Unconditioned and conditioned reflexes in humans briefly. Reflex - example

Higher nervous activity is a system that allows the human and animal body to adapt to variable environmental conditions. Evolutionarily, vertebrates have developed a number of innate reflexes, but their existence is not enough for successful development.

In the process of individual development, new adaptive reactions are formed - these are conditioned reflexes. Outstanding domestic scientist I.P. Pavlov is the founder of the doctrine of unconditioned and conditioned reflexes. He formed the conditioned reflex theory, which states that the acquisition of a conditioned reflex is possible through the action of a physiologically indifferent irritation on the body. As a result, a more complex system of reflex activity is formed.

I.P. Pavlov - the founder of the doctrine of unconditioned and conditioned reflexes

An example of this is Pavlov's study of dogs that salivated in response to a sound stimulus. Pavlov also showed that innate reflexes are formed at the level of subcortical structures, and new connections are formed in the cerebral cortex throughout the life of an individual under the influence of constant irritations.

Conditioned reflexes

Conditioned reflexes are formed on the basis of unconditional ones, in the process of individual development of the organism, against the background of a changing external environment.

Reflex arc The conditioned reflex consists of three components: afferent, intermediate (intercalary) and efferent. These links carry out the perception of irritation, the transmission of impulses to cortical structures and the formation of a response.

The reflex arc of the somatic reflex performs motor functions (for example, flexion movement) and has the following reflex arc:

The sensitive receptor perceives the stimulus, then the impulse goes to the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, where the interneuron is located. Through it, the impulse is transmitted to the motor fibers and the process ends with the formation of movement - flexion.

A necessary condition for the development of conditioned reflexes is:

  • The presence of a signal that precedes the unconditional;
  • the stimulus that will cause the catch reflex must be inferior in strength to the biologically significant effect;
  • normal functioning of the cerebral cortex and the absence of distractions are mandatory.

Conditioned reflexes are not formed instantly. They are formed over a long period of time under constant observance of the above conditions. In the process of formation, the reaction either fades away or resumes again until stable reflex activity occurs.

An example of developing a conditioned reflex

Classification of conditioned reflexes:

  1. A conditioned reflex formed on the basis of the interaction of unconditioned and conditioned stimuli is called first order reflex.
  2. Based on the classical acquired reflex of the first order, it is developed second order reflex.

Thus, a third-order defensive reflex was formed in dogs, the fourth could not be developed, and the digestive reflex reached the second. In children, conditioned reflexes of the sixth order are formed, in an adult up to the twentieth.

The variability of the external environment leads to the constant formation of many new behaviors necessary for survival. Depending on the structure of the receptor that perceives the stimulus, conditioned reflexes are divided into:

  • Exteroceptive– irritation is perceived by body receptors and predominates among reflex reactions (taste, tactile);
  • intraceptive– caused by action on internal organs (changes in homeostasis, blood acidity, temperature);
  • proprioceptive– are formed by stimulating the striated muscles of humans and animals, providing motor activity.

There are artificial and natural acquired reflexes:

Artificial occur under the influence of stimulation that has no connection with the unconditioned stimulus (sound signals, light stimulation).

Natural are formed in the presence of a stimulus similar to the unconditioned one (the smell and taste of food).

Unconditioned reflexes

These are innate mechanisms that ensure the preservation of the integrity of the body, the homeostasis of the internal environment and, most importantly, reproduction. Congenital reflex activity is formed in the spinal cord and cerebellum and is controlled by the cerebral cortex. Typically, they last a lifetime.

Reflex arcs hereditary reactions are laid down before a person is born. Some reactions are characteristic of a certain age and then disappear (for example, in small children - sucking, grasping, searching). Others do not manifest themselves at first, but appear (sexually) after a certain period of time.

Unconditioned reflexes are characterized by the following features:

  • Occur regardless of the consciousness and will of a person;
  • specific - manifested in all representatives (for example, coughing, salivation at the smell or sight of food);
  • endowed with specificity - they appear when exposed to a receptor (the reaction of the pupil occurs when a beam of light is directed to photosensitive areas). This also includes salivation, secretion of mucous secretions and enzymes of the digestive system when food enters the mouth;
  • flexibility - for example, different foods lead to the secretion of a certain amount and varied chemical composition of saliva;
  • On the basis of unconditioned reflexes, conditioned ones are formed.

Unconditioned reflexes are needed to fulfill the needs of the body; they are constant, but as a result of illnesses or bad habits they can disappear. So, when the iris of the eye is diseased, when scars form on it, the reaction of the pupil to light exposure disappears.

Classification of unconditioned reflexes

Congenital reactions are classified into:

  • Simple(quickly remove your hand from the hot object);
  • complex(maintaining homeostasis in situations of increased CO 2 concentration in the blood by increasing the frequency of respiratory movements);
  • the most complex(instinctive behavior).

Classification of unconditioned reflexes according to Pavlov

Pavlov divided innate reactions into food, sexual, protective, orientation, statokinetic, homeostatic.

TO food This includes the secretion of saliva at the sight of food and its entry into the digestive tract, the secretion of hydrochloric acid, gastrointestinal motility, sucking, swallowing, chewing.

Protective accompanied by contraction of muscle fibers in response to an irritating factor. Everyone is familiar with the situation when a hand reflexively withdraws from a hot iron or a sharp knife, sneezing, coughing, watery eyes.

Approximate occur when sudden changes occur in nature or in the body itself. For example, turning the head and body towards sounds, turning the head and eyes towards light stimuli.

Genital are associated with reproduction, preservation of the species, this also includes parental (feeding and caring for offspring).

Statokinetic provide upright posture, balance, and body movement.

Homeostatic– independent regulation of blood pressure, vascular tone, respiratory rate, heart rate.

Classification of unconditioned reflexes according to Simonov

Vital to maintain life (sleep, nutrition, saving energy) depend only on the individual.

Role-playing arise upon contact with other individuals (procreation, parental instinct).

The need for self-development(desire for individual growth, to discover new things).

Innate reflexes are activated when necessary due to a short-term violation of internal constancy or variability in the external environment.

Comparison table of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes

Comparison of the characteristics of conditioned (acquired) and unconditioned (innate) reflexes
Unconditional Conditional
CongenitalAcquired during life
Present in all representatives of the speciesIndividual for each organism
Relatively constantAppear and disappear with changes in the external environment
Formed at the level of the spinal cord and medulla oblongataCarried out through the work of the brain
Laid in uteroDeveloped against the background of innate reflexes
Occurs when a stimulus acts on certain receptor areasManifest under the influence of any stimulus that is perceived by the individual

Higher nervous activity operates in the presence of two interrelated phenomena: excitation and inhibition (congenital or acquired).


External unconditional inhibition(congenital) is carried out by the action of a very strong irritant on the body. The termination of the conditioned reflex occurs due to the activation of nerve centers under the influence of a new stimulus (this is transcendental inhibition).

When the organism under study is exposed to several stimuli at the same time (light, sound, smell), the conditioned reflex fades, but over time the indicative reflex is activated and the inhibition disappears. This type of braking is called temporary.

Conditioned inhibition(acquired) does not arise on its own, it must be developed. There are 4 types of conditioned inhibition:

  • Extinction (disappearance of a persistent conditioned reflex without constant reinforcement by the unconditioned);
  • differentiation;
  • conditional brake;
  • delayed braking.

Inhibition is a necessary process in our life. In its absence, many unnecessary reactions would occur in the body that would not be beneficial.

Example of external inhibition (dog's reaction to a cat and the SIT command)

The meaning of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes

Unconditioned reflex activity is necessary for the survival and preservation of the species. A good example is the birth of a child. In a new world for him, many dangers await him. Thanks to the presence of innate reactions, the cub can survive in these conditions. Immediately after birth, the respiratory system is activated, the sucking reflex provides nutrients, touching sharp and hot objects is accompanied by an instant withdrawal of the hand (manifestation of defensive reactions).

For further development and existence, one has to adapt to the surrounding conditions; conditioned reflexes help with this. They ensure rapid adaptation of the body and can be formed throughout life.

The presence of conditioned reflexes in animals gives them the ability to quickly respond to the voice of a predator and save their lives. When a person sees food, he or she performs conditioned reflex activity, salivation begins, and gastric juice begins to be produced for rapid digestion of food. The sight and smell of some objects, on the contrary, signals danger: the red cap of the fly agaric, the smell of spoiled food.

The importance of conditioned reflexes in the everyday life of humans and animals is enormous. Reflexes help you navigate the terrain, get food, and escape from danger while saving your life.

A reflex is the body's response to internal or external stimulation, carried out and controlled by the central nervous system. The first scientists who developed ideas about what was previously a mystery were our compatriots I.P. Pavlov and I.M. Sechenov.

What are unconditioned reflexes?

An unconditioned reflex is an innate, stereotypical reaction of the body to the influence of the internal or environmental environment, inherited by the offspring from the parents. It remains in a person throughout his life. Reflex arcs pass through the brain and the cerebral cortex does not take part in their formation. The significance of the unconditioned reflex is that it ensures the adaptation of the human body directly to those environmental changes that often accompanied many generations of his ancestors.

What reflexes are unconditioned?

An unconditioned reflex is the main form of activity of the nervous system, an automatic reaction to a stimulus. And since a person is influenced by various factors, the reflexes are different: food, defensive, orientation, sexual... Food include salivation, swallowing and sucking. Defensive actions include coughing, blinking, sneezing, and jerking limbs away from hot objects. Approximate reactions include turning the head and squinting the eyes. Sexual instincts include those associated with reproduction, as well as caring for offspring. The significance of the unconditioned reflex is that it ensures the preservation of the integrity of the body and maintains the constancy of the internal environment. Thanks to him, reproduction occurs. Even in newborn children, one can observe an elementary unconditioned reflex - this is sucking. By the way, it is the most important. The irritant in this case is touching the lips of any object (pacifier, mother's breast, toy or finger). Another important unconditioned reflex is blinking, which occurs when a foreign body approaches the eye or touches the cornea. This reaction belongs to the protective or defensive group. Also observed in children, for example, when exposed to strong light. However, the signs of unconditioned reflexes are most clearly manifested in various animals.

What are conditioned reflexes?

Conditioned reflexes are those acquired by the body during life. They are formed on the basis of inherited ones, subject to exposure to an external stimulus (time, knocking, light, and so on). A striking example is the experiments conducted on dogs by academician I.P. Pavlov. He studied the formation of this type of reflexes in animals and was the developer of a unique method for obtaining them. So, to develop such reactions, the presence of a regular stimulus - a signal - is necessary. It triggers the mechanism, and repeated repetition of the stimulus allows it to develop. In this case, a so-called temporary connection arises between the arcs of the unconditioned reflex and the centers of the analyzers. Now the basic instinct awakens under the influence of fundamentally new external signals. These stimuli from the surrounding world, to which the body was previously indifferent, begin to acquire exceptional, vital importance. Each living creature can develop many different conditioned reflexes during its life, which form the basis of its experience. However, this applies only to this particular individual; this life experience will not be inherited.

An independent category of conditioned reflexes

It is customary to classify into a separate category conditioned reflexes of a motor nature developed throughout life, that is, skills or automated actions. Their meaning is to master new skills, as well as develop new motor forms. For example, over the entire period of his life a person masters many special motor skills that are associated with his profession. They are the basis of our behavior. Thinking, attention, and consciousness are freed up when performing operations that have reached automaticity and become a reality of everyday life. The most successful way to master skills is to systematically perform the exercise, timely correction of noticed errors, and knowledge of the ultimate goal of any task. If the conditioned stimulus is not reinforced by the unconditioned stimulus for some time, it is inhibited. However, it does not disappear completely. If you repeat the action after some time, the reflex will be restored fairly quickly. Inhibition can also occur when a stimulus of even greater strength appears.

Compare unconditioned and conditioned reflexes

As mentioned above, these reactions differ in the nature of their occurrence and have different formation mechanisms. In order to understand what the difference is, just compare unconditioned and conditioned reflexes. Thus, the first ones are present in a living creature from birth; throughout life they do not change or disappear. In addition, unconditioned reflexes are the same in all organisms of a particular species. Their significance lies in preparing a living being for constant conditions. The reflex arc of this reaction passes through the brain stem or spinal cord. As an example, here are some (congenital): active secretion of saliva when a lemon enters the mouth; sucking movement of the newborn; coughing, sneezing, withdrawing hands from a hot object. Now let's look at the characteristics of conditioned reactions. They are acquired throughout life, can change or disappear, and, no less important, each organism has its own individual (its own). Their main function is to adapt a living creature to changing conditions. Their temporary connection (reflex centers) is created in the cerebral cortex. An example of a conditioned reflex is the reaction of an animal to a nickname or the reaction of a six-month-old child to a bottle of milk.

Unconditioned reflex diagram

According to the research of academician I.P. Pavlov, the general scheme of unconditioned reflexes is as follows. Certain receptor nerve devices are affected by certain stimuli from the internal or external world of the body. As a result, the resulting irritation transforms the entire process into the so-called phenomenon of nervous excitation. It is transmitted along nerve fibers (as if through wires) to the central nervous system, and from there it goes to a specific working organ, already turning into a specific process at the cellular level of a given part of the body. It turns out that certain stimuli are naturally connected with this or that activity in the same way as cause and effect.

Features of unconditioned reflexes

The characteristics of unconditioned reflexes presented below systematize the material presented above; it will help to finally understand the phenomenon we are considering. So, what are the features of inherited reactions?

Unconditioned instinct and reflex of animals

The exceptional constancy of the nervous connection underlying unconditional instinct is explained by the fact that all animals are born with a nervous system. She is already able to respond appropriately to specific environmental stimuli. For example, a creature may flinch at a sharp sound; he will secrete digestive juice and saliva when food enters his mouth or stomach; it will blink when visually stimulated, and so on. Innate in animals and humans are not only individual unconditioned reflexes, but also much more complex forms of reactions. They are called instincts.

An unconditioned reflex, in fact, is not a completely monotonous, template, transfer reaction of an animal to an external stimulus. It is characterized, although elementary, primitive, but still by variability, variability, depending on external conditions (strength, peculiarities of the situation, position of the stimulus). In addition, it is influenced by the internal states of the animal (decreased or increased activity, posture, etc.). So, also I.M. Sechenov, in his experiments with decapitated (spinal) frogs, showed that when the toes of the hind legs of this amphibian are exposed, the opposite motor reaction occurs. From this we can conclude that the unconditioned reflex still has adaptive variability, but within insignificant limits. As a result, we find that the balancing of the organism and the external environment achieved with the help of these reactions can be relatively perfect only in relation to slightly changing factors of the surrounding world. The unconditioned reflex is not able to ensure the animal’s adaptation to new or sharply changing conditions.

As for instincts, sometimes they are expressed in the form of simple actions. For example, the rider, thanks to his sense of smell, finds the larvae of another insect under the bark. It pierces the bark and lays its egg in the found victim. This ends all of its actions that ensure continuation of the family. There are also complex unconditioned reflexes. Instincts of this kind consist of a chain of actions, the totality of which ensures procreation. Examples include birds, ants, bees and other animals.

Species specificity

Unconditioned reflexes (specific) are present in both humans and animals. It should be understood that such reactions will be the same in all representatives of the same species. An example is a turtle. All species of these amphibians retract their heads and limbs into their shell when danger arises. And all the hedgehogs jump and make a hissing sound. In addition, you should know that not all unconditioned reflexes occur at the same time. These reactions vary with age and season. For example, the breeding season or the motor and sucking actions that appear in an 18-week fetus. Thus, unconditioned reactions are a kind of development for conditioned reflexes in humans and animals. For example, as cubs grow older, they transition to the category of synthetic complexes. They increase the body's adaptability to external environmental conditions.

Unconditional inhibition

In the process of life, each organism is regularly exposed - both from the outside and from the inside - to various stimuli. Each of them is capable of causing a corresponding reaction - a reflex. If all of them could be realized, then the life activity of such an organism would become chaotic. However, this does not happen. On the contrary, reactionary activity is characterized by consistency and orderliness. This is explained by the fact that unconditioned reflexes are inhibited in the body. This means that the most important reflex at a particular moment in time delays the secondary ones. Typically, external inhibition can occur at the moment of starting another activity. The new pathogen, being stronger, leads to the attenuation of the old one. And as a result, the previous activity will automatically stop. For example, a dog is eating, and at that moment the doorbell rings. The animal immediately stops eating and runs to meet the newcomer. There is a sharp change in activity, and the dog’s salivation stops at this moment. Some innate reactions also include unconditional inhibition of reflexes. In them, certain pathogens cause the complete cessation of certain actions. For example, the anxious clucking of a hen makes the chicks freeze and hug the ground, and the onset of darkness forces the canary to stop singing.

In addition, there is also a protective It arises as a response to a very strong stimulus that requires the body to take actions that exceed its capabilities. The level of such influence is determined by the frequency of impulses of the nervous system. The more excited a neuron is, the higher the frequency of the stream of nerve impulses it generates. However, if this flow exceeds certain limits, then a process will arise that will begin to interfere with the passage of excitation through the neural circuit. The flow of impulses along the reflex arc of the spinal cord and brain is interrupted, resulting in inhibition that preserves the executive organs from complete exhaustion. What conclusion follows from this? Thanks to the inhibition of unconditioned reflexes, the body selects from all possible options the most adequate one, capable of protecting against excessive activity. This process also contributes to the exercise of so-called biological precautions.

  1. 1. Introduction3
  2. 2. Conditioned reflexes3
  3. 3. The process of formation of conditioned reflexes6
  4. 4. Biological significance of conditioned reflexes7
  5. 5. Conclusion7



Reflex (from Latin reflexus - reflected) is a stereotypical reaction of the body to a certain influence, taking place with the participation of the nervous system. Reflexes exist in multicellular living organisms that have a nervous system. The cerebral hemispheres - their cortex and the subcortical formations closest to it - are the highest department of the central nervous system (CNS) of vertebrates and humans. The functions of this department are the implementation of complex reflex reactions that form the basis of the higher nervous activity (behavior) of the body. The assumption about the reflex nature of the activity of the higher parts of the brain was first developed by the scientist-physiologist I.M. Sechenov. Before him, physiologists and neurologists did not dare to raise the question of the possibility of a physiological analysis of mental processes, which were left to psychology to solve. Further, the ideas of I.M. Sechenov were developed in the works of I.P. Pavlov, who discovered the ways of objective experimental research of the functions of the cortex, developed a method for developing conditioned reflexes and created the doctrine of higher nervous activity. Pavlov in his works introduced the division of reflexes into unconditioned, which are carried out by innate, hereditarily fixed nerve pathways, and conditioned, which, according to Pavlov’s views, are carried out through nerve connections formed in the process of individual life of a person or animal. Charles S. Sherrington made a great contribution to the formation of the doctrine of reflexes. He discovered coordination, mutual inhibition and facilitation of reflexes.

Conditioned reflexes

Conditioned reflexes arise during individual development and the accumulation of new skills. The development of new temporary connections between neurons depends on environmental conditions. Conditioned reflexes are formed on the basis of unconditioned ones with the participation of higher parts of the brain.

The development of the doctrine of conditioned reflexes is associated primarily with the name of I. P. Pavlov. He showed that a new stimulus can initiate a reflex response if it is presented for some time together with an unconditioned stimulus. For example, if you let a dog smell meat, it will secrete gastric juice (this is an unconditioned reflex). If you ring a bell at the same time as the meat, the dog’s nervous system associates this sound with food, and gastric juice will be released in response to the bell, even if the meat is not presented. Conditioned reflexes underlie acquired behavior. These are the simplest programs. The world around us is constantly changing, so only those who quickly and expediently respond to these changes can live successfully in it. As we gain life experience, a system of conditioned reflex connections develops in the cerebral cortex. Such a system is called a dynamic stereotype.

It underlies many habits and skills. For example, having learned to skate or bicycle, we subsequently no longer think about how we should move so as not to fall.

The doctrine of reflexes has given a lot to understanding the very essence of nervous activity. However, the reflex principle itself could not explain many forms of goal-directed behavior. Currently, the concept of reflex mechanisms has been supplemented by the idea of ​​the role of needs in the organization of behavior; it has become generally accepted that the behavior of animal organisms, including humans, is active in nature and is determined not so much by the irritations that arise, but by the plans and intentions that arise under influenced by certain needs. These new ideas were expressed in the physiological concepts of the “functional system” by P.K. Anokhin or “physiological activity” by N.A. Bernstein. The essence of these concepts boils down to the fact that the brain can not only adequately respond to external stimuli, but also foresee the future, actively make plans for its behavior and implement them in action. The idea of ​​an “acceptor of action”, or a “model of the required future”, allows us to talk about “ahead of reality”.

A conditioned reflex is an acquired reflex characteristic of an individual (individual). They arise during the life of an individual and are not fixed genetically (not inherited). They appear under certain conditions and disappear in their absence. They are formed on the basis of unconditioned reflexes with the participation of higher parts of the brain. Conditioned reflex reactions depend on past experience, on the specific conditions in which the conditioned reflex is formed.

The study of conditioned reflexes is associated primarily with the name of I. P. Pavlov. He showed that a new conditioned stimulus can trigger a reflex response if it is presented for some time together with an unconditioned stimulus. For example, if you let a dog smell meat, it will secrete gastric juice (this is an unconditioned reflex). If, simultaneously with the appearance of meat, a bell rings, then the dog’s nervous system associates this sound with food, and gastric juice will be released in response to the bell, even if the meat is not presented. Conditioned reflexes underlie acquired behavior. These are the simplest programs. The world around us is constantly changing, so only those who quickly and expediently respond to these changes can live successfully in it. As we gain life experience, a system of conditioned reflex connections develops in the cerebral cortex. Such a system is called a dynamic stereotype. It underlies many habits and skills. For example, having learned to skate or bicycle, we subsequently no longer think about how we should move so as not to fall.

The physiological basis for the emergence of conditioned reflexes is the formation of functional temporary connections in the higher parts of the central nervous system. A temporary connection is a set of neurophysiological, biochemical and ultrastructural changes in the brain that arise during the combined action of conditioned and unconditioned stimuli. I.P. Pavlov suggested that during the development of a conditioned reflex, a temporary nervous connection is formed between two groups of cortical cells - the cortical representations of the conditioned and unconditioned reflexes. Excitation from the center of the conditioned reflex can be transmitted to the center of the unconditioned reflex from neuron to neuron. Consequently, the first way of forming a temporary connection between the cortical representations of the conditioned and unconditioned reflexes is intracortical. However, when the cortical representation of the conditioned reflex is destroyed, the developed conditioned reflex is preserved. Apparently, the formation of a temporary connection occurs between the subcortical center of the conditioned reflex and the cortical center of the unconditioned reflex. When the cortical representation of the unconditioned reflex is destroyed, the conditioned reflex is also preserved. Consequently, the development of a temporary connection can occur between the cortical center of the conditioned reflex and the subcortical center of the unconditioned reflex. Separation of the cortical centers of the conditioned and unconditioned reflexes by crossing the cerebral cortex does not prevent the formation of the conditioned reflex.

This indicates that a temporary connection can be formed between the cortical center of the conditioned reflex, the subcortical center of the unconditioned reflex and the cortical center of the unconditioned reflex. There are different opinions on the issue of the mechanisms of formation of a temporary connection. Perhaps the formation of a temporary connection occurs according to the dominant principle. The source of excitation from an unconditioned stimulus is always stronger than from a conditioned one, since the unconditioned stimulus is always biologically more significant for the animal. This focus of excitation is dominant, therefore attracts excitation from the focus of conditioned stimulation. If the excitation has passed along some nerve circuits, then next time it will pass along these paths much easier (the phenomenon of “blazing a path”).

This is based on: the summation of excitations, a long-term increase in the excitability of synaptic formations, an increase in the amount of mediator in synapses, and an increase in the formation of new synapses. All this creates structural prerequisites for facilitating the movement of excitation along certain neural circuits. Another idea about the mechanism of formation of a temporary connection is the convergent theory. It is based on the ability of neurons to respond to stimulation of different modalities. According to P.K. Anokhin, conditioned and unconditioned stimuli cause widespread activation of cortical neurons due to the inclusion of the reticular formation. As a result, the ascending signals (conditioned and unconditioned stimuli) overlap, i.e. these excitations meet on the same cortical neurons. As a result of the convergence of excitations, temporary connections arise and stabilize between the cortical representations of the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli.

The process of formation of conditioned reflexes

For the formation of a conditioned reflex, the following factors are necessary:

  • The presence of 2 stimuli: an unconditioned stimulus and an indifferent (neutral) stimulus, which then becomes a conditioned signal;
  • Certain strength of stimuli. The unconditioned stimulus must be so strong as to cause dominant excitation in the central nervous system. The indifferent stimulus must be familiar so as not to cause a pronounced orienting reflex.
  • A repeated combination of stimuli over time, with the indifferent stimulus acting first, then the unconditioned stimulus. Subsequently, the action of the two stimuli continues and ends simultaneously. A conditioned reflex will occur if an indifferent stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus, that is, it signals the action of an unconditioned stimulus.
  • Constancy of the environment - the development of a conditioned reflex requires constancy of the properties of the conditioned signal.

When an indifferent stimulus acts, excitation occurs in the corresponding receptors, and impulses from them enter the brain section of the analyzer. When exposed to an unconditioned stimulus, specific excitation of the corresponding receptors occurs, and impulses through the subcortical centers go to the cerebral cortex (cortical representation of the center of the unconditioned reflex, which is the dominant focus).

Thus, two foci of excitation simultaneously arise in the cerebral cortex: in the cerebral cortex, a temporary reflex connection is formed between the two foci of excitation according to the dominant principle.

When a temporary connection occurs, the isolated action of a conditioned stimulus causes an unconditioned reaction.

In accordance with Pavlov's theory, the formation of a temporary reflex connection occurs at the level of the cerebral cortex, and it is based on the principle of dominance.

Biological significance of conditioned reflexes

The biological significance of conditioned reflexes in the life of humans and animals is enormous, since they ensure their adaptive behavior - they allow them to accurately navigate in space and time, find food (by sight, smell), avoid danger, and eliminate influences harmful to the body. With age, the number of conditioned reflexes increases, behavioral experience is acquired, thanks to which an adult organism turns out to be better adapted to the environment than a child’s. The development of conditioned reflexes is the basis of animal training, when one or another conditioned reflex is formed as a result of combination with an unconditioned one (giving treats, etc.).

It is the properties of the unconditional stimulus itself (for example, the sight and smell of food) that are the first signals that act on the body after birth.

The biological significance of conditioned reflexes of higher orders is that they provide signaling about upcoming activity when reinforced not only by unconditioned, but also by conditioned stimuli. In this regard, the body’s adaptive reactions unfold more quickly and completely.

The extinction of conditioned reflexes when not reinforced by corresponding unconditioned or conditioned (in case of higher order reflexes) stimuli is of great biological importance, since this eliminates precisely those conditioned stimuli that have lost their signaling value for adaptation to the environment.

The biological significance of conditioned defensive reflexes lies in the removal of the body, under the influence of one conditioned signal, from destructive irritation even before it is applied to the body and can manifest its sometimes destructive and painful effect.


Conditioned reflexes are individually acquired complex adaptive reactions of the animal and human body that arise under certain conditions (hence the name) based on the formation of a temporary connection between a conditioned (signal) stimulus and an unconditioned reflex act that reinforces this stimulus. Carried out by the higher parts of the central nervous system - the cerebral cortex and subcortical formations; are formed in the process of ontogenesis on the basis of unconditioned reflexes.

Neurons and the pathways of nerve impulses during a reflex act form a so-called reflex arc: stimulus - receptor-affector - CNS neuron - effector - reaction.


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Unconditioned reflexes- These are innate, hereditarily transmitted reactions of the body. Conditioned reflexes- these are reactions acquired by the body in the process of individual development on the basis of “life experience”.

Unconditioned reflexes are specific, that is, characteristic of all representatives of a given species. Conditioned reflexes are individual: some representatives of the same species may have them, while others may not.

Unconditioned reflexes are relatively constant; conditioned reflexes are not constant and, depending on certain conditions, they can be developed, consolidated or disappear; This is their property and is reflected in their very name.

Unconditioned reflexes are carried out in response to adequate stimulation applied to one specific receptive field. Conditioned reflexes can be formed to a wide variety of stimuli applied to various receptive fields.

In animals with a developed cerebral cortex, conditioned reflexes are a function of the cerebral cortex. After removing the cerebral cortex, the developed conditioned reflexes disappear and only unconditioned ones remain. This indicates that in the implementation of unconditioned reflexes, in contrast to conditioned ones, the leading role belongs to the lower parts of the central nervous system - the subcortical nuclei, brain stem and spinal cord. It should be noted, however, that in humans and monkeys, who have a high degree of corticalization of functions, many complex unconditioned reflexes are carried out with the obligatory participation of the cerebral cortex. This is proven by the fact that its lesions in primates lead to pathological disorders of unconditioned reflexes and the disappearance of some of them.

It should also be emphasized that not all unconditioned reflexes appear immediately at the time of birth. Many unconditioned reflexes, for example, those associated with locomotion and sexual intercourse, arise in humans and animals a long time after birth, but they necessarily appear under the condition of normal development of the nervous system. Unconditioned reflexes are part of the fund of reflex reactions strengthened in the process of phylogenesis and hereditarily transmitted.

Conditioned reflexes are developed on the basis of unconditioned reflexes. For the formation of a conditioned reflex, it is necessary to combine in time some kind of change in the external environment or the internal state of the body, perceived by the cerebral cortex, with the implementation of one or another unconditioned reflex. Only under this condition does a change in the external environment or internal state of the body become a stimulus to a conditioned reflex - a conditioned stimulus, or signal. The irritation that causes an unconditioned reflex - unconditioned irritation - must, during the formation of a conditioned reflex, accompany the conditioned irritation and reinforce it.

In order for the clinking of knives and forks in the dining room or the knocking of a cup from which a dog is fed to cause salivation in the first case in a person, in the second case in a dog, it is necessary to re-coincidence of these sounds with food - reinforcement of stimuli that are initially indifferent to salivary secretion by feeding , i.e., unconditional irritation of the salivary glands. Likewise, the flashing of an electric light bulb in front of a dog’s eyes or the sound of a bell will only cause conditioned reflex flexion of the paw if they are repeatedly accompanied by electrical irritation of the skin of the leg, causing an unconditioned flexion reflex whenever it is used.

Similarly, a child’s crying and his hands pulling away from a burning candle will be observed only if the sight of the candle first coincided at least once with the feeling of a burn. In all the above examples, external agents that are initially relatively indifferent - the clinking of dishes, the sight of a burning candle, the flashing of an electric light bulb, the sound of a bell - become conditioned stimuli if they are reinforced by unconditioned stimuli. Only under this condition do the initially indifferent signals of the external world become stimuli for a certain type of activity.

For the formation of conditioned reflexes, it is necessary to create a temporary connection, a closure between the cortical cells that perceive conditioned stimulation and the cortical neurons that are part of the unconditioned reflex arc.

Age anatomy and physiology Antonova Olga Aleksandrovna

6.2. Conditioned and unconditioned reflexes. I.P. Pavlov

Reflexes are the body's responses to external and internal stimuli. Reflexes are unconditioned and conditioned.

Unconditioned reflexes are innate, permanent, hereditarily transmitted reactions characteristic of representatives of a given type of organism. Unconditional ones include pupillary, knee, Achilles and other reflexes. Some unconditioned reflexes are carried out only at a certain age, for example during the reproductive period, and during normal development of the nervous system. Such reflexes include sucking and motor, which are already present in an 18-week fetus.

Unconditioned reflexes are the basis for the development of conditioned reflexes in animals and humans. In children, as they grow older, they turn into synthetic complexes of reflexes that increase the body's adaptability to environmental conditions.

Conditioned reflexes are adaptive reactions of the body that are temporary and strictly individual. They occur in one or more members of a species that have been subjected to training (training) or environmental influences. The development of conditioned reflexes occurs gradually, in the presence of certain environmental conditions, for example, the repetition of a conditioned stimulus. If the conditions for the development of reflexes are constant from generation to generation, then conditioned reflexes can become unconditioned and be inherited over a series of generations. An example of such a reflex is the opening of the beak of blind and fledgling chicks in response to the shaking of the nest by a bird flying in to feed them.

Conducted by I.P. Pavlov's numerous experiments showed that the basis for the development of conditioned reflexes are impulses arriving along afferent fibers from extero- or interoreceptors. For their formation the following conditions are necessary:

a) the action of the indifferent (in the future conditioned) stimulus must be earlier than the action of the unconditioned stimulus (for a defensive motor reflex, the minimum time difference is 0.1 s). With a different sequence, the reflex is not developed or is very weak and quickly fades away;

b) the action of the conditioned stimulus for some time must be combined with the action of the unconditioned stimulus, that is, the conditioned stimulus is reinforced by the unconditioned. This combination of stimuli should be repeated several times.

In addition, a prerequisite for the development of a conditioned reflex is the normal function of the cerebral cortex, the absence of painful processes in the body and extraneous stimuli. Otherwise, in addition to the reinforced reflex being developed, an orientation reflex, or a reflex of the internal organs (intestines, bladder, etc.) will also occur.

The mechanism of formation of a conditioned reflex. An active conditioned stimulus always causes a weak focus of excitation in the corresponding area of ​​the cerebral cortex. The added unconditioned stimulus creates a second, stronger focus of excitation in the corresponding subcortical nuclei and the area of ​​the cerebral cortex, which distracts the impulses of the first (conditioned), weaker stimulus. As a result, a temporary connection arises between the foci of excitation of the cerebral cortex; with each repetition (i.e., reinforcement), this connection becomes stronger. The conditioned stimulus turns into a conditioned reflex signal.

To develop a conditioned reflex in a person, secretory, blinking or motor techniques with speech reinforcement are used; in animals - secretory and motor techniques with food reinforcement.

The studies of I.P. are widely known. Pavlov on the development of a conditioned reflex in dogs. For example, the task is to develop a reflex in a dog using the salivary method, that is, to induce salivation in response to a light stimulus, reinforced by food - an unconditioned stimulus. First, the light is turned on, to which the dog reacts with an indicative reaction (turns its head, ears, etc.). Pavlov called this reaction the “what is it?” reflex. Then the dog is given food - an unconditioned stimulus (reinforcer). This is done several times. As a result, the indicative reaction appears less and less often, and then disappears altogether. In response to impulses that enter the cortex from two foci of excitation (in the visual zone and in the food center), the temporary connection between them is strengthened, as a result, the dog salivates to the light stimulus even without reinforcement. This happens because a trace of the movement of a weak impulse towards a strong one remains in the cerebral cortex. The newly formed reflex (its arc) retains the ability to reproduce the conduction of excitation, that is, to carry out a conditioned reflex.

The trace left by the impulses of a present stimulus can also become a signal for a conditioned reflex. For example, if you are exposed to a conditioned stimulus for 10 s, and then give food a minute after it stops, then the light itself will not cause the conditioned reflex secretion of saliva, but a few seconds after its termination, the conditioned reflex will appear. This conditioned reflex is called a trace reflex. Trace conditioned reflexes develop with great intensity in children from the second year of life, contributing to the development of speech and thinking.

To develop a conditioned reflex, a conditioned stimulus of sufficient strength and high excitability of the cells of the cerebral cortex are needed. In addition, the strength of the unconditioned stimulus must be sufficient, otherwise the unconditioned reflex will be extinguished under the influence of a stronger conditioned stimulus. In this case, the cells of the cerebral cortex must be free from external stimuli. Compliance with these conditions accelerates the development of a conditioned reflex.

Classification of conditioned reflexes. Depending on the method of development, conditioned reflexes are divided into: secretory, motor, vascular, reflexes-changes in internal organs, etc.

A reflex that is produced by reinforcing a conditioned stimulus with an unconditioned one is called a first-order conditioned reflex. Based on it, you can develop a new reflex. For example, by combining a light signal with feeding, a dog has developed a strong conditioned salivation reflex. If you give a bell (sound stimulus) before the light signal, then after several repetitions of this combination the dog begins to salivate in response to the sound signal. This will be a second-order reflex, or a secondary reflex, reinforced not by an unconditioned stimulus, but by a first-order conditioned reflex.

In practice, it has been established that it is not possible to develop conditioned reflexes of other orders in dogs on the basis of the secondary conditioned food reflex. In children, it was possible to develop a sixth-order conditioned reflex.

To develop conditioned reflexes of higher orders, you need to “switch on” a new indifferent stimulus 10–15 s before the onset of the conditioned stimulus of the previously developed reflex. If the intervals are shorter, then a new reflex will not appear, and the previously developed one will fade away, because inhibition will develop in the cerebral cortex.

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