Biography of Nicole Scherzinger. Star biography: Nicole Scherzinger

Nicole Praskovia Elikolani Valiente Scherzinger(eng. Nicole Scherzinger , also known as Nicole Kea Nicole Kea is an American pop/R&B singer, dancer, songwriter, producer and actress, but is best known as a vocalist. The group Pussycat Doll.

Childhood and youth

Nicole was born on June 29, 1978 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Nicole's father is Filipino, and her mother is half Russian and half Hawaiian. When Nicole was born, her mother Rosemary was 18 years old. She left Nicole's father when she was just a baby. They moved to Louisville, Kentucky, with their sister Keala and their German stepfather Harry Scherzinger. Nicole was raised within a “conservative Catholic framework.” She began her journey as an artist in Louisville, attending the School of the Arts and performing in local theater. Then Nicole entered Wright State University to study acting, but in 1999 she abandoned her studies to become a backing vocalist for the band Days Of The New.


Nicole participated in the recording of the band's second album, Days Of The New, which was released in 1999. She also recorded two songs with FOB's Barry Druck, which were released in 2001.
In 2001, Nicole participated in the show Popstars (analogous to Star Factory), where she earned a place in the girl group Eden's Crush. She became one of the main vocalists of the group. The group's first single, Get Over Yourself, took first place in sales and entered the top ten of the Billboard Hot 100. The second single from the group's debut album Popstars was the song Love This Way. But eventually the record company London-Sire Records folded and the group disbanded.

In November 2007, Nicole spoke about those times:

...It was hell... I was in a group with four other girls and every day was torture for me. We were on television and the atmosphere around us was terrible. I was the one that no one loved and I couldn't do anything about it. Maybe it was because I'm pretty. Other girls thought I was bitchy and ambitious. They said such things about me, both to my face and behind my back... every day in that group I cried. The group was supposed to be fun and free, but the reality was different... I was very sensitive then, but I became tougher. I would not have been able to come to the dolls without my experience in this group.

After the breakup of Eden's Crush, Nicole recorded several solo compositions under the pseudonym Nicole Kea, including the song Breakfast In Bed from the soundtrack to the film 50 First Dates. She also worked with the Japanese group Yoshiki. She recorded the song I'll Be Your Love with the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra.

The Pussycat Dolls

In May 2003, Nicole joined the burlesque troupe The Pussycat Dolls. She first saw them perform on The Late Show with David Letterman in November 2002, where Carmen Electra performed the song Big Spender from the Bob Fosse musical Sweet Charity. In 2006, Nicole said, “It resonated with me because in college I played Velma Kelly in the musical Chicago.” Now The Pussycat Dolls are known all over the world. Their hits Don't Cha, Buttons and Stickwitu topped the US charts, and their album PCD went double platinum in 2006.

Nicole is the only member of the group who takes part in songwriting. She co-wrote the song I Don't Need A Man with Kara DioGuardi and Buttons with Sean Garrett. She also co-wrote the bonus track Flirt for the PCD album with Kara.
In 2006, Nicole went on a promotional tour for the new album with the Pussycat Dolls. In 2006, it was revealed that the Dolls were working with Interscope Records, giving the company significant control over the group's finances and business activities.
Nicole was number twenty-two on Maxim magazine's Hot 100 in 2006 and number twenty-one in 2007.
In March 2008, Scherzinger appeared on the cover of Men's Fitness magazine.
In the wake of the popularity of The Pussycat Dolls, Nicole recorded many duets. In 2005, she sang with Shaggy, Vittorio Grigolo and Will Smith. In 2006, she recorded the single Lie About Us with Avant and Come to Me with Diddy. Videos were shot for both songs. In September 2008, together with The Pussycat Dolls, they released new album Doll Domination.

Solo career

Scherzinger worked on her debut album from 2006 to 2008, recruiting producers such as, Timbaland, Kara DioGuardi and Brian-Michael Cox. On March 17, 2007, in an interview in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Nicole announced that the album would be titled Her Name is Nicole. It was originally slated for release in 2007, but an official release date is currently unknown. The tracklist has been published in full on
Her first solo single, "Whatever U Like", featuring rapper T.I., was released in July 2007. The song was not a commercial success, and it was soon announced that the album's lead single would be "Baby Love" instead of "Whatever U Like" (released September 2007). In September 2007, Scherzinger's official websites and Interscope began promoting "Baby Love" as the lead single. After the failure of the singles North America(Be that as it may, “Baby Love” was successful in Europe and Brazil) a poll was organized on Scherzinger’s website to select the third single. Among the options presented: “Supervillian”, “Happily Never After”, “Who’s Gonna” Love You" and "Power's Out". On November 28, the poll was changed and the songs "Power's Out" and "Supervillian" were replaced by "Puakenikeni" and "Physical". On December 10, the website announced that "Puakenikeni" would be the album's official single.
"Supervillian" and "Puakenikeni" are available only on iTunes. Like Nicole's earlier singles, they failed to achieve success on the US charts. Due to this, Interscope announced that Scherzinger's album will be postponed indefinitely.



  • 2009: Her Name Is Nicole


  • 2007: "Whatever U Like" featuring T.I.
  • 2007: "Baby Love" featuring
  • 2007: "Supervillian" featuring Mad Scientist
  • 2007: "Puakenikeni" featuring Brick & Lace
  • 2008: "Rio"


  • 2006: "Lie About Us" Avant featuring Nicole Scherzinger
  • 2006: “Come to Me” by P Diddy featuring Nicole Scherzinger
  • 2006: "You Are My Miracle" (Vittorio featuring Nicole Scherzinger)
  • 2008: "Scream" Timbaland featuring Keri Hilson and Nicole Scherzinger
  • 2008: "Yes We Can" featuring several artists


    Scherzinger starred in the TV comedy My Wife and Kids. She played the role of Miss Puerto Rico in the film Chasing Papi. She also had a small role in the film Love Don't Cost a Thing. Nicole recently starred in a commercial for the program for the 2007-2008 television season of The CW Television Network.
    In October 2007, Scherzinger appeared in two episodes of the fourth episode of the British television show X Factor.
    In 2008, she appeared on the reality show Pussycat Dolls Present: Girlicious, where she sang a couple of songs from her album Her Name Is Nicole. She later appeared again in some episodes of the show.

Nicole Scherzinger- popular American singer, lead singer of The Pussycat Dolls. Songwriter, dancer, actress, music producer and fashion model. She recorded duets with Timbaland, Kari Hilson, Will Smith. She took part in the X Factor project in the USA as a judge in 2011. Nicole has a mixture of Filipino, Hawaiian and Russian heritage.

Biography of Nicole Scherzinger/Nicole Sherzinger

Nicole Scherzinger born June 29, 1978 in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Nicole's father, Alfonso Valiente, is Filipino, her mother, Rosemary, is half Russian (her mother was from Vladivostok), half Hawaiian. The parents separated 3 years after the birth of their daughter. Mother and Nicole moved to Louisville, Kentucky. Here Rosemary soon married Harry Schenzinger and gave birth to her second daughter, Keala.

Full name Nicole Scherzinger- Nicole Praskovya Elikolani Valente Scherzinger.

Nicole's parents were Catholics, so they raised their daughter in strict conservative traditions. Nicole Scherzinger attended the School of the Arts and performed in the local theater. Later, the future celebrity entered the acting department at Wright State University.

But in 1999, Nicole dropped out of school and became a backing vocalist for the band Days of the News. In the same year, the group's first record with a voice was released. Nicole Scherzinger. In 2001, the singer recorded her first 2 songs. In 2001, after participating in the American show Popstars (similar to Star Factory), Nicole gets a place in the group Eden's Crush. Record company, which promoted the group, breaks up, the group also ceases to exist.

Nicole Scherzinger takes the pseudonym Nicole Kea and records several compositions. "Breakfast in Bed" is featured on the soundtrack to the film Fifty First Dates, directed by Peter Segal.

Nicole Scherzinger appears periodically on big screen- either in episodic roles or as a composer of film soundtracks. Nicole starred in the sitcoms “How I Met Your Mother” in 2010, in the film “Love Don’t Cost a Thing.” Her most recent work was as the villain Lily in Men in Black 3.

Nicole Scherzinger / Nicole Sherzinger and her career in The Pussycat Dolls

In 2003 Nicole Scherzinger starts working with The Pussycat Dolls. It is worth noting that Nicole is the only member who participates in songwriting. Initially, The Pussycat Dolls were a group of girls who only danced cabaret style in nightclubs. But with the arrival of Nicole, everything changed dramatically: the group “sang.” And Nicole performs all the main roles. Now The Pussycat Dolls are known all over the world, their discs are sold in huge quantities.

The Pussycat Dolls' album PCD was certified double platinum in 2006.

The group’s most popular compositions were “ Don’t Cha”, “Stickwitu”, “Buttons”, “I don’t need a man”. For a long time they did not leave the leading positions not only in the American, but also in the European charts.

Solo career Nicole Scherzinger / Nicole Sherzinger

In parallel with work in the group The Pussycat Dolls, Nicole Scherzinger, since 2006, manages to record successful solo compositions and duets with popular performers. With P. Diddy in 2007 - Come to Me, in 2008 he starred in the video for the song Scream along with Timbaland and Carey Hilson.

On his first debut album Nicole Scherzinger worked from 2006 to 2008 with producers such as Timbaland, The debut disc was supposed to be called Her Name is Nicole and released in 2009, but was released only in 2011 as Killer Love. The album included a composition with Sting, as well as a remix of the song Heartbeat with Enrique Iglesisas.

Personal life of Nicole Scherzinger/Nicole Sherzinger

The singer prefers to hide all the details from prying eyes. However, it is known that since 2007 Nicole Scherzinger meets with Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton. They periodically interrupt their romantic relationship, but remain together again and again.

Filmography Nicole Scherzinger / Nicole Sherzinger

  • 2001 - My Wife and Children (sitcom)
  • 2002 - Half and Half
  • 2003 - Love doesn't cost anything
  • 2005 - Be cooler
  • 2005 - How I Met Your Mother (TV series)
  • 2007 - Plantation (TV series)
  • 2012 - Men in Black - 3
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Biography, life story of Nicole Scherzinger

Family and education

Nicole was born on June 29, 1978 in Honolulu, Hawaii. Nicole's father, Alfonso, is Filipino, and her mother is half Russian, half Hawaiian. Her Russian grandmother was from Vladivostok.

When Nicole was born, her mother Rosemary was 18 years old, and 2 years later her second daughter, Keala, was born. In 1981, she left Nicole's father when she was just a baby. They moved to Louisville, Kentucky, where after some time Rosemary met Harry Scherzinger, whom she later married and he replaced the girls' father.

Nicole was raised within a “conservative Catholic framework.” She began her journey as an artist in Louisville, attending the School of the Arts and performing in local theater. Then Nicole entered Wright State University to study acting, but in 1999 she abandoned her studies to become a backing vocalist for the band Days Of The New.

Carier start

Nicole participated in the recording of the band's second album, Days Of The New, which was released in 1999. She also recorded two songs with FOB's Barry Druck, which were released in 2001.

In 2001, Nicole participated in the show Popstars (analogous to Star Factory), where she earned a place in the girl group Eden's Crush. She became one of the main vocalists of the group. The band's first single, Get Over Yourself, took first place in sales and entered the top ten of the Billboard Hot 100. The second single from the band's debut album, Eden's Crush, was the song Love This Way. But eventually the record company London-Sire Records folded and the group disbanded.

In November 2007, Nicole spoke about those times:

"...It was hell... I was in a group with four other girls and every day was torture for me. We were on television and the atmosphere around us was terrible. I was the one that no one loved and I couldn't do anything about it. Maybe it was because I'm pretty. Other girls thought I was bitchy and ambitious. They said such things about me, both to my face and behind my back... every day in that group I cried. The group was supposed to be fun and free, but the reality was different... I was very sensitive then, but I became tougher. I would not have been able to come to the dolls without my experience in this group."


After the breakup of Eden's Crush, Nicole recorded several solo compositions under the name Nicole Kea, including the song Breakfast In Bed from the soundtrack to the film 50 First Dates. She also worked with Japanese musician Yoshiki. She recorded the song I'll Be Your Love with the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra.

Vocalist of The Pussycat Dolls

In May 2003, Nicole joined a burlesque troupe. She first saw them perform on The Late Show with David Letterman in November 2002, where Carmen Electra performed the song Big Spender from the Bob Fosse musical Sweet Charity. In 2006, Nicole said: " This resonated with me because in college I played Velma Kelly in the musical Chicago." Now the group is known all over the world. Their hits Don't Cha, Buttons and Stickwitu topped the US charts, and their album PCD went double platinum in 2006.

Nicole is the only member of the group who takes part in songwriting. She co-wrote the song I Don't Need A Man with Kara DioGuardi and Buttons with Sean Garrett. She also co-wrote the bonus track Flirt for the PCD album with Kara.

In May 2011, it was officially confirmed that Nicole Scherzinger had become a judge. show The X Factor. In December 2011, Scherzinger announced that she had begun work on new material. In the second album it is planned to record duets with such artists as -

Taking a short break from jury duties English version show "X-Factor", Nicole Scherzinger got the opportunity to take part in filming for the new issue of Marie Claire UK magazine.

While working on the December version of the publication, Nicole Scherzinger wore more than one stunning designer dress. 34 year old talented singer and a simply beautiful woman happily posed for photographer David Roemer and also answered questions from journalists. She spoke about her relationship with Chris Brown, who is currently in the spotlight due to his romance with Rihanna, her desire to have children and why she is afraid of losing what she now has.

Nicole Scherzinger on her boyfriend, Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton:

Lewis and I are a team, we really only live for each other. The time we spend together exists separately from everything else. I know there are a lot of couples who are perfect for press coverage (like Kim Kardashian and Kanye West), but Lewis and I keep a more low profile.

Nicole Scherzinger on her relationship with Chris Brown:

I have known Chris since he appeared in the world of show business. He is like a little brother to me. Chris is one of the most talented people in this area.

Nicole considers Chris Brown to be her little brother

Nicole Scherzinger on her desire to have children:

I think that the next five years is the right time to think about having children. But I am sure that everything will happen when it should happen. Right now all my attention is focused on my career. I see a lot beautiful women who nowadays give birth to children quite late. And if this does not happen, I am not against artificial insemination.

The singer has no plans for children yet

Nicole Scherzinger on why she's afraid of losing what she has now:

As a child, our family could not afford to live luxuriously. My mom would buy clothes for me at thrift stores or garage sales. And when I think that I could lose my wealth, it scares me because I grew up in a poor family.

Nicole Scherzinger grew up in a poor family

For such a successful girl as Nicole Scherzinger, everything will definitely work out, we believe in it. And you?

Nicole Praskovia Elikolana Valiente Scherzinger, better known as Nicole Scherzinger, got her exotic name thanks to his father, who is from the Philippines, and his Hawaiian mother Slavic roots. The future star was born on June 28, 1978 in the Aloha State, America. Rosemary's mother gave birth to a daughter in quite at a young age. When the baby was barely 5 years old, her parents filed for divorce. The single mother was forced to move to Louisville, Kentucky, where she met the stepfather of the future celebrity, Harry Scherzinger.

All photos 14


WITH childhood Nicole was fond of music and always dreamed of going to big stage. From the age of 6 she attended acting classes at school theatrical arts and even performed on the stage of the local theater. At the end educational institution future star continued her creative path at Wright State University in the acting department. But she had to quit her studies to pursue a career in musical ensemble Days of the New, where the girl performed as a backing vocalist.

In 2001, Nicole Scherzinger participated in the then popular show Popstars, the American analogue of our reality show “Be a Star,” where she managed to become one of the finalists. After the TV show ended, it was formed women's group Eden’s Crush, which included Nicole. Difficult relationships in women's team subsequently strengthened her will to win, which gave a new impetus to the development of the young star in the cruel world of show business. After the group broke up former member tried her hand at a solo career, achieving considerable success. The solo composition “Breakfast in the bed” became the soundtrack to the film “Fifty First Dates”, and the song “I’ll be your love” was performed together with a Japanese symphony orchestra.

The singer's star really shone brightly when in June 2003 she joined the group The Pussycat Dolls. Initially it was a dance troupe performing burlesque style. But with the arrival of Scherzinger, the producers changed the format, and The Pussycat Dolls gained fame as a popular American pop group. The Popstars winner, thanks to her perseverance and talent, quickly took the leading place in the team and began to personally take part in the creation of musical hits. In 2006, the compositions Don’t Cha, Buttons and Stickwittu took first place in the American and European charts, and the album PCD was certified platinum twice.

Nicole's dizzying fame as a member of The Pussycat Dolls pushed the girl to resume her solo career. Many celebrities and award-winning artists took part in the preparation of her debut disc. music producers, such as Timbaland, William Adams, Cara Dio Guardi and Bryan-Michael Cox. In 2007, it was announced the release of her solo album, Her Name is Nicole, with the first single Whatever U Like. But this composition did not bring much popularity. The second and third singles released in support of the disc also did not reach the heights of the American charts. Then the recording studio decided to postpone the release of the album. But in March 2011, the second album was released, which received praise from music reviewers, and the success of its single catapulted Nicole to the pinnacle of fame. In 2011, she was invited to the show X Factor in the judge's chair.

Besides vocal career Nicole Scherzinger has proven herself as a model, appearing on the covers of fashion magazines such as Maxim, Men's Fitness and Cosmopolitan. Her acting talent also came in handy for filming TV series and sitcoms. Her most notable appearance was in the film Men in Black 3, where she played the role of Lilly, Boris's girlfriend.

Personal life

Thanks to the bright and exotic appearance Scherzinger has never been deprived of male attention. However, Nicole does not like to talk about personal life and publicize your novels. However, the press became aware of the star’s long-term romantic relationship with the English Formula 1 racer Lewis Hamilton.

For 8 years, the loving couple experienced stormy breakups and passionate reconciliations. Nicole did not hide the fact that she sees herself in the role of Hamilton’s future wife. There were even rumors about their engagement, but Lewis never decided to make the long-awaited marriage proposal. Ultimately, 36-year-old Nicole ran out of patience and decided to break up. But the singer’s fans do not take this information seriously, because the couple went through many difficult periods.

The famous singer completely immersed herself in working in the studio on a new album in order to survive this difficult breakup. But broken heart Nicole didn't stay single for long. According to one report in the British newspaper The Sun, this summer Nicole Scherzinger began a relationship with Bulgarian tennis player Grigor Dmitrov, who recently broke up with his colleague Maria Sharapova. Thus, rumors of a reunion with ex-lover singer Lewis Hamilton have not been confirmed. It seems that Nicole has finally decided to break off this long but painful relationship.

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