Conversation “Big and Small Motherland” in the preparatory group. Introductory conversation about the Motherland Diagnostic situation “Choose a book”

Nbsp; PROJECT "Natural zones of the earth" Completed by: teacher Elena Ivanovna Markova Project type: creative and informational Duration: medium-term Project participants: children of different age groups, educators, parents Relevance: Planet Earth is our common home, every person living in it must take care and treat it with care, preserving all its values ​​and wealth. The problem of environmental education is one of the most pressing today. Careful attitude towards nature, awareness of the importance of its protection and restoration, the formation of environmentally appropriate behavior in nature must be brought up with early years . It is from preschool age that a positive attitude towards nature is formed. How can we help children learn to sympathize with the surrounding wildlife and care for natural objects? How to teach children to value peace and justice? How to develop a love for nature and the desire to protect it? Preschool children are involved in practical, research activities in natural conditions. They can be studied in the process of design and research activities. Indeed, in the process of childhood research, the child acquires specific cognitive skills: he learns to observe, reason, plan work, learns to predict the result, experiment, compare, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations, in a word, develops cognitive abilities. Therefore, children are given an additional opportunity to join research work, as the leading way of understanding the world around us. Knowledge of nature is possible only through direct interaction with it, and the most effective method helps us in this - the method of environmental projects, which involves the joint activities of teachers, children and parents.

Project goal: Development of cognitive activity of children of different age groups through a joint child-parent project to get acquainted with the diversity of life on planet Earth.

Project objectives:

Formation of ideas of children of different age groups about the natural zones of the earth (Arctic and Antarctic, desert, savannah, tropical forests, taiga, Australia, ocean), living conditions of their inhabitants (animals, plants).

Formation of elementary ideas of children of different preschool ages about the diversity of peoples inhabiting the Earth, the characteristics of people’s lives in different parts of the planet.

Developing the abilities of children of different preschool ages to analyze features and see the patterns of life in different natural zones.

Involving parents in the implementation of joint child-parent projects to search and collect in-depth knowledge of natural areas as active participants in the educational process. Developing children’s ability to present prepared information to peers and to perceive it themselves new information

from a peer.

Enrichment of the subject-developmental environment of the group, revealing the characteristics of different natural zones and its inhabitants.

Enable children to understand and apply ways to maintain environmental safety. The main idea of ​​the project:

Creating conditions for the formation in children and parents of the foundations of ecological culture, environmentally literate behavior in nature, and a humane attitude towards the environment.

Expected Result:

Increasing the cognitive activity of children in different age groups through joint child-parent mini-projects to get acquainted with the diversity of life on planet Earth.

Children will form ideas in the process of their own activity (through the selection of illustrations, searching for educational and encyclopedic literature) about the natural areas of the earth and the living conditions of their inhabitants. Children's ideas will be enriched that the Earth is inhabited by people of different races, their life in different natural zones is different.

The subject-development environment of the group will be enriched with material that reveals the features of life in different natural zones: pictures, toys, presentations, albums, films, etc.

Integration of educational areas: educational, artistic and aesthetic,

social-communicative, speech development.

Project implementation forms:

Activities of the teacher:

educational stories from the teacher

· integrated classes

· reading fiction(fairy tales, stories, poems, proverbs, tongue twisters)

· use of illustrative material (posters, story pictures, cards, postcards, etc.)

listening to music

· quizzes

· vernissages

Children's activities:

· experimentation;

· speech games, descriptive stories

· didactic games with subject pictures

· outdoor games

· artistic and productive activities (application, drawing, modeling, manual labor)

Interaction with parents of students:

· practical tasks

· joint events

Project implementation:

Stage 1: preparatory . Determining the research topic; drawing up a work plan; identifying children’s prior knowledge on the project topic; formulating questions for research; selecting the necessary material for developing the project: illustrations, stories, poems, reproductions; developing organized educational activities; learning poems.

Stage 2: practical . Organization of children's activities within the framework of the project.

Work with children:

· Creative activity children;

· Creation of drawings and applications, plasticine prints;

· Reading poems;

· Gaming activities;

Stages of work on the project "Natural areas of the earth"

1. Conversation “The Arctic and Antarctica” Purpose: to introduce children to such climatic zones as the Arctic and Antarctica and their characteristics.
2. Modeling “Cheerful Little Penguins” Purpose: to introduce children to plasticine and its properties; to develop children's interest in modeling
3. Conversation “Plants and animals of the taiga” Purpose: To enrich children’s natural science ideas about nature
4. Drawing (team work) “We live in the forest” Goal: Continue learning to draw non-traditional techniques(poking with a hard semi-dry brush, finger painting).
5. Conversation “Deserts of our planet” Purpose: To introduce the hottest continent - Africa, the climatic conditions, animals and plants of the desert.
6. Manual labor “Cute turtles” Purpose: To become familiar with the features of the external structure of a turtle
7. Conversation “Savannah” 8. Purpose: To introduce the hottest continent - Africa, with climatic conditions, animals and plants of the savannah.
9. Drawing “And elephants and rhinoceroses walk along the road” Purpose: Learn to draw an “elephant”, conveying in the drawing its structure, characteristic features, African nature in accordance with the creative concept.
10. Conversation “Tropical forests” Purpose: To introduce tropical forests, climatic conditions, animals and plants.
11. Modeling “Colorful parrots” 12. Goal: continue to teach children how to sculpt birds in a constructive way
13. Drawing with elements of the “Mysterious Jungle” application Goal: To develop the ability to convey proportions and structure using the example of a tree
14. Conversation “Australia” Purpose: To give a general idea of ​​the country Australia
15. Conversation “Ocean” Purpose: To expand, deepen and consolidate children’s knowledge about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.
16. Quiz game Purpose: Generalization and consolidation of children’s ideas about the inhabitants of natural zones: Arctic, Hot countries, Rainforest
17. Design of the exhibition-vernissage of children's works

Working with teachers:

· speech at the teachers' meeting;

· creating a presentation;

Working with parents:

· Joint creativity with children;

· Consultations for parents;

·Designing a corner of nature in a group.

Stage 3: final.

Decoration of the collective vernissage children's creativity;

Quiz game;

View a presentation about a project involving children;

Speech at the teachers' meeting.

Results of the work carried out:

Based on the results of the work, it was noted:

Increasing the level of environmental culture in children and their parents.

Developing children's cognitive interest in natural objects of our earth

Development of research and practical activities during the project.

Strengthening cooperation between parents and kindergarten.

Conclusion .During the work on the project, the expected results were achieved: we generalized and enriched the experience of children in the field of environmental education through the use of various methods and techniques. We used various shapes activities. During the period of work on the project, children developed emotional and sensory relationships with objects of living and inanimate nature, a value understanding of the organization of environmental activities, and the ability for creative and exploratory activities. During the experimental activities, children developed imagination, thinking, perception, and formed basic research skills. We instilled in children a desire to work, seeing the results of their labor in natural objects. Preschoolers learned to convey their feelings in drawings, crafts and works.


1. Anokhina T. How to organize a modern developmental environment // Preschool education 1999

2. Ashikov V.I., Ashikova S.G. Seven-flowered. Program and guidelines for cultural and environmental education and development of preschool children. M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 1998.

3. Bogdanets T. “Ecological knowledge is the first idea of ​​the world” // Preschool education, 2003, No. 12.

4. Veretennikova S.A. Introducing preschoolers to nature. M.: Pedagogy, 1980.

5. Zenina T. Work with parents on environmental education of preschool children // Preschool education, 2000, No. 7.

6. Zverev I.D. Formation of a responsible attitude towards nature. – M: Enlightenment, 1983.

7. Kolomina N.V. Education of the fundamentals of ecological culture in kindergarten: Lesson scenarios. – M.: TC Sfera, 2004.

8. Koroleva A. Natural science for kids // Preschool education, 1998, No. 10.

9. Manevtsov L.M. "The natural world and the child." – St. Petersburg: “Aktsident”, 1998.

10. Methods of introducing children to nature in preschool childhood, M: Education, 1992.

11. Markovskaya M.M. Nature corner in kindergarten. M.:P.1989.

12. Nikolaeva N.N. Formation of the principles of ecological culture // Preschool education, 1996, 1997.

13. Nikolaeva S.N. Methods of environmental education of preschool children. M.: Academy, 1999.

14. Nikolaeva S.N. Program “Young Ecologist” // Preschool education, 1994, No. 9.

15. Ryzhova N.A. “Our home is nature”, “Me and nature” M. 1996.

16. Ryzhova N.A. Program for environmental education of preschool children // Preschool education, 1998, No. 7.

Appendix No. 1


"Arctic and Antarctica"

Target: Introduce children to such climatic zones as the Arctic and Antarctica and their characteristics;

Software tasks:

Give ideas about the world of animals and plants.

To promote the development of interest in understanding the world around us;

Support the desire to study nature, provide all possible assistance in protecting its resources.

The teacher reads a poem (shows the globe to the children):

Do you know that somewhere
All year round – winter and summer –
The ocean is hidden from the light
A thick white layer of ice?
It's terribly cold there
Steamboats don't go there
Only large icebreakers
They get there.

Guys, in order to depict the vast territory of our Earth, scientists have compiled a map of the globe (shows the map).

And in order to imagine not only the surface of the Earth, but also its shape, a model of the Earth was created - a globe, on which the dimensions were reduced tens of millions of times.

Our planet is a huge, enormous ball. So big that it takes many, many days, even months, to travel around it.

Let's look at the model of our planet together. What is the name of its smaller copy? (Globe)

Guys, look carefully at the globe, what colors it is painted in. (Children's answers)

Please note that the color is white. It's not just like that. This is how the two opposite polar regions of the Earth are indicated on the globe (and on the map) - the northernmost and southernmost - Arctic and Antarctica.

What does white mean? White is the color of snow, ice, cold. Antarctica and the Arctic are the coldest places on earth. There are never warm days or rain there. Only frosts crackle, snow falls, and blizzards blow.

The Arctic is washed by the Arctic Ocean, and it is almost entirely covered with thick, strong ice. Here in the Far North, in the Arctic, the ice never melts. Because during the short polar summer the sun does not rise high; its cool rays are reflected from ice and snow. Such a sun cannot melt the ice. In winter it is dark here all day and night. Polar night.

In summer and winter, the Arctic is white with snow and ice.

You won't find a colder place in the whole world. The icy wind brings down more and more mountains of snow. Under their own weight, snowdrifts compact and turn into ice. And so from century to century.

It is very cold in the Arctic, but despite the huge ice floes and permafrost, there are inhabitants there that are not found anywhere else. (polar bear, seal, walrus, reindeer, arctic fox, arctic tern, sea narwhal)

Narwhal The length of this animal is 4.5 meters for an adult animal, and 1.5 meters for a baby. Weight reaches up to 1.5 tons, of which more than half of the weight is fat.

Narwhals have a horn 2-3 meters long, otherwise this horn is called a tusk. The tusk serves the narwhal to determine the temperature of the water. Narwhals feed on squid, octopus, and fish. Narwhals are listed in the Red Book.

White bears the largest animals on Earth, they are good swimmers, they can stay in icy water for hours, they have membranes between their toes, and there are 5 long claws on each paw to prevent them from slipping on the ice. The bear has warm, thick fur, knows how to build a den out of snow, white fur makes it invisible in the snow, eats fish, seals)

Walrus lives in the seas of the Arctic Ocean. The length of its body reaches 4–5 meters. It weighs a ton and can even reach two tons; a walrus can have up to 300 kg of fat. The animal's skin is thick and strong. The mustache is thick, hard, and there are two fangs on the muzzle. With the help of these fangs, the walrus defends itself from enemies, attacks even a polar bear, and also plows the bottom, pulling out shells, octopuses, squids, that is, small animals that live in sea water.

There is a very beautiful bird in the Arctic - Tern.

Terns have a slender body, long pointed wings and short legs. Terns feed on fish. In the Arctic, Terns live only in summer; when winter comes in the Arctic, Terns fly south.

Guys, what do you think helps animals avoid freezing in the Arctic? (they feed on fish, have a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, can swim well, and dive well.

Guys, dwarf shrubs, cereals, and herbs grow in the Arctic. There are no trees in the Arctic.

Russia is the first country to use polar stations.

Guys, what do you think, how can one get to the Arctic? (On an icebreaker.)

You guys are right, only on an icebreaker can you get to the Arctic, and why do you think? (Children's answers)

And now I suggest you go to the south pole in Antarctica.

Guys, now I want to see how well you remember the animals that live in the Arctic. (A stand, on the stand there is a map of the earth with two poles, animal figures that need to be attached.)

Physical education minute

If we turn the globe over, we will see another white area. Only here there is not an ocean, but land encased in an icy “shell” - the huge continent of Antarctica.

Guys, Antarctica is washed by the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Temperatures in winter range from -60* to -70*, and in summer from -30* to -40*. On the coast of Antarctica, temperatures in winter range from −8 to −35 °C, and in summer 0-5 °C.

There are plants in Antarctica, these are mosses and lichens.

Amazing animals are found in Antarctica (king penguin, elephant seal, seal, leopard seal, blue whale, albatross bird)

Seals- They have smooth skin and swim well. Seals hunt underwater and feed on fish, shrimp, and squid.

Penguins are birds, but they cannot fly, but they swim very well. Penguins walk awkwardly, waddling from side to side or hopping. Penguins eat fish.

Blue whale- the largest animal, up to 33 meters long. The blue whale has an elongated, slender body. The skin of a blue whale is quite smooth and even. The heart of a huge animal weighs 800 kg. Whales feed on plankton. Whales release a fountain; the length of the fountain reaches a height of up to 10 m.

Albatross The largest seabird in Russia, its wingspan exceeds 2 meters. The birds are white, there is a yellow coating on the head and neck, the tops of the wings and the edges of the tail are black-brown. The beak and legs are light. Albatrosses feed on fish and shellfish.

Have you heard anything about icebergs? Icebergs are huge mountains of ice that broke away from the icy shores and were carried out to sea by the current. The shapes of icebergs are the most amazing and bizarre: either a giant snow-white swan or a hilly island with wide valleys, or an island with high mountains, gorges, waterfalls and steep slopes. There are icebergs that look like a ship with wind-blown sails, a pyramid, or a beautiful castle with turrets.

Icebergs are very beautiful in sunny weather. They appear to be multi-colored.

How did these ice masses appear?

Sometimes, off the coast of Antarctica, huge heavy blocks of ice break off from a glacier and set off on a journey across the ocean. Most of the iceberg is also hidden under water. They float in the sea for 6-12 years, gradually melt and break up into smaller parts.

Are icebergs dangerous?

For whom?

Icebergs pose a great danger to ships. Thus, in 1912, the passenger ship Titanic sank after colliding with an iceberg. You've probably heard of him? Many people died. Since then, the International Ice Patrol has been monitoring the movement of icebergs and warning ships of the danger.

What happens to these pieces of ice? Do they float or drown? (children’s answers.) -

Today you learned a lot of new and interesting things. What did you especially remember and like? (children’s answers)

(To secure the material)

Guys, let's remember with you:

What are the names of the islands of the Arctic Ocean? (Arctic)

What is the name of the land in the far south? Globe? (Antarctica)

What bird can't fly? (Penguin)

What does a polar bear eat? (Fish, walruses, seals)

Why don't walruses freeze in cold water? (Because walruses have a lot of fat)

Well done guys: Guys, I really liked how you listened carefully today, remembered, and answered questions. This concludes our lesson, thank you for your attention.

(If you have time, you can invite the children to watch an interesting cartoon from Aunt Owl about the Arctic and Antarctic.)


Description of material:

Target: Introduce the hottest continent - Africa, the climatic conditions, animals and plants of the savannah.

Progress of the conversation:
From the African desert, we move to vast open plains covered with grass, with separately growing trees - acacias. This is an African savannah landscape. It is always hot there, and most of the precipitation falls in a short period, the so-called rainy season. The rest of the year is dry.

Savannahs are home to many, many species of mammals. Herbivores such as elephants live there. The elephant is a real giant of sushi. The African elephant is over four meters tall and weighs about 6,000 kilograms. At the tip of the trunk there are two finger-like processes.

An elephant's trunk can be called a universal tool. It is strong enough to carry a heavy log and sensitive enough to pluck ripe fruit from a branch without damage. With the help of its trunk, the elephant smells, washes, breathes, touches and makes loud trumpet sounds. Tusks also have several functions: the elephant uses them to dig the ground in search of edible roots or water, and they also serve to fight enemies.

The tallest mammals on earth are giraffes. Their heads are 5 meters above the ground. Giraffes see farthest and warn zebras and antelopes of danger. They feed on leaves from the treetops, where other animals of the African savannah cannot reach. The pattern on the giraffe's skin allows for effective camouflage.

African wild horses - zebras. Zebras have stripes not only on their bodies, but even on their manes and tails. This coloring helps them hide from predators among trees and bushes.

The savanna is home to many species of antelope. The most beautiful of the antelopes is the impala.

The kudu antelope is the fastest and can make huge leaps.

Fleet-footed gazelles are very shy. Sensing the slightest danger, they immediately run away.

The most amazing antelope is the wildebeest. She has horns like a bull, a goat's beard and a horse's tail.

The rhinoceros lives in the savannah; its size is second only to the elephant. The main distinguishing feature of a rhinoceros is one or two horns on its nose. He sees poorly, but he has excellent hearing. Its thick skin, gathered in folds, gives the impression of armor. Despite its menacing appearance, it only eats grass. Rhinoceroses are good swimmers and love to swim. For hours they lie in dirty slurry on the banks of rivers. The silt that covers the skin of a rhinoceros then protects it from biting insects. Rhinos usually give birth to one baby.

Hippopotamus, or hippopotamus, which means “river horse”, loves water. The body of a hippopotamus is very massive, with short thick legs. The legs end in four toes with peculiar hooves connected by a small membrane. He swims and dives great. There are four fangs in its mouth. The open mouth of a hippopotamus can terrify anyone.

But the hippopotamus is a herbivore and uses its terrible fangs only if the baby hippopotamuses are attacked by a crocodile.

If there is no danger, the hippopotamus lies in the water or in coastal thickets all day.

There are many herbivores in the savannah, but there are also agile and strong predators. Lions are amazingly beautiful and majestic. The lion's body is powerful, but at the same time slender. The paws are low and very strong. The tail is long, with a tassel at the end. Males have a long mane covering the neck, shoulders, and chest. Leo is called the king of beasts. Hearing his thunderous roar, the inhabitants of the savannah are horrified.

Lions live in family groups called prides. It includes several females with small cubs, as well as several males. The main breadwinners in the lion family are lionesses.

The cheetah is the fastest of all cat predators. However, he cannot run fast for a long time, so he tries to sneak up as close to his prey as possible and only then rushes after it at breakneck speed. If he fails to catch his prey within the first 400 meters or so of running, he gives up the chase.

"Deserts of our planet"

Description of material: The conversation contains interesting and useful information about one of the hottest continents - Africa. Children will learn where it is located, what the climate is, what plants and animals have adapted to live in these areas. It will help to awaken the child’s interest in the world around him and provide new knowledge.

Encyclopedias and children's magazines served as material for compiling the conversation “Travel in Africa”.
Target: Introduce the hottest continent - Africa, the climatic conditions, animals and plants of the desert.
1.Educational: Expand children's understanding of the diversity of the animal world of the Earth.
2.Developmental: Develop curiosity and desire to study nature and living inhabitants of the Earth. Promote the development of speech and logical thinking.
3.Educational: Cultivate love and careful attitude to nature.
Equipment: Map of the hemispheres, physical map of Africa, pictures depicting natural phenomena, pictures of the flora and fauna of Africa.
Progress of the lesson:
I suggest you take a trip to Africa. Where is she located?
Africa is located on both sides of the equator. The western territories of the continent are washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, in the northeast by the Red Sea, in the north by the Mediterranean Sea, and in the east by the Indian Ocean.

There are deserts in Africa. Deserts are hot and dry places on Earth. They are indicated in yellow on the map. The largest and most famous deserts in Africa are the Sahara Desert, the Kalahari Desert and the Namib Desert. The biggest of them - African Sahara. Translated from Arabic, Sahara means “desert”. During the day it is very hot here, and at night it is sometimes so cold that you can freeze.

It is difficult to live in the desert, despite the fact that there is little food there, little water, and almost nowhere to hide, some living creatures manage to exist among the sands. The one-humped camel, the dromedary, lives in the deserts. It is covered with thick soft fur, which protects the animal from the daytime heat of the desert and from its nighttime cold. The camel feeds all year round on sparse vegetation, some growing in the sand. There is such a plant - camel thorn, which only camels eat, which is why it is called “camel thorn”. Camels can go more than 10 days without water and up to 3 weeks without food. They carry a supply of food with them. They store fat in the humps on their backs. It is through this that they replenish their strength. It is also called the “ship of the desert”: day after day it can walk across the sands with a load on its back and not drink or eat.

A strange animal with big ears is the fennec. This is a little fox. Why does he have such ears? It turns out that they protect the animal from overheating in the sun. There are blood vessels on the inner surface of the ear. The blood passing through them removes heat from the body to the outside. During the day, the fennec sleeps in a hole and only after sunset goes out to hunt.

Under natural conditions, the long-eared hedgehog can live without food and water for about 10 weeks. Like all hedgehogs, the long-eared hedgehog can curl up into a ball. It feeds on birds, eggs, and scorpions.

The desert jerboa rarely drinks: it usually has enough water in its food. At night he comes out of his hole to eat. Jumping on the sand, the jerboa can make jumps of up to two meters. In one night he is able to walk as much as 12 kilometers in search of food. The jerboa feeds on plants, seeds and insects.

Ruffed grouse are small birds. Their plumage is dominated by neutral, dim tones (grayish, yellow, sandy), while the feathers have a characteristic fancy pattern. Sandgrouses water their chicks not only from their beaks, but also bring them water in the feathers on their bellies. The sandgrouse plunges into the water and droplets of water remain on its feathers, which the chicks “decant” with their beaks from the plumage of the parent

Here and there, agile lizards flash among the sand and thorns. There are many different lizards found in deserts. The gecko is one of them.

Geckos - living in the desert, have learned to get water even in such difficult living conditions. For example, they can obtain moisture by licking morning dew from their eyes with their tongue.

Skink or as it is also called - sand fish. Of course, this is not a fish, but a lizard, but it moves as easily in the sand as a fish swims in water.

Burying deep into the sand, the horned viper hides from the sun. It got its name from the small “horns” on its head. The horned viper is a very poisonous snake.

A poisonous scorpion lurks among the sand and stones. Its bite can be fatal.

The scorpion carries its babies on its back.

"Plants and animals of the taiga"

Goals: Enrich children's natural science understanding of nature.

Software tasks:

  • Give an idea of ​​the taiga - the largest forest in Siberia.
  • To consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature, wild animals, migratory birds, insects; about the rules of behavior in the forest.
  • Develop verbal - logical thinking, coherent speech, visual - figurative perception.
  • To form ideas about the role of the forest in human life and its inhabitants.
  • To cultivate a caring attitude and love for one’s native land; desire to take part in the conservation and protection of nature.

Progress of the lesson

Introductory conversation about the Motherland.

What is the Motherland? (Native land, house, flowers, mother..) what is the name of our Motherland? (Russia) means you and I: (Russians). Our country is very large, and you and I live here (I show it on the map) - in Siberia. So we are: (Siberians). Can we say that Siberia is our Motherland? Of course, Siberia is part of our big Motherland- Russia. Listen to a poem about the Motherland (read by a child):

We live in Russia:
Our forests are dense,
We have white birch trees
And the astronauts are brave,
And our sky is clear,
And our rivers are fast,
And Moscow - our capital,
There is nothing more beautiful in the whole world!

2. Siberia is a rich land. In the bowels of the earth there are reserves of gold, from which jewelry is made (rings, earrings), iron, from which cars, machine tools, pipes and much more are made, gas (through pipes it enters houses and gives heat). But there is another wealth in Siberia. Which? You can now guess if you listen carefully to the riddle (read by a child):

"The house is open on all sides,
It is covered with a carved roof,
Come to the green house
You will see miracles in it." (Forest)

What is a forest? Of course, a forest is not just a lot of trees. These are bushes, grass, berries, mushrooms, insects, birds, animals. There are a lot of forests in Siberia. If you look at our Siberian land from above from an airplane, you will find that the land is green. Why?

Forests are different. Many songs and poems have been written about the beautiful birch tree, and the forest where birches grow is called: (birch forest). Find among the paintings the one on which the birch tree is drawn. What do we call the forest where spruce trees grow? (They find a picture of a spruce forest.) Pines? (Pine forest.) Oak trees? (Dubrava.) Do oak trees grow in Siberia? Why? What do you think: what is a mixed forest? (A forest where different tree species grow nearby - pine, birch, aspen, fir, etc.) Where do you think it is more difficult for a hare to hide: in a spruce forest or a pine forest? Why?

3. The most big forest on earth, which stretches for many kilometers, is called taiga. Siberia is called the taiga region. Let's try to mentally visit the taiga (immersion technique). Close your eyes: pines, spruces, cedars, firs: the tops of the trees hum heavily. The trunks, covered with moss, creak and groan. Damp, gloomy, dull. The everted roots, like bears, reared up and spread their shaggy paws. There are animal tracks all around, silence and solitude.

How did you feel in the taiga? (Uncomfortable, I wanted to go out into the open air, into the sun.) Have you seen butterflies or birds? (No, because everyone is hiding, hiding.) This is such a harsh, inhospitable taiga.

Listen to another riddle (read by a child):

"What kind of girl is this?
Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
She doesn’t sew anything herself,
Are there needles all year round?" (Christmas tree)

A tree cut down and decorated is called a Christmas tree. And in the forest this tree is called spruce. The Christmas tree is easy to recognize: it looks like a tent, with a pointed top and almost horizontal branches at the bottom. Every year a new layer of branches grows. Since ancient times, it has been customary to put up Christmas trees in houses before the New Year and decorate them. Do you think this is good? There is little good in this. After all, if you put a Christmas tree in every apartment in a small city, you will need a whole forest. It’s good that they are putting up artificial Christmas trees now. It’s not worth destroying a huge number of living trees for the sake of a few days.

Spruce is a melodious tree. Why? What can it sing? It turns out that they make it out of musical instruments- violins, piano. And also telegraph poles, sleepers, paper.

Next to the spruce in the taiga grows a miracle tree - cedar. It is also called Siberian cedar pine. This tree can (under favorable conditions) grow to enormous size: imagine the height of 2 five-story buildings stacked on top of each other. This is what cedar can be like. Forests where pure stands of cedar grow are very rare and are called cedar. Repeat this word. Usually cedar grows in mixed forests, adjacent to spruce and fir. Guys, do you know what grows on cedar? Cedar cones. When the cone ripens, it falls to the ground without opening, and the nuts do not spill out of it. The taiga birds, the nutcrackers, love to feast on pine nuts. They collect nuts in their cheek pouches and then hide them in the grass, under the moss. Then they eat some nuts, and some remain in the ground and sprout. Can we say that nutcracker birds grow forests? A tasty and healthy oil is obtained from cedar; it somewhat reminds us of bottled sunflower oil, halva. Cedar wood is very durable: furniture, railway cars, and pencils are made from it.

Physical education lesson "Good Forest":

Good forest, old forest,
Full of fabulous wonders!
We're going for a walk now
And we invite you with us!
They are waiting for us at the edge of the forest
Birds, butterflies, little animals.
Spider on a cobweb,
And a grasshopper on a blade of grass!

And now I will tell a fairy tale about another taiga tree - larch. Once upon a time, Nature gave out outfits to all the trees: the birch got tender leaves, the cedar got long fluffy needles, the pine got needles too, but different ones. The trees say: “Why do the birch and aspen have such nice scraps, and why do we have needles? Are we going to sew all our lives?” And Nature said: “The leaves will appear in the spring, and fly away in the winter. And the needles will remain on you forever, it will be so fair.” Here it was the larch’s turn. First she asked for needles: after all, to always remain green in the snow is simply wonderful! Then she came back and asked to make it at least a little bit like a birch tree. "Fine!" - said Nature. And the larch still had needles, like cedar, pine, and spruce, but in the winter they began to turn yellow and fly off, like the leaves of a birch tree. Larch is a very durable building material. Houses built from it last for hundreds of years. Larch does not rot in water and becomes as strong as metal.

Educator: The forest is a home for birds, animals, plants, always remember and follow the rules of behavior in it.

Educator: There are many different inhabitants in the forest, and you will find out what animals live in the forest if you look closely at the picture. Tell me, what animals did you see here?

(squirrel, fox, hare, bear)

Educator: Tell us what you know about protein?

Children: The squirrel is a rodent. She eats nuts, berries, mushrooms, and pine cones. The squirrel has sharp claws. This helps her quickly climb the tree. The fluffy tail serves as a parachute for the squirrel. The squirrel lives in a hollow. In summer the squirrel is red, and in winter it is gray. The squirrel is a thrifty housewife. She prepares nuts for the winter and dries mushrooms on tree branches. In the spring, squirrels give birth to squirrels.

Educator:- Tell me what you know about the fox?

Children: The fox is a predator. The fox mainly hunts mice, less often hares. The fox cunningly catches hedgehogs. She rolls the hedgehog to the water, he straightens his spines in the water and swims to the shore. This is where the fox is waiting for him.

The fox lives in a hole, and in the spring the fox gives birth to cubs.

Educator: What do you know about the bear?

Children: The bear is an omnivore. He loves to eat honey, berries, fish, ants, roots. The bear is clumsy in appearance, but easily climbs trees and runs quickly. The bear builds itself a den from branches, fallen trees, and moss. In winter, a mother bear gives birth to cubs. In spring, the bear wakes up from hibernation.

Educator: Tell me what you know about the hare?

Children: A hare is a rodent. The hare feeds on grass and leaves. In winter, it chews the bark of trees. The hare is white in winter and gray in summer. This helps him hide from predators. Long, fast legs also save the hare from its enemies. The hare runs up the hill and somersaults down the hill. The hare lives under a bush in the summer, and digs a hole in the snow in the winter. In the spring, the hare gives birth to baby hares. They are called Nastoviks.

Educator: Do you know these forest sounds? (music “Voices of Birds” sounds)

Guys, I suggest you listen and guess the birds by their characteristic sounds? (cuckoo, nightingale, woodpecker)

Educator: All the birds gathered in the clearing and it was impossible to tell where the migratory birds were and where the wintering birds were. Let's fix everything. Migratory birds should be placed in one clearing, and wintering birds in another. We take turns, one after another, choose a bird and place the wintering birds in the clearing where the snowflake is, and the migratory birds in the snowdrop.

(There are two easels. On one there is an emblem - a snowflake, on the other - a snowdrop).

Educator:- Well done, everyone completed the task.

What happens in the life of birds in spring?

(birds build nests and lay eggs)

We follow each other
Forest and spring meadow,
We walk on our toes
And then on your heels.

Motley wings flicker,
Butterflies fly in the field.
They circled and flew,
They sat quietly on the flowers.
Educator: Now I will tell you riddles about the smallest creatures on Earth, and if you guess correctly, the answer will appear in front of you. (pictures of insects)

We are forest dwellers
Wise builders.
From needles with the whole team
We are building a house under a spruce tree...


Moved by the flower
All four petals.
I wanted to rip it off -
He took off and flew away.


She eats aphids from the leaves,
It helps to look after the garden.
So she took off deftly.
This -

. (Ladybug).

How can you call an ant, a butterfly, a ladybug in one word?


What is the main characteristic of all insects?

(All insects have 6 legs.)

What benefits do insects provide?

(ladybugs destroy aphids. Ants carry seeds of many plants throughout the forest. Butterflies pollinate flowers.)

Educator: Guys, do you know what the “Red Book” is? (this is a book containing rare plants, animals, birds)

What animals do you know that are listed in the Red Book?

Educator: Let's guys be friends of the forest, let's take care of nature: don't trample green grass, do not pick flowers, but let us admire them, because when brought home they will quickly wither, but in nature they will delight us with their beauty for a long time, never destroy bird nests, do not bring home hedgehogs and chicks, because they will die at home, do not catch butterflies, because if you take a butterfly in your hands, it will no longer be able to fly. May you and I always be pleased with the gentle sun and the beauty of nature.



Description of material: The conversation contains interesting and useful information about tropical forests (jungles) and their inhabitants. Children will learn where they are located, what the climate is, what plants and animals have adapted to live in these areas. It will help to awaken the child’s interest in the world around him and provide new knowledge.

Encyclopedias and children's magazines served as material for compiling the conversation.
Target: Introduce tropical forests, climate conditions, animals and plants.
1.Educational: Expand children's understanding of the diversity of the animal world of the Earth.
2.Developmental: Develop curiosity and desire to study nature and living inhabitants of the Earth. Promote the development of speech and logical thinking.
3.Educational: Foster love and respect for nature.
Equipment: Map of the hemispheres, physical map of the world, pictures depicting natural phenomena, pictures of the flora and fauna of tropical forests.

From the African savanna we move to humid, evergreen tropical forests, which are called jungles. It is always hot and humid there due to constant rain. Due to the heat and humid climatic conditions, rich vegetable world. It is distinguished by great diversity. The upper tiers are represented mainly by large trees: ficus, palm trees.

Rubber plants, oil palms, grain, banana and coffee trees, tree ferns, and lianas are widespread in the lower tiers.

Tropical forests are the kingdom of monkeys. Most of them have long tails and live in trees. All have forward-facing eyes, powerful, prehensile fingers and long arms. The thumb is located opposite the rest, which allows monkeys, such as monkeys, to hold on tightly to branches.

There are also two species living here great apes- gorillas and chimpanzees.

Monkeys feed on tree fruits and young leaves and often move with the help of vines, some species of which are sometimes called “monkey” ladders. With its thick nose, the tapir rummages in the ground, looking for various bugs and worms.

The jungle is home to the giraffe's relatives, the okapi. Because of its striped legs, this timid animal is also called the “forest zebra.” They always hide in dense thickets, because they are very shy and cautious.

There are also predators here: leopards, tigers. After a successful hunt, the leopard climbs up a tree with its prey, higher up from numerous thieves.

The tiger can do everything: climb trees, run fast, swim in deep rivers. All the inhabitants of the jungle know about his ferocity.

The bird fauna is widely represented by parrots, brightly feathered banana-eaters, and African peacocks. The peacock opens its tail of magnificent feathers like a fan to please its chosen one.

Many reptiles – snakes – have also adapted to life in trees. Poisonous tree cobras pose the greatest danger to humans. An angry cobra raises its head, opens its hood and hisses ominously. They pose a serious danger to humans, since the venom from the bite can be fatal.

Pythons are non-venomous snakes. They wrap themselves around and strangle their prey and then swallow it whole.

Our trip to Africa has come to an end. We visited the desert, savannah and jungle. Let's summarize, what new have you learned about tropical forests?

Target: Expand, deepen and consolidate children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.


Continue to introduce children to marine animals, some representatives (whale, shark, dolphin, sea turtle, crab, jellyfish, octopus, seahorse): their appearance, characteristics of movement, adaptability to life in the aquatic environment, feeding habits, behavior; introduce some forms of protection of marine life.

Activate cognitive activity: to foster a desire to learn more about marine life, to develop children’s curiosity.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Enrich and activate children's vocabulary.

Foster a caring attitude towards living things.

Material: illustrations with sea animals; riddles on marine theme; finger games; poem by V. Lanzetti “The Multicolored Octopus”; red cardboard, a set of cardboard geometric shapes of different colors.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Today we will talk about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. What sea creatures do you know?

Children's answers.

Educator: Right. The seas are home to many different kinds of animals. And they are not exactly like animals living on earth. There are sea cows, fur seals, starfish, sea urchins, needle fish, butterfly fish, and clown fish. There are animals that are safe for humans, and there are also dangerous ones. Let's get to know them better?

Well, then let's go on a trip! We will get acquainted with sea inhabitants.

What will we take on our trip? (children's reasoning). Guess the riddle:

The palace floats on the waves,

Are you carrying people?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, it's a ship.

We will now board our ship and set off!

(Children take their seats on an improvised “ship” made up of chairs. The melody “Free Wind” plays).

Are you seated? Please take your binoculars to make it easier to observe the sea and its inhabitants. Connect the thumb with the rest of the fingers of the palm, folded together, and round them. Place the resulting “donuts” on your eyes, as if looking through binoculars.

What do you see? I see the endless expanses of the sea, it is blue - the sky is reflected in it, I see light waves.

Let's depict the sea and waves. Bend your elbows in front of you, interlocking your fingers. Raise your elbows one at a time, making wave-like movements.

While you and I were pretending to be waves, the first sea creature appeared on the horizon. Listen to the riddle and try to determine who it is:

Island with water palm,

Say hello to me!

He puffs resentfully:

"I'm not an island! I..."?

Children: Keith!

Educator: That's right, guys. This is a whale. Why was it compared to an island in the riddle?

Children: It's huge. If his back appears from the water, it’s like a piece of land, an island.

Educator: What is this “water palm” on his back?

Children: This is a fountain.

Educator: Where is this fountain from? – (children’s reasoning).

Educator: These are the nostrils that are located on the top of the head, and from them, when the animal breathes, a fountain of steam comes out. What else can you say about this wonderful sea creature? – (children’s statements)

Educator(clarifying and generalizing statements): That's right. The whale is the largest animal in the world. (Shows illustration). The body is slender, highly elongated, rounded, smooth, instead of the front legs it has two fins, and instead of the hind legs it has a large, fish-like tail. He needs all this in order to move easily in the water. The body color is dark gray with a bluish tint.

Tell me, please, is a whale a fish or not? – (children’s statements).

Educator: Whales are not fish. They, like fish, live in water, but breathe air, floating to the surface of the sea. They feed their young with milk. There are such huge whales that weigh as much as 25 elephants or more. Some whales have teeth, others don't. Toothless people have mustaches instead of teeth. Such whales feed on small crustaceans and krill. They eat them in large quantities, since they are large - they need a lot of food. They swallow a large amount of water with various small living creatures, then the water seeps through the whisker, like through a sieve, and the prey remains in the mouth.

In general, whales are very diverse: some are huge, and some are relatively small.

Now grab your binoculars again and see if the next sea creature has appeared on the horizon?

I see, guess who:

He is a real circus performer -

He hits the ball with his nose.

Both the French and the Finn know:

Likes to play..?

Children: Dolphin!

Educator: That's right, guys. (Shows illustration).

What do you know about dolphins? – (children’s statements).

Educator(clarifying and generalizing statements): They are one of the most intelligent and useful animals for humans. A person teaches them to find sunken ships, to drive fish into a net, dolphins protect people from sharks, and save drowning people. And for their ability to jump high out of the water and deftly perform various tricks, they were nicknamed “sea acrobats.” This is a very friendly animal; like a person, it breathes through its lungs. Dolphins are a type of toothed whale and, unlike fish, cannot breathe underwater. They breathe air, rising to the surface from time to time. They can stay under water for a long time due to the fact that they can hold their breath for a long time. Dolphins are very playful, like whales, they live and hunt in a school, help each other and do not quarrel with their relatives.

What do they eat? – (children’s answers: they eat fish)


Guys, let's portray whales and dolphins. Jump into the water! First you whale: interlace your fingers, extend your arms in front of you and round them. Swim, whales! (Children run after each other around the perimeter of the group room, pretending to be a “whale”).

And now you are dolphins: put your hands with your palms together, stretch your arms forward, connect your thumbs and put them up - this is a dolphin’s fin. Make wave-like movements with your hands left - right, up - down, showing how a dolphin swims. Swim, dolphins!

Educator: Well done. We swam and hit the road again. To the ship!

Look through binoculars. Guess who I saw this time?

This fish is an evil predator,

It will swallow everyone wholeheartedly.

Showing her teeth, she yawned

And went to the bottom...?

Children: Shark.

Educator: Of course it's a shark. (Shows illustration).

What do you know about sharks? – (children’s statements).

Educator (clarifying and generalizing): Sharks are large, fast, toothy fish. Their teeth grow in several rows and are sharp, like a saw. They breathe underwater thanks to their gills using air dissolved in the water. They are very voracious and mobile.

Let's look through binoculars again. Don't you see anyone? Then guess what next sea creature I discovered:

For myself at the bottom of the sea

He builds a house with his claws.

Round shell, ten legs.

Did you guess it? This..?

Children: Crab.

Educator: Right. (Shows illustration).

What can you say about this animal? – (children’s statements).

Educator(specifying and generalizing): The body of this animal resembles a smooth thick cake with small eyes and short antennae. The crab does not know how to swim, but it quickly runs sideways and walks along the bottom of the sea. It has 10 legs: 8 are used for movement, and the two front ones have turned into claws. With their help, he protects himself from enemies and cuts his food into pieces, then putting it into his mouth.

Crabs collect garbage and clean the seabed.

Traveling along the bottom, crabs are forced to hide from predators and camouflage themselves. They put pieces of algae on themselves, often collecting everything that comes into their claws - empty shells, glass fragments, fish heads - and puts them on their backs. Such “scenery” perfectly camouflages the crab. When a crab is in danger, it exposes its back to the predator with trash.

Well, what's on the horizon again? Are you ready to solve the next riddle?

Pear with long legs

Settled in the ocean.

As many as eight arms and legs!

Is this a miracle..?

Children: Octopus.

Educator: That's right, guys. This is an octopus. (Shows illustration). Why do you think it was called an octopus? – (children’s statements).

Educator: Amazing cephalopod: head and eight legs (arms, tentacles). The octopus has suction cups on its tentacles, so it can hold any small thing. It crawls using tentacles and suckers. More often he prefers to sit in cover to avoid being attacked by a predator. They settle on the rocky bottom, where there are many caves in which you can hide. They feed on small sea animals. They can change their color and camouflage themselves with the surrounding area. (Demonstrates the phenomenon of camouflage: geometric figures of different colors are applied to a red background of cardboard; it turns out that figures of the same color are better “camouflaged” on a red background).

He can also spray paint (ink) to escape his pursuer.

You can determine its mood by the color of an octopus: a very frightened octopus - white, at a moment of anger, rage, acquires a reddish tint.


Go down to the sea. We all turn into octopuses. Let's move our tentacles:

I don't recognize myself:

I never get tired of changing my color.

Was in polka dots an hour ago,

And now I'm striped.

I swim up to the corals -

I become scarlet - scarlet.

Here I am a clown - an octopus -

Eight different colored legs!

I can become blacker than the night -

Turn off the light. Good night!

(Children pretend to be octopuses)

Educator: Now let's go back to the ship. And here's another riddle for you:

Stone shell - shirt.

And in a shirt..?

Children: Turtle.

: What can you say about the sea turtle? – (children’s statements).

Educator: There are land turtles, and there are also sea turtles. They are fully adapted for life in water. Their paws turned into flippers, and their shell became much smaller and lighter. A sea turtle cannot hide in it like a land turtle can in its own. In water they are agile and graceful, but on land they move slowly. Sea turtle chicks hatch from eggs that mother turtles lay in the sand on the seashore.

Listen to the following riddle:

Guess what kind of horses

Are they rushing into the sea from the chase?

I was able to hide in the algae

Little sea...?

Children: Horse.

The teacher shows the illustration and asks: Why was it called a skate? – (children’s reasoning: looks like a knight chess piece).

Educator: Seahorses live in thickets of sea grass. They hide in it. Each has a tube mouth. They are good parents: dads have bags on their bellies, there is a little danger, the fry - briskly, briskly in them - and hid.

And here is the last riddle:

A transparent umbrella floats.

“I’ll burn you!” - threatens. “Don’t touch me!”

She has paws and a belly.

What is her name?

Children: Medusa.

Educator: (Shows illustration). What can you say about jellyfish? – (children’s statements).

Educator: These are gelatinous creatures. They come in a wide variety of shapes and colors, but the body is almost always transparent and very delicate. There are very poisonous species. They feed on small sea animals.

Well, let's head back home. Let's wave to the sea creatures and promise to see them again.

Let's look through binoculars again and admire the expanses of the sea. (Turn on music).

Educator: Well, here we are at home. You can get out of the ship. Did you enjoy the trip?

What sea creatures did we meet today? - (children's answers).

What do you remember most? - (children's answers).

Would you like to continue getting to know the inhabitants of the sea? - (children's answers).


Target: Give a general idea of ​​the country Australia.


Educational: Introduce children to nature and the animal world

Give an idea of ​​the beauty and diversity of flora and fauna.

Introduce children to the traditional occupation and clothing of this people.

Expand children's horizons.

Introduce children to the location of Australia on the map, the flag and the capital of Australia.

Developmental: Develop each child's cognitive and emotional senses.

Develop Creative skills, accuracy, perseverance, skills of cooperation, mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

Educational: To foster tolerance and friendship between peoples, respect for folk traditions another country.

Cultivate interest and love for the world around us.

Materials and equipment: world map, flag of Australia, photo of the flag of Australia, presentation “Australia”.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time. Children sit on the carpet.

1) Guys, look, this is a doll from Australia. (showing a doll). His name is Oliver. Let's take a look at his costume. He is wearing a plaid shirt, dark trousers, boots on his feet, and a cowboy hat on his head. The cowboy hat can be considered one of the symbols of Australia. Many representatives of the local population flaunt it.

Oliver invites us on an exciting journey to a country called Australia. Australia is an unusual country: summer comes when winter begins at home; the color of the earth almost everywhere is red; and the animals living here are not found anywhere else in the world.

Do you want to get to know this country better?

(Children's answers)

Australia, Australia.

Wonderful country.

Into the world of mystery and riddles

She takes us away.

There is a lot of interesting things in it

And to find out about her

We decided on Australia

We'll take you for a walk

And on this journey

Friends will help us

Our group team

And of course, me!

2) And before getting to know the country of Australia, let's go to the map and find it there.

We approach the map, look for the country (first circle the country with a felt-tip pen). The capital of Australia is Canberra, it is so small that it is very difficult to find on the map. Look, this is the flag of Australia (Showing a photo of the flag of Australia), and I have the same flag, only small. Let's attach it to the map, to the place where the capital of this country is indicated.

3) And now we are going on a trip, sit down on the chairs. We will fly with you to a country called Australia, imagine that we are at the airport on board an airplane and are preparing to take off. All seat belts are fastened; during takeoff and climb, you must not get up from your seats or unfasten your seat belts. Fastened seat belts will not bother you, but can protect you from injury. (turn on the sound of an airplane taking off). And during the flight we will play with you.

On Monday or Wednesday (rotate your arms, first to the right then to the left)

We'll go to Australia! (waves hands)

I’ll make friends with Kangaroo there, (hands in a lock)

I'll play a game with him! (clap your hands on your knees with each hand alternately)

We strain our muscles with it (we pull our fingers without unclenching)

We'll let's parrots! (hands open and close)

Along the hot paths (we run our fingers along the table)

Let's run and jump! (stomp our feet)

And then we fly home! (waves hands)

Guys, we have arrived in Australia. Let's see what's interesting here.

4) Showing the presentation “Australia”

1) Australia is an unusual country: summer comes when winter begins at home; the color of the earth almost everywhere is red; and the animals living here are not found anywhere else in the world.

2)The Australian city of Sydney is also famous, which welcomes its guests with an unusual building in the form of huge white shells rising from the waters - the Opera House (opera building). It hosts various performances, concerts and even festivals.

3) And at the Sydney Aquarium, visitors can see the inhabitants of the ocean. There are sharks, sea lions and seals, penguins, sea turtles and many varieties of fish! They swim in huge transparent pools and tunnels, thanks to which anyone can watch them.

4) Animals of Australia are as unusual as the whole country! Only in Australia are there kangaroos, echidnas, emus, koalas, platypus, lyrebirds, birds of paradise and many other unusual animals.

Kangaroo. This animal is a symbol of Australia. Kangaroos have large tails and are strong hind legs and small, but dexterous, front ones. They can jump quickly and far, and mother kangaroos carry babies in special pouches on their bellies, which are born very small - like your little finger. Interesting, isn't it?

Let's play with the kangaroo. Word game with kangaroo “What is needed for what?”

Baby kangaroo:

Why yes why?

Mom's tired of listening

There's not even time to eat.

And then she herself

I started playing word games with him.


What is a pillow for?

To put under... your ear.

What is the bed for?

To sleep sweetly on it...

Why do we need a pear?

So that the guys…eat it.

What is the game for?

So that you don't get bored... kids.

5) Only in Australia is there an echidna - an animal similar to a hedgehog. She has needles and thick, coarse fur, a thin nose and a small mouth with a long sticky tongue, large paws with strong claws. The echidna feeds on ants and termites, reaching them with its sticky tongue. This animal also has excellent eyesight; if it senses danger, it quickly buries itself in the ground, exposing its needles.

6) Platypus. This is an amazing animal that has a duck nose, a beaver tail, chicken membranes and soft fur. The platypus digs itself a deep hole with a narrow tunnel, through which its fur is wrung out. Do you know why the platypus needs such a tail? To store fat there. In many animals, fat is distributed evenly under the skin, and in the platypus, in the tail.

7) Koala. These are small calm ones fluffy bears, which spend most of their time hibernating, clinging to a branch with tasty leaves or to their mother’s back. Koalas sleep 20 hours a day. Most of the time, koalas are silent, but if you frighten them, they begin to cry like children. And then you can calm them down if you pet them.

8) In Australia there live large birds similar to African ostriches, called emus. They are also considered a symbol of the country. These birds cannot fly, but they run fast, love to swim and are even good swimmers! Emu mothers lay large eggs in the nest, but only the father incubates and raises the chicks. These are what they are amazing birds!

9) And the eggs they hatch are also amazing, look.

10) Bird of paradise. People have created many legends and myths about these birds, i.e. fairy tales Some legends say that these birds never land, but always fly. Others say that these birds have no legs. In fact, these are ordinary birds, relatives of our crows and sparrows, BUT! very beautiful relatives. It seems that they were specially invented to amaze us with their beauty and diversity. Yes, yes, because there are more than 45 varieties of birds of paradise.

11) This country is home to the largest number of poisonous snakes in the world.

12) There are many light eucalyptus forests in Australia. Several species of eucalyptus grow here. The leaves and bark of these trees are rich in essential oils, which are widely used in medicine and technology.

13) In the depths of Australia there are almost all types of minerals: gold, silver, copper and iron ores, coal. Once upon a time there were pirates in Australia. They probably hid their treasures here. But even now many useful and valuable minerals are found on this land.

14) The most important branch of the economy is sheep breeding; sheep wool and cheese go to many countries in Europe, Asia and America.

15) Australians love to have fun and relax, so many holidays are organized on Mondays - so that the weekend lasts longer.

Australians love Boxing Day, it is celebrated immediately after Christmas - December 26th. On this day, stores sell things at discounts, and if you don’t like the gift, you can bring it back and exchange it for another, or take the money back.

16) Australians eat and offer their guests the same unusual dishes as their country. For example, here you can try a dish made from crocodile meat, kangaroo meat, or even delicacies made from various bugs and larvae called “witchetti”! Also very tasty are meat pie made from puff pastry, called “pie,” and products baked directly on coals (“bush tucker”).

17) And what delicious berries and fruits grow on this land: blackberries, kiwi, mango, papaya, lychee, avocado, oranges, lemons and others tropical fruits!

18) Today we learned quite a bit about Australia, but I hope you liked the amazing country.

5) Gymnastics for the eyes.

“Your eyes need a rest.”

(Guys close their eyes)

"You need to take a deep breath."

(Deep breath. Eyes still closed)

“The eyes will run around.”

(Eyes are open. Movement of the pupil in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise)

“They will blink many, many times.”

(Frequent blinking of eyes)

“My eyes felt good.”

(Lightly touch closed eyes with fingertips)

“Everyone will see my eyes!”

(Eyes wide open. Wide smile on face)

6) It’s time for us to return, fasten our seat belts. (The sound of a plane taking off)

We were flying to Australia! (waves hands)

Made friends with Kangaroo, (hands in a lock)

Let's play a game with him! (clap your hands on your knees with each hand alternately)

We strained our muscles with it (we pull our fingers without unclenching)

The parrots got scared! (hands open and close)

Along the paths, along the hot ones, (we run our fingers along the table)

Let's run, let's gallop! (stomp our feet)

It's warm there in winter! (torso circumference)

We are rushing home now! (waves hands)

Well, here we are.

7) Today we learned that there are a lot of snakes in Australia, and I suggest you play the game “Snake” to relax a little.

Hey, hey,

Blue snake!

Show up, show up

Spin the wheel!

The teacher invites all children to portray a snake. The children put their hands on each other’s shoulders and slowly move forward like a “snake” behind the teacher. Obstacles (cubes, arcs, etc.) may be placed in front of children, which the snake must go around without knocking over.

8)Have you played enough? (children's answers)

Children, who will answer the question? What industry is well developed in Australia? (children's answers). That's right, sheep farming is developed in Australia, and I suggest you create a mini farm.

And before work, you need to prepare your fingers for work (finger play).

Wanted it early in the morning

Two sheep butting heads.

Sticking out your horns,

They started a fight.

They butted heads for a long time,

Everyone was clinging to each other.

But by lunchtime, suddenly tired,

They separated, raising their horns.

The palms of both hands are down. Elbows are spread in different directions. The index fingers and little fingers of both hands are bent into a ring and protrude forward, depicting the horns of a lamb. The remaining fingers are pressed to the palms. Butting with horns, lightly hitting the bent index fingers and little finger of one hand with the index finger and little finger of the other hand.

9) Productive activity. Sheep made from napkins. Exhibition of works accompanied by Dolls. Review of works. Praise children for their diligence and attentiveness.

Appendix No. 2

Modeling (plasticinography)

"Cheerful little penguins"

Target: introduce children to plasticine and its properties; to develop children's interest in modeling.
consolidate children's knowledge about animals and birds of the Antarctic, about penguins
consolidate counting skills within 5, the ability to compare by the number of objects, by size
develop imagination, creativity, memory;
teach children to sculpt a penguin from four parts (head, body, two wings)
develop fine motor skills of the hands;
cultivate hard work and perseverance;
induce in children a feeling of joy from the work done.
Preliminary work: viewing animated film“The Adventures of Little Penguin Lolo”, conversation about penguins, looking at illustrations, reading works.
Materials: plasticine in white, black and red colors, modeling board, stack, sample.
Integration of areas:“Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Cognitive development”
Progress of the lesson:
1. Riddle.
-Guys, now I’ll tell you a riddle. Guess it.
"He is the king of the polar ice floes,
Black and white gentleman.
Wow, he's big for a bird,
Walking is very important.
Southernmost continent
Settled in bravely" (Penguin)
-That's right, it's a penguin.
2. Conversation about penguins.
-Tell me what you know about penguins?
-Where do penguins live?
-What do penguins eat?
-Who hatches the eggs?
-Who is the enemy of penguins?
-You and I have already talked a lot about them, read them, and I suggest you make a penguin, do you want it?
-Guys, what body parts do penguins have?
-that's right, body, head, tail, paws, wings.
-let's think about how many pieces of plasticine we need? (children's answers)
-I think I agree with Arina, it seems to me that she counted correctly.
-but first, let's get our fingers ready for work.
3. Finger gymnastics.
"Here are my helpers
Turn them any way you want
This way and that way, that way and that way
They won't be offended in any way
We can count our fingers
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
Ten fingers, a pair of hands,
Here is your wealth, friend"
4. Practical work.
- our fingers are ready to work.
-You have everything you need on your tables, look.
-Guys, tell me how many pieces of plasticine you have, count them?
-how much have you got? (children's answers)
-find and show the largest piece of plasticine.
-What shape is it? (ball)
-now find the smallest one.
-how many are there? (2)
-Tell me, which ones are bigger, big or small?
-well done! Take the largest piece of plasticine and heat it up.
-Now roll it into a sausage.
-now press her to the board so that she can stand.
-now let’s stretch out the tail and paws.
- Let's put this part aside.
-How many pieces do you have left? (3) How much was it? Has it become more or less?
-find the largest one among the remaining pieces.
-Now let's take care of the head. Let's roll the head.
- let's stick it to the body.
- how many pieces are left? (2)
-What will we sculpt from these pieces? (wings)
-Roll out two sausages and flatten them.
-attach the wings to the body.
-look at your penguin, do you like him? What is he missing?
-let's make the eyes and beak.
- our penguin is ready.
-do you like it now?
-And I really like your penguins too! Well done!
-let's put them in the reception area so that your parents can also admire your work.
-Thank you everyone for your work.

Appendix No. 3

Drawing (teamwork)

"We live in the forest"

Target: Continue to learn how to draw using non-traditional techniques (poking with a hard semi-dry brush, finger painting).


Develop a desire to depict forest animals, fluffy, white snow quietly falling from the sky.

To develop children's creative abilities, imagination, love of nature and the animal world.

To evoke in children joyful feelings from the arrival of the beautiful winter, expressed in words.

Material: painted landscape of a winter forest, gouache, brushes, napkins. Preparatory work: viewing illustrations, reproductions of paintings of the winter forest and its inhabitants; reading poetic works about winter and wild animals.

Educator:- Children, the beautiful winter has finally come to us. Look at the miracle outside the window! Why do you think it became so beautiful?

Children's answers:(Frosty days have arrived and a lot of snow has fallen.)

Educator:- Yes, snowy frosty days have arrived, a lot of snow has fallen. Snow wrapped a white, fluffy blanket around houses, fields, and forests. It became light, elegant and fabulously beautiful! -Have you ever been to the forest in winter? -Did you like it in the forest? -Tell me what you saw in the forest?

(Children's stories.)

Educator:- Yes, there is a lot of snow in the forest, the trees are all drowned in snow. And on the snowdrifts you can see traces of wild animals. Children, to see the tracks of animals, let’s “go” to the fairy-tale forest and see what animals left tracks in the snow. But first, let’s “dress” warmly - it’s cold and frosty today.

(Children show with their hands how to dress for the street)

Educator:- Ready? Now I will say the magic words, and you close your eyes. "By pike command, according to my desire, may we all find ourselves in the winter forest!” (the teacher opens a painted winter landscape). Open your eyes and look at the winter, fairy-tale forest. Now I’ll tell you riddles, and you tell me what kind of animals left their tracks in the snow:

1. The tail is fluffy,

The fur is golden.

Lives in the forest

He steals chickens from the village. (Fox)

Right! Fox tracks are visible in the snow.

(Showing fox tracks in the picture.)

Listen to another riddle:

2. A ball of fluff,

Long ear.

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots. (Hare)

Well done! And here are the hare's tracks winding in the snow.

(Teacher showing hare tracks in a winter landscape)

And this animal left marks around the tree and jumped on it:

3. She is both a jumper, she is also a rodent,

She is both tag and hide-and-seek.

Look how she hides in the branches:

And immediately it became almost invisible! (Squirrel)

And you solved this riddle! Well done! Look carefully at the picture. We see footprints in the snow, but no animals! There are no hares, no foxes. Let us draw them and we will get a beautiful picture! And we will paint with a poke of a hard, semi-dry brush.

Think and tell me, what color is a hare in winter? -What color is the fox’s coat? -What kind of fur coat does a squirrel have? Children's answers. -Now I’ll remind you how to draw with this technique.

(Shown on separate sheet)

I dip the brush in white paint. I place the brush on the outline of the hare and draw along the outline with a poke. I hold the brush vertically. Then I draw a white fur coat. I use my finger to draw the nose and eyes. -Is my hare beautiful?

Do you want to draw the same fluffy, white bunnies, cunning, red foxes and jumping squirrels? -But first, we'll stretch our fingers.

(Finger gymnastics)

Now get to work. Take your brushes and start creating

your fairy tale about the winter beauty and its forest inhabitants!

During the course of the lesson individual work with kids.

Lesson Analysis:

How did we draw the animals?

Children's answers:(brush, finger)

Children, now think and tell me, what would you call this picture?

Children's answers:(“Fairytale Forest”, “Beasts in the Forest”, etc.)

Well, now it's time to return to kindergarten. Close your eyes, and I will conjure: “One, two, three - bring us back!”

Let's open our eyes! Here we are again in the group! Thank you! Class over!

Appendix No. 4

Handmade “Cute turtles”

Target: Acquaintance with the features of the external structure of a turtle.


1. Know the features of the main parts of the turtle, characteristic features;

2. Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

3. Cultivate attention, perseverance, diligence, accuracy;

Progress of the lesson:

- Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you. Sit nicely, keep your backs straight, put your legs together, keep your eyes on me. Guys, we have an amazing animal living in DEBC, but I won’t tell you which one yet. Guess for yourself: in order to do this, guess the riddle.

Below is a stone, above is a stone,

Four legs and one head.

Knowing no fear

Lives for three hundred years...

IN shell hiding,

It's like going into a house

I feel warm,

Calm in it.

Children: Turtle.

Today we will talk to you about the turtle. Let's look at what parts it consists of.

Let's go visit Auntie Sovunya. Watch video 5 min.

Guys, raise your hands, who saw the turtle? And for those who haven’t seen it, I brought our turtle to visit you, let’s get to know it. I carry a turtle around the desks and the children can pet it and take a closer look. Beautiful?

Let's look at a turtle. What does she have?

Children: She has paws, a neck, a head, a tail.

How many paws does she have?

Children: Four.

Right. All these parts of the body are covered with scales that serve them for protection. There are claws on the paws, what do you think they need them for?

Children: to dig holes.

What else is there?

Children: Shell.

That's right, look how big it is, right? Why does a turtle need a shell?

Children: This is her house.

Yes, a house. This shell is durable and reliable. The turtle can always hide in it if he encounters danger or wants to sleep.

And guys, you can tell how old a turtle is by its shell. She has these shields, and there are rings on them, (showing to children) if we count them we will know her age.

What color is the turtle?

Light green, brown.

Do you think it is possible to meet a turtle on the street or in the forest?

Children: No.

Right. Turtles don't live there. For example, our turtle is Central Asian, that is, from Central Asia.

Would you like to have such a pet?

Okay, let’s each make our own turtle out of plasticine. But first, let's take a little rest:

Physical exercise.

Video of sculpting a turtle step by step.

Guys, look at the turtle we made, they look the most like fairy tale ones, why do you think?

Children: there is no tail, the shell is only the upper plate, there is no lower plate, no eyes, and it is very difficult to choose the color.

Guys, our lesson is coming to an end. Did you like it? If yes, then raise the sun; if not, or it was hard for you and not everything is clear, raise the cloud.

What did we talk about?

What new have you learned? What did we do? How did we sculpt turtles?

I also liked the activity and so did our turtle, but most of all we liked the turtles you made.

Appendix No. 5


“And elephants and rhinoceroses walk along the road”

Target: Learn to draw an “elephant”, conveying in the drawing its structure, characteristic features, African nature in accordance with the creative concept.

Tasks:- Continue to develop children's creativity, thinking and imagination.

  • Continue to introduce children to a variety of visual materials and drawing techniques with them.
  • Continue to consolidate children's knowledge about color, teach them how to choose the right color scheme in accordance with the plot of the drawing.

Integration of educational areas: OO “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”; OO " Speech development"; NGO "Cognitive Development".

Material: Model “Africa” made by the teacher, pictures with silhouettes of animals, role-playing game “Zoo” with animals from hot countries, visual material on the topic “Animals of Africa and their babies”, sheets of A-3 drawing paper, pastel pencils, wet wipes.

Preliminary work: - Conducting classes in the cognitive cycle and on the development of speech on the topic “Africa”, didactic games “Collect the animals of Africa”, “Who lives where?”, board games: puzzles “Animals and their cubs”, lotto “Where, whose home?”, “Animals of Africa”; reading fiction: K.I. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”, S. Marshak poem “Elephant”, “Children in a Cage”, poems and riddles about animals in Africa, etc.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: - Guys, you and I have already learned a lot about Africa. We learned that Africa is a hot country, we learned what kind of people live there, what kind of animals live there.

This is our “Africa”! The teacher shows the children a model consisting of a role-playing game “Zoo” with animals and hand-made crafts on this topic. Let's remember once again the animals that live there. The teacher shows silhouette pictures of animals, and the children name them.

Well done boys! Now let's play the game: "Carnivores and Herbivores." I have two pictures depicting “Africa”, on this side there will be predators, and on this side there will be herbivores. And so we begin! (The teacher shows a picture of an animal, and the children answer which group of animals it belongs to. You can first make a riddle about the animal, and then show the picture. The teacher, with the help of the children, places the pictures in the designated places.) So we divided the animals of Africa into two groups . Let the predatory animals rest and walk around Africa, and we will look again at the herbivores, how unusual they are, they are all so different. Each animal has its own characteristics:

  • The elephant is the largest animal on our planet, it has a long nose called a trunk, elephants live in families, they take care of each other and are very protective and love their children.
  • The giraffe is tall, has the longest neck in the world and can get food in places where other animals cannot.
  • Zebras are similar to our horse, these animals are very beautiful, they have black and white stripes on their backs. They can run fast and live in large herds; they have a leader, so it is more convenient for them to protect themselves from predators.
  • A turtle is smaller than other animals, it moves slowly along the sands of the savannah, looking for plant food, and if it is in danger, it hides in its shell, in its house on its back.

All animals are very interesting and wonderful, today we will learn to draw one of them, and to find out which one, guess the riddle:

He is as tall as a large tower,

But not at all scary.

Good-natured and strong

African miracle – (Elephant.) V. Struchkov

Long trunk instead of a nose,

On a hot day it carries water.

And huge ears

It flaps like sails.

This good giant

Resident of distant hot countries.

Can eat five tons of fruit

African gray... (Elephant.) I. Shemyakina

You all guessed my riddles correctly and have already guessed that today we will draw - an African elephant!

The elephant is very large, so the drawing paper will also be large. We will draw the elephant with pastel pencils. Pastel is very fragile, if you press on it, it will break in half, so you need to draw carefully. The pastel also smears our hands, and if our hands are dirty, we can wipe them with wet wipes. Elephant gray, so I take a gray pastel and start drawing, but before I draw an elephant I need to think, what will my elephant do? He goes to the right or to the left, to the water or walks through the jungle, he goes alone or with his family. Maybe he is looking for friends, or maybe he met someone along the way? After all, there are so many interesting things in Africa!

First I will draw the body of the elephant, it is oval in shape, then next to the body I will draw the head. Guys, the elephant’s neck is very short, it’s almost unnoticeable, so we won’t draw the neck as if the elephant turned its head towards us. Now I’ll draw the legs, they are wide, thick and there are exactly four of them, at the bottom they are a little wider than at the top. The back of the elephant has a tail like this. The elephant has wide and large ears on its head (I draw). Now I will draw a trunk for him, with his help the elephant drinks water, gets food from trees, lifts various heavy objects and can even wash himself with water, pouring water on himself as if from a shower. All that remains is to draw the eyes, mouth, and tusks, but only the elephant’s father has tusks, while the mother and baby elephants do not have tusks. With the help of tusks, the elephant protects its family from predators. So I got an elephant, and here next to me I’ll draw a little elephant (I’m drawing), now I have a daddy elephant with a baby elephant. The baby elephant went up to the water, took some water into his trunk, lifted it up and splashed himself with water, he is still a baby and loves to play. I will paint over the elephants with the same pastel gray pencil, only I will put the pastel on its side and shade the back and other details with it, so that the whole elephant is gray, including the baby elephant.

Guys, you're probably a little tired, then let's play and turn into elephants (improvisation game). I will be a mother elephant, and you are baby elephants! I walk in front, and you are behind me and repeat after me: - How big are elephants? Here they are (pull your arms up, to the sides); We stand in a circle, what kind of ears does an elephant have? Like this (raise our hands to our head, palms on our sides, move our hands). What kind of trunk does an elephant have? Like this (we show with both hands from the nose down, joining our hands into a tube). What will our baby elephants be treated to today? A dish with bananas appears in the group! I suggest the children wash their hands and eat bananas (second breakfast).

After a short break, I suggest that children who want can play with the “Africa” layout, and whoever wants can start drawing their own drawing, showing their creativity, imagination and imagination.

When all the work is completed, together with the children we review, analyze it and organize an exhibition of children's creativity in the foyer of the kindergarten.

Appendix No. 6

"Colorful Parrots"

Handout: plasticine (different colors) stack, board, rags.

Demo material: ready-made figurine of a parrot made of plasticine, visual aids, photos and drawings of parrots.

Target: continue to teach children how to sculpt birds in a constructive way.

Tasks :


  • consolidate the knowledge and skills of students on the topic “Sculpting three-dimensional figures”;
  • repeat safety precautions in class when working with tools and materials.


· develop an interest in manual labor;

· develop creative thinking, attention, memory.


  • instill skills in occupational hygiene, consistency and accuracy;
  • cultivate a willingness to cooperate and show friendliness;
  • develop responsibility (the ability to complete a job);
  • nurturing adequate self-esteem and self-control.

Methodological equipment:

  • image of a castle and a wizard
  • image of tools

Techniques, methods, teaching technologies used:

  • a game;
  • conversation;
  • demonstration;
  • independent work.


  1. Organizational stage.

Teacher: Hello guys! Pay attention to the board - there are pictures of the tools you will need, please prepare your work areas.

Children:select tools and materials.

Preparatory stage

Teacher: Have you noticed that the wizard has prepared a riddle clue for you?

He approaches the castle with the wizard, opens the note, and voices the riddle:

The way a cat hisses,

The way I speak.

He lives in a cage with us,

He eats in a cage and drinks in a cage.
Who is this? Guess!

Yes, sure -


  • Main part of the lesson

Teacher: Let's check if we guessed the riddle correctly - let's open the chest.

He opens the chest, takes out a figurine of a parrot, shows it to the children, and places it in the center of the table.

Teacher: What parts does the figurine consist of?

Children: answer (torso, head, paws, tail, wings).

Teacher: In what order will we make the figurine?

Children: answer (torso, wings, tail, head, beak, eyes).

Practical work:

1. Body: a ball of plasticine of different colors, give it the shape of a cylinder.

2. Paws: 2 balls of the same size with an ivy finger on one side, with a stack we make 2 notches on each - fingers.

3. Wings: cut the blue ball with an ivy palm into 2 equal parts, make 2 cuts in a stack on each wing - feathers.

4. Tail: give pieces of plasticine of any color a cone shape and attach the sharp side to the body.

Physical exercise.


There lived a parrot in the world.

Spread your wings wider.

(arms to the sides, left, right)

He loved to fly higher than everyone else

Taller than palm trees, taller than giraffes.

(stretch on your toes, arms up)

I flew to visit the children,

I rested with them,

(do squats)

Jumped, bowed, played pranks,

(tilt the head or body forward)

I talked to the kids.

Teacher: Our parrots are almost ready, what part are they missing?

Children: answer (crest).

Teacher: Right.

5. Tuft: We make a flagellum from plasticine and divide it into three parts with a stack, attach it to the parrot’s head.

Teacher: Right.

  • Final (reflective) stage

Teacher: Now the crafts are ready, you can move them to the table and put the tools and materials back in their places.

Children:They take the crafts to the table for finished products, and clean up the work areas.

Teacher: What was the hardest/easiest thing about making a craft? What did you like most?

Children: express their attitude to the lesson.

Teacher: It's time to say goodbye, don't forget to thank the wizard for an interesting activity. Children look at their work.

Appendix No. 7

Drawing with applique elements

"Mysterious Jungle"

Target. To develop the ability to convey proportions and structure using the example of a tree.


- Reinforcing the concepts of “Application”. Learning paper folding techniques.

- Continue to introduce children to the genre visual arts– landscape, to show that nature is beautiful at any time of the year.

To consolidate children's knowledge about non-traditional types of visual techniques.

Develop creative thinking, speech, communication skills, attention, memory.

To cultivate a caring attitude and love for nature and trees.

Equipment: sheets A-4, gouache, brushes, glass of water, napkin, cotton buds, colored paper, photographs of the tropical forest.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator. Hello guys! It's very nice to see you in my class! Today I want to invite you to start it with the game “Autumn Leaf Fall”. She will help us relax and successfully continue our activities.

Children stand in a circle and, at the request of the teacher, depict falling leaves, whirling leaves, a quiet wind, a sharp wind, etc.

Educator. Well done, you depicted trees in autumn very well. Today we will talk to you specifically about trees.

Educator. Guys, what trees do you know?

Children name trees.

Educator. How are they similar and how are they different? (Children answer).

What parts does a tree consist of?

Children. A tree consists of a root, trunk, branches, foliage.
Educator. What color is the trunk and leaves? (Children answer).
Educator. What do you hear when the wind plays through the leaves of a tree?

Children. Noise, grinding, etc.

Educator. What happens to the trees in different times of the year?

Children. Depending on the time of year, the tree changes its clothes.

Educator. What happens to the trees in the fall?

Children. In autumn, trees shed their plumage and remain so until spring. Only spruce and pine trees remain green.

Educator. Right. Do you know, guys, that forests in the tropics never change their leaves; they are called evergreen. Look at the picture. What do you see?

Children. This is a tropical forest.

Educator. Now look at this clearing. What do you think is missing here?

Children. There aren't enough trees here.

Educator. Let's fill this clearing and then we will have our own tropical forest. Look at the sample and let's try to create our own image of the tree.

Educator. The natural structure gives the tree strength and stability. When a gust of wind hits a trunk, it does not knock it down, but “flows” around the cylindrical trunk; This streamlined shape gives stability to the tree. The tree needs to hold a lot of leaves on its branches and keep itself in an upright position. This purpose is served by placing all branches, twigs and twigs at an angle. The tree strives to occupy such a volume in space as to bring all the branches with leaves closer to the sunlight, therefore the tree crowns have a spherical, egg-shaped, conical, pyramidal shape (show pictures). The tree takes care that the leaves do not block the sun from each other, so the leaves have a carved edge, and the larger the leaves, the more carved they are. Guys, why do we love trees?

Children answer.

Educator. I agree with you that they are very beautiful, many of them serve as a home for birds, in their shade we can relax on a sunny day and listen to birdsong. Trees make us happy, and we must protect and protect them as a part of our native nature. Now please stand up and imagine for a moment that you have become trees, let’s do some physical exercise.
Physical exercise “We will become trees.”
We will become strong, big trees. Feet shoulder width apart
The legs are the roots, let’s place them wider.
To hold the tree They put one fist on top of the other.
They didn't let me fall Bend over, cup your palms
Water was extracted from the depths of the underground.
Our body is a strong trunk, Place your palms down along your body
He sways a little. Swaying from side to side
And with your top Fold your palms into a hut
Resting on the sky Raise your joined hands above your head
Our hands are branches Open your palms, spread your fingers to the sides
The crown is formed. They close their fingers
Together they are not afraid Shake their heads
If the winds blow. They swing their arms up.
Practical part.

Today we will try to create an application with drawing elements “Tropical Trees”. Show the steps of drawing a tree.
Children go to the tables, sit down and then finger gymnastics start doing the work.

After completing the work, they are placed in a clearing drawn on the board.

Educator. Look how decorated our clearing is. I think that you were interested in drawing a tree, let's repeat the steps of its implementation.

Children call the stages of work.

Educator. Now raise your hands if you're happy with your job.

Children raise their hands.

Educator. The best work gets our attention. And those who have not had very successful work should not be upset and despair. A little patience and practice - and you too will succeed. And now it's time to say goodbye. I am very pleased with your work. Thank you!

Appendix No. 7

Educational quiz for older preschool children

"Journey through natural areas"

Target: Generalization and consolidation of children’s ideas about the inhabitants of natural zones: the Arctic, hot countries, tropical forest


- Develop logical thinking, memory, attention

Strengthen counting skills within 10

Develop phonemic awareness

Cultivate a love for nature

Develop teamwork skills

Facilities: presentation “Travel through natural areas” for display, cut-out pictures (Arctic), letters, numbers, objects for assembling models of natural areas (Arctic, tropical forest), images of animals and the Arctic, hot countries, tropical forest, colored pencils, music for entrance . Envelopes for inserting assignments, sets of magnetic letters and numbers, emblems, scoreboards.

Quiz progress:

Children enter the hall to the music, take emblems from the box and divide into teams. (slide No. 1 on screen)

- Educator : Hello kids, girls and boys. I am glad to welcome you, I hope everyone is in a great mood. May good luck and success accompany you now. Before you start the game, I will tell you a few simple rules. So:

1. For the team to win, work amicably, together and not quarrel hotly;

2. Do not answer questions together in chorus, do not shout, only answer one at a time;

3. Listen to each other, do not interrupt, be able to wait, and then complement;

4. The game is monitored by a jury, oh, and they are strict, if a team answers correctly, they are awarded points, if they behave badly they are deducted points, but for an incorrect answer there are no points.

Guys, what is a natural area? What natural areas do you know?

Children's answers : A piece of land with a specific climate, plants and animals; Desert, tropics, Arctic, Antarctica, mixed forest, tundra, ...

Educator : Well done. And our quiz begins, we set off on a Journey through natural areas. Look at the screen and tell me which natural area we are in?

Children's answer– hot countries, tropics, subtropics (Slide No. 2)

Educator: But to find out who lives here, you need to do

first task. I will give riddles to each team in turn, and you will have to say the answers and find the letter that corresponds to the first sound in the answer. (for each correct answer 1 point)

Here are the horses, all in stripes. Maybe they are wearing sailor suits. No, they are that color. Guess who it is? (Zebras
At the zoo I will find this Beast in the pond. If he comes onto land, he will become very clumsy. (Hippopotamus)
Hatched from a shell, He has big teeth, He is not very sweet in character, He likes to dive into the Nile. (Crocodile) Enjoy it quickly!
Before you is the king of beasts, the miracle mane has fluttered, silky and beautiful. (A lion) A shell is not a shirt, it’s a house, it’s not scary.

Educator : And the hostess looks proudly - I feel calm in a solid house! (Turtle)

Children's answers Here is a living crane, an inhabitant of hot countries.

Educator : Leaves and bananas are torn from multi-story trunks. (Giraffe)

Children's answers With his nose-hose the giant washes himself as if in the shower.

Educator This resident of hot countries is the largest on land. (Elephant)

Children's answers I came from hot countries, lived there among the vines, and, hanging on them by the tail, I devoured a banana. (Monkey)

Educator: Okay, well done. Question to the first team: What characteristics of animals help them survive in hot climates? - can go without water for a long time, they have no hair, thin skin, etc. Question to the second team: Could these animals live in the north?


Why? It’s cold in the north, and these animals don’t have warm fur, they won’t have anything to eat.

Educator Good, then

second task for teams. Attention to the screen. (slide No. 3 “Who’s the odd one out”) For each correct answer, 1 point.

Educator: Question to the First Team - name who is the odd one out in the picture?


Educator bears and penguins.

Why?: question to the second team Why?

Educator Answer: bears live in the forest, penguins in Antarctica, are all the rest animals of hot countries? for both teams. Look carefully at the animals that are depicted on the screen, remember, in a minute I will close this slide, and on your desks you will take the animals out of the envelope and put on a white sheet only those animals that were on the screen. The task must be completed quickly and correctly. If done faster than your opponents and everything is correct, 2 points, with an error, 1 point. (children lay out the animals). Now let's see to the screen and let's check did you select the animals correctly, or are there errors? (children look at the screen and check themselves)

Fizminutka(perform movements in accordance with the text)

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud.

We all stomp our feet,

We all clap our hands,

Puff out our cheeks

Let's jump on our toes.

Let's jump to the ceiling together

Put your finger to your temple

And even to each other

Let's show our tongues!

Let's open our mouths wider,

We'll make all the faces.

How can I say word three?

Everyone freeze with grimaces.

One two Three!

Educator We rested, let's move on. Look at the screen, where are we? (slide number 5)

Answer Arctic

Task four , again I will ask riddles, and you will tell the answer and find the image in the envelope. This is how we get to know the inhabitants of the Arctic. I guess the riddles one by one. For the correct answer and the correct picture 2 points, with 1 error 1 point. (children answer and show the answer)

He lives in the north, loves snow and ice?
Instead of buns and sweets, he eats Rybka for lunch. He catches it all day with ease! After all, he is ... (seal) A strange sleek gray cat eats fish,
lives on the ice
, There is a mustache, and a tail, and a mouth, Who is it? - Fur seal)
Who in the cold ocean, As if in a warm foam bath, Can swim and dive, Disperse flocks of ice floes?
Yes! Such turns can only be done... (walruses)

Educator: Sitting on a block of ice, I catch fish for breakfast. I am known as snow-white and live in the north. And the taiga brown brother is happy with Honey and raspberries. (Polar bear)

This bird is also a predator, it lives in the north.

Loves to eat a hare. Its flight is not noisy. It has pure white plumage. Its head is completely covered. And this bird is called... (snowy owl)

And now we will be transported to another natural area, look at the screen to see who guessed where we ended up (slide No. 7).

second task mixed forest

Educator Guys, now the first team must name how the Arctic natural zone is similar to the Mixed Forest natural zone.

Second team: What is the difference between a brown bear and a white bear.

Answers In the Arctic there lives a polar bear, and in the forest there is a brown bear, in the Arctic there is a lot of snow, in the forest there is also a lot of snow in winter. The brown one sleeps in winter, but the white one does not. Brown loves raspberries and honey, white fish.

Educator : Okay, everyone gets 1 point. It's waiting for us here sixth test. In turn, I will assign math problems to each team, and you will count, find the number in the envelopes and show it.

One evening the bear's neighbors came to have a pie: a hedgehog, a badger, a raccoon, a "squint", a wolf with a tricky fox. But the bear could not divide the pie among everyone. The bear was sweating from labor - He didn’t know how to count! Help him quickly - Count all the animals. (B.Zakhoder) (6) Six cheerful bear cubs are rushing into the forest to pick raspberries. But one of them is tired. Now find the answer: How many bears are ahead? (5)
How a Bunny, a squirrel and a badger stood in a circle under the tree, a hedgehog and a raccoon, an elk, a wild boar, a fox and a cat stood up. And the last one to stand was the bear. How many animals are there? Answer! (10) In a clearing near an oak tree, the Hedgehog saw two fungi. And further away, among the aspen trees, He found another one. Who is ready to answer us, How many mushrooms did the hedgehog find? (3)
The hostess discovered a bunny in a carrot bed, and four more in a row in the middle of the cabbage beds. It’s easy to count, like, How many bunnies are there in the garden.(5) Two brown bear cubs found hedgehogs under a bush. There are a lot of them there - as many as six, and you can’t even count the thorns. There is no one else. How many animals are there in total? (8)

And you completed this task.

Seventh task And again, pay attention to the screen (slide number 8) On the screen you see animals and each animal has its own geometric figure, you need to look very carefully, remember which animal has which figure and connect the animal and the figure on your tables, and I will close this slide, you need to do it quickly and correctly. Then we'll check. The team that completed the task faster and without errors will receive 2 points; if there are errors, 1 point. Children perform, then open the slide to P checks You got it done quickly because you were paying attention.

And now a very simple task

Blitz poll each team will be asked questions must be answered quickly, without hesitation, the answer must be YES or NO for each correct answer 1 point

Blitz questions

1. Is the entrance to the beaver lodge underwater? (YES)

2. Does it snow almost every day in hot countries? (NO)

3. Do giraffes, elephants and hippos live in hot countries? (YES)

4. Can a camel go without water for a long time? (YES)

5. Does a brown bear live in the Arctic? (NO)

6. Is the wolf's house a hollow? (NO)

7. Does the polar bear eat raspberries? (NO)

8. Are the animals of the north reliably protected from the cold? (YES)

9. Tiger big cat? (YES)

10.Does a crocodile live in water? (YES)

You did a great job

And the last task Each team must assemble a model of a natural area

1 team assembles the ARCTIC natural area

Team 2 collects the MIXED FOREST natural area

The team that quickly and beautifully creates a layout will receive 2 points.

Well done, now let's listen to the jury members, they will tell you how many points each team scored.

Jury report


Oh, what great guys!

Everyone worked hard

And now the turn has come,

Reward everyone who played!

Winner's reward ceremony

Tatiana Morozova
Conversation “My Motherland - Russia”

Conversation"My homeland - Russia» .

Goals: To introduce values ​​to older preschool children « Russia» , « Motherland» ; to form children's ideas about Home country and its symbols;

Introduce the coat of arms and flag of the country. Strengthen children's knowledge about Russia. Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about the flora and fauna of their native land;

To foster in preschoolers an emotionally positive attitude towards their Homeland.

To cultivate feelings of pride, love, responsibility for the native nature, and respect for it.

Progress of the conversation.

Conversation starts with the melody of the song “My native country is wide” (music by I. O. Dunaevsky).

Guys, who can tell what it is? Motherland? Right, Homeland is a place where is the person was born. What is our name? Motherland, our country?

- Russia.

The words of the song that we listened to say that our country is large, spacious, and vast. Look at the map Russia, that’s how large a territory ours occupies Russia, It is the biggest country in the world. No state has such a large territory and such a long border. Borders Russia also passes by land, and by water.

There are many different countries in the world,

But there is one country:

From white ice to warm rivers

She spread out.

On the map Russia a lot of blue. These are rivers, seas and lakes. Land is depicted on the map in green, yellow, and brown. Our country is very beautiful and rich. Most main city our country is called Moscow, it is the capital Russia. (Accompany with a display of illustrations of the city of Moscow)

What we We call you homeland?

The house we live in

And the birch trees along which

We walk next to mom.

What we We call you homeland?

A field with a thin spikelet,

Our holidays and songs,

Warm evening outside the window.

What we We call you homeland?

Everything that we cherish in our hearts,

And under the sky is blue - blue

Flag Russia over the Kremlin.

Like all countries, Russia has its own flag. Many years, centuries ago, instead of a flag, they used a pole and tied a bunch of grass and a horse's tail to it. Troops were drawn to this flag, and therefore such flags were called banners. Then they began to make banners from fabric, most often red. And under Peter I, this tricolor flag appeared. Draw children's attention to the image of the flag. It is also called tricolor. Each color has its own meaning. White color is a symbol of peace, purity, truth. The color blue symbolizes faith and fidelity. Red color - energy, strength, fire and courage. The flag is a symbol of power.

Dynamic pause

Guys, you each have colorful stripes. I propose to make our national flag out of stripes.

Well done, everyone did it.

Today we will get acquainted with the coat of arms of our country.

(Shows image).

The red shield depicts a double-headed golden eagle. This is a symbol of the state.

Look carefully at the eagle's wings - they look like Sun rays. Just as the sun penetrates everywhere with its rays, so the state must know everything on its territory. On the chest of the eagle there is a red shield with the image of a horseman - this is St. George the Victorious. He is on a silver horse, a blue cloak flutters behind his shoulders, and in his right hand he has a silver spear, with which he kills a dragon. The dragon is a symbol of evil. The image of a horseman killing a dragon means victory over evil. St. George the Victorious was revered as a hero and as the patron saint of warriors, defenders of the Fatherland. His image was often depicted on icons. In ancient times, grandparents told their grandchildren the story of Yegoria, the princess and the snake, which was very similar to a fairy tale.

A great misfortune happened in a certain kingdom-state; a fierce serpent-dragon attacked it. He settled in a dark cave on the seashore. He burned the earth with fire and destroyed houses. The inhabitants of that kingdom-state prayed. The snake demanded that he be fed to his fill with fresh meat every day. But the monster was voracious and soon no one had any sheep, cows, or goats left - the snake ate everything. Then he ordered the snake to bring a person to him every day to be eaten. They cast lots, and it fell to the king's daughter to go. They brought her to the seashore and left her there. At this time, Yegor the Brave was passing by on a good horse. He could not leave the princess in trouble, he fought with the snake and defeated him.

The eagle has a scepter in its right paw and an orb in its left. (Show). These are symbols of power, government. Scepter, staff - a short stick decorated with carvings, gold and precious stones. He "points" And "shows" what needs to be done to make the state strong and rich.

Coat of arms Russia symbolizes beauty and justice, the victory of good over evil.

So, let's summarize.

Flag Russia, coat of arms Russia - what is it??

Flag Russia, coat of arms Russia- These are the state symbols of our country.


In our country the mountains are high (Stand on your toes, stretch your arms up)

The rivers are deep (Lean down, reach the floor with your hands)

The steppes are wide (Spread your arms wide)

The forests are big, (Show girth with hands)

And we are the guys like this (Thumb good sign)

And now we will get acquainted with one more symbol Russia. This is the anthem.

The anthem is the most important music in our country, it is a solemn song about our country, about how we love it. When the anthem plays Russia, then you need to get up and listen to him standing and silently. In this way we show respect for our country.

The anthem is always played at special events and various competitions.

Let's listen to one verse of the Anthem Russia.

(the anthem plays, everyone listens while standing)

Take your seats.

Russia- a powerful and majestic country. Throughout its territory there are forests, fields, mountains, plains, many rivers flow that flow into lakes and seas. Our state is so huge that when night falls in one part of it, then day begins in another, in one part it snows, and in another the sun is shining. We live in a country that has an amazingly beautiful name - Russia. And we are with you, citizens Russia - Russians! Russia- It is the biggest country in the world! Thirteen seas and two oceans wash Russia. Mighty rivers carry their waters to the seas and oceans. IN Russia more than a thousand cities, many villages, villages. Our country is rich in oil, gas, and timber.

In conclusion of our conversations I suggest you listen to the poem by N. L. Zabila, which talks about how great our Motherland, it is said in the poem by N.L. Scored:

How big is my land!

How wide are the spaces!

Lakes, rivers and fields,

Forests, and steppe, and mountains!

My land is spread out

From north to south.

When it's spring in one region

In another there is snow and blizzard.

Bottom line conversations.

What is the name of our country?

Which city is the capital Russia?

Guys, what symbols of the country have you met?

What colors does our national flag have and in what order are they arranged?

What is the name of the country's solemn song?

What is depicted on the state emblem and what does it mean.

Class hour “My small Motherland”

Compiled by:

Lambina Ekaterina Vasilievna,

primary school teacher

MBOU Berezovskaya primary

comprehensive school

    Formation of children’s holistic ideas about native land, his wealth. Fostering love and respect for our small Motherland and our native nature. Development of communication skills.
    Teach children to see the beauty of their native land. To develop interest in the history of their native land, the general outlook of schoolchildren, to enrich the child’s cognitive experience. Learn to interact in a group, listen and hear others, express your point of view, give reasons for your answer.

Equipment: Multimedia presentation “My Small Motherland”, puzzles according to the number of groups, parts for making a house, cups with berries.

Progress of the lesson .

I. Introduction .

Teacher : Hello guys. How quickly the summer flew by. Today we all gathered together again in our class. I am very glad to see everyone and congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year. I hope you all had a good rest and gained strength. And first, I would like to know how you spent your summer: how did you relax, where did you go? (Students' stories about summer holidays)

Teacher : According to your stories, you had a wonderful holiday, you had a good rest: some spent the summer in our wonderful village, some traveled around the cities of Russia, and some visited abroad.

Wherever we are, we are always drawn home, to our homeland. We will devote our first lesson of this school year to talking about our Motherland.

    Conversation about the Motherland .
Teacher : So what is the Motherland? (Children's statements)What do we call Motherland?The house where we live.And the birch trees along whichLet's walk hand in hand. What do we call Motherland? Sun in the blue sky And fragrant, golden Bread at the festive table.

Teacher : IN explanatory dictionary S.I. Ozhegov gives the following definition: “Motherland….

Teacher : Which country is our homeland? (Russia)

Teacher : Name the capital of our Motherland. (Moscow)

Teacher : ( Against the background of slides with views of Russia are the words of the teacher )

Russia is the largest country in the world. Its territory stretches from the snow and ice of the Far North to the southern seas. When it is evening in Moscow, it is day in Chukotka. On the territory of our Motherland there are both high mountains, deep rivers, and endless fields and dense forests. We are proud of our great Motherland, its nature, hardworking and talented people.

    Conversation about the small Motherland .

    Teacher : Guys, have you ever heard of the Little Motherland? How do you understand the meaning of these words? (Children's statements)

Teacher : Our Russia is beautiful, but each of us has a place, that corner of the earth where he was born, lives, where our relatives live. This place is called Little Motherland. Everyone has their own place: a region, a city, a village or even a street. We all live with you in the same district, in the same dear and beloved village.

Teacher : Guys, what district do we live in? (In the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug)

Connecting taiga and mountains,

Lakes, rivers and fields,

Spread out in our vastness

Khanty-Mansiysk land. (Slideshow with views of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug)

Teacher : The Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug was formed on December 10, 1930. Initially it was called Ostyak-Vogulsky from the name of the indigenous inhabitants: Ostyaks - Khanty, Voguls - Mansi.

Guys, what else can we call the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug today? (Ugra)

The territory of our district is very large and its area exceeds the territory of any European state. (Slide)

    Work in groups “Put puzzles together”
Teacher: Now I offer you all the familiar puzzle game. Whose Will the group get it done faster? And at this time I invite parents to answer questions.

Quiz for parents:

    Who conquered Siberia? (Ermak Timofeevich)

    What are the names of the long narrow sleighs used by indigenous people to ride reindeer sleds? (sled)

    Name the governor of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug? (Komarova N.V.)

    What are the names of the forests of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug? (taiga)

    Name the largest river in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. (Ob)

    Name the largest city in Ugra by area. (Surgut)

    Working with the assembled puzzle picture.

Teacher : Guys, look carefully at the picture you got, look at what is shown in it. Think about what questions you could ask your friends. (Children can ask questions: what state symbols are depicted? What do the colors on the district flag mean? What animal is depicted? How many districts are part of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug? etc.)

Teacher : Pay attention to the flag. What colors are displayed on it? Why? (The blue color symbolizes the numerous rivers of our district, rich in fish; green - the forests in which various animals live.)

Teacher : Guys, why do you think there are images around the shield on the coat of arms? fir branches? (Children's statements)

Teacher : What are the names of the forests of our district in one word? (taiga)

    Guessing riddles.
Teacher : Who lives in the forests of our district?
    Jump and jump little coward,
The tail is short,Ears along the backEyes with a pigtail. (Hare)
    Touching the grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest,Walks boldly and easilyHorns spread wide. (Elk)
    Flies, squeaks,
Long legs dragging.The opportunity will not be missedHe will sit down and bite. (Mosquito)
    This beast is huge,
At the back of the beast there is a small tail,In front of the animal there is a large tail.Who is this? Who is he? (Elephant) -trap
    Although I am not a hammer, I knock on wood:
I want to explore every corner of it.I wear a red hatAnd the acrobat is wonderful. (Woodpecker)
    Talk about berries.

Teacher : Which of these animals do you see more often in the forest? (Komarov)

Why do you go to the forest? (For mushrooms, for berries)

Name the berries that grow in the forests of our district. (Children list)

Who knows which berry is called the queen of berries? (Princess)

Which berry changes color three times during its life? short life? (Cloudberry)

What swamp berry can be picked both in autumn and spring? (Cranberry)

Teacher : Now we’ll see if you can taste the berry. (One person comes out from each group and with eyes closed tastes a berry and names it)

Teacher : Guys, what else is our region famous for, what natural resources? (Oil Gas)

6) Sights of the village.

You all know that in 1953, on the territory of our village of Berezovo, a gas fountain began to flow for the first time in the Berezovo district. Last year we celebrated the 60th anniversary of this event. And another 420 years since the founding of our wonderful village with a rich history.

Guys, what attractions are there in our village? (Museum, monument to A. Menshikov, Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, historical square, etc.) (Slides)

    Conversation about sports .

Teacher : Every year our district and village are developing: new houses, social and cultural significance, various festivals and sports competitions take place different levels. Since 1997, in the capital of our district - Khanty-Mansiysk - the open championship of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug in biathlon for the Ugra Cup has been held annually, in which world biathlon stars participate.

And now I suggest you warm up a little. Game “Pantomime” (The child shows movements that characterize a particular sport, the rest must guess).

Teacher : Guys, how many of you know how boxing is connected to our village? (The famous boxer Ruslan Provodnikov lives in our village) (Slide).

Teacher : In our village there are many not only famous people, but also just wonderful people of different ages, different nationalities. Guys, do you want our village to develop and become better? Who does it depend on? How should people live, is this what we are for? (In peace and harmony, friendship, creating comfort)

    Work in groups “Building a house”

Teacher : We started our lesson today by talking about where we have been during the time summer holidays, how was your vacation. But as the proverb says: “Away is good, but.....(at home is better)

Guys, do you think it’s possible to call our small Motherland - our district and village our home? (Children's statements). What could be more important than a cozy home? I suggest you play builders. Let's build a cozy home.

Assignment for group 1 : Creating the foundation. Write down as many words as possible on the bricks that can be associated with the word “Motherland”. (Russia, Yugra, Fatherland, home....)

Assignment for group 2 : Creating walls. Write words

Assignment for group 3 : Create windows. Write words in the boxes - the feelings that a person experiences regarding his homeland. (Love, kindness, pride...

Assignment for group 4 : Creating a roof. To preserve our home - our Motherland, all residents must follow the rules. Come up with these rules. (Be kind, be hardworking…..)

Children work in groups and take notes (5-7 minutes). After this, a representative from each group comes out and announces the result.

Teacher : Well done boys! Each of you tried. Our house is built. You have chosen a durable material. Peace and harmony reign in the house. We can be calm about our Motherland if it has such wonderful owners.

    Lesson summary.

Teacher : Guys, what did we talk about today? What do we call our small Motherland?

Today is the day of knowledge. Tell me, what new have you learned? What did you remember? What do you want to know more about?

    Homework .

Write a mini-essay “I invite you to my small homeland”

Subject: I love you, Russia

Target: to cultivate love for one’s native Fatherland, a sense of pride for one’s country, Russia; introduce children to the Russian coat of arms, flag, anthem; develop interest in the historical past of Russia.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, look at the illustrations at our exhibition. (The illustrations depict diverse nature, various landscapes of our endless Motherland in all seasons.)

(Children look at the illustrations, admire the beauty of fields, meadows, mountains, forests, seas, rivers, lakes, villages, farmsteads, major cities etc.)

Guys, all you see is our endless country, Russia. Russia is the largest and one of the richest countries. Each country has its own flag, coat of arms, and anthem. (The teacher shows the children the coat of arms, the Russian flag, tells where the children can meet them, everyone listens together Russian anthem.) Russia also has other symbols that are characteristic only of our country.

These are Russian nesting dolls, the song “Kalinka”, the round dance “There was a birch tree in the field...”. This round dance was performed many, many years ago, and modern children still know it.

(Round dance game “There was a birch tree in the field.”)

And now the guests have come to us. (Dolls Masha and Vanya appear in the group in Russian national costumes. Children look at the characteristic details of the national costume.)

Our distant ancestors wore such costumes. Do you want to hear a story about Russian antiquity? (We want.)

Residential areas in old Rus' were a city, a suburb, a suburb, a settlement, a village, a village, a village. Originally, the word "city" meant "enclosed place." In the old heroic times, human homes were often threatened by enemies. The courtyards in old Rus' were very spacious; they were surrounded by high fences with sharp tips. Wooden houses were made from solid pine and oak beams. They folded the beams with great skill. Wealthy people built themselves tall houses with attics. The common people had black huts without chimneys. The main decoration of houses were images. The floors were covered with matting and felt. Benches were used for seating. Beds were made smartly for the holidays. Children's cradles were made hanging, and icons and crosses were always hung inside them. The huts were illuminated by torches. The food utensils were made of wood and decorated with carvings. The dishes were simple and not varied. Russians ate mostly rye bread. Among the dishes prepared from dough, the first place is occupied by pies, then pancakes, cheese cakes, pancakes, brushwood, etc. Porridges were prepared from oat and buckwheat cereals. Millet porridge was rare. The Russian state abounded in fish, game was plentiful and cheap. Our ancestors, both noble and simple, got up early: in the summer - with sunrise, in the winter - a few hours before light. Getting out of bed, the Russian man immediately looked for images with his eyes to look at them and cross himself, then began to pray. After the prayer, everyone began their business: the merchant went to the shop, the artisan took up his craft, the clerks went to the clerk's huts, and the boyars in Moscow went to the tsar and took care of state affairs.

The Russian people amazed foreigners with their patience, firmness, and indifference to any deprivation of convenience in life. Since childhood, Russian people have learned to endure hunger and cold. The kids ran around in their shirts, without hats, barefoot in the snow in the bitter cold. The fasts accustomed the people to coarse and meager food. For diseases, the Russian people sought remedies in church rituals and resorted to the help of herbalists.

Pious people considered it a sin to seek help from misfortunes in anything other than prayer, and to attribute them to anything other than God's wrath.

The Russians had their own national musical instruments: gusli, gudki, snuffles, pipes, domras, bagpipes. The Orthodox people were entertained by buffoons playing them. Buffoons were not only musicians. They used in themselves various ways entertainment: some played the whistle, others beat the tambourines, others danced... They played roles, dressed up in ancient dresses and put on masks. On holidays, people gathered in the streets and markets for fist fights. People fought, ran races, rode horses, threw spears into rings, and shot with arrows at a target. The girls danced in circles. Their favorite pastime was riding on swings and carousels. At the fairs, products of Russian craftsmen were exhibited who were excellent at using an ax and saw, and knew how to work with clay, paints, needles, threads, straws, birch bark, metal, bone, and glass.

The Russian man can do everything: turn iron into elegant dishes; stone - in a necklace and box; wood - for dishes, toys; bone - for decoration. The fame of talented Russian craftsmen spread throughout the world. Foreigners were amazed at the patience and courage, fearlessness and devotion of the Russian people. It was not for nothing that epics were written about Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich. It is impossible to count the heroes - defenders of the Fatherland, who faithfully served their Russia during the Battle of Kulikovo, during the war with Napoleon, during the Great Patriotic War with Hitler.

The great Russian commanders A. Suvorov, M. Kutuzov, G. Zhukov, ordinary soldiers who defended their Fatherland, their Motherland - beloved Russia, in battles, are always an example for us.

Great Russian artists captured their love for Russia in their paintings: I. Levitan, I. Shishkin, A. Savrasov, V. Polenov; in poetry - the great Russian poets A. Pushkin, S. Yesenin, A. Blok; in music - the great Russian musicians P. Tchaikovsky, S. Prokofiev.

And at present, the Russian people continue to amaze the whole world with their deep wisdom, sensitivity, and kindness of hearts. This is especially evident when you touch the multifaceted wealth of Russian fairy tales, Russian proverbs and sayings, tongue twisters and fairy tales, riddles and nursery rhymes, jokes and jokes.

And we - Russian people - should bear our worthy name with pride!

Class hour "Where does the Motherland begin?"

Lesson topic:

“Where does the Motherland begin?”

Lesson objectives:

Expand and systematize students’ knowledge about their native land, as the place where a person was born and lives;

Introduce you to the historical and cultural places of Crimea, its attractions;

To instill in students moral and value feelings, in particular, love for the Motherland.


Presentation about Crimea; photographs of the native village, landscapes and historical places of Crimea, album sheets and colored pencils.

I. Organizational moment.

Lesson motto:

“Native nature is the native land, the native land, this is where the Motherland begins.”

K. Paustovsky

II. Main part

    1. Introduction. Conversation about the Motherland.

Student! This honorary title is worn by all residents of the Land of Knowledge and must be earned. So now I will check if you are ready to become disciples. To do this you must overcome trials.
First test. Try reading the words written on the board:
- Guys, tell me, how do you understand the word “Motherland”?
(Children's opinions are listened to).
- The homeland is the place where everyone was born and where we live. Our small Motherland is our city. What is it called?(city of Dzhankoy)
- What is the name of our area?
- What is the name of our region?
- What do you think it means to love your Motherland?
(Children's opinions are listened to).

The homeland is dear to every person. It’s not in vain that when people travel far from their native places, they often remember them and feel sad. And, if trouble happens - the Motherland is attacked by an enemy, then all the people stand up as one to defend it. This happened to our people when we were attacked by fascist invaders. This happened on June 22. Our soldiers - your grandfathers and great-grandfathers, without sparing their lives, defended our Motherland. Many of them died on the battlefields, but they won and defended our independence, giving you the opportunity to live and study in peacetime. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Victory of our people over the Nazi-German invaders.

Where does the Motherland begin? When I think about this, I hear birds chirping, feel the sun's rays part the curtains and rush into the room. I open my eyes and see the morning. This morning is like the beginning of a new life. It promises a fine day. My understanding of the Motherland restores peace of mind, inspires, and reassures. You can rely on it - it is reliable. My homeland is generous. So, guys, you already understand what our lesson will be devoted to. What is its theme?

What does Motherland mean? How do you understand the meaning of this word?


2. Generalization of children's statements

The homeland, the native land is everything that surrounds us, it is everything that from the first days of our life becomes as dear to us as air, water, bread, like the smile of a near and native land. This is the place where our family lives, where we grow, learn, and work. The homeland is what it is today: our cities and villages, our meadows and forests, our people, our school. But this is also what we had here before: our ancient history and culture, our monuments and traditions.

The homeland is also our future; what will happen on our Earth. This is hope for joy and happiness. This is finally certainty: this is where we will live best.

So, the Motherland is everything that a person simply cannot live without.

Crimea is our small Motherland.

What is unique about Crimea? What do you know about Crimea?

3. Quiz “My Crimea!”

(Students recognize and name objects, receiving a chip for the correct answer. At the end, the winner of the quiz is determined)

There is so much more that can be told about this wonderful land. But the lesson is limited by time. There are a lot of books about Crimea in the library, I think that you will still learn a lot about your native land, about your little Motherland.

4. Game “My Associations”.

Now let's play a little, I will name a word, and each of you will say what this word is associated with.

Example: Rodina, Dzhankoy, Black Sea, Crimea, Kyiv, embroidered shirt, steppe, mother, viburnum, etc.

    5. Motherland through the eyes of poets - a literary page. Conversation is a game.

a) solving riddles

Your great-grandfathers withstood the tests that befell them, and for you - a second test. Guess the riddles.

1) There is a cheerful, bright house,
There are a lot of agile guys in it,
They write and count there,
Draw and count!(School)

2) Black, crooked, mute from birth. They stand in a row and everyone starts talking. (Letters)

3) She speaks silently,
but understandable and not boring.
You talk to her more often -
You will become ten times smarter.(Book)

4) I don’t know how to read and write, but I’ve been writing all my life.(Pencil)

At all times, many poets wrote about their Motherland, wrote different things: about a beautiful country, about a poor country, but everyone, without exception, loved their Motherland and admired it. They reflected their love in poetry. Let's listen to some of them.

Mom and Motherland are very similar:

Mom is beautiful, Motherland is too!

Take a closer look: mom's eyes

The same color as the sky.

Mom's hair is like wheat

What grows in endless fields.

If mom sings a song, then she

A cheerful stream sings along to the beat.

The Motherland has a lot in common with my mother,

The most beautiful and affectionate!

This is how it should be: what is dear to us,

Always reminds us of our mothers!

Orlov V. “Native”

I found out that I have

There is a huge relative:

And the path and the forest,

In the field - every spikelet,

River, the sky above me -

This is all mine, dear!

III. Consolidation

1. Work in groups:

- Homeland is the place where you live, where you were born. This is our native and beloved land, glorified by poets, musicians and artists. Let's try to express our feelings through the power of art.

Draw a favorite corner of your native land.

A poster depicting your favorite corners of your native land is hung on the board.

IY. Summing up the lesson

On this lyrical note, we end our lesson. Of course, it is impossible to tell everything about the Motherland, to cover it rich history, its traditions, beauty. It is important to understand only one thing: if we love and take care of our Fatherland, then our Motherland will become richer and prosper. Together we are a great force, and “we” is almost 46 million people. Our Motherland is Ukraine! We are all Ukrainians! We will be proud of our Motherland! Our little Motherland is Crimea! We are Crimeans!

So where does our Motherland begin?

/children's statements/

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