Biography of Ekaterina Morgunova. Ekaterina Morgunova: biography, filmography, photo, personal life

Ekaterina Utmelidze was born on August 17, 1986 in Pyatigorsk. Her parents have nothing to do with creativity. Mom works as a fashion designer (creating clothes), and dad now works as a foreman in a construction organization. Katya also has younger sister, who by profession and vocation is a wife and mother.

Biography of Ekaterina Utmelidze

Blood flows in Catherine's veins different nations. Her family includes Armenians, Georgians, and Russians. Katya grew up a proper child. The girl did choreography, ballet and a little gymnastics. Then I began to study rapidly. First, our heroine graduated from college with “excellent” marks (specialty: “tailor” and “fashion designer of garments”). Then she entered the Pyatigorsk State Technical University with a specialization in human resources management. Then she went to graduate school at the department of “ social philosophy", but her. KVN quickly burst into Catherine’s life, so it became more difficult to study, and in the end she made her choice in favor of the stage.

KVN in the life of Ekaterina Utmelidze

Ekaterina Utmelidze got into KVN thanks to chance. The college where she studied to become a fashion designer was affiliated with a local university. The manager noticed her there educational institution and enrolled in the ranks of KVN members. Ekaterina still remembers this woman, loves her and is very grateful to her for giving her “a ticket to KVN.” Since then, our heroine began to move up the “steps of fame.”

In the beginning there was a faculty team. Then - the KVN Pyatigorsk university team. Ekaterina Utmelidze confidently advanced to the KVN Major League. And thanks to her character and talent, she successfully succeeded. Of course, not right away. I had to work hard, work on my image. Then the City of Pyatigorsk team appeared in Ekaterina’s life. It consisted of three teams of the Pyatigorsk League, for one of which Katya played. But the guys from each team were missing something, so they decided to unite. Then their business went uphill, and soon they got into the KVN Major League.

KVN team "City of Pyatigorsk"

The birth date of the City of Pyatigorsk team can be considered 2009, when their first game took place. Later they began to advance to the Major League at an accelerated pace.

In 2010, the team members became champions in the League of the International KVN Union. In 2011, the team played for the first time in the KVN Major League and immediately reached the finals, where they received bronze medals. In 2012, having won all three games Major League, the team becomes a participant in the finals. Having shared second place with the St. Petersburg team, the guys become silver medalists of the season. The team also receives the third most important “KiViN” at music festival in Jurmala.

In 2013 the guys won Grand Prize at the Jurmala festival, and the team captain was awarded a separate award. On this moment the team (after winning the KVN Major League in 2013) leads tour life. They perform both in Russia and abroad. Tours take place in countries such as Germany, Estonia, USA, Canada and others.

An offer of marriage

While playing in KVN, Ekaterina Utmelidze not only earned the audience’s gratitude, but also met her loved one. Her chosen one was Leonid Morgunov, a member of the Parapaparam team.

Of course, this issue was affected by the fact that Leonid and Ekaterina are avid KVN players. Our heroine received a marriage proposal from Lenya in an unconventional way. This happened right on the stage where the “Musical KiViN” took place. Leonid knelt down in front of Katya and handed over the box containing wedding ring. Naturally, our heroine accepted the offer. Thus, having announced their engagement, Ekaterina Utmelidze and Leonid Morgunov became the bride and groom. They began to prepare for the upcoming happy and solemn event in their lives.

Wedding of Ekaterina Utmelidze

But due to the fact that KVN takes up quite a lot of time in the children’s lives, the wedding took place only a year after that amazing and touching proposal on stage.

Since loved ones and relatives live at a considerable distance (our groom is from Novosibirsk), then perhaps there will be not one wedding celebration, but two or three. This is all because our bride has Caucasian roots, and she is characterized by scale and hospitality.

And the official part of the wedding, of course, took place in Pyatigorsk on June 7, 2014. It was an outstanding event. The young couple had fun with their guests and relatives all day. Their fans, who specialize in weddings, helped them a lot in this, for which Leonid and Ekaterina are immensely grateful to them. For every girl, marriage is an event that will be remembered for a lifetime. Ekaterina Utmelidze was no exception to this. Photos from the wedding speak about this most clearly. She and Leonid look like an amazingly beautiful and happy couple.

Personal life of Ekaterina Utmelidze

In the past, Ekaterina Utmelidze was very fond of sewing and handicrafts. Now, in her free time from her busy touring life, the best rest for her is to lie in front of the TV, and, of course, meeting with her now beloved husband, friends and relatives. Katya also likes to see her teammates outside the game, as she considers them her family. But due to the busy tour schedule, unfortunately, these meetings do not occur as often as we would like. Despite this, Katya does not lose heart and in no way complains about her life, since she herself is satisfied with everything and she is absolutely happy.

Comedian, KVN player (member of the national team "City of Pyatigorsk"), presenter, participant in the show “Once Upon a Time in Russia”.

Ekaterina Morgunova. Biography

Ekaterina Guramovna Morgunova (Utmelidze) born on August 17, 1986 in Pyatigorsk in a Georgian-Armenian family. Her father Guram Ruslanovich is a surveyor-topographer, later a foreman in construction company. Mother Larisa Arkadyevna is a fashion designer. Younger sister - Victoria.

Katya grew up as a restless girl with varied interests. I tried myself in ballet, sports and rhythmic gymnastics, studied for more than six years ballroom dancing. Graduated with honors high school, then received a diploma in sewing college. Then she studied at Pyatigorsk State Technological University, where she acquired the specialty of HR manager.

Ekaterina Morgunova in KVN

Five years of excellent studies allowed Ekaterina to pass a competition for graduate school in the department of “Social Philosophy,” but the girl no longer began to graduate, since she devoted more and more time to playing KVN.

Ekterina did not plan to become an artist. And yet, from the amateur team of her department, she was invited to the university team “Khlabys”, with which she competed in the Central League Krasnodar region. And in 2009, the best players of “Hlabys” teamed up with selected participants Pyatigorsk team « Bad habits" and "Vinsadsky Homeless Children" from Stavropol. This team was declared the main city team and received the name “City of Pyatigorsk”.

The Pyatigorsk national team performed triumphantly: they won the First League and immediately reached the finals following the results of the Sochi festival Major League KVN, where she took 3rd place. For the beginning team, this was truly a great achievement, especially since in 2012 they improved their results, becoming vice-champion, and in 2013 they won the main tournament of cheerful and resourceful people.

Ekaterina became the owner of the honorary “Big KiViN” several times.

Ekaterina Morgunova in the show Once Upon a Time in Russia

In 2014, Ekaterina began acting in comedy show“Once Upon a Time in Russia” on the TNT channel, whose participants act out sketches on stage in front of the audience while they are being filmed. Show host - famous participant Comedy Club Vadim Galygin. The creators of the project are Semyon Slepakov and Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov. Among the participants are such famous Kaveen players as Olga Kartunkova, Irina Chesnokova, Maxim Kiselev, Azamat Musagaliev, David Tsallaev and others.

Ekaterina Morgunova about the third season of “Once Upon a Time in Russia”: New season For me these are complete surprises! Firstly, we were pleased with the new actors, new blood, so to speak! Secondly, a lot of new images; I personally discovered several very unexpected characters. But most of all I want to see the new screensaver! Because I’m a girl, and it should turn out very beautiful! That's it, I won't tell you anything more! We need intrigue! Don't miss the premiere of the new season! Everything is great there!

Ekaterina Morgunova in the Russo Touristo program

In September 2015 on the STS channel Ekaterina Morgunova began hosting an entertainment and educational travel program “Russo Touristo”, where another former KVN member became her partner Leonid Morgunov.

The essence of the project is to show viewers famous cities, but from a completely unknown side. The guys come to some place popular among tourists locality and find there little-known sights, small cozy cafes, quiet embankments, etc. In addition practical advice for avid travelers, Ekaterina and Leonid Morgunov give TV viewers a lot of positive emotions, as they present the program in their characteristic humorous manner.

Ekaterina Morgunova. Personal life

Ekaterina Utmelidze married her KVN colleague, a player of the Parapaparam team, in 2014 Leonid Morgunov. Interestingly, he proposed to his future wife on the stage of the Voting KiViN festival in Jurmala, presenting him with an engagement ring during one of the performances. After the wedding, Catherine took her husband's surname.

The actress really loves old Soviet comedies, especially the paintings

Her personal life is inextricably linked with work - Ekaterina Morgunova’s husband Leonid, like her, is a participant in KVN, and proposed to his future wife right during the performance. Despite the fact that they are both artists and are building their careers in the same field, complete harmony reigns in the family of Katya and Leni.

The love story of Ekaterina Utmelidze and Leonid Morgunov

Today Katya plays in the show “Once Upon a Time in Russia”, and when I first saw her future husband, she was a simple participant in KVN and charmed Leonid with her touchingness and defenselessness.

In the photo - Ekaterina Morgunova with her husband

At that time, Morgunov was dating another girl, but meeting Ekaterina turned his entire personal life upside down - he fell in love with her at first sight and broke off his previous relationship.

However, Katya did not give up right away - Leonid had to make an effort so that his new acquaintance would reciprocate his feelings.

They made a wonderful couple, and love and mutual understanding reign in their family.

Since childhood, Katya was instilled with the rule that in the family there is always main man, and she sticks to it in her family life.

Nevertheless, when they make an important decision, Leonid always listens to his wife’s opinion.

They always feel good together and the spouses never have a desire to be apart, so they always relax just the two of them.

However, work forces them to separate - they have to periodically leave home, but this does not cause any difficulties - Katya and her husband trust each other and therefore they do not have problems due to frequent separations.

Unlike her stage image, which Katya embodies in the framework of the show “Once Upon a Time in Russia”, in real life she never raises her voice, and even if she has to argue, she tries to speak calmly, so there are never loud arguments in her family.

This year marks the anniversary of their marriage, and the couple are gathering to celebrate this significant event in Pyatigorsk, where Ekaterina is from and where their wedding took place. Leni has an excellent relationship with her wife's parents, and meetings are always held in a very warm atmosphere.

In the photo - the wedding of Catherine and Leonid

The relationship between the spouses is full of romanticism - Ekaterina Morgunova’s husband often makes her happy pleasant surprises and gifts, they often spend pleasant evenings in a restaurant or cafe, and such moments bring the spouses even closer together, making their relationship fresher and brighter.

The young family of Ekaterina and Leonid Morgunov does not yet have children, but they are already dreaming of a new addition and are not putting off this pleasant event.

Brief biography of Ekaterina Morgunova

Katya was born into the family of a surveyor-topographer and a fashion designer. Ekaterina’s family is international - her father is Georgian and her mother is Armenian, and her parents met in Pyatigorsk, where Ekaterina was later born.

She was always an active child - she studied ballet, rhythmic and artistic gymnastics, and ballroom dancing. After school, she entered a sewing college and graduated with honors.

The next stage of her education was the Pyatigorsk State Technological University, after which she also studied in graduate school, which Katya never graduated from due to her passion for KVN.

At first she was a member of an amateur team, and then the talented, bright girl was invited to the Khlabys university team. Later, Ekaterina Utmelidze became a member of the united city team “Gorod Pyatigorsk”.

From this team, Ekaterina reached the “Big KiViN” competition, in which she became the winner several times.

In the photo - in the show “Once Upon a Time in Russia”

Ekaterina Morgunova came to television in 2014, becoming an actress in the humorous show “Once Upon a Time in Russia.” A year later, she began hosting the Russo Touristo program, in which her husband Leonid Morgunov became a partner.

Ekaterina Guramovna Morgunova is a member of the KVN team “City of Pyatigorsk”, actress of the TNT channel project “Once Upon a Time in Russia”, TV presenter of the travel show “Russo Touristo”.

Ekaterina Morgunova, nee Utmelidze, was born in Pyatigorsk. Father, Guram Ruslanovich, was educated as a surveyor-topographer, and in Lately works as a foreman in a construction company, his hometown- Borjomi. Mother, Larisa Arkadyevna Arushanova, is a fashion designer, Armenian by nationality. The family also raised their youngest daughter, Victoria.

The parents met in Pyatigorsk, where my father came to study. Despite the fact that half of Catherine’s relatives are Armenians, the family never traveled to Armenia. Ekaterina Morgunova recently managed to visit the homeland of her ancestors. The girl came to Yerevan with her husband.

Since childhood, Katya was a restless girl with diverse interests. Utmelidze tried herself in ballet, sports and rhythmic gymnastics, and studied ballroom dancing for six years. Ekaterina graduated from high school with honors, then received a honors diploma from a sewing college.

Higher education Ekaterina Utmelidze went to purchase at the Pyatigorsk State Technological University, where she acquired the specialty of HR manager. Five years of excellent studies allowed the girl to pass a competition for graduate school, in the department of “Social Philosophy,” but Ekaterina no longer began to complete the course, since KVN began to occupy more and more attention in the girl’s life.


Ekaterina did not plan to become an artist, and the girl got into the faculty’s amateur team by accident, she simply agreed to be a company at the persuasion of her friends. But on stage the bright student looked impressive, so she was invited to the university team “Khlabys”, with which she competed in the Central League of the Krasnodar Territory.

In 2009, the best players of “Khlabys” teamed up with selected members of the Pyatigorsk team “Bad Habits” and “Winsad Homeless Children” from the Stavropol Territory. The combined team was declared the main city team and received the name “City of Pyatigorsk”. Has begun new stage V creative biography Catherine.

A year later, the Pyatigorsk national team was expected to triumph: the players won the First League and immediately, following the results of the Sochi festival, made it to the finals of the KVN Major League, where they took 3rd place. This was an achievement for the new team. In 2012, the Pyatigorsk team improved their results, becoming vice-champions, and in 2013 they won the main tournament of cheerful and resourceful people.

Also, several times Ekaterina Morgunova-Utmelidze became the owner of the honorary “Big KiViN”.

A television

In 2014, Ekaterina began acting in the humorous show “Once Upon a Time in Russia,” which is a funny television show consisting of many comical skits on sensitive social topics. The actress has to play unbalanced and bitchy ladies, and Morgunova says that playing a sane person is not at all interesting, since the task of a comedian is to make fun of some negative traits character.

The actress believes that she is most successful in portraying hysterical girls. Ekaterina Morgunova often performs in a duet with, who also succeeds in the roles of punchy women. Since Catherine’s height is 163 cm and her weight is only 45 kg, sketches with her partner turn out to be especially comical. The TV show also features,.

In September 2015, Ekaterina Morgunova began hosting an entertainment and educational travel program “Russo Tourist” on the STS channel. The girl’s partner was another former KVN member. The essence of the project is to show viewers famous cities, but from a completely unknown side.

The guys come to a city popular among tourists and find little-known attractions, small cozy cafes, and quiet embankments. In addition to practical advice for avid travelers, Ekaterina and Leonid Morgunov give TV viewers a lot of positive emotions, as they present the program in a humorous manner.

Personal life

The artist’s personal life is closely connected with creativity. In 2014, Ekaterina Utmelidze married her KVN colleague, player of the Parapaparam team Leonid Morgunov. Interestingly, Leonid proposed to his future wife on the stage of the Voting KiViN festival in Jurmala, presenting him with an engagement ring during one of the performances. After the wedding, Ekaterina took her husband's surname and is now known as Ekaterina Morgunova.

Ekaterina loves old Soviet comedies, paintings, etc. Since rehearsals for the Once Upon a Time in Russia project do not begin until noon, Ekaterina prefers to get up at 10:30 am. The actress does not adhere to diets; her body parameters allow Morgunova not to limit herself in nutrition. The slender actress’s favorite dishes are: fried potatoes, pasta or meat. The girl prefers sweets for dinner.

Free time the artist spends her time with friends and her husband, visiting parks and cinemas. Ekaterina Morgunova maintains a microblog in “ Instagram", as well as a personal page in "

Years (32 years) - , .

Ekaterina Guramovna Morgunova was born on August 17, 1986 into a Georgian-Armenian family in Pyatigorsk.

Mother - Larisa Arkadievna - creates clothes, being a fashion designer, and father - Guram Ruslanovich - is a surveyor-topographer by training, and now works in a construction company as a foreman. In addition, Catherine has a younger sister, Victoria. Ekaterina loves Soviet movies, especially the comedies of Eldar Ryazanov and Georgy Danelia.

Her interests and talents have always been varied, but always creative. As a child, I tried ballet, then gymnastics for a short time, then choreography for 6 years. She graduated from school with a medal and college with honors. Specialty: “tailor” and “fashion designer of garments”. Afterwards - Pyatigorsk State Technological University with a degree in human resources manager. Then she entered graduate school in the department of social philosophy, but she was no longer able to obtain a graduate diploma - KVN occupied an increasingly important place in her life, and Ekaterina eventually chose the stage.

I got into KVN by accident, first it was a team from the faculty, then the university team “Khlabys”, and after that Ekaterina ended up in the city team: “City of Pyatigorsk”. In 2010, a series of triumphs for the team began - first a victory in the First League, then bronze in the KVN Major League, where the team qualified following the results of the Sochi Festival. In 2012, “Gorod Pyatigorsk” won the silver of the season, and at the music festival in Jurmala received the “Big KiViN in Temny”. In 2013, the “Big KiViN in Zolotoy” fell into the treasury, as well as the victory in the final of the KVN Major League 2013. After that, in 2014, “Gorod Pyatigorsk” took the “Big KiViN in Svetloye”, and in 2014 at the Summer Champions Cup in Sochi , having played in tandem with “Parapaparam” (MGIMO) against the teams “Triod and Diod” and “Kamyzyaki”, won and received the big Summer Cup.

Ekaterina has more than just memories of a joint victory associated with the Parapaparam team. “Gorod Pyatigorsk” and “Parapaparam” twice became rivals in the Finals of the KVN Major League, but most importantly, Leonid Morgunov, Ekaterina’s husband, played on this team. Leonid proposed marriage right on the stage of the KVN team festival “Voting KiViN” in Jurmala in 2013.

Now Ekaterina is filming comedy show“Once Upon a Time in Russia”, and since September 2015, together with her husband Leonid Morgunov, she has been hosting the travel show “Russo Tourist” on STS.

Ekaterina Morgunova Personal life

Leonid Morgunov is the husband of Ekaterina Morgunova. Leonid proposed marriage right on the stage of the KVN team festival “Voting KiViN” in Jurmala in 2013.
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