Blogger Lena Miro criticized the work of Vera Brezhneva: “My generation knows Vera Brezhneva by name, but not as an artist.” Vera Brezhnev was criticized by scandalous blogger Lena Miro Lena Miro about Vera Brezhneva: Lena Miro's criticism of Vera Brezhneva's career

Everyone loves Vera Brezhneva. First of all, Vera is good. Not a bitch and not a sheep. Star sickness doesn't suffer.

Secondly, Vera is beautiful. Was. Before she married Konstantin Meladze.

After all, an older husband makes a woman look very old.

The other day, Vera took part in a charity race, after which some of her photographs appeared on the Internet.

Unlike Ksenia Sobchak, who prudently hid her ugly figure under a Puritan tracksuit colors “cheerful sitchik”, Brezhnev flabby belly doesn't hide.

Photo: social networks

It seems that Vera is so happy that she doesn’t care what she looks like. In general, Vera relaxed.

Photo: social networks

For many women, it is completely natural to relax next to a man who is a generation older.

After all, how do they reason? Since I'm younger, that means I can do anything. Get fat. Stop looking after yourself. Become effeminate. No matter what happens, I am a “girl”.

This is a huge misconception. And not even because a normal man would kill a pig, even if he was old enough to be his daughter, but because being a woman is happiness. Not the aunt with three chins. Not a woman with a thick neck.

And a woman.


Being good-natured and cheerful is wonderful, but why not remain beautiful?

There is only one life, and growing old ahead of time, having cocooned yourself in the cocoon of home comfort with a man for whom enemas will become more important than sex in the near future, is stupid.

Girls, have you noticed that when stability appears in a relationship, you fall down? Guys, are your chicks crazy? How did you take it?

This time Miro decided to reveal the secret of one of the sexiest representatives domestic show business- Vera Brezhneva...

She secretly told the whole world that in fact Brezhnev is a “dwarf”, she simply skillfully hides her ugliness.
According to the blogger, the singer’s height is no more than 1.50 m and in order to appear taller, she resorts to various tricks.

We remind you that according to official data, Vera Brezhneva’s height is 1.71 m.

“There are many tricks to make dwarfism invisible.
Wear shoes with 20 cm heels and thick soles.

Or, for example, make a higher ponytail out of your hair. Why does the singer look relatively tall on stage and in videos? There is also a trick here, which the cameramen who filmed Brezhnev gossip about.

In preparation for filming, they are rumored to be forced to change the camera angle, pointing the lens from bottom to top. This gives optical illusion long legs And tall,” wrote Lena Miro.

“But no matter how much you hide, everything secret becomes clear. The other day, on the air of “Guess the Melody,” Vera Brezhneva made a mistake.
Putting on her heels and ponytail, as always, the singer stood next to little Mikhail Galustyan.

Both stars turned out to be the same height.”

Famous Russian blogger with a pretty scandalous reputation Lena Miro made a publication that became the center of everyone's attention. She walked all over singer Vera Brezhneva.

Lena Miro quite recently discussed Ksenia Sobchak and Olga Buzova, and now she has taken up writing about creativity and personal life actress Vera Brezhneva.

Lena Miro about Vera Brezhneva: Lena Miro's criticism of Vera Brezhneva's career

The reason for the blogger’s scandalous post was Vera Brezhneva’s publication in social network instagram. In it, the singer talked about the work of the pop group “ VIA gra"and the result of its solo career. Between words, the girl called herself and the other members of the pop group artists.
This was the reason why Lena Miro expressed everything she thought about it in her blog. As usual, the woman was in her own style - verbose and sharp-tongued.

“Having thrown away all this teeth-grinding sugar that Vera so diligently sprinkles on her readers so that they don’t run away from her, so primitively simple, I asked myself a question. What kind of songs does “artist” Vera Brezhneva actually have? I remembered and remembered, but nothing came to mind. I remember some lines from “VIAgra”: something about an attraction that no longer exists, and the eternal woman’s howl: “Don’t leave me, my love.” I remember this. Do not deny. But from solo creativity I can’t remember anything about the “artist” Vera Brezhneva. I suspect I'm not the only one. Yes, my generation knows Vera Brezhneva by name, but not as an artist, but as a blonde with boobs, the same “little white” one from VIAgra. Today Brezhneva is not the first cutie from Instagram. Yes, they know her by sight, but nothing more.”

Lena Miro about Vera Brezhneva: Lena Miro’s criticism of Vera Brezhneva’s husband, Konstantin Meladze

Popular blogger Lena Miro did not forget to speak out about Vera Brezhneva’s husband, producer Konstantin Meladze. The famous critic is sure that the singer did not marry advantageously. In her opinion, the artist’s husband is not very rich, not so good-looking, and also not young. As Lena Miro thinks, Vera Brezhneva could find a half-hearted man for herself.

“Everyone knew Brezhnev and many wanted him. It could sell expensively and beautifully. But look who Vera chose. No, of course, Konstantin Meladze is not a poor man, but not fabulously rich either. Plus, he's old. This is a grandfather with a turkey neck and a boar’s belly,” writes blogger Miro.

“Verochka, when she calls herself an artist, is being disingenuous, knowing full well that without her elderly producer, her husband, she is nothing. Without Konstantin Meladze, cutie Verochka won’t get a single concert where she can bleat out her unmemorable songs, or a single award. Brezhneva knows this, which is why she married an ugly, elderly man who can shoot her videos and record songs for her. Clips that no one watches. Songs that no one listens to. But at least they exist, which means Vera Brezhneva can imagine herself as an artist, even though it’s a little comical,” Lena continues to express her thoughts.
A little earlier, blogger Miro’s “sharp” tongue criticized Victoria Bonya, Olga Buzova and many other stars.

Scandalous blogger Lena Miro makes sensational statements from time to time.

For example, when Ksenia Sobchak was still carrying a child, Miro reported that the father of her unborn baby was not her legal husband Maxim Vitorgan, but the husband of her friend Natalya Ionova-Chistyakova, Alexander Chistyakov. Then everyone laughed together and forgot both about Sobchak’s “betrayal” and about Miro herself.

And the other day she made herself known again with another loud statement. This time, Elena decided to reveal the secret of one of the sexiest representatives of domestic show business, Vera Brezhneva, and secretly told the whole world that in fact Brezhneva is a “dwarf” who simply skillfully hides her ugliness. According to the blogger, the singer’s height is no more than 1.50 m and in order to appear taller, she resorts to various tricks.

“There are many tricks to make dwarfism invisible. Wear shoes with 20 cm heels and thick soles. Or, for example, make a higher ponytail out of your hair. Why does the singer look relatively tall on stage and in videos? There is also a trick here, which the cameramen who filmed Brezhnev gossip about. In preparation for filming, they are rumored to be forced to change the camera angle, pointing the lens from bottom to top. This gives the optical illusion of long legs and height,” writes Miro.

“But no matter how much you hide, everything secret becomes clear. The other day, on the air of “Guess the Melody,” Vera Brezhneva made a mistake. Putting on her heels and ponytail, as always, the singer stood next to little Mikhail Galustyan. Both stars turned out to be the same height.” The editors of recall that according to official data, Vera Brezhneva’s height is 1.71 m.

Lena Miro

Everyone who knows Vera Brezhneva personally talks about her short stature. Fifty meters in a jump - no higher.

It would seem, who cares about the growth of Vera? Well, not everyone is born tall. It turned out to be small, but it sings loudly.

All this would have been so if Brezhneva had not strenuously hidden her shortcomings.

There are many tricks to make dwarfism invisible. Wear shoes with 20 cm heels and thick soles. Or, for example, make a higher ponytail out of your hair.

Vera uses these techniques. Look, here are the heels and the tail:

Photo: social networks

Why does the singer look relatively tall on stage and in videos?

There is also a trick here, which the cameramen who filmed Brezhnev gossip about. In preparation for filming, they are rumored to be forced to change the camera angle, pointing the lens from bottom to top.

This gives the optical illusion of long legs and height.

But no matter how much you hide, everything secret becomes clear. The other day, on the air of “Guess the Melody,” Vera Brezhneva made a mistake.

Putting on her heels and ponytail, as always, the singer stood next to little Mikhail Galustyan. Both stars turned out to be the same height.

Photo: social networks

Why Vera Brezhneva fools her fans is unclear to me. Small stature doesn't make it any worse or better.

Just think, isn’t there enough ugliness in life? Being short is not even a disadvantage.

What am I talking about? Oh yes: how tall are you? Do you have a complex because of him?

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