Free programs for creating slide shows from photos with music. Programs for creating slideshows from photos with music for free

Slideshows are a great way to look at your favorite photos from a new angle. Imagine how exciting it would be to share your latest trip or important event with a dynamic video of vibrant photos. How to realize all the original ideas? All you need is a program to create a slide show from photos with music and special effects.

It will seem that choosing software is easy. In practice, it turns out that most of the programs are intended for professionals. It is better for a beginner to look towards an alternative - “PhotoSHOW PRO” for Windows. This application is in Russian and will allow you to make a real masterpiece from any photo.

How to create a slideshow in PhotoSHOW PRO?

In terms of its capabilities, “PhotoSHOW PRO” will cheer up even skeptics. Photos are added to the program with literally 1 click of the mouse, and beautiful animation is already available in the built-in collection. Use the best photos, then the result will pleasantly surprise you!

Drag and drop pictures into your project manually or add the entire folder at once

Working with PhotoSHOW PRO is easy. Make sure you can download slideshow maker software for free right now. While the installation is underway, let's look at the main stages of the work.

  • Creating a project. Drag individual photos onto the timeline or add an entire folder at once. Choose beautiful screensavers and titles for your slideshow from the program catalogs.
  • Adding transitions and effects. Preview available options in the built-in player. Choose the best animation! Smoothly moving snowflakes, autumn leaves, glows, fire effects will make you look at familiar shots in a new way, and 3D transitions will turn the process of viewing photos into a real show!
  • Detailed slide settings. The program provides a convenient editor. Here you can think through the composition and animation of your slides down to the smallest detail.
  • Voiceover for slide show. Music is an essential component of any photo video. Use any track from the program's extensive collection or add your favorite song.
  • Saving a slideshow."PhotoSHOW PRO" allows you to create videos in any format. You can also record videos to discs and save them for popular video hosting sites and social networks.

Never created a slideshow? Be sure to visit the catalog "Slideshow in 5 minutes" There are over 30 slideshow templates available here. Select the appropriate one, the program will do the rest automatically. All you have to do is add music and voila - a great slideshow is ready.

Is it possible to tell a story through a photo? Convey a close connection between images that at first glance are not united by anything. A slide show can easily handle creating a whole story from different fragments. Well, a program for creating a slide show from photos with music for free will help you bring all your ideas to life. Let's look at the best utilities.

Program, created by the famous studio, allows each user to present any photo content in an interesting and unusual way. The interface here is quite laconic, so that even an unprepared and novice user will not get confused. Each button in the menu and all options have hints, so you can easily specify the path to the photo on the disk and create your own video clip.

When you create videos from wedding photos, birthdays or other holidays, they are saved as videos that you can then view, show to your family and upload to social networks.

You can add themed images and edit them as desired. You can change the brightness, saturation, contrast, aspect ratio, spatial orientation and much more in photos. In addition, the result of the work is easily downloaded to a mobile device.

Among the main advantages:

  • efficiency of working with the application;
  • a wide range of tools and various options;
  • clear design;
  • adding any music.

Among the shortcomings:

  • free version available for a month;
  • presence of watermarks on the photos in the demo.

This software has extensive functionality. You can add animated comments with text, music and various original special effects to your slide show. The design is clear to every user. Program Russian-speaking. Thanks to the built-in explorer, the application is easy to work with; you can even download all photos at once. After creating a project with music, you will be asked to save it in any convenient way: a video, DVD or .exe file or desktop screensaver.


  • Russian-language interface;
  • large selection of tools and functions;
  • different options for saving the video;
  • music and text for the background.

But you won’t be able to use such an “assistant” for free.

ProShow Gold is a convenient program for creating an interesting slide show from photos with music for free

The main difference of the program is the ability to use videos when creating slides. IN Proshow Gold It will not be possible to drop all the images at once in Explorer; you will have to “grab” them one by one with the mouse and “drag” them into the window. The lack of Russian-language support does not in any way affect the quality of work with the utility, because all actions are accompanied by graphic prompts. Here you will find many styles and transitions that allow you to create truly interesting videos with music. In addition, you can place several photos in one frame if desired.

The final result can be easily saved as a video, as well as an executable file. Using specialized tools, you can prepare a video for downloading to any device. You can not only add beautiful musical compositions to your photo presentation, but also edit them to your liking. The free period is enough to create your own interesting video. Among the main advantages of the program are the following:

  • unique background accompaniment for photographs;
  • use of rollers;
  • large selection of styles, effects and transitions.

Given application designed for creating presentations from photos and saving the finished slide show as a video. An ideal option for untrained users who simply decided to create an original story in pictures and do not want to bother their heads with unnecessary functions and tools. Everything you need to create a slide is located in one window, which is very convenient.

Another bonus from the creators of the software is that it is free, does the job 100% and does not load the system. You perform a minimum of operations, but get maximum results. The advantages include:

  • firstly, the free version;
  • secondly, the optimization of the program;
  • thirdly, it does not put a large load on the system;
  • there is a built-in conductor;
  • finally, a clear interface.

Of the minor shortcomings, only small functionality and the ability to save only as videos should be noted. Although for many users this is not a problem. Quite suitable for home use.

Another one free program to create slides with music. Well-thought-out functionality will help you add pictures and select suitable transitions and tracks in several steps. Then you can preview the result and convert it to the desired format.

The entire space for the software to work is divided into several sections, which interact very conveniently with each other. It's easy to add pictures directly from folders on your computer; to do this, you just need to drag them to the desired location. This also applies to transitions.

It should be noted that some options are not available in the free version, but this does not make the product worse. The proposed tools are quite enough to create a high-quality result.

A powerful yet affordable product for many users, created by Microsoft. It uses a step-by-step interface (called wizard). It allows you to create an interesting slide show even for beginners. Program offers an extensive toolkit - effects on photos, voice comments, adding text and more. Just a couple of clicks and the slides are installed in the given order; they can be rotated, cropped, scaled with different transition effects.

The resulting result is available for saving with a profile from 320x240 to 1024x768 pixels, which is suitable for playback on a PC. Naturally, you can add music, there is even an option to create your own unique track. The utility is Russified and weighs only 4 megabytes.

The app actually saves time. Suitable for both beginners and experienced users.

A program for creating a slide show from photos with music for free can be a great helper. As you can see, there is plenty to choose from. Thanks to installing such software on your computer, you will always have it at hand, even if you are not connected to the network. Have you used any of these apps?

By adding some memorable music to the visuals. To implement this, I recommend using special programs that will allow you to create a video in the form of a slide show with music for free, thereby presenting and emphasizing memorable moments in a new way. In this material I will describe programs for mounting a slide show from photos with music, and also explain how to work with them.

Most of the relevant programs, which I will describe below, have fairly simple tools, allowing you to easily create the animated video the user needs from the photographs and music he has. The algorithm for working with such programs usually looks like this. You download, install and launch one of these programs, load digital photos into the program for a future slide show, arrange them in the desired order, load a music file for background music, and also select the specific effects when changing photos. After this, you view the preliminary result, and if everything is satisfactory, then save the wedding photo album in the selected video format to your PC.

Most programs available on the Internet are paid (or shareware), and when you try to save a video, they usually mark your video with their visual logo. I have selected several programs for you that are absolutely free, allowing you to create a video without any foreign logos or material investments.

Top 4 programs for creating slideshows from photos

Let's take a closer look at programs for creating slideshows that allow you to edit a video from the photos we have for free.

"Bolide Slideshow Creator" - a simple video maker

Bolide Slideshow Creator is a free converter that allows you to easily create your own slideshow. The program can work with most popular video and audio formats. Allows you to save the created video in AVI, MKV, FLV, WMV, MP4 formats, has FullHD support, and also has a Russian-language interface. Working with the utility is simple and straightforward, and will not cause any problems even for a novice user.

To use Bolide Slideshow Creator do the following:

As for the other tabs, the “Transitions” tab allows you to select the form of visual transitions between photos, and the “Effects” tab allows you to add text to your video, zoom in on any part of the screen, flip the image or flip it around.

“Photo Story” - will allow you to make a beautiful video clip

An English-language product from Microsoft called “Photo Story” uses a step-by-step algorithm for creating slide shows, which will be quite convenient for novice users. The functionality of this rather simple application includes a full set of necessary tools - you can add text, voice comments, various effects, and so on. For

To use the Photo Story application, do the following:

"DVD slideshow GUI" - free software for editing slideshows

The popular DVD slideshow GUI program has a wide variety of tools for mounting the free slideshow we need. In addition to adding photos and audio, which is traditional for such software, you can also add video in AVI and AVS format, as well as presentations from “” in ppt or odb format to your slideshow. The program has a Russian-language interface.

To use the DVD slideshow GUI program, do the following:

“Socusoft Photo to Video Converter” - convenient creation of videos from photos and music

The functionality of the Socusoft Photo to Video Converter program does not differ significantly from those described above. At the same time, the software also has a paid “Pro” version, which can record created slide shows onto DVDs, as well as save videos in various types of video formats (by default, this free program saves videos in MPEG-1 format of rather low quality).

To work with it, do the following:


In this material I described popular programs for creating slideshows from photos with music. All of them are free, making it easy to create the slideshow the user needs. At the same time, accompanying it with an attractive visual component (transitions between slides, effects, adding titles and comments, other graphic capabilities). Use the functionality of the described programs to create video clips in the form of a slide show, and you will add new bright colors to the perception of your photos.

In contact with

Are you fascinated by colorful and creative advanced slideshows? Would you like to learn how to do something similar yourself? Or does your job require you to periodically create unique, spectacular presentations, but you don’t know where to start? A convenient program with the symbolic name PhotoSHOW pro in Russian will help you reveal your creative talents and quickly learn how to create a slide show from photos with music.

It should be noted that those created using PhotoSHOW materials can be easily posted on popular resources such as VKontakte, YouTube or RuTube. Thus, using this program for creating slide shows, you can not only quickly revive your page on social networks or your favorite blog, but also do it with pleasure, truly enjoying the creative process.


The program's well-thought-out interface is available in Russian, which makes working with it easy and enjoyable. If you have never dealt with programs of this type before, then PhotoSHOW Pro comes with detailed instructions and a tutorial that will help you quickly begin to navigate its many capabilities and significantly expand your understanding of how you can make an incredibly attractive slideshow from photos with music.

The interaction with the program is greatly simplified by its complete Russification, which not all software in this area can boast of.

PhotoSHOW provides the user with an impressive collection of themes for thematic design of slides. Once you've browsed through it, you'll be able to easily find a delightful theme with animated effects that fits perfectly into your unique situation - especially when it comes to the DIY gift you're planning to give.

By correctly distributing and processing the available photographs, you can create a wonderful clip telling a beautiful love story of newlyweds, or excellent material that clearly shows how “children grow up quickly”, fitting twenty years into a couple of minutes.

An impressive archive of stylish animation effects and music will help you diversify your slide presentation, which can be applied to selected photos. You may prefer to have your own design for each individual photo, or combine all the slides in a single key. Everything depends only on the initial idea of ​​the user himself.

Note: you can download the full version of PhotoSHOW Pro for free from the official website or our resource via a direct link. It is worth noting that any music for a slide show can be used, and not just the one offered in the program itself.

Thus, you can easily change the musical accompaniment of the video, the theme of its background and various screensavers. All this allows the user not only to make a slide show from photographs, but also to create interesting material of excellent quality from scratch, and to improve the existing one.

The final result can be saved in a variety of popular and popular formats, from simple MP4 or AVI to the more advanced Full-HD. Besides, the user has the ability to create screensavers and EXE files. Using the full version of PhotoSHOW pro, you can burn a separate DVD disc, the menu of which will be pleasant to view on the screen of a large monitor or modern TV.

The slide show program boasts another feature that can create a separate player code to set up a personalized slide show of photos with music on a personal website or company resource. Specialists in various fields of business use PhotoSHOW to create multimedia cards, detailed professional presentations, original clips, music videos and creative photo albums. And ordinary users, as noted above, are not at all “disdainful” of this software.

It is noteworthy that the useful features of the program were also available to fans of a variety of mobile phones and other popular gadgets. The user can easily use ready-made stylish templates and not waste time on unnecessary adjustment of video parameters.

Conclusion: if you like to use various animation techniques in your work, add the necessary captions, music to the clips, insert original titles and use other original solutions, then the “pro” version will definitely please you with the richness of its collection of effects. At the same time, you can download the full version of PhotoSHOW pro for free and in Russian. And don’t forget to use the “virtual screen” function for more convenient work, and also select music without “licensing claims”.

Bolide Slideshow Creator is a free slide show program. It is suitable for those who are tired of posting one photo at a time on social networks or want to highlight a memorable event. Bolide Slideshow Creator allows you to create a slide show from photos with beautiful and varied transitions between them. You can customize each transition yourself, or arrange them randomly. The program provides tools for inserting music into a slide show. After completing all the manipulations, Bolide Slideshow Creator will offer to save the result in one of the popular formats. The application supports mkv, mp4, wmv, flv and avi. The program for creating slide shows is available in different languages, so you can download Bolide Slideshow Creator in Russian.

Making a slide show is very simple; to do this you need to follow a series of sequential steps. Launch the Bolid Slideshow Creator and find the “Photo” tab in it. Drag all the necessary photos into it using the mouse. After that, arrange them in the desired order or let the program do it automatically. Now you need to add sound to your slide show. Open the “Audio Files” tab and drag one or more audio files into it. Then transfer them into a slide show and synchronize the sound with the photos according to your idea.

The next tab is “Transitions”. In it you can configure effects for the transition from one frame to another. If you want to create transitions randomly, click on the yellow star. All that remains is to add the text. It may explain what is happening or contain dates of memorable events. When finished, click on the “Make Video File” button and select the desired format.

Let's repeat the sequence of actions:

  • Upload photos
  • Add audio files
  • Adjust transitions between photos
  • Add text if needed
  • Save the result

Despite the abundance of useful features, you can download Bolide Slideshow Creator for free. It is simple and easy to use, everyone can create beautiful slide shows with it. If you liked the Bolide slide show creator, you can download it on our portal.

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