or other programs that are installed on most PCs.

But if you need to solve this kind of problem quite often and print large formats of images in the form of small fragments for posters or posters, then it is best to use special programs that will allow you to complete all necessary work in a few clicks. Moreover, among them there are many free options.

I work as a teacher. Therefore, a large format image is often required for clarity and design. well, at home under New Year You can decorate it like in this photo. This Santa Claus was printed on a regular A4 sheet printer. I’ll tell you in more detail how to do this. because in our SM there is a lot creative people who may need big poster. And not everyone (like me, for example) has a special program... (I haven’t seen such a master class here, maybe I missed it - then I apologize!)

Open Microsoft Excel ----> select the "Insert" tab ----> Drawing

A dialog box opens ----> Select any picture from your files -----> Click "Insert" (I chose this clown as an example)

We see the drawing has appeared

Opening the preview

We see that our clown is small, just one sheet of paper (the arrow indicates how many pages will be printed)

close the preview window, and Oh! miracle, we see that some cells have appeared (you may not see it right away, then we reduce the scale in the lower right corner) the cells that I showed with an arrow are pages - future A4

Now we confidently pull the indicated corner, stretch it to the required number of pages

we look again, we see how many pages we get (indicated by the arrow)

And - voila! we print it out, glue it together like children’s cut-out pictures, use it... and our craftswomen will find a place to use such posters!?

As an option, you can print out the outline images, then color them yourself (fortunately, there are a lot of coloring books on the Internet!), you can do it this way. make any patterns, cards... well, in general, use it, I'm waiting for your feedback!

Hello. First of all, Happy New Year. And here is a program for printing large formats. called PosterPrinter. It installs very easily, is Russian-language, has a registration key and, most importantly, can print photos big size, up to 2-3 meters. I often use this program, although my printer only prints up to A4 size. Go to a search engine (I use Google), type the name of this program and download it for free. You download the program and install it on your computer and that’s it. Here’s the link I just found. Why is it so difficult? Each printer (if it is not completely antediluvian) has a “poster printing” setting, where you can choose how many sheets the image should occupy. And it's much faster than opening Excel. Everything in Excel takes a long time, there is a simple Poster Printer program and you can print any size. Hello! thanks for useful information. But I don’t understand point 6. I opened the preview, saw 1 page... and then what to do... if, as you wrote, I closed the preview and nothing happens... how can I indicate how many sheets the drawing should be printed on? Please explain the transition from point 6 to point 7... When you have uploaded your drawing, you don’t have to look at it first, because... it’s still small, start stretching it. And when you’ve stretched it, then look in the preview how many sheets you got. This will be indicated in the lower left corner - 1 sheet from... (how many sheets you stretch will be indicated). If you are not satisfied with whether there are many sheets or few, then close the preview and reduce or stretch the drawing again. And again in the preview, see how many sheets you have.

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