Biography of Mozart. Vienna Classical School: Amadeus Mozart

Mozart (Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Theophilus (Gottlieb) Mozart) was born on January 27, 1756 in the city of Salzburg into a musical family.

In Mozart's biography, musical talent was discovered in early childhood. His father taught him to play the organ, violin, and harpsichord. In 1762, the family travels to Vienna and Munich. Concerts by Mozart and his sister Maria Anna are given there. Then, while traveling through the cities of Germany, Switzerland, and Holland, Mozart’s music amazes listeners with its amazing beauty. For the first time, the composer's works are published in Paris.

For the next few years (1770-1774), Amadeus Mozart lived in Italy. There, for the first time, his operas (“Mithridates - King of Pontus”, “Lucius Sulla”, “The Dream of Scipio”) were staged, which received big success public.

Note that by the age of 17, the composer’s wide repertoire included more than 40 major works.

Creativity flourishes

From 1775 to 1780, the seminal work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart added a number of outstanding compositions to his cohort of works. After taking up the post of court organist in 1779, Mozart's symphonies and operas contained more and more new techniques.

In a short biography of Wolfgang Mozart, it is worth noting that his marriage to Constance Weber also affected his work. The opera “The Abduction from the Seraglio” is imbued with the romance of those times.

Some of Mozart's operas remained unfinished, since the difficult financial situation of the family forced the composer to devote a lot of time to various part-time jobs. Mozart's piano concerts were held in aristocratic circles; the musician himself was forced to write plays, waltzes to order, and teach.

Peak of Glory

Mozart's work in the following years amazes with its fruitfulness along with its skill. Famous operas“The Marriage of Figaro” and “Don Giovanni” (both operas written together with the poet Lorenzo da Ponte) by composer Mozart are staged in several cities.

In 1789, he received a very lucrative offer to head court chapel in Berlin. However, the composer's refusal further aggravated the material shortage.

For Mozart, the works of that time were extremely successful. “The Magic Flute”, “La Clemenza di Tito” - these operas were written quickly, but very high quality, expressively, with the most beautiful shades. The famous mass "Requiem" was never completed by Mozart. The work was completed by the composer's student, Süssmayer.


Since November 1791, Mozart was sick a lot and did not get out of bed at all. Died famous composer December 5, 1791 from acute fever. Mozart was buried in St. Mark's Cemetery in Vienna.

Biography test

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The outstanding Austrian composer W. A. ​​Mozart is one of the representatives of the school. His gift manifested itself with early childhood. Mozart's works reflect the ideas of the Sturm und Drang movement and the German Enlightenment. translated into music artistic experience different traditions and national schools. The most famous list which is huge, took their place in history musical art. He wrote more than twenty operas, forty-one symphonies, concerts for different instruments with orchestra, chamber instrumental and piano works.

Brief information about the composer

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Austrian composer) was born on January 27, 1756 in the beautiful town of Salzburg. Besides composing? he was an excellent harpsichordist, bandmaster, organist and virtuoso violinist. He had an absolutely amazing memory and a passion for improvisation. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is one of the most not only of his time, but also of our time. His genius was reflected in the works written in different forms and genres. Mozart's works are still popular today. And this indicates that the composer has passed the “test of time.” His name is most often mentioned in the same breath as Haydn and Beethoven as a representative of Viennese classicism.

Biography and creative path. 1756-1780 years of life

Mozart was born on January 27, 1756. I started composing early, from about the age of three. My father was my first music teacher. In 1762, he went with his father and sister on a great artistic journey to various cities in Germany, England, France, Switzerland, and the Netherlands. At this time, Mozart's first works were created. Their list is gradually expanding. Since 1763 he has lived in Paris. Creates sonatas for violin and harpsichord. In the period 1766-1769 he lived in Salzburg and Vienna. He enjoys immersing himself in studying the compositions of great masters. Among them are Handel, Durante, Carissimi, Stradella and many others. In 1770-1774. located mainly in Italy. Meets the then famous composer Josef Mysliveček, whose influence can be seen in further creativity Wolfgang Amadeus. In 1775-1780 he traveled to Munich, Paris and Mannheim. Experiencing financial difficulties. Loses his mother. Many of Mozart's works were written during this period. The list of them is huge. This:

  • concerto for flute and harp;
  • six keyboard sonatas;
  • several spiritual choirs;
  • Symphony 31 in the key of D major, which is known as the Paris Symphony;
  • twelve ballet numbers and many other compositions.

Biography and creative path. 1779-1791 years of life

In 1779 he worked in Salzburg as a court organist. In 1781 in Munich with great success The premiere of his opera "Idomeneo" took place. It was a new turn in fate creative personality. Then he lives in Vienna. In 1783 he married Constance Weber. During this period, Mozart's operatic works performed poorly. The list of them is not so long. These are the operas L'oca del Cairo and Lo sposo deluso, which remained unfinished. In 1786, his excellent “The Marriage of Figaro” was written based on a libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte. It was staged in Vienna and enjoyed great success. Many believed that this was Mozart's best opera. In 1787, an equally successful opera was published, which was also created in collaboration with Lorenzo da Ponte. Then he received the position of “imperial and royal chamber musician.” For which he is paid 800 florins. He writes dances for masquerades and comic opera. In May 1791, Mozart was hired as assistant conductor of the Cathedral. It was not paid, but provided an opportunity after the death of Leopold Hofmann (who was very ill) to take his place. However, this did not happen. In December 1791 genius composer died. There are two versions of the cause of his death. The first is a complication after an illness rheumatic fever. The second version is similar to the legend, but is supported by many musicologists. This is the poisoning of Mozart by the composer Salieri.

Major works of Mozart. List of essays

Opera is one of the main genres of his work. It has school opera, singspiel, opera seria and buffa, as well as grand opera. From the pen of the compo:

  • school opera: "The Metamorphosis of Hyacinth", also known as "Apollo and Hyacinth";
  • opera series: "Idomeneo" ("Elijah and Idamant"), "The Mercy of Titus", "Mithridates, King of Pontus";
  • buffa operas: “The Imaginary Gardener”, “The Deceived Groom”, “The Marriage of Figaro”, “They Are All Like This”, “The Cairo Goose”, “Don Giovanni”, “The Feigned Simpleton”;
  • Singspiel: "Bastien and Bastienne", "Zaida", "The Abduction from the Seraglio";
  • grand opera: "The Magic Flute opera";
  • pantomime ballet "Trinkets";
  • masses: 1768-1780, created in Salzburg, Munich and Vienna;
  • Requiem (1791);
  • oratorio "Vetulia Liberated";
  • cantatas: “Penitent David”, “The Joy of the Masons”, “To You, Soul of the Universe”, “Little Masonic Cantata”.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Works for orchestra

W. A. ​​Mozart's works for orchestra are striking in their scale. This:

  • symphonies;
  • concertos and rondos for piano and orchestra and violin and orchestra;
  • concertos for two violins and orchestra in the key of C major, for violin and viola and orchestra, for flute and orchestra in the key of oboe and orchestra, for clarinet and orchestra, for bassoon, for horn, for flute and harp (C major);
  • concertos for two pianos and orchestra (E flat major) and three (F major);
  • divertissements and serenades for symphony orchestra, string, wind ensemble.

Pieces for orchestra and ensemble

Mozart composed a lot for orchestra and ensemble. Famous works:

  • Galimathias musicum (1766);
  • Maurerische Trauermusik (1785);
  • Ein musikalischer Spa (1787);
  • marches (some of them joined serenades);
  • dances (counterdances, landlers, minuets);
  • church sonatas, quartets, quintets, trios, duets, variations.

For clavier (piano)

Mozart's musical works for this instrument are very popular among pianists. This:

  • sonatas: 1774 - C major (K 279), F major (K 280), G major (K 283); 1775 - D major (K 284); 1777 - C major (K 309), D major (K 311); 1778 - A minor (K 310), C major (K 330), A major (K 331), F major (K 332), B flat major (K 333); 1784 - C minor (K 457); 1788 - F major (K 533), C major (K 545);
  • fifteen cycles of variations (1766-1791);
  • rondo (1786, 1787);
  • fantasies (1782, 1785);
  • different plays.

Symphony No. 40 by W. A. ​​Mozart

Mozart's symphonies were created from 1764 to 1788. The last three became highest achievement this genre. In total, Wolfgang wrote more than 50 symphonies. But according to the numbering of Russian musicology, the last is considered to be the 41st symphony (“Jupiter”).

Mozart's best symphonies (Nos. 39-41) are unique creations that defy the typification established at that time. Each of them contains a fundamentally new artistic idea.

Symphony No. 40 is the most popular work this genre. The first movement begins with an excited melody of violins in a question-and-answer structure. Main party Reminiscent of Cherubino's aria from the opera "The Marriage of Figaro". The side part is lyrical and melancholic, contrasting with the main one. The development begins with a small bassoon melody. Gloomy and mournful intonations arise. Begins dramatic action. The reprise increases the tension.

In the second part, a calm and contemplative mood prevails. The sonata form is also used here. The main theme is performed by violas, then taken up by violins. The second topic seems to be “fluttering”.

The third is calm, gentle and melodious. Development brings us back to an excited mood, anxiety appears. The reprise is again a bright thoughtfulness. The third movement is a minuet with march features, but in three-quarter time. main topic- courageous and decisive. It is performed with violins and flute. Transparent pastoral sounds emerge in the trio.

The fast-paced finale continues the dramatic development, reaching the highest point - the climax. Anxiety and excitement are inherent in all sections of the fourth part. And only the last bars make a small statement.

W. A. ​​Mozart was an excellent harpsichordist, bandmaster, organist and virtuoso violinist. He had an absolute ear for music, an excellent memory and a desire for improvisation. His excellent works have taken their place in the history of musical art.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Austrian composer. Had a phenomenal musical ear and memory. He performed as a virtuoso harpsichordist, violinist, organist, conductor, and improvised brilliantly. He began his music studies under the guidance of his father, L. Mozart. The first compositions appeared in 1761. From the age of 6 he toured triumphantly in Germany, Austria, France, Great Britain, Switzerland, and Italy. In 1765 his 1st symphony was performed in London. In 1770, Mozart took lessons from G.B. Martini for some time and was elected a member of the Philharmonic, an academy in Bologna. In 1769–81 (with interruptions) he was in the court service of the Archbishop in Salzburg as an accompanist, and from 1779 as an organist. In 1781 he moved to Vienna, where he created the operas “The Abduction from the Seraglio” and “The Marriage of Figaro”; performed in concerts (“academies”). In 1787 in Prague, Mozart completed the opera “Don Giovanni”, and at the same time received an appointment to the position of “imperial and royal chamber musician” at the court of Joseph II. In 1788 he created the 3 most famous symphonies: Es-dur, G-moll, C-dur. In 1789 and 1790 he gave concerts in Germany. In 1791, Mozart wrote the opera The Magic Flute; worked on the requiem (finished by F.K. Zyusmayr). Mozart was one of the first composers to choose the insecure life of a free artist.

Mozart, along with J. Haydn and L. Beethoven, is a representative of the Viennese classical school, one of the founders classic style in music related to the development of symphony as higher type musical thinking, a complete system of classical instrumental genres (symphony, sonata, quartet), classical norms musical language, his functional organization. In Mozart's work, the idea of ​​dynamic harmony as a principle of vision of the world, a method of artistic transformation of reality, gained universal significance. At the same time, they found in him the development of qualities that were new for that time: psychological truthfulness and naturalness. Reflection of the harmonic integrity of existence, clarity, luminosity and beauty are combined in Mozart's music with deep drama. The sublime and the ordinary, the tragic and the comic, the majestic and the graceful, the eternal and the transitory, the universal and the individually unique, the nationally characteristic appear in Mozart’s works in dynamic balance and unity. In the center art world Mozart - human personality, which he reveals as a lyricist and at the same time as a playwright, striving for an artistic recreation of the objective essence of human character. Mozart's dramaturgy is based on revealing the diversity of contrasting musical images in the process of their interaction.

Mozart's music organically embodies artistic experience different eras, national schools, traditions folk art. Had a great influence on Mozart Italian composers 18th century, representatives of the Mannheim school, as well as older contemporaries J. Haydn, M. Haydn, K.V. Gluck, I.K. and C.F.E. Bach. Mozart was guided by the system of typified musical images, genres created by the era, expressive means, subjecting them at the same time to individual selection and rethinking.

Mozart's style is distinguished by intonation expressiveness, plastic flexibility, cantilence, richness, ingenuity of melody, and the interpenetration of vocal and instrumental principles. Mozart contributed huge contribution in the development of the sonata form and the sonata-symphonic cycle. Mozart tends heightened sense tonal-harmonic semantics, expressive possibilities of harmony (use of minor, chromaticisms, interrupted revolutions, etc.). The texture of Mozart's works is distinguished by a variety of combinations of homophonic-harmonic and polyphonic composition, and the forms of their synthesis. In the field of instrumentation, the classical balance of compositions is complemented by a search for various timbre combinations and a personalized interpretation of timbres.

Mozart created over 600 works of various genres. The most important area of ​​his creativity is Musical Theatre. Mozart's work constituted an era in the development of opera. Mozart mastered almost all contemporary opera genres. His mature operas are characterized by the organic unity of dramatic and musical-symphonic patterns and the individuality of dramatic solutions. Taking into account Gluck's experience, Mozart created his own type of heroic drama in Idomeneo; in “The Marriage of Figaro”, on the basis of opera buffa, he came to a realistic musical comedy of characters. Mozart turned Singspiel into a philosophical fairy tale-parable, imbued with educational ideas (“The Magic Flute”). The dramaturgy of the opera “Don Juan” is distinguished by its diversity of contrasts and unusual synthesis of operatic genre forms.

The leading genres of Mozart's instrumental music are symphonies, chamber ensembles, and concerts. Mozart's symphonies of the Dovenian period are close to everyday, entertainment music of that time. In his mature years, the symphony acquires the significance of a conceptual genre from Mozart and develops as a work with individualized dramaturgy (symphonies D-dur, Es-dur, g-moll, C-dur). Mozart's symphonies - important stage in the history of world symphony. Among the chamber instrumental ensembles, string quartets and quintets, violin and piano sonatas stand out in importance. Focusing on the achievements of J. Haydn, Mozart developed a type of chamber-instrumental ensemble, distinguished by the sophistication of lyrical and philosophical emotion, developed homophonic-polyphonic structure, and the complexity of harmonic language.

Mozart's keyboard music reflects the features of a new performing style associated with the transition from the harpsichord to the piano. Works for clavier, mainly concertos for piano and orchestra, give an idea of ​​the performing art of Mozart himself with his inherent brilliant virtuosity and at the same time spirituality, poetry, and grace.

belongs to Mozart big number works of other genres, including songs, arias, everyday music for orchestra and ensembles. Of the later examples, the most famous is “Little Night Serenade” (1787). Mozart's choral music includes masses, litanies, vespers, offertories, motets, cantatas, oratorios, etc.; Among the outstanding works: motet “Ave verum corpus”, requiem.

Essays: Operas - Mithridates, King of Pontus (1770), Lucius Sulla (1772, both Milan), The Imaginary Gardener (1775), Idomeneo (1781, both Munich), The Abduction from the Seraglio (1782), The Marriage of Figaro (1786, both Vienna), Don Juan (1787, Prague), This is what everyone does (1790, Vienna), The Mercy of Titus (1791, Prague), The Magic Flute (1791, Vienna), etc.; ballet music; oratorios and cantatas; masses; requiem (not finished); For orchestra - symphonies, including D-dur (Haffner, 1782), C-dur (Linzer, 1783), D-dur (Prager, 1786), Es-dur (1788), g-moll (1788), C- dur (1788); serenades, divertissements, cassations; concerts For tools With orchestra - about 30 for piano (D-moll, 1785; A-dur, c-moll, 1786; B-dur, 1791, etc.), for violin (5), for clarinet (A-dur, 1791), for horn (4); intimate-instrumental ensembles - 6 string quintets (including g-moll, 1787), over 20 string quartets (including 6 quartets dedicated to J. Haydn, 1782–85, etc.), trio; church sonatas, brass divertissements; For piano And violins - sonatas (over 30), variations; For piano - sonatas (19 - for 2 hands, 5 - for 4 hands), variations, minuets, rondos, fantasies; choirs; songs, arias and vocal ensembles; vocal canons, etc.

According to the great Russian composer P. Tchaikovsky, Mozart was the highest point of beauty in music.

Birth, difficult childhood and adolescence

He was born on the twenty-seventh of January 1756 in Salzburg, and his arrival almost cost his mother’s life. He was named Johann Chrysostomus Wolfgang Theophilus. Mozart's elder sister Maria Anna, under the guidance of her father Leopold Mozart, began playing the clavier quite early. Little Mozart really liked playing music. The four-year-old boy was learning minuets with his father, playing them with amazing purity and sense of rhythm. A year later, Wolfgang began composing small musical plays. A gifted boy at the age of six played the most complex works without leaving the instrument all day.

Seeing his son’s amazing abilities, the father decided to go with him and his talented daughter on a concert trip. Munich, Vienna, Paris, The Hague, Amsterdam, London heard the young virtuoso play. During this time, Mozart wrote many musical works, including a symphony and 6 sonatas for violin and harpsichord. A small, thin, pale boy in an embroidered gold court suit and a powdered wig, in accordance with the fashion of that time, captivated the public with his talent.

Concerts lasting 4-5 hours tired the child. But my father was also actively involved musical education son. It was a difficult but happy time.

In 1766, tired of long tours, the family returned to Salzburg. However, the long-awaited vacation quickly ended. Preparing to consolidate Wolfgang's success, his father prepared him for new concert performances. This time it was decided to go to Italy. In Rome, Milan, Naples, Venice, Florence, concerts of the fourteen-year-old musician are held with triumph. He performs as a violinist, organist, accompanist, virtuoso harpsichordist, singer-improviser, and conductor. Thanks to his extraordinary talent he was elected a member of the Bologna Academy. It seemed that everything was going more than wonderful.

However, his father’s hopes for Wolfgang getting a job in Italy were not destined to come true. The brilliant young man was just another amusement for the Italians. I had to return to gray everyday life Salzburg.

Creative achievements and unfulfilled hopes

The young musician becomes the conductor of the orchestra of Count Colorado, a cruel and domineering man. Feeling Mozart’s free-thinking and intolerance of rudeness, the ruler of the city humiliated the young man in every possible way, considering him his servant. Wolfgang could not come to terms with this.

At the age of 22, he went to Paris with his mother. However, in the capital of France, which once applauded young talent, there was no place for Mozart. The mother died because of her worries about her son. Mozart fell into deep despondency. There was nothing left to do but return to Salzburg, where he lived 1775-1777. The life of a humiliated court musician was painful talented composer. And in Munich his opera “Idomeneo, King of Crete” was a huge success.

Having decided to end his dependent position, Mozart submits his resignation. A series of humiliations from the archbishop almost led him to mental breakdown. The composer made a firm decision to stay in Vienna. From 1781 until the end of his life he lived in this beautiful city.

The blossoming of talent

The last decade of life was a time brilliant creations composer. Although, in order to earn a living, he was forced to work as a musician. In addition, he married Constance Weber. True, difficulties awaited him here too. The girl’s parents did not want their daughter to marry like that, so the young people had to get married in secret.

Six string quartets dedicated to Haydn, the operas “The Marriage of Figaro”, “Don Giovanni” and other brilliant creations date back to this time.

Material deprivation and constant hard work gradually worsened the composer's health. Attempts at concert performances brought little income. All this undermined Mozart's vitality. He passed away in December 1791. Legendary story Salieri did not find documentary evidence of Mozart's poisoning. The exact place of his burial is unknown, because he was buried in a common grave due to lack of funds.

However, his works, especially refined, delightfully simple and excitingly deep, still delight.

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is a talented, gifted, famous composer who wrote about 650 works.


On January 27, 1756, the future composer Mozart was born into a musical Austrian family. His talent was discovered in childhood - from the age of 4 he tried to write his first melodies, and from the age of six he brilliantly gave concerts in Europe. Parents did their best to educate talented child and taught him to play instruments. In addition to his musical talent, Mozart was distinguished by an unusually rare memory, which allowed him to completely remember and write down a work after listening to it only once. By the age of 17, the composer’s repertoire already included about 45 voluminous works.

Creative path

In 1769, Mozart received the position of concertmaster in Salzburg, and already in next year becomes a member of the Philharmonic Academy.

In the period from 1775 to 1780, Mozart's work flourished. During this period he creates his famous operas- “Don Giovanni”, “The Marriage of Figaro”, and most of the symphonies (in total, Mozart wrote 49 of them). Since 1777, the composer gave successful concerts in Germany and France. Last piece Mozart, which he never managed to finish - “Requiem”. Mozart's works are contrasting, dramatic and deep, but at the same time they also have soft, smooth shades.


Constance Weber became Mozart's faithful wife and creative muse. The couple had six children, of whom only two sons survived.


Since November 1791, Mozart was seriously ill and died of a fever on December 5. Funeral outstanding composer, which gave the world so many beautiful works and showed people the magnificent world of music, took place on December 6 in the presence of the closest people. A little later, a monument to Mozart was erected in Vienna.

Creativity interesting facts

Biography of Mozart about creativity

Mozart was born in 1756. Since childhood, the composer-father Leopold Mozart studied with him. He was such a gifted child who, at the age of four, already began writing harpsichord concertos, and at the age of six, he successfully toured Europe. Maybe genes affected him, or the boy was simply talented, but he had no equal at that time. Little Mozart had a unique memory. As soon as he heard the work once, he could immediately transfer it to paper.

In 1762, the composer's family headed to Vienna, and then the journey covered the whole of Europe - the composer spontaneously managed to give concerts in many cities. After resounding success, he was offered to publish his works. And this is in adolescence.

On one of these trips, they were invited to an audience with the empress. She had already heard about the talented boy, and here was an opportunity to see and enjoy his play.

By the age of seventeen, he occupied the place of accompanist at the court of the archbishop. His collection included about 40 works. For his services to music, the Pope awarded him the title of Knight of the Golden Spur.

In 1767, he was invited to the wedding of the daughter of Empress Maria Theresa. But due to unfortunate events, the composer was simply forgotten at that moment. And Mozart was unable to perform. The smallpox epidemic that spread at that time also crippled the young composer; the consequences of the disease were the boy’s short-term blindness.
The zenith of glory came in 1775-1780. Mozart constantly improved. In his works you can hear a number of unique techniques unique to him. This was influenced by studying with a local organist, as well as meeting with youngest son famous composer Johann Christian Bach. This acquaintance, and subsequently friendship, gave the young composer a lot of interesting and useful things. Thanks to his friend, he became more relaxed.

After this, Mozart received an offer to perform at the court of George III. His playing was so virtuosic that it was decided to involve him in writing a composition laudatory to the archbishop.

Despite the difficult financial situation and unfavorable family situation, Mozart wrote 4 operas, 13 symphonies, and 12 ballets during this period.

In 1781, the opera Idomeneo, whose composer was Mozart, was staged at the theater. This was a new turn in the composer's career. Much was written for the church chapel; he considered such works to be the best.

In 1782, the second opera, “The Abduction from the Seraglio,” was ready. Resounding success The opera in Vienna helped spread its popularity throughout Germany. However, admirers of Vienna's music were practically unfamiliar with the composer's work. In the same year he married Constance Weber. They were so strong feelings that for the sake of his beloved the composer went against the will of his father. On wedding ceremony Only his mother, sister and guardian of his beloved were present. In their marriage they had six children.

Mozart's fame and success were deafening. Moreover, it began to generate some income. Soon the Mozart family was able to buy a house.

In the autumn of 1791, Mozart began to be very ill. The work completely overwhelmed him. IN Lately he practically didn't get up. The composer died on December 5, 1791 from an acute fever. The exact burial place of the composer is not known for certain, since the burial places at that time were not marked with signs or monuments. Thanks to the memories of the composer’s son, in honor of the centenary of his death, a monument in the form of a weeping angel was erected at Mozart’s grave.

Interesting Facts and dates from life

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