White Guard (group). History of the White Guard group White Guard group composition

The year of birth of the group can be considered 1993, when Zoya Yashchenko recorded the first solo album with the same name "White Guard". It was then that the first solo concerts in Moscow in concert halls Olympic Village, MPEI Palace of Culture, Meridian Palace of Culture, at the Polytechnic Museum and the Central House of Artists.

Zoya graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. The lyrics of her songs are deep and poetic. She has a gentle and beautiful voice. Her melodies are remembered almost immediately, from the first listen. The combination of voice, lyrics and music creates a product too unconventional to give precise definition style. The band's musicians themselves say that they play in the style of Sentimental rock.
The work of Zoya Yashchenko and the “White Guard” is very literary and dramatic, and it seems that many lines are whispered by the heroes of Cortazar, Remarque, Böll, Lermontov, with whom the guys drink coffee together in coffee shops, wandering around the night streets of St. Petersburg and Paris. Their songs are especially close to student souls, travelers, loners, young philosophers, those who fly in their dreams and watch sunsets on the roofs of high-rise buildings. The simple and at the same time unusually elegant and subtle music of “The White Guard” rarely leaves anyone indifferent. Because the main quality of such music is penetration. These are songs that can touch the most delicate strings of the soul; they make you think, feel, worry, cry and laugh, see the beauty of big and small things.

First time " White Guard"appeared on the TV screen in the program "Anthropology" by Dmitry Dibrov, who accidentally heard Zoya's song on the radio "Echo of Moscow" in the cabin of his car. After this television broadcast, the group was invited to tour to Germany and France.
Once the creators of the television series “Beauty Salon” listened to Zoya’s songs and invited her to sing the song “Dandelion” in the episode. And another composition for Zoya in the first episode of the film was sung by actress Olga Kabo.

Four texts of the “White Guard” are quoted in his “Watches” by the popular Russian science fiction writer Sergei Lukyanenko, who was once advised by one of his friends to listen to the group’s songs, sending a link to the “White Guard” website.

In July 2005, “Private’s Song” from the album “Doll in the Pocket” was included in the “Art Council” program on “Our Radio”. At the end of the month, the song wins by a large margin over its competitors and is broadcast on Nashe Radio.

At this moment, 10 original albums have already been recorded. Today “White Guard” is guitarist Dmitry Baulin, sound producer of the group, author of arrangements and music for new songs. This is virtuoso flutist Pavel Erokhin, who plays the saxophone no less masterfully in some compositions. Not long ago, “their own” violinist Pavel Filchenko appeared in the group (before him, session musicians played the violin in “White Guard”). This is percussionist Alexey Baulin and bass guitarist Konstantin Reutov. And, of course, Zoya, who sings, sometimes plays the acoustic guitar or on Nepalese kartals.

In 2005, the guys recorded their ninth and tenth albums, “Doll in the Pocket” and “Peter,” one after another, and since December 2006, the “White Guard” song “Peter” is regularly heard on the Russian Songs radio.

2006 Zoya’s book “25 songs and 5 stories” is published and documentary“I will fly” about the work of the group.

2008 A collection of the group's video clips is being released on DVD. All clips were shot on a non-professional camera by Zoya and Dima.

In April 2009, the group again tours Germany and France. In the same 2009, two albums of the group were released at once: in May - the album “Clockwork Cricket”, and in November - the album “Key from the Ashes”.

In 2011, the album “Tales of Maeterlinck” was released with 12 songs.

Official website of the group: www.bgvmusic.ru

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White Guard
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Other names

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Song languages

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origin of name

The name of the group is not directly related to either the White movement or Bulgakov's novel of the same name. Until his first performance in 1993 at the festival. V. Grushina, Zoya Yashchenko’s team did not have a name. The band took it from the opening lines of their first song:

White Guard, white snow,
White music of revolutions,
White woman, nervous laugh,
Lightly touch the white dress...

The name “White Guard” stuck instantly, and there was no point in changing it. Later, answering the question of where this name came from, Zoya came up with several versions of the answer:

  1. The “White Guard” is the guard that serves the White Goddess (as the Muse is called in ancient Greek mythology).
  2. The key word in the name is “white”. White color symbolizes Blank sheet, on which you can depict whatever you want.
  3. "White Guard" is abbreviated as "BG", which means "God", a name given by God.

Creative path

The initial composition of the group was as follows: Zoya Yashchenko, Oleg Zalivako and Yuri Soshin. The first album, “White Guard,” was recorded at home, but, despite the quality of the recording, many of the songs on this album became textbook hits (subsequently, the songs from this album were re-recorded in the studio; the re-released version was called “When You Return... "). In 1996, the group's first solo concerts took place in the concert halls of the Olympic Village, the Palace of Culture, the Meridian Palace of Culture, the Polytechnic Museum and the Central House of Artists.

An excerpt characterizing the White Guard (group)

Maya’s plump lips twitched, and the first large tear appeared on her cheek... I knew that if this was not stopped now, there would be a lot of tears... And in our current “generally nervous” state, this was absolutely impossible to allow...
– But you’re alive, aren’t you?! Therefore, whether you like it or not, you will have to live. I think that mom and dad would be very happy if they knew that everything is fine with you. They loved you very much...” I said as cheerfully as I could.
- How did you know that? – the little girl stared at me in surprise.
- Well, they did a very difficult thing saving you. Therefore, I think, only by loving someone very much and cherishing this can you do this...
-Where do we go now? Shall we go with you?.. – Maya asked, looking questioningly and pleadingly at me with her huge gray eyes.
- Arno would like to take you with him. What do you think of it? It’s not sweet for him either... And he’ll have to get used to a lot more in order to survive. So you can help each other... So, I think, it will be very correct.
Stella finally came to her senses and immediately “rushed into the attack”:
- How did it happen that this monster got you, Arno? Do you remember anything?..
– No... I only remember the light. And then a very bright meadow, flooded with the sun... But it was no longer Earth - it was something wonderful and completely transparent... This does not happen on Earth. But then everything disappeared, and I “woke up” here and now.
– What if I try to “look” through you? – suddenly a completely wild thought came to my mind.
- How - through me? – Arno was surprised.
- Oh, that’s right! – Stella immediately exclaimed. - How did I not think of it myself?!
“Well, sometimes, as you can see, something comes into my head...” I laughed. – It’s not always up to you to come up with ideas!
I tried to “get involved” in his thoughts - nothing happened... I tried to “remember” with him the moment when he “left”...
- Oh, how terrible!!! – Stella squeaked. – Look, this is when they captured him!!!
My breathing stopped... The picture we saw was really not a pleasant one! It was the moment when Arno had just died and his essence began to rise through blue channel up. And right behind him... to the same channel, three absolutely nightmarish creatures crept up!.. Two of them were probably lower astral earthly beings, but the third clearly seemed somehow different, very scary and alien, clearly not earthly... And all these creatures very purposefully chased after the man, apparently trying to get him for some reason... And he, poor thing, not even suspecting that he was being hunted so “nicely”, hovered in the silver-blue, light silence, enjoying the unusually deep , unearthly peace, and, greedily absorbing this peace, he rested his soul, forgetting for a moment the wild earthly pain that destroyed his heart, “thanks to” which he ended up today in this transparent, unfamiliar world...
At the end of the channel, already at the very entrance to the “floor”, two monsters quickly dashed after Arno into the same channel and unexpectedly merged into one, and then this “one” quickly flowed into the main one, the most vile one, which was probably also the strongest of them. And he attacked... Or rather, he suddenly became completely flat, “spread” almost to a transparent haze, and “enveloping” the unsuspecting Arno, completely swaddled his essence, depriving him of his former “self” and generally any “presence” ... And then, laughing terribly, he immediately dragged the already captured essence of poor Arno (who had just ripened the beauty of the approaching upper “floor”) straight into the lower astral plane....
“I don’t understand...” Stella whispered. - How did they capture him, he seems so strong?.. Well, let's see what happened even earlier?
We again tried to look through the memory of our new acquaintance... And then we understood why he was such an easy target for capture...
From the clothes and surroundings it looked as if it had taken place about a hundred years ago. He stood in the middle of a huge room, where two women's bodies... Or rather, they were a woman and a girl who could have been at most fifteen years old. Both bodies were terribly beaten, and apparently brutally raped before death. Poor Arno “had no face”... He stood like a dead man, not moving, and perhaps not even understanding where he was at that moment, since the shock was too severe. If we understood correctly, these were his wife and daughter, whom someone very brutally abused... Although, to say “brutally” would be wrong, because no animal will do what it is sometimes capable of Human...
Suddenly Arno screamed like a wounded animal and fell to the ground, next to the terribly mutilated body of his wife (?)... In him, like during a storm, emotions raged in wild whirlwinds - anger replaced hopelessness, rage obscured melancholy, then developing into inhuman pain, from which there was no escape... He rolled on the floor screaming, unable to find a way out for his grief... until finally, to our horror, he completely fell silent, no longer moving...
Well, naturally - having opened such a stormy emotional “squall”, and dying with it, he at that moment became an ideal “target” for capture by any, even the weakest “black” creatures, not to mention those who later so stubbornly pursued behind him to use his powerful energy body, like a simple energy “suit”... so that later, with its help, you can do your terrible, “dirty” deeds...
“I don’t want to watch this anymore...” Stella said in a whisper. – In general, I don’t want to see horror anymore... Is this human? Well, tell me!!! Is this right?! We are people!!!
Stella began to go into real hysterics, which was so unexpected that at the first second I was completely at a loss, not finding what to say. Stella was very indignant and even a little angry, which, in this situation, was probably completely acceptable and understandable. For others. But it was so, again, so unlike her that I only now finally realized how painfully and deeply all this endless earthly Evil had wounded her kind, affectionate heart, and how tired she was probably of constantly bearing all this human dirt and cruelty on my fragile, still very childish, shoulders.... I really wanted to hug this sweet, persistent and so sad little man now! But I knew that this would upset her even more. And therefore, trying to stay calm, so as not to touch her already too “disheveled” feelings even deeper, I tried, as best I could, to calm her down.


origin of name

The name of the group is not directly related to either the White movement or Bulgakov's novel of the same name. Until his first performance in 1993 at the festival. V. Grushina, Zoya Yashchenko’s team did not have a name. The band took it from the opening lines of their first song:

White Guard, white snow,
White music of revolutions,
White woman, nervous laugh,
Lightly touch the white dress...

The name “White Guard” stuck instantly, and there was no point in changing it. Later, answering the question of where this name came from, Zoya came up with several versions of the answer:

  1. The “White Guard” is the guard that serves the White Goddess (as the Muse is called in ancient Greek mythology).
  2. The key word in the name is “white”. White color symbolizes a blank sheet on which you can depict whatever you want.
  3. "White Guard" is abbreviated as "BG", which means "God", a name given by God.

Creative path

The initial composition of the group was as follows: Zoya Yashchenko, Oleg Zalivako and Yuri Soshin. The first album, “White Guard,” was recorded at home, but, despite the quality of the recording, many of the songs on this album became textbook hits (subsequently, the songs from this album were re-recorded in the studio; the re-released version was called “When You Return... "). In 1996, the group's first solo concerts took place in the concert halls of the Olympic Village, the Palace of Culture, the Meridian Palace of Culture, the Polytechnic Museum and the Central House of Artists.

Since 1999, the modern instrumental composition of the group (two guitars, bass, flute, violin, percussion) has been finally established, not without the help of the group’s sound producer Dmitry Baulin. At the same time, the group first appeared on television, in Dmitry Dibrov’s “Anthropology” program. "White Guard" is invited to tour to Germany and France.

In 2006, a documentary film about the work of the group “I will fly” and a book by Zoya Yashchenko “25 songs and 5 stories” were published. In 2008, a collection of video clips was released, filmed by the group on a non-professional camera.

Modern composition


Also at the end of 2009, Dmitry Baulin's debut solo album was released.

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An excerpt characterizing the White Guard (group)

Natasha raised her head, kissed her friend on the lips, and pressed her wet face to hers.
– I can’t say, I don’t know. “No one is to blame,” said Natasha, “I am to blame.” But all this is painfully terrible. Oh, he’s not coming!…
She went out to dinner with red eyes. Marya Dmitrievna, who knew how the prince received the Rostovs, pretended that she did not notice Natasha’s upset face and firmly and loudly joked at the table with the count and other guests.

That evening the Rostovs went to the opera, for which Marya Dmitrievna got a ticket.
Natasha did not want to go, but it was impossible to refuse Marya Dmitrievna’s affectionateness, exclusively intended for her. When she, dressed, went out into the hall, waiting for her father and looking at large mirror, saw that she was good, very good, she became even more sad; but sad, sweet and loving.
“My God, if only he were here; Then I wouldn’t be like before, with some kind of stupid timidity in front of something, but in a new, simple way, I would hug him, cling to him, force him to look at me with those searching, curious eyes with which he so often looked at me and then would make him laugh, as he laughed then, and his eyes - how I see those eyes! thought Natasha. - And what do I care about his father and sister: I love him alone, him, him, with this face and eyes, with his smile, masculine and at the same time childish... No, it’s better not to think about him, not to think, to forget, completely forget for this time. I can’t stand this waiting, I’m going to start crying,” and she moved away from the mirror, making an effort not to cry. - “And how can Sonya love Nikolinka so smoothly, so calmly, and wait so long and patiently”! she thought, looking at Sonya entering, also dressed, with a fan in her hands.
“No, she’s completely different. I can't"!
Natasha felt at that moment so softened and tender that it was not enough for her to love and know that she was loved: she needed now, now she needed to hug her loved one and speak and hear from him the words of love with which her heart was full. While she was riding in the carriage, sitting next to her father, and thoughtfully looking at the lights of the lanterns flashing in the frozen window, she felt even more in love and sadder and forgot with whom and where she was going. Having fallen into a line of carriages, the Rostovs' carriage slowly squealed in the snow and drove up to the theater. Natasha and Sonya hastily jumped out, picking up dresses; The count came out, supported by footmen, and between the ladies and men entering and those selling posters, all three went into the corridor of the benoir. The sounds of music could already be heard from behind the closed doors.
“Nathalie, vos cheveux, [Natalie, your hair,” Sonya whispered. The steward politely and hastily slipped in front of the ladies and opened the door of the box. The music began to be heard brighter through the door, the illuminated rows of boxes with the bare shoulders and arms of the ladies, and the noisy stalls glittering with uniforms flashed. The lady who was entering the adjacent benoir looked at Natasha with a feminine, envious gaze. The curtain had not yet risen and the overture was playing. Natasha, straightening her dress, walked along with Sonya and sat down, looking around at the illuminated rows of opposite boxes. The feeling that she had not experienced for a long time that hundreds of eyes were looking at her bare arms and neck suddenly seized her both pleasantly and unpleasantly, evoking a whole swarm of memories, desires and worries corresponding to this feeling.
Two remarkably pretty girls, Natasha and Sonya, with Count Ilya Andreich, who had not been seen in Moscow for a long time, attracted everyone’s attention. In addition, everyone vaguely knew about Natasha’s conspiracy with Prince Andrei, they knew that since then the Rostovs had lived in the village, and they looked with curiosity at the bride of one of the best grooms in Russia.
Natasha became prettier in the village, as everyone told her, and that evening, thanks to her excited state, she was especially beautiful. She amazed with the fullness of life and beauty, combined with indifference to everything around her. Her black eyes looked at the crowd, not looking for anyone, and her thin, bare arm above the elbow, leaning on the velvet ramp, obviously unconsciously, in time with the overture, clenched and unclenched, crumpling the poster.
“Look, here’s Alenina,” said Sonya, “it seems like she’s with her mother!”
- Fathers! Mikhail Kirilych has grown even fatter,” said the old count.
- Look! Our Anna Mikhailovna is in a state of flux!
- Karagin, Julie and Boris are with them. The bride and groom are now visible. – Drubetskoy proposed!
“Why, I found out today,” said Shinshin, who was entering the Rostovs’ box.
Natasha looked in the direction in which her father was looking and saw Julie, who, with pearls on her thick red neck (Natasha knew, sprinkled with powder) was sitting with a happy look, next to her mother.
Behind them, Boris’s smoothly combed, beautiful head could be seen with a smile, his ear tilted towards Julie’s mouth. He looked at the Rostovs from under his brows and, smiling, said something to his bride.
“They talk about us, about me and him!” thought Natasha. “And he truly calms his bride’s jealousy of me: there is no need to worry! If only they knew how much I don’t care about any of them.”
Anna Mikhailovna sat behind her in a green current, with a devoted will of God and a happy, festive face. In their box there was that atmosphere - the bride and groom that Natasha knew and loved so much. She turned away and suddenly everything that was humiliating in her morning visit came back to her.
“What right does he have to not want to accept me into his kinship? Oh, it’s better not to think about it, not to think about it until he arrives!” She said to herself and began to look around at the familiar and unfamiliar faces in the stalls. In front of the stalls, in the very middle, leaning his back to the ramp, stood Dolokhov with a huge, combed-up shock of curly hair, in a Persian suit. He stood in full view of the theater, knowing that he was attracting the attention of the entire audience, as freely as if he were standing in his room. The most brilliant youth of Moscow stood crowded around him, and he apparently took precedence among them.
Count Ilya Andreich, laughing, nudged the blushing Sonya, pointing her to her former admirer.
- Did you recognize it? - he asked. “And where did he come from,” the count turned to Shinshin, “after all, he disappeared somewhere?”

White Guard - a group representing instrumentalized poetry, playing in the style of " Senti-Mental Rock". The etymology of this phrase is as follows: mental means mental, sentimental means sensual. And ROCK can be understood in different ways: either as a direction in music, or as destiny, destined, inevitable. Sentimental rock is a narrow path between logic and feeling , an attempt to unite the feminine and masculinity, yin and yang...

The work of the White Guard is very literary and dramatic, and it seems that many lines are whispered by the heroes of Cortazar, Remarque, Böll, Lermontov, with whom the guys drink coffee together in coffee shops and wander around the night streets of St. Petersburg and Paris. Their songs are especially close to student souls, tramps, loners, young philosophers, those who fly in their dreams and watch sunsets on the roofs of high-rise buildings...

The group was founded in 1991 And for a long time was an author's duet: the founder of the group is the permanent leader of the White Guard, the author of poetry and music, and Oleg Zalivako- the male part of the ideological core of the group, also the author of his own poetry and music.

In 1993 The White Guard releases its first album, and in the summer the guys go to the annual festival named after. Valery Grushin and, performing there as a trio (for lead guitar sat down Yuri Soshin), become laureates. From that moment, in fact, the big thorny creative path groups.

In 1994 albums are coming out one after another. The sounds of flute, keyboards, and bass guitar appeared in the music, such uncharacteristic elements for a bard song. However, this gave Zoya Yashchenko’s poems necessary colors, elegance and originality.

In 1999 Zoya invites you to the group guitarist And keyboard player Dmitry Baulin, who later becomes the sound producer of the White Guard. She is recording an album with him.

Then Zoya and Dima recruit a team whose composition turns out to be the most suitable for performing Zoya’s songs - two guitars, bass, flute, violin, percussion. At the same time, the overall sound of the group is qualitatively transformed.

year 2000. Album coming out . - collection best songs in a new acoustic sound. The group takes part in the "Anthropology" program on NTV.

Late 2001 - early 2002. Two albums are being recorded at once and . . The latter is a “reincarnation” of , which in its original version was a very traditional six-string romance. But due to changes in musical preferences, as well as studio conditions, the White Guard decided to play and sing old songs in a new way. At the same time, the textbook title of the first album, which was called , remained untouched and, together with the album, was “archived.” The new old album is called . . The album also includes some old songs that were not included on any of the albums.

On currently Zoya Yashchenko and "White Guard" have 15 albums.

and came out almost at the same time, in 2005, with an interval of 5 months. And, probably, they could easily become one double album. But they didn’t. Although they were recorded in the same musical key, they are still very different in theme. In 2009

The White Guard releases two albums at once and.

Zoya Yashchenko and the White Guard regularly perform in Moscow at such venues as the Central House of Artists, the Polytechnic Museum, the bard-cafe “Gnezdo Gluharya”, etc. The group goes on tour to the cities of St. Petersburg, Izhevsk, Samara, Ivanovo, Perm, Voronezh , Furmanov, Tver, Novokuznetsk, etc.

Other news Zoya graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. The lyrics of her songs are deep and poetic. She has a gentle and beautiful...

Read all

The year of birth of the group can be considered 1993, when Zoya Yashchenko recorded her first solo album with the same name “White Guard”. At the same time, the first solo concerts took place in Moscow in the concert halls of the Olympic Village, the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, the Meridian Palace of Culture, the Polytechnic Museum and the Central House of Artists.
The work of Zoya Yashchenko and the “White Guard” is very literary and dramatic, and it seems that many lines are whispered by the heroes of Cortazar, Remarque, Böll, Lermontov, with whom the guys drink coffee together in coffee shops, wandering around the night streets of St. Petersburg and Paris. Their songs are especially close to student souls, travelers, loners, young philosophers, those who fly in their dreams and watch sunsets on the roofs of high-rise buildings. The simple and at the same time unusually elegant and subtle music of “The White Guard” rarely leaves anyone indifferent. Because the main quality of such music is penetration. These are songs that can touch the most delicate strings of the soul; they make you think, feel, worry, cry and laugh, see the beauty of big and small things.

The first time “White Guard” appeared on the TV screen was in the “Anthropology” program with Dmitry Dibrov, who accidentally heard Zoya’s song on the “Echo of Moscow” radio in the cabin of his car. After this television broadcast, the group was invited to tour to Germany and France.
Once the creators of the television series “Beauty Salon” listened to Zoya’s songs and invited her to sing the song “Dandelion” in the episode. And another composition for Zoya in the first episode of the film was sung by actress Olga Kabo.

Four texts of the “White Guard” are quoted in his “Watches” by the popular Russian science fiction writer Sergei Lukyanenko, who was once advised by one of his friends to listen to the group’s songs, sending a link to the “White Guard” website.

In July 2005, “Private’s Song” from the album “Doll in the Pocket” was included in the “Art Council” program on “Our Radio”. At the end of the month, the song wins by a large margin over its competitors and is broadcast on Nashe Radio.

At this moment, 10 original albums have already been recorded. Today “White Guard” is guitarist Dmitry Baulin, sound producer of the group, author of arrangements and music for new songs. This is virtuoso flutist Pavel Erokhin, who plays the saxophone no less masterfully in some compositions. Not long ago, “their own” violinist Pavel Filchenko appeared in the group (before him, session musicians played the violin in “White Guard”). This is percussionist Alexey Baulin and bass guitarist Konstantin Reutov. And, of course, Zoya, who sings, sometimes plays an acoustic guitar or Nepalese kartals.

In 2005, the guys recorded their ninth and tenth albums, “Doll in the Pocket” and “Peter,” one after another, and since December 2006, the “White Guard” song “Peter” is regularly heard on the Russian Songs radio.

2006 Zoya’s book “25 Songs and 5 Stories” and the documentary “I Will Fly” about the work of the group are published.

2008 A collection of the group's video clips is being released on DVD. All clips were shot on a non-professional camera by Zoya and Dima.

In April 2009, the group again tours Germany and France. In the same 2009, two albums of the group were released at once: in May - the album “Clockwork Cricket”, and in November - the album “Key from the Ashes”.

In 2011, the album “Tales of Maeterlinck” was released with 12 songs.

Official website of the group.

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