White magic at home: spells for health and money. Ancient White Magic Spells for Trading

White magic or its other name is white light, this is a type of witchcraft that does not involve the call of dark forces. Basically, white magic uses various prayers, prayer services, church rituals and other rituals in one way or another related to Christian religion.

The principle of white magic

White magic is usually understood as asking for help, and not forcing the Universe and Higher Powers to provide the desired result. That is, the mechanics of the path of least resistance are applied here.

For example, a person asks to give him love. The Higher Powers do not force the lover to show reciprocity in return, but find the person with whom the operator will be happy.

White magic is a direct contrast to goetia (black magic), which is aimed exclusively at harm.

The same applies to restoring justice and punishing offenders. Let the path be tricky and very long, but still ill-wishers will get what they deserve if they really did something bad.

And also, if a person is in poverty, then the Forces give him a chance to find a good and well-paid job, and do not bring down on him a sudden win in the lottery or something like that.

If you ask a white light to obtain benefits for yourself in a dishonest way, then the forces of light can cruelly put the insolent person in his place for this. Among the forces that are able to respond and come to the rescue are angels, light spirits and natural elements. During rituals, various paraphernalia are used, including:

  • candles, preferably wax and church candles, or pre-blessed in church;
  • incense and herbs are often used that can enhance the magical effect;
  • since white magic is directly intertwined with the Christian religion, in the conditions of the ritual there may be the use of various icons;
  • sometimes the ceremony should be carried out in some certain place. For example, in a temple.

In addition, it is worth first of all taking into account that white magic does not recognize two-handedness. What is this? When a sorcerer applies several types of influences at once.

For example, runes and, elemental magic and sciences, etc. The forces of light categorically do not accept this, and a magician who uses other witchcraft in addition to white light will be very severely punished. Therefore, you first need to think several times about whether it is worth practicing white magic or not.

Mistakes when using white magic

Beginners who do not consider it necessary to fully familiarize themselves with the principles of white magic very often make mistakes. Some of them, unfortunately, turn out to be irreparable.

It was already noted earlier about such a phenomenon as two-handedness. This is precisely the main mistake among amateurs in Belosvet.

The next problem for the majority is the wrong attitude. If “the soul does not lie” in performing the ritual, then it is worth postponing it. Otherwise, the result of the ceremony will be unpredictable, if it makes itself felt at all.

It is also necessary to clarify all the nuances of the procedure: what candles are required, what phase of the moon should be, lunar day, etc.

In order not to get unexpected effects, you should follow exactly what is indicated in the description of the ritual. For example, a plot should be read 9 times, which means that’s how much it needs to be read; candles must be church wax candles and there is no need to replace them with paraffin ones because it is easier and faster.

It's all these little things that make up the results. You don’t need to add or change anything on your own to get the desired result.

Practical magic has accompanied humanity for many centuries. It is often resorted to to solve many life problems- find out the future, bring back loved ones, remove damage or restore it, and also solve many other everyday troubles. Most of us often think about the help of black or white magicians when one or another unpleasant life situation arises for us.

Nowadays, anyone can be convinced of the benefits of practical magic. High tech and incredible scientific achievements are not a hindrance for her. Even the great Castaneda noted that the world of magicians is not a fiction or a dream, but testifies to changes, radical actions and maneuvering in society.

Popularity of magic in modern society is indisputable - for some, black and white magic are an object of fear, but for others, the art of magic has become main goal throughout their lives, some are convinced that any magic is an absolute evil, while for others it is the only way to solve the problems that have arisen.

Human nature is such that we are much more willing to believe those things that are simple and understandable for us, that we can personally observe, realize and “feel” with our own hands. It is much more difficult for us to understand those things and processes that science has already proven to us, that we have seen on television, or that we ourselves have found real confirmation of. Neither white nor black magic have been proven by science and are not immutable laws of our reality. However, not a single type of practical magic has received official refutation from scientists - even the most venerable of them often admit that practical magic marks something beyond the control of science and difficult to explain. Science is science, and white magicians and their black brothers have been, are and will continue to operate in all parts of our planet.

White and black magic can only interact

There are many legends and myths about black and white magic, which concern both the magicians themselves and the rituals they perform. Most white magic is perceived as absolute good, and black magic as evil. There is some truth in this division, but it itself is very primitive and far from ideal.

To clarify the differences between black and white magic, you need to clearly understand what the concept of “magic” is and what functions it performs in the world. The concept of “magic” itself includes much greater responsibility and meaning than the rituals and paraphernalia that accompany it. Magic is special knowledge and experience passed down from century to century to a select group of people and containing the wisdom of our ancestors. For example, sympathetic and love spells were used by them many centuries ago and were accompanied by their own special rituals and rituals.

In our century, the popularity of magic has not decreased; only the external surroundings of the rites and rituals performed have changed and become modernized, but their essence remains the same. The real essence magical influences performed lies not in their external surroundings, but in the forces to which they turn for help. The division of magic into white and black is conditional, because they are essentially inseparable and cannot exist separately.

Many people often argue that white magic is from God (love magic or love conspiracy), and black magic is from the devil. But it is not so. Translated from ancient Persian, the word “Magic” means “Priest”, and the priest is only a conductor of higher powers into our material (physical) world. God (Creator) is the original force that created our world. This means that he himself is both Light and Darkness, the opposition between which is excluded, otherwise our Universe would not exist. But the union of Light and Darkness, with its energy, precisely created those forms from which all our existence consists.


Magic has existed for a very long time, it is difficult to put the exact date its occurrence. Since ancient times, people have been attracted to everything related to magic, mysticism and fortune telling. Some people are drawn to it and can no longer live without it, while others are afraid of it like the devil of incense. There are also people who do not believe in it, but as soon as they encounter its obvious manifestations, they immediately run to its servants. Probably, nevertheless, no one is one hundred percent indifferent to this issue.

In the Middle Ages, people suspected of practicing Magic were executed, but they were not always guilty. Women who attracted the attention of men were called witches, and the inquisitors did not particularly understand whether she was actually guilty and without hesitation they sent her to the stake. But the times of the Inquisition are long gone and practicing Magic is not forbidden, but in modern world It has even become fashionable, such as, for example, the desire for healthy image life and vegetarianism. The Internet is replete with various forums on the topic of Magic; quite a lot of different nonsense can be found on them.

Woman and magic are inseparable. Many people wonder why some women attract the opposite sex like a magnet, despite possible flaws in appearance.

Others, in turn, being beautiful women, cannot keep a man and live alone.

Magic spell

Any woman should learn to use the charms that nature has endowed her with. A woman should glow from within and radiate internal energy. Not no beautiful women, there are women who don’t know how to present themselves. These skills need to be learned. This also determines whether a woman can achieve success, as in personal life, and in professional activities.

God has endowed every woman with a great gift - intuition. But not everyone knows how to use this gift. Many women make all decisions based on sensations, listening to their intuition. Women's magic- the ability to talk with your body and inner consciousness. People who have psychic abilities and practice magic primarily work in tandem with their existing knowledge and intuition. Where intuition is the main assistant.

What is magic?

There are a huge number of definitions of such a phenomenon as Magic, most of which are absolutely absurd. But everyone believes in what they think is right. Let's focus on the following definition:

Magic is the art and science of calling the targeted parameters of certain objects (be it a person or an object) and processes with the help of one’s willpower, which is produced by a developed consciousness. It has no division into colors; it is based on an individual understanding of good and evil. There are, of course, frankly black rituals that are aimed solely at causing harm, and there are also rituals for the benefit of a person, but what helps one will harm another. So everything is too relative.

We received a significant part of knowledge from civilizations that preceded humans. They were at a higher stage of development than the current one. You can call Magic the scientific knowledge of civilizations that have sunk into oblivion and are adapted to current conditions.

Spells and healing

Another element of magic is healing. Prayers, conspiracies, appeals to higher powers - have the greatest power. A woman is able to heal with spells, appeals to higher powers, and tactile contacts, during which she fills another person. Every woman can develop skills in magic, subject to great desire and titanic work on herself.

Many people try to solve most of their problems with magic and love spells, but do not think about the consequences of such actions. Most people who have power over people, by influencing them, become uncontrollable. Power seizes, which can result in further psychological disorders. Diseases psychological nature- it's not a sore throat or infection. Such diseases do not come from anywhere.

Magic− is a knowledge system that operates with energies. It involves connecting and using supernatural powers(energy beings of the subtle world), to influence natural phenomena, people, circumstances. Magic is a remote influence on a person, circumstances, etc. Magic is not a game we can play for our own pleasure or praise.

Real magic is a system of certain knowledge on reality management. Magicians are conductors of otherworldly forces. Accordingly, if magic is not performed according to the rules, an imbalance of the forces of the subtle world may occur and everything will get out of control.

The main task of the magician− this is:

  1. Constant accumulation and storage of knowledge in your information space.
  2. Constant development and improvement of our magical power.

The level of a magician's magical power depends on the results he achieves. How better results magician, the higher his level becomes.

A person will not be able to comprehend the basics of magic if he does not study himself to the smallest detail and does not realize his inner world.

People who have magical abilities, have many names - magicians, sorcerers, wizards, shamans, sorcerers. In fact, what the magician’s name is doesn’t matter, but there is one main feature, a line beyond which not all people endowed with a special gift decide to cross. This trait is white and black magic - a choice between them. And the difference here is huge.

White magic- this is a counterbalance to black, neutralizes the open magical effects of black magicians. It is forbidden to harm people here; morality limits the possibilities. Permissible conspiracies against illnesses, getting rid of or removing damage, protecting the home, preserving the family and its well-being are practiced here.

Constant constant- everything must be voluntary. No one has the right to influence a person if he has not asked for it.

Which is more effective, white or black magic? It all depends on the level of clearance of the magician - the power with which he can influence reality.

White magic helps one to gain beauty and good fortune through special prayers. The essence of intentions is to serve people, heal them, and provide reliable protection. Therefore, in order to become a white magician, you need to undergo a complete cleansing of the body, and even more so of the soul. This may take many years. But it is precisely what is difficult that is sublime. Everyone who is subject to white magic should only benefit people.

White Master's Assistants- prayers, herbs, roots and good perfumes. White magic spells are light, helpful and accessible even ordinary people, for self-help.
White magic healers use spells, make amulets, and read prayers.

What is a conspiracy?
CONSPIRACY- made by a spiritually strong magician, was the right way without doctors, stop the disease, remove damage, protect your family from quarrels, the evil eye, and accidents. In white conspiracies, well-known and at the same time strong prayers, “Our Father”, “I Believe” and “The Life-Giving Cross” and more.

What is a talisman?
Amulet- a faithful assistant to the white magician. An item made to order from a healer must be created in compliance with all the rules of a suitable ritual. It is believed that it is best to use precious or semi-precious stones; you can also make it from herbs, a piece of wood, an animal’s claw or tooth. An experienced magician will determine the material that suits you based on your date of birth.
Prayer- a magical action in which the word serves as a correct appeal to good spirits, to the Forces of Light with a request to send their mercy to those in need. Most often, the magician prays for a person, or gives him a text, and explains how and when it is better to contact good entities.

What is black magic?

Black magic− this is a remote influence on a person, without his knowledge.

Each person realizes within himself that black magic is a source of destruction of living things, a threat human soul. Black magic is in the nature of violence and subordination of the will of man, and therefore has nothing to do with the source of Life.

When a magician casts a spell, dark forces, demons and demons come to his aid. They are ready to fulfill any request of the customer, but in return they can take much more than they gave. Behind all this there are always dark forces, there is always Evil, which has never been ready to serve for the benefit of humanity.

The rituals in black magic are completely different.Sacrifice- this ritual requires the death of a living creature, be it an animal, or even a person. The sacrifice is needed to appease the Prince of Darkness, and thereby achieve the desired goal. It is believed that at the moment of the death of the victim, a huge amount of energy is released, which an experienced magician is able to direct to fulfill his plans.

Necromancy- the art of divination through the ritual of summoning spirits, in which trained priests perform rituals to communicate with dead entities. Necromancers employ the awakened ones at their service souls of the dead, to use to your advantage, but this concept should not be confused with spiritualism. Necromancy in black magic is considered more complex and very risky, which requires more experience and dedication to the dark side.

Black magic is, for the most part, a call to one's side. dark forces, managing them, achieving the desired goals with their help. Everything that black magic gives will subsequently be taken back in double amount.

Inevitable retribution for turning to black magic

People who turn to magicians for help in order to get what they want do not realize that by doing so they are putting the lives of their children at risk. At the very moment when the magician begins to remotely influence a person without his knowledge, at the will of his client, the client’s child loses the divine monad, which is the protective core within which the soul lives.

The soul thus exposed is left without protection, and the child is subjected to severe mental shock. Not understanding what is happening to him, the child immediately begins to look for the lost feeling - the divine monad, often finding it in a substitute - a drug, under the influence of which the soul dissolves completely.

Thus, magician's client receives punishment from Life for using violence against a person without his knowledge, subordinating his will and encroaching on a life that does not belong to him.

White and black magic: position of the source of Life

A white magician considers himself a person who brings good in the name of life. But if you look from the position of the source of Life, then its curse is the inevitable war, which destroys it during a fight with a black magician (and vice versa).

What choice a person makes, which side to take, is, of course, everyone’s personal choice.


Remember that every word, every deed in our Art serves either good or evil. Before you say or do anything, you must know what the price you have to pay is.

It is worth understanding what magic is, understanding that it is changing the conditions of the surrounding world with the help of energies. Whether she is light or dark, one way or another, when she goes into our world, she makes changes to it. Naturally, all the energy sent comes back to us, perhaps even with a vengeance. What you send to the Universe is your choice, the main thing is to realize your readiness and accept your message at the return stage.

Mistakes in magic are not forgiven, and therefore magic, like other sciences, should be carefully and painstakingly studied, learning all the intricacies of this difficult craft.

White magic rituals to get rid of problems

In this article:

The world is ruled by a variety of forces. You have probably felt their influence on yourself many times. Magic is divided into three huge segments: black, white, gray. Each of them deserves your attention, because these are ancient traditions and interesting rituals. Each of them has its own dangers and advantages. What to choose? Only your soul can decide. Each of us has a penchant for one kind of magic or another, do not forget about it.

Many people think that black magic is stronger than white magic, because it knows no boundaries of what is permitted. It is not always so. The most strong conspiracies fueled by your love, pure feelings, desire to help. White magic protects from the influence of evil forces, helps lovers, and brings wealth to those who truly deserve it. Money can spoil a person, so white magic works selectively. It cannot be used to cheat or steal. Try it, maybe this is what you need to develop your strengths and abilities. The best conspiracies, rituals of white magic from ancient times are now available to those who are looking for their path.

Magic white, black and gray

Three directions, three types of energy. Of course, for those who practice, special assistants are allocated. They carry your desires and help you realize your plans. But, not everything is so simple. You must be sure that they serve you, and not that you serve their ideas and desires.

White magic

The most pure magic our life. This is love for everything living, inanimate, plants, souls, people. White magic combines a huge number of directions. Her followers draw their powers from the four elements.

This kind of magic involves you asking for help, rather than forcing the Universe to give you a result. If a person needs love, then it does not choose a specific person to force him into a relationship. The white sorcerer calls on the forces of Justice, which lead him on the path. It may be tortuous, but it will lead to happiness.

If a person is in need, does not have enough money for the necessary things for his family, children, then white magic will give him a chance to get the necessary funds. Sometimes he finds money on the street or gets help from loving friends. Often this is a lottery win or a surprise gift. Or simply the opportunity to find the right job for your soul and pocket.

Getting money dishonestly, stealing from someone else is not a method of white magic. For such desires and requests, the forces of Justice will only severely punish you. You need to ask for exactly as much as you need. Whether you get more or not depends on your life.

White magicians are helped by Angels, Spirits of Light, and the Energy of the elements of nature. These are the forces of light that will come to your defense and help you carry out necessary rituals, will give strength.

White magic is not always good, just as dark practices are not necessarily harmful.

Black magic

The power of black magic is great, but the price for it is also huge. Yes, you gain power that you could only dream of. You don’t need to look for love, you can bewitch and dry a person. What will happen to him after is not up to you to decide, but he will be with you. This is not always the love that a person dreamed of, but you will be together.

The thoughtless use of black witchcraft leads a person to dire consequences. There may be illnesses, terrible losses, even a fatal end. You need to know the theory of how to protect yourself from your own actions. Black magicians use protective spells, runes, amulets and stones that absorb negative information.

Of course, it is easy to get money and power this way, but you will have to pay for it with something expensive. This is called “sacrifice on the altar of divination.” The sorcerer knows that there is a price to pay for any action. You are forcibly changing your fate, which means you will have to somehow compensate for this loss.

Helpers here are demons, devils, demons, as well as entities lower world. They are all messengers of hell. You need to be very careful when working with them. Superfluous word- and you found yourself a slave to their black desires.

Gray magic

Lies on the border between the forces of good and evil. This is a neutral energy that combines both directions. Most often, these are conspiracies for good luck, business and money. Lower spirits and neutral energies will help you in this matter. They dominate this segment, although they are the weakest of all creatures.

Gray magic helps you make a choice, understand where the compass of your soul is pulling you?

Our destiny depends on us

Our choice depends on ourselves. Every person wants to be rich and successful. Everyone dreams of finding love. Remember that not only your fate will depend on your choice of energy, but also the fate of your loved ones, children, and their children.

Life changes every day. It is very important that you live in harmony with yourself and your feelings. Whether you are drawn to white magic or black magic - decide. This will help you find balance with yourself.

The best conspiracies from white sorcerers

If you have chosen white magic, then try its power for yourself. She is not weak, but on the contrary, very powerful. The stronger your feeling of love and empathy, the more powerful these conspiracies will be.

Spell for maiden beauty

A simple conspiracy for girls, women who want to preserve beauty long years. For this you will need water. She very quickly perceives vibrations and messages. If you direct your good desire, the water will become very kind and healing.

Washing with enchanted water is a very common way of working.

Helps get rid of skin problems, scars, scars, removes wrinkles. We need living water, from an underground source. It is cooled in the refrigerator, and then they say three times:

“I, servant of God Alena, will stand, blessing myself, and go, crossing myself, into an open field, towards the eastern side. There is a river flowing there. I will wash myself with that water, wipe myself with the white dawn, tuck myself in with an asterisk, gird myself with the red moon, and adorn myself with the sun. I, the servant of God Alena, will go into an open field, to a feast and a walk, everyone would seem good, beautiful and kind, and I would be dearer than everyone to my dear one, whom I love. I would be more beautiful and better than everyone else and he would love me more than anyone. My words are strong and molding. Have it my way. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!".

You will immediately feel your skin changing. If you want, just wash your face with it and pour it into your hair while washing. This will protect them from falling out. Many beauties in ancient times believed that if you doused yourself with such enchanted water from head to toe, you would soon find your love.

Formula of Pope Leo VII

Protects a righteous person from any misfortune of black magic. Saves from black magic, love spells, curses. This is a powerful conspiracy that will require you great strength. For the next few days, the person who cast the spell will feel weak.

These words need to be written in this order on a strip of white cloth. They turn your head around it while you sleep, if there is a suspicion that they are trying to harm you at night, sending you bad dreams.

If someone sends illnesses or troubles to you, then wear a white ribbon with a spell on your body. It needs to be wrapped twice around the waist at the level of the solar plexus.

Lasgaroth + Aphonidos + Palatia + Urat + Condion + Lamacron Fandon + Fahagon + Alamar + Bourgasis Vemat Serebani

You need to write in red paint on Friday evening. Before you start, you need to pray and fast for 5 days.

White conspiracy against corruption

If you know that someone is causing damage to themselves, then quickly perform this simple ritual. It is done on Wednesday evening, when the moon has already appeared. You can do it for yourself or yours loved one: relative, child.

Say to the Moon:

“God bless. An Angel walked from the throne to the royal gates, in the Khvarin fence, on a steep mountain there is a table, and on the throne stands the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos and holds a sword and saber over the sick person (name). He kills with a sword, he cuts with a saber (this phrase twice). Lord, put your heart in its place, strengthen it, close the gates tighter, the keys to the water. Amen, amen, amen. Chuchuy, Chuchuy, Chuchuy, come out of the servant of God (name) from the inside, from the stomach, from the shoulders, from the eyes. If you don’t come out good, you will end up bad: Saint Yuri will come and overtake you with a whip, Saint Yegor will come and stab you with a spear, and Saint Michael will cut you with a flog, burn you with fire, and spread your ashes throughout the world. Mother Most Holy Theotokos, seven-arrowed, shoot with your seven-arrows and cut with your four damask knives (here cut the water with a knife three times in the form of a cross) in the servant of God (name) all the pains, all the sorrows, tributaries, capes, clamps, nets, keels, undercuts, pain, weakness, headache, insomnia, lack of sleep, all pain, all sorrow, sadness, melancholy, sadness go away. Mother Most Holy Theotokos with all the saints forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen."

Take raw water (not boiled) and wipe the floor throughout the apartment with it. When it becomes completely dark on the streets, you need to collect this water and say this text two more times. Water pours onto the ground over the left shoulder. This way the damage will leave the house.

Strong spell against illness

It's very strong white conspiracy against diseases. It helps even if a painful curse has been placed on a person. The main condition is that the person must agree to the ritual. You need to take three church candles and holy water.

  • Twist three candles into one and place them firmly in the patient’s head.
  • Candles are lit with matches.
  • While you are reading the plot, wipe the patient with holy water from head to toe, turn him over.
  • Text:

“For deliverance from illnesses, the guardian cross of the servant of God (name), the cross of church beauty, the cross of power for kings, the cross of the scepter of princes, the cross of the servant of God (name), the fence, the cross, drive away from the servant of God (name) every enemy and adversary. Holy Hierarchs Ivan the Baptist theologian, friend of Christ, Tifinskaya, Kazanskaya and Smolenskaya Mother of God, in holy baptism Friday Paraskovya, pray to God for deliverance from illnesses to the servant of God (name). Oh, movement of the honorable and life-giving cross of the Lord, holy Victorious Yegor the Brave, great martyr, take your spear, which is holding on the flattering serpent; Archangel Michael, take your flaming spear and repel from the servant of God (name) the silence and relatives, dreaming, roaring and belching winds and arrows, day and night commotion, and all sorts of sorrows and illnesses from seventy joints, from seventy veins and from all the insides bodies, we will give birth to twelve - to the fathers and to twelve simple-haired wives. Holy archangels and angels, cherubim and seraphim, heavenly forces Voivode Michael the Archangel, the Ascension of the Lord, the holy prophet of God Elijah, the Great St. Sophia above the gates of the Tsar - the city, Anastasia and Barbara the Great Martyr, the holy myrrh-bearing wives, the righteous Ivan the Fool. Theotokos in Jerusalem, the city of Judea, to which the Lord our God Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came, the venerable fathers Izosim and Savvaty, the Solovetsky wonderworkers, pray to God for deliverance from illnesses to the servant of God (name). How can a tree not reach from the earth to heaven with its top, and how with the true Christ our God there is no silence, no relatives, no sorrows and illnesses from visible and invisible, opposing forces and an enemy excommunicated, from the temple of the expelled evil spirit, the servant of God is renewed (name) from all filth and from violent winds and from the water that came, from all sorrows and illnesses and having become friends with the holy cross. On the throne sits Jesus Christ himself, the Son of God, Saint Michael, Gabriel the archangels, Tikhon the Venerable, Macarius of Unzhensky, Demetrius of Rostov - to drive away from the head, ribs and all the insides, body - watery, great swamp sorrows - ailments: key, jet, and windy from the winds. And I pray: take away from the servant of God (name) silence, relatives, roaring and belching, head and wind arrows, day and night disturbances, stone diseases, diarrhea, boils, scabies, syphilis, and all sorts of sorrows, illnesses of twelve ancestral relatives and twelve to the simple-haired wives, here stands Mount Tabor, on the mountain lie church stacks, the most Blessed Virgin Mary, mistress, Vladimir, Kazan, Spasskaya and Renewal in Novograd Jerusalem, on the place of execution, and I, the servant of God (name), are renewed, silence and darling, stringent, roaring, dreamy, windy, watery, day and night disturbances and all kinds of sorrows , illnesses from the opposite force at the birth of the month, during the full month and during the old month, and at any time of the day or night I will drive away. And I, the servant of God (name), am baptized with the cross, I protect myself with the cross, I call on God for help with the cross, I drive away the devil with the cross, I cleanse all sorrows and illnesses with the cross. Lord, have mercy on me, servant of God (name). Amen."

This ritual has elements of meditation

Do not use this spell more than once, it is very powerful. Survives diseases from humans. If you read it several times, you can harm the patient even more.

White search for love

So that love finds you on its own and happiness comes into your life - try this short plot. You need to mentally call your Angel.
Stand in front of a mirror with a wooden comb. Comb your hair and repeat slowly:

“I am ready to accept love with all my heart! I'm waiting for love! Let the heart of my beloved beat in unison with my heart. My love, I'm waiting for you!

Perform this ritual before bed for 7 days. On the eighth day you will realize that your love is somewhere very close. In a few more days you will understand who you are talking about we're talking about. Now your happiness is in your hands.

Protection from all troubles (for the baptized)

A baptized person can call on Angels for his protection. To do this, you need to draw a cross in the air in front of you and say:

“Holy guardian angel, my faithful helper.
Save our family from harm, protect us from insults and strife.
So that there is no discord between us,
so that harmony and happiness come.
I beg you for this, I conjure you with all my soul.”

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